Global Reach/Office Hours

Office Hours with Global Reach team


The Global Reach team hosts periodical Office Hours per region (Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe, and Africa and the Middle East). During this time, the team will share updates and highlights of our work, take questions and comments from community members, and discuss relevant topics around partnerships and new readers in these regions of the world.

Future Office Hours


Please join us in the next Office Hours with the Global Reach team! Sign up if you're interested to attend and suggest any agenda item in advance you want to bring up. For a full calendar of WMF's Office Hours, click here.

Office Hours for Africa: August 6, 2017


Office Hours for Middle East North Africa: August 5, 2017


Past Office Hours and notes


Office Hours for Africa: June 11, 2017


Office Hours for Middle East North Africa #2: April 29, 2017


Office Hours for South Asia: Jan 19, 2017


Date: Thursday, 19th January 2017

Time: 16:00 UTC


  • Introduction of Global Reach Team and office hours
  • Research around New Readers and our partnership themes
  • Feedback for next office hours
  • Q&A

Meeting Notes


Satdeep Gill, Subham Soni, Nabin Sapkota, Asad Ali Jogi, Bodhisattwa, Shanmugam, Sailesh, Yohann, Manavpreet, Sibi Chakravarthy

Global Reach team

Contacts: (Smriti Gupta) (Ravishankar Ayyakkannu)    

Office Hours for Sub Saharan Africa: November 17, 2016

  • Date: Thursday November 17, 2016
  • Time: 20:00 Amman (19:00 Lagos; 21:00 Nairobi; 10:00 San Francisco)
  • Language: English
  • Location: Google Hangouts on Air -
  • Live stream: Youtube Live -
  • Notes
  • Agenda
    • Introduction of Global Reach Team and Office Hours
      • Why Global Reach? Mission and goals of the team
      • Wikipedia Zero
      • Current initiatives and pilot partnerships to address awareness and readership
      • Understanding our users (New Readers)
      • Next office hours: Nigeria phone survey results + countries comparison
      • Wiki Indaba - Ghana
      • Q&A
  • Attendees
    • Jack Rabah - Regional Manager, Strategic Partnerships, MEA
    • Dan Foy (Global Reach team - WMF)
    • Adele Vrana (Global Reach team - WMF)
    • Smriti Gupta (Global Reach team - WMF)
    • Jorge Vargas (Global Reach team - WMF)
    • Ravi (Global Reach team - WMF)
    • Douglas Scott - Wikimedia South Africa
    • Ian GIlfillan - Wikimedia South Africa
    • Ephraim Percy Kenyanito- Global Voices- Kenya
    • Felix Nartey (OFWA/WMGHUG)
    • Shola Olaniyan (WNUG)
    • Samuel Guebo (Wikimedia Community User Group of Côte d'Ivoire)
    • Sherry Antoine from AfroCROWD / Wikimedia NYC in the New York City, USA
    • Raphael Berchie - (OFWA/WMGHUG)
    • Ray Opoku
    • Olatunde Olalekan Isaac (WNUG)
    • Florence Devouard (joined at the last 5 mins)
    • (please sign up here)

Mesa redonda sobre Wikipedia Zero en América Latina: Octubre 13, 2016


Office Hours for Middle East North Africa: October 4, 2016

  • Date: Tuesday October 4, 2016
  • Time: 20:00 Amman (19:00 Cairo; 18:00 Tunis; 10:00 San Francisco)
  • Language: Arabic
  • Location: Blue Jeans
  • Notes
  • Agenda
    • Introduction of Global Reach Team and Office Hours
    • Why Global Reach? Mission and goals of team
    • Wikipedia Zero
      • Renewal of Umniah Jordan
      • Asiacell Iraq close to finalize agreement
      • Zain Saudi Arabia taking some time but hope to agree soon
      • Djezzy Algeria looking into signing independent WP0 agreement as framework agreement with Vimpelcom expired
    • Current initiatives and pilots partnerships with new partners (local nonprofits, governments, like-minded private companies and educational institutions):
      • Refugees work
        • Edraak
          • Is this something you will work on with me?
          • How can we set up a partnership with Edraak?
          • If there is a past? What is it? Who?
      • Mobile 360 Dubai - Confirmed speaking opportunity October 17-18
    • Phone surveys in new readers countries: Next office hours we will present the data we collected in Egypt
    • Q&A
  • Attendees
    • Jack Rabah - Regional Manager, Strategic Partnerships, MEA
    • (please sign up here)

Office Hours for Latin America: September 6, 2016 [POSTPONED]


Office Hours for Latin America: June 17, 2016

  • Date: June 17, 2016
  • Time: 23:00 UTC (18:00 Ciudad de México; 20:00 Sao Paulo/Bs. Aires; 16:00 San Francisco
  • Language: English (will move to Spanish if only Spanish-speaking attendees participate)
  • Location:
  • IRC Channel: #wikimedia-office
  • Agenda
    • Introduction of Global Reach Team and Office Hours
    • Why Global Reach? Mission and goals of team
    • Current initiatives and pilots: USSD pilot in Argentina and Free Wikipedia via WiFi in Mexico
    • Wikipedia Zero
    • Aligning our work with Wikimedia Affiliates: Joint collaboration
    • Q&A
  • Notes
  • Attendees