Grants:Conference/Wikimedia France/WikiConvention Francophone

Wikimedia France/WikiConvention Francophone 2022
The WikiConvention Francophone will allow french speaking wikimedians to meet in person for 4 days to share knowledge and capacity, to hold strategic meetings and to bring the community closer.
strategic priorityIncrease the Sustainability of Our Movement Ensure Equity in Decision-Making
event dates17th to 20th of November 2022
amount-local60 000€
amount62 869 USD
contact• adelaide.calais(_AT_)• remy.gerbet(_AT_)
organization• Wikimedia France

Event overview


Purpose and vision

Please give a brief description of the event you are planning. What do you hope to accomplish during the event? Why is this event important for your community?

The WikiConvention francophone is the annual meeting of the french speaking community. In 2022 the event will be the first in person gathering in the last 2 years. We see this as an opportunity to build ever stronger human bonds amongst wikimedians, to increase capacity building and knowledge sharing and to hold strategic, structural discussions about WikiFranca. The WikiConvention Francophone 2022 will be an occasion to celebrate the great work french speaking wikimedians do together and to plan ahead for the future of our hub and projects.

Do you consider this to be a Regional; Thematic or Growth event? You can read more about each category here.

The event is centered around a shared language. It has the same goals and stakes as a regional event. This event will also make it possible to organize the second general assembly of WikiFranca which brings together 18 affiliates of the movement

Is it a Remote, or in-person event?


Important details

Please add key information to the table below. The dates, location and number of participants can be estimates and do not need to be finalized at this time.

Proposed date(s) 17-20 November 2022
Proposed location Paris
Number of participants 150
Event page editions listed here ː
Primary contact person Adélaïde Calais WMFr



Community input


Use the results from the community engagement survey to fill in the table below. Since you cannot cover all topics or meet all needs at one event, prioritisation is important. Please rank the priority of each topic, skill, project or problem as high, medium or low. Finally, please answer the questions in the table below, if any of the questions are not relevant leave it blank.

Description Priority
Strategic discussions:

What are the top issues affecting your community that need to be discussed in person?

Community health (onboarding newcomers, offering an inclusive space, imagining new tools or trainings for conflict mediation) Medium
Community growth (how to attract and retain more people in francophone usergroups, how to attract more editors from Africa onto wikimedia projects) Medium
International capacity building and knowledge sharing High
Documenting endangered heritage and diversity (orality, languages, cultural heritage) Medium
Building shared governance and hub processes High
Capacity development:

Are there important skills that many people in your community need to learn?

  • Finance management
  • Project management
  • Community growth, community building and leadership
  • Structuring a usergroup/chapter
  • Outreach and partnerships
Highest to lowest
Working groups:

Are there joint projects that need to be planned in person?

WikiFranca needs to hold its general assembly (each member usergroup or chapter will have one person present)

WikiFranca also needs to hold a 2025 strategy meeting

Community building:

Are there other in-person activities are important for community building?

The most community building happens in talking over lunch, dinner or drinks.

Survey analysis:

  1. How many people did you send the survey to? How many people responded to the survey? The survey was sent to the WikiFranca telegram group, which has 105 members. It got 39 responses.
  2. Did you see consensus around shared goals that this community wants to focus on in the next 12 months? What were the top 2 goals? Goal 1 : Structure our cooperation (WikiFranca). We will design this structure as a basis for more activities shared by all francophone countries and intercontinental capacity building. Goal 2 ː Work on North-South support to encapacitate francophone African usergroups even more.
  3. Based on survey responses, what are the most important things your community should do at the conference to achieve those goals?

Strategy meeting

Capacity building sessions

Project presentations by wikimedians (knowledge sharing)



It is helpful to get an understanding of why this event is important to your community, and what experiences you have had in the past. Please answer the applicable questions below.

1. What inspired your community to begin planning this event?
When the conference was first organized, in 2016, we sought to bring wikimedians closer, help them learn from each other and build trust. It’s a great occasion to share the amazing work that community members are doing and improve general community awareness. After 6 years, a lot has evolved. Wikimedia Tunisia requested to host the in-person 2022 WikiConvention Francophone. The newly formed board of WikiFranca expected to be supporting the usergroup in that task, but Wikimedia Tunisia retracted from the organization in the last week of April. Francophone wikimedians have been looking forward to meeting in person again, after 2 years apart. What inspired the board of WikiFranca and Wikimedia France to plan this event in the short amount of time we have left, are those expectations from the community and the need for community leaders to meet up and form new projects. More than that, we need to lay down the structural foundations of WikiFranca together at the event, so that we can continue to increase our international activities and capacity building. If WikiFranca is to function as a Hub, its members need to meet up to continue to co-create it, build processes of shared governance, knowledge management and skill sharing.
How does this event relate to other activities that your community is working on?
The WikiConvention Francophone is the glue that holds WikiFranca together. It allows everyone to feel part of the francophone community, to diversify their projects and skills, to give hope and opportunities to future community leaders (especially for African usergroups or gender diversity projects) by connecting them to the right people, and more substancially to build WikiFranca as a hub.
For example, the Wikipedia 20 anniversary in Guinea took place because Aboubacarkhoraa, the leader of the Guinean usergroup, met Fawaz tairou, a co-founder of the Benin usergroup and N'fana Diakité, founder of the Malian usergroup at the WikiConvention. Together they were able to create a two day event with in person training workshops, but also video presentations from 12 francophone chapters and usergroups about different aspects of the wikimedia movement.
Another example is WikiFranca itself ː to function as a Hub, WikiFranca needed to be able to sign partnerships and hold projects of its own, have an official representation and a legal existence. The WikiConvention Francophone allowed us to hold the WikiFranca constitutive assembly, to adopt statuses and elected the first board. Before that it allowed us to hold strategy meetings in 2018 and 2019 that led to Wikimedia France and Wikimedia Switzerland opening up their microgrant programs to francophone wikimedians, which meant an increase in the number of activities that African usergroups could do. These meetings also led to two consecutive year plans for WikiFranca without which we could not have structured our cooperation into a hub.
3. Do you have any Thematic or Regional committee or group? (Such as WISCom, CEE, Iberocoop, etc).



Venue and Logistics

1. Do you have any proposed venue for the event? If so, please share details (such as: how far is it from the airport or transportation hub; how close is it to the hotel, do you anticipate any challenges with using the space for the event you are planning?)
The FIAP is our proposed venue in Paris, which would comprise the conference rooms, hotel and restauration in one location. It is a one hour train ride from both parisian airports. We are in contact with them.
2. Is the event venue and hotel accessible for people with physical disabilities?
Yes it is.
3. Are you planning to outsource some of the services? For example - a travel agency, an event production service?
We aren't planning to for the moment, but we have put together a volunteer team of 20 french speaking wikimedians who have each taken on specific tasks. We will also be hiring two interns to help with administrative and logistical aspects.

Friendly space policy


We'll be using the Universal Code of Conduct



It is crucial that most participants have a minimum level of Wikimedia experience so that they can engage actively in workshops and discussions. Please answer all applicable questions below.

1. Please describe the target audience for this conference or event.
40-45 francophone usergroup and chapter leaders for the first 2 days (17th and 18th November) and about 150 francophone wikimedians for 2 the last two days (19th and 20th November).
2. If your conference has an outreach component to also target non-wikimedian individuals or mission aligned institutions, can you explain your intention for this outreach (for example: how will you ensure engagement with these participants after the conference, and what impact do you see them having on the projects)?
Key partners (politicians, institutions, collaboration from the education world etc.) are definitely invited. Even though they might not be wikimedians per se, they will only be invited if they are people that francophone chapters or usergroups plan to work with in the future or have been working with already.
3. Are you thinking about collaborating with potential partners? Such as national; educational or thematic groups and organizations? If so, will this partnership be a financial one (such as sponsorship), or a visionary one (to collaborate in regards to the content of the event)? Please share some details if you have any.
Financial : DGLFLF (a branch of the French government that promotes the use of the French language) (7000€ participation) Visionary : Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie Insitut Français Le Dictionnaire des Francophones (2IF) Collabora Lab (University) Ertim lab at INALCO (University)
4. In which ways can Wikimedia Foundation staff support your event onsite? If you would like support, please list the different capacities in which we can support, or describe how you would like Wikimedia Foundation staff to be involved in the event. (Some examples of Wikimedia Foundation support or involvement might be: for outreach and communication efforts; to lead specific sessions; for legal or safety reasons, etc).
It would be an honor to see Wikimedia Foundation staff members or board members taking part in the event, to present some of their work, or discuss key strategical issues with community leaders. We would love to publish an article about the wikiconvention francophone on the Wikimedia Foundation’s site “Diff”.


1. How many scholarships would you like to offer and what expenses will the scholarship cover?
We will offer 25 scholarships to African wikimedians that would cover room and board for 5 days and nights, all transportation means to get to and back from the conference - plain ticket, bus fares, taxi fares if needed Visa expenses - application price, visa price, transportation if the applicant needs to go to another country to get his/her visa (budget 35 000€)
We will offer 20 scholarships to french wikimedians, that cover their trip to and from the conference. (budget 5 000€)
2. How will scholarship recipients be selected?
By a scholarship committee, made up of 4 members (3 wikimedians from francophone countries and myself)
3. Do you plan to target or prioritize specific communities or participants?
We target african community leaders and project managers (for the first 25 scholarships)
We target french wikimedians who wouldn't be able to attend if they didn't have a travel grant (for the other 20 scholarships).
4. How will you insure diversity and inclusion in your scholarship process?
We will see that half of the grantees are women and/or people from the LGBTQI community. We will work with les sans pagEs (french version of women in red) to ensure that our process and application survey respect the privacy and protect applicants' personal data.

Resources and risks


Describe the resource potential for successfully executing this project and the key risks/threats.


Organizing team
Team User Names
Wikimedia Foundation Liaison ?
Logistics Anthere, Aristidek5maya (WMCIV), Adélaïde Calais WMFr, Lexy Tchuileu (WCUG)
Conference Program Papischou (WMCIV), Geugeor (WCUGCM), Brahim (WMMO)
Scholarships Yasield (WMCIV), Great11(WikiDZ), Mndetatsin (WCUG), Adélaïde Calais WMFr
Communications Cyriac Gbogou (WMCIV), AnneJea (WMBE), Adoscam (WMBJ), Mourad (WMCH), MPossoupe (WMF), Geugeor (WCUG)
Volunteer Coordinators Coordination meetings will have one member of each team so information circulates
Other team members Dyolf77 (WMTN), Aboubacarkhoraa (WMGN),


  • We have a time managing risk because we are salvaging this project after Wikimedia Tunisia retracted from the organisation.
  • ¾ of our budget comes from this grant for the wikiconvention francophone. If we do not get it, the project cannot take place.

Minimizing :

We are recruiting 2 interns for 6 months, to help our staff and volunteers.


Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
Travel scholarships for French wikimedians per person 20 200 5 000,00 EUR 200€ is a capped amount that will only be adjusted if there is remaining budget after the 20 scholarships have been granted.
Travel, room, catering and visa scholarship for African wikimedians per person 25 1 400 35000,00 EUR The amount of each scholarship depends on where the grantee is travelling from. The 1400 amount per person is an average.
Venue costs
Renting 3 rooms (one auditorium, two 50 seat rooms) days 2 5 000 8 500 EUR Conference days with a three track programm
Renting 1 room (one 50 seat room) days 2 1 1 500 EUR "Learning days" or pre-conference days
Hotel costs
5 nights in double bedrooms per person 20 225 4500 EUR The twenty people include the board of wikimedia France (12 people), the board of WikiFranca (5 people), 3 members of staff from Wikimedia France
2 Self service lunches during learning days per person 50 46 2 300 EUR
2 self service dinners during learning days per person 50 50 2 500 EUR
2 coffee breaks per person 50 12 600 EUR
1 cocktail at the end of learning days / opening session of the conference on friday night per person 80 11 88 EUR
2 self service lunches during conference days per person 150 46 6 900 EUR
1 self service dinner during conference days per person 150 25 3 750 EUR
3 coffee breaks per person 150 18 2 700 EUR one each morning, and one in the middle of the first afternoon of conferences
1 cocktail at the end of the first day of conferences per person 150 11 1 650 EUR
Printing flyers per flyer 200 0,30 60 EUR
Stickers of wikimedia projects per sheet of stickers 200 1 200 EUR
Wikipedia and lingua libre pencils per pair of pencils 150 1 150 EUR
Editting wikiconvention francophone snippets for further editions per 45 sec. video 5 200 1000 EUR
2 kakemonos for projects that wikimedians want to showcase per kakemono 2 90 180 EUR
Recording sessions
Audio recording per day 4 35 140 EUR
3 microphones conference days per day x per microphone 2x3 87 522 EUR the auditorium is big and will require one microphone for the chair, one for the presenter and one for questions
Filming crew of 2 people per day 4 400 1600 EUR
tripod item 1 25 25 EUR we have one, but would need a second one to record the two 50 people room at the same time on conference days. the auditorium will have an integrated recording system.
Car rental for 2 non consecutive days to transport equipment and light furniture within paris per day 2 50 100 EUR
Gaz per tank filled 1 100 100 EUR volatile prices
Round trip ticket for WikiFranca president per round trip ticket 1 550 550 EUR Abidjan-Paris /
Round trip ticket for WikiFranca secretary per round trip ticket 1 200 200 EUR brussels-paris / paris brussels thalys train
Round trip ticket for WikiFranca treasurer per round trip ticket 1 200 200 EUR Marseille-Paris / Paris-Marseille
Round trip ticket for member of the board of WikiFranca 1 per round trip ticket 1 1300 1300 EUR Montreal-Paris / Paris-Montreal
Round trip ticket for member of the board of WikiFranca 2 per round trip ticket 1 200 200 EUR Brest-Paris / Paris-Brest
Premium wifi connexion for the duration of the conference per day 4 300 1200 EUR the venue offers this option, which is optimal for wikimedians, but requires extra costs.
Organizing cost
2 interns for 6 months per intern 2 3120 6240 EUR
Unforseable costs
Margin in case gaz and therefore plain ticket prices go up, in case there is equipment we need to buy, etc. 1785 EUR
Source Amount Devise Comment
WMF grant 60 000 EUR
WMCH 4500 EUR this is an amount dedicated to organisational costs (not the swiss scholarships
WMFr 19240 EUR
DGLFLF (french ministry of culture) 7000 EUR the DGLFLF is the branch of our ministry of culture that is dedicated to supporting the French language.

The budget above is a detailed version that was added after we got the first feedback on our submission. The budget bellow is the initial version we submitted.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines.

All past proposals can be found here, you can use these for inspiration and reference but you are required to do your own local research and come up with your own budget numbers. Keep in mind that each event is different, has local context and needs, and there is not a one-size-fits all for our communities events. While making decisions on what to fund we will consider the local context and community needs for each event.

Event budget table
Revenue Expenses
WMF Grant 60000€ Scholarships 40000€
Wikimedia France 26240€ Catering 24000€
Wikimedia CH 4500€ Room rental 12000€
Logistics 10240€
Accomodation 4500€
Total 90710€ Total 90710€
Total cost of event
Total amount requested from the Conference and Event Grants program
Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this event, and amounts funded
Please confirm that you are aware that changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.


Budget supplement

Catégorie Description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Comments
Scholarships for French wikimedians scholarship 12 344,5 2 823€
Complete scholarships for African and Haitian wikimedians person 25 41 201€ 25 scholarships, see cost details below
Travel person 25 variable 23 500€
Visas person 26 150 3 900€
Hotel - 6 nights person 25 352,92 8 823€
Transportation to and from the airports for grantees and volunteers picking them up One way ticket 150 10€ 1 500€ 150 = 1 ticket to come from the airport, 1 to go back after the conference, and 2 tickets for the person who picks them up or accompanies them each time
Metro tickets for grantees One way ticket 25x4 1,9 190€ (2 round tickets for each grantee for general purposes)
Lunch for grantees that arrive on the 15th person 10 25 250€
Dinner for grantees on the 15th person 10 25 250€
Lunch for grantees that arrive/ are in Paris on the 16th person 24 25 600€
Dinner for grantees that arrive on the 16th person 24 30 720€
Dinner for grantees on sunday night person 24 30 720€
Lunch for grantees on monday the 21st person 15 20 300€
Dinner for grantees that are still here on monday night person 2 20 40€
Visiting the Louvres on thursday the 16th afternoon person 24 17 408€
Conference venue 17 125
Thursday and Friday (preconferences) ː 1 room for 50 people for 2 days. 1 room for 100 people for 2 hours on friday for a policy maker round table.

Saturday and Sunday (conferences) ː 5 rooms for 2 days (capacity - 150, 100, 30, 20, 10 / purpose 3 conference track, 1 workshop and free editing track, 1 quiet room)

7000€ more expensive than we anticipated.
Hotel Campanile 5 nights in double bedrooms night x people 5x20 40€ 4 000€ Those are for members of the WikiFranca board, the Wikimedia France board, and members of staff
Catering 18 840,10 €
Fiap Catering ː

2 lunches and 2 diners for 50 people for thursday and friday

4 coffee breaks for 50 people

1 cocktail for 100 p. with policy makers after the friday round table

2 lunches and 1 diner for 150 people

3 coffee breaks for 150 people

16 840,10€
Game night with 80 wikimedians 2 000€ only social event for wikimedians at the wikiconvention
Communication 9 746,90 €
Pens pen 200 0,3 515
Stickers of wikimedia projects sticker 200 1,98 396,77 stickers (table de stickers 150 + 100 stickers de projets indépendants)
Wikipedia and lingua libre pencils 1 card with 10 stickers each 200 0,97 193 very popular with french wikimedians
Editting wikiconvention francophone snippets for communication further editions 0 Done by our communication manager
Note pads notepad 200 3,78 756,00 €
Printed program programm 200 2,76 559
Publishing in Linux magazine publication 1 2600 2600 in nature
Totebags totebag 160 8,25 1320 so they have somewhere to put their notepad, pencils, stickers and computer
renting 3 poster railings for 2 days from the venue 780,00 € in the FIAP bill
Printing 12 A1 Posters in plastified paper to showcase projects poster 12 20 240,00 €
mouse pad for the volunteer team item 50 5,7 285,00 €
stress ball for the volunteer team item 50 2,04 102,13 €
hoodies for the volunteer team, as a way to say thank you item 50 40 2 000,00 € hoodies for the volunteer team, as a way to say thank you (40€ le sweat + frais de port, 50 personnes) voir
Recording sessions 5 480€
Recording conferences on friday night, saturday and sunday (camera renting, installing, tech support and clean cutting each video) 1 5480 Half of this price is for taping and putting together the video of the policy maker round table, that we will need for further work in this area. The other half is for taping the presentation and audio of all 3 conference tracks so that people who cannot attend this full in person event can still listen to the content.
Transporting 4425
Car rental for 2 non consecutive days to transport equipment and light furniture within paris 2 210 420
Gaz 1 100
Round trip ticket for WikiFranca president 1 1830 She has to be in Thailand the day before the wikiconvention. So her plain ticket is actually Bangkok-Paris / Paris-Abidjan
Round trip ticket for WikiFranca secretary 1 300
Round trip ticket for WikiFranca treasurer 1 300
Round trip ticket for member of the board of WikiFranca 1 1 1175 Montreal-Paris / Paris-Montreal
Round trip ticket for member of the board of WikiFranca 2 1 300
Connexions 555
Wifi premium for 50 people on preconference day 1 105
Wifi premium for 150 people on three conference days 1 450
Organizing cost 6240
2 interns for 6 months 2 3120
Unforseable costs
Margin in case gaz and therefore plain ticket prices go up, in case there is equipment we need to buy, etc. 1783
TOTAL EXPENSES 112 219,00 €
Source Amount Devise Comment
WMF grant 60 000,00 € EUR
WMCH 4 000,00 € EUR this is an amount dedicated to organisational costs (not the swiss scholarships)
DGLFLF 7 000,00 € EUR the DGLFLF is the branch of our ministry of culture that is dedicated to supporting the French language.
WMFr 1 9240,00 € EUR
Linux magazine 2 600,00 € EUR in nature
Total supplement asked for : 19 379,00 €
Venue +7000 The venue did not check their availabilities when they gave us a theoretical quote of 10 000€. When they made the actual quote with us, their prices were higher because they did not have the rooms they expected to be available, but some that were more expensive. We also added one room to accomodate informal meetings and people who wanted to contribute freely, because the venue were very strict about the use of their coffee break spaces. Since the room was costly, we decided for some workshops to be held there.
Scholarships +4024 Plain tickets are much more expensive than before. Visa costs wich were between 80 and 100€ for past editions, are now well over 130 each. Many grantees had to arrive 24h before the begining of preconferences or they would have missed the beginning, which adds one or two hotel nights and a few lunches and dinners to the budget.


+2149,77 goodies for participants that are useful for the event (stickers, pens, pencils, notepads and totebags)
Communication posters +1020 poster printing costs to allow people who could not attend the conference to present their projects anyway (as a way of countering the injustice african wikimedians face everytime the wikiconvention is held in France and they have to compete with each other for a scholarship and get a visa),

towards volunteers

+2387,13 We historically don't thank our volunteers enough and this time we have a big team of very motivated people, so we would love to thank them properly with some wikiconvention goodies that would be made only for them.
Recording sessions +3193 This is to anticipate a capacity problem ː it would take us too much effort and time to set everything up ourselves, get into the venue's systems and wires and put videos together. It will spare our staff and volunteers if we have tech support on this.
Transportation +1775 WikiFranca's president is coming from Bangkok instead of Abidjan, and then going back to Abidjan. Her ticket is then much more expensive. The car rental price has also gone up.
Catering -1648 We decided not to offer the sunday dinner to everyone (150 people), since most participants are leaving on friday afternoon anyway.
Connexions -645 We managed to get the price halved after our last call
Item that could be spared cost reason why we still ask for them
Printed programm 559 A printed programm is always better for people who have an old phone and no space for downloading the programm app, or who don't have a smart phone (free software and data protection advocates sometimes do, and we have some in our community).
totebags 1320 If we give people notepads, a programm and some pens/pencils they will appreciate having something to carry them in.
stress balls 102,13 some of our volunteers are under a lot of stress because most of them are involved in too many different projects in the wikimedia movement. It would be a way for us to show that we care and know how they feel.
Total 1981,83





Do you think this project should be selected for a Conference Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.

  •   Support, je soutiens l'organisation de cette rencontre pour donner un tonus au travail de la communauté francophone. Aboubacarkhoraa (talk) 09:20, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Francophone Wikiconvention has always been a very successful conference, providing great ideas and energy for the francophone communities. Physical meeting has a great added value, I strongly endorse the conference personnally. Capucine-Marin Dubroca-Voisin (talk) 09:19, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support the event is very important for the francophone community, and it is imperative to organize it. s the affiliation has already organized many events of the same scale and in several countries, the budget seems correct and well detailed. I put this support in behalf of the Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group.--Reda Kerbouche (talk) 09:21, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support It is the occasion for French-speaking Wikimedia to share experiences and learn together. Usually, I get a ton of new ideas and stuff to do after each Wikiconvention francophone Assassas77 (talk) 09:28, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support, je soutiens l'organisation de cette rencontre qui offre une occasion unique de partager et de se rencontrer. LuciOle
  •   Support This event is very useful for the cohesion and the dynamics of French-speaking projects. Sebleouf (talk) 09:32, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  • Naphsica Papanicolaou — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Naphsica Papanicolaou WMFr (talk)
  • great event that's bring me, as a researcher motivated by understanding wikipedians' communities, a lot of insights 09:20, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support an important moment for the international francophone community! Sarah
  •   Support C'est l'occasion pour les francophones de se rencontrer, partager leurs expériences et développer leurs projets. Trizek from FR 09:37, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support An opportunity for Francophones from around the world to meet, share experiences and build capacity. . Geugeor (talk) 11:45, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support . C'est un événement. C'est, ponctuellement, un complément au virtuel qui en augmente l'efficacité. - Paul.schrepfer (talk) 09:46, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support je soutiens fortement cet événement car il permettra à la communauté francophone d'affermir les relation inter culturelles--Adoscam (talk) 09:51, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support importante opportunité pour les contributeurs francophones d'échanger de nouvelles idées, des expériences, se motiver. AnneJea (talk) 09:53, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Cet événement permet de réunir la communauté wikimedienne, faire un condensé des propositions et des discussions sur tous les points importants pour la communauté en peu de temps. Je considère que la WikiConvention francophone en 2019, avait tellement boosté le mouvement, que plein des collaborations se sont crées dans son sein. Cette force nous a aidé-es à tenir bon pendant la pandémie, parce que les liens étaient forts nourris par cette rencontre. AfricanadeCuba
  •   Support L’opportunité de permettre aux francophone de discuter de façon concrète et de prendre des meilleures décisions. La rencontre virtuelle ne peut en aucun cas meilleure que celle en personne. —- Kitanago (talk)
  •   Support Bachounda (talk) 10:32, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Yasield (talk) 10:55, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Like tears in rain (talk) 11:36, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Jenny WMCH (talk) 11:45, 13 June 2022 (UTC) cette conférence en personne est absolument nécessaire pour pouvoir se rencontrer, échanger et apprendre les uns des autres!
  •   Support Papischou (talk) 12:45, 13 June 2022 (UTC) Une opportunité de relancer la dynamique.
  •   Support The Wikiconvention is important for the French community, especially after two years without in person international events. Mathis B (talk) 12:36, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Strongly support this event, an unique moment for the francophone community to meet, discuss and share experience and knowledge in french language. Waltercolor (talk) 13:09, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support This is an important opportunity for "Francophones" to meet in person around activities, share their experiences and link on projects. For example as organizer, that will be an occasion to discuss physically with some others organizers and staff for campaigns done and planned. Bile rene (talk) 13:15, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support As WikiFranca is starting to take shape, this is the occasion for the community to meet its board members, find out that they are actually approachable, and that they may find opportunities to start cooperating more thanks to this new structure. It's also the occasion for the community at large to see each other after two difficult years.--Flor WMCH (talk) 13:49, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support As one of the founder of the French speaking WikiConvention, I endorse this project. The French speaking community is one of the biggest and most active communitty of Wikimedia. But volunteers are disseminate in a lot of countries. There is another challenge: a lot of established volunteers are based in France but a lot of newcomers are in African countries. So an annual physical event is very important to create links between volunteers. Pyb (talk) 17:56, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support wiki Convention is the major French speaking event since many year. After Covid, it must follow on, and physical meeting is very interesting for team building. Hatonjan (talk) 19:10, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support. Important pour la Francophonie et les liens qui s'y tissent utiles pour le développement de notre projet. Enrevseluj (talk) 23:37, 13 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Strong support Yves Madika (talk) 04:59, 14 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support CapitainAfrika (talk) 05:33, 14 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support important event for the French-speaking community. (:Julien:) (talk) 06:32, 14 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support I support the organization of this event to give a boost to the work of the French-speaking community Farajiibrahim (talk) 12:01, 14 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Rassemblement très important de la communauté francophone, qui trace les plans de développement des projets Wikimédia dans les pays francophones. --Dyolf77 (talk) 17:17, 14 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support principal événement francophone. Merci de le soutenir pour qu'il puisse avoir lieu. Pamputt (talk) 20:41, 14 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Strong support This is a great opportunity to "bring back to life" conferences. With a possibility to do a live stream, in order to enable people who couldn't make it to participate online! Youssef Ben Haj Yahia (talk) Youssefbhy (talk) 08:44, 15 June 2022 (UTC) (UTC)
  •   Support Refermons la parenthèse COVID et recommençons à échanger en personne ! DSwissK | 💬 09:17, 15 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Importante occasion pour les wikimediens francophones pour partager leurs expériences et développer leurs projets. Abdallahbigboy 08:37, 15 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Strong support Cette rencontre annuelle entre Wikimédien·nes francophones de l’Afrique, des Amériques, de l’Europe et du monde entier est un lieu très important qui permet des échanges et des discussions stratégiques importantes entre la diversité de cultures qui forment la communauté francophone et francophile du Mouvement Wikimédia. Je soutiens sans aucune hésitation la tenue de cette convention et je remercie Wikimédia France d’avoir pris la charge de l’organiser pour l’année 2022. BiblioQC Michael David MILLER, vice-président de Wikimédia Canada et administrateur au comité (CA) de WikiFranca (talk)
  •   Support Obviously I can't wait for supporting this useful event Rçag (talk) 15:28, 17 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Cela permet à la communauté francophone d'être en contact et de mieux échanger (talk) Grants:Conference/Wikimedia_France/WikiConvention_Francophone
  •   Support total pour cette conférence favorisant le partage d'expérience et le renforcement des Wikimedien-e-s francophone. VALENTIN NVJ (talk) 17:32, 16 June 2022 (UTC) (UTC)
  •   Support obviously, a much needed event for the francophones. évidemment, un événement fort nécessaire pour les francophones. Cheers/Cdlt, VIGNERON * discut. 15:53, 18 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Fawaz.tairou (talk) 18:11, 20 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Anthere (talk) 00:56, 23 June 2022 (UTC)
  •   Support Essential event for the French-speaking community LaMèreVeille (talk) 11:55, 26 June 2022 (UTC)