Grants:Conference/Wikimedia Korea/WikiConference Seoul 2021

WM KR/WikiConference Seoul 2021
We will host a domestic conference to discuss issues related to Korean Wikimedia projects and seek for solutions to them.
targetKorean Wikimedia projects
strategic priorityImproving Korean Wikimedia's discussion process and interface
event dates9 October 2021 - 31 December 2021
amount-local4,530,000 KRW
amount4,050 USD
creatorMotoko (WMKR)
contact• motoko(_AT_)• lee(_AT_)
organization• Wikimedia Korea
websiteWikimedia Korea

Event overview


Purpose and vision

Please give a brief description of the event you are planning. What do you hope to accomplish during the event? Why is this event important for your community?

As a Wikimedia affiliate, we annually host a domestic conference in South Korea. The country's official language is only Korean, so the event usually covers issues related to Korean Wikimedia projects.
One of the event's main goals is to provide an open space to discuss Wikimedia relevant issues and solve them. For example, some users asserted that Korean Wikipedia community had been inactive and suggested to revise the project's main page as the first step in our conference two years ago. The suggestion had an huge impact on the project's activity level. (Read this.) Another main goal of the event is to share useful knowledge for Wikimedia users. Last year, we invited a news reporter who is professionalized in fact-checking.

Do you consider this to be a Regional; Thematic or Growth event? You can read more about each category here.

This conference is planed as a regional event for the sake of Wikimedians who reside in South Korea.

Is it a Remote, or in-person event?

This event is basically in-person, but we are planning to broadcast this event online.

Important details

Please add key information to the table below. The dates, location and number of participants can be estimates and do not need to be finalized at this time.

Proposed date(s) October 9, 2021
Proposed location Seoul, South Korea
Number of participants 50 (offline), 20 (online)
Event page
Primary contact person User:Motoko (WMKR)



Community input


Use the results from the community engagement survey to fill in the table below. Since you cannot cover all topics or meet all needs at one event, prioritisation is important. Please rank the priority of each topic, skill, project or problem as high, medium or low. Finally, please answer the questions in the table below, if any of the questions are not relevant leave it blank.

Description Priority
Strategic discussions:

What are the top issues affecting your community that need to be discussed in person?

  • Resolving conflicts between users
  • Preventing from driving contributors/users out
  • Encouraging to interact between users who have similar interests
  • Evaluating Korean Wikipedia's innovative activities
  • Improving Korean Wikimedia community
  • Developing a manual for treating new comers properly
  • Discussing over Universal Code of Conduct
Capacity development:

Are there important skills that many people in your community need to learn?

  • Understanding gadgets
  • Wikitext, HTML5, and modules
  • Efficient discussion process
  • A way to edit more than one article in a short time
Working groups:

Are there joint projects that need to be planned in person?

  • Korean Wikimedia sister projects
  • Maintenance Project
  • Improving Korean Wikipedia's interface
  • Guideline on uploading non-free contents
  • Translating guidelines
Community building:

Are there other in-person activities are important for community building?

  • Sharing common interests with other users
  • A 3-4 day follow-up edit-a-thon

Survey analysis:

  1. How many people did you send the survey to? How many people responded to the survey?
    We sent our survey about 50 users and 6 of them answered. After we submitted this application, we extended the survey's deadline, and displayed it on Korean Wikipedia's sitenotice. Four more respondents answered the questions.
  2. Did you see consensus around shared goals that this community wants to focus on in the next 12 months? What were the top 2 goals?
    Respondents thought we need to focus on the improvement of articles' quality and development of guidelines for new comers. They also suggested discussion process including talk page interface be improved.
  3. Based on survey responses, what are the most important things your community should do at the conference to achieve those goals?
    We need to improve old discuss process and interface. We also have to improve Korean Wikimedia's articles through edit-a-thons or other activities, and documentate manuals and guidelines for new comers.



It is helpful to get an understanding of why this event is important to your community, and what experiences you have had in the past. Please answer the applicable questions below.

1. What inspired your community to begin planning this event?
We annually host a domestic conference to talk about issues related to Korean Wikimedia community. We mainly introduce useful knowledge for Korean Wikimedia users in this event. Last year, we invited a reporter, who has expertise in fact-checking. Another speaker delivered a presentation about Abstract Wikipedia, which was approved as a new Wikimedia projects last year. We also provide an opportunity to talk about Korean Wikimedia's problems and suggest solutions to them.
2. How does this event relate to other activities that your community is working on?
Korean Wikimedia projects had suffered from serious problems. New comers didn't stay in the projects, and community bulletin boards were inactive. To resolve them, some innovative plans were suggested in this event two years ago, and they had a huge impact on Korean Wikipedia. Active users and edits were soared during last year. We will evaluate the plans and search for solutions to issues newly occurred in last year.
3. Do you have any Thematic or Regional committee or group? (Such as WISCom, CEE, Iberocoop, etc).



Venue and Logistics

1. Do you have any proposed venue for the event? If so, please share details (such as: how far is it from the airport or transportation hub; how close is it to the hotel, do you anticipate any challenges with using the space for the event you are planning?)
Yes. We are planing to host the event in HI Seoul Youth Hostel. It is within walking distance to a subway station. The station is connected to Seoul station which is a transportation hub. The biggest challenge is the Covid-19 pandemic. If stronger social distancing rule will be imposed, we will have to cancel the event.
2. Is the event venue and hotel accessible for people with physical disabilities?
Yes, It has accommodation rooms and facilities for the disabled people.
3. Are you planning to outsource some of the services? For example - a travel agency, an event production service?

Friendly space policy


Please link to the friendly space policy that your community will be using for this event.

Friendly space policies



It is crucial that most participants have a minimum level of Wikimedia experience so that they can engage actively in workshops and discussions. Please answer all applicable questions below.

1. Please describe the target audience for this conference or event.
We target both skilled Wikimedians and non-wikimedian individuals.
2. If your conference has an outreach component to also target non-wikimedian individuals or mission aligned institutions, can you explain your intention for this outreach (for example: how will you ensure engagement with these participants after the conference, and what impact do you see them having on the projects)?
We will divide the event into two sessions: first session for skilled users and another session for non-wikimedian individuals. We will provide the non-wikimedians with an opportunity to learn Wikimedia-related skills, and we will encourage them to participate in our follow-up event for new users.
3. Are you thinking about collaborating with potential partners? Such as national; educational or thematic groups and organizations? If so, will this partnership be a financial one (such as sponsorship), or a visionary one (to collaborate in regards to the content of the event)? Please share some details if you have any.
Yes. This year's key note will be about knowledge gap. We will look for an individual or group who have professional knowledge on this topic, and invite them as a speaker or panel member.
4. In which ways can WMF staff support your event onsite? If you would like support, please list the different capacities in which we can support, or describe how you would like WMF staff to be involved in the event. (Some examples of WMF support or involvement might be: for outreach and communication efforts; to lead specific sessions; for legal or safety reasons, etc).
  • Fundraising from local donors
  • Resolving long-term conflicts on mid-sized communities
  • Introduction to Abstract Wikipedia / modules


1. How many scholarships would you like to offer and what expenses will the scholarship cover?
We will offer at most three speakers, and the scholarship cover their transportation fare and accommodation fee.
2. How will scholarship recipients be selected?
We will organize a preparatory committee which any community members attend, and the committee will select the scholarship recipients.
3. Do you plan to target or prioritize specific communities or participants?
4. How will you insure diversity and inclusion in your scholarship process?
As mentioned above, we will organize a preparatory committee which is open to any community members.

Resources and risks


Describe the resource potential for successfully executing this project and the key risks/threats.


Organizing team
Team User Names
WMF Liaison User:Motoko (WMKR)
Logistics User:이강철 (WMKR)
Conference Program User:trainholic, User:Jjw, User:twotwo2019, User:*Youngjin
Scholarships User:Motoko (WMKR)
Communications User:trainholic, User:twotwo2019
Volunteer Coordinators User:Jjw, User:*Youngjin
Other team members User:Ryuch, User:Asadal



Last year, we hosted a remote conference for the first time, and we made a lot of mistakes. We are planning to live-stream our event, but we don't have enough experience. To minimize this risk, we invite volunteers who have broadcast offline events, and need enough practice before the event.



Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines.

Event budget table
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost KRW WMF contribution Other sources WMF Contribution in USD
1 Venue rent Rooms 1,650,000 1,650,000
2 Equipment Technical (cameras, etc.) 520,000 520,000
3 Honorariums per person 2 150,000 300,000 300,000
4 Travel Invited speakers and staff per person 100,000 4 400,000 400,000
5 Accommodation fees Invited speakers and staff per person 30,000 4 120,000 120,000
6 Food and beverages Lunch per person 50 15,000 750,000 750,000
7 Food and beverages Beverages per person 50 4,000 200,000 200,000
8 Food and beverages A ceremonial cake 1 piece 1 100,000 100,000 100,000
9 Souvenirs Mobile vouchers 1 piece 10 10,000 100,000 100,000
10 Shipping charges 40,000 40,000
11 Miscellaneous materials (banners, etc.) 200,000 200,000
12 Unforeseen expenses 150,000 150,000
Total 4,530,000 4,530,000 4,050
Total cost of event
4,530,000 KRW
Total amount requested from the Conference and Event Grants program
4,530,000 KRW
Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this event, and amounts funded
Please confirm that you are aware that changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.





Do you think this project should be selected for a Conference Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.