Grants:APG/Proposals/2016-2017 round 2/Wikimedia Norge/Impact report form
Purpose of the report
editThis form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their results to date. For progress reports, the time period for this report will the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). For impact reports, the time period for this report will be the full 12 months of this grant, including the period already reported on in the progress report (e.g. 1 January - 31 December of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.
Global metrics overview - all programs
editWe are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and
- Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
- In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
- 4. # Diversity = Number of new or improved articles on women's biographies on Wikipedia Bokmål, Nynorsk or Northern Sami and number of Sami-related items added to Wikidata
- 5. # Community hours = Hours community members spend on organizing activities or helping staff organize activities (not included are hours spend adding content)
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. # participants | 1,693 + 824 watched streaming of one event | Several events this year have attracted larger audiences. Se details about our different events below. |
2. # of newly registered | 233 | We only include newly registered from the Wikipedia dashboard tool - Wikimedia Norge. Participants at events that register without adding their user name to the dashboard are not included |
3. # of content pages | 29,130 |
4. # diversity | 21,836 |
5. # community hours | 992 |
Table 1 notes:
- Content pages: We are adding the Sami bibliography from The National Library (about 17,000 items) to Wikidata and will also during the spring add Sami place names we have access to from The Norwegian Mapping Authority.
- Metric Diversity: We have included image donations here as well
Telling your program stories - all programs
editPlease tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.
- We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
- Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
- We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
- We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
- You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | End of year (projected or actual) | Comments |
Example | Example | Example | Example | Example |
Impact of Wikimedia Norge’s work funding period 2017-2018
Jon Harald Søby and Sabine Rønsen at the Wikimedia Norge stand during Riddu Riđđu Festivàla
Jorid Martinsen and Astrid Carlsen from Wikimedia Norge at the Sámi festival library tent at Márkomeannu in July 2018
Silvia Seres speaking at wiki meetup for volunteers in Oslo May 2018
The impact we report on in this report reflects the rewritten APG proposal for WMNO from January 2018. The program's section was completely rewritten. Wikimedia Norge is reporting on three programs for the 2017–2018 funding period:
- Program Supporting communities
- Program Closing content gaps
- Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge
The impact of WMNO’s work is achieved through collaborations between a diversity of communities and partner where WMNO's role is to give relevant support to contributors on the wiki projects, develop established partnerships, nationally and internationally, build on already established partnerships in our work on Northern Sami Wikipedia and participate at international Wikimedia events and share our learnings with other volunteer wikipedian and wikimedians and affiliates.
The new strategical direction's impact on our work: In the fall of 2017, we held a workshop for the WMNO board members and employees headed by Frans Grijzenhout from Wikimedia Nederland to refine and renew our strategy for 2018–2022, where we decided on diversity as the common denominator for our work. This has helped focus our priorities, and bring a cohesiveness to our projects that was missing before – we no longer jump from one project to the next haphazardly, but consider them according to the strategic direction and annual plans. When it comes to partnerships we are focusing on fewer but stronger partnerships in order to build a more solid foundation for future cooperations. We are fortunate to be living in one of the most gender equal countries in the world, so there is already a lot of emphasis on diversity in institutions, companies and society in general, so we are not working in a vacuum, but as part of a greater movement in society. Among countries with Sami population Norway is also a country with many different Sami Insitutions, a wellfunded Sami parliament, and from 2018–2022 a Truth Commission will look into the Norwegianization process of Sami and Kven people. Wikimedia Norge has a member in the movemnent Working group for Diversity and this commitment is also an oppourtunity to address and reflect on privileges and power structures in our national context that are hindering diversity and inclusion.
National and international partnerships:: Our primary partners are the National Library, the National Archive, the Directorate for Cultural Heritage, and the Nobel Peace Center. Thanks to Wikimedia Sverige's WikiGap initative, the Swedish embassy in Oslo is also becoming a recurring partner. As part of our Northern Sami project we established a Sami Advisory Group consisting of experienced Wikimedians from small and minority language projects, and their help and guidance has been very useful. We are also cooperating with several other Wikimedia affiliates – mostly our regional neighbours, but also Whose Knowledge? and Wikimedia Armenia to mention a few.
Our work he next two years: We feel like we're hitting our stride with our current direction, both with community support and involvement and partnerships, and are establishing ourselves as a go-to organization for communities in Norway who want to share information from underrepresented groups. As an organization we have developed a credibility both internally in the local Wikimedia communities and externally to other organizations. We do need to diversify our funding and over the last year we have started doing more advocay work to get to know organizations that award funding. For the Sami project this means for example requesting to take part at commitee meetings at the Sami parilament held twice a year. Wikimedia Norge took part at the September 2018 meetings in Karasjok, the city in northern Norway where the Sami parliament is located. In-kind donations have increased significantly the last year, and we will over the next years consider if it can be increased further.
For more detailed infomation about our work these links are useful:
Program Supporting communities
Volunteer from the middle east, Emmanuel Jal, Jorid Martinsen (Wikimedia Norge) and volunteer from Marocco and Sweden at Oslo Freedom Forum 2018
Wikigap 2018 at the Swedish resident in Oslo in March 2018. Hosted by the Swedish embassy and Wikimedia Norge
Wiki meetup in Oslo in September 2018. Anine Kierulf, Research Director at the Norwegian National human rights institution, speaking
Meetup for Wikimedia Norge's Sami Advisory group at Wikimania 2018
editIn this section we will present the impact of our work in 2017–2018 when it comes to supporting volunteer activities and the Northern Sami Wikipedia project. Impact from the Northern Sami Wikipedia project is also presented under program 2.
Northern Sami project: Our project to support and improve the Northern Sami Wikipedia and bring more Sami content to the Wikimedia projects is progressing according to plan. This work is directly in line with the Wikimedia movement's strategic direction of knowledge equity. Following the 2017 Celtic Knot conference in Edinburgh, we put together the Sami Advisory Group, which consists of experienced Wikimedians who also work on/with small or minority languages that we from whom we can get input, feedback and ideas. In December 2017 we held a survey amongst current and former contributors to the Northern Sami Wikipedia to get a better idea of what we can do to help improve the project. In the summer of 2018 we had stalls at two of the biggest Sami festivals in Norway, Riddu Riđđu and Márkomeannu to do outreach to potential contributors and partners. The organizers of both festivals were satisfied with us and have invited us back for next year. When we visited the Sami parliment in September 2018 to present our work on Northern Sami Wikipedia many of the politicians commented that they had met us at these festival and this tells us how importnat it is to visit local Sami communities outside Oslo. All of the weekly writing contests that are organized on the Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia also include the Norwegian Nynorsk and Northern Sami Wikipedias, and in two of the contests a contributor from the Northern Sami Wikipedia has won.
I would like to nominate Wikimedia Norge (WMNO) for the Gollegiella Award since they have been trying to promote and strengthen the use of the Sámi languages for a long time now by supporting and encouraging the creation of the world’s first Northern Sámi encyclopedia in a multitude of ways. WMNO has come up with various means to do this: weekly competitions held jointly for the Norwegian Wikipedias and the Northern Sámi Wikipedia, disseminating information about new articles via Facebook and other platforms, networking with Wikipedia users of other minority and indigenous languages, creating links between WMNO and educational institutions, etc.
— Nomination for the Gollegiella Award, a Nordic Sami Language Award awarded by the Sami Parliaments in Norway, sweden and Finland, submitted by a Finnish citizen September 2018
Wikigrants: Wikigrants are awarded twice a year and travel grants throughout the year. Applications for wikigrants are send in from both active and new volunteers, which gives it a good mix of people who apply. There is a committee of volunteers, a staff member and board member who decides which grants are awarded. We will continue to award grants the next years but will need to consider who we keep the group of appliers diverse. Travel grants are given for volunteers to participate at wiki meetups our general assembly and other events throughout the year. Travel grants are important for including volunteers outside Oslo. Our general assembly 2019 will be in the City of Tromsø (2 hour flight from Oslo) which will require travel grants for people traveling from Oslo.
Wikipedia Library: Twice a year access to resources behind paywall is distributed among volunteers. The resources (mainly newspaper archive) has the last year been used to a high extent by volunteers adding references which we can see from a yearly report on useage send to us by the provider of the resource. Throughout the year we apply for access to for volunteers who have use of access to the digital collections from The National Library from a foreign IP address. For volunteers contributing to the Northern Sami Wikipedia, is a way of accessing sources in Sami languages. We will continue our Wikipedia Library projcet the next two years based on positive feedback from volunteers.
Wiki meetups: There are regular meetups at Litteraturhuset (House of Literature) in Oslo every three months which are led by volunteers and supported monetarily by Wikimedia Norge. The meetups are organized as lectures, where external subject experts talk about their field and its relation to Wikipedia. The attendance varies depending on the speaker, but it's usually between 20 and 60 people. Popular speakers will often draw in a lot of "outsiders", which is a good way to introduce them to Wikipedia and talk about what we're trying to achieve. During this period we have also held two Wikidata workshops mainly aimed at experienced Wikipedians, teaching them how to use more advanced Wikidata features such as SPARQL queries and various tools. The workshops have been a success, and several contributors have expressed a desire for more of them.
The wiki meetups are important for our community to function as well as it does. Online communities have great challenges when it comes to creating a good and inclusive environment when a diverse group of people need to cooperate. Wikipedia is probably one of the rare exceptions to this.
Contests: The weekly editing contests are mostly run by volunteers, but we organize contests that helps build momentum for other projects or events we do troughout the year. This funding year and next year we will do fewer but multiple week contest as we have done with Wikimedia Armenia and Wiki Loves Monuments already. During Oslo Freedom Forum we did a contest on human rights and the winner, a volunteer on Northern Sami Wikipedia, won the main price sponsored by Oslo Freedom Forum; a 3 day ticket to Oslo Freedom Forum 2019 in Oslo. In 2019 we're planning an internatinal Sami writing contest (well'll launch this idea at WikiNEM in October 2018) and a 2 week long Women in Red contest in December 2018.
Intern program: Every January and May we welcome inters to our office from OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. The interns are bachelor library students and do different projects at our office depending on their skills and interest. Two of the interns have been involved in Wikimedia Norge projects and international Wikimedia conferences and the interns are a way for us to get to know and invest in female volunteers for both online and offline projects. In a long-term perspective, we see the intern program as a pool for future candidates for Wikimedia projects, both paid staff positions and volunteer engagements.
In-kind donations: The potential for in-kind donations in Norway is high and a way for us to diversify the funding awarded to WMNO. We will work more systematically on increasing in-kind donations and type of donations the next two years, as this is an oppourtunity we have in our national context.
New partners: For our Northern Sami project we have established some new partnerships. There's the Samisk Hus in Oslo, which is a gathering point for Sami living in the capital; Várdobáiki, a Sami center in Norhern Norway, and the cultural festivals Riddu Riđđu and Márkomeannu, as well as Saemien Studeenth Tråantesne, a student organization for Sami students in Trondheim.
Leassons learned
edit- Applications for Wiki scholarships: One of our experiences with the wikigrants we offer is that it can be difficult to get people to apply – most of the applicants have applied because we have told them about and encouraged them to apply.
- Involvement from a diverse group of volunteers: We have found that it takes a lot of time to make improvements in this area. We need to prove ourselves and "get a foothold" before we can make progress, which takes its time.
- Wiki meetups: The format of our regular wiki meetups is labour-consuming, and we need to make the process scale so that the work that is put into them doesn't exhaust the volunteer organizers.
- Editing trainings for refugees: We have held two editing sessions for refugees in cooperation with Oslo municipality, but found it difficult to make any meaningful progress because of language barriers, both orally and when trying to teach someone how to edit a Wikipedia in a language we don't have any experience (Arabic in this case). A prerequisite to give this another go would be to have someone who is familiar with both Wikipedia and the language in question.
editTarget | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Progress (end of year) | Comments |
Award 12 wiki scholarships and travel grants | 13 | 10 | 15 | Project page for wikigrants |
Award access (done twice a year) to online resources through the Wikipedia Library | 10 | 5 | 12 | Projcet page for Wikipedia Library |
Apply for press accreditation for volunteers | 7 | 9 | 14 | Accreditation applied for by WMNO for Commons photogtaphers taking pictures at concerts and music festivals |
Share 10 stories written by editors on our blog about community initiatives, 5 of them in English | 11 (5 in English) | 8 (4 in English) | 13 (6 in English) | Wikimedia Norge blog |
Help community members organise 5 wiki meetups for volunteers and 2 editing trainings for newbies | 9 | 5 | 8 | Projcet page for wiki meetups |
Organise 2 technical wiki meet ups | 0 | 1 | 3 | Two Wikidata workshops and one drone safari: projcet page for wiki meetups |
Provide streaming of 2 events | 1 | 1 | 2 | We streamed Reserhers Days and our general assembly March 2018 |
Organize or coorganize online editing contests | 7 | 3 | 5 | Project page for weekly online editing contests |
Continue our intern program | 2 interns | 1 intern | 2 interns | Inters welcomed in January ans May |
Organize #faktajakt/#1lib1ref | Participated in #1lib1ref | This year's intern worked on a Wikidata project instead of #1lib1ref | ||
Announce events on the village pump so active editors can help out online | We did this in 2016–2017 as well as this year |
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Progress (end of year) | Comments |
Get 3 partners as coorganizers for online editing contests | 5 | 2 | 3 | |
Get 4 sponsored prizes from partners for online editing contests | 5 | 1 | 3 | A decline here reflects that we have concentrated on fewer partners |
Get 5 venues to use for events as in-kind donations | 9 | 7 | 11 |
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Progress (end of year) | Comments |
Organise an online editing contests in collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia on female biographies on Norwegian and Armenian Wikipedia | 4 week long contest | 2 week long contest in March 2018 | Contest page | |
Host an Art+Feminism workshop together with partner institution | Workshop at Oslo National Academy of the Arts | Hosted with Norwegian Society of Composers | ||
Hold a survey among editors on Northern Sami and establish contact with former and active editors | Survey is published here | |||
Provide translations of information about WMNO and Wikipedia in Northern Sami | Bylaws translated | and survey translated | Bylaws translated | |
Establish 2 new partnerships with Sami institutions | 2 | 4 | Sami House and Language Center Oslo, Riddu Riđđu Festivàla, Márkomeannu festival, Várdobáki Language Center |
Achived outcome for this program
See metrics and targets listed for this program in our rewritten proposal from January 2018
- Participants: 824
- Newly registered: 124
- Content pages: 16,183
- Diversity: 130
- Community hours: 574
Every year Nordland county library participate at Márkomeannu Sami Festival with a Festival Library. Wikimedia Norge attended this year to inform participants at the Márkomeannu festival, both organizers and guests of the sami festival of the important work Wikimedia can do for Sami culture.
— Sissel Anita Holtet, special advisor, Nordland county library
Program Closing content gaps
Event at The Natinal Archive June 2018 about the Bodil Biørn project, from left: Anette Alsvik, The National Archive, Per Kristian Ottersland, The National Archive, Inger Marie Okkenhaug, profesor in history and writer of a Bodil Biørn biography, Jussi Biørn, Bodil Biørn's grandson
Astrid Carlsen from Wikimedia Norge visiting The Genocide Museum in Jerevan with a Wikimedia Armenia volunteer, as part of the Bodil Biørn project
Jean-Philippe Béland from Wikimedia Canada, Jon Harald Søby and Astrid Carlsen from Wikimedia Norge giving a presentation at Wikimania 2018 on How majorities can support minority languages: examples from Norway, South America and Canada
Library students from OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University working for 6 months at a Women in Red project as part of their curriculum. The project is a collaboration between Wikimedia Norge, The National Libary and OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University.
editIn this section we will present the impact of our work in 2017–2018 when it comes to content added on the Wkimedia projects in volunteer projects or content added as a result of our partnerships in Glam and education.
High quality images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons: In the past Glam institutions in Norway have done mass uploads to Wikimedia Commons with help from Wikimedia Norge or with the help from Wikipedians in Residence. This last year we have encouraged smaller uploads and the use of a free license on Flickr for Flickr to commons uploads of image collections in a diversity perspective. Examples of this are: images from Riddu Riddu festival, Sami parliament, Bodil Biørn collection. A group of volunteers take images at concert and festivals. Wikimedia Norge applies for press accreditation and volunteers makes uploads the images to commons with the help of other volunteers in categorizing. Volunteers have been encouraged to focus on take photos of female musicians and artist. The image use of the concert photos is 23 % (1455 images / 341 distinct image use) and is used on as many as 54 different language versions of Wikipedia.
Drone project: The drone project was an initiative from volunteers and the outline of the project and guidelines for using the drone was written by volunteers on a project page. Volunteers have organized drone safaris with some help from Wikimedia Norge. During the winter months (when it's quite dark outside in Norway) the drone is not much used and the drone will be lent out to Open Foundation West Africa until April 2019. This is an easy way of sharing our resources with other affiliates. Images and films can be seen on Wikimedia Commons. We're planning a new drone safari in 2019 so more volunteers qualify for using it.
After joining a drone safari organized by Wikimedia Norge in March 2018 I have borrowed the Wikimedia Norge drone to take images in Oslo. This is a great project and an interesting way of contributing to Wikimedia Commons with high quality images. Images I have uploaded can be viewed here.
Collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia: Wikimedia Norge and Wikimedia Armenia have over several years had a collaboration focusing on online writing contests, visiting volunteers to both countries and the Bodil Biørn project funded by The Arts Council in Norway. We will continue our collaboration the next year and have together applied for funding to continue the Bodil Biørn project and staff members from both affiliates look forward to presenting the project at the Glam conference in Tel Aviv in November 2018.
Wiki Loves Monuments: WLM 2018 saw a redesigned contest page (that is mobile-friendly, unlike in previous years). The participation has been better than for years, with more than 1,000 photos submitted. The jury consists of four people, two of which are experienced Commons photographers, and two of which are external experts from the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage, and from Preus Museum, the national museum of photography.
Uploads from The National Library: The uploads from the National Library to Wikidata, part of the Northern Sami project, are underway, though delayed because of illness and other commitments. The material consists of a database of 26,000 works in the Sami bibliography, spanning more than 30 languages. The data is formatted with the MARC 21 standard, and once we have finished our upload we are hoping to generalize the scripts we have made for the data harvesting and conversion so that they can be reused by other affiliates or volunteers.
Bodil Biørn project: In August 2018, the uploading of the 200 Bodil Biørn images, transcriptions of image texts and translations to English and Armenian were done. One of our former interns did the transcriptions on collaboration with staff at The National Archives. The project has gotten quite a lot of attention in press and for conference presentations. The collaboration with our colleagues at Wikimedia Armenia has been excellent and it's motivating for us to work closely together with other Wikimedia affiliate’s staff members. The funding form The Arts Council also covered the travel for a staff member from Wikimedia Norge to visit Wikimedia Armenia in Yerevan and The Genocide Museum in Yerevan who endorsed our funding application to The Arts Council. We have applied for a second round of funding in September 2018 for transcribing letters from Bodil Biørn and translate to English and Armenian. The project will be presented at * Glam wiki Conference (conference submission accepted) together with Wikimedia Armenia i Tel Aviv, Israel, 2–3 November 2018 and 15th Image and Research International Conference (paper accepted) together with The National Archive in Girona, Spain, 21–23 November 2018. Project on Phabricator.
All the participants in the project have a mutual interest in making these documents known for a broader audience. The volunteer engagement is a great resource for adding accurate metadata and context to the photographs and the volunteer contributions are of high importance. Partnerships like this might be an instrument to help reach the goal of making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content to everyone, in their own language.
— In Summary of paper accepted by the 15th Image and Research International Conference, International Council on Archives (ICA). Title of paper: Bodil Biørn’s photo collection from Armenia, written by Anette Alsvik, The National Archives of Norway and Astrid Carlsen, Wikimedia Norge
Vestfold museums: Digital museum to Wikimedia Commons: We have started a collaboration with the Vestfold museums (a collection of several museums in Vestfold county) to upload images from and of their collections to Commons. The images are published on a platform called Digitalt Museum, which is used by museums in Norway and Sweden, and Wikimedia Sverige has already done something similar, so the scripts they have made can be repurposed for this collaboration.
Conference at The Directorate for Cultural Heritage: In June, we were invited to The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage to give a talk at a conference about digitalization of cultural heritage collections. Being among one of the few volunteer organizations invited to speak at this conference, with attendance from both director general of The Directorate of Cultural Heritage and the director general of The National Archive and several other state cultural institutions shows that we are a trustworthy and interesting partner to work with. In preparing for our talk, we asked for input from volunteers who had worked with cultural heritage on Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia.
Women in Red project: Over the last 8 months Wikimedia Norge has been discussing a Women in Red project in collaboration with The National Library and OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. The National Library and Wikimedia Norge are together financing a 50 % position for 6 months in 2018 and 2019 who will focus on using digital material from The National Library in biographies about women on Wikipedia, Wikidata and WikiSource. We’re planning a two-week Women in Red contest in December to involve volunteers. Project page for Women in Red.
Over the years both The National Library and Wikimedia Norge have welcomed library student interns. And this spring OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, building on our feedback and ideas, decided to offer a new subject for the students as part of the Women in Red project. The students will write or translate articles about women in literature, women in film and Indian activists as part of their project management course. Both Siko Bouterse from Whose Knowledge and Rosie Stephson-Goodknight from Women in Red have been very helpful with resources on Indian activist. This project is just started in September 2018 and we are excited to report in January 2019 on our first Glam/Education/Gender Gap project. This is a strategic direction that is important for Wikimedia Norge, and which we have worked on achieving over several years, to get different partners working on the same project from different angles.
Wikipedia and education: Both in the fall of 2017 and the spring of 2018 we held lectures at The University of Oslo, and we also have had one lecture at Åsane Folk High School. We wrote a short piece for the education newsletter about the lecture at Åsane Folk High School.
In 2018 we did two Wikipedia editing trainings for communication staff at higher education partner institutions. One volunteer attended the lecture at The University of Oslo in spring 2018, and went on to host two Wikipedia editing trainings for the communication staff of The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, described in this blog post. We also had one 3 hour Wikipedia editing training for the communication staff at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. The follow up discussions of this training led to an agreement on further collaboration on sharing of academic knowledge on Wikimedia projects, which is a work we will start in the fall of 2018.
Since 2015 we have had a collaboration with The University of Oslo on teaching Wikipedia editing to master’s students in history and archaeology. The last of these courses, at least for a while, were held in 2018. During these years we have learned a lot about how to build successful events and trainings for newcomers, and what approach work in an academic context. We will use this experience in our future work together with OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. Our approach to the education collaboration with OsloMet will be broader and more diverse than previous education collaborations, with courses for both students and staff in Wikipedia editing, but will also include Wikidata projects together with other partners. We will also continue to welcome student interns from the Bachelor’s Programme in Library and Information Science at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University the next years.
The communcation departement at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University had great use of the 3 hour seminar held by Wikimedia Norge about Wikipedia editing. Our staff were surprised when they understood how many tools and possibilities Wikipedia offer. Especially the different statistic tools on page views of articles on Wikipedia.
— Hallvard Lavoll, communication manager at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
Leassons learned
edit- The Wikidata upload of the Sami bibliography was more techniqually challenging then we anticipated, so in the next years we will be more considerate to the time it will take to do an upload like this. We also need to have in place an agreement with the institution how are sharing the data on how we can report back to them on inconsistencies we come across. But we are very happy we now have a staff member with the needed qualifications to do uploads like this. We anticipated a lot of our Glam work will shift from Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia to Wikidata and we have the capacity to follow up on this shift. In the Norwegian context, this is uploads where a staff member need to be involved at the beginning, it's not something we can expect or ask a volunteer to take on.
- Working on Glam donations related to Sami cultural heritage we need to discuss with Sami communities if it can be a provocation for Sami people that the specific content is shared under a free licence. This is for sure something we can discuss with other affiliates also who are working on sharing collections from for example colony times.
- There are a lot of regulations for flying a drone in Norway. We need to plan for repeatedly drone safaris to make sure the volunteers who use it get the training they need to feel comfortable flying the drone with no risk of violating these regulations.
editTarget | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Progress (end of year) | Comments |
Upload high quality images with usage on different language editions of Wikipedia |
35,028 Image usage 7,804 / 22 % |
2,647 | 7,247 | The decline is a result of our focus on fewer partners over time. They have contributed with large image uploads already. But at the same time we have an increase in Wikidata uploads. |
Engage in international partnerships with other Wikimedia affiliates | 1 | 2 | 3 | We are continuing our collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia. We will work with Wikimedia Sverige in Wikidata projects where they have loads of experience, with the conference WikiNEM as a starting point. We're starting a drone project collaboartion with Open Foundation West Africa in October 2018. |
Organise 2 photo contests: Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth | 2 | 1 | 1 | Contest page Wiki LOves Monuments 2017. The interest in Wiki Loves Earth was not that big in 2017 and we decided to prioritize other activities in the Bodil Biørn project instead. |
Organize a 2 week long online writing contest with Wikimedia Armenia in March 2018 | March 2018 | Contest page | ||
Collaborate and learn from Wikimedia Sverige on a Wikidata mass upload | We decided the conference WikiNEM was the best starting point and will report on it in our progress report. | |||
Active participation in four international Wikimedia conferences | 2 | 2 | 5 | With active we mean that we take part in the program of the conference (workshop, lightning talk etc.) The presentation, How majorities can support minority languages?, we held together with Jean-Philippe Béland from Wikimedia Canada/WikiNAIL and Eddie Avila from Global Voices at Wikimania 2018. |
Set up an international wikimedian advisory group on small language Wikipedias for the Northern Sami project | Done in December 2017 | Project page Northern Sami Wikipedia with overview of advisory group | ||
Co-write 2 Learning patterns from cross chapter work | 0 | 2 | Learning pattern: Cross chapter collaboration on wiki writing contest Learning pattern: Conference workshop to help kickstart a project on a smaller language Wikipedia | |
Allocate resources from WMNO to two international conferences of highly relevance to WMNO’s programs | 2 | We have supported Celtic Knot 2017 and Wikimedia Diversity Conference financially |
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Progress (end of year) | Comments |
Continue 3 established Glam partnerships and establish 1 new with a Sami Glam institution | 4 | 4 | 5 | Established Glam partnerships are with The National Library, The National Archives and The Nobel Peace Center. Partnership started with the Sami Glam isntitution Várdobaiki |
Encourage and help with mass uploads with a focus on Sami cultural heritage | 1 | 1 | The Sami Bibliography from The National Library is uploaded to Wikidata | |
Organize 3 online writing contests with topics relevant for Glam institutions | 6 | 2 | 4 | Contests organized with The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The Nobel Peace Center, The National Archive and Oslo Freedom Forum |
Give Wikipedia lecturers at 4 higher education institutions | 4 | 2 | 5 | The University of Oslo, The University of Tromsø x 1 x 2, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University x 1 |
Welcome two interns from a higher education institutions to our office in January and May | 2 | 1 in January | 1 in May | The intern from January will join WMNO at the WikiNEM conference in Stockholm in October 2018 as a volunteer. |
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Progress (end of year) | Comments |
Involve two Glam partner institutions in Wikidata uploads and one new Sami partner institution | 1 | 1 | 1 | The National Library uploads to Wikidata; The Sami bibliograhphy and Bibsys - Authors from the Norwegian National Library's database were the first major uploads we have done and we decided that it made more sense to focus on a few major uploads from one partner organization |
Organize Art+Feminism | In March 2017 at Oslo National Academy of the Arts | In March 2118 at Norwegian Society of Composers | ||
Organize a cross chapter collaboration | Collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia | Collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia | Collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia |
Achived outcome for this program
See metrics and targets listed for this program in our rewritten proposal from January 2018
- Participants: 435
- Newly registered: 109
- Content pages: 12,947
- Diversity: 20,122
- Community hours: 249
At the Norwegian Society of Composers' women's seminar in April 2018, a collaboration on emphasizing each others work was launched. Female composers are nearly invisible in the writing of music history, and female composers' works are under-communicated. Many of us wished to contribute to writing current and former female members into history, and making female actors in the creating fields more visible – especially when it comes to composition, but also music in general. We were made aware of Wikimedia Norge's drive to recruit more female contributors, and Jorid Martinsen held a writing workshop for female composers. It was a very useful workshop where we learned about the possibilities and limitations. Everyone who participated started writing articles, a few of which have been published, and we will follow up on the work of lifting forward our female composers by writing articles. We have made an overview of which female members (both living and deceased) who are not yet in Wikipedia, in order to put together a list for Women in Red.
— Beate Styri, Head of Communication, Norwegian Society of Composers
Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge
Emmanuel Jal speaking at the Oslo Freedom Forum 2018. Events were documentet by a Wikimedia Commons photographer
Staff from Wikimedia Norge and Netblocks formed a parternship at the Oslo Freedom Forum 2018. Netblocks is a civil society group working at the intersection of digital rights, cyber-security and internet governance
Researher Days 2018, seminar by Wikimedia Norge on how to make women more visible in arts and culture
Wikinobel 2017, Liv Tørres, Executive Director at The Nobel Peace Center, and user:Telaneo editing Wikipedia during wikinobel
editIn this section we will present the impact of our work in 2017–2018 when it comes to working with annual conferences and other organizations for free knowledge. This program have grown bigger over the last year and if we expand further with more activities or partnership we will need to secure national funding to do so.
Researches Days: In September 2017 we took part in the annual Researchers Days festival, where various institutions working with research and knowledge are invited to showcase their work to the public. Our event “How to write women back into history?” was a great success. Over 100 people participated and over 800 watched the streaming of the event. We invited a representative from a Glam institution and a representative from a higher education to a debate on women's place in history. This was the second year hosting an event during the Researchers Days, and we are glad to see how Wikimedia Norge has been included as a partner in the field of academic knowledge sharing. This is something that has changed over the last 4 years. At the 2018 Researches Days we’re building on the momentum from 2017 with an event considering different ways of making women more visible in the arts and culture and present our Women in Red project.
Oslo Freedom Forum: On the initiative of a volunteer the executive director of Wikimedia Norge and the volunteer, a commons photographer, where invited to the Oslo Freedom Forum 2017. In 2018, with a connection made by Alex Wang at Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Norge where invited to take part at the Tech Lab. Staff members, Norwegian volunteers and volunteers from Sweden /Morocco and the Middle East took part at the event by taking photos (category on Commons), talking to interested participants, teaching Wikipedia editing and WMNO staff members talked to other organizations present at the Tech Lab, like NetBlocks. Before the event we worked with staff members at The Human Rights Foundation to prepare meetings and uploads to Wikimedia Commons, but we only started this in April 2018 and the conference was in May 2018, so next year we will start planning earlier and focus more on setting up meetings then relying on people stopping by us in the Tech Lab.
Human Rights Foundation also generously funded the stay of the Wikipedian from the Middle East (blog post about his stay in Oslo) as Wikimedia Foundation could only provide a travel grant for the Wikipedian from Sweden / Morocco. Wikimedia Norge will in the future work on including a diversity of volunteers in our work, even though this requires more effort and resources. We are very glad to be invited back to Oslo Freedom Forum 2019 as it is a conference very relevant for our work. During the conference week, the weekly editing contest on Wikipedia was about human rights and the 1 prize, a 3-day ticket for Oslo Freedom Forum 2018 was sponsored by Human Rights Forum. We hope other affiliates can join Oslo Freedom Forum events organized around the world and we are happy to share our experiences with anyone interested.
The Human Rights Foundation was excited to invite Wikimedia Norge to participate at the 2018 Oslo Freedom Forum. Specifically, we collaborated at our Tech Lab, where dissidents, activists, and journalists exchanged information with pioneers in technology to discuss how to promote freedom and challenge censorship online. Recruiting our community to become active Wikipedians and to start adding to articles about various human rights situations around the world everywhere from Afghanistan to Togo is an important first step towards making sure that the information on Wikipedia has strong perspectives from the human rights community.
wikinobel: For the last 3 years Wikimedia Norge and The Nobel Peace Center have collaborated on the #wikinobel event held at The Nobel Peace Center the day the Nobel Peace Prize laureate is announced. Volunteers and staff members from Wikimedia Norge have done an edit-a-thon at the Nobel Peace Center updating Wikipedia about the laureate. This year we will try a new concept, an evening event at The Nobel Peace Center with also the Swedish embassy as a coorganizator and the event will be under the headline: 104 peace prize laureates, why are only 16 of them women? The event is planned for October 24, 2018.

Partnerships NetBlocks and Whose Knowledge? Following the international strategy direction and the new Wikimedia Norge strategy Wikimedia Norge have wanted to search for partners focusing in different ways on diversity. We're glad to have established international partnerships with NetBlocks and Whose Knowledge. These organizations work both on knowledge as a service and knowledge equity and are very valuable partners for Wikimedia Norge to have when we frame our diversity work and we hope of course we can be a useful partner for these two organizations as well. In the following years Wikimedia Norge will focus on building international partnerships that goes beyond the Wikimedia movement. Blog post on about collaboration between NetBlocks and Wikimedia Norge.
Wikimedia Norge and Netblocks share a vision of a free Internet and of making knowledge available to everyone. At The 2018 Oslo Freedom Forum, human rights advocates from the entire world have gathered this week to exchange experiences. Wikimedia Norge and Netblocks used the conference as an opportunity to start our collaboration on access to knowledge globally in the face of increasing government censorship. Both organizations are strong believers in access to Internet and knowledge as a basic for democracy and freedom of speech. The vision for the Wikimedia movement is to imagine a world in which every single human being freely can share in the sum of all knowledge, while Netblocks is striving for an open and inclusive digital future for communities around the world.
WikiGap: As a part of the global Swedish WikiGap campaign in March 2018, we teamed up with The Swedish Embassy in Oslo and Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund for a edit-a-thon on female human rights activists. We seletcted this topic as it also is linked to our collaboration with The Nobel Peace centre and the conference Oslo Freedom Forum. Before the event we created a list of relevant biographies missing based on Wikidata entries. The event was a success and together with the embassy we have planned to host together two more events on the same topic in 2018-2019: At the Nobel Peace Center in October 2018 as this year's Wikinoble and a Wikigap evnet March 7 in the city of Tromsø. The University of Tromsø will also most likely be a part of the 2019 WikiGap event.
Leassons learned
edit- We are indeed a valuable partner for both events and partnerships and should always be bold in putting our expectations and fears on the table when we collaborate with partners. The last year we have significantly increased the amount of in-kind donations by being bolder in our requests to partners.
- When we do events on access to free knowledge we strive to include different voices and participants from outside Norway as well. This is important and in line with our strategy but it’s more difficult to organize, it requires more resources and may not always be possible to do. In the next years, we will choose some events where we do this based on the impact we think it can have for all involved.
editTarget | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Progress (end of year) | Comments |
Regularly update social media channels with stories from community members and our national and international work | Quarterly communication reports that reflects our work | Quarterly communication reports that reflects our work | The communication reports are based on our communication plan and gives an overview of our communications work from June 2017 till September 2018. | |
Have photo documentation from events | Done occasionally | Done on a regular basis | Done on a regular basis | Category on Commons |
Get national press coverage x 2 | 6 | 4 | 12 | 11 news articles and 1 radio intervview |
Send out 4 newsletters during the year to all WMNO members | 4 | 2 | 4 | |
Post 15 blog posts on our blog | 16 | 13 | 18 |
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Progress (end of year) | Comments |
Work in partnerships with two annual national events on science, open knowledge and open access and | 1 | 2 | 3 | The Researcher Days, Open access week at University of Oslo and Oslo Fredom Forum 2018 |
During these events use social media actively to advocate for knowledge equity and questions on open access | Quarterly communication report that reflects our work | |||
Use the annual event #wikinobel, a collaboration between WMNO and the Nobel Peace Center, to advocate (press coverage, social media) for the importance of free knowledge | Wikimedia blog post written by WMNO staff | News article written by WMNO staff | ||
Support the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU | Gave support | Done in June 2018 |
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Progress (end of year) | Comments |
Host or co-host two events with partner institutions about the lack of diversity and underrepresented groups on the Wikimedia projects | 2 | 2 | 6 | Researchers Days 2017, #wikinobel 2017, Open Access week, University of Oslo 2017, wikigap with the Swedish Embassy, Oslo Freddom Forum 2018, seminar at The National Archive on Bodil Biørn |
Do 4 Wikipedia editing trainings with higher education partners | 4 | 2 | 5 | University of Oslo and OsloMet x 3 – Oslo Metroplitan University x 1, University of Tromsø x 1 |
Achived outcome for this program
See metrics and targets listed for this program in our rewritten proposal from January 2018
- Participants: 434
- Newly registered:
- Content pages:
- Diversity: 40 % of newly registered define themselves as women
- Community hours: 169
This year I was offered to be part of the Oslo Free Forum 2018 conference. This conference tries to bring together notable people, including former heads of state, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, prisoners of conscience, as well as of other public figures to network and exchange ideas about human rights and exposing dictatorships. But why should I be invited to such a conference? I was not a head of state, I was not even a very important person if you compared me with the other guests? (...) But could I do anything as simple Wikipedian to make a change? Yes, I could document and write about those who were brave enough to march in the streets and got into prison. We tried to document as much as possible in Wikipedia as it was one a few outlets that people of my country had to the free world. As result of our work if you google the name of those people, now we have the record of them on the web.
Revenues received during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)
editPlease use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.' = Exchange rate: 0.119 USD
Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan Membership fees and privat donations NOK 112,000 27,318 8,098 15,966 13,150 64,532 13,328 7,679 APG from Wikimedia Foundation NOK 1,850,000 462,500 462,500 462,500 462,500 1,850,000 220,150 220,150 Other project funding NOK 60,000 72,765 37,500 37,500 147,765 7,140 17,584 Prizes and food donated by partners NOK Not budgeted 2,000 2,000 2,000 22,000 28,000 3,332 Prizes sponsored by Glam and educational partners Venues paid for by partners NOK Not budgeted 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 70,000 8,330 Wikinobel at The Nobel Peace Center, UiO - Open Access editing event. Kulturhuset Researcher's night, Tøyen Start Up Village x 3, Sami House x 2, The Swedish Resident, seminar at The National Archives Conference fees and conference hotel stay NOK Not budgeted 150,000 150,000 17,850 Oslo Freedom Forum Pro bono speakers at wiki meetups NOK Not budgeted 20,000 20,000 50,000 90,000 10,710 TOTAL NOK 2,022,000 526,818 560,363 707,966 605,150 2,398,093 240,618 285,373
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Notes Tabel 2:
- 19 % of our total budget is national funding. Last year 13 % of our total budget was national funding. Over the next two years WMNO is aiming at 30 % of our budget being national funding.
- Development in in-kind donations over the past 3 years: 2015–2016: 20,000 NOK. 2016–2017: 109,000 NOK. 2017–2018: 338,000 NOK.
Spending during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)
editPlease use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. = 0,119
Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- (The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan Payroll expenses NOK 1,268,004 376,113 352,049 346,538 252,305 1,327,005 150,893 157,914 105 % Rental cost NOK 126,000 22,139 25,942 23,260 30,335 101,676 14,994 12,099 81 % Leasing machinery etc. NOK 10,000 313 0 0 0 313 1,190 37 3 % Tools, furniture, movables etc. NOK 15,000 13,423 1,000 7,902 1,008 23,333 1,785 2,777 156 % Repair and maintenance NOK 2,000 425 580 5,546 3,484 10,035 238 1,194 502 % Foreign services NOK 150,000 44,956 22,456 65,719 20,281 153,412 17,850 18,256 102 % Office supplies NOK 16,000 432 213 6,319 2,529 9,493 1,904 1,130 60 % Telephone and postage NOK 11,000 0 4,075 14 21 4,110 1,309 489 37 % Travel expenses (staff and board) NOK 82,000 61,632 34,647 9,357 24,934 130,570 9,758 15,538 159 % Travel costs were underbudgeted for funding periode 2017-2018 and has been significantly increased for funding period 2018-2019. Sale, advertising and representation NOK 30,000 8,557 2,122 877 123 11,679 3,570 1,389 39 % Insurance and guarantee expenses NOK 0 344 344 362 362 1,412 0 168 Program 1 NOK 100,000 60,365 31,913 27,292 25,732 145,302 11,900 17,291 145 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Program 2 NOK 80,000 17,821 9,294 9,299 41,356 77,770 9,520 9,255 97 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Program 3 NOK 90,000 11,766 16,482 12,392 19,671 60,311 10,710 7,177 67 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Other expenses NOK 15,000 2,033 1,900 1,778 1,822 7,533 1,785 896 50 % TOTAL NOK 1,995,004 620,320 503,017 516,654 423,963 2,063,954 237,406 245,611 103 %
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Notes Tabel 3:
editIs your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?
editAs required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
edit- Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- Astrid Carlsen (WMNO) (talk) 17:35, 7 October 2018 (UTC)
editResources to plan for measurement
edit- Global metrics are an important starting point for grantees when it comes to measuring programmatic impact (Learning Patterns and Tutorial) but don’t stop there.
- Logic Models provide a framework for mapping your pathway to impact through the cause and effect chain from inputs to outputs to outcomes. Develop a logic model to map out your theory of change and determine the metrics and measures for your programs.
- Importantly, both qualitative and quantitative measures are important so consider both as you determine measures for your evaluation and be sure to ask the right questions to be sure to capture your program stories.
Resources for storytelling
edit- WMF storytelling series and toolkit (DRAFT)
- Online workshop on Storytelling. By Frameworks institute
- The origin of storytelling
- Story frames, with a focus on news-worthiness.
- Reading guide: Storytelling and Social change. By Working Narratives
- The uses of the story.
- Case studies.
- Blog: 3 Tips on telling stories that move people to action. By Paul VanDeCarr (Working Narratives), on
- Building bridges using narrative techniques. By
- Differences between a report and a story
- Question guides and exercises.
- Guide: Tools for Knowledge and Learning. By Overseas Development Institute (UK).
- Developing a strategy
- Collaboration mechanisms
- Knowledge sharing and learning
- Capturing and storing knowledge.