Fondusoj Disvastigo Komitato / Kadro por la kreado kaj komenca operacio de la FDC / Resumo
Kadro por la kreado kaj komenca operacio de la FDC
![]() Jen uzantamika resumon de la FDC kadro.
The goal of the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) is to help make decisions about how to effectively allocate movement funds to achieve Wikimedia’s mission, vision, and strategy. During the Wikimedia Conference 2012 in Berlin, the Board of Trustees resolved to create the FDC as a body that would advise the Board on how to divide and disseminate movement funds between the different movement groups, including the Foundation itself, on a no entitlement basis. La kadro inkludas la sekvajn elementojn: Roles and Responsibilities The FDC will be an advisory committee of the Board of Trustees and will provide recommendations on requests for funding by eligible entities within the movement to achieve the mission goals of the movement. The Board of Trustees role will be to review the FDC's recommendations and approve/deny the recommended allocations. WMF staff, including staff dedicated to the FDC, will support the FDC and the funds dissemination process. The broader Wikimedia community will be involved in a number of ways, including providing input on the selection of FDC members and on applicants' funds requests. Entities eligible for funding from the FDC The FDC will address funds requests from formally acknowledged Wikimedia entities who are in full compliance with agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation and who have a successful track record of two or more grants or years of payment processing. The FDC will make recommendations on allocations of general funding to support an organization’s overall annual plan to achieve mission objectives. This will include requests for funding from the Wikimedia Foundation that are "non-core" to operating Wikimedia's websites and global organization. Entities that are not eligible to apply for funds through the FDC process may pursue funds through the Wikimedia Foundation's Grants Program (with support from the Grant Advisory Committee (GAC)) or through other granting entities. La Financado Procezo La FDC akceptos aplikoj por fondusoj du fojojn jare tra travidebla apliko kaj decidofara proceso. Postuloj kaj la templinio por la subvencio apliko procezo estas klare delineado, kun la objektivo de fari la procezon kiel uzanto-amika kaj rekta kiel ebla. Ĉe specifaj punktoj dum tiu procezo, la komunumo estos invitita provizi reagojn pri fondusoj petoj. Aldone, formala plendoj procezo estis establita por permesi entoj pridisputi FDC rekomendoj. La FDC strebos esti centro de plejboneco en la movado de ten entoj al altaj normoj en la planoj disvolvas kaj en la efektivigo de siaj planoj. Tiucele la FDC taksos subvencio aplikoj bazitaj sur ilia verŝajna trafo en helpanta la Vikimedia movado atingi siajn tutmondaj prioritatoj kiel skizita en la 5-jara strategia plano. Ili ankaŭ pririgardus striktan sekvadon procezo, en kiu subvencioj estas taksitaj koncerne al la sukceso en la atingo ilia intencita rezultoj. Unu el la funkcioj de la FDC estos reliefigi sukcesoj kaj share lernado tra entidades en la movado, por pliigi entuta efikeco por atingi la movado celojn. Fondusoj Procezo Kronologio
Membership The FDC will include nine voting members, five of whom will be community-elected, and four will be Board-appointed. In addition, two members of the Wikimedia Board of Trustees will participate as non-voting observers and liaisons to the Board. FDC members will serve two-year terms; elections to the FDC will be carried out every two years, at the same time as community elections for members of the Board of Trustees. The first FDC will include seven members, who will be appointed by the Board. Two additional members will be added in 2013 as part of the community elections for new members of the WMF Board of Trustees. Nominations have begun for members of the inaugural FDC, as the goal is to have this group appointed by October 2012. Significantly more detail about this process is outlined in the full recommendation for the board. The corresponding talk page documents the community commentary over the last several months. Proksime limtempo timeline Tiu kadro estos dividita kun la WMF Board komence de julio 2012. Ĉe tiu punkto, la estraro revizios la kadro kaj preni decidon sur ĝi. Se la kadro estas akceptita, la fundoj disvastigado procezo komencos: