Grants:PEG/Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick/Cycling 2016

statusnot funded
Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick/Cycling 2016
Illustrating cycling races in the north of France and in Belgium. Give these pictures and datas from these races available to the most numerous Wikipedias thanks to the use of new programs on Wikidata.
targetWikidata, Wikipedias (at least twenty) and Wikimedia Commons
strategic priorityplease add a strategic priority
start dateapril
start year2016
end date31 october
end year2016
budget (local currency)7483,50 €
budget (USD)8358,73 $
grant typeorganization
non-profit statusyes
contact(s)• Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick

Hi everybody. I am Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick, french speaker, mainly active now on Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. My plan for the 2016 season is to develop again my project about cycling that consist in taking photos of races and develop program with developers to be able to reuse on different Wikipedias the datas we now enter on Wikidata.

I plan to produce between 23000 and 25000 files during the cycling season. This request arrived late (for professional reasons, and because we are testing a program developped on Wikidata), I will pay the first races. In parallel, and so I will not move for nothing, we work on Wikidata to develop a program to generate data tables in articles. The objective is that at least twenty language versions of Wikipedia use this program in the year. Taking pictures is a good thing, but the idea of ​​the project is to boost the treatment of cycling in different language versions Wikipedia.

I sent my email adress at the 27th january, at this date the project was almost ready, it was missing was a calculation.


  • Illustrate a representative sample of the 2016 cycling season, see Grand Prix de Fourmies 2015 on Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia for an example of product.
  • Federate the different speakers to set up tools for us to work together, despite the language barrier, to be more productive and qualitative.
  • Enable the least important benefit Wikipedias data entries on Wikidata to publicize them a great leap forward in terms of quality and quantity, in order that users of these countries can also benefit from articles in their language.
  • Continue to publicize Wikipedia in the world of cycling, whether the organizers, teams or directly cyclists.


  • Illustrate cycle races. Paradoxically, I do not have much to say on the subject because I have been doing this for two years and there is not much to tell, except I go an cycling races and take photos. For the record, the descriptions of all files are centralized in a single directory, allowing any interested contributor to insert descriptions in their language.
  • One big change this year is that I also collaborate with other speakers.



After two trials in 2013 at the Grand Prix de Denain and the Four Days of Dunkirk, I began to develop a very big illustrative project of cycling in Nord-Pas-de-Calais (north of France) and Belgium. I went mainly illustrate those races by bike and train. There are more than 80 races that were illustrated in 2014 and 2015, covering all professional levels.

At the production of photographs and videos, I'm pretty developed despite a very basic equipment. I can link easily races, even more per week, and for two years I have a lot of contacts that allow me to work especially closer to the runners for a best result, although some races were held by press unions and refuse any accreditation for Wikipedia. During the cycling season, managing my project usually takes me between sixty and seventy hours a week, every day being worked.

It remained a point to solve, I was not quite satisfied with the work that we could shoot on Wikipedia. After analyzing the problems, I deduced that we were numerous enough but we were doing the same work in different languages. So I started to work with other contributors in order to start reusing the data that we enter Wikidata. Very quickly we have prepared five infoboxes for cycling. Tests continue little to little, then we start to transfer datas from Wikipedia to Wikidata. We develop templates for external links, one is now available on twenty Wikipedias. In december and january, I work in tandem with a german user to develop Cycling race. This program show the future of Wikipedia : an unique page of code that permits to users to translate datas, one copy by language (that evolve with updates), and functions that permit to display a table listing the stage or the table listing the palmares of a race since its creation. This program is already adopted in many Wikipedias, it will take time for one or two Wikipedia to adopt it usually because one contributor. On this side, work will continue. We are preparing a common infobox for cycling race. With a same code of one line to include on different Wikipedias, it will be easy for an user to help other Wikipedias. Next other functions will concern tables for stage and general classifications. An user from Latvia (this language has only two millions of speakers) start to write a similar program to list the roster of a team, see lv:Team Sky. A such program is a chance for all Wikipedias.



Target readership


Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and therefore Wikipedia.

Fit with strategy

  • Increasing quality : provide an opportunity for readers to have their Wikipedia articles illustrated with portraits of riders and material, and through the links, access to comprehensive reporting on the progress of the race, with videos when possible. The reader should imagine actually attending the race, and the whole course of the day must be illustrated, sometimes behind the scenes.
  • Increasing participation : firstly through reports made and secondly by the working group made on Wikidata, I hope retain new contributors who will be motivated to see a dynamic project and now multilingual, where it will no longer be necessarily need to know a language to add a photography or a table of datas from Wikidata. For this collaboration, I am confident that we can be more productive by centralizing data and leave the field open to contributors-editors who bring real added value to Wikipedia : detailed texts. More emphasis is already given to small Wikipedias that have a greater need for automation and recruit additional contributors. On another level, for two years, a number of reports have already been produced in collaboration with the organizers. Some have already contacted me documents to produce maps from old editions, and I am confident that through the generalization of Wikidata we can develop products squarely on races that have taken place there thirty or forty years. Wikipedia should not be a den of insiders, it must be as close to the expectations of the audience.

Measures of success

  • Concerning the photographic production, I will count the illustrated races (around fifty), then the total number of teams that have been illustrated (over 110), then the average percentage of runners illustrated in a team (75 % minimum for the teams that come up regularly). Then it will be clear that the photographs produced are well placed in articles, and in different languages ​​(although this element is primarily a working group). This season, special emphasis should be placed on women's races because we lack portraits for cyclists runners and women's teams, even though we (including FR Wiki) a contributor who did a tremendous job in the field and who master Wikidata (in the future, mastering Wikidata will be a crucial point). My dream is to see other contributors do exactly the same job as me in their countries.
  • Concerning the production of datas, which is a major part of my project, I will continue the good resolution for the new year that is to enter datas only on Wikidata, Cycling race program has been adopted by the Norwegian. I still plan to introduce it to other contributors in the Nordic countries and Eastern Europe, which are generally more open to new things that some big Wikipedias. If I can find the right speakers, I will be a supporter of Cycling race adapt to the Chinese and Hindi, these languages ​​have a lot of speakers and adaptation work is very fast, the gain is very important because these versions language are brought to grow strongly. The development of new functions documented, and whose documentation is translatable, is expected to boost the creation of articles reusing datas from Wikidata. The goal is that all the races of European calendar have complete data, which will then allow contributors to create articles in their respective languages, but always an article in French, that is the main Wikipedia for cycling. This production data will showcase the products reports and make them much more accessible to readers.

For the communication of reports, a timetable will be provided to contributors of different language versions and a small guide explaining how to identify a runner on a photo and insert it on Wikidata so that everyone benefits. This working group will be a fair exchange : on one side they will identify and will place files, on the other they will benefit by my action (or the action of other contributors) datas on the race and also cartography. This element particularly interested readership, although the production of maps is very time consuming. The currency is in euros.

Resources and risks




Me, Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick, fourth largest contributor in the number of product and uploaded files, first french, this for five years full time on foundation projects. Furthermore, I run successfully for two years my cycling illustration project. I also worked to illustrate the mining area of ​​Nord-Pas-de-Calais, the railways, the small local heritage, Louvre-Lens works, politics, amusement parks. I like directing large projects.



No risk, with the exception of bicycle falls or be taken on arrival in a massive drop of runners.



I will illustrate races from march to october. All are located in the North of France and in Belgium, see UCI World Tour 2016 and UCI Europe Tour 2016. One or two in the Netherlands, one possibly at London (it is not sure, there is sometimes most problems to pass in the United Kingdom at Calais).

I present an overall budget without estimating race by race cost. The reasons are simple : I never know if I will first illustrate this precise race or do another if the dates are the same, or stay at home because it's raining, and I do not work in the rain. Second, for a given race, I can decide the day before or the morning to go by car, to go cycling only if the race is less than sixty kilometers from home, or to go with bicycle and train knowing that in this case I can have up to three or four different routes which implies costs that vary. For example, if I have to illustrate a cycle race in Pérenchies near Lille, I can decide to go by car, to go by bike only, or to go by train and taking the bike in my city, at Douai or at Orchies, and get off at Lille or Pérenchies, making eight possibilities. With the car, a kilometer cost 0,543 €. With the bikes, a kilometer cost 0,25 €. When I take the train in Belgium, I must pay 8 € for the mountain bike, it is free if I take the folding bike. Taking the bike in France is free. I prevent that my transport costs for a forecast of sixty-five days of race will amount to € 3,500, it is the maximum amount, that not exceeded. When two days of race are held in Belgium and follow, I'd rather generally stay put, which usually turns out cheaper, but I can turn home if I work during the night. According to my findings for the 2015 season, a hotel night in Belgium costs fifty euros on average, sometimes more when the race takes place on the coast. I plan twenty nights, a budget of € 1,000. Again, I do not have specific dates because I never know in advance what races I will illustrate. I generally left home between 5 AM an 7 PM and turn at home between 8 PM and 11 PM, so I take breakfast, lunch and dinner. 1 $ = 0,900130519 €. The per diem of US Department of State gives 120 $ for meals in France and 68 % in Belgium. Because I work more in Belgium and the level of life is similar, I keep the value of Belgium. WMF allow 75 %, so 75 % of 68 $ gives 51 $. 1 $ = 0,900130519 €, so 51 $ = 45,90665647 € so 45,90 € per day. I predict 65 days of race with this budget, so the amount is 2983,50 € (a verification is needed, but I think it is good).

This project has a very low cost in terms of everything that happened, because I basically moved by train and bicycle, it is not rare that I traverses between 70 and 110 kilometers on a race day and I restart the next day. Besides, I do not take salary (this is planned for the 2017 season because I am getting rapped on the knuckles by the employment agency) because if I am satisfied with the work produced in the race, I'm not yet able to produce items in a little more than twenty languages, it will be a reality next year.

Item Cost by unit (€) Number Total (€)
Transports for the 2016 season 3500 €
Hotel 50 € 20 1000 €
Meals 45,90 € 65 2983,50 €

Note that I work before receiving money. So you will receive once a month or each ten races an e-mail with train tickets, invoice of hotel, distances traveled with schematics. I give at each race a number and at each payment request a letter.

Total cost of project

7483,50 €

Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants program

7483,50 €

Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded


I do not plan to seek other sponsors for the 2016 season, I prefer to wait until the 2017 season when everything should be fully operational. Having about 75000 files uploaded in five years, I will continue to charge the uses under different conditions, even if the recovery is too uncertain. The funds raised will be used to reimburse me a computer screen that I had to replace in October and a mountain bike that was stolen on a cycling race and I had to replace end September, for an amount of approximately € 500. I will be happy to change my camera too, I will see if it is possible.

For this projet, I bring in material two digital cameras, one scooter (I do not think use it), one folding bike and three mountain bikes.

Non-financial requirements


With a german user, we work to develop a program called Cycling race that permits to use datas from Wikidata in more than ten languages. During the year, more Wikipedias will benefit of this program. Some functions are complex, it is possible we have no ideas to do a special thing in a function. In this case, we will be happy to receive the help from a specialist. On an other hand, I have a project of on-board camera that is ready, it lacks just the authorization of the UCI (that direct the professionnal cycling). I can use it on cars during time trial.

Clarifications on the comments of members of the GAC

  • comment of DerekvG : 50 different races representing around 65 days of race, with a average of 350 photos and somes vidéos (start, finish, reactions...) by day of race. Races of all levels.





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