Grants:PEG/WM FI/WMFI 2014/Report/Interim1

Interim report accepted
This interim report for a Project and Event Grant has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

Compliance and completion

Are you complying with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
Do you expect this project to be completed by the date specified in the approved grant submission?
Did you use any of the grant funds?
Was this interim report requested by WMF?

Activities and lessons learned


This section describes what the grantee did, and what the grantee learned from implementing the project. This section should be useful to others implementing similar projects and is an opportunity for the grantee to reflect on the project's performance.

Activities WMFI

Provide a detailed list of activities performed to complete this project, descriptions of these activities, and the amount of time spent on each activity. This section should also include a list of participants, or a link to pictures, blog posts, or videos from the project or event.


Kulturskatter på nätet, a brochure in collaboration with WMSE

The brochure is based on the Kulturskatter på nätet brochure by Wikimedia Sverige. WMFI has translated, localized and redesigned the brochure, and it is soon ready for proofreading. Printing planned during the month of June.

Presentation materials for GLAMs

April 24, 2014 A presentation of Wikimedia possibilities to GLAMs took place in a MasterClass for open data, organized by Open Knowledge Finland. The participants were from several GLAM institutions in Finland. Wikimedia Suomi GLAM group has initiated the GLAM edit-a-thon series, with most of them as organizers.

Edit-a-thon series plan (6 events) & schedule, report including metrics if already started.

Wikimedia Suomi has teamed up with Helsinki Summer University to produce a series of editathons in Finnish GLAMs. The six events form a course during which the participants learn Wikipedia editing skills, edit culture-related articles and get a behind the scenes view of the participating cultural institutions. The partnership with the Summer University offers new visibility to Wikimedia Suomi and Wikimedia activities. Participants / event: 15-50

GLAM Editathon series planning workshop

May 21, 2014, Kiasma. The meeting of the GLAMs for planning the editathon series took place in [ Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma]. The participating institutions were Helsinki City Library, Finnish National Gallery, The Finnish Museum of Photography, AvoinGLAM, Finnish Literature Society, Finnish Broadcasting Company Archives, Helsinki Art Museum, Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland and Frame Visual Art Finland.

Proposal/plan for new forms of GLAM activities

Wikimedian-in-residence, Wiki Loves Monuments. The plans for these activities have not advanced. The editathon series will be very fruitful for planning further collaboration with GLAM organizations. Collaboration with other Nordic chapters can also be helpful and has been discussed in Nordic meetings in Oslo and Wikimedia Conference in Berlin.



Reports of events attended

Wikimedia Conference. Attendees Johanna Janhonen & Susanna Ånäs

We found out during the Wikimedia Conference that our board would benefit enormously from wider participation in the Wikimedia events. The planned Board education during Wikimania will come handy in many terms, both in terms of exposure and learning.

Wikimedia Hackathon. Attendee Susanna Ånäs.
<3 program plan (Editor Engagement, EE)

Planning for the <3 program has been postponed, as more urgent activities have been prioritized.

Meetups (2 events > 1 happened)

One Wikipedia Editor meetup held in Jyväskylä in April, 3 attendees. The agenda: give insights to Johanna for Wikimedia Conference.

Workshop series (3 events > 1 happened)

The one event is described in the GLAM section. The workshops will likely happen one by one. Learning sessions for GLAM Toolset or Wikidata are planned.

Other events
  • Tiedettä Wikipediaan 26.2.2014 Helsinki
Workshop in Helsinki by the University of Helsinki, Salla Laaksonen, Tiina Lehmikoski-Pessa and Antero Aunesluoma. WMFI board member Iivari Koutonen presented Wikipedia editing and helped out novices.


Community coordinator recruit report

Community coordinator / GLAM technician recruit has been postponed to autumn. This is in line with development processes starting in the autumn.

Board meetings minutes
Wikimedia Suomi weekly meetings minutes
Financial reports for 2013 + non-profit tax statement


Summary of Wikimedia in news
  • Helsingin Sanomat has been covering pretty widely the topics around Wikipedia. In 30.11.2013 they published a large study about the quality of Finnish Wikipedia (14 stories including background and follow-ups) After that their active reporting has continued and they have published in 2014 15 different stories which topics have been about the Wikipedia or Wikimedia. 5 of those were about the police inquiry of fundraising and 10 was from different topics. Mostly news were about topics like most read of Finnish Wikipedia in 2013, Tieteen Termipankki, editor retention and Wikipedia Voice Intro Project. Generally, attitude of Helsingin Sanomat has been rather positive or curious.
  • Except police inquiry of fundraising or news by Helsingin Sanomat, most news coverage of Wikimedia/Wikipedia have been copy paste journalism where global news are blindly translated to Finnish. (w:fi:wikipedia:medianäkyvyys)
  • Most important news about the Wikimedia was the finnish police inquiry of the WMF's fundraising in February. The larger context in the news was legal problems in crowdfunding in general and change of law because of that. (w:fi:Wikipedia:Poliisihallituksen lausuntopyyntö 2014)
  • News sites are commonly using photos with credits pointing to Wikimedia Commons. That includes in example large news sites like Yle (Finnish Broadcasting Company) or Iltasanomat. [1]. [2]
  • The scientific "Tiedettä Wikipediaan -Hands-on" -workshop and Lisa Sounio-Ahtisaari "Wikitalkoot" -workshop were covered in the news.
Social media statistics
  • On 19th February we had 575 fans on Facebook, on 29th May we have 666. As we are not paying for the Facebook visibility we do not reach a lot of people with our status updates, the most popular one during the last 3 months was done in March (267 people reached when we told what Wikimedia Foundation answered to Finnish police)
  • On Twitter we have 106 followers on 29th May and people have started to use the #wikipediafi tag, also outside of Wikimedia Suomi board :)
  • On Instagram the #wikipediafi has also been used, 17 times by 9th June
  • There are 20 published blog posts on our blog at the moment (9th June) which was started on March last year. In 2014 eight of the posts are written by Susanna(5), Tommi(1) and Johanna(2). Last year Susanna posted eleven times, Johanna once. More bloggers would be nice.
PR materials report
  • The only PR material in use at the moment is the educational leaflet in Finnish, handed out at all our events. If we take part in more events such as the ITK conference, we may need to print a second edition at some point: 125 were distributed in one day.

Activities Wikimaps Nordic



STSM about crowdsourcing in Arts and Humanities & Extreme Citizen Science

13–25 January 2014
Susanna made an academic short term scientific mission, visiting Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford, ExCiteS at the University College of London, and additional scholars in Digital Humanities in the UK during January. Wikimaps was discussed in the context.

Wikimaps Nordic kickoff

28 February 2014
Wikimaps Nordic project started with a kick-off event organized in Helsinki. There were altogether 35 participants: 7 wikimedians from partner chapters, 2 invited speakers (Tim Waters and Hay Kranen) and 26 representatives from participating GLAMs and other interested people.

Wikimaps monthly Hangouts

The project revolves around monthly meetings gathering makers and GLAMmers in discussions. The events have enabled us to form a consensus about projects, and enabled planning to some extent. We are now ready to start development of first issues.

Wikimedia hackathon

9–11 May 2014
In the Wikimedia hackathon maps played a central role. Discussions were pulled together across the community, the OpenStreetMap community, legal aspects and others.

Expert meeting in Amsterdam

24 May 2014
Wikimedia Netherlands organized an expert meeting on historical maps in Amsterdam. Susanna presented Wikimaps, and new connections for the further development were made.

Third Digital Humanities Finland Symposium, Helsinki

Thursday 5 June 2014, 10:00-13:00
Fabiania Auditorium, National Library of Finland, Yliopistonkatu 1, 2nd floor, Helsinki

Historialliset paikkatietoaineistot pääkaupunkiseudulla - Historical geodata in the Metropolitan Area

12 June 2014, 9:00–11:00
The City of Helsinki invited a group of actors from the Metropolitan area to discuss joint efforts in gathering historical maps and aerial images. Susanna presented Wikimaps. In the end it was decided that the group will contribute open materials to a challenge in the Apps4Finland competition. Additionally, there will be efforts to combine the maps hackathon, the planned #Hack4fi hackathon by AvoinGLAM and the Apps4Finland competition. Participanting institutions in the meeting: Helsinki Region Infoshare, Forum Virium, Helsinki City Archives, Helsinki City Museum, Apps4Finland, National Archives, National Board of Antiquities, City of Espoo

Wikimedia & OSM @ SotMEU 2014

13 June 2014, 19:00–20:00
Tim Alder gathered a group of people involved in both OSM and Wikimedia during State of the Map EU to a Hangout. Incidentally, the Hangout was not recorded. There are notes about the event, but they should be complemented by more participants.

Additional presentations


  • Agreements between chapters have been signed, but they are not available online.
  • Agreements are created with developers
  • Overall project schedule will be completed in Wikimaps Development / Timeline
  • Forthcoming Nordic schedule
March–November 2014
Online meeting monthly (Jul 1 / Aug 5 / Sep 2 / Oct 7 / Nov 4)
Design & development sprints
Local collaboration
December 2014
Map hackathon
Documentation & reporting



Wikimaps teamed up with OpenHistoricalMap to host a summer intern. Jaime Lyn Schatz joined the project in creating a time slider in the OpenHistoricalMap site.

Wikimedia Hackathon

In the hackathon more negotiations than actual development took place. André Costa and Susanna Ånäs furthered the Map template. There were attempts to include templates in the Upload Wizard, but further work has shown it will be better to combine the work with the deployment of structured data in the Commons. Susanna created layouts for map locator maps to be included in the map template on the file page in the Commons.

Development plan
The design of the Wikimaps site
Local activities in each country based on documentation

Local activities have not launched as quickly as anticipated. Instead of requiring reporting in this report, we have an external page for continuous updates of processes in each country


  • Statements from network participants. We have not carried out a survey at this stage to provide this information.
  • Statistics of participation: See other sections



Lessons learned



What lessons were learned that may help others succeed in similar projects, or that may change the way you are doing this project?
What went well, or is going well?
Organizing Chapter activities into different focus areas seems to have been a good decision. It has made planning events and projects easier and there is a clear division of responsibilities. The size of the Board is manageable with the division, the amount of activity (events, projects) has increased and not every decision has to go through Board meetings now. This has been possible partly because most members in any given team have professional competence in their focus area.
Our contract with a professional accountant and use of the Holvi service have streamlined our financial workflow and made it more transparent.
We have new contacts and prospective partners in the GLAM and education sectors. Visiting events seems to have paid off and the exposure has been worth the effort of preparing presentations and demos.
What did not go well, or is not going well?
From your answers above, do you plan to change anything you are doing as your project continues?
There is a need for more frequent informal meetings with members. While the division into different focus areas has worked well, these meetings would be useful in giving everyone an idea of the bigger picture.
The Board is almost completely composed of new members, with the only members continuing from 2013 being the chair and vice chair. The organization was also completely overhauled with the focus area divisions. Additionally, settling into the new system for financials required some adjustment. As a result, the Board had to settle in to their new positions while the Chapter's basic functions were undergoing changes to meet the needs of our expanding activities. In the future, we will have to find ways to make adjustment easier for new members and adjust timetables for major changes better.


What lessons were learned that may help others succeed in similar projects, or that may change the way you are doing this project?
What went well, or is going well?
The Wikimaps development process is progressing smoothly. The advocacy work has proven important, and it is time to concentrate on practical results. The complexity of the project is challenging (local work, regional network, international developer network, bridging actors of the open). Maybe the biggest achievement is to succeed in sharing a vision across networks, and to work towards a common goal.
For the tools, we are keeping the traffic intentionally low until work has been done with them.
Our collaboration with the OpenHistoricalMap project has surpassed our expectations: We are doing a FOSS OPW together, and there are new development directions starting.
There is a lot of general interest in the Wikimaps project, and a lot of untapped potential. We must find ways in which volunteers can come to interact with the project, in the early developer phase as well as with the more developed toolsets.
Overall, we are in scope and schedule. We have launched unpredicted activities and collaborations, like the FOSS OPW internship, while we cannot assure that all of those we set out for will succeed. The key is to stay flexible while keeping the project scope.
What did not go well, or is not going well?
While we have very good network participants in all participating countries, the work is not always progressing. The learning takeaway may be that building collaboration always takes a lot of time before you share your visions, adjust your ways of working, synchronize calendars and build trust. The progress depends on the time and attention shared on that vision. In a complex project there has not been enough dedicated time to nurture all local ideas. All in all, all participants need to take time to the project, and that competes with all other activities all of us are engaged with.
From your answers above, do you plan to change anything you are doing as your project continues?
Every single participating country is invaluable to the project, so we will spend more time communicating and planning together.

Project goal and measures of success


This section should reference the project goals and measures of success described in the approved grant submission. See Grants:PEG/WM FI/WMFI 2014/Report to review the goals and metrics listed in the approved submission.

Project goal

Project goal

2014 is a major step in establishing regular activities within Wikimedia Finland. The project manager to be hired will run the Wikimaps project, but can also be at the disposal of the association. The GLAM technician is either one hired person or several assigments. The person will assist the Wikimaps project in Finland, as well as work with all content donations and other projects needing technical assistance.

The funding proposal additionally covers advocacy work for the Wikimaps initiative in 2013. We request support for the travel expenses caused by it. The proposal also includes a one-month full-time working period in December 2013 for preparing the Wikimaps Nordic activities of 2014.

Wikimaps is an initiative by Wikimedia Finland to gather old maps in Wikimedia Commons, place them in world coordinates with the help of Wikimedia volunteers and start using them in different ways.

The project brings together and further develops tools for the discovery of old maps and information about places.

Wikimaps Nordic will focus on Nordic collaboration with memory organizations, aiding them to open their cultural heritage treasures for further reuse, and providing an environment for developing reuse possibilities with other Nordic actors of cultural heritage.

Do you expect to reach your project's goal? Why or why not? WMFI

Establishing regular activities requires a working routine from Chapter members and a robust network of partners, with sustainable plans for future growth. We expect to reach these within the year.

Do you expect to reach your project's goal? Why or why not? Wikimaps

We expect to reach the quantitative goals, as they are set realistically. Reaching the impact will be a hard task, and will depend on several factors: The enthusiasm of the network, having the tools ready and well communicated, articulating tasks for the GLAM, the developer and the volunteer communities. We are not trying to "go big" during the development phase, but hope to communicate the tools for a larger audience by the end of the year.

From the advocacy perspective the project has been very successful, bringing together several actors that share interest in the geospatial aspect of cultural heritage.

Measures of success

List the measures of success exactly as provided in the approved grant submission, and evaluate your project according to each measure listed there.

WMFI will be successful on

Answer only for measures on which you are currently able to report since your project has not been completed.

  • Securing permanent activities. Providing a roadmap for future growth.
    • The roadmap will be a part of the final report.
  • Increase in membership, especially expert members such as teachers and museum professionals who can advocate open knowledge to colleagues, help organize projects and events relevant to their field and help in evaluating article quality. A general increase of 15%. We aim to recruit active expert members in every institution with which we organize an event.
    • The figures will be presented in the final report
  • Increase in activities, especially in the field of education. Creating an educational program with the new board, with possible additional funding. Presence at 2 fairs. Guidelines for the use of open resources in education. Participating in Open Knowledge Finland Open Education working group.
    • Participation in The Open Knowledge Finland Open Education working group started. The group maintains its online memo here.
    • Wikimedia Suomi participated in the Interactive Technology in Education conference with an exhibitor space.
  • Increase in partner projects, especially in the GLAM sector. Estimated 5 edit-a-thons, 3 workshops, 3 content donations, 5 meetups. Establishing, but not necessarily realizing a wikipedian-in-residence program. Taking part in Wiki Loves Monuments 2014.
    • Editathon series is being planned fr the autumn, with content donations being part of the project.
    • One of the workshops was held as part of the planning process for the editathon series.
  • Carrying out a program for an open and welcoming Wikipedia: From deletions to discussion and growth. Documentation and best practices.
    • <3 project postponed to autumn.
Provide an overall assessment of how your project is going according to these measures.
Securing activities in the long run has become easier with the new working group model. Our events and projects are no longer one-off occasions with plans made from scratch, but flexible templates that are easy to apply on a short notice.
The small base of active Wikipedia editors is challenging from a member recruitment point of view. We are looking to recruit open knowledge enthusiasts and professionals from outside the Wikimedia movement.
Increasing the total amount of activities has been going well so far. Museum collaboration is underway, but classroom-related projects will have to wait until the start of the semester.
While doing this project, have you decided to track any other measures of success not listed in your grant submission? If so, please list them here.


Wikimaps & Wikimaps Nordic will be successful on
  • strengthening collaboration between Nordic Wikimedia chapters. To be expressed as plans for common activities. See meeting minutes from Nordic Wikimedia meeting in Oslo in December 2013.
    • Further collaboration has been planned especially in the Fenno Ugric domain, both with Sámi initiatives and other language collaborations. The plans are preliminary, more info to follow.
  • creating methods to systematically release cartographic materials to Wikimedia Commons. The release of documentation about best practices.
    • TBD.
  • creating a Wikimaps project site: blog, discussion, chat.
    • The blog has been created, but the collaborative aspects did not work out in that context. We are halting the development for a dedicated collaborative space until further need. The functionalities have been replaced with those of the Trello site:
  • advancing the tools on the Wikimaps project site and Wikimedia Commons
  • create the Template:Map and have it applied to the GLAMwiki toolset.
    • The map template has been included in the framework of the GLAM Toolset, waiting for the template to be completed.
  • have an option to apply the Template:Map to uploaded single map images.
    • Postponed until structured data is deployed in the Commons.
  • create a geo search for old maps in Commons.
    • TBD.
  • further the Wikimaps Warper through working with the UX, and integration to both the Commons and OHM.
    • See before, Development.
  • creating and fostering a lively cartographic content & developer community in the crossover area between Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap, both internationally and in the Nordic region. Providing numerical proof of the networks.
  • Possible metrics
  • The amount of maps uploaded. Could easily be millions, but that would not be a positive outcome. We shall start with 500.
  • The amount of maps and/or aerial images rectified. This is more important and harder to gain. 100 is a brave suggestion at this stage of development. (Currently 75 map in the Warper, both rectified and unrectified)
  • The amount of volunteers having worked with the environment. This can be measured. Over 20.
    • There are 38 individual users in as of 9 June 2014.
  • The amount of activities that relate to Wikimaps. These will be listed and reported on. 5 other projects.
    • Helsinki Metropolitan historical maps & aerial images initiative
    • OpenHistoricalMap & Wikimaps FOSS OPW
    • Communication with the GeoHumanities working group
    • Cultural Hackathon with AvoinGLAM of OKF FI
    • Wiki Loves Maps
  • The amount of GLAMs involved. Nordic countries: 20. Currently
    • Finland: National Archives, National Library, City of Helsinki, National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki Walks, Linked Data Finland, National Land Survey Aerial Image Archives
    • Sweden: Riksantikvarieämbetet, Digisam, Lantmäteriet, Kungliga Biblioteket...
    • Norway: TBD
    • Denmark: TBD
    • Estonia: TBD
  • The amount and scope of partners/participants in the network: Wiki, OSM, OHM, GLAM, academic. Number of people 150-200.
    • In addition to networks already listed, there are people who have been involved in planning and discussing the Wikimaps environment. As our own networks already reach the amount of people anticipated, there is no real need or method to measure the amount of people in the discussions.
  • The amount of events and participants. 2 events, Kick-off event 50 participants, hackathon 30 participants in 5 cities (150 participants)
  • The amount of online meetings. 25 planned. Some may be skipped due to holidays or other events: 20 online events with minutes and blog reports.
    • 13 Hangouts arranged. Blog posts have been made of the first ones but this will not be the practice. An additional newsletter was started in the event of reminding about the Hangouts. This seems like a very handy method.
  • The amount of initiatives with Nordic cartographic materials: +10, of which 1-3 will be worked on.
    • The Nordic map project boiled down to the urban project early on. The additional aerial images project in Finland complements the main project.
Provide an overall assessment of how your project is going according to these measures.
The project has altogether been very successful. The importance of the project is recognized across domains. The Wikimedia Foundation has acknowledged the activities. The OSM community has responded to the challenge. The Digital Humanities academic community is interested in hooking up with the activities. There is interest in coordinating development with Europeana. The map librarians can also relate to the visions offered by this environment. The open data community is also responding and the GLAMs see the benefit.
Development processes have been slow to start, but we have the means and the plans to realize them in the scope defined by our project. We should possibly be patient enough to allow even more coordinated planning time. GLAM cooperation in Nordic countries and between them could have progressed more rapidly. But we are also seeing great overarching enthusiasm, like in the case of Helsinki, and what was noted in Amsterdam in the Wiki Loves Maps. Our colleagues in Sweden have been very persistent, combatting regulations of usage with the authorities. André Costa deserves a special note for developing MediaWiki add-ons for making the process a smooth one.
While doing this project, have you decided to track any other measures of success not listed in your grant submission? If so, please list them here.



Remember that you will need to report on your project's impact on WMF's mission and strategic goals in your final report.

Reporting and documentation of expenditures


This section describes the grant's use of funds



Remember that you will need to send receipts or documentation of all project expenses to WMF at the time your final report is submitted.


Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here here.
These expenses should be listed in the same format as the budget table in your approved submission so that anyone reading this report may be able to easily compare budgeted vs. actual expenses.
Note that variances in the project budget over 10% per expense category must be approved in advance by Project and Event Grants program staff. For all other variances, please provide an explanation in the table below.
  1. The salaries are tracked by payments made. Thus the costs are distributed to different categories from the budget. Eg taxes paid by the employer and the employee are bundled in one payment. Additional employer costs are paid retrospectively and are not up-to-date.
  2. Costs paid before 30 May 2014 are included.
  3. The major budget items have not been started: Hiring the community coordinator / GLAM technician in the Finnish chapter has been postponed to autumn, when it will be easier to supervise the new employee. The local Nordic tech support in participating chapters requires more planning from the respective chapters. The international development process is starting now after months of preparatory work.
# Category Item description Actual cost Budgeted Balance Currency
1 office Accounting −605,61 600,00 −5,61 EUR
2014-03-11 13:28:18 Accounting, Tilitoimisto EMU Oy: −299,58 EUR
2014-04-11 17:59:25 Accounting, Tilitoimisto EMU: −213,03 EUR
2014-05-26 06:12:10 Accounting, Tilitoimisto EMU Oy: −93 EUR
2 office Travel expenses to board meetings 0,00 1 440,00 1 440,00 EUR
3 office Server, office, mail, phone −116,70 300,00 183,30 EUR
2014-05-05 13:42:21 Web services, Kapsi Internet-käyttäjät ry: −70 EUR
2014-02-11 09:17:21 – 2014-05-28 23:14:52 Banking fees, −34,20 EUR
4 outreach PR materials −424,74 1 000,00 575,26 EUR
2014-05-28 10:50:40 Printed materials for ITK conference, Unigrafia Oy: −424,74 EUR
5 outreach Helsinki Book Fair 0,00 1 309,60 1 309,60 EUR
6 outreach ITK Conference −558,40 1 944,00 1 385,60 EUR
2014-05-28 10:43:51 Participation fees, Hämeen Kesäyliopisto: −460 EUR
2014-04-15 10:44:53 Travel, Tommi Kovala: −61,1 EUR
2014-05-05 13:40:11 Travel, Tarmo Thorström: −37,3 EUR
7 community participation Travel to events 0,00 2 650,00 2 650,00 EUR
Travel costs have been bundled into a travel budget without designated events. The idea is to allow sending a maximum amount of people to WIkimania.
11 salary Project Manager Half-time July-December 0,00 10 500,00 10 500,00 EUR
12 salary Personnel costs PM 2 0,00 3 150,00 3 150,00 EUR
13 salary Community coordinator / tech tasks 25% 0,00 10 500,00 10 500,00 EUR
14 salary Personnel costs CC 0,00 3 150,00 3 150,00 EUR
15 wikimaps 2013 Wikimaps: Wikimaps Project Manager 12/1/2013-12/31/2013 −2 763,25 3 500,00 736,75 EUR
2014-03-12 17:20:00 Salary December 2013, Ånäs Susanna: −2763,25 EUR
16 wikimaps 2013 Personnel costs Wikimaps 13 −899,85 1 050,00 150,15 EUR
2014-03-12 17:22:20 Salary taxes, Verohallinto: −899,85 EUR
17 wikimaps 2013 GLAM-Wiki, London: Accommodation −179,88 179,88 0,00 EUR
18 wikimaps 2013 International Conference on the History of Cartography, Helsinki, Finland: Participation fee −100,00 100,00 0,00 EUR
19 wikimaps 2013 Amsterdam Hackathon: Flights −287,47 280,00 −7,47 EUR
The sum includes the flight and local transportation from and to the airport.
20 wikimaps 2013 Amsterdam Hackathon: Accommodation −85,90 90,00 4,10 EUR
21 wikimaps 2013 Wikimania: Flights & accommodation 7.–11.8.2013 −1 576,79 1 576,79 0,00 EUR
22 wikimaps 2013 Wikimania: Participation fee −62,02 62,02 0,00 EUR
The Wikimaps 2013 costs (17-20) are bundled in one invoice below.
2014-05-05 19:51:02 Wikimaps 2013, Susanna Ånäs: −653,25 EUR
23 wikimaps nordic Wikimaps kick-off −2 424,11 3 800,00 1 375,89 EUR
Includes in-kind funding 1200 € in the budgeted amount and additional funding and related costs of 178 EUR from The Finnish Institute in London not in the budgeted amount
2014-02-26 15:19:49 Accommodation, Hotelli Linnanpuisto Oy: −890 EUR
2014-02-26 00:13:10 Catering advance: −500 EUR
2014-03-05 15:01:23 Travel Wikimedia Danmark: −281,66 EUR
2014-03-05 14:59:57 Travel Wikimedia Sverige: −261,41 EUR
2014-04-29 23:36:19 Travel Wikimedia Eesti: −224,04 EUR
2014-02-26 15:23:11 Accommodation, Hotelli Linnanpuisto Oy: −178 EUR
2014-03-05 15:05:34 Accommodation, Hotelli Linnanpuisto Oy: −89 EUR
24 wikimaps nordic Hackathon 0,00 7 720,00 7 720,00 EUR
25 wikimaps nordic Project Manager / Wikimaps Half-time January-June −6 908,10 10 500,00 3 591,90 EUR
2014-01-17 Salary January 2014 Susanna Ånäs: −1381,62 EUR
2014-02-17 17:28:28 Salary February 2014 Susanna Ånäs: −1381,62 EUR
2014-03-12 17:16:00 Salary March 2014 Ånäs Susanna: −1381,62 EUR
2014-04-07 16:06:10 Salary April 2014 Ånäs Susanna: −1381,62 EUR
2014-05-12 15:55:48 Salary May 2014 Ånäs Susanna: −1381,62 EUR
26 wikimaps nordic Personnel costs PM 1 −1 327,09 3 150,00 1 822,91 EUR
2014-04-14 21:18:41 Personnel insurance costs Keskinäinen Työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Elo: −425,6 EUR
2014-03-12 17:07:07 Salary taxes Verohallinto: −301,59 EUR
2014-05-12 15:50:35 Salary taxes Verohallinto: −299,95 EUR
2014-03-12 17:11:07 Salary taxes Verohallinto: −299,95 EUR
27 wikimaps nordic Technical or design assignments 5 person months / International 0,00 17 500,00 17 500,00 EUR
28 wikimaps nordic Personnel costs dev 0,00 5 250,00 5 250,00 EUR
29 wikimaps nordic Local Wikimedia chapters and/or OpenStreetMap assignments 3 person months. Sweden, Denmark, Estonia 0,00 10 500,00 10 500,00 EUR
30 wikimaps nordic Personnel costs chapters 0,00 3 150,00 3 150,00 EUR
31 wikimaps nordic Bookkeeping 0,00 800,00 800,00 EUR
32 wikimaps nordic Financial statements 0,00 350,00 350,00 EUR
33 glam & edu Edit-a-thon 0,00 2 550,00 2 550,00 EUR
34 glam & edu Workshop −499,86 2 340,00 1 840,14 EUR
2014-05-28 23:14:52 Lecture fee & travel, Johanna Janhonen: −499,86 EUR
35 glam & edu Meetups 0,00 500,00 500,00 EUR
Total amount spent on this project so far (with currency)
18 819,77 EUR
Total amount of WMF grant funds spent on this project so far (with currency)
WMFI costs are all WMF funded, Wikimaps costs are partly funded by WMF. Wikimaps costs are not earmarked for WMF.
Based on your spending, will you need to request any changes to your budget? If you do, please see the guidelines for requesting changes to your budget.