Grants:PEG/WM EE/2014/Report

< Grants:PEG‎ | WM EE‎ | 2014

Report accepted
This report for a Project and Event grant approved in FY 13 December 2015 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:PEG/WM EE/2014.
  • You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
  • You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.

Project status

Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?

* Wikimedia Eesti complied with most of the requirements specified in the grant agreement, except for presenting reports in time.

Is your project completed?

* Project is generally completed, except for publishing Free Culture of Lawrence Lessig amd lobbying for Freedom of Panorama in Estonia. These activities will be completed by the end of the year 2015 and will be reported on separately.

Activities and lessons learned





1. General administration and training

Aim: the aim of the activities of the general administration and training activities was to ensure daily operational activity and increase capacity of the organization.
Main activities:
  1. Continuing with the contractor to keep bookkeeping of Wikimedia Eesti in order.
  2. Participation of a board member of Wikimedia Eesti on Boards training workshop in London.
  3. Participation of executive director in training for "People management" and "Project writing and management" in September and October respectively.
  4. Discussions about roles of board members after training activities.
  5. Rental of office space for Wikimedia Eesti.
  6. Dealing with daily administrative tasks and challenges.
Featured story
Wikimedia Eesti Office
Planned activities vs executed activities
General administration activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March-December Diverse activities of daily operating from communication and transportation, to banking transactions and translation of the necessary documents. Activities of daily operating were carried out throughout the year. All necessary documents were translated. There were some delays in bank transactions and at some points communication proved to be insufficient.
Diverse activities of bookkeeping, including financial quarterly and yearly reporting. The financial report of the year 2013 to be presented for the general assembly in the beginning of March. Bookkeeping was generally in order, but there were some problems related to archiving the documents, which resulted in some confusion in the first half of the year 2015. The financial report of the year 2013 was presented to general assembly and approved in time. Due to busy activity, the plan to publish quarterly reports was not executed.
Training activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March Participation of the board member in the London workshop, mediation of acquired knowledge to relevant persons. Board member participated in the workshop and shared acquired knowledge with fellow board members and employees. After board elections in the beginning of March this knowledge proved to be very useful and provided support for the board to discuss roles of board members.
May General training seminars and workshops were not yet scheduled in the beginning of grant project. Participation of the board member on the exam to receive the certificate to do training for adults.
August General training seminars and workshops were not yet scheduled in the beginning of grant project. From the 4th to the 5th of August participation of the board member on the Train the Trainer workshop before Wikimania 2014.
September-October General training seminars and workshops were not yet scheduled in the beginning of grant project. Executive director Wikimedia Eesti participated on 2 training sessions on "People management" and "Project writing and management". The knowledge was mediated to the board.
What worked well? a) Training in London inspired board member to work harder and also to discuss governance issues with fellow board members, b) continuing with the professional bookkeeper kept the accountancy and documentation of Wikimedia Eesti generally in order, although there have been drawbacks in some areas, c) although the most active board member of Wikimedia Eesti left his position in February, Wikimedia Eesti managed to sustain its level of activity.
What didn't work? a) Although Wikimedia Eesti has weekly board meetings, there were some communication problems in some areas, b) although it was planned to publish quarterly reports to prepare the organization for moving into APG funding, this plan was not carried out, c) although efforts were made to give board members clear instructions about their roles, sometimes there was confusion about responsibilities.
What would you do differently? a) invest more available time and human resources to keep the documentation in order, b) try to find more trainings to board members with good cost and quality ratio.
Additional resources: Boards training workshop in London; training description of "People management" and "Project writing and management" courses where executive director participated.

2. Human resources

Aim: the aim of the activities of the human resources activities was to increase the effectiveness of the chapter board in particular and chapter itself in general.
Main activities:
  1. Continuing with employees hired during 2013 grant.
  2. Restructuring the staff from board assistant and project writer positions to the ones of executive director and assistant.
  3. Expanding the board to 4 members.
  4. Acquiring external funding from Estonian Ministry of Culture and from The Kindred Peoples' Programme.
  5. Moving from the Project and Event Grants system of Wikimedia Foundation to the Annual Plan Grants.
  6. Dealing with daily administrative tasks and challenges.
Featured story
Board members of Wikimedia Eesti discussing things with AffCom representative in Wikimedia Conference 2014 in Berlin
Planned activities vs executed activities
Board assistant / assistant activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March-June The activities of the board assistant were planned to be regular and spread out over the annual timespan, including participation in weekly board meetings, general assembly meetings, publication of weekly newsletter, updating web pages and managing the correspondence of the organization. Board assistant participated actively in operation of Wikimedia Eesti and filled its job functions in an expected manner, supporting well the board of Wikimedia Eesti in its transition period.
July-December Although the need for restructuring the roles of staff members of Wikimedia Eesti was foreseen before the beginning of the project period, it was not clear how it will be carried out. The change of roles was executed in the middle point of the year and activities of the assistant remained similar to the ones of board assistant, with an addition of supporting role to the newly created position of executive director. Assistant participated actively in operation of Wikimedia Eesti and filled its job functions in an expected manner, supporting well the board of Wikimedia Eesti and also executive director in his transition period.
Project writer / executive director
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March-June The activities of the project writer were planned to be regular and spread out over the annual timespan. These activities included project writing and applying for sponsorships from various companies in Estonia. Also the process of transformation to APG funding was foreseen to begin in June 2014. Project writer was mostly concerned with reporting issues related to 2013 grant, report of which was finally published in the beginning of June.
July-December Although there had been discussions about restructuring payed positions in the chapter, transition to executive director position was not planned until discussions from April to June 2014. It was decided that the position of an executive director is better suited to the needs of Wikimedia Eesti than the one of project writer and thus on the 1st of July 2014 former part-time project writer continued his work as a full-time executive director on the basis of presented Vison & Scope document. Executive director started his work on 4 main fields: 1) Vision and strategy, 2) Programs and projects, 3) Community and Public Relations, 4) Administration and Reporting. As a result a short term strategy was added to general development principles, APG proposal was presented in time and issues related to operating programs and projects were dealt with. A more thorough analysis of the work should be made available in the Fourth interim report on professionalization.
What worked well? a) transition of the project writer to the role of an executive director took place smoothly without immediate drawbacks, b) Wikimedia Eesti was able to present its APG proposal in time, c) generally the daily operating of the chapter was well handled.
What didn't work? a) there were issues distributing workload between payed staff and voluntary board members, b) executive director was not able to address all the points presented in the Vison & Scope document, c) there were significant drawbacks on the level of collecting information throughout the wide scope of the activity of the chapter.
What would you do differently? a) demand executive director (and possibly other staff and board members) to prioritize his activities and provide a clear working plan with working hours to ensure that all the issues have been adressed, b) implement quarterly reporting criteria for everyone doing programmatic work.
Additional resources Second interim report on professionalization; Third interim report on professionalization, Vision and Scope document of executive director.


1. Organization and Wikipedians

Aim: the aim of the activities of the community section related to organization and wikipedians is to increase the effectiveness of their activity through organizational and motivational events.
Main activities:
  1. Assembly in March was organized in time to discuss the results of the 2013 fiscal year and upcoming plans for the year 2014.
  2. Assembly in September was organized in time to discuss the plans and strategy for the year 2015 and to discuss Annual Plan Grant proposal before presenting it.
  3. Traditional Wikipedia Summer Days took place on Naissaar.
  4. End of the year meetings were held with the community in Tallinn and in Tartu.
Featured story
General Assembly of Wikimedia Eesti in March 2014
Planned activities vs executed activities
General assembly, Summer Days and other meetings activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March Planned General Assembly General Assembly took place on the 8th of March in Tartu. The results of the fiscal year 2013 were presented and the report approved, as well as upcoming activities of the year 2014 were discussed.
August-September Preparations for General Assembly, planned to take place in August. General Assembly took place on the 20th December and the main subject was the strategy and activity plan of Wikimedia Eesti for year 2015, as well as grant proposal for APG process related to the year 2015.
Preparations for Wikipedia Summer Days, planned to take place in Summer. Summer Days took place on the 16th and 17th of August 2015 on Naissaar. It had 9 participants from the community and chapter and during 2 days they took actively part in recreational activities and discussions.
December There were several ideas for different motivational events for community and organization members. Only end of the year meetings took place in Tallinn and Tartu, giving a possibility to discuss Wikipedia and Wikimedia related issues and ideas in free atmosphere.
What worked well? a) general assemblies took place in time and necessary decisions were made in time, b) on the events that took place, the atmosphere supported interesting discussions, c) continuing tradition of Wikipedia Summer Days supports the integrity of the community.
What didn't work? a) numbers of attendancy on general assemblies could be better to improve general awareness and discussions about the activity of Wikimedia Eesti within the community, b) general communication practices within the chapter and with community ought to be improved to support better integrity within the chapter and with other members of the community.
What would you do differently? a) all the materials should be presented to chapter members more time before the general assembly, as to provide them more time to get acquainted with all the details and to have a more thorough discussion, b) increase the role of the community in organizing the Summer Days.
Additional resources General Assembly in March; General Assembly in September; Wikipedia Summer Days 2014 in Estonia

2. Outreach

Aim: the aim of the activities of the community section related to outreach is increasing reach of and participation in our activities, as well as ensuring credibility of the projects by augmenting general public awareness of free culture and free knowledge.
Main activities:
  1. Negotiating details about publication of Free Culture of Lawrence Lessig with stakeholders,
  2. Itinerant exhibitions of Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 and 2014 competitions touring the country,
  3. Itinerant exhibition of Wiki Loves Earth 2014 touring the country,
  4. Itinerant exhibition of feminism project touring the country.
Featured story
Coffee cups in the office of Wikimedia Eesti
Planned activities vs executed activities
Outreach activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March-December The publishing of the Free Culture of Lawrence Lessig was planned to take place in March 2014 and distribution of books in April 2014. The publishing of the book was delayed due to discussions with Estonian Internet Society, translator, language editor and search for juridical commentary. An agreement to print the book was resolved with the University of Tartu Press in December 2014 and the book will be published in the year 2015.
Touring of exhibition of Wiki Loves Monuments 2013
Location Start date End date
Jõgevamaa Keskraamatukogu 01.03.14 29.03.14
Suure Munamäe vaatetorn 01.04.14 01.05.14
Viljandi Pärimusmuusika ait 05.05.14 31.05.14
Pärnu Keskraamatukogu 02.06.14 13.07.14
Rannarootsi Keskus Haapsalus 15.07.14 28.08.14
Virtsu Kool 10.09.14 10.10.14
Virtsu Seltsimaja 12.10.14 19.10.14
Touring of exhibition of Wiki Loves Monuments 2014
Location Start date End date
Virtsu Kool 10.12.14 12.12.14
Virtsu Seltsimaja 14.12.14 20.12.14

The exhibition of feminism project was exhibited in Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium, in café "Sõsar", Central Library of Lääne county, the cinema "Artis" in Tallinn and in Viljandi Culture Academy.

What worked well? a) itinerant exhibitions were generally well accepted and also received some press coverage, b) it was possible to exhibit winning pictures of competitions in various Estonian locations, c) Wikimedia Eesti had sufficient memorabilia availavle throughout the year.
What didn't work? a) Wikimedia Eesti has not managed to figure out how to measure the effectiveness of itinerant exhibitions, b) progress of publishing Free Culture has been slowly and negotiations tiring for everyone involved.
What would you do differently? a) Try to handle negotiations with different parties related to book publishing in a more effective manner.
Additional resources List of exhibitions of Wiki Loves Monuments winning photos; Wikipedia article about Free Culture of Lawrence Lessig

Press coverage Põ, 03.03.2014;, 06.05.2014

International relations

1. Participation

Aim: The aim of the activities of the international participation section is to increase organizational maturity and effectiveness of Wikimedia Eesti by sharing our own experiences and learning from others.
Main activities:
  1. Participation of 3 representatives of Wikimedia Eesti on Wikimedia Conference 2014 in Berlin,
  2. Participation of 3 representatives of Wikimedia Eesti on Wikimania 2014 in London,
  3. Participation of executive director of Wikimedia Eesti on the meeting of Executive Directors of the movement in Paris,
  4. Participation of 2 representatives of Wikimedia Eesti on Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014 in Kyiv.
Featured story
Executive director of Wikimedia Eesti participating on Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014
Planned activities vs executed activities
International participation activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
April Participation of 3 representatives on Wikimedia Conference 2014 in Berlin. 2 board members and 1 employee took part on the conference, participated actively in discussions and made 2 presentations: Do not try this at home and The dark side of funds diversification
August Participation of 3 representatives on Wikimania 2014 in London. 2 board members and 1 employee took part on the conference and participated actively in discussions.
September There was a plan to organize a wikiexpedition in Ukraine to increase interaction with the representatives of Wikimedia Ukraine Expedition was cancelled due to political situation in Ukraine.
December Participation of 2 representatives on Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014 in Kyiv. 1 board member and 1 employee took part on the conference, participated actively in discussions, also as presenters, e.g. A Plan to Introduce Freedom of Panorama in Estonia in 2015, GLAM - Estonian Republic 100, Wikipedia Education Program in Estonia and WMCEE Retreat 2015 in Estonia
What worked well? a) Wikimedia Eesti was represented on important international conferences in the movement, shared its experience and learned from others, b) Wikimedia Eesti increased its level of participation in the regional CEE group, also being part of the team developing Wikimedia CEE Spring 2015 event, c) participation on the ED meeting in Paris proved to be extremely helpful for the executive director of Wikimedia Eesti, providing a chance to learn experienced fellows and to be updated about important issues within the movement.
What didn't work? a) 2 times during the year Wikimedia Eesti lost some funds because foreseen participants were not able to travel to the location (due to series of unfortunate events), b) not all the meetings in the movement are planned in advance to include travel costs in the budget and this results in some unforeseen travel costs.
What would you do differently? a) allocate more time resources to participate in follow-up discussions after the conference.
Additional resources Wikimedia Conference 2014, Wikimania 2014, Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014

Presentations on conferences Do not try this at home!!!; The dark side of funds diversification; A Plan to Introduce Freedom of Panorama in Estonia in 2015; GLAM - Estonian Republic 100; Wikipedia Education Program in Estonia; WMCEE Retreat 2015 in Estonia

2. Organization

Aim: The aim of the activities of the international participation section is to increase organizational maturity and effectiveness of Wikimedia Eesti by sharing our own experiences and learning from others.
Main activities:
  1. Organization of the first Finno-Ugric wikiseminar],
  2. carrying out the survey among participants to better organize second seminar in 2015.
Featured story
Participants of the first finno-ugric wikiseminar held in Estonia in August 2014.
Planned activities vs executed activities
International organizing activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March-July Setting up the organisatory network, communication with possible partners, interaction with interested participants. Wikimedia Eesti contacted possible participants from small Finno-Ugric wikipedias and also discussed opportunities with Paul Ariste Centre for Indigenous Finno-Ugric Peoples in University of Tartu. Wikimedia Eesti secured additional funding from Kindred Peoples' Programme.
August Organization and taking place of the 3-day seminar. The seminar took place from the 22nd to the 24th of August, with a public conference day in Tartu and closed seminar in Vaskna turismitalu. The programme consisted of presentations, practical workshops and discussions. There were 23 participants from 5 countries representing 10 finno-ugric languages. During the article creation/translation event with the help of Minority Translate translation tool et:Kasutaja:Metsavend/FUWIKIartiklid 141 articles were created in 7 languages. Also some articles were written to Karelian Wikipediain incubator.
September-December Evaluation of the seminar outcomes and decisions concerning the future of the Fenno-Ugric program, creation, improvement and translation of articles. Possible planning for future events and collaboration. It was discussed in the end of seminar that it was very useful for the participants and so it was decided to have the second edition in the year 2015 in Estonia. A list of possible follow-up activities was discussed, but unfortunately many of them were not carried out due to conflicting schedules and activities continued mostly on the local level.
What worked well? a) Meeting was a good form to have an active discussion on important issues of small Finno-Ugric Wikipedias, b) Minority Translate proved to be an excellent tool to be used for these small Wikipedias, c) there was good support from local organizations dealing with indigenous finno-ugric peoples, as well as additional funding was received to ameliorate the project.
What didn't work? a) It was hard to get participants from the territory of Russina Federation to participate on the event, b) there were some language issues as for some participants the main suitable working language was English and for others it was Russian.
What would you do differently? a) Invest more resources into follow-up activities to increase the effect of the gathering, b) try to communicate better with participants from Russian Federation to sort out their visa problems and ensure their participation.
Additional resources Project page on Wikimedia Eesti homepage; List of articles created during the event; Homepage of Minority Translate translation tool used on the conference.

Press coverage, 22.08.2014;, 20.08.2014;, 27.08.2014;, 29.08.2014; blog post,, 31.08.2014; Oma Mua, 2014 nr. 34 (in Karelian)

Wikimedia content

1. Large projects

Aim: The aim of the activities of the international participation section is to is to increase participation in the activities of Wikimedia Eesti, as well as the quality of the content acquired. This aim is related to increasing reach and credibility of the Wikimedia Eesti projects..
Main activities:
  1. Operating large volunteer-based Wikipedia course in University of Tartu, with 167 participants,
  2. Continuing collaboration with Estonian Ministry of Science and Research to integrate Wikipedia into Estonian secondary school curricula,
  3. Roundtable with the important actors on the field of cultural heritage on the 17th of September 2014 to discuss the Estonian Republic 100 GLAM project,
  4. Creating an itinerant exhibition about important women in history of feminism in Estonia as part of the civic education project,
  5. Viki48 event and most of the civic education program activities were cancelled.
Featured story
One of the leaders of education program in Estonia, volunteer Ivo Kruusamägi
Planned activities vs executed activities
Education program activities in secondary schools
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March-May Main activities of the project, i.e. writing of articles, consulting and training. Activities were carried out on a smaller scale than expected, because it was really hard to schedule trainings and activities in schools - in the end of the schoolyear they were rather uninterested.
June Evaluation of articles, summer school of Wikipedia editing, prize ceremony for the competition. As the active writing period did not go as expected, it was decided that a second active participation window will be opened in September-October. Although articles were evaluated there was no summer school of Wikipedia editing and no prize ceremony.
July-August Evaluations of and conclusions from the project. Planning a similar project for the next school year. Instead of concluding the project and planning a similar project for the next year, preparations were made for the second active writing period in September-October.
September-October Possible activities of the follow-up project. Second active training and writing period, which did not go any better than the one in Spring.
November-December Possible activities of the follow-up project. Discussions with the Ministry of Education to redesign the project and agreement to create a Wikipedia related e-course instead of the original plan. Activities of the new project were carried out in year 2015.
Estonian Republic 100 activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March First contacts with possible partners, organization of the round table. It was hard to establish contacts with the representatives of possible partners and it was impossible to schedule a roundtable in Spring. As a result it was postponed to take place in September.
April-August Active period of the project with collaboration and workshops for employees of partner institutions to increase the effectiveness of Wikimedia content related activities. Instead of active project period nothing really happened, as the roundtable was not yet held.
September-October Active period of the project with collaboration and workshops for employees of partner institutions to increase the effectiveness of Wikimedia content related activities. Roundtable gathered finally on the 17th of September. Disposition towards the project was generally positive and details of the implementation of the idea was discussed. A mailing list and working documents were created to establish an effective workflow.
November-December Evaluation of the project year and planning for forthcoming years. Mailing list became inactive and there was no work done in created documents. During the year 2014 the project did not reach any content-related result.
What worked well? a) Volunteer-driven university course in Faculty of Science and Technology of University of Tartu continues to be the main activity of the education program in Estonia, b) roundtable for the Estonian Republic 100 project took place with 15 participants from 12 organizations and there was a certain interest to implement the program, c) the Ministry of Education and Research was willing to restructure the dysfunctional secondary schools education program pilot into more prospective process of creating an e-course.
What didn't work? a) Original pilot project for introducing Wikipedia to the students of secondary schools did not work, resulting in extremely bad ratio between invested resources and created articles, b) Wikimedia Eesti was unable to make use of the momentum gathered on the roundtable for Estonian Republic 100 project and the project stalled, c) there were no available resources to implement civic education program in a wider scale and Viki48 project had to be cancelled.
What would you do differently? a) Try to negotiate Estonian Ministry of Education and Research to a more functioning program for introducing Wikipedia to secondary schools, b) invest more human resources to Estonian Republic 100 project to inspire possible partners and get the huge project moving.
Additional resources Overview of Estonian education program on outreach wiki; Project page for the secondary schools education project; Blog post about education program in Estonia in blog of Wikimedia Foundation

2. Textual content

Aim: The aim of the activities of the international participation section is to is to increase participation in the activities of Wikimedia Eesti, as well as the quality of the content acquired. This aim is related to increasing reach and credibility of the Wikimedia Eesti projects..
Main activities:
  1. The most successful article competition of Wikimedia Eesti, Translation bee took place from the 21st of February to the 21st of April 2014 with 52 participants translating 411 articles,
  2. As a follow-up to Estonian-Armenian collaboration month, there was a Wikipedian exchange in Summer-Autumn of 2014, where the winner of Estonian competition visited Armenia and vice versa, to encourage further collaboration between the communities,
  3. As the collaboration weeks/months have worked well in Estonia a Greek themed article competition was held in November 2014, following a decision on the CEE meetup on Wikimania 2014. It had 12 participants editing 230 articles,
  4. As the conflict of interest was resolved, there was a small Tartu related article writing month announced in October 2014, with 3 participants editing 10 articles,
  5. Political articles project was cancelled.
Featured story
Participants and organizers of Translation bee 2014 edition
Planned activities vs executed activities
Translation bee activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March-April Active period of the competition. The active writing period of the competition opened on the 21st of February and lasted until the 21st of April. During that period 52 participants translated alltogether 411 articles.
May Evaluation of the articles, prize ceremony. 7 member jury evaluated articles and the prize ceremony was held on the 21st of May 2014 in European House in Tallinn.
Greek themed article competition activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
August Organizing this competition was not foreseen On the CEE meetup on Wikimania 2014 it was decided that a good low cost project would be writing about 1 country in the region. Greece was chosen to be the country.
September-October Organizing this competition was not foreseen Discussions with possible partners for the competition, including Embassy of Greece in Tallinn.
November Organizing this competition was not foreseen Active writing period of the competition, 12 participants edited 230 articles alltogether.
December Organizing this competition was not foreseen Evaluation of articles by 3 member jury. The final ceremony took place on the 22nd of January in the Embassy of Greece in Tallinn.
What worked well? a) Translation bee, where every participant can translate articles from any language, was once again a very popular competition with continued partnership with European Commission, b) Greek themed articles competition was successful and also received support from local Embassy of Greece, c) award trip for the Estonian-Armenian collaboration week inspired both participants and has supported a better communication between the communities.
What didn't work? a) Due to certain uncertainty regarding Tartupedia project, we lost the volunteer project manager, b) as a result the Tartu related article competition was not as successful as hoped, c) also the leader for the political articles project did not execute the idea.
What would you do differently? a) Provide more attention and support to volunteer program leaders to engage them more in Wikimedia activities, b) try to find good solutions for continuing Tartupedia project, as it is publicly noticeable.
Additional resources Project page for the translation bee; Articles contributed during translation bee 2014; Project page for Greek themed articles competition; Articles contributed during Greek themed articles competition.

Press coverage Translation bee:, 21.02.2014;, 21.02.2014;, 21.02.2014; Müürileht, 22.02.2014; Valgamaalane, 23.02.2014; Interview to Radio Kuku, 22.05.2014

Tartu article competition: Tartu Postimees, 01.10.2014; Tartu Ekspress, 01.10.2014

Greek themed articles competition:, 31.10.2014

3. Media content

Aim: The aim of the activities of the international participation section is to is to increase participation in the activities of Wikimedia Eesti, as well as the quality of the content acquired. This aim is related to increasing reach and credibility of the Wikimedia Eesti projects..
Main activities:
  1. Wiki Loves Earth competition was organized for the first time in Estonia with 28 participants uploading 502 pictures,
  2. Wiki Loves Monuments competition was organized for the 4th time in Estonia with the support of the Ministry of Culture and with 81 participants uploading 1769 pictures,
  3. 5 expeditions for taking photos were organized during the year, related to Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Monuments and also Latvia 100 project,
  4. Activities of the illustration project were cancelled.
Featured story
!st prize of Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 competition in Estonia
Planned activities vs executed activities
Wiki Loves Earth 2014 activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March Preparations for the competition: creation of lists of natural heritage sites and objects, communication with photo club communities and possible sponsors, scheduling of possible expeditions and workshops. The lists of natural heritage sites and objects were created, there were negotiations with possible partners and photo club communities. The necessity and functionality of workshops was discussed, as well as possible expedition routes.
April The active competition period, expeditions and workshops. Competition was a bit postponed and April used for preparing the competition. Also volunteer team leader left and there was reorganizing in the project team.
May Meeting of the jury, award ceremony, possible participation in the work of international jury. Active competition period with 28 participants uploading 502 pictures.
June Activities were planned to end in May. 4 member jury chose the best pictures and 10 of them also participated in the international round. It was decided that there will be no Estonian member in international jury and also that the awarding ceremony for Estonian event will be cancelled due to scheduling problems and lack of public interest.
Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 activities
Month Planned activity Executed activity
March-May Restructuring and planning of the Wiki Loves Monuments competition. The competition was somewhat restructured and the emphasis was put on wikiexpeditions to receive pictures of new objects.
June-August The best period for the photohunt. Some expeditions were held during the Summer.
September The active competition period. Active competition period with 81 participants uploading 1769 pictures.
October-November Work of the jury and the prize ceremony. 4 member jury chose the best pictures and 10 of them also participated in the international round. The final ceremony took place in the premises of Cultural Heritage Board on the 28th November 2014.
What worked well? a) Support from the Ministry of Culture helped to bring the number of participants and pictures uploaded out of the decreasing trend for Wiki Loves Monuments and at the same time images of new objects were added, b) although there were some issues during the planning phase of Wiki Loves Earth it was still possible to get a decent number of pictures of different natural heritage sites, c) wikiexpeditions proved to be an extremely useful way to get people to take pictures in remote locations.
What didn't work? a) Illustration project was cancelled due to problems with possible derivative works in the 2013 project, b) volunteer assigned to organize Wiki Loves Earth in Estonia abandoned the project a month before the official start of the competition, which made organizing the event significantly harder, c) small grant from the Ministry of Culture brought along issues related to administration and reporting.
What would you do differently? a) Provide more support to volunteers to keep them motivated, b) increase communication with project leads to prevent problems related to project management and reporting.
Additional resources Wiki Loves Monuments Estonian homepage; Wiki Loves Earth Estonian homepage

Commons categories Wikiexpeditions: Expedition to Endla Nature Reserve; Expeditions of one of the most active contributor, Janno Loide; Traditional Latvian expedition in 2014; Wikiexpedition organized with the students of Tallinn University of Technology; Pictures taken during wikiexpeditions organized in the framework of Wiki Loves Monuments competition

Wiki Loves Monuments Images from Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 in Estonia; Winners of Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 in Estonia

Wiki Loves Earth Images from Wiki Loves Earth 2014 in Estonia; Winners of Wiki Loves Earth 2014 in Estonia

Press coverage Wiki Loves Earth:, 02.05.2014, Meie Maa, 13.05.2014

Wiki Loves Monuments: Maaleht, 01.09.2014,, 01.09.2014, Pealinn, 01.09.2014, Saarte Hääl, 02.09.2014,, 02.09.2014, Tartu Postimees, 16.09.2014, Saarte Hääl, 29.11.2014,, 30.11.2014, Harju Elu, 03.12.2014

Learning patterns


Outcomes and impact



Provide the original project goal here.
The main goals of the project were:
  1. to establish a good structure of the chapter to support its transmission to the funding through Wikimedia Foundation funds dissemination;
  2. to increase the visibility of the activities of Wikimedia Eesti on national level to enhance the local awareness of free culture and free knowledge;
  3. to increase quantity and quality of the content of Wikiprojects,
  4. to increase the level and the number of international connections.
Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs.

Generally Wikimedia Eesti achieved its goal for the 2014 project & event grant. Wikimedia Eesti made the transition to the APG funding and also dealt with the questions related to internal structure and future strategy in this process. Collaboration with Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, as well as Ministry of Culture made the activities of Wikimedia Eesti visible. Content related activities had a direct effect in increasing the quantity of content in Estonian Wikipedia and Commons. New approach to Wiki Loves Earth and Wiki Loves Monuments improved the quality of pictures contributed. The number of international connections was increased by active participation on Wikimedia Conference 2014 and Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014, supported by presence on Wikimania 2014.

Nevertheless there were some drawbacks, especially related to the administrative side. Namely, organization was overwhelmed with handling transition processes (changes in the board, staff structure and new funding system), which had a negative effect on some aspects of the work of the chapter (internal communication, project management). As a result some projects were cancelled, some restructured and Wikimedia Eesti became troubled during the reporting period in 2015.

Progress towards targets and goals

Intermediate objectives
Objective Result Comment
Increased amount of strategic and tactical planning   Done Wikimedia Eesti has been engaged with strategic discussions since creation of the chapter in 2010, but during the process of transition from PEG to APG funding these discussions intensified. Although Wikimedia Eesti did not take the most of the strategy work group called together during Spring general assembly, the board of Wikimedia Eesti and its employees dedicated hours to these important discussions. Also chapter members were consulted through the internal mailing list and there was a long discussions of future plans and priorities on the general meeting in September 2014.
Increased funding of the organization, also through local sources   Done Wikimedia Eesti has increased and diversified its funding. The support from Wikimedia Foundation has increased and there are also relevant partnerships in Estonia. Nevertheless, putting forward such an objective has resulted in a number of simultaneous projects with different funding sources, which has created administrative challenges to Wikimedia Eesti. Part of these was discussed during one of the presentations on Wikimedia Conference 2014.
Increased involvement of volunteers in chapter activities   Partly done Following the recruiting process of project writer and board assistant in September-October 2013, Wikimedia Eesti tried to engage the candidates that were not accepted to paid positions on voluntary basis. At first this strategy seemed to work, but later one by one these volunteers seized to play an active role in the chapter. Wikimedia Eesti has also made efforts in supporting chapter members to do voluntary work, but with few exceptions these attempts have not been too fruitful. All in all the rate of involvement of volunteers increased during the project period, but the solutions used to achieve this result have proven to be unsustainable.
Increased involvement of potential contributors to Wikipedia and other Wikiprojects   Partly done Although Wikimedia Eesti has been able to engage new contributors through some of the projects (especially education program), this has not supported their continued active contributions to Wikimedia projects. As long as there will be no good solution to deal with the issue (besides natural growth), this set objective can only be partly achieved.
Sharing know-how on the international level   Done Wikimedia Eesti participated actively on international conferences and generally our presentations on Wikimedia Conference 2014 and Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014 were well received. Also the Finno-Ugric seminar organized for the first time during the project period was evaluated as very useful by the participants.
Initiation of new wide scope long-term projects and proceeding with ongoing projects   Partly done Wikimedia Eesti has introduced wide scope education program for secondary school students and overarching GLAM project Estonian Republic 100. Nevertheless, these projects have not been to successful and improvement need to be made in the general structure, as well as communication model for both projects. Generally Wikimedia Eesti also managed to continue with its ongoing projects (like education program in University of Tartu, article and photo competitions etc.), with an exception of illustration project, which experienced issues related to derivative works.
Increased quantity and quality of the content of Wikiprojects   Done All content related activities were aimed to achieve that goal and even though there were problems achieving set targets, generally the objective to increase quantity and qualiy of the content of Wikiprojects has been met.
General measures of success
Measure Result Comment
Fully operating organization throughout the year (i.e. no or few operational drawbacks during the year).   Partly done Generally Wikimedia Eesti was fully functional throughout the project period, was in compliance with the rules of Estonian legislature and with agreements made with Wikimedia Foundation. Nevertheless there were some important drawbacks related to internal communication, volunteer management and archiving / reporting. As a result some of the volunteers became disengaged with the chapter and not all of the archiving an reporting activities were executed in time. Although this did not hinder significantly activity of Wikimedia Eesti during the grant period, it has been challenging for the organization in the following year.
The bookkeeping of the organization is in accordance with the good practice of bookkeeping and with the national and international law.   Partly done Generally the bookkeeping of the organization was in accordance with the good practice and laws, but there were some significant drawbacks on the level of communication and document archiving. As a result not all the documents were preserved in prescribed manner, which had an extensive negative effect on the workflow of Wikimedia Eesti in the year following the project period.
All the financial and activity reports presented in time or with minor delays.   Partly done During the project period there were some delays related to the report to the Ministry of Education and Research, as the project was unsuccessful and there was a need to restructure it. Following the project period there was a delay in reporting to the Ministry of Culture, as well as with current PEG grant and the one of office rental of Wikimedia Eesti.
Participation of at least 1 board member in training.   Done 1 board member participated in the boards training workshop in London in the beginning of March 2014 and shared the learnings with other members of the board. As a result the board of Wikimedia Eesti has tried to designate roles to each board members, as well as to improve the communication process within the chapter.
Two general assemblies during the year.   Done The first general assembly took place on the 8th of March 2014 in Tartu and the second one on the 20th of September 2014 also in Tartu. General Assemblies were used to review and approve reports from previous periods and to discuss future plans and strategy with a broader circle of chapter members.
At least 20% of the members not belonging to the board are engaged in the activities of the organization.   Partly done This criteria was formally achieved, but there is still much room for improvement in the field. This criteria should have had a wider wording, including also employees, as all the employees of Wikimedia Eesti have decided to join the chapter. Also there are 2 volunteers who are not engaged elsewhere present in the strategy discussion group of the chapter, which is not too active. 2 members of the chapter are part of the revision committee and according to bylaws these members cannot be part of the revision committee. There are 2 members working actively on specific projects and 1 very active member with a wide scope of activities. As a result 10 non-board members of the organization out of 28 were notably engaged in the activities of the chapter.
Wikipedia summer days take place with at least 12 participants.   Partly done Wikipedia Summer Days took place for the 6th time in 2014 on Naissaar. Participants took actively part of the recreational activities and were generally satisfied with the event, but unfortunately it was not possible for everyone interested to participate. As a result only 9 persons took part of the Summer Days, instead of foreseen 12.
Presentation of Estonian translation of Free Culture of Lawrence Lessig amd distribution of the 500 printed books.   Not done Unfortunately the book was not printed in 2014 for different reasons related to editing and commenting the translation. The process will be ongoing. Investments have been made and Wikimedia Eesti continues to believe that having this book available in Estonian would increase general awareness about free culture and support our activity in longer persepctive in mind.
At least 2 itinerant exhibitions exhibited in at least 10 different locations.   Done There were 3 different exhibitions touring Estonia in 2014 and they reached 12 different locations. For more information, see our annual report. These were exhibitions of Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 and 2014 editions, as well as one informative exhibition about female activists in history of Estonia. Although Wikimedia Eesti feels that such exhibitions may be important in increasing notability of the chapter, we do not have metrics to confirm our beliefs and thus are slowly cutting the activities related to itinerant exhibitions.
Possession and distribution of sufficient amount of memorabilia throughout the year.   Done Wikimedia Eesti had different types of memorabilia, including slapwraps, cups, pencils and stress balls available throughout the year. These were presented as gifts and competition prizes and supported notability of Wikimedia Eesti. Slapwraps and cups were especially well received and have worked well in promotion of free knowledge and culture in Estonia.
Participation in Wikimedia Conference, Wikimedia Central and East Europe Conference and Wikimania.   Done There were 3 representatives of Wikimedia Eesti on both Wikimedia Conference and Wikimania. Also 2 representatives attended WMCEE meeting. Although Estonians were rather passive participants on Wikimania, our representatives were well engaged with presentations and discussions in Berlin and Kyiv. Wikimedia Eesti has increased its international activity throughout the project period.
Organization of Fenno-Ugric seminar with the participation of at least 10 Fenno-Ugric Wikipedias.   Done Fenno-Ugric wikipedia seminar was finally organized in 2014 and it had 23 representatives from 5 countries, representing 10 languages. Activities included presentations about states of different wikipedias and discussions about possible collaboration and sharing the knowledge. Also Minority Translate translation tool was introduced and well accepted.
At least 100 persons participating in the education project.   Partly done This target was strictly related to pilot project with the support of the Ministry of Education and Research, this target was not met, as it was expected that participation would include actual Wikipedia editing. There were 2 training periods in Spring and Autumn semester respectively, but unfortunately Wikimedia Eesti could not access as many schools at it was hoped for. As a result a total of 93 students and 20 teachers were reached by the project, 41 students and 20 teachers participated in workshop, but finally only 6 students made edits in total of 30 articles related to their research work as it was planned in the initial project.
At least 100 participants in the Viki48 events.   Not done Although part of active members of Wikimedia Eesti were enthusiastic about implementing the project, the idea was deemed too raw to carry out, especially considering possible resources that would be involved and these events were cancelled.
Collaboration with at least 3 nationally important GLAM institutions.   Partly done There was interaction with a dozen of possible partners, including 5 nationally important ones and although there was a mutual agreement about possibilities of using Wikimedia in their quotidian work and there was a roundtable held to discuss future steps, these steps did not actualize in Wikimedia content.
Increase the digitization capacity of Wikimedia Eesti to at least 3 books in a month by the end of the year.   Not done Although Wikimedia Eesti had a volunteer available interested in digitizing activities in the beginning of the year, we were not able to set up a good digitizing rhythm with our partner Estonian Literary Museum and by the time it would have been possible to carry out digitizing activities in our office, we had learned about confusions in the field of digitizing in Estonia and it was deemed reasonable to drop the project for the time being.
At least 10 workshops organized.   Done There were over 10 lectures and workshops in a total of 32 academic hours for 200 people, including 113 students, 20 teachers, 39 librarians, 28 state employees. This has supported increased general awareness about free knowledge and also in some cases actual contribution in Wikimedia projects.
At least 515 new articles created or existing articles significantly improved in Estonian Wikipedia.   Done During the course of year 2014 a total of 1277 articles were created as a result of the activities of Wikimedia Eesti, including 1021 new articles and 256 improved articles. The biggest creators of textual content were Translation bee and article competition about Greece, as well as general course in University of Tartu.
A total of 100 articles created or significantly improved in English, Russian and German Wikipedias.   Not done These planned activities were mostly related to our Tartupedia project, but as most active volunteers of the project stepped down during the course of the year 2014, activities related to translation of articles were never carried out and activities of Wikimedia Eesti do not currently have direct outputs in named bigger Wikipedias.
2050 media files added to Wikimedia Commons and at least 50% of them incorporated into relevant articles.   Done As a result of photo competitions and expeditions, a total of 2766 photos were added to Wikimedia Commons, 1647 of which (59,54%) were linked to articles in differnet projects. Partly this is due to increased attention to photo quality and targeted expeditions, partly due to creation of a semi-automatic tool to integrate WLM related pictures into articles.

Global Metrics


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees. In addition to the measures of success for your specific program (in above section), please use the table below to let us know how your project contributed to the Global Metrics. We know that not all projects will have results for each type of metric, so feel free to put "0" where necessary.

  1. Next to each required metric, list the actual outcome achieved through this project.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome. For example, if you were funded for an edit-a-thon which resulted in 0 new images, your explanation might be "This project focused solely on participation and articles written/improved, the goal was not to collect images."

For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.

Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of active editors involved 35 Active meaning at least 5 edits in 30 days prior to project
2. # of new editors 265 New meaning registered username during project period
3. # of individuals involved 444 ( 416 / 28) All individuals (onwiki contributors / organizers (including jury))
4a. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages 1647 Being 59,54% of new media uploaded to Commons.
4b. # of new images/media uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (Optional) 2766 See Commons category
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 1277 (1021 / 256) Total articles (new articles / revised articles)
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects 6979748 Combination of manual counting and wikimetrics to achieve a good balance between calculation effort and accuracy of numbers.
Education program: University of Tartu general course
Metric Total Biology Chemistry Computer science Ecology Environment science Gene technology Geography Geology Material science Physics
1. # of active editors involved 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
2. # of new editors 172 37 27 13 6 19 20 14 5 7 24
3. # of individuals involved 199 40 29 22 7 19 23 18 5 7 24
4a. # of images or media used in Wikimedia projects N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4b. # of new images/media uploaded to Wikimedia Commons N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects (total (new / revised)) 204 (158 / 46) 45 (39 / 6) 31 (30 / 1) 19 (11 / 8) 7 (7 / 0) 22 (11 / 11) 24 (24 / 0) 27 (11 / 16) 5 (3 / 2) 6 (4 / 2) 18 (18 / 0)
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects 2457597 515324 395202 247243 85890 211838 329188 284450 62479 69252 256715
Article competitions
Metric Total Translation bee Psychology bee Tartupeedia Greece Comments
1. # of active editors involved 21 16 4 2 9 At least 5 edits in 30 days prior to competition start
2. # of new editors 28 21 6 1 0 User registered during competition period
3. # of individuals involved 83 (66 / 15 / 2) 60 (52 / 7 / 1) 19 (14 / 5 / 0) 9 (3 / 3 / 3) 18 (13 / 3 / 2) Total (contest participants / jury members / organizers)
4a. # of images or media used in Wikimedia projects N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No relevant category, not tracked.
4b. # of new images/media uploaded to Wikimedia Commons N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No relevant category, not tracked.
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 661 (576 / 85) 388 (347 / 41) 59 (48 / 11) 10 (10 / 0) 229 (192 / 37) Total (new / complemented)
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects 3693042 (Manual) 2945329 / 4085791 393489 / 941062 30743 / 36549 531147 / 1105308 Manual / Wikimetrics
Other writing activities
Metric Total Geography course in University of Tartu Secondary schools pilot project Finno-Ugric seminar Minority Translate edit-a-thon Semi-automatic bot for WLM Comments
1. # of active editors involved 0 0 0 N/A 0 At least 5 edits in 30 days prior to competition
2. # of new editors 19 10 6 2 1 Registered during course period or event
3. # of individuals involved 55 (50 / 5) 31 (29 / 2) 8 (6 / 2) 17 (15 / 2)' 2 Total (participants / organizers)
4a. # of images or media used in Wikimedia projects N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No relevant category, not tracked.
4b. # of new images/media uploaded to Wikimedia Commons N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No relevant category, not tracked.
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects (total (new / revised)) 412 (287 / 125) 29 (14 / 15) 30 (19 / 11) 168 (168 / 0) 185 (86 / 99) Total (new / complemented)
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects 829109 258814 101341 375493 93461 Wikimetrics
Photo projects
Metric Total WLE WLM WLE expedition WLM expedition LV expedition Endla expedition Amadvr expedition
1. # of active editors involved 13 2 12 0 2 3 0 0
2. # of new editors 46 12 33 4 0 0 0 0
3. # of individuals involved 121 (110 / 11) 33 (27 / 6) 93 (87 / 6) 8 (5 / 3) 4 4 4 (2 / 2) 1
4a. # of images or media used in Wikimedia projects 1647 92 672 15 189 117 0 63
4b. # of new images/media uploaded to Wikimedia Commons 2766 502 1769 93 423 287 19 108
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Learning question
Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?
Wikimedia Eesti has evaluated influence of its programmatic work to contributing volunteers with informal discussions on final events and we have learned that participants generally find participation in our projects motivating and name it as a good way to motivate their wiki-activity. This information is mostly related to our competitions, expeditions and edit-a-thons. We have considered it sufficient proof to continue our programmatic activities, but a more thorough research and conducting a survey would be useful.



What impact did this project have on WMF's mission and the strategic priorities?

Option A: How did you increase participation in one or more Wikimedia projects?

Option B: How did you improve quality on one or more Wikimedia projects?

Option C: How did you increase the reach (readership) of one or more Wikimedia projects?

As an annual plan this project supports achievement of all strategic goals of the movement through direct activities, such as on-wiki competitions, education program, partnerships and indirect activities, such as media work and meetings.

Reporting and documentation of expenditures


This section describes the grant's use of funds


Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grants at wikimedia dot org, according to the guidelines here? Answer "Yes" or "No".
Yes, on the 25th of October 2016


Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here.
Item Currency Actual total WMF Other Budgeted total Difference Notes
General administration € Euro 984.86 984.86 0 1,210.00 383.26
Communication costs € Euro 227.42 227.42 0 250 22.58
March bill € Euro 21.6 21.6 0
April bill € Euro 21.6 21.6 0
May bill € Euro 21.6 21.6 0
June bill € Euro 23.84 23.84 0
July bill € Euro 21.6 21.6 0
August bill € Euro 23.06 23.06 0
September bill € Euro 21.6 21.6 0
October bill € Euro 21.6 21.6 0
November bill € Euro 21.6 21.6 0
December bill € Euro 29.32 29.32 0
IT costs € Euro 67.15 67.15 0 100 32.85
Router € Euro 47.9 47.9 0 mail addresses € Euro 19.25 19.25 0
Transportation € Euro 164.7 164.7 0 500 335.3
Transport to board meetings € Euro 13.1 13.1 0
Transport to board meetings € Euro 23.2 23.2 0
Transport to board meetings € Euro 16.9 16.9 0
Transport to board meetings € Euro 30.6 30.6 0
Transport to meeting with HITSA € Euro 4.6 4.6 0
Transport to board meetings € Euro 19.3 19.3 0
Transport to board meetings € Euro 30.8 30.8 0
Transport to board meetings € Euro 13.1 13.1 0
Transport to board meetings € Euro 13.1 13.1 0
Banking fees € Euro 62.92 62.92 0 60 -2.92
Bank statement € Euro 62.92 62.92 0
Taxes € Euro 24.74 24.74 0 200 175.26
Changing registry data € Euro 6.39 6.39 0
Tax interest € Euro 11.96 11.96 0
Changing registry data € Euro 6.39 6.39 0
Translation fees € Euro 158.12 158.12 0 300 141.88
Contract payment € Euro 89.49 89.49 0
Taxes for November € Euro 68.63 68.63 0
Other office costs € Euro 279.81 279.81 0 100 -179.81 Some costs not budgeted
Extension cords € Euro 12.08 12.08 0
Posting grant agreement € Euro 4.5 4.5 0
Postal fees € Euro 0.98 0.98 0
Posting grant agreement € Euro 4.6 4.6 0
Furniture € Euro 80 80 0 Not budgeted
Business cards € Euro 86.4 86.4 0 Not budgeted
Thermos for office and events € Euro 46.96 46.96 0 Not budgeted
Office supplies € Euro 42.89 42.89 0
Postal fees € Euro 1.4 1.4 0
Bookkeeping € Euro 0 0 0 450 450
€ Euro 0 0 0
Board training € Euro 0 0 0 639.43 639.43
Transportation € Euro 0 0 0 80
Accomodation € Euro 0 0 0 431.43
Daily allowances € Euro 0 0 0 128
General training € Euro 210.01 210.01 0 200 -10.01 Training event in Brussels not planned
Per diems for trip to Brussels € Euro 67.11 67.11 0 Not planned
Training for trainer € Euro 92.9 92.9 0
Leadership training € Euro 25 25 0
Leadership training € Euro 25 25 0
TOTAL € Euro 1,194.87 1,194.87 0 2,049.43 854.56
Board assistant € Euro 6,226.90 6,226.90 0 5,810.01 -416.89 Calculation difference with taxes
Net salary € Euro 3,500.00 3,500.00 0 4,216.20 716.2 Calculation difference
Salary for March € Euro 350 350 0
Salary for April € Euro 350 350 0
Salary for May € Euro 350 350 0
Salary for June € Euro 350 350 0
Salary for July € Euro 350 350 0
Salary for August € Euro 350 350 0
Salary for September € Euro 350 350 0
Salary for October € Euro 350 350 0
Salary for November € Euro 350 350 0
Salary for December € Euro 175 175 0
Salary for December € Euro 175 175 0
Taxes € Euro 2,359.97 2,359.97 0 1,433.50 -926.47 Calculation difference
Taxes for March € Euro 220.92 220.92 0
Taxes for April € Euro 220.92 220.92 0
Taxes for June € Euro 441.84 441.84 0
Taxes for July € Euro 220.92 220.92 0
Taxes for August € Euro 220.92 220.92 0
Taxes for September € Euro 220.92 220.92 0
Taxes for October € Euro 220.92 220.92 0
Taxes for November € Euro 105.6 105.6 0
Taxes for December € Euro 487.01 487.01 0
Vacation pay € Euro 366.93 366.93 0 160.31 -206.62 Calculation difference
Vacation pay € Euro 366.93 366.93 0
Project manager € Euro 3,752.00 3,752.00 0 9,646.16 5,894.16 Transformed to Executive Director
Net salary € Euro 2,244.48 2,244.48 0 7,000.00 4,755.52 Transformed to Executive Director
Salary for March € Euro 561.12 561.12 0
Salary for April € Euro 561.12 561.12 0
Salary for May € Euro 561.12 561.12 0
Salary for June € Euro 561.12 561.12 0
Taxes € Euro 1,507.52 1,507.52 0 2,380.00 872.48 Transformed to Executive Director
Taxes for March € Euro 376.88 376.88 0
Taxes for April € Euro 376.88 376.88 0
Taxes for June € Euro 753.76 753.76 0
Vacation pay € Euro 0 0 0 266.16 266.16 Transformed to Executive Director
Executive director € Euro 11,295.02 11,295.02 0 5,658.00 -5,637.02 Not foreseen in initial plan
Net salary € Euro 6,574.04 6,574.04 0 0 -6,574.04
Salary for July € Euro 1,094.84 1,094.84 0
Salary for August € Euro 1,094.84 1,094.84 0
Salary for September € Euro 1,094.84 1,094.84 0
Salary for October € Euro 1,094.84 1,094.84 0
Salary for November € Euro 1,099.84 1,099.84 0
Salary for December € Euro 1,094.84 1,094.84 0
Taxes € Euro 4,720.98 4,720.98 0 0 -4,720.98
Taxes for July € Euro 786.19 786.19 0
Taxes for September € Euro 1,572.38 1,572.38 0
Taxes for October € Euro 786.19 786.19 0
Taxes for November € Euro 105.6 105.6 0
Taxes for December € Euro 1,470.62 1,470.62 0
Vacation pay € Euro 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL € Euro 21,273.92 21,273.92 0 21,114.17 -159.75 Generally salaries were foreseen in correct amount
General assemblies € Euro 146.3 146.3 0 330 183.7
Transportation € Euro 85.21 85.21 0 250 164.79 Less compensation statements presented than expected
Transport to GA in March € Euro 39 39 0
Transport to GA in March € Euro 15.81 15.81 0
Transport to GA in September € Euro 17 17 0
Transport to GA in September € Euro 13.4 13.4 0
Catering € Euro 61.09 61.09 0 80 18.91
Catering for GA in March € Euro 32.11 32.11 0
Catering for GA in September € Euro 28.98 28.98 0
Wikipedia Summer Days € Euro 306.52 306.52 0 250 -56.52 Transport to island proved to be costly
Transportation € Euro 180 180 0 100 -80
Transportation to Naissaare € Euro 100 100 0
Transportation to Naissaare € Euro 80 80 0
Accomodation € Euro 120 120 0 100 -20
Accomodation for 8 people € Euro 120 120 0
Catering € Euro 6.52 6.52 0 50 43.48
Catering € Euro 6.52 6.52 0
Other Meerings € Euro 513.88 513.88 0 800 286.12 Less meetings organized than foreseen
End of the year meeting catering € Euro 327.28 327.28 0
End of the year meeting catering € Euro 186.6 186.6 0
Freedom of Panorama € Euro 1,200.00 1,200.00 0 1,205.00 5
Freedom of Panorama lobbying € Euro 1,200.00 1,200.00 0
Publishing Free Culture € Euro 4,245.52 4,149.96 0 4,900.00 654.48 Publishing not completed
Prepay for book printing € Euro 3,750.00 3,750.00 0
Index for the book € Euro 100 100 0
Editing the translation € Euro 395.52 299.96 0
Presentation of Free Cuture € Euro 0 0 0 150 150 Book not published
Itinerant exhibitions € Euro 581.17 581.17 0 800 218.83 Transport costs lesser than expected
Printing of photos € Euro 409.25 409.25 0 400 -9.25
Printing of pictures from WLE 2014 € Euro 188.4 188.4 0
Printing of pictures from WLM 2014 € Euro 220.85 220.85 0
Other printing costs € Euro 0 0 0 80 80
Transportation € Euro 143.12 143.12 0 240 96.88
Sending exhibitions € Euro 19.36 19.36 0
Sending exhibitions € Euro 7.74 7.74 0
Sending exhibitions € Euro 8.62 8.62 0
Sending exhibitions € Euro 19.09 19.09 0
Sending exhibitions € Euro 16.94 16.94 0
Sending exhibitions € Euro 7.74 7.74 0
Sending exhibitions € Euro 7.74 7.74 0
Sending exhibitions € Euro 18.79 18.79 0
Sending exhibitions € Euro 29.36 29.36 0
Sending exhibitions € Euro 7.74 7.74 0
Other costs € Euro 28.8 28.8 0 80 51.2
Parking for setting up exhibition € Euro 1.8 1.8 0
Materials € Euro 27 27 0
Memorabilia € Euro 110.4 110.4 0 300 189.6 Less memorabilia bought than expected
Reflective jackets € Euro 110.4 110.4 0
TOTAL 7,103.79 7,008.23 0 8,735.00 1,631.21
Wikimedia Conference € Euro 1,531.59 1,531.59 0 2,075.55 543.96 Accomodation cheaper than planned
Transportation € Euro 872.04 872.04 0 900 27.96
Tickets Riga-Berlin-Riga € Euro 258.88 258.88 0
Tickets Riga-Berlin-Riga € Euro 258.88 258.88 0
Tickets Riga-Berlin-Riga € Euro 258.88 258.88 0
Tickets Riga-Tartu € Euro 48 48 0
Tickets Tartu-Riga € Euro 36 36 0
Transport in Riga and in Berlin € Euro 11.4 11.4 0
Accomodation € Euro 324 324 0 840 516 Accomodation cheaper than planned
Accomodation in Berlin € Euro 108 108 0
Accomodation in Berlin € Euro 108 108 0
Accomodation in Berlin € Euro 108 108 0
Daily allowances € Euro 335.55 335.55 0 335.55 0
Per Diems € Euro 111.85 111.85 0
Per Diems € Euro 111.85 111.85 0
Per Diems € Euro 111.85 111.85 0
WMCEE Conference € Euro 1,445.70 1,445.70 0 1,598.96 153.26 Accomodation cheaper than planned
Transportation € Euro 1,049.01 1,049.01 0 1,000.00 -49.01
Tickets Tallinn-Kyiv-Tallinn € Euro 970.29 970.29 0
Participation on meeting € Euro 39.08 39.08 0
Transport in Estonia € Euro 34.6 34.6 0
Transport in Ukraine € Euro 5.04 5.04 0
Accomodation € Euro 151.1 151.1 0 420 268.9 Accomodation cheaper than planned
Stay in hotel € Euro 151.1 151.1 0
Daily allowances € Euro 223.7 223.7 0 178.96 -44.74
Per diems € Euro 111.85 111.85 0
Per diems € Euro 111.85 111.85 0
Other € Euro 21.89 21.89 0 -21.89
Gifts for participants € Euro 21.89 21.89 0
Wikimania € Euro 3,183.77 3,183.77 0 2,436.00 -747.77 Additional person sent to Wikimania
Transportation € Euro 1,065.94 1,065.94 0 600 -465.94 Additional person sent to Wikimania
Tickets to London € Euro 130.55 130.55 0
Tickets to London € Euro 278.42 278.42 0
Tickets to London € Euro 298.84 298.84 0
Tickets to London € Euro 100.26 100.26 0
Tickets to London € Euro 181.42 181.42 0
Transport in Tallinn and in London € Euro 76.45 76.45 0
Accomodation € Euro 1,285.16 1,285.16 0 1,260.00 -25.16
Accomodation in London € Euro 385.92 385.92 0
Accomodation in London € Euro 108.88 108.88 0
Accomodation in London € Euro 108.88 108.88 0
Accomodation in London € Euro 681.48 681.48 0
Daily allowances € Euro 608 608 0 576 -32
Per diems € Euro 288 288 0
Per diems € Euro 160 160 0
Per diems € Euro 160 160 0
Registration € Euro 224.67 224.67 0 0 -224.67 Registration fee not budgeted
Registration fees for Wikimania € Euro 167.63 167.63 0
Registration fee for Wikimania € Euro 57.04 57.04 0
Ukrainian expedition € Euro 0 0 0 1,178.96 1,178.96 Expedition cancelled
Transportation € Euro 0 0 0 1,000.00 1,000.00 Expedition cancelled
Daily allowances € Euro 0 0 0 178.96 178.96 Expedition cancelled
TOTAL 6,161.06 6,161.06 0 7,289.47 1,128.41 Expedition cancelled
Fenno-Ugric seminar € Euro 3,110.26 2,671.89 1,411.37 4,850.00 1,739.74 Less travel grants applied for than expected
Travel grants € Euro 379.37 0 379.37 3,000.00 2,620.63 Less travel grants applied for than expected
Travel from Russia to Estonia € Euro 103.7 0 103.7 Funded by Kindred Peoples programme
Travel from Russia to Estonia € Euro 183.78 0 183.78 Funded by Kindred Peoples programme
Travel from Finland to Estonia € Euro 91.89 0 91.89 Funded by Kindred Peoples programme
Rent € Euro 1,995.00 1,995.00 1,032.00 1,200.00 -795 Rent in remote location more expensive than expected
Accomodation and seminar room rent € Euro 440 440 0
Accomodation and seminar room rent € Euro 516 0 516 Funded by Kindred Peoples programme
Accomodation and seminar room rent € Euro 516 0 516 Funded by Kindred Peoples programme
Accomodation in Tartu € Euro 523 523 0
Catering € Euro 143.15 84.15 450 306.85 Catering cheaper than expected
Catering during the event € Euro 59 0 59 Funded by Kindred Peoples programme
Catering during the event € Euro 84.15 84.15 0
Transportation € Euro 362.4 362.4 0 200 -162.4 Transportation a bit more expected than expected
Transport Tartu-Vaskna-Tartu € Euro 321.6 321.6 0
Transport to seminar € Euro 13.8 13.8 0
Transport to seminar € Euro 27 27 0
Other € Euro 230.34 230.34 0 0 -230.34 Supporting materials and activities not budgeted
Memorabilia and supporting materials € Euro 30.94 30.94 0
Sightseeing € Euro 37 37 0
Confirmation of signatory rights for visas € Euro 28.4 28.4 0
Translation activities € Euro 75.84 75.84 0
Taxes for November € Euro 58.16 58.16 0
TOTAL 6,161.06 6,161.06 0 7,289.47 1,128.41
Education program € Euro 15,635.27 400 10,235.27 31,533.76 15,626.77 Not all activities were successful and so project restrutured
Quality program € Euro 2,163.51 0 2,163.51 4,497.00 2,333.49
Contract payment € Euro 499.75 0 499.75 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Contract payment € Euro 224.98 0 224.98 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Taxes for October € Euro 555.78 0 555.78 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Contract payment € Euro 499.75 0 499.75 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Taxes for December € Euro 383.25 0 383.25 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Training and Guidance € Euro 10,543.44 0 5,271.72 15,197.00 4,653.56
Salary for March € Euro 766.01 0 766.01 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Taxes for March € Euro 533.99 0 533.99 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Training in Tallinn € Euro 17.44 0 17.44 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Salary for April € Euro 766.01 0 766.01 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Taxes for April € Euro 533.99 0 533.99 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Salary for May € Euro 766.01 0 766.01 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Salary for June € Euro 766.01 0 766.01 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Taxes for June € Euro 1,067.98 0 1,067.98 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Training in Tallinn € Euro 39.6 0 39.6 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Training in Tallinn € Euro 14.68 0 14.68 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Summer school € Euro 0 0 0 1,596.00 1,596.00 Summer school cancelled
Coordination € Euro 2,800.04 0 2,800.04 5,110.00 2,309.96
Salary for March € Euro 396.18 0 396.18 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Taxes for March € Euro 303.83 0 303.83 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Salary for April € Euro 396.18 0 396.18 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Taxes for April € Euro 303.83 0 303.83 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Salary for May € Euro 396.18 0 396.18 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Salary for June € Euro 396.18 0 396.18 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Taxes for June € Euro 607.66 0 607.66 Funded by Ministry of Education and Research
Publicity € Euro 0 0 0 420 420 Activities cancelled
Council meetings € Euro 0 0 0 180 180 Actual meetings not needed
Teacher awards € Euro 0 0 0 3,533.76 3,533.76 Not awarded
Student awards € Euro 400 400 0 1,000.00 600 Awarded in lesser amount
Gift cards for participants € Euro 400 400 0
TOTAL € Euro 15,906.99 400 0 31,533.76 15,626.77
Civic education project € Euro 17.7 17.7 0 4,670.00 4,652.30 Project cancelled
Coordination € Euro 0 0 0 4,240.00 4,240.00 Project cancelled
Communication and transportation € Euro 17.7 17.7 0 180 162.3 Project cancelled
Transport to event in Tallinn € Euro 17.7 17.7 0
Civic education seminar € Euro 0 0 0 250 250 Project cancelled
Viki48 € Euro 0 0 0 5,260.00 0 Event cancelled
Workshops € Euro 0 0 0 250 Event cancelled
Communication € Euro 0 0 0 60 Event cancelled
Rent € Euro 0 0 0 2,160.00 Event cancelled
Catering € Euro 0 0 0 1,200.00 Event cancelled
Coordination € Euro 0 0 0 1,590.00 Event cancelled
Cultural heritage program € Euro 112.84 112.84 0 600 487.16 Actions did not take place in foreseen extension
Round table € Euro 55.63 55.63 0 150 94.37
Catering for round table € Euro 36.43 36.43 0
Transport to round table € Euro 19.2 19.2 0
Communication and transportation € Euro 57.21 57.21 0 200 142.79 Less activities than planned
Transport to meetings in Tallinn € Euro 20 20 0
Transport to meetings in Tallinn € Euro 12.4 12.4 0
Transport to meetings in Viljandi and Võru € Euro 18.6 18.6 0
Transport to meeting € Euro 6.21 6.21 0
Workshops € Euro 0 0 0 250 250 Workshops did not take place
TOTAL 112.84 112.84 0 600 487.16
Wiki Loves Earth 2014 € Euro 101.66 101.66 0 1,990.00 1,888.34 Actions took place in lesser extent
Communication and transportation € Euro 0 0 0 240 240
Workshops € Euro 0 0 0 450 450 Workshops did not take place
Expeditions € Euro 101.66 101.66 0 400 298.34 Less expeditions than planned
Catering during TTÜ expedition € Euro 49.34 49.34 0
Transport compensation for TTÜ expedition € Euro 11.7 11.7 0
Transport compensation for TTÜ expedition € Euro 12.42 12.42 0
Transport compensation for TTÜ expedition € Euro 11 11 0
Transport compensation for TTÜ expedition € Euro 17.2 17.2 0
Prizes € Euro 0 0 0 300 300 Depicted in 2015 report
International participation € Euro 0 0 0 600 600 Activity cancelled
TOTAL 101.66 101.66 0 1,990.00 1,888.34
Other smaller projects € Euro 9,221.13 2,731.00 6,473.23 3,150.00 -6,071.13
Translation bee € Euro 314.5 314.5 0 300 -14.5
Prizes € Euro 300 300 0 300 0
Gift cards as prizes € Euro 300 300 0
Transportation € Euro 14.5 14.5 0 0 -14.5
Participation on final event € Euro 14.5 14.5 0
Political articles project € Euro 0 0 0 200 200 Project cancelled
Armenian collaboration project € Euro 946.71 946.71 0 1,320.00 373.29
Transportation € Euro 618.71 618.71 0 800 181.29 Flight tickets cheaper than expected
Wikiexpedition with Armenian Guest € Euro 20 20 0
Flying Tickets € Euro 576.91 576.91 0
Bus ticket € Euro 10.9 10.9 0
Bus ticket € Euro 10.9 10.9 0
Accomodation € Euro 140 140 0 250 110
Accomodation in Tallinn € Euro 40 40 0
Accomodation in Tartu € Euro 100 100 0
Catering € Euro 0 0 0 120 120 Per diems payed instead
Other costs € Euro 188 188 0 150 -38
Per diems € Euro 150 150 0
Visiting Science Center € Euro 16 16 0
Sightseeing € Euro 22 22 0
Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 € Euro 1,806.52 258.25 1,548.27 400 -1,406.52 Coordinator salary not budgeted
Prizes € Euro 389.8 0 389.8 300 -89.8
Prizes for participants € Euro 209.8 0 209.8 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Gift cards for prizes € Euro 180 0 180 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Workshops € Euro 32.4 32.4 0 50 17.6
Catering € Euro 32.4 32.4 0
Photohunt preparation € Euro 0 0 0 50 50
Coordinator salary € Euro 714.26 0 714.26 -714.26
First payment € Euro 200.01 0 200.01 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Taxes for September € Euro 157.12 0 157.12 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Second payment € Euro 200.01 0 200.01 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Taxes for November € Euro 157.12 0 157.12 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Creation of bot € Euro 388.6 0 388.6
Contract Payment € Euro 250.18 0 250.18 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Taxes for December € Euro 138.42 0 138.42 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Other € Euro 281.46 225.85 55.61
Transport and catering € Euro 17.65 0 17.65 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Catering € Euro 5.85 0 5.85 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Catering € Euro 32.11 0 32.11 With the support of Ministry of Culture
Transport to final event € Euro 41 41 0
Transport to final event € Euro 176.55 176.55 0
Diplomas € Euro 8.3 8.3 0
Illustration project € Euro 0 0 0 300 300 Project cancelled
Prizes € Euro 0 0 0 250 250 Project cancelled
Management € Euro 0 0 0 50 50 Project cancelled
Wikiexpeditions € Euro 442.11 442.11 0 450 7.89
Latvian expedition € Euro 76.61 76.61 0
Transport for Kodukandi events € Euro 21.5 21.5 0
Cultural heritage of Tartumaa € Euro 10 10 0
Cultural heritage of Ida-Virumaa € Euro 34 34 0
Various expeditions € Euro 300 300 0
Tartu competitions € Euro 14.72 14.72 0 500 485.28 Competitions took place in lesser extent
Prizes € Euro 0 0 0 300 300 Competition unsuccessful
Workshops € Euro 14.72 14.72 0 200 185.28
Catering for workshop € Euro 14.72 14.72 0
Other projects € Euro 5,696.57 754.71 4,924.96 1,000.00 -4,696.57 More projects carried out than planned
Wikimaps € Euro 2,431.40 156.4 2,275.00
Participation on Wikimaps Nordic event € Euro 38 38 0
Participation on Wikimaps Nordic event € Euro 55 55 0
Participation on Wikimaps Nordic event € Euro 63.4 63.4 0
Contract payment € Euro 1,317.81 0 1,317.81 With the support of Wikimaps Nordic grant from WM FI
Taxes for December € Euro 957.19 0 957.19 With the support of Wikimaps Nordic grant from WM FI
Environmental awareness project € Euro 2,166.86 0 2,149.96
Creation of article list and quality criteria € Euro 565.98 0 565.98 Grant from Environmental Investments Center
Preparation for training € Euro 367.88 0 367.88 Grant from Environmental Investments Center
Creation of article list € Euro 313.23 0 313.23 Grant from Environmental Investments Center
Taxes for December € Euro 902.87 0 902.87 Grant from Environmental Investments Center
Transport to meeting € Euro 16.9 16.9 0
Other trainings € Euro 20.3 20.3 0
Trainings in Tallinn € Euro 13.8 13.8 0
Training in Tartu € Euro 6.5 6.5 0
Digitization project € Euro 53.01 53.01 0
Contract payment € Euro 30 30 0
Taxes for June € Euro 23.01 23.01 0
Psychology articles bee € Euro 27.25 27.25 0
Posters, catering, prizes € Euro 27.25 27.25 0
Participation on ED meeting € Euro 394.43 394.43 0 Not foreseen
Transport to meeting € Euro 363.08 363.08 0
Costs in Paris € Euro 31.35 31.35 0
Womens Rights € Euro 500 0 500
Gathering of materials and exhibitions preparation € Euro 500 0 500 Funded by Gambling Tax Council
Psychology bee € Euro 25 25 0
Prize € Euro 25 25 0
Other events € Euro 78.32 78.32 0
Printing of materials € Euro 59.62 59.62 0
Transport to various events € Euro 12.7 12.7 0
Meeting with Loov Eesti representatives € Euro 6 6 0
TOTAL € Euro 9,221.13 2,731.00 6,473.23 3,150.00 -6,071.13
TOTAL € Euro 58,914.80 41,655.47 17,619.87 81,548.83 22,634.03
Total project budget (from your approved grant submission)
€81,548.83 = $110,881.94 (European Central Bank exchange rate on the 16th of January 2014 used in initial application)
Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission, this total will be the same as the total project budget if PEG is your only funding source)
€52,713.07 (€47,813.07 + €4,900.00 from 2013 grant) = $71,673.96
Total amount spent on this project
€58,914.80 = $80,106.45
Total amount of Project and Event grant funds spent on this project
€41,655.47 = $56,638.94
Are there additional sources that funded any part of this project? List them here.
Estonian Ministry of Education and Research €10,235.27
Wikimaps Nordic grant from Wikimedia Suomi €2,275.00
Environmental Investments Center €2,149.96
Estonian Ministry of Culture €1,548.27
Grant for Kindred Peoples Programme €1,411.37
Gambling Tax Council €500.00
Totalling €17,619.87 = $23,957.73

Remaining funds

The funds remaining from this grant in the amount of 11,057.60 EUR were deducted from another grant payment for Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Eesti/2016.
Are there any grant funds remaining?
Answer YES or NO.
Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.)
If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant.
Please state here if you intend to return unused funds to WMF, submit a request for reallocation, or submit a new grant request, and then follow the instructions on your approved grant submission.
We would like to use the funds for future Wikimedia Eesti grant requests.