Gender gapA
A hub for resources and information about Wikimedia's gender gap.
There is a gender gap in Wikipedia and the other projects in the Wikimedia Movement. This page seeks to act as a hub for resources and information about Wikimedia's gender gap, and to adequately quantify the gender gap, in particular by presenting studies on the subject and by collecting anecdotal evidence about why women, LGBTIQ and under represented gender identity minorities leave or never join Wikipedia.
The gender gap mailing list is a place to talk about this with other people who are interested and can help. Started on January 31st, 2011, it has a mix of longtime Wikimedians and people from other fields who arrived through their interest in the subject, so it's helpful to introduce yourself in your first post.
In 2020, a Telegram channel is opened to host discussions. It may be joined following that link :
Since Gender Gap is a sensitive topic, we please ask to all participants to be considerate and constructive. That means:
- No personal attacks.
- Try to stay on topic.
- Try to turn fighting into constructive discussion, or disengage/take it off.
- Help guide discussion toward concrete action.
- Be aware that using an aggressive or argumentative tone (or even just posting too much) can discourage people from participating.