Global Open Movement/History

Expression of interest Objectives Context analysis Stakeholders Programme Logistics History Organisers

The proposal of an "Open Movement Global" was launched during Wikimania 2024 in Katowice. The first discussion was among Iolanda Pensa, Isla Haddow Flood and Valerio Bozzolan. The proposal was then presented to many people during Wikimania to collect feedback and to check interest and potential feasibility.

Iolanda Pensa has organised Wikimania Esino Lario, conceived the project and directed its implementation; it was a specifically complex Wikimania organised in a mountain village of 700 inhabitants which has required the implementation of local transport, safety adjustments on buildings, distribution of the broadband, organisation of food and accommodation with all the local providers, the involvement of sponsors and grantmakers and the activation of a very wide community of partners, stakeholders and volunteers; the project lasts 4 years with preparatory work and a wide number of local activities in schools and GLAMs. Iolanda Pensa has been chair of the Wikimania Committee and chair of Wikimedia Italia (2022-2024, Wikimedia Italia is also Italian chapter of OpenStreetMap); she is now the national coordinator for GLAMs for Wikimedia Italia and she involved 4'000 Italian museums in a very large campaign to promote open access and cooperation with the Wikimedia projects. She has experience, as a volunteer and professionally, in managing large and complex international projects.
Isla Haddow Flood is co-lead of Wiki in Africa and promoter of large-scale campaigns to produce and collect open content in Africa, promoting ICT skills and open content in African schools, and activating and engaging Wikimedia communities in many and new countries. She is a contributor to Creative Commons and Open Education Global. She has extensive experience in managing cross-border international cooperation and collaborating with international partners and networks.
Valerio Bozzolan is chair of the Italian Linux Society and active member of the Wikimedia tech communities. He contributes to international open and free software and he is involved in national and international communication campaign supporting the use and production of free and open software. He is specifically active in Italy and collaborates with FSFE Free Software Foundation Europe. He is also an active participant and organiser of free software events.

The idea was proposed to active members of the Wikimedia movement, to some members of the board of Creative Commons, to Wikimedia Europe, to members of the Wikimedia movement who are also active the open source communities and tech activities.

We received positive feedback from many people, and other people helped us identify risks and possible threats.