Grants:APG/Proposals/2017-2018 round 2/Wikimédia France/Progress report form

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing grant metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.



As previously explained, 2018 was a year of transition within Wikimedia France with many open files and not yet closed. Governance reform, budget recasting, new impact strategy and definitions of new indicators, implementation of a new strategic plan, all of which should give new impetus to the association. The new organization has made it possible to find a positive dynamic which should notably materialize by the launch of new promising projects but also by more pacified relations and a greater professionalisation of Wikimedia France. The relations with our counterparts of Wikifranca, the Lingua Libre tool and the Wikiconcours high school student will allow Wikimedia France to find very quickly in France a role of mediator and key partner for public institutions. This progress report gives an overview of ongoing projects, projects and shows the progress made in 6 months by the salaried team who is able to analyze and measure concretely the results of projects. However, the implementation of a new project management method and the publication of our new strategic plan, should allow us to gain even more in terms of skills, time and efficiency at the beginning of 2019.

Metrics and results overview - all programs


In 2018, Wikimedia France has started a complete overhaul of its indicators and calculation methods. The first draft of this overhaul had given rise to a more serious proposal with a major effort focused on the definition of realistic and achievable goals. This new orientation led to a collaboration with an impact assessment agency between September and December 2018. This collaboration enabled the emergence of the four major impacts of Wikimedia France and associated indicators. The result of his work will be available soon in English and on Wikimedia Commons. Before the implementation of this work in the wage practices during the first half of 2019, the main elements are already available in French here. Regarding the results presented in this report and to facilitate understanding of the indicators we use the following table:

Achieved Target has been achieved or exceeded
On track On track to achieve the target
Opportunity for improvement Some progress has been made towards achieving the target, but the target is not on track
Attention required Little or no progress has been made towards achieving the target

Metric End of the Year Targets 2018/19 2018/19 Half-Year Achieved Explanation
Participants GM1 14,075 3,877 This gap on the planned objectives is due to delays in the implementation of certain projects. (Ma Commune Wikipedia, Lingua Libre).
Newly registered editors GM2 2,180 592 We plan to reach our goals
Articles added/improved GM3 131,100 107,462 We plan to reach our goals and even exceed thems
Volunteer hours 4,155 2,306 We plan to reach our goals
Partners satisfaction 85% To be evaluated in June 2019 We plan to reach our goals

Telling your program stories - all programs


Theme 1: Partnerships and Content improvement

Overview of the past six months

A number of different activities to improve content have been carried out over recent months. We should mention for example the organisation of the traditional Wiki Loves Monuments event, which this year benefited from added visibility thanks to its presence at UNESCO for the European heritage days. For its part, the organisation of a hackathon as part of the Lingua Libre project gave fresh impetus to this project aimed at protecting rare spoken languages and which has proved increasingly useful since it was launched. Initiatives to encourage the development of Wikidata, like training at the IGN seminar for example, have also enabled the association to make progress towards achieving greater use of Wikimedia projects in professional environments. In this particular field, the GLAM project is also looking promising for the coming months and years. We have had the opportunity to organise concrete activities aimed at freeing up content, among which we should mention the signature of an agreement with the Municipality of Grenoble to encourage its institutions to contribute to Wikimedia projects, or the different workshops organised across France with local partners such as libraries. However, although all of these projects put forward by Wikipedia France have contributed to the life of the association, the key challenge for 2019, more so than ever before, is the promotional and communication work underway for these four activities. Lingua libre, the GLAM project, Wikidata and Wiki Loves Monuments all play their part in contributing to a common awareness-building and promotional effort aimed at refocusing, extending and enhancing our impact vis-a-vis our partners and our social, economic and cultural environments.

Quantitative indicators

Axe 1: Partnerships and Content improvement
Metrics 2018/19 Target Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Explanation
Participants 8,075 1,083 Opportunity for improvement The delay accumulated on certain projects and in particular in terms of communication has impacted the participation of the general public (Ma Commune Wikipedia, Lingua Libre). We expect to make up most of this delay in the next 6 months with concrete actions in this direction.
Newly registered editors 500 322 On track We plan to reach our goal by creating new accounts via the Lingua Libre project but also by GLAM activities already planned.
Pages added/improved 94,600 84,911 On track We should reach and exceed the intended goal because some content-providing actions have not yet been realized. In the same way, Lingua Libre workshops should still produce tens of thousands of contents.
Volunteer hours 1,745 1,092 On track We have included participation in working meetings, activities carried out within GLAM partner organisations and the time required for a photo competition jury.
Partners satisfaction 85% To be evaluated in June 2019 On track This result will be collected by means of an annual survey sent out to all partners having supported a contribution-related activity during the year.
Images/media added to Commons 90,600 84,911 On track As explained above, we should exceed our goal. Even if the number of partnerships has not substantially increased, the number of contributions belonging to GLAM projects on Wikimedia commons has exceeded our expectations.
% uploaded media used in content pages 50% 50.5% Achieved Among the GLAM activities, the photo competitions, Lingua Libre and Ma Commune Wikipedia, we have set a target of 50% of files reused in other Wikimedia projects. This figure is based on an average between the reuse rates of these different projects
Leading volunteers (WLM+WLE) 11 14 Achieved Here, we take account of people involved in the organisation of the competition, the selection of photos and participation in the jury’s decisions. We managed to mobilize new people in the organization of competitions
Numbers of page views of Lingua Libre 2,000/days 135/days (32500/6 month) On track We have modified this indicator to take into account the number of pages viewed on Lingua Libre, which seems to us, all the same, indicative of the traffic generated by the site. The number of visitors required the setting up of an ethically problematic tracking system.
Numbers of recording session with Lingua Libre 10 4 On track Wikimédia France has committed to organising 10 recording workshops in various languages on its premises.
Number of photo accreditation granted 10 3 On track Some shows and public event are coming
Leading GLAM partners of WMFr 5 3 On track We currently have three partners involved as ambassadors for the movement. We would like to see two other partners take on this role thanks to the organisation of a GLAM meeting conférence.
Contributing activities organized within a GLAM partnership 24 23 Achieved We have already achieved this goal and should therefore exceed it.

Program and key activities


GLAM Program


The work carried out in recent months on the theoretical part of the GLAM project has made it possible to identify short, medium and long-term areas for improvement but above all has benefited from the continued support of Wikimedia France’s long-standing partners. This interest is also seen with more isolated organisations, for which the creation of a GLAM network meets a genuine demand. The association is taking advantage of this upsurge in popularity to strengthen its links with contacts working within the different cultural organisations and to support them to the best of our ability with their involvement in Wikimedia projects. We are making people aware of our wish to forge long-term partnerships in order to make contributing to Wikimedia projects a commonplace day-to-day affair. Welcoming a resident Wikimedian is one of these opportunities for which our partners are expressing a real interest, although financing this can be an obstacle for most of them. Despite this, we still have some way to go, particularly concerning the quality of the dialogue and support processes between the partners and Wikimedia France.

What has been done?

What will be done?

  • Organise a GLAM/Wikimedia conference in France.
  • Complete the partnership-monitoring process.
  • Finish the documentation concerning the GLAM project.
  • Obtain outside financing to introduce a Wikimedian in residence within interested organisations in the short term (the National Archives, the Mobilier National, the Hérault regional archives, the Municipality of Grenoble, etc.)
  • Educate our partners about analysis tools. Create an effective data collection system incorporating in the short term, for example, the retention rates for new contributors within our partner organisations.

Quick conclusion

A handful of ambassador partners firmly convinced of the value of Wikimedia projects and their relevance to their activities despite a French legal and cultural environments are insufficiently aware of free licenses and their benefits.

Local and architectural heritage


The interest paid to the general public about local heritage has never been denied in France. The success of a government initiative (a lotto financing the preservation of heritage) shows this desire for protection and conservation. That's why photo contests like WLM or WLE are still popular with volunteers and the public. A presentation of WLM at the UNESCO during the Heritage Days generated an important contribution to the competition. However, we need to diversify our activities to attract new contributors. We did not know how to do it in this first part of the year and particularly with the project "Ma Commune Wikipedia" imagined as a gateway to the contribution by this theme. Major development and communication needs have significantly delayed this project. We hope to fill this gap in the coming months.

What has been done?

  • Contacting partners to host events organised by the association (including UNESCO and the Musée de Cluny)
  • The organisation and running of the Wiki Loves Monuments photographic competition
  • Having a stand at UNESCO for the European heritage days in order to present the Wiki Loves Monuments competition
  • Organisation of a Wiki Loves Monuments prize-giving evening at Mozilla Paris
  • The start of brainstorming work on the redesign of the website
  • Extending the perimeter of the Wiki Loves Monuments competition to include small furniture and to inject fresh dynamism into the contribution process

What will be done?

  • Launch of the Wiki Loves Earth competition .
  • Organisation of a recurrent partnership with organisations such as UNESCO or the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine to finance and/or promote the Wiki loves Monuments competition.
  • Organise a recurrent partnership with organisations such as the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), l’IUCN (International union for the conservation of nature) and the FNH (the Foundation for Nature and Mankind) to finance and/or promote the Wiki loves Earth competition.
  • Training around sixty mayors in the Alès federation of municipalities to encourage them to open up their data to contribute this to Wikipedia via the Ma Commune Wikipédia project (My Wikipedia District).
  • Working with the ADULLACT (Association des Développeurs et Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres pour les Administrations et les Collectivités Territoriales - association of developers and users of free software for public administrations and local authorities) with a view to adding content to the Ma Commune Wikipédia project.
  • Organisation of a travelling photo exhibition featuring photos from the competitions supported and organised by the association.
  • Drafting organisational procedures and those concerning the running of recurrent events such as WLM and WLE
  • Organisation of a working group for participation in Wiki Loves Science.

Quick conclusion

A high potential for new contributors particularly through associations working to protect the architectural and local heritage but a lack of resources to take the Ma Commune Wikipédia project forward which would allow us to reach a wider audience.

Supporting the growth in oral contributions to Wikimedia projects

Lingua Libre project)
Recording session in Guadeloupeian Creole

Thanks to the work carried out over the space of almost 3 years, a new tool for participating in contribution activities has been developed and proposed to different communities who up until now were not particularly represented in Wikimedia projects. We are particularly proud of the fact that Occitan is the second most widely recorded language on Lingua Libre. With almost 60,000 recordings and a reuse rate of 70%, this initiative proposed and supported by Wikimedia France has proved its usefulness and demonstrated the benefits it offers for the movement. Recording workshops are being organised in Cameroon and in Quebec and we are naturally delighted with this. However, where promotion and development are concerned, there is still a great deal still to be done in order for Lingua Libre to really assume its full potential.

What has been done?

  • Organisation of a Lingua Libre hackathon in December 2018
  • Beginning of a process to consider the future of Lingua Libre and the future developments with the volunteer team.

What will be done?

  • Launch of monthly recording workshops
  • Organisation of a working day with associations representing speakers of these languages, linguists and Wikimedians in Paris.
  • Launch of a national communication campaign to present the initiative and to invite as many people as possible to use it.

Quick conclusion

This projects benefits of a large and ever-expanding team of volunteers supporting the project and opens the contribution to populations excluded from Wikimedia projects. However, there is a lack of technical skills within the salaried team which are needed to support a faster and more responsive expansion of the initiative.

Support for Wikidata


A conference on Wikidata was originally planned but it was finally decided to merge this event with the GLAM events scheduled in the spring. In addition to the high degree of overlap between the audiences for both events and the low level of volunteer commitment for the event, the employee in charge was reassigned to redesign the IT system for the chapter. However, we have carried out various training sessions in Wikidata and to support the uploading of data. These initiatives will continue in 2019, including among the things our intention to extend this training to our partners and volunteers

What has been done?

  • Wikidata training at the IGN seminar
  • Participation in the Pactols Nanterre datathon
  • Wikidatans were present in 3 teams at the hackathon held at the National Archives
  • "Free contribution evening" focused on Wikidata

What will be done?

  • Organisation of a training plan in French, in Wikidata and in SPARQL.
  • Two further datathons are planned.
  • A focus on Wikidata during the GLAM conference

Quick conclusion

The French context is favorable to us as the government is encouraging institutions to open up their data but too few of the association’s volunteers are able to run workshops, whether in contribution to the project or in SPARQL research.

Case studies

Ma Commune Wikipedia : The poorly defined project
Logo Ma Commune Wikipédia

The project Ma Commune Wikipedia has evolved a lot in three years by passing into the hands of different developers added to the departure of the employee in February 2017 who had brought this project to the origin. Today, we have a living site, to have an inventory of the contents of the territories of France and especially the municipalities. However, the missions have not been clearly redefined. The future of the project has been mentioned several times within the team as the idea of making it a platform for leading contributory events. In order to fully live the tool we must put important human and financial resources:

  • Define the expected results.
  • Develop a large-scale communication plan for the municipalities of France and especially with associations such as the Mayors of France.
  • Welcome an additional person on the salaried team to animate the platform, to meet potential partners and to bring the message of the Opendata to local authorities. (A volunteer in civic service or a trainee).

Without a concrete work of redesigning the project and the definition of a real objective, my Wikipedia community risks remaining a project without real public or real purpose.

Theme 2 - Working with Communities

Overview of the past six months

For association’s volunteers and the community, the main highlight of the last six months was the third French language Wikiconvention. In particular, this event organised at the Musée de Grenoble made it possible to get the French language community interested in the Wikimedia movement, with time devoted to a discussion of the movement’s new strategy or discussions concerning the affiliations committee. Discussions focusing on the GLAMs with several representatives of partner institutions and training sessions in Wikidata or Wiktionary helped to boost the volunteers’ knowledge and capacities. The French language Wikiconvention also made it possible to launch closer cooperation between the members of WikiFranca, and 2019 will be a pivotal year for assessing these changes and those which could result for the French-speaking Wikimedians. More generally, the second half of 2018 saw the launch of an initiative aimed at the French overseas territories and their inhabitants. The launch of a cooperation initiative with the French ministry for the overseas territories and the French development agency should lead to new projects for 2019, including, in the medium term, the appearance of local groups of contributors in these territories. The work of Les Sans Pages in Paris and elsewhere in France continues to involve numerous volunteers and Wikimedia France is actively supporting the different initiatives. Actions focusing on projects in regional and minority languages have been delayed due to the requirements of WikiFranca but also due to the fact that the Wikimedia communities are smaller and less integrated with the rest of the movement. Work to improve our focus and prioritisation are required if we want to increase the content in different languages and allow for wider participation.

Quantitative indicators

Axe 2. Working with Communities
Indicator 2018/19 Target
Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Participants 700 356 On track The photographic competition devoted to Overseas France and Wikiconvention francophone 2018 are the two main actions that brought the most participation.
Newly registered editors 330 70 On track The delays in the minority languages program and the difficulty of measuring the activities of local groups will certainly not allow us to achieve the expected objective. On the other hand, actions such as the Wiki4women or the month of the francophone contribution that will take place in March 2019 attract new contributors.
Pages added/improved 15,000 1,051 Attention required The decision taken by Wikimedia France to stop its partnership with Signes de Sens deprives us of a gift of 10,000 videos in French sign languages which will not allow us to achieve our goal.
Volunteer hours 1,950 1,020 On track The organization of the Wikiconvention francophone 2018, the jury of the photo competition dedicated to Overseas, contribution activities related to gender gap but also the involvement of the members of the micro-financing commission are the main activities requiring time volunteer.
Partners satisfaction 85% To be evaluated in June 2019 On track This result will be obtained by means of an annual survey sent out to all partners having supported at least one contribution-related activity during the year.
Contribution activities to reduce the gender gap on Wikimedia projects 25 11 On track The Wikisource contribution workshops organized at Wikimedia France or the workshops conducted by the Sans Pages in Paris and Marseille bring new dynamics of beneficial contribution to the association.
Number of contributors involved in the Languages of France project 10 10 On track The working group around the languages of France is dynamic and voluntary for new projects. We lack a direction of development because the group can not engage with the sixty linguistic communities existing in France. There is a real need for prioritization.
numbers of local leading volunteer organizers 35 20 On track We currently have 20 leading volunteers in France, they organize, coordinate or run a large part of the contribution activities in France. These volunteers will be meeting in 2019 in Paris to discuss with them the relationship between the chapter and local groups.
Numbers of events organized by local groups 100 71 On track We count all the activities listed in the agenda of Wikimedia France. We incorporate activities in the main objective is not necessarily the contribution but participates in the consistency of groups and the reception of potential new members.
Numbers of volunteers granted 60 25 On track The enlargement of the micro-financing commission has allowed us to improve transparency on the use of the funds of the association. We note, however, that some volunteers are reluctant to use the microfinance commission or ignore its existence. We need to improve this for the next six months while creating a real reporting system.
Contribution activities organized into Cléry contributor space 30 21 On track The contributor area of Wikimedia France is occupied very regularly for contribution activities (Archeotopia, Wikisource, the Sans Pages ...). This is a real asset for the community that has seized this space to organize both convivial and contributory events but has also brought the salaried team closer to the volunteers.
Number of document package requested 60 20 On track The month of francophone contribution is a moment of strong demand. In addition, some local groups participate in forums in the period from January to June and request documentation at that time.
Percentage of contributors claiming to have been supported by Wikimédia France 55% To be evaluated in June 2019 On track During the survey carried on February 2018, of the 172 respondents 43.9% stated that they received support from Wikimedia France. We would like to increase this figure to 55% in 2018-2019.

Program and key activities




During the first six months, our work focused on three target audiences: women, residents of the overseas territories and deaf or hard of hearing people. Our close working relationship with the group Les Sans Pages has made it possible to organise numerous workshops at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris but also on the premises of Wikimedia France. The "Photographiez les Outre-Mer" (Photographing the overseas territories) campaign organised in partnership with the Ministry of the overseas territories received extensive press coverage and enabled us to identify a number of interesting contacts in these territories. Unfortunately, we encountered less success with the third target audience. Although highly committed to maximising participation for deaf people, including through simultaneous translation in French sign language during our annual general meeting, Wikipedia France has terminated its partnership with the Signes de Sens association which, despite what had initially been agreed, refused to make the full corpus of its French sign language videos available on a free license.

What has been done?

  • The organisation of a photographic campaign aimed at the overseas territories in partnership with the Ministry for the overseas territories and the French development agency.
  • The organisation of monthly Wikisource workshops dedicated to female authors in the Wikimedia France contributors’ area.
  • Supporting Les Sans Pages with the organisation of contribution workshops at La Gaîté Lyrique to combat the gender gap in Wikimedia projects.

What will be done?

  • Photographic exhibition to highlight the winning photos from the "Photographiez les Outre-mer" campaign in February 2019
  • Launch of a second photographic campaign for the overseas territories and the organisation of specific contribution workshops.
  • Organisation of the second WikiGap event in partnership with UNESCO
  • Launch of a programme aimed at producing videos in French sign language in partnership with associations for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Quick conclusion

These actions bring a diversification of contributors’ profiles and a more representative content, which improves the quality of Wikimedia projects but the political message conveyed by some of those activities can generate animosity from a part of the Wikimedia community or potential donors.

Support for the community

Relief des Prétoriens (détail 2) - MBALyon 2019 - Editathon about the roman emperor Claude organized by the local group of Lyon and the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

As the key commitment on the part of the chapter and one which is central to most of our activities, support for the Wikimedian community has been increased through greater transparency and a clarification of the resources made available to the volunteers. The micro-financing committee’s budget has been increased from this year onwards. The local groups were involved in the drafting of the strategic plan and regular activities are organised in the contribution area on Wikimedia France’s premises. Additionally, the work of the salaried team has been made more visible thanks to a small weekly newsletter. However, we now need to consider the next steps by improving the coordination between the local groups and the association, as we have noted that a certain degree of incomprehension still remains.

What has been done?

  • Better relations and the re-establishment of trust and confidence
  • Greater transparency concerning the resources made available to volunteers
  • A close working relationship between the salaried team and the volunteers.

What will be done?

  • The organisation of an annual meeting between the local groups and the association.
  • Relaunch the Wikiletter to facilitate dialogue between the groups of Wikimedians
  • Encourage involvement and commitment by giving new thought to the way we welcome new members but also certain tools made available to volunteers.

Quick conclusion

An active and dynamic community with 70 actions organised in six months, However we noted a continued lack of understanding of the chapter’s role due to recurrent communication problems between the local groups and the association.

Minority languages

Banner of Occitania
LL-Q14185 (oci)-Davidgrosclaude-a egalitat

For the last three years, Wikimedia France has worked to support the participation of speakers of minority languages in Wikimedia projects. However, the development of the Lingua Libre solution has significantly re-focused our activities over recent months. This should change in 2019. Firstly, Wikimedia France is recognised in France as a leading player where minority languages and digital technology are concerned. We are invited to roundtable sessions such as those at the IOF (International Organisation of La Francophonie) concerning the matter of creole languages. Some Wikimedia projects in France’s regional languages are sometimes the main resource existing in that language. Linguists use Wikipedia as a search resource but the associations will not necessarily use it due to certain barriers, whether psychological or material (elderly people, the language used in family circle verses that are used in civil society on which the Internet is focused, etc.). This reputation in these fields should enable us to play a far greater role, working closely with the public institutions and associations.

What has been done?

  • Discussions on the creation of a linguistic committee
  • Participation in the roundtable session focusing on creole languages and the digital sector, organised by the International Organisation of La Francophonie.

What will be done?

  • Creation of a linguistic committee bringing together Wikimedians, linguists and the public authorities to convey messages favouring linguistic diversity in the digital field and in Wikimedia projects
  • Organisation of training and contribution workshops in Occitan
  • A day of conferences bringing together local associations in the town of Pau
  • Organisation of a working day in Paris bringing together associations representing speakers of minority languages.

Quick conclusion

Wikimedia France has gained a national reputation for the participation and inclusion of minority language speakers online. However, encouraging new contributors to participate could be very difficult because of the small pre-existing wikimedian communities, often hostile to the inclusion of new contributors (quarrels concerning linguistic variations).

The Francophone world

Photo du groupe Wikiconvention francophone 2018

The collaboration between the French-speaking affiliates of the Wikimedia movement moved up a gear at the 2018 French language Wikiconvention. As well as expanding, with the recognition of user groups from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and from Guinea Conakry, in addition to the emergence of an informal group of Haitian Wikimedians, WikiFranca is becoming better organised and structured in 2019. Its activities are currently focused on two key moments in the year, these being the French language contribution month in March and the French language WikiConvention in the autumn, although it is now looking to diversify. A comprehensive, one-off contribution project focusing on national, regional and native languages from member countries of WikiFranca is currently being discussed with Quebec’s ministry of culture and communication. A project to provide one year’s training for presidents of RFI radio clubs in Africa and Haiti is already underway while training for members of the users’ groups participating in the 2019 French language WikiConvention is being prepared. This will seek to increase the skill levels of target persons in various fields to improve their effectiveness with the communities and in Wikimedian projects.

What has been done?

  • The third Wikiconvention Francophone in Grenoble.
  • The drafting and adoption of a joint WikiFranca action plan.
  • Extending Wikimedia France’s micro-financing procedure to French-speaking Wikimedians.
  • Collaboration with Wikimedia Canada, the users’ group from Tunisia and the users’ group from Ivory Coast to jointly reply to a call for French-language projects from Quebec’s ministry of culture.

What will be done?

  • Creation of a WikiFranca micro-financing committee to finance French language activities.
  • Boosting training between WikiFranca members.
  • Implementation of the WikiClubRFI projectː training 15 to 20 contributors located throughout French-speaking countries in the southern hemisphere.
  • Preparation of the 2019 WikiConvention, which will be held in Brussels, working closely with Wikimedia Belgium.

Quick conclusion

WikiFranca is supported by enthusiastic and volunteer coordinators. The structuring of WikiFranca must allow crossing a significant level in the cooperation between the affiliates although recurring problems can paralyze some projects or generate frustrations (cost, communication, visa problems for the Wikiconvention Francophone)

Case studies

Elix/Wikipedia project: Back on the partnership with Signes de Sens

In 2017, Wikimedia France announced a partnership with the association Signes de Sens to include videos in sign languages on Wikimedia projects and particularly on Wikipedia and the Wiktionary. located in Lille, the association Signes de Sens had realized about ten thousand videos in French sign languages and had contacted Wikimedia France with the aim of integrating sign language into Wikimedia projects. After several months of discussion, we agreed on the following objectives:

Projet LSF-WMFr
  • Uploading 10,000 videos in sign languages on Wikimedia Commons
  • Reusing videos to illustrate Wiktionary articles
  • Development of a tool for reading Wikipedia for deaf people.

In order for the partnership to succeed, Signes de Sens had to ensure that it had the rights to all the videos and adopt the CC-BY-SA license for the content that would be uploaded to Commons. While two volunteers brainstormed and proposed a technical solution for the inclusion of LSF videos on Wikipedia, our partner began to dither on the issue of licensing. A technical solution was adopted and a hundred videos were uploaded.

However, we realized that our partner used the name of Wikimedia France to obtain grants for projects that had nothing to do with the one that gave birth to this partnership. In addition, they took the idea proposed by our volunteers to develop in their corner with a restrictive license and finally come back on their commitment to pass their video base in CC-BY-SA. After several unsuccessful discussions and in view of the harm already suffered by Wikimedia France, we decided to break the partnership in November 2018. A new project for the production of quality LSF videos for Wikimedia projects is being developed with the support of ACCEO company.

For information: the Commons category of videos in LSF has barely 700 videos of very variable quality.

Theme 3 - Education and Training

Overview of the past six months

Our education-related activities were rich and varied over the last six months, despite the two-month school holidays. The association’s flagship activity, the Wikiconcours lycéen (the “high school wikicompetition”), was organised once again for the seventh year in succession, attracting over 70 educational establishments and 22 education authorities. An unprecedented success! The project now has the “educational innovation” label awarded by the national education ministry, following on from the issuing of successive ministerial directives related to the development of a critical spirit and the acquisition of digital educational skills. Headteachers in educational establishments are now organising their projects with this in mind. Here, Wikimedia France has an important role to play. It also has a role to play in raising awareness among educational audiences: we once again took part in the Educatec show and this year we noticed that visitors to the stand were mostly teachers or trainers in digital skills looking to organise training sessions or educational projects within their establishment. We are increasingly being seen as a key player: requests for collaboration and partnerships were more numerous than in previous years. Concerning larger audiences, the WikiMOOC, which has already been organised in two identical formats, is back with a new format for this third event, one which is relatively new in the world of MOOCs : it is now open all year round from 15 September 2018.

Quantitative indicators

Axe 3. Education and Training
Metric 2018/19 Target
Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Explanation
Participants 5,300 2,438 On track This number includes WikiMOOC subscribers until December 31, 2018. The MOOC currently counts 8 registrations per day which allows us to project a figure for the next 6 months. We did not count participants in the Wikiconcours high school student.
Newly registered editors 1,350 200 On track We have included WikiMOOC participants who have created an account on Wikipedia and plan to exceed the target set due to the large number of Wikiconcours high school students.
Pages added/improved 21,500 4,805 On track We expect to achieve the goal in view of the expected contributions in the WikiMOOC and Wikiconcours high school student.
Volunteer hours 460 194 On track Via the Wikiconcours which should see its number of registered participants increase and a MOOC which will not require new filming, the number of volunteer hours reflects the long-term involvement linked to support for teachers’ educational projects.
Partners satisfaction 85% to be evaluated in June 2019 On track This result will be collected by means of an annual survey sent out to partners having supported at least one contribution-related activity during the year.
Numbers of educational establishment using Wikipedia in a educational project 70 73 Achieved As part of the Wikiconcours high school student, 70 institutions are registered and lead a teaching project with Wikipedia. 3 other institutions are also conducting a pedagogical project. We are in conversation with 2 other institutions that should integrate a project in the next 6 months.
Numbers of volunteers involved into Wikiconcours 10 To be evaluated in June 2019 On track We would like to get non-member contributors more involved, in the same way as Wiki Loves Monuments and the checkers.
Numbers of diploma courses integrating the contribution to Wikimedia projects 5 3 On track Calculating the integration of contributions to Wikimedia projects in diploma courses is a relevant indicator regarding the efforts made by the association.
Numbers of consultation of the educational kit 4,800 3,000 On track The number of visits has increased significantly from 3,000 visits per year to 3,000 visits every 6 months.
Numbers of participants having completed the Wikimooc 3 400 To be evaluated in June 2019 On track Based on data from the previous years, but in view of the new format chosen this year, we hope to reach this goal.
Numbers of new editors still editing Wikimedia project a year after completed the Wikimooc 40 to be evaluated in June 2019 On track Based on data from the previous years, we believe that 40 people will continue contributing a year after the MOOC ends, i.e.10%
Percentage of volunteers expressing an increased level of skills 75% to be evaluated in June 2019 On track A survey will be sent out to volunteers having completed a training course run by Wikimedia France. We estimate that three quarters of the participants will declare that they have acquired new skills during the year.

Program and key activities


Expanding the use of Wikipedia in the classroom

Wikipedia in the classroom documentation
The High school competition on Wikipedia

Over the months, Wikimedia France has become a well-known and widely recognised operator in the fields of education in the media and information, within schools. Wikipedia is an incredible research resource when we consider the reliability of a source, collaborative work and copyright. Pupils, teachers and teacher-documentalists carry out educational projects over several months with the aim of improving Wikimedia projects. These are the audiences we aim to support with their projects through training, national campaigns and meet-ups. Thanks to the approval from the Ministry of National Education and our cooperation with the CLEMI, we are present in educational establishments and educational authorities, and are gradually trying to overcome the prejudices and misconceptions about Wikipedia held by educational staff.

What has been done?

  • Updating the presentation on the use of Wikipedia in the classroom
  • Presence at a leading show devoted to education and digital technology: the Educatec show.
  • A new Wikiconcours lycéen event (high school wikicompetition) held in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, which has been running for seven years now.
  • Drafting a guide to participating in the Wikiconcours lycéen for the teachers involved
  • Renewal of partnerships with higher education establishments (doctoral schools in Lille, the Université Paris-Descartes, the Université Lyon 3 and the Université Bordeaux Montaigne).

What will be done?

  • Pay particular attention to the establishments participating in the Wikiconcours lycéen by contacting them regularly and providing them with the help they need to complete their projects.
  • Renewal of the approval from the Ministry of National Education
  • Organisation of a prize-giving day for the Wikiconcours lycéen in a cultural establishment
  • Organisation of a contribution day as part of the Semaine de la Presse et des Médias à l'Ecole (The Press and media in schools week) at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, involving 60 pupils, teachers and museum staff trained beforehand.
  • Participation in the Wiki + Edu Conference to be held in early April in San Sebastian in the Basque Country.

Quick conclusion

Integrating Wikipedia into teaching practices is of interest to more and more teachers as demonstrated by the increasing number of establishments involved. We must, however, pay attention to high school which drop out along the way during their participation to the Wikiconcours lycéen.

Educational aids

WikimOOC 2018

In order to enable a wide audience to gain new skills concerned with contributing to Wikimedia projects (particularly Wikipedia) and to help target audiences (the educational community) to learn more about existing educational projects, the association supports and develops educational aids, including among others a MOOC and an educational kit. For the last 3 years the MOOC has been hosted on a ministerial platform which includes numerous other MOOCs produced only by higher education establishments. We were included on there thanks to our approval issued by the ministry. Lasting a year, it enables anyone to follow video and text-based courses after enrolling on the platform. Another major educational aid: the educational kit designed for pupils, teachers and trainers. This kit enables the target audiences to familiarise themselves with the existing projects and proposes different turnkey exercises to work on Wikipedia. Other resources, aimed more at raising awareness of existing solutions, are currently being redesigned, such as the “Wikipedia in the classroom” booklet.

What has been done?

  • A new WikiMOOC event: now open all year round, from its launch on 15 September 2018 until late September 2019
  • Upgrading the educational kit with a number of new projects.

What will be done?

  • Upgrading the educational kit with videos from students and teachers, sharing their experiences.
  • Maintenance and management of the WikiMOOC (squashing bugs, regularly sending out announcements to remind trainees of key dates and deadlines, support for trainees with their contributions on the forums and discussion pages, online publication of success stories and the running of webinars). Banners will be featured on the French language version of Wikipedia for users under an IP address at two moments during the year.
  • Updates to the “Wikipedia in the classroom” booklet concerning both its style and content

Quick conclusion

The educational kit is a well-known and widely recognised, particularly thanks to its being listed in numerous French and European educational databases. The annual format used for the WikiMOOC seems to meet with the approval of the participants and now does not require so much preparatory work upstream even though we noticed a stagnation on the part of trainees who do not complete the MOOCs and the presence of unresolved bugs in the WikiMOOC learning process.

Developing ongoing training for target audiences


Wikimedia France is regularly asked to design and run training courses for numerous audiences: pupils, students, teachers, documentalists, librarians, curators, archivists, journalists and trainers, etc., currently working in various organisations: educational establishments, museums, archive departments and town halls, etc. Generally held over a day or half a day, the purpose of the training sessions is generally to help people discover Wikimedia projects, the various practices and uses according to the audience in question, and the methods used to introduce these audiences to contribution work. These training sessions are chiefly attended by two main groups of people: the staff of educational establishments and personnel from GLAM institutions.

What has been done?

  • Four training sessions on the use of Wikipedia in the classroom
  • Updating the training aids for training in contributing to Wikipedia.

What will be done?

  • Contacting the training managers at local education authorities to propose organising training in the use of Wikipedia in the classroom
  • Designing and running training sessions for educational audiences until July 2019

Quick conclusion We received very positive feedback concerning the training sessions organised with teachers and students and every year the demand for training is rising. But, we still have some difficulties to fully integrate the teacher training path

Supporting the development of new skills within the community


Wikimedia France’s volunteers come from all kinds of backgrounds and each has found their way into the association through a different route. As an example, the level of knowledge about the way the association works varies widely, with part of the community being familiar with the interactions with the foundation while another part is far more familiar with the actions carried out by the association. And vice versa for many of the themes. We have a genuine need to boost peoples’ skills to help them better understand the ins and outs of the different contexts in which the association operates. The themes are many and varied but can be grouped together in a training day for our volunteers to enable them to better understand the association, its board, its employees and the different ways they can receive support during their activities. Similarly, the association will support training among volunteers concerning Wikimedia projects (training in Wikidata, the tool for uploading content to Commons or participation in the Wiktionary)

What has been done?

  • Designing a training plan

What will be done?

  • Organisation of two half-days’ training

Quick conclusion

This training plan meets real and identified needs and should rapidly increase the skill levels of trainees. However, it will be difficult to get isolated members to attend group sessions.

Case studies

WikiMOOC and the bus factor
WikiMOOC 2017 - vidéo 01 - Les principes fondateurs de Wikipédia

The WikiMOOC is a great tool for public awareness and distance learning. Our choice to renew the MOOC this year for a full year is based on the wishes of the target audiences of previous editions: teachers and students. It was necessary to face the departure of the employee in charge of the WikiMOOC for 2 years, during its creation and animation. After spending many hours updating the MOOC to be compatible with a one-year format, we realized during the first few weeks of its launch last September that many bugs were present. These bugs were reported by the learners on the forum of the MOOC management platform. Some of them are listed on the Wikipedia project page so that the dedicated working group (which was reduced following the departure of the employee in charge of MOOC last year) can resolve them. However, we realized that no one knows how to solve these bugs because of the technical deployment of MOOC which is so unique due to modules that link the MOOC management platform to the Wikipedia interface.

We thus reach a point where the WikiMOOC follows its course slowly but is composed of several bugs that make some learners stop it. Similarly, valuing a buggy tool is not relevant. We, therefore, intend to improve and update it during a working weekend in order to deploy it again next year over a year. We hope to solve all the problems identified, document them and update the content if necessary. We will also try to simplify some interactions between the platform and Wikipedia if in the coming years, it is decided to go back to a shorter format, or if the WikiMOOC is replicated in other countries, translated into other languages...

Revenues received during this six-month period

Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
Various recipes Euro 0 736.67 € 736.67 € 0 847.17 N/A
Project Grants Euro 90 000€ 23 500€ 23 500€ 47 000€ 103,500 54,050 N/A
WMF Grant Euro 450 000€ 225 000€ 225 000€ 517,500 258,750 N/A
Financial Mécenat Euro 0 7 990€ 7 990€ 15 980€ 0 18,377 N/A
Memberships Euro 10 000€ 9 104€ 9 104€ 11,500 10,469.60 N/A
Donations Euro 370 000€ 50 000€ 314 111.10€ 364 111.10 425,500 418,727.77 N/A
Other products Euro 32 000€ 11.15€ 11.15 € 36,800 12.82 N/A
Resumption of outstanding commitments Euro 0 24 600€ 24 600€ 0 28,290 N/A
Load transfers Euro 0 8 883.98€ 8 883.98€ 0 10,216.58 N/A

Spending during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
AXE 1 - Partnerships and content development Euro 158 500,00 €  29 138.40€ 29 138.39€ 58 276.79€ 182,275 67,018.31 36,77% N/A
AXE 2 - Community animation Euro 234 500,00 € 65 034.81 € 65 034.81€ 130 069,62€  269,675 149,580.06 55,47% N/A
AXE 3 - education and formation Euro 155 500,00 €  44 589.36€ 44 589.37€ 89 178,73€  178,825 102,555.54 57,35% N/A
AXE 4 - Fundraising Euro 66 000,00 € 12 511.82€ 12 511.81€ 25 023,63€  75,900 28,777.17 37,91% N/A
AXE 5 - Overhead Euro 337 500,00 €  53 376.24€ 53 376.24€ 106 752,48 € 388,125 122,765.35 31,63% N/A
TOTAL Euro 952 000,00 €  409 301,25 € 1,094,800 470,696.44 42,99% N/A

* With the various changes undertaken during the financial year, the statement of expenditure could only take place from January for the whole semester. So we know how much was spent on axis 1 on December 31, but not on September 30. This is why you will find on Q1 and Q2 the same amount. From Q3 we resume the usual calculation.



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