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Communication toolkit


The toolkit contains examples of press releases and social media posts that can be translated and localized to fit your needs. Using them is not mandatory, but they are provided as a resource for you to use if you so chose. Our hope is that the toolkit will simplify your team's work and save you time.

Press release


Wikipedia is the largest cultural heritage education resource in the world. 500 million people read 15 billion articles every month, and in addition voice assistants like Google Assistant and Siri use our information to answer people’s questions.

Wikipedia is all about facts, we have facts on over 57 million subjects, with 10 million new subjects added in the past year. Wikipedia is available in over 300 languages meaning if someone adds a fact about a museum in Korean it will become accessible to anyone who can read any of Wikipedia’s 300 languages.

Cultural heritage

Wikipedia has information on over 70,000 cultural heritage institutions. We know this is only a tiny fraction of the institutions in the world. Most of the institutions Wikipedia knows about are in North America, Europe and Japan because that is where our volunteers are.

We want to build the world’s first comprehensive database of cultural heritage institutions.

We need help from everyone to crowdsource the information. We have a built a tool to allow people to easily explore and add information about the institutions they know about.

How you can help

  • Share information on libraries, archives, museums, galleries and other cultural heritage institutions you know about using our tool, Monumental.
  • Share Lists and databases of cultural organisations you know about.
  • Let other people know about the campaign, tell your local museum, library, government and anyone else who may have the information.
  • If you work for a cultural heritage institution and would like to share images of your collection with Wikipedia (requires an open license) please get in touch.
  • We have a small amount of funding for running events, more information is available here

Social media posts




  • General public: Share your local knowledge to help Wikipedia build the first worldwide database of cultural heritage institutions.
  • Country specific: Sharing your knowledge about NAME OF COUNTRY to help Wikipedia build the first worldwide database of cultural heritage institutions
  • GLAM professionals: Share your knowledge about LIBRARIES/MUSEUMS/ARCHIVES/CHANGE FOR THE AUDIENCE to help Wikipedia build the first worldwide database of cultural heritage institutions