This page is a translated version of the page Global sysops and the translation is 9% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

This page outlines the standards and guidelines related to the use of the user rights assigned to the global sysop user group. If you need help from a sysop or a steward on your project, please see Meta:Requests and proposals , Global sysops/Requests and Steward requests/Miscellaneous.

Globalni administratori će biti vrlo provjerljivi korisnici sa velikim brojem cross-wiki izmjena administrativne naravi kao na malim projektima. I pored imena, globalni administratori nisu obični korisnici sa administratorskim pravima na svim projektima. Kao dodatak standardnim alatima, oni će imati mogućnost globalnog blokiranja - alat koji će se koristiti samo u izuzetnim slučajevima zloupotrebe ili za očevidljive poslove održavanja. Oni nemaju kontrolu nad uređivačkim poslovima ili sadržajem o kom odlučuje lokalna zajednica.


By default, global sysops may use this global user group's permissions on wikis that meet one or both of the following criteria:

  • fewer than ten administrators exist;
  • fewer than three administrators have made a logged action within the past two months.

Bots and the abuse filter pseudo-account are not counted as administrators for the above calculations.

A wiki set is used to specify a list of wikis where global sysops do not have access (list). This wiki set was originally populated in 2010. Since then, wikis that met the criteria have been removed from the wiki set, but wikis that stopped meeting the criteria have not been added.

Projekti mogu po svojoj želji (glasanje zajednice) prihvatiti ili odbiti implementaciju ovog sistema. Wiki set će se koristiti za modifikaciju prava na pojedinim Wikijima.

Most global sysops also have global rollback . Unlike the global sysop rights, global rollback is truly global.

Check local policies

Should a wiki have an existing local policy regarding the global sysops' scope, global sysops must ensure to conform to the relevant policy before acting.


Requests for global sysop rights should be placed on Steward requests/Global permissions. The request will be approved by a steward if there is a consensus for the user to become a global sysop after a period of discussion of no less than two weeks. The discussion is not a vote; comments must present specific points in favor of or against the user's approval.


Continued global sysop access depends on both activity and the continued support of the Wikimedia community.


Global sysops will automatically lose their access if in six months they've not used the respective rights outside of wikis on which they have local rights.

Vote of confidence:

Any steward may remove a global sysop's rights at any time if they feel the tools have been misused, or if a request for comment has shown that a significant minority does not trust the global sysop. If this occurs and the global sysop wants the tools back, a vote of confidence shall occur, where the global sysop must retain the consensus of the community in order to return their access.

Ovlaštenja koja imaju globalni administratori

Ovo je jedna lista ovlaštenja sa objašnjenjima koja imaju global sysops. Ovlaštenja su skoro identična pravima lokalnih administratora iako se ova ovlaštenja mogu koristiti na svim projektima koji nisu istupili iz ovog sistema.

This is the list of permissions, with explanations, which global sysops have. The permissions are nearly identical to those of regular administrators ; however, these permissions apply to any Wikimedia Foundation project that has not opted out of the global sysops' access list. They are not capable of changing any local userrights either (unless they also have appropriate local permissions).

User rights currently assigned to the global-sysop global group
Right Description Notes
1 abusefilter-log Pregledanje zapisnika zloupotrebe Normally part of the autoconfirmed user group or granted to all users
2 autoconfirmed Izbjegavanje ograničenja stavki za IP adrese
3 editsemiprotected Uređivanje stranica pod zaštitom "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
4 flow-edit-post Uređivanje tuđih objava u Flowu
5 flow-hide Skrivanje tema i objava u Flowu
6 ipinfo Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
7 move Premještanje stranica
8 movestable Premještanje stranica sa stabilnim verzijama
9 reupload Postavljanje novih verzija datoteka
10 reupload-own Postavljanje novih verzija vlastitih datoteka
11 skipcaptcha Izvođenje radnji koje zahtijevaju unos CAPTCHA kôda bez unošenja CAPTCHA kôda
12 spamblacklistlog Pregledanje zapisnika spiska neželjenog sadržaja
13 upload Postavljanje datoteka
14 abusefilter-log-detail Pregledanje detaljnih podataka u zapisniku zloupotrebe Governed by local policies where they exist, otherwise part of the sysop user group
15 abusefilter-modify Uređivanje filterâ protiv zloupotrebe
16 abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains Create or modify what external domains are blocked from being linked
17 abusefilter-modify-restricted Mijenjanje filtera zloupotrebe sa ograničenim akcijama
18 autopatrol Automatsko označavanje vlastitih izmjena patroliranim
19 autoreviewrestore Automatski pregledano pri vraćanju
20 checkuser-temporary-account View IP addresses used by temporary accounts
21 editautopatrolprotected Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
22 ipblock-exempt Zaobilaženje IP-blokada, autoblokada i blokada opsega
23 move-categorypages Premještanje kategorija
24 move-rootuserpages Premještanje osnovnih korisničkih stranica
25 move-subpages Premještanje stranica s njihovim podstranicama
26 movefile Premještanje datoteka
27 oathauth-enable Uključivanje potvrde u 2 koraka
28 patrol Označavanje tuđih izmjena patroliranim
29 review Označavanje izmjena pregledanim
30 rollback Brzo vraćanje izmjena posljednjeg korisnika koji je uređivao određenu stranicu
31 templateeditor Uređivanje zaštićenih šablona
32 unreviewedpages Pregledanje spiska nepregledanih stranica
33 apihighlimits Korištenje viših ograničenja u API upitima Normally part of the sysop user group
34 block Blokiranje mogućnosti uređivanja drugim korisnicima
35 blockemail Blokiranje korisnikove mogućnosti da šalje e-poštu
36 browsearchive Pretraživanje izbrisanih stranica
37 centralauth-createlocal Forcibly create a local account for a global account
38 delete Brisanje stranica
39 deletedhistory Pregledanje stavki izbrisane historije, bez povezanog teksta
40 deletedtext Pregledanje izbrisanog teksta i izmjena između izbrisanih izmjena
41 deletelogentry Brisanje i vraćanje određenih stavki u zapisniku
42 deleterevision Brisanje i vraćanje određenih izmjena stranice
43 editcontentmodel Uređivanje modela sadržaja stranice
44 editinterface Uređivanje korisničkog interfejsa
45 editprotected Uređivanje stranica pod zaštitom "Allow only administrators"
46 editsitejson Uređivanje JSON-a cijelog sajta
47 edituserjson Uređivanje tuđih JSON datoteka
48 flow-delete Brisanje tema i objava u Flowu
49 import Uvoženje stranica iz drugih wikija
50 ipinfo-view-full Access a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries
51 markbotedits Označavanje vraćenih izmjena kao izmjene bota
52 mergehistory Spajanje historije stranica
53 noratelimit Izbjegavanje ograničenja uzrokovanih brzinom
54 nuke Masovno brisanje stranica
55 override-antispoof Zaobilaženje provjera korisničkog imena
56 protect Mijenjanje postavki zaštite i uređivanje stranica pod prenosivom zaštitom
57 reupload-shared Lokalno premošćivanje datoteka sa zajedničke ostave
58 sfsblock-bypass Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension
59 stablesettings Postavljanje kako će stabilna verzija biti odabrana i prikazana
60 suppressredirect Premještanje stranica bez ostavljanja preusmjerenja
61 tboverride Zaobilaženje spiska zabranjenih naslova ili korisničkih imena
62 titleblacklistlog Pregledanje zapisnika spiska nedozvoljenih naslova
63 undelete Vraćanje izbrisanih stranica
64 unwatchedpages Pregledanje spiska nepraćenih stranica
65 editsitecss Uređivanje CSS-a cijelog sajta Normally part of the Interface administrators user group
66 editsitejs Uređivanje JavaScripta cijelog sajta
67 editusercss Uređivanje tuđih CSS datoteka
68 edituserjs Uređivanje tuđih JavaScript datoteka


Global sysops moraju na svakoj Wiki, na kojoj koriste svoja prava, imati korisničku stranicu na kojoj je navedena mogućnost kontakta ili link na domaću Wiki (Mogućnost pravljenja stranice botom).

Global sysops must have user pages on every wiki they use their global sysop access on, which provide contact information or link to their primary user page (creation bot available currently). Generally a global user page on Meta will cover that requirement, and those users are asked to include a user language declaration ("Babel").

For urgent help from a global sysop, join the IRC channel #wikimedia-gsconnect and type !gs in the channel to get the attention of global sysops.

Ako neki korisnik ne uspije riješiti svađu sa jednim od globalnih administratora, može se žaliti ovdje.

Global sysops may contact each other via the private mailing list.

Users with global sysop access

  • Last updated: 2025-02-27  [edit]
Name IRC nick Languages spoken Global sysop since
A09 A09 sl, en-3, de-1 2024-11-16
Ameisenigel Ameisenigel de, en-4, nds-2, fr-1, tlh-1 2024-02-18
Amire80 ru, he-5, en-4, ca-3, eo-2, es-2, it-2, fr-1, am-1, ar-1, la-1, lt-1 2017-02-02
Biplab Anand Biplab ne, mai, hi-4, en-2, bh-2, awa-2, dty-2, sa-2 2016-10-06
CptViraj CptViraj gu, hi-4, en-3 2021-02-02
DARIO SEVERI it, pt-4, en-4, es-2, fr-2, gl-2, th-1 2017-07-25
Fehufanga Fehufanga id, en-4, ms-2, zh-2, la-1, su-0 2024-02-01
Iluvatar Iluvatar_ ru, en-1, be-1 2019-11-02
Infinite0694 Infinite0694 ja, en-3, de-3, fr-2, it-1 2016-01-21
LR0725 ko, en-3, ja-1 2023-11-22
M7 M7 it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1 2024-10-26
MF-Warburg MF-W de, en-3, fr-1, tet-1, la-1, es-1 2019-03-07
Minorax Minorax en, zh, nan-2, ko-1, ms-1, fr-1, yue-1 2020-12-09
Mtarch11 Mtarch11 it, lij-2, en-1, fr-1 2021-09-01
Praxidicae Praxidicae en 2018-11-11
Renvoy uk, ru-4, en-3, pl-3, lt-1 2023-07-21
SHB2000 SHB2000 en, fr-1 2024-11-16
Superpes15 Superpes it, en-2, fr-1, es-1, la-1 2022-02-22
Syunsyunminmin SyunSyunMinMin ja, en-3 2023-06-28
Tanbiruzzaman Tanbiruzzaman bn, en-4, hi-1, ur-1 2024-10-22
Teles Teles pt, en-3, es-2 2011-05-20
TenWhile6 TenWhile6 de, en-3 2024-11-27
Ternera en, rw-2, es-2 2025-01-15
TheresNoTime TheresNoTime en, de-3 2024-03-26
Turkmen Turkmen az, tr-4, en-2 2019-09-18
Uncitoyen Uncitoyen tr, en-2, fr-2 2021-01-29
WhitePhosphorus WhitePhosphorus / P4-mobile zh, en-3, ja-1, lzh-1, wuu-1, yue-1 2019-12-12
WikiBayer bar, de, en-1 2019-08-18


User:Restu20User:HolderUser:MatiiaUser:Syum90User:NahidSultanUser:AldnonymousUser:AlanUser:KaganerUser:EltonUser:StrynUser:Wiki13User:GlaisherUser:JurgenNLUser:Rschen7754User:Wim bUser:Mh7kJUser:TBloeminkUser:Iste PraetorUser:IgnaUser:VogoneUser:Shanmugamp7User:ÉricoUser:PiRSquared17User:FrigotoniUser:Toto AzéroUser:HerbythymeUser:RadiXUser:MF-WarburgUser:RxyUser:TegelUser:SPQRobinUser:MathoniusUser:SavhUser:VituzzuUser:TelesUser:WikitanvirUser:AjraddatzUser:TrijnstelUser:Jon Harald SøbyUser:Zscout370User:MoiraMoiraUser:Bsadowski1User:Quentinv57User:Hoo manUser:KanjyUser:EffeietsandersUser:Fr33kmanUser:BRUTEUser:JafeluvUser:Maximillion PegasusUser:AxpdeUser:Lofty abyssUser:NuclearWarfareUser:HerculeUser:Luckas BladeUser:.snoopy.User:JuliancoltonUser:VasilievVVUser:Liliana-60User:PmlineditorUser:InnvUser:JamesofurUser:Tiptoety
User:TerneraUser:TenWhile6User:SHB2000User:A09User:M7User:TanbiruzzamanUser:AramilFeraxaUser:TheresNoTimeUser:AmeisenigelUser:FehufangaUser:LR0725User:MdsShakilUser:RenvoyUser:SyunsyunminminUser:Johannnes89User:MelosUser:StyyxUser:Mykola7User:1234qwer1234qwer4User:Superpes15User:DaniuuUser:Mtarch11User:CptVirajUser:UncitoyenUser:MinoraxUser:DannyS712User:Operator873User:Samuele2002User:HasleyUser:Tulsi User:WhitePhosphorusUser:IluvatarUser:TurkmenUser:StanglavineUser:WikiBayerUser:BRPeverUser:VermontUser:AtcoviUser:Esteban16User:PraxidicaeUser:HujiUser:DARIO SEVERIUser:BillinghurstUser:Amire80User:HakanISTUser:Biplab AnandUser:Ah3kalUser:Infinite0694

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