Grants:APG/Proposals/2016-2017 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina/Proposal form

Proposal by Wikimedia Argentina to support its annual plan with Template:Usamountrequested/2016-2017 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina.

Template:Summary/2016-2017 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina

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We ask that you please don't make any changes directly to this page after the proposal submission date, but comment on the discussion page.

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  • Use this form if you are eligible to submit a proposal in the current round, to request funding in the current round.
  • This form must be published on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round to be considered, and no changes may be made after the submission date without staff approval.
  • This form complements your organization's annual plan, detailed budget, and strategic plan. It won't be considered complete without a detailed budget and strategic plan.
  • Organizations may apply for a funding period that does not exactly match their fiscal years. Follow the instructions carefully to understand what time period each question refers to.
  • Refer to the framework, guidance from the Board, and the FDC's recommendations before using this form, so you have an understanding of the Annual Plan Grants process.
  • Please Email with questions about using the form.

A few terms used in the form:

FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms


1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.

Wikimedia Argentina will organize its 2016-2017 proposal through three great programs-Education, GLAM and Community Support, that work as a continuation of the programs launched during 2015-2016. They are crosscut by four strategic lines[1] that define the objective for the following year. During the last year, we have worked to strengthen our three programs, so this proposal is the answer to each of the challenges we have met and the results we want to get.
In the production of this proposal, we have taken deeply into consideration the FDC’s recommendations from last year. In this sense, we are presenting a proposal aligned to our programmatical work, more focused on results and easier to understand.
We continue to promote the role of Wikimedia Argentina as an articulator of relationships and counterparts at a regional level, through the Iberocoop network as a learning space within the movement.
Likewise, we continue to promote learning spaces within the movement and fostering new alliances outside the region in order to strengthen our strategy and improve our results.
One of our main objectives is still to improve the content in the Wikimedia projects, and this objective crosscuts each of the programs that we present. Likewise, during 2016, we have developed, together with our community of editors, a quality index so we can evaluate content accordingly, not only regarding how much we have improved but also how we are improving it. Gender and the construction of Argentine memory are still the premises on which we articulate activities during 2017, as well as the enhancement of our culture.
Regarding our budget, we would like to emphasize the efforts we have made to tighten up our budget as much as we could. We are very aware of the need to find stability regarding the funding we require, especially because this will allow other chapters to join this process.
We have adjusted our programs by evaluating and including in the analysis the in-kind donations that we received during 2016 and that resulted in fewer expenses in some line items and activities. On the other hand, even if our Operation and Staff expenses are a bit higher, it is due mainly that during 2017 we had to renew the lease of our office and we are planning on incorporating a part-time employee to help in our programs, as staff assistant.
We must also bear in mind that Wikimedia Argentina is making a great effort to diversify its fundraising. Argentina is not a priority country in the region to access international funding. During this year, we have presented two projects and we are about to present a third. Also, we are approaching different companies that are aligned to our work and support social organizations in our country, hoping to get good results through this strategy as well.

2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
  • Legal name of organization: Asociación Civil Wikimedia Argentina
  • Organization's fiscal year: 01/01-12/31
  • 12-month funding period requested: 1/1/2017-31/12/2017
  • Currency requested: USD
  • Name of primary contact: Anna Torres Adell (Executive Director)

Rate of growth: comparing budget 2015/2016

2016 budget 2017 budget % of increase Total increase
Programs USD 84,532 USD 78,003 -8% USD -6,529
Administration USD 33,915 USD 36,098 6% USD 2,183
Staff USD 123,167 USD 127,039 3% USD 3,872
Total USD 241,614 USD 241,140 0% USD -474

3. Amount requested.

Table 1

Currency requested US$
Total expenses for the upcoming year USD 241,140 USD 241,140
APG funding requested for the upcoming year USD 244,100 USD 241,140 USD 244,100 USD 241,140
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year USD 232, 500 USD 232,500

Notes: The amount of money requested for the upcoming year is the one referred to the letter of intent submitted a couple of months ago. While we were doing the detailed budget for this proposal, we realized that we would need less amount of money than the one requested in the letter.

4. How does your organization know what community members and contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
  • Wikimedia Argentina works closely together with Wikimedia’s Spanish-speaking community. The main projects we work on are currently Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and Wikisource.
Wikimedia Argentina knows which are the main interests and demands of its community by applying the following strategies:
  • Online feedback: During the preparation of the present annual proposal Wikimedia Argentina encouraged the participation of the community to obtain feedback on the proposal. While only six editors participated actively online - see here, all our online community was contacted and we received many other comments through other channels, such as email or during face to face activities and meetings.
  • Monthly board meetings: Wikimedia Argentina holds monthly meetings with its Board. These meetings are open to the whole community, and travel allowances are paid for those community members who wish to attend. The same system of travel grants applies to our activities, which are open and free of charge, whenever a community member wants to participate in them. This annual proposal was approved during the Board meeting that took place on September, 24th.
  • Face to face encounters: Wikimedia Argentina maintains a close relationship with its offline community. The annual proposal was designed during the month of August and September, coinciding with activities that involved the community. In each of the activities we have agreed and explained our proposal to the community that has supported us and given us feedback when we needed.
  • WMAR's members email list:Wikimedia Argentina has an email list to interact with its members where we share each new activity planned or any new regarding the Wikimedia movement. Regarding the annual proposal, a great number of our members have given us their feedback and approval through this channel.

5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan, and a link to your separate annual plans for the current and upcoming funding periods if you have them.
  • WMAR's strategic plan (only in Spanish) can be found on the following link

Financials: current year


The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is receiving funds and spending funds toward your current plan. Your current funding period is the funding period now in progress (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 for most organizations).

Table 2

Financials for the current funding period
Revenues or expenses Planned (budgeted) Actual, until one month before the proposal due date Projected
Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars
Revenues (from all sources) USD 233,100 USD 233,100 USD 247,415 USD 247,415 USD 247,715 USD 247,715
Expenses USD 241,614 USD 241,614 USD 142,503 USD 142,503 USD 216,170 USD 216,170

Table 2 notes:

  • Revenues information:As it is shown in the table above, the amount of money budgeted during the APG 2015-2016 is lower than the one we have received until today. This is mainly due to the in-kind donations and the interest of the fixed-term bank deposits.
During the current year, Wikimedia Argentina has received in-kind donations (venues, catering, prizes) from cultural and educational organizations along the different activities we have done together in the framework of our programs. These donations are valued in USD 7,600.
On the other hand, Wikimedia Argentina, due to the increasing inflation rate, decided to create fixed-term bank deposits. With this mechanism, the money we received from the FDC (that is asked in dollars but it is deposited in our bank account in Argentinian pesos), does not lose value despite the growing inflation rate, and allow us to have more stability in our daily financial operation. The fixed-term bank deposit interests have been calculated in USD 7,115.
  • Expenses information: As it is shown in the table above, the amount we have received (in dollars) is higher than the money we are projecting to spend. However, if we analyse our expenditures in Argentinian pesos, the amount we are projecting to spend in the full current year is higher than the one we have budgeted during the APG 2015-2016. As it was exposed in the Progress Report, the budget proposal for WMAR was made during 2015 using an estimated exchange rate of 9,68 ARS for each USD. At the end of 2015, the change of government brought a change in the economic policy, generating a big devaluation in our local currency based on the union of the official dollar market and the parallel market. :Now, the Argentinian peso has been placed around 15 units per dollar [2].Finally, when we received the first installment on February 2016, the exchange rate was in $15,41 units per dollar, receiving more Argentinian pesos than the amount we initially expected.
This devaluation has led to fluctuations in our revenues and expenditures, generating an asymmetry in the computation of budget execution. If we report our budget implementation in dollars, we are going to execute around the 85% of our budget. However, if we analyze our budget implementation in Argentinian pesos, we are estimating an execution around 120%. This is basically due to the relation that exists in our country between currency exchange rate (devaluation rate) and the inflation rate (internal growing costs). Up today, the devaluation rate was higher than the inflation rate (60% vs 35%), meaning that the dollar gains value while our local currency looses it, affecting our daily costs. In this sense, despite we have spent more Argentinian pesos than the amount budgeted because of the inflation rate , this won’t be reflected in the dollar execution budget.
As it is shown, at the end of the year, we are planning to have a positive difference between the revenues (without in-kind donations) and the expenditures. This difference is calculated in USD 23.845. This amount of money will be use to re-build our reserves in dollars. As we informed in our account balance of 2015, our reserves in Argentinian pesos were $578,568 representing USD 61,419 (exchange rate $9,42), that was equivalent to the amount of money needed to face three months of staff costs and daily general activities to maintain the operation of WMAR in our country during 2016. If we take the budget for 2017, the amount of dollars we would need to have in our reserves to face three months of our chapter operations is nearly the same (total budget = USD 241,140 / 12 months * 3 months). However, as the current exchange rate is widely different from the one we had at the end of 2015, we are going to need more Argentinian pesos in our reserves to maintain the same level in dollars. Actually, the reserves of 2015 ($578,568 Argentinian pesos) now are equal to USD 37,569. This means that we are needing +USD 24,043 to maintain our reserves at the same level of 2015, that is consistent with the FDC policy about budget execution and reserves.

Program's overview


Wikimedia Argentina strategic principles and evaluation criteria

During 2016-2017, Wikimedia Argentina will promote three programs: the Education Program, the GLAM Program and the Community Support Program. Even though these same programs were launched during the period 2015-2016, we have made relevant changes in the definition of each of them, which translates into four strategic lines of action with the purpose of defining the objectives and framing them within the expected results.
The strategic lines of actions for the 2016-2017 programs have changed significantly due to the following reasons:

  • The themes of Gender, Human Rights and Promotion of Argentinean Culture have defined at least 50% of our activities during 2016. For this reason, they will stop being cross-cutting lines to become strategic lines to frame our projects.
  • We acknowledge the value of each space that we articulate at a local, regional and global level as a learning resource. Within our projects, we consolidate the movement as a learning space.
  • We promote the participation and the creation of content in terms of quality standards, instead of just focussing on the quantity. With this purpose, we have developed quality indexes for each Wikimedia project and we have launched innovative activities according to the Argentinean context, especially regarding education.
  • We changed the focus, from simply making our projects known to new groups to working post-event with these groups. We use the connections to create links with new counterparts and volunteers from our activities.

Following these changes, all three of the Wikimedia Argentina programs find the following four strategic lines to be cross-cutting issues:
1. Participation and quality content: favoring spaces for participation and improving the content of the Wikimedia projects are still one of the main WMAR’s priorities. The challenge today isn't about involving but retaining and gaining new active members, as well as, avoiding adding more content in terms of number but increase the diversity content within the Wikimedia projects
2. Reach/Free culture awareness : through new projects, we aim at approaching new specialized collectives, in order to raise awareness and add up new volunteers, target partners and members to our WMAR community.
3. Movement involvement and improvement: this is a new strategic line. In Wikimedia Argentina, we believe that our most important counterparts are precisely the organizations within our own movement. One of our main objectives for 2017 is to learn, share and to consolidate knowledge.
4. Thematic approaches : Gender, Human Rights and the Argentinean culture promotion have been our cross-cutting lines during 2016. In 2017 we will launch these themes as strategic lines in order to improve the quality of the content in the Wikimedia projects.

What will be our evaluating criteria?

Common metrics

We will evaluate our three programs quantitatively by means of the following metrics:

  1. Participants: the number of people who attend your events, programs or activities, either in person or virtually. This definition does not include people organizing activities, social media followers, donors, or others not participating directly.
  2. Newly registered: the number of participants that create new accounts on a Wikimedia project. These include users who register up to two weeks before the start of the event.
  3. Content pages: A content page is an article on Wikipedia, an item on Wikidata, a content page on Wikisource, an entry on Wiktionary, and a media file on Commons, etc. This metric captures the total number of content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects.
Qualitative Evaluation

We will evaluate our three programs qualitatively by means of the following metrics:
1. Quality metrics for the Wikimedia projects: Wikimedia Argentina has developed ratios to define the quality of the editions in the Wikimedia projects. These ratios have been approved by the Argentinean community of editors, which helped us determine when en edition can be considered a quality contribution to our projects. WMAR found it essential to establish these standards in order to frame the work of those involved in our programs, apart from active editors who don’t really need them.
For article assessment for student assignment, we follow and share with our teachers (we have translate it into Spanish) the document designed by Wikimedia Israel

2. Cross-cutting gender metrics for all three programs: Since 2016 we have promoted evaluating the programs and their projects through a gender perspective. We know that reducing the gender gap is essential to the Wikimedia movement, not only by incorporating women editors but also in terms of content. Through the following suggested evaluation, we can not only count the number of women who participated and how they did it, but we can also evaluate our online and offline activities through the guidelines we have established to write an article with a gender perspective.

3. Diversity policy for all three programs: Since 2016 we have promoted a diversity policy that cross-cutting all our programs. The diversity policy, focused on gender and Human Rights, frames our programs' strategy.

That's why we have defined as our grantee-defined metrics the following:

Grantee-defined metrics by program

Among other metrics detailed in each program we have set common metrics for our three main programs for the following reasons:
a) the present annual proposal and our programs are very focused on improving the quality of the Wikimedia projects over quantity:

  • We believe that chapters can make a real difference in not just spreading the word regarding the Wikimedia projects but establishing them as the perfect space to improve the knowledge regarding our local culture or improving the content in a more diverse way. Our strategy is focused on what we add and how, rather that the amount of content.

b) the present annual proposal is focused on the active participation of our diverse communities - Education, Glam, online and offline WMAR's community- and the need to get them involved for scaling our programs:

  • As chapter we believe that the big difference and contribution we can make, it's to grow the knowledge of Wikimedia projects and the goals that the movement shares, in our local context, by engaging local partners as multipliers of free knowledge. As chapter, we can promote locally, through our local partners, the wikimedia movement.

Metrics proposed

  1. Total number of articles considered to be of quality: number of articles added and considered to be of quality under WMAR standards or because of increasing the content diversity (Gender, Human Rights and Argentinean culture) within Wikimedia projects.
  2. % of institutional growth: number or % of activities launched or new partners involved by our three communities because of and after being part of our activities in the three programs proposed comparing with the total amount of activities planned or new partners involved for 2017.

Programs: upcoming year's annual plan


This section is about your organization's programs. A program is a defined set of activities that share the same objectives and a similar theory of change. Please share the general goal of each program, and then list the specific objectives that the program will meet. Please do not include information about your organization's operating activities in this section. You may provide information about activities like administration, staff and board training, fundraising, governance, and internal IT in another section or in a supplementary document, but please do not include these activities here as programs.

1. For each program, and overall
  • Include targets for each of the three shared measures for each program, and overall. If one or more of these required metrics are not relevant to any of your programs, please consult your program officer.
  • Also choose at least two grantee-defined metrics to highlight in this section, and include targets for each of these grantee-defined metrics for each program, and overall. (Other program-specific metrics may be included in your program objectives, in the detailed program sections below.)

Table 3

Shared metrics

  1. Participants: The number of people who attend your events, programs or activities, either in person or virtually. This definition does not include people organizing activities, social media followers, donors, or others not participating directly.
  2. Newly registered: The number of participants that create new accounts on a Wikimedia project. These include users who register up to two weeks before the start of the event.
  3. Content pages: A content page is an article on Wikipedia, an item on Wikidata, a content page on Wikisource, an entry on Wiktionary, and a media file on Commons, etc. This metric captures the total number of content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects.

Grantee-defined metrics

  1. Total number of articles considered to be of quality:
number of articles added and considered to be of quality under WMAR standards or because they increase the content diversity (Gender, Human Rights and Argentinean culture) within Wikimedia projects.
  1. % of institutional growth:
number or % of activities launched or new partners involved by our three communities because of and after taking part in our activities in the three programs in relation to the total amount of activities planned or new partners involved for 2017.
Program Participants Newly registered Content pages Total number of articles considered to be of quality % of institutional growth
Education Program * 1980 * 1550 * 1125 576 (52% of total) * 24 new partners/organizations involved (NGO, government, strategic alliances for Wikilesa project, universities and schools in inland provinces)
GLAM Program * 855 * 300 *10,800 pages in Wikipedia, Wikisource and Wikidata
  • 21,000 pages in Wikimedia Commons.
* 7700 (70% of total)
  • 20,000 pages in Wikimedia Commons.
* 7 new institutions involved (digitizing project, new cultural groups and strategic alliances regarding underrepresented groups)
Community Support Program * 598[3]

New participants (not counted in GLAM): 148

* 250[4]

New editors (not counted in GLAM): 15

* 300 articles added or improved.
  • 100 pages in Wikimedia Commons
* At least 200 (50% of total) * 8 new institutions involved (FOSS institutions, regional partners, new gender collectives)
  • 25 activities defined by the interests and demands of our community.
  • 2983 participants
  • 1865 new editors
  • 12,325: articles added/improved in Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikisource. (37% of total)
  • 21,100: pages added in Wikimedia Commons (67%)
  • Total: 33,425
  • 8476 articles added/improved (69% of total in Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikisource)
  • 15,000 pages in Wikimedia Commons: (aprox 71% of total)
  • Total: 23,476 (70% of total)
  • Total: 39 new institutions involved
  • 25 activities (meaning the 54% of total) defined by means of the interests and our community's demands
Partners involved by the Education Program: 61% of total
Partners involved by the GLAM Program: 18% of total
Partners involved by the Community Support Program: 20% of total

Table 3 notes:

  • Education Program: Regarding the results expected for 2016, we aim at increasing by 100% the amount of created/improved articles (1125 vs. 560). This is because, like we stated in the 2016 FDC assessment, we are in a position to expand the Education Program to the entire country, working together with institutions and governmental and non-governmental organizations.This is also the reason why we have increased the number of counterparts, as we expect to increase our presence in inland provinces. However, adding and improving articles as of quality under the WMAR ratios is more difficult when it comes to students, as a great number of our activities rely on teaching how to edit, many times students do minnor changes (not less important) as many activities proposed are adapted to their contexts and possibilities.
  • GLAM Program: We have adapted our results to what we believe we can achieve with our team and considering the community we have. For 2016, we expected to create or improve 2110 articles through our GLAM Program, and this year we are projecting 10,800, 70% considered as of quality. We are more conservative regarding the number of counterparts because we want to continue working and strengthening the bonds with our current counterparts, and also promote the work of our Wikipedian in Residence. Also, we must state that, from the 10,800 total articles, 3100 were aimed at improving the diversity in Wikipedia through our Gender and Human Rights initiatives. The number of new editors has decreased compared to 2016, as we do not plan to organize a photo contest during 2017. Regarding this issue,Wikimedia Argentina does not have a community involved in photography so photo contests haven't been successful so far. We hope this year to partner and engage new photo collectives to build a local community of photographers involved in our activities.
  • Community Support: Even if it seems like we are projecting lower numbers than in 2016 in terms of articles, the fact is that in 2016 the articles that were considered part of this program were also similarly part of the GLAM Program. We have changed the strategy for 2017. The number of articles projected refer to projects carried out by our community strongly linked to diversity content by building new communities within WMAR and by fostering our relationships regionally. The highlight of our Community Support Program, is seeing that the community is going to be directly involved in the definition of at least 54% of the activities planned by WMAR.

Program 1: Education Program


Preliminary analysis: background and learnings

The Education program is essential for the development of Wikimedia Argentina. When we talk about growth, we mean being able to produce new editors who can improve Wikimedia’s projects. In the case of Argentina, the way to incorporate new editors is by promoting an education program that teachers and professors can understand and of which they can take ownership, so students can work in appropriate contexts and Wikimedia Argentina can reach a greater number of participants in a very large country. Until 2016, our strategy was based on dealing with the many requests of different educational environments. During 2015, Wikimedia Argentina conducted 25 workshops involving 13 different institutions.The results were not in line with the invested efforts. Even though the growth in terms of articles edited was significant compared to 2014 - 782 articles to 156, only 273 were improved by students, besides the online course. It is clear where we do succeed and what is challenging regarding our Education Program.
In this sense , we are aware of our limitations. To overcome them, we work through two strategic lines: 1) Wikimedia Argentina cooperates with other chapters as Wikimedia Israel that has a successful education program including Wikipedia in the classroom 2) we are well aware of the limits of our context. If argentine schools do not have good Internet connection or resources, we need to propose activities that take place outside the classroom to improve the involvement of students as editors.
For this reason during 2016, our strategy for the program shifted to a new perspective, which we hope to continue putting into practice in 2017.
We have improved the activities that worked well, going into detail about their development and redefining their impact and we have qualitatively changed the focus of our evaluation. A part of the number of articles edited, since 2016 we have included our quality approach to evaluate the edits from students and teachers.
Currently, the Education program has designed 5 standardized educational projects: Editing Clubs , Wikipedia in your university , New training program, Wikipedia in your province: mapping the provinces of Argentina, Our online proposal, These take into account important factors in order to ensure good results, like understanding the context, reading feedback from participants to improve our projects and being aware of the time it takes to consolidate the knowledge required to carry out Wikimedia’s projects.
One of the greatest lesson we have learnt during 2016 is that as important as the projects is the mentoring. Support to the educators, which is required to get good results, implies being able to produce a steady net of editors that can usher educators along their journey and provide them the education resources they might need.
At a regional level, we continue working to make our projects grow. Standardizing our projects allow us to deal with the local context of each chapter or group of users belonging to Iberocoop. Creating opportunities to share and learn from one another is still one of Wikimedia Argentina’s main priorities.

Learnings of the program, so far:

According to the work we have done in the last three years promoting the Education Program of Wikimedia Argentina, we have learnt the following:

We have successfully promoted:

  1. Wikimedia Argentina’s online activities (with our own online campus): not just our online course but other virtual activities we take part in, as MOOCs. In 2016, to date, they represents 64% of the articles.
  2. Working for the establishment of the Education Program in specialized educational spaces: since 2015 we have dealt with 20 more educational spaces than before launching the program.
  3. Inclusion of stakeholder: since the beginning of the program, we have incorporated over 30 different counterparts.
  4. Getting educators and students involved: without meaning a real presence of Wikipedia in the classroom we have done a great job in demystify the use of Wikipedia as a learning tool. In this sense, even though we have trained mainly educators, over 5000 educators and students have been involved in our program.
  5. Innovative projects at a local level, scalable to a regional level: projects like Wikimisiones, our online course or our training program, are already well established and are scalable in 2017.
  6. Involving students in their specialized field: activities like Wikilesa have given us the opportunity to work with target groups specialized in Human Rights.

We must improve:

  1. Outside-the-classroom activities for students: contests aimed at students have not reached the challenge of generating real editing spaces outside the classroom. We have had great contestants since 2014 in our photo contest, but if we want our students to improve their editing skills, we need to better involve teachers and institutions.
  2. Support for educators: developing tutorial doesn't necessarily mean the improvement of teacher's editing skills. They are necessary but not enough. Generating a support network for teachers or improve our accompany, must be the key to balance resources and results.
  3. Significant traineeship: training sessions for educators that are just one-time activities haven't given us good results. We have now developed a different training strategy in order to take knowledge to the classrooms.

Education proposal 2017

What do we want to achieve through our Education Program in 2017?

During 2016, we put into practice strategies that sought to consolidate work with educators in Wikipedia. We especially designed education programs, based on both offline and online training activities, to encourage edition and the creation of projects that include Wikipedia as an integral tool for their subjects. We expanded our network for the exchange and cooperative construction of knowledge at universities, articulating the professors’ work with research.

In 2017, our challenge will be:

  • To take these knowledge and practices into the classrooms, so educators will be our main reference point for putting the plan into practice and following it up.
  • Carry out projects in educational institutions that can take ownership of the tool as part of their academic/educational syllabus. We also plan to define long-term follow-up and support measures, strengthening the network between the education program, the educators and the students.
  • Develop education proposals to retain students as new active editors by strengthening the program’s mission as an inclusive space.
  • Strengthening the relationships with strategic partners to help us scale the program, locally and regionally.

Our potential to overcome these challenges lies in the following:

  • The Education Program has a network of educators that take part in the activities and projects launched by the chapter. This community of educators is the spokesperson for our projects inside the classroom. Now we have a consolidated network in different educational environments that allows us to maintain and improve our activities.
  • We have consolidated exchange opportunities and worked together with the education programs developed by the Ministry of Education of our country, particularly and Conectar Igualdad. Wikimedia Argentina has become a strategic partner for them to continue fostering digital culture in the educational environment.
  • During 2016, we have forged alliances with worldwide non-governmental organizations like UNICEF and OEI and we have fostered our relationships with other chapters from Iberocoop network or Wikimedia Israel with whom we strengthened the articulation of specific lines of action. These bonds allow us to settle in the education agenda, together with our counterparts, locally, regionally and globally as benchmarks in the field of educational planning.

Benefits of the program

  • To generate a network of educators involved in Wikimedia projects, which have the necessary resources, and the education proposals needed to obtain significant results in their subjects.
  • Motivate students willing to get involved in Wikimedia projects without being limited by the context.
  • The educational institutions found in Wikimedia projects a space to deepen their activities outside the traditional education spaces.

Activities and direct products

In Wikimedia Argentina, we believe we can face the challenge of the Education Program through the following activities or outputs:

  • Producing educational plans that are appropriate for the local context of both the educators and the students.
  1. Launching online activities that favor the inclusion of educators at a national and regional level (Online Course)
  2. Launching activities for young people (Editing Clubs, Editing and photo contest etc.), outside the classroom.
  3. Positioning and increasing the value of local heritage by getting schools, educators and students involved (Wikipedia in your province)
  4. Long-term training programs that motivate educators as producers of knowledge.
  5. Making people aware of Wikimedia and its social impact, and its role as agent of change for educators and students (Wikilesa, in-person activities, events)
  • Strengthening the bond with governmental and non-governmental institutions.
  • Favoring the educators’ learning process, through training courses, providing access to educational resources and the exchange of experiences.
  • Supporting the work of educators and students through mentors, long-term wikipedians and volunteers.

Objectives & target outcomes:

Strategic line 1: Participation and quality content:

Goal: Strengthening the Education Program by increasing the participation of educators and students and getting them involved as producers of quality content for the Wikimedia projects

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

Encourage the role of educators as content editors by involving 600 teachers from around the country in our online courses proposals
  • By the end of 2017, 450 articles will be created by 600 teachers by being involved in 3 online education proposals.
  • + 28% in articles added/improved
  • + 114% teachers involved
  • Launching the “Bridges between school and digital and free culture” Online Course (2 courses)
  • Favoring the presence of WMAR in online projects launched by other institutions such as MOOCs, online courses, etc.
  • Guaranteeing a greater and better access to the required educational resources.
  • Consolidating our network of mentors and their editing skills to come to the expected results.
  • Continuing evaluating results according to Wikimedia Argentina quality standards.
The MOOCs launched by Wikimedia Argentina allow us to provide an appropriate answer to the educational context of Argentina and the region. Since 2014, we have trained over 500 educators and over 500 articles have been edited during the courses. Our challenge for 2017 is to generate a greater retention of participants as editors and to position their education projects more effectively.
Involve 450 students as content producers by approaching them contextualized educational proposals
  • 150 articles will be created/improved by at least 450 secondary students, participating in 3 outside-the-classroom activities- Editing Clubs or photo contests- launched by Wikimedia Argentina.


  • Promoting our new training program, involving our teachers in 3 training days.
  • Launching the Editing Clubs activity (at least 2)
  • Creating new editing/photography contests with educators and students, according to their context.
  • Articulating these new education proposals through strategic partners
  • Support and back educators with resources.
  • Creating a network of Wikipedians that can provide support to educators.
  • Continuing evaluating results according to Wikimedia Argentina quality standards.
Working with students in the classroom is still a great challenge for Wikimedia Argentina. The limitation in the access to internet has translated into many educators and students trained, but few activities inside the classrooms. As an education program, we believe we must favor inclusive actions that provide a positive context for the participation of educators and students both inside and outside the classroom.
By the end of 2017 position our program in 7 university courses to add, or improve the quality of, content gaps by involving subject matter experts
  • 100 university students and at least 20 teachers involved in the creation or improvement of 100 articles (70% as of quality) mainly covering areas of knowledge like Social Science, History and Science, in 2017.


During 2016, we understood that educators need to have practical experience in the world of editing. We have cut down the number of specific training sessions (those lasting one morning or one day) and incorporated more 3-day-long training courses. In 2017, we aim at positioning Wikimedia’s projects and especially Wikipedia as an assignment in higher education institutions, and continue training university professors as editors.
By increasing geographic diversity, improving the content of Argentina in the Wikimedia projects by scaling our education program in inner provinces during 2017.
  • 15 schools from inner provinces, meaning 200 teachers trained and 500 students indirectly involved, adding or improving 75 articles regarding the Argentinean provinces culture.


  • Positioning and favoring our Wikipedia in your province project, through our strategic allies and in different educational environments.
  • Guaranteeing a greater and better access to the required educational resources.
  • Creating a network of Wikipedians that can provide support to educators.
  • Continuing evaluating results according to Wikimedia Argentina quality standards.
One of our greatest challenges for 2017 is being able to standardize the projects launched during 2015 and 2016.Wikimisiones is one of them. Now, the project is standardized and can be expanded to other provinces. The objective: to improve the content on local heritage and history, with educators and students as protagonists
By the end of 2017 promote the education program as the space to involve students and educators as new editors and quality content producers.
  • 975 articles added or improved by 1350 new editors. 775 articles, at least 55% of them will be considered to be high quality by WMAR standards and 200 articles will be improved or created by 30 new editors that would remain active, after 3- 6 months.
  • + 63% of articles added or improved by our EP
  • + 68% of new editors involved
  • Through all the previously detailed activities.
  • Continuing evaluating results according to Wikimedia Argentina quality standards.
Improving quantitative results has always been one of the priorities of our Education Program. Our main objective in 2017 is to strengthen the program in a qualitative manner, balancing the incorporation of new content, making sure it is consistent and high quality for Wikipedia’s users, and also improving the number of editors that remain active in the long-term.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 1: education metrics and cross cutting gender approach
WMAR's quality edit standards for teachers and students

Strategic line 2: Free content Awareness/Reach:

Goal: Making Wikimedia projects better known and promoting a greater and better impact through a cooperative articulation of our actions.

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

Enhance the scope of our program involving new educational professionals and new strategic partners by assisting to strategic education events during 2017.
  • By participating in 8 strategic education event, Wikimedia Argentina will get involved with 400 professionals in the educational field and engage 4 new educational organizations to actively support our education activities.
  • + 33% of events to attend
  • Participating in the new debates on the construction of Argentinean education.
  • Participating in strategic educational environments.
  • Promoting and strengthening our presence at a national level with the aid of strategic allies.
  • Getting the governmental and education institutions actively involved in our education activities.
76% of the educational institutions with which Wikimedia Argentina works are located in the city of Buenos Aires and its greater area. If we want to grow in such a large country, we need to be able to position our program.Argentina’s governmental context changed in 2016. Changes also took place in the governmental institutions that we were working with and were essential to promote our programs at a national level. The goal for 2017 is work, together with governmental and non-governmental institutions, on the standardized projects we have designed for 2017. Conversations have already taken place.
By improving our presence in the media, improve the perception of Wikipedia as source of reliable information within the education community, during 2017.
  • Reaching 10 new education leaders by positioning Wikimedia Argentina’s educational program through at least 35 media appearances.
  • + 40% media appearances
  • + 100 % of education leaders reached and involved in our program
  • Press campaign
  • Participating in strategic educational environments.
  • Promoting and strengthening strategic alliances.
According to our latest survey, between 72 and 81% of Wikipedia’s users and editors didn’t know about our Education Program. Even though the program is well positioned in the field of Argentinean education and we are working with benchmark institutions, one of our main goals for 2017 is to make the program better known to new target audiences.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 2: education metrics and cross-cutting gender approach

Strategic line 3: Movement involvement and improvement:

Goal: contributing with resources and traineeship to the movement in order to promote cooperation between chapters.

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

Providing academics and high-school teachers,locally and regionally, with the necessary resources and support to implement the projects inside the classroom
  • By consolidating a network of mentors, promoting at least 45 new education resources designed by and for teachers to implement projects inside the classroom and at least co-create 2 new resources, using educators’ suggestions.
  • + 50% the resources designed by teachers and ready to be use
  • + 100% the resources co-designed with educators
  • Analyzing the educators’ needs in order to generate new and appropriate material (by means of surveys, participant observation, etc.)
  • Positioning new material on our website and on Wikimedia Argentina’s online campus, with free access for all.
  • Make all the material designed available for the regional chapters and organizations.
  • Consolidating our network of mentors to come to the expected results (at least 5 Wikipedians involved).
During 2016, Wikimedia Argentina has developed new educational resources focused mainly on edition. During 2017, along with a network of mentors, we will continue designing material about the importance of incorporating Wikipedia to the classroom, how to turn it into an evaluating system and how to measure the quality of the students’ work. For that purpose, we are working together with Wikimedia Israel.
Strengthening our collaboration and partnership with movement affiliates at the regional and global level through our education program in 2017.
  • Along with Iberocoop developing 1 regional education project promoted by Wikimedia Argentina together with at least 2 chapters in the region.
  • Strengthening our relationships with other affiliates by participating through our Education Program in at least 2 international events and by increasing our work with chapters as Wikimedia Israel with whom generate a network to share learnings regarding education.


  • Making available for Iberocoop our education standardized activities.
  • Promoting a new edition of the Regional Mentoring Program
  • Participating and sharing experiences from the program at events like Wikimania, Wikimedia Conference, and other international events.
  • Generating a network –together with Wikimedia Israel- to share experiences with the leaders of the education programs at a global level. Regular meetings, at least once every two months.
  • Sharing experiences, activities and results, lessons learnt and failures, with the global community by means of our blog, a newsletter, etc.
Wikimedia Argentina is the regional chapter with the most stable Education Program. Our goal for 2017 is to make it grow at a regional - along with Iberocoop- and international level, together with other chapters and groups of users, through our standardized education proposals and by sharing learnings with other affiliates.
Create and share learning to improve the movement’s traineeship
  • At least 6 new learning patterns generated by WMAR’s Education Program made accessible to the entire movement.

+ 100% learning patterns designed

  • Generating 6 new learning patterns by increasing the value of the activities that are a part of the Education Program.
Wikimedia Argentina has generated learning patterns for each of its programs. We can learn from our successes as much as from our failures. During 2017 we will continue generating and sharing learning patterns with the movement.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 3: education metrics and cross-cutting gender approach

Strategic line 4: Thematic approaches:

Goal: promoting educational spaces to give a boost to the social impact of Wikimedia’s projects, through educators and students.

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

By the end of 2017, improve the content produced by WMAR regarding Human Rights and Construction of Memory, by means of gifted students.


  • Producing at least 6 Education edit-a-thons (EduGlam), getting educators and students involved in the edition of articles about Human Rights and the Construction of Memory.
  • Making the project grow nationally, searching for specific funds.
  • Continuing evaluating results according to Wikimedia Argentina quality standards.
During 2016 and together with Cosecha Roja, we promoted editing spaces on Human Rights- Wikilesa- with university professors and students. Our goal for 2017 is to continue promoting this project to improve the quality of content in Wikipedia regarding Human Rights, and work to take it to a national level.
During 2017, continuing implementing a gender perspective to evaluate the outreach and impact of our Education projects
  • During 2017, we will evaluate 100% of our Education activities using the gender indicators designed by Wikimedia Argentina, and we will try to reach gender parity by getting involved as participants at least 800 female educators and students.


  • Positioning the gender issue in strategic educational spaces, like conferences, talks, meetings, etc.
  • Implementing the evaluating grids with gender perspective used by Wikimedia Argentina.
  • Supervising the edition with gender perspective during activities such as the training courses.
  • Including the guide for an edition with gender perspective in all educational resources.
Incorporating a gender perspective to our activities is a priority for Wikimedia Argentina. It’s not a coincidence. The issue of gender is well established in Argentina’s and the region’s public agendas. Our challenge for 2017 is to make the gender issue present in our educational activities in order to encourage the debate and knowledge within the movement.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 4: education metrics and cross-cutting gender approach
EduGlam (Wikilesa) metrics

Supplementary information
By carrying out the following objectives and activities we address the following movement priorities:

  • Increase reach: by promoting new activities to scale the Education Program around the country and regionally.
  • Increase and diversify contribution of knowledge: by increasing the quality on the Wikimedia projects, addressing content gaps and by improving the content available regarding underrepresented groups.
  • Increase retention and engagement: by standardizing education proposals adapted to our local and regional context.

Program 2: GLAM Program


Preliminary analysis: background and learnings

The GLAM Program has become the most comprehensive project of Wikimedia Argentina. The proposals we carry out within the frame of this program are a meeting point among experienced Wikimedians, new editors that wish to begin to contribute to Wikimedia’s projects, and cultural institutions and organizations.
The program follows two main lines of work –Human Rights, Argentinean Culture Promotion, and Gender- to pursue three main objectives: creating content, releasing content, promoting the use of this content.
We wish to continue strengthening cultural institutions with knowledge, both technical and human, the way we have been doing. Cultural organizations in Argentina lack economic resources, so we must provide scanners and even computers for them to work on the project. In this sense, it is currently impossible that the institutions can afford a Wikipedian in Residence. The solution we have found is to continue promoting our itinerant Wikipedian in Residence (to find out more about his work so far, refer here), as a way to continue fostering a cultural change. We are going to continue our work with our counterparts, but with a better definition of our goals and results. We are paving our own way to work with libraries and new cultural groups, so that growth of content is not only measured in terms of quantity but also of quality to release and make available more well accepted material within our community. The new networks we are establishing with young cultural and social groups will allow us to provide better and easier-to-use material. Balancing this kind of work is seen as a great opportunity by Wikimedia Argentina.
The GLAM program is also the meeting point of the community, both for those who are already a part of it and for those who wish to start participating. The offline activities are a favorable space to meet and bond with new editors and volunteers. During 2016, we were late at promoting the offline activities. The main reason has been that 100% of our cultural counterparts changed managers, which delayed our offline activities. Balancing online and offline activities is one of our great challenges for 2017. We also want to emphasize our work with the online editors. During 2016, our online activities were born from the interest of the editors in our community, and we have improved the impact of their work by incorporating new projects like Wikidata and Wikisource, and also qualitatively evaluating their editions and contributions ( +6000 new/improved articles to date). One of our great objectives for 2017 is to be able to generate these consultative spaces for the offline activities as well.
Our actions and proposals have an impact beyond the local sphere. Iberocoop and the entire Latin-American region are the best allies we can have to promote the activities of our program. We as a region share the same culture and the same challenges, so the network constitutes a space to share experiences and articulating projects. During 2016, we have launched two international contests that translated into the creation of +1000 articles in over 20 different wikipedias. Wikimedia Argentina will continue promoting this regional network during 2017.

Learnings of the program, so far:

According to the work we have done in the last three years promoting the GLAM Program of Wikimedia Argentina, we have learnt the following:

We have successfully promoted:

  1. Projects promoted by online editors: to date and during 2016, this meant the creation/improvement of +6000 articles through 4 editors proposals.
  2. Incorporation of the first Wikipedian in Residence: this gave professional status to the program and meant the improvement of the content released and how it is used.
  3. Projects related to Memory and Gender: these are the central themes of our GLAM program. To date, aprox 2000 articles have been created.
  4. Activities beyond our local sphere: Iberocoop and the entire Latin-American region are the best allies we can have to promote the activities of our program.
  5. Incorporation of new projects as a target: the merger of the GLAM program to Wikidata and Wikisource made us redefine the GLAM program in the context of a local public agenda very connected to the free flow of data.

We must improve:

  1. In-person activities: in-person activities began late in 2016, which lead to a disconnection from our offline community. Even though was due to the local context, we need to get new cultural groups and institutions involved, like for example libraries, in order to generate more in-person editing activities.
  2. Digitalization program: improving the commitment of counterparts to release more and better material.
  3. Incorporation of new cultural target groups: we continue working with the same counterparts. If we want to offer more and better content to our editors, we must work with new cultural groups so we can access new material and heritage.
  4. Photography contests promoted only by Wikimedia Argentina or activities with Wikivoyage: we don’t have a large community with a high interest on photography. For photography contests to be successful, we need counterparts to support them. Wikivoyage is a project with a lot of potential, but it doesn’t seem interesting to our editors. Only two editors in Argentina are active in this project and we struggle in the challenge of transferring editors from Wikimedia Commons to Wikivoyage.

GLAM Program proposal 2017

What do we want to achieve through our GLAM Program in 2017?

During 2016, we were somewhat conservative when it came to our counterparts and more innovative when it came to our projects . We started working with other projects such as Wikidata and Wikisource, and we improved through our thematic approaches-Human Rights, Argentinean Culture Promotion, and Gender- the quality of content within Wikipedia . During 2016 we worked on many different projects and we tried to reflect our editors and participants’ interests in each of them. Our challenge for 2017 is to evaluate past actions in order to consolidate them under quality criteria, rather than quantity. To achieve that, we need to be more timing-aware to define how, when and why a project should be promoted and we need to make sure that they are aligned with the program’s main objectives: inviting both active and new editors to take part, trying to align them with the strategic central themes and ensuring that they work not only as a creative space but also to increase awareness and motivation to improve the participation of new collectives.

Our 2017 challenge lies in:

  • Giving a professional status and diversifying our counterparts as active members of the GLAM Program, through their community, their material and heritage and our WIR.
  • Connecting new and active editors to the activities promoted by the GLAM Program.
  • Qualitative and quantitatively improving the content of the Wikimedia projects through the program.
  • Positioning the GLAM Program as a space for the construction of a more diverse and more inclusive movement.

Our potential to overcome these challenges lies in the following:

  • We work stably with the same cultural partners since 2014. They have been promoting our goals and involving their own community. These group of partners are, today, multipliers in our local context regarding free culture and promoters of our digitizing project.
  • Our WIR is well positioned among our cultural counterparts. As he is itinerant, it has much room for growth mainly to engage new local partners, with the aim of improving the quality and diversity of the materials released.
  • We have widen our work within more specific areas of interest and in new Wikimedia projects in order to stimulate the active participation of active and new editors, focusing in improving content qualitatively.
  • Iberocoop has established itself as the space for building a more diverse movement. We have stopped promoting specific activities for more orderly work steadily, finding in Wikipedia a compatible space to grow to a regional and global scale, too.

Benefits of the program

  • Position of our local and regional heritage, globally.
  • Changing the paradigm in cultural institutions regarding free culture, creative commons licenses and the Wiki philosophy, engaging not only professionals of the cultural world but also citizens who are involved with the institutions.
  • Spreading the digitized material on a global scale.

Activities and direct products

In Wikimedia Argentina we believe we can face the challenge of the GLAM program by means of the following activities or outputs:

  • Promoting activities that improve and increase content –both quantitative and qualitatively- in the Wikimedia projects through our editors (editing challenges, contests, etc.)
  • Promoting new traineeship spaces for new editors (edit-a-thons, meetings, editing workshops)
  • Incorporating new Wikimedia projects like Wikidata and Wikisource to our actions.
  • Diversifying and including new cultural groups that bring new content.
  • Maintaining and go in depth into the traineeship promoted by our Wikipedian in Residence.
  • Re-signifying and strengthening the cooperation with cultural organizations and their role as producers of content through our Wikipedian in Residence.
  • Strengthening the cooperation with Iberocoop to position our culture beyond the Spanish Wikipedia in order to make the Wikimedia movement a more diverse one.

Objectives & target outcomes

Strategic line 1:Participation and quality content

Goal: improving the content created, released and re-used by the GLAM program, both quantitative and qualitatively.

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

Increasing the content generated in Wikipedia Wikidata and Wikisource, by means of our editors’ proposals.
  • By means of 5 online proposals, 5000 articles added or improved in Wikipedia and Wikisource and 2000 items added in Wikidata (70% considered as quality under WMAR standards) involving 200 editors, 50 new.
  • + 94% articles added/improved
  • At the beginning of the year, we will conduct a survey of our online community in order to define their interests and activities.
  • During 2017, we will pose at least 5 editing challenges in Wikipedia, Wikidata or Wikisource.
  • Offering spaces for questions, traineeship and recognition for the participant editors.
Strengthening our online community is one of Wikimedia Argentina’s priorities. During 2016, we had great results in Wikipedia and new projects by paying attention to the interests and initiatives of our community of active editors. We have a good base to continue promoting Wikidata and Wikisource and to continue strengthening our community of online editors.
To professionalize our digitization project through Wikipedian in Residence partnerships with 6 cultural partners, by the end of 2017, in order to bring quality resources to editors.
  • Providing technical and human support through our WIR by means of 3 training courses, involving 6 cultural partners (2 new) in order to guarantee the quality release of at least 200 books and 1000 images belonging to Argentina’s cultural heritage.
  • + 67% of material released
  • + 20 % in partners involved
  • Guaranteeing the quality of the digitalized material by providing technical and human support to the institutions with which we work, through our Wikipedian in Residence.
  • Visits and regular meetings with our counterparts to define common objectives and results 2017.
  • Identifying new cultural groups that have content of historical value and lack the resources. We will create alliances with these new cultural spaces, with a win-win strategy.
Our first Wikipedian in Residence provided Wikimedia Argentina the professionalization of our digitalization project. During 2016 we broke the existing tendency of the GLAM program of finding value only in images and began to find historical value in releasing books. We will continue promoting the quality of the project by favoring learning spaces and encouraging former and new institutions to get involved and to take ownership of the project.
Resignify the material uploaded by the digitizing program by using it and positioning it in new projects outside Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons
  • Through our Wikipedian in Residence, at least 800 quality articles will be created/improved by means of the material handed over to Wikidata and Wikisource.


  • By not linking the freeing of material just with the Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons projects
  • Organizing editing contest outside Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.
Wikidata is the new big project, allied to the GLAM program. We believe that through Wikidata we can give the best possible treatment to the content released by cultural organizations. In Wikimedia Argentina we believe that if we want to take a step forward in the GLAM program, beyond Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, it must be related to Wikidata.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 1: GLAM metrics and cross-cutting gender approach
Defining quality regarding our digitizing project or material released

Strategic line 2: Free content Awareness/Reach:

Goal: reaching new audiences and engaging new cultural target groups as partners, by promoting the GLAM program by means of our activities

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

Involving new cultural organizations and professionals as allies by increasing the program’s geographic diversity and reach during 2017.
  • Gaining 2 new partners (1 from the photo field) by reaching 300 new cultural professionals by attending to 6 specialized cultural events around the country.


  • Producing a calendar of events, conferences and spaces where we can participate as WMAR.
  • Reaching new photographers collectives in Argentina.
  • Attending events and conferences about culture and heritage, at the national level.
  • Promoting and strengthening our presence at a national level, by means of strategic allies.
100% of the cultural institutions that with which Wikimedia Argentina works are located in the City of Buenos Aires. If we want to grow in such a large country, we need to previously position our program. It is essential to attend events about heritage and culture across the country and articulate with new institutions and cultural groups.
Improving the knowledge regarding free culture within cultural organizations by increasing our presence in the media.
  • Generating a press network in the cultural world, with at least 5 new professionals involved in our program by positioning the GLAM program in at least 25 media appearances.
  • + 67% of new media appearances
  • Press campaign
  • Participating in strategic GLAM environments.
  • Promoting and strengthening strategic alliances.
According to our latest survey, 57-59% of Wikipedia users don’t know about the existence of the GLAM program. Working to make program better known and improve the knowledge regarding free culture within cultural institutions are one of our main objectives for 2017.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 2: GLAM metrics and cross-cutting gender approach

Strategic line 3:Movement involvement and improvement:

Goal: getting new editors and participants involved in the movement and sharing learnings through our GLAM's program activities.

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

Generate new cultural online and offline activities to engage and retain new participants and editors within the movement and Wikimedia projects.
  • By involving 300 new participants, 250 in offline activities (8 edit-a-thons or editing workshops) and 50 in online activities (5 editing challenges) aiming to increase to 40 the number of new participants actively involved in our activities and to 15 the number of editors retained.
  • + 60% offline activities
  • + 100% new participants involved
  • + 87 % retain as active editors
  • Organizing edit-a-thons and editing workshops as training opportunities. For the organization of these events, we will call up new cultural groups and institutions that are aligned to our objectives, like for example libraries.
  • Inviting new participants to our online and offline activities by staying in touch with them, keeping discussion forums, etc.
  • Favoring mentoring and training spaces for new editors inside and outside Wikipedia and our projects.
The GLAM program must not be only a space for active editors but also work for inviting new editors and institutions to the movement. Creating these inviting spaces and welcoming new editors is one of the priorities that we intend to carry out by means of face-to-face activities and online proposals.
By the end of 2017, strengthening our partnership with Iberocoop and other movement affiliates through our GLAM Program
  • Participating and sharing learnings and projects from our GLAM Program, in at least 2 international events.
  • Promoting along with Iberocooop at least 2 regional editing activities regarding the promotion of our regional culture, that mean the creation or improvement of 1000 articles [5]


  • Participating and sharing experiences from the program at events like Wikimania, Wikimedia Conference, and other international events.
  • Promoting at least 2 editing activities with Iberocoop, regarding the promotion of our regional culture beyond the Spanish Wikipedia.
  • Sharing experiences, activities and results, lessons learnt and failures, with the global community by means of our blog, a newsletter, etc.
  • Promoting a new edition of the Regional Mentoring Program
  • Producing a publication/video series, etc to spread the challenges and lessons learnt by the region.
Iberocoop is the best space to promote GLAM activities at a regional level. Our good results in the 2016 activities endorse us. One of the main priorities of Wikimedia Argentina for 2017 is to continue generating these regional spaces as well as increasing learning sharing with other movement affiliates through the program.
Create and share learnings to improve the movement’s traineeship
  • At least 6 new learning patterns generated by WMAR’s GLAM Program made accessible to the entire movement.
  • + 50% of learning patterns created
  • Generating 6 new learning patterns by increasing the value of the activities that are a part of the GLAM Program.
Wikimedia Argentina has generated learning patterns for each of its programs. We can learn from our successes as much as from our failures. During 2017 we will continue generating and sharing learning patterns with the movement.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 3: GLAM metrics and cross-cutting gender approach

Strategic line 4:Thematic approaches:

Goal: the GLAM program as a drive space to represent the diversity of the movement.

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

Increasing the quality of Wikipedia by diversifying its content through regional activities according to our thematic approaches.
  • Along with Iberocoop, 3000 articles, 2000 considered quality edits will be created/improved on the themes of gender and cultural heritage, by 100 editors (20 of them women and at least 15 from other Wikipedias)
  • + 50 of articles added/improved
During 2016, favoring the visibility of women and of cultural heritage has been one of our priorities. A priority for 2017 will be to consolidate the quality standards to evaluate new content. During 2017 we will also include quality metrics like giving visibility to women by promoting network activities, without excluding any country of the region and by making Argentinean culture accessible in several languages.
During 2017, developing the GLAM program as an inclusive space.
  • Involving 3 new cultural partners from underrepresented groups in 3 offline activities, that would mean 100 articles in Wikipedia improved according to the diverse content promoted.


One of the major objectives of Wikimedia Argentina is to improve the content of the Wikimedia projects by positioning gender issues, the Argentinean culture, or put in value the minority languages. Discriminate positively on these issues is a strategy that will consolidate during 2017. We believe that through these activities we also build a larger community.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 4: GLAM metrics and cross-cutting gender approach
Quality metrics for culture promotion

Supplementary information
By carrying out the following objectives and activities we address the following movement priorities:

  • Increase reach: by engaging new editors involved, new cultural target partners within the movement and strengthening our regional and global relationships.
  • Increase and diversify contribution of knowledge: by increasing the quality on the Wikimedia projects, addressing content gaps and by improving the content available regarding underrepresented groups.
  • Increase retention and engagement: by improving our GLAM Program with a more clear objective of getting involved our participants in defining activities and by approaching to them activities of their interests.

Program 3: Community Support Program


Preliminary analysis: background and learnings

Wikimedia Argentina has a very stable but peculiar community. Our community actively contributes to Wikipedia and participates in our offline activities, but it is a little bit reluctant to suggest projects or participate in online activities. As a matter of fact, our online community is entirely different from our offline community. This reality makes our work in Wikimedia Argentina double, with activities aiming at a triple objective: attracting new members to our community, recruiting new editors and volunteers and reactivating editors that used to be active.
During 2016 we have promoted meeting spaces for our stable community and also as a way to attract new Argentinean editors as new participants. On the other hand, we have launched activities that our online community finds interesting and attractive so we can deal with their demands as well. In this sense, during 2016 and more than ever before, the members of our community, new editors –active or participants- have taken center stage, either being leaders of an activity, or organizing events or participating (+400 editors, new editors and participants involved during 2016 and to date). But sometimes, taking care of both communities is not always enough.
The concept of community in Wikimedia Argentina is expanded and goes beyond borders. In Wikimedia Argentina we promote activities aimed at the entire community of editors, both at a national and regional level, so our work goes beyond supporting the articulation of projects and activities with other groups of users and chapters of the Latin-American region, like Wikimujeres and Wikimedia Mexico, with whom we collaborated to articulate activities in countries like Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Guatemala, where there are no groups of users with whom to work. We believe these alliances give us great growing potential, since during 2016 we had great results with our projects related to gender and heritage promotion. We also began to work with new groups, like Un Pastiche, Economia Feminista, Chicas Poderosas etc., that even though they are not part of our movement, they are aligned with our objectives. These new spaces are the perfect place to attract new and specialized members to our movement.
Also, since the beginning of the program in 2016, we have worked so that the community is aware of the support and help they can get from Wikimedia Argentina. Even though we support projects like Wikiproyecto:Mujeres, knowledge about the support we can provide is still emerging. One of our greatest challenges in 2017 will be to position the role of Wikimedia Argentina as enabler for the editors’ work and as a friendly space for both editors and participants.

Learnings of the program, so far:

According to the work we have done last year with WMAR’s Support to the Community Program, we have learnt the following:

We have successfully promoted:

  1. Offline meeting spaces: through these spaces, we have connected over 12 new people to Wikimedia Argentina activities.
  2. Positioning our community’s leadership in specialized events: we have positioned our community in over 5 specialized events, at a local and national level.
  3. The community as protagonist in the choice of activities: through the active participation of our community in the choice of activities, +3000 articles have been created/improved so far.
  4. Getting our community involved in international events and spaces: recognizing the community’s work and strengthening its commitment by inviting it to participate in international events.
  5. Support and articulation at a regional level: with out regional counterparts, we have promoted projects related to gender in countries that have neither chapters nor an official group of users.

We must improve:

  1. Integral support to projects promoted by our community: training community members who promote activities and providing better support is essential to keep on growing as a chapter.
  2. Improving the bond between Wikimedia Argentina and its community: improving the bond with our communities –both offline and online- and creating working and discussion spaces about Wikimedia Argentina.
  3. Approaching new collectives: our community needs to grow. It is essential to approach new groups with potential future editors.

Community Support Program proposal 2017

What do we want to achieve through our Community Support Program in 2017?

One of Wikimedia Argentina’s greatest challenges is to strengthen our online and offline communities. The program began in 2016 and after one year of work we have understood our limitations and our strengths, and we have also learnt from other chapters that have had a successful experience with this program as we have learned from other chapters have been promoting this program successfully.

Our biggest challenges for 2017 are:

  • Expand our community with new members and volunteers.
  • Consolidate our online and offline communities.
  • Strengthen the link between our community and Wikimedia Argentina.
  • Generate a wider and more diverse regional community.

Our potential to overcome these challenges lies in the following:

  • Wikimedia Argentina has a stable community that has been present along the years and supports our online and offline initiatives.
  • In the last year, we have worked a lot with our online community and we got to know it much better than in previous years.
  • We have worked to incorporate new collectives in order to build a new and more diverse community, aligned to our strategic lines of work.
  • Our bonds with the community at a regional level have been strengthened during 2016. We’ve stopped working on one-time activities in order to promote regional projects, fostering a more diverse community.

Benefits of the program

  • Build a more identify, active and committed community with Wikimedia Argentina as an organization.
  • Build a more involved community in defining the goals of the Wikimedia movement.

Activities and direct products

In Wikimedia Argentina we believe we can face the challenge of the Support to the Community Program by means of the following activities or outputs:

  • Generating spaces to get feedback on Wikimedia Argentina and its activities (surveys)
  • Promoting activities that meet the interests of our online and offline community (contests, editing challenges, etc.)
  • Favoring meeting spaces and means to articulate nets of common interests and cooperation for our community.
  • Providing technical and financial support to the initiatives of our community.
  • Promoting the growth of a new community, stemming from other spaces outside Wikimedia Argentina.(women groups, Human Rights, etc.)
  • Supporting the mobility of our community, through micro-grants and getting them involved in our international events.
  • Positioning our community as a protagonist in different spaces at a local and national level.
  • Promoting spaces for sharing knowledge, by and for volunteers.
  • Strengthening our role at a regional and international level to build a more diverse community within the movement.

Objectives & target outcomes

Strategic line 1: Participation and quality content:

Goal: favoring spaces of participation to consolidate and create a larger, motivated, and more diverse community committed to add quality content within Wikimedia projects.

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

By the end of 2017, involving 450 editors[6] (new and active) by increasing the number of activities defined by our community's interests
  • 200 active editors and 250 new editors will be involved in 5 online activities and 3 offline activities, defined and designed according to their interests.
  • +13 of new and active editors involved
  • Conduct a survey among our community members to define our activities according to their interests.
  • Invite the editors to our editing challenges and online contests.
  • Invite the editors to editing workshops, edit-a-thons, training courses, etc.
  • Offering spaces for recognition for the participant editors.
Generating spaces so that our community of editors can participate actively has proven to be a good strategy to create stronger bonds. Even though we need to make our community grow, promoting activities that appeal to their interests not only makes out net of editors stronger but also improves our results both quantitative and qualitatively.
In 2017, strengthening the bond between the community and Wikimedia Argentina, by improving our communication and work atmosphere
  • According to a survey, at least 70 % of our community (users / editors ) agree with the activities and performance of Wikimedia Argentina during 2017 .
  • According to a survey At least 70% of our community (participants / editors) agree that they feel appreciated by Wikimedia Argentina.


  • Surveys
  • Creating spaces during working hours dedicated to meet the demands of the community, both new and active.
  • Improve WMAR our daily communication with our community.
  • Getting the community involved in strategic work.
  • Providing newcomers with welcome resources to make them feel comfortable.
Improve the communication and our work together, Wikimedia Argentina and our community is essential not only to keep scaling but to strengthen the ties and common goals that we share. This is the first time that Argentina Wikimedia therefore seeks to strengthen relations with the community and improve the working environment among us.
By the end of 2017, improving the community skills to implement projects and/or add quality content as a way to foster our community involvement.
  • 20 community leaders trained in project management to empower community leadership, with the 70% agreeing on gaining useful skills.
  • Supporting at least 3 projects meaning the releasing of 100 images/documents considered of quality and 200 improved articles.
  • + 33% in projects supported
  • Launching a call for projects for the entire community.
  • Providing technical, human and financial support to the selected projects.
  • Producing training opportunities for the implementation of the projects.
In Wikimedia Argentina, our staff is small. In the latest years, we have learnt that our community can help us grow and meet our goals by means of their own initiatives. Since the end of 2015, we have supported gender-related projects promoted by two female leaders, with good results. During 2017 we expect to diversify the projects and guarantee better support and ushering for our volunteers who are project leaders.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 1: Community Support metrics and cross-cutting gender approach
Defining quality regarding our digitizing project or material released
Quality metrics for culture promotion

Strategic line 2: Free content Awareness/Reach:

Goal: positioning Wikimedia Argentina’s work with the community in a leading role

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

By getting active leaders of our community involved, approaching new FOSS communities to WMAR projects during 2017.
  • Involving 2 new FOSS communities as new partners by getting 10 community leaders, properly trained, leading specialized spaces in the FOSS scene.
  • + 233 % of community leaders involved
  • + 100% of new partners involved
  • Producing, together with our community, a calendar of events, conferences and spaces where we can participate as WMAR.
  • Favoring spaces for training on communication, leadership and mentoring for our committed volunteers.
  • Providing technical and financial support to the participation of our volunteers, with mobility aid and professional advice.
Since 2016 we have been working on positioning our volunteers as leaders in training courses and talks in specialized spaces most frequently related to free culture and open source. One of our priorities for 2017 is to provide previous trainings when needed and define what results we expect so that these spaces become an opportunity for Wikimedia Argentina.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 2: Community Support metrics and cross-cutting gender approach

Strategic line 3: Movement involvement and improvement:

Goal: getting our community further involved at a local, regional and international level.

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

Providing support for the participation of current members and newcomers to engage them as active participants in our activities, during 2017
  • 10 micro-grants to attend Wikimedia Argentina activities granted to community members during 2017.
  • 2 specific manuals to welcome newcomers in our activities, developed and shared during our activities to aim gaining at least 40 new actively involved participants during 2017[7].
  • + 233% micro-grants
  • + 55 % new actively involved participants
  • Providing financial support to the participation of our volunteers, with mobility micro-grants.
  • Designing activities and guides, to welcome newcomers.
  • Generating a database of participants, following them and contacting them to participate in our activities
  • Encouraging and favoring the mentoring of new editors to keep them active .
The community of Wikimedia Argentina is not very large. It is a priority to make it grow. When we talk about our community, we also include potential project leaders, event organizers, volunteers who can connect us to new counterparts, etc. Incorporating active editors is still one our greatest challenges, but the first step to build a larger community of active editors is to make Wikimedia Argentina an inclusive space that welcomes everybody’s participation.
Increasing the meeting spaces for the community as a way to improve the community social climate and retain new volunteers in our activities during 2017.
  • Engaging 10 new volunteers in our activities by organizing 6 offline meeting spaces, with the active participation of at least 100 community members, 20 of them new.
  • At least the 70% of attendees to the meeting spaces feels welcome.
  • +43 of volunteers involved
  • +50 of meeting activities
  • +43 of participants involved
  • +66 of new participants
  • Generating meeting spaces that help the community to meet one another, improving the atmosphere and retaining members as volunteers.
  • Generating a database of new participants, following them and contacting them to participate in our activities.
  • Conducting a mid-year survey to assess the satisfaction of our community.
  • Creating opportunities for ushering, mentoring and support for newcomers
  • Through these spaces, inviting people to participate in other activities WMAR .
Promoting meeting spaces within our community is critical to keep growing as a chapter. During 2017 we want to expand these meeting space, not only as a place to meet but to have a better knowledge regarding the performance of Wikimedia Argentina according to community's point of view.
Representing and strengthening the role of the community and Wikimedia Argentina in regional and international events during 2017.
  • At least 2 Wikimedia Argentina representatives will take part in international events organized by the movement in 2017. Our participation will imply our presence in at least one panel per event.
  • Wikimedia Argentina will offer at least 1 grants to attend Wikimania 2017 and supported and ushered the application for 5 Wikimania grants by members of our community.


  • During 2017, we will take part in Wikimedia Conference, Wikimania and Iberoconf.
  • Proposing and sharing knowledge with the movement at international events.
  • Keeping the community properly informed and supported about grants and scholarships to attend international events.
  • Position our community expertises by sharing experiences, activities and results, lessons learnt and failures, with the global community by means of the WMF blog, newsletters etc.
Taking part in international circles is essential for Wikimedia Argentina. At these events, we learn from one another and we share experiences as we establish alliances and consolidate projects. Wikimania is, particularly, a place meant for editors and the community. Guaranteeing their participation, to the extent possible, is a recognition of the work done by our volunteers. Guaranteeing the presence of community members at these events is a responsibility of the chapters.
Important indicators/Metrics:

Strategic line 3: Community Support metrics and cross-cutting gender approach

Strategic line 4: Thematic approaches:

Goal: making our community larger and more diverse by means of local and regional proposals that are aligned to our thematic approaches.

Objective 2017 Targets 2017 (outcomes) In comparison with 2016 (% of growth) How are we going to do it? (outputs) Comments:

Explanation of changes/ Why doing it?

Reducing the gender gap by building one local community of women involved in WMAR activities.
  • Building one new stable community with at least 15 new women as editors involved, that implies the engagement of two new gender counterparts and means the promotion of one project and 100 new/improved quality articles regarding gender and Argentinean women.


  • Summoning gender collectives that are currently working for the visibility of women in Argentina.
  • Producing at least 3 training courses, editing workshops or meeting events where new proposals can be generated.
  • Build a supporting network, to, support and mentor the new women editors.
  • Including the guide for an edition with gender perspective in all our activities with these new gender groups.
  • Evaluating according to the gender indicators
Wikimedia Argentina has very few women in its community. Only two women from our community are active editors and only one of them is a leader outside the Wikimedia projects. The gender issue is a priority for Wikimedia Argentina, so promoting a network for women is not only essential but also a well-received idea. During 2016 we promoted our first edition workshop with gender perspective with 20 female participants with whom we expect to work during 2017.
During 2017, generate a more diverse and inclusive regional community by supporting initiatives regarding gender in LatinAmerica.
  • By means of implementing 1 gender project together, build a regional women community along with Wikimedia Mexico and Wikimujeres, that will mean the support of at least 3 initiatives (mainly edit-a-thons or editing workshops) from countries without user's groups or chapters (Costa Rica, Peru, Nicaragua or Guatemala), regarding gender and Wikipedia.


  • Involving regional women groups to participate in our project Las imprescindibles
  • Supporting, ushering and networking to promote the birth of a new community in the Latin-American contexts that lack a community of editors.
  • Producing the necessary support material and mentoring spaces to favor the growth of new communities.
During 2016 we worked closely with Wikimedia Mexico and Wikimujeres. These alliances, that we expect to consolidate, will help us create academic spaces to improve content quality in Wikipedia and will also become an articulator for proposals to create and stimulate new communities at a regional level.
Important indicators/Metrics:

According to these activities, those will be evaluated by theses metrics:
Strategic line 4: Community Support metrics and cross-cutting gender approach

Supplementary information
By carrying out the following objectives and activities we address the following movement priorities:

  • Understand our users to better serve their needs: by getting our online and offline community involved as decision makers and engage by activities defined according to their interests.
  • Increase retention and engagement: by supporting our community and by creating new communities at the local and regional level, by developing projects more goal-focused on improving the areas of expertise of these new members.
  • Improve reach: by approaching new target audiences by positioning our community in a leading role.

Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan

1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, and provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram if you have one.

The structure of our Association is composed as following:

  • The General Assembly of Members, with regular meetings every year.
  • A Board of Trustees composed by 9 elected members (2 alternative Board members are available in case of vacancy). It is in charge of the strategy of the Association, its overall administration, revision of its projects and supervision of the staff's performance.
  • An audit commission, composed by 3 members, and responsible for the financial accountability of the Association.
  • The staff, composed by the Executive Director (ED), the Communication Officer (CO) the Education Coordination (EC) and the Administration Manager (AM). Dedicated to the implementation of programs and projects, reportability and day-to-day administration of the Association.

Programs are designed and carried out by the staff, with permanent communication with the President of the Board and periodical reports to the rest of its members, who are ultimately responsible of the implementation of the initiatives proposed for the year. Some activities are led by Association members and volunteers, but they must report to the ED.

2. List of staff by department or function.
You can use this table (or substitute your own list) to show us the number of FTEs (fulltime equivalents) for each department or function, where one person working at 100% time would be counted as 1.0. We need this information about the total number of staff (FTEs) you plan to have by the end of the current funding period, and staff you plan to have by the end of the upcoming funding period.

Table 4

Department or function End of current funding period End of upcoming funding period Explanation of changes
Executive Director 1.0 1.0 -
Education Coordinator 1.0 1.0 -
Communication Officer 1.0 1.0 -
Administration Manager 0.5 0.5 -
Staff assistant - 0.5 We consider it necessary to involve as a team member a part-time assistant to help us implement the activities planned for our Community Support program and our Regional initiatives. To expand our community and add new members and volunteers is a priority for us in 2017.
Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 3.5 4

Table 4 notes or explanation of significant changes:

3. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the current funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?
4. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the upcoming funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?
Staff expenses by end of current year Staff expenses by end of upcoming year % of increase Comments
In currency requested 123,167 USD 127,039 USD 3,2% Due to the incorporation of the new staff member
In USD 123,167 USD 127,039 USD 3, 2% Due to the incorporation of the new staff member

Financials: upcoming year


Detailed budget: upcoming year

Please link to your organization's detailed budget showing planned revenues and expenses for the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017). This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or a publicly available spreadsheet.

Revenues: upcoming year


Please use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues (income, or the amount your organization is bringing in) by revenue source (where the revenue is coming from) in the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017).

  • Use the status column to show if this funding is already guaranteed, if you are in the process of requesting funding, or if you are planning to request funding at a later time.
  • Please include in-kind donations and resources in this table, as applicable, and use the status column to show that they are in-kind resources.
  • Do not include money you plan to draw from your reserves during the upcoming funding period.

Table 5

Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period
Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)

FDC Process USD 241,140 USD 241,140 Requested
Membership fees USD 600.00 USD 600.00 Guaranteed
Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): USD 241,740 USD 241,740 -
In-Kind Donations USD 16,162 USD 16,162 In Process
Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): USD 257, 903 USD 257, 903 -

Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.

Operating reserves: current and upcoming years


Please note that there is a policy that places restrictions on how much FDC funding your organization can use to build its operating reserves. If you would like to use FDC funding to for your organization's reserves, you must note that here. You will not be able to decide to allocate FDC funding from this grant to your reserves at a later date.

1. What is your plan for maintaining, building, or spending your reserves in the current year and the upcoming funding period? Please use the table below to show the amounts in your reserves at the beginning, year-to-date, and end of your current year, and the amount you plan to have in your reserves by the end of the upcoming funding period.

Table 6

Year Year start Year start (US) Year-to-date Year-to-date (US) Year end Year end (US)
Current year (e.g. 2017) ARS 578,568 USD 61,419 (*) ARS 578,568 USD 37,569 (**) ARS 988,846 USD 61,419 (***)
Upcoming year (e.g. 2018) - - - - ARS (****) USD 61,419

(*) The currency exchange rate for the moment we decided the amount of reserves was situated in $9,42 = $1 dollar
(**) Now, as the exchange rate has fluctuated, the same amount of argentine pesos represents a lower level of reserves in dollars. The current exchange rate is $15,4 = $1 dollar
(***) The exchange rate estimated for January 2017 is situated in $16,1 = $1 dollar
(****) Wikimedia Argentina does not know which would be the exchange rate for the end of 2017. So we intend to maintain the level of reserves in dollars.

2. How much FDC funding is your organization requesting to add to your reserves in the upcoming funding period? If you are not requesting any FDC funding to add to your reserves in the upcoming funding period, you can write zero.
  • Zero

Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan

1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs, and do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. Program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs, for example. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.

Table 7

Program Currency requested US dollars
Education Program USD 24,267 USD 24,267
GLAM Program USD 19,196 USD 19,196
Community Support Program USD 34,540 USD 34,540
Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) USD 78,003 USD 78,003

Table 7 notes: If your organization has significant funding designated for specific programs (e.g. a restricted grant), please make a note of that here.

2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
These are divided into three categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including expenses for staff working on both programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.

Table 8

Expense type Currency requested US dollars
Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) USD 78,003 USD 78,003
Operations (excludes staff and programs) USD 36,098 USD 36,098
Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) USD 127,039 USD 127,039
Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) USD 241,140 USD 241,140

Table 8 notes:

Verification and signature


Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.

The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. General operating support through the FDC may not be used to cover political and legislative activities, although you may make a separate grant agreement with the WMF for these purposes.
I verify that no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation will be used
for political or legislative activities except as permitted by a grant agreement

Please sign below to complete this proposal form.

IMPORTANT. Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
Please sign here once this proposal form is complete, using four tildes. --Anna Torres (WMAR) (talk) 15:34, 30 September 2016 (UTC)
  1. See the section Program's overview for further detail
  2. Buenos Aires Herald:Clamp lifted, major devaluation looms
  3. At least 450 editors, members involved refers to activities of our GLAM program
  4. refers to new editors involved in GLAM activities too
  5. refers to the articles that would be created under the strategic line 4
  6. Refers to editors involved in GLAM activities
  7. Numbers refer to the same strategic line targets for GLAM Program