Grants:PEG/Alexandre Hannud Abdo - Grupo de Trabalho em Ciência Aberta/Encontro de Acadêmicos pelo Conhecimento Livre

This submission to the Project and Event Grants Program was funded in the fiscal year 2012-13. This is a grant to a group.

IMPORTANT: Please do not make changes to this page without the explicit approval of Project and Event Grants Program staff. They will be reverted.

Basic information


Grant details

Official project name
Encontro de Acadêmicos pelo Conhecimento Livre (Gathering of Academics for Free Knowledge)
Project start date (include month, day, and year)
7 June 2013
Project completion date (include month, day, and year)
8 June 2013
Please describe this project in 1 - 2 sentences
First gathering of a national Brazilian working group on free knowledge and science, with a seminar and workshop for scientists about collaborative production and use of free knowledge, licenses, wikis and other tools.

Financial details

Currency requested (you must specify a currency)
BRL (Brazilian Reais)
Amount requested in currency requested
Equivalent amount in US$ on the date of this submission
List the exchange rate used to calculate the amount listed in USD
Project start date (include month, day, and year)
7 June 2013

Grantee details


See the eligibility requirements for more information.

Are you an organization, an individual, or an individual submitting on behalf of a group?
Remember that individuals submitting on behalf of a group must provide 2 project leads who will be cosignatories on the Grant Agreement and cobeneficiaries on the project's bank account.
Group information
Name of group:
Grupo de Trabalho em Ciência Aberta (Open Science Working Group)
Purpose of group:
To foster the recognition, understanding and adoption of open science practices such as: open publication, open data and open-source software through the use of open licenses and standards; wikiresearch through projects such as wikiversity; and the production of open educational resources through projects such as wikipedia.
Link to information about your group:
wikiversity:pt:Portal:Ciência_Aberta (in Portuguese)

Contact information

1st Project Lead
Project lead name:
Alexandre Hannud Abdo
Project lead username or email:
Solstag (talk)
Project lead title (position within group), if any:
(does not apply)
2nd Project Lead
Project lead name:
Jorge Machado or Anna Matte (to be confirmed)
Project lead username or email:
Jorgemach or Acris
Project lead title (position within group), if any:
(does not apply)

Goals and measures of success


Project goal

This statement describes what will be accomplished if the project is successful.
We will educate an influential group of scientists on the themes and practice of open collaboration through the use of open licenses, wikis, libre software and open repositories.
We will also hold a scientific meeting, targeting a larger audience, to discuss the scientific, ethical and economic aspects of open scientific practice.
We will provide cohesion to this group, allowing it to work more effectively to promote open science in Brazilian universities.

Measures of success

Provide a list of measurable criteria will you use to determine if your project was successful. You will need to report on the success of your project according to these measures after your project is completed.
Number of people who participate in the meeting (first day): 50 people.
Number of people who participate in the workshops (second day): 20 people from at least 4 different cities in São Paulo state, and at least 4 other states.
Number of institutions represented in each: members (professors, researchers, graduate students, librarians) of at least 10 different institutions (universities, research centers) present in the meeting.
Commitment of the group after the workshop, by:
  • Joining the mailing list (this might happen along the way to the meeting - a dozen people already joined)
  • Inviting other researchers to the group
  • Organizing similar local events
  • Raising awareness of the steps a researcher can take in open science, beyond and in parallel to providing open access to publications
  • Other ways of contributing to the group and the cause
These are measurable but I don't think I can provide individual targets, I'd rather say that there will be action in these areas by most of the members.
One of the purposes of the working group is precisely to map the practice and promotion of open science in Brazil, so these measures are all concrete and specific deliverables.
Measures in terms of Wikiversity usage:
At least 25% of the working group experiences editing Wikiversity.
At least 5% of the working group attempts to use it in some academic activity soon after the event.

Project scope and activities


This section describes what will happen if this project is funded.

List of activites

Two day event (detailed program in Portuguese):

  • First day, presentations and discussion
    • Target: larger audience of researchers; location: university auditorium
    • Academic presentations on case studies and the scientific, ethical and economic issues around open collaboration in science.
  • Second day, workshops and group strategy
    • Target: committed and influential researchers; location: Casa Nexo
    • Workshops on methods, legal and technological tools for open science. These include: open licenses, open repositories for content, data and articles, blogs and wikis for open research, open-source software and version control, production and usage of open educational resources.

We will document presentations and post them to Wikimedia Commons.

All the program will be organized using Wikiversity and any publications submitted - although there might be none, this is a community gathering not a scientific conference - will be published on Wikiversity or Wikimedia Commons depending on media type.

We might later produce a booklet about the conference and the issues approached, if that happens we will in turn publish it on Wikimedia Commons.

In any case, the event will be a copyleft arena: everything authored for or during the event is expected to be licensed under CC-BY-SA.

Budget breakdown


Provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here

Note that grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
X Location University auditorium 1 day 1 0 0 BRL Offered by the university.
X Location Casa Nexo 1 day 1 1440 1440 BRL A culture center near downtown, has meeting rooms, a kitchen and a garden. The place will be completely dedicated to us. It is run by an aligned community that deals in art, sustainability and technology. They agreed to charge us only 60% of their usual rate.
X Equipment services Casa Nexo 1 day 1 300 150 BRL Includes projector, screen and office supplies.
X Location services Casa Nexo 1 day 1 350 350 BRL Includes cleaning, reception and kitchen services.
X Workshop facilitators Casa Nexo 1 day 1 0 (1500) 0 BRL Facilitators for the workshop will work as volunteers. Value in parenthesis is their usual rate.
X Catering services (Day 1) Bakery 1 person 60 15 900 BRL Coffee breaks for the first day
X Catering services (Day 2) Casa Nexo 1 person 30 31 930 BRL Breakfast and lunch including beverages (juice) for the second day
X Audiovisual services Casa Nexo 1 day 2 900 1800 BRL Film crew with professional equipment to record the entire event. We might still be able to get this for free for the first day, if offered by the auditorium's university.
X Travel Air two way trip 5 600 (estimated average) 3000 BRL We have 5 researchers we'd like to bring from other cities and states, by air. Prices fluctuate depending on who will accept.
X Travel Land two way trip 5 150 (estimated average) 750 BRL We have 5 researchers we'd like to bring from other cities and states, by land. Prices fluctuate depending on who will accept.
Total project budget
9320 BRL (but look in the observations for discounts and services offered)
Total amount requested
9320 BRL (plus transfer and conversion taxes, but I'm still trying to figure those out)
Are there additional sources of revenue that will fund any part of this project? List them here.
  • Casa Nexo is contributing 2460 BRL in discounts and volunteer work as described in the observations
  • OKFn has offered support allocating time of an employee located in Brazil, though we're barely using that for now
  • SPARC will pay for international travel for one of its employees to come participate

Non-financial requirements


See a description of nonfinancial assistance available. You should inform Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any such requirements now.

It would be useful to have instructional folders and cheat-sheets on wiki editing to distribute, but it is not a requirement.
It would be interesting to have material on WMF's university programs to distribute, but it is not a requirement.
It would be lovely to have Wikimedia merchandise to give away to the participants, but it is not a requirement.



This section is optional. It may be used to highlight the grantee's potential for successfully executing this project.

  • Solstag (talk) is a long time contributor, a sysop on Portuguese Wikiversity, and has a history of organizing events within the Wikimedia Movement in Brasil.
  • The working group has the written commitment of 21 well regarded researchers from 11 different Brazilian universities; this doesn't imply they will all come to the event, but we hope to make that viable and that they'll bring in more people to the event.
  • We are already in talks with a large Brazilian science funding agency that will likely help spread the word about this event and might financially support future events of this kind if this one is successful.
  • We have the organizational and moral support of the Open Knowledge Foundation in Brazil, though they haven't got any money to commit so far.
  • SPARC will likely send a representative to join the event.
  • We have explicit endorsement from two academic organizations, the Free Software Competence Center and the Nucleus for Research on Collaborative Online Environments, both from the University of São Paulo.



This section will describe how the proposed project is related to the Wikimedia mission and Wikimedia's strategic priorities. It will also provide information about other benefits to Wikimedia communities.

Fit to strategy

How will this project support the key organizational objectives of,
  • increasing reach (more people being able to access or contribute to Wikipedia or our other projects),
  • participation (more people actually contributing),
  • quality (more useful content or higher quality existing content),
  • credibility (more trust in our projects),
  • organizational maturity and effectiveness (how it will move your chapter or the Wikimedia community as a whole forward),
  • or financial sustainability (how it will help your chapter achieve more in the long run)?
This statement should address at least one of the strategic priorities listed here specifically. See WMF Grants Program criteria for decisionmaking.
Involving university professors in their work as lecturers is the main strategy the Wikimedia Foundation has been pursuing in Brazil. This gathering will be a unique opportunity to promote those efforts with like-minded academics from all over the country, while also investing in them from a different perspective, more geared towards their research work.
Our goals that are not directly related to raising short-term participation and quality of Wikimedia projects have, in their medium term, a clear and significant path of impact on its projects, such as better understanding of free licenses and providing open-source tools and data, that more technical and scientific Wikimedia contributors can harness to generate text, images and videos for articles.
Some researchers who have already committed to the working group have participated in Wikimedia activities and understand the mission and values, and are actively using Wikimedia projects.
The projec lead of this grant has closely collaborated with members of pretty much every local Wikimedian group in Brazil, north to south, so it is within our ability to connect the researchers who will come to local wikimedians in case they need regarding Wikimedia projects and free knowledge issues.


If your project will benefit a specific online community, please list that here.
Portuguese Wikiversity (certainly)
Wikimedia Commons (certainly)
Portuguese Wikipedia (likely)
Portuguese Wikibooks (likely)
Provide a brief statement (about 1 paragraph) about how your project is related to other work in the Wikimedia movement. Does your project fit into a work area such as GLAM, Education, Organization Development, Editor Retention, or Outreach?
As mentioned in the strategy fit, this relates directly to the work being done by the WMF Catalyst team in Brazil.
It also relates to outreach work being done by volunteers using Portuguese Wikiversity in the area of sustainability, as access to scientific information and collaboration with scientists is seen as crucial in that area.
If successful, does your project have the potential to be replicated successfully by other individuals, groups, or organizations? Please explain how in 1 - 2 sentences.
Yes, this national meeting has as one of its goals to provide coherence, motivate and empower a group of committed researchers so they may organize similar events in their geographical or thematic areas.
Please list any other benefits that this project will produce.
This project will promote its host location, which is managed by a like-minded community.
We will try to have meals in place and made with organic food from local farmers.
There is talk of hosting the inaugural assembly for the Open Knowledge Foundation chapter in Brazil during the second day, after the meeting is over, as long as this does not incur additional costs or interferes with the meeting.
The OKFn is an extremely like-minded organization that has collaborated with the Wikimedia Movement several times in the past, one can in fact consider the OKFn as part of the Wikimedia Movement.
For grantees

If you are the grantee or representative that wrote this grant submission, you may request changes by using these links: