Grants:PEG/WM FI/WMFI 2014/Report/Interim2

Interim report accepted
This interim report for a Project and Event Grant has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

Project status

Are you complying with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?

Do you expect this project to be completed by the date specified in the approved grant submission?

Did you use any of the grant funds?

Activities and lessons learned


Activities WMFI


Activities reported earlier in Interim report 1



  • Presentation at the MasterClass for Open Data, Susanna Ånäs
  • GLAM Editathon series planning workshop, 21 May 2014, Kiasma.
  • The presentation for GLAM people in Kiasma
  • Meeting memos


  • Hands-on demonstration booth at the ITK conference
  • Tracking page for academic wiki research in Finland:w:fi:Wikipedia:Tutkimuksia wikeistä


  • Wikimedia Conference, attended
  • Wikimedia Hackathon, attended

Meetups (1 event)

  • Wikipedia Editor meetup held in Jyväskylä in April

Other events

  • Tiedettä Wikipediaan 26.2.2014 Helsinki



The emphasis of our activities has been on GLAM. We are in the beginning of building liaisons to memory institutions, and we have had great success.

Media Museum Rupriikki had a Wikimedia editathon for the second time. The editathon was about history of electronic games.

Tuo kulttuuri Wikipediaan is a series of editathons organized as a collaboration between Wikimedia Suomi ry, 6 GLAM organizations and the Summer University of the Helsinki Region.

Commons for GLAMs training was arranged to the GLAMs that participate in the Editathon series.

It consisted of 3 parts

  • Commons basics: Benefit, tools, practices, templates, tracking. Participants created their profiles and started with Institutional templates. There were 7 participants from 4 GLAMs.
  • GLAM-Wiki Toolset training. The workshops were discussed with Sebastiaan ter Burg (WMNL). Dan Entous held the workshop to the GLAM representatives at the local Europeana partner, the National Library of Finland. Liam Wyatt presented the ideas behind the GLAM-Wiki Toolset development through a Hangout. See the Hangout event. There were 7 participants from 3 GLAMs and one from Wikimedia Estonia, 3 WMFI assistants and a Board member.
  • A basic Wikipedia editing session was held at the Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland. The session was tutored by Juha Kämäräinen. There were 12 participants from 5 memory institutions.


Content upload tools: Ari Häyrinen, assistant of Wikimedia Suomi ry, has started researching the last mile from the GLAM CMS to the GLAM-Wiki Toolset.

We hope to continue developing the tools in collaboration with the international community.

Proposal/plan for new forms of GLAM activities

  • Wikimedian-in-residence and Wiki Loves... project are going to be pushed forward in the coming year, but there are no detailed plans to carry that out.
  • Wikimaps Nordic project plans for 2015 have been released.

Educational program plan will be a task for the coming year.



Wikimedia Suomi ry had no presentations at Wikimania. However, we decided to have as many participants attending as possible. The Board training that was arranged in the context also made it worthwhile. 3 Board members attended in the Board training, and one also in the Train the Trainers session.


<3 program plan (Editor Engagement, EE)

The<3 project has not found a way to be brought forward. It should be co-developed with the Wikipedia community for it to be effective. It has no allocated resources, and it will stay on our agenda.

Workshop series
  • The preliminary meeting of the GLAMs for the editathon series (May)
  • The GLAM content upload workshop series (September)
  • The planned Wikidata workshop (December)
Other events


Community coordinator recruit report

Wikimedia Suomi ry recruited 4 assistants for short term assignments. The arrangement has proven to be successful in the scope of time we have had to observe. All assistants have found their unique angles and strengths. Working together in an organization that still has no physical headquarters is easier to manage when there are others to ask or share the work with. The arrangement is flexible and powerful. In the incredibly busy period during the autumn in WMFI, the possibility of having several people work at the same time was very useful, while it was not necessary to keep the arrangement in a calm period. This will only work if the assignment complements the person's other activities, and we have been lucky.

Ari Häyrinen's dissertation is about open cultural data for the University of Jyväskylä in 2012. His domain will be technical support and development for GLAM uploads, training and assisting the GLAMs in their practical challenges. He will also assist in some Wikimaps technical tasks.

Sampo Viiri comes from the Finnish Institute in London. He is a historian, and he created a report of Digital Humanities in the UK as part of his assignment in London. He will be with us occasionally, as a full-time job will occupy him primarily. His started in the domain of open data and was central in the arrangements for the Avoin Suomi fair.

Samppa Bernelius works as a doctoral researcher at the Geological Survey of Finland. He is a GIS professional and a Board member of GIS professionals' association ProGIS. Samppa will help in planning and funding the future Wikimaps projects, as well as sharing his experience in project planning for all WMFI activities.

Teemu Perhiö is a student of political history with student association experience. He is a seasoned wikipedian and wikimedian, and is fluent in publishing, graphic design, photography and many other crucial skills for the task. Teemu will assist the Tuo kulttuuri Wikipediaan editathon series as his first assignment.

  • Weekly staff Hangouts take place every Monday morning between the Project Manager and the assistants. The meetings are open for anyone, and especially the association and Board members. There are brief weekly summaries in the WMFI wiki. (Weekly staff meeting memos are kept closed in case of privacy concerns)
  • Weekly WMFI chats. There has been less energy for the general out-of-office-hours weekly chats this year. The Etherpad platform was discontinued, and we are still in transition to the next platform. Here is a link to the Etherpad backup.
  • Board meeting minutes in the Wikimedia Suomi documents page
Financial reports for 2013 + non-profit tax statement


Summary of Wikimedia in news
  • In june 2014 to october 2014 there was 19 stories in finnish news papers. 6 of the stories were short writings about the vandalism and accuracy of the Wikipedia. In example there was stories about congress-edits and RUGovEdits twitter bots. 4 of news items were about monkey selfie, two about the Wikipedia statue in the Poland and two about right to be forgotten. Rest of the news were pretty positive random news like why some famous people are remembered or 8.5% articles of the Wikipedia is made by bot operated by Sverker Johansson. (w:fi:wikipedia:medianäkyvyys)
Social media statistics

BLOG 4 followers, 6,487 views

FACEBOOK 708 likes

  • 08/20/2014 Kiinnostaako kulttuuri? Haluatko oppia kirjoittamaan Wikipediaan? Teimme kurssin sinulle. (1,308 views)
  • 08/17/2014 Wikimedia Suomessa on tarjolla työtehtäviä, jotka kestävät vuoden loppuun... (1,285 views)
  • 09/09/2014 Lokakuussa alkavalla kurssilla on vielä muutama vapaa paikka. (901 views)
  • 10/01/2014 Terveisiä Virosta, jossa lukiolaisia kannustetaan tuottamaan laadukasta Wikipedia-sisältöä opetusministeriön tuella. (574 views)

TWITTER 140 followers



PR materials report
Kulttuuri verkkoon, a brochure in collaboration with WMSE

The brochure is based on the "Kulturskatter på nätet" brochure by Wikimedia Sverige. WMFI has translated, localized and redesigned the brochure, proofread and printed it and added it to Commons.

Postcard for distribution at public events

The postcard is produced of materials opened in the context of cultural partnerships.

Activities Wikimaps Nordic



  • Monthly Hangouts
  • Participation at Wikimania Hackathon
  • Participation at #Hack4DK. #Hack4DK is the Danish cultural hackathon that was held in Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen. We will be part of organizing #Hack4FI in February 2015, with a specific focus on maps. Our stream will be called Wiki Loves Maps. Read more in the Wikimaps Nordic 2015 plan.

Susanna attended the Digital Humanities 2014 conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. She participated in the creation of the GeoHumanities SIG of the ADHO organization. She published a position paper (61 views) and a presentation (583 views) as part of the GeoHumanities workshop. The blog post was popular, it was read 2,476 times.



The development items in the project plan have been assigned

  • WP1 code refactoring, OHM.
  • WP2 Warper UI redevelopment, Tim Waters. WP1 billed, WP2 in preparation.
  • WP3 User interface front end development. Jeph Paul: Control point interface JavaScript development. WP3 will also require site building.
  • WP4 User interface design, Susanna Ånäs: By decision of the WMFI Board this additional compensation can be paid to Susanna Ånäs, who is also the Project Manager for the Wikimaps project.
  • WP5 Upload tools for Commons, Ari Häyrinen.


  • The Template:Map has been released. It is included in the GLAM-Wiki Toolset for mass uploads of maps.
  • The Wikimaps Warper accepts OAuth login with credentials from Wikimedia Commons, GitHub and OpenStreetMap. Read the blog post by Tim Waters.
  • The Wikimaps Warper now includes OpenHistoricalMap. The user is transferred from the warper to OHM with a single click.
  • FOSS OPW internship was completed. Read the weekly reports of Jaime Lyn Schatz.
  • The design of the Warper control point interface can be viewed in the design docement.
  • Front end development has been delayed. The work has now started, but we will need to reinforce the team with a site builder.

Local activities in each country based on documentation



  • Statements from the network participants. We have not carried out a survey at this stage to provide this information.
  • Statistics of participation: See other sections




No followers, 5,862 views


161 recipients


204 members


Lessons learned



What lessons were learned that may help others succeed in similar projects, or that may change the way you are doing this project?
What went well, or is going well?
Our GLAM activities have been recognized in the Finnish cultural sector as an important collaboration form.
We are realizing all project items in the project plan, more or less in the planned schedule.
The payment system ( serves us well.
3 members of the Board have received Board training, and we have more insight into association activities.
New assistants have been recruited. The choice was to employ several people (4) with different profiles and smaller workloads, rather than one with more workload. This has proven to be an excellent choice. It has served the needs of the assistants as well as the association well.
Through the editathon events we are working more closely with the Wikipedia community, and thus engaging us all in a common endeavour.
What did not go well, or is not going well?
From your answers above, do you plan to change anything you are doing as your project continues?
The workload of those who take responsibility (staff or volunteers) can wear them out or scare them away. We must make working sustainable by staffing according to activities, and always compensate for programmatic work. Possible mistrust must be combated with even more transparency.


What lessons were learned that may help others succeed in similar projects, or that may change the way you are doing this project?
What went well, or is going well?
The project has been introduced to the Wikimedia community, the OpenStreetMap communities as well as the Digital Humanities academic community. The project has become part of the network of initiatives that work out how to handle historical maps of the world.
We have been able to gather the participating chapters for a second year with the Wikimaps Nordic project. We are planning to launch a new project format, the Wikimaps Expedition. The Wiki Loves Maps hackathon will be postponed to February 2015, but it will be a joint project with the Finnish cultural sector in the #Hack4FI-hackathon. Also, we will be investing in creating a support network for GLAM and cartographic uploads in the Nordic countries.
What did not go well, or is not going well?
There is a sense of impatience for massive traffic. While we have been on schedule and we have produced more outcomes than planned, the results have not yet been very visible. I think we would have needed expectations management. Also, we have wanted to keep the traffic low until we know we are not making major changes to key components.
The remaining tasks for this year may have trouble fitting to the schedule of this year, because we have had a significant delay in starting the front end development.
From your answers above, do you plan to change anything you are doing as your project continues?
We will secure the work of the key people.
We will seek to release soon, in small steps.
We will focus on getting hooks for people to participate.
We will continue investing in outreach and collaboration initiatives.

Outcomes and impact



Provide the original project goal here.
2014 is a major milestone in establishing regular activities within Wikimedia Finland. The project manager to be hired will run the Wikimaps project, but can also be at the disposal of the association. The GLAM technician is either one hired person or several assigments. The person will assist the Wikimaps project in Finland, as well as work with all content donations and other projects needing technical assistance.
The funding proposal additionally covers advocacy work for the Wikimaps initiative in 2013. We request support for the travel expenses caused by it. The proposal also includes a one-month full-time working period in December 2013 for preparing the Wikimaps Nordic activities of 2014.
Wikimaps is an initiative by Wikimedia Finland to gather old maps in Wikimedia Commons, place them in world coordinates with the help of Wikimedia volunteers and start using them in different ways.
The project brings together and further develops tools for the discovery of old maps and information about places.
Wikimaps Nordic will focus on Nordic collaboration with memory organizations, aiding them to open their cultural heritage treasures for further reuse, and providing an environment for developing reuse possibilities with other Nordic actors of cultural heritage.
Do you expect to reach your project's goal? Why or why not? WMFI
We are very happy with the GLAM program. We look forward to more concrete plans for EDU activities. We are doing great in being recognized as a partner with releasing open content. We could do better in gathering member base. We miss some targets, but we exceed others.
Do you expect to reach your project's goal? Why or why not? Wikimaps
We have done great job networking internationally. We have also created an amazing tool pack for digital maps. The results lack publicizing, we are now ready for that. The interface remake development is delayed. We have trouble allocating the remaining resources right to get the remaining tasks done.

Progress towards targets and goals


Measures of success


The table did not work, the first column did not show. Here's a simple table:

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Securing permanent activities. Providing a roadmap for future growth. The roadmap will be a part of the final report.
Increase in membership, especially expert members such as teachers and museum professionals who can advocate open knowledge to colleagues, help organize projects and events relevant to their field and help in evaluating article quality. A general increase of 15%. We aim to recruit active expert members in every institution with which we organize an event. The figures will be presented in the final report
Increase in activities, especially in the field of education. Creating an educational program with the new board, with possible additional funding. The EDU plan will be part of the final report
Presence at 2 fairs. Guidelines for the use of open resources in education. 2 fairs Wikimedia Suomi participated in the Interactive Technology in Education conference with an exhibitor space and Avoin Suomi 2014 / Open Finland 2014 fair, organized by the Prime Minister's Office
Participating in Open Knowledge Finland Open Education working group. Participation in The Open Knowledge Finland Open Education working group started.
Increase in partner projects, especially in the GLAM sector. Tuo kulttuuri Wikipediaan editathon series has started successfully.
Estimated 5 edit-a-thons 7 arranged Tuo kulttuuri Wikipediaan editathon series has 6 events + 1 editathon at Rupriikki Media Museum. Altogether 7
3 workshops 4 arranged, 1 planned Workhops have been arranged for content uploads and Wikipedia editing for GLAMs, Wikidata workshop planned for December.
3 content donations 1 done, more than 10 planned Images from the AvoinGLAM MasterClass, the editathon series and Wikimaps partnerships will take place in 2015 when the workflow with GWToolset is in place.
5 meetups 2 arranged, one in Spring, one at Rupriikki 1 arranged in the context of Rupriikki editathon
Establishing, but not necessarily realizing a wikipedian-in-residence program. Planned for 2015 No resources were reserved
Taking part in Wiki Loves Monuments 2014. This did not happen No resources were reserved
Carrying out a program for an open and welcoming Wikipedia: From deletions to discussion and growth. Documentation and best practices. <3 project postponed. No resources were reserved
Strengthen collaboration between Nordic Wikimedia chapters. To be expressed as plans for common activities. See meeting minutes from Nordic Wikimedia meeting in Oslo in December 2013. See plans for Wikimaps Nordic 2014. There will be common tasks with the Wikimaps Nordic as well as GLAM-WIki Toolset appropriation. There are more and more opportunities for collaboration, but cross-chapter work has proven tough. There are goals that each chapter is busy fulfilling, and collaboration needs allocated resources and planning ahead. The Fenno Ugric projects were not picked up by anyone in WMFI, even though there were available resources.
Create methods to systematically release cartographic materials to Wikimedia Commons. The release of documentation about best practices. No detailed documentaion yet, but the practices are well under way.
Create a Wikimaps project site: blog, discussion, chat. postponed The site building activities have not had an assigned person. Unless it can be created as part of the work by Wikimaps developers or WMFI assistans, we need to seek for additional resources.
Advance the tools on the Wikimaps project site and Wikimedia Commons
Create the Template:Map and have it applied to the GLAMwiki toolset. The map template has been included in the framework of the GLAM Toolset, and it has been released. There are still no mass uploads, but we have prepared a list to complete in near future.
Have an option to apply the Template:Map to uploaded single map images. Postponed We will wait with some features until structured data is deployed in the Commons.
Create a geo search for old maps in Commons. Partly halted It has proven too complex for our project to tackle search within WIkimedia. We can provide search to maps within the Warper.
Further the Wikimaps Warper through working with the UX, and integration to both the Commons and OHM. The integration has been done, the UX remain to be done We have had delay with the UI development, and hope to complete most tasks
Create and foster a lively cartographic content & developer community in the crossover area between Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap, both internationally and in the Nordic region. Providing numerical proof of the networks.
  • Wikimaps Facebook group 204 members
  • Wikimaps newsletter distribution 161 subscribers (144 European, of which 113 Nordic, of which 72 Finnish + 16 others)||
Possible metrics
500 maps uploaded. Content tracking category for Wikimaps Nordic . Not all current maps have been added, and mass uploads are expected.
100 maps rectified 105 map in the Warper, both rectified and unrectified
20 volunteers having worked with the environment 60 users in Wikimaps Warper
5 related activities 5 activities published, more to follow
  • COST ENERGIC short term mission in the UK
  • Helsinki Metropolitan historical maps & aerial images initiative
  • OpenHistoricalMap & Wikimaps FOSS OPW
  • Participation in the GeoHumanities SIG
  • Cultural Hackathon with AvoinGLAM of OKF FI Wiki Loves Maps
20 Nordic GLAMs involved with the project. Around 20 collaborations have been prepared, but only part of them have materialized enough to be disclosed.
  • Finland: National Archives, National Library, City of Helsinki, National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki Walks, Linked Data Finland, National Land Survey Aerial Image Archives, City of Helsinki, Svenska Litteratursällskapet
  • Sweden: Riksantikvarieämbetet, Digisam, Lantmäteriet, Kungliga Biblioteket
  • Norway TBC
  • Denmark TBC
  • Estonia TBC
150-200 participants in the network 150–200 Facebook 204, newsletter 161
2 events: Kick-off event 50 participants: hackathon 30 participants in 5 cities (150 participants) 1 event realized, second event postponed to February 2015 The Wikimaps hackathon will be postponed to February 2015 when it will be part of teh #Hack4FI event as Wiki Loves Maps stream.
20 online events with minutes and blog posts 21 Hangouts arranged. Blog posts have been made of the first ones but minutes have become the only practice.
1-3 themes developed 1 common theme selected
  • Urban change in different Nordic Hot Spots: Helsinki, Umeå, Tartu, Oslo and Århus
  • Second emerging theme is historical aerial images that may become a future project
Provide an overall assessment of how your project is going according to these measures.
The project has already done what it promised. What remains is to popularize the results, and continue development.
While doing this project, have you decided to track any other measures of success not listed in your grant submission? If so, please list them here.

Remember that you will need to report on Global Metrics in your final report.



Remember that you will need to report on your project's impact on WMF's mission and strategic goals in your final report.

Reporting and documentation of expenditures


This section describes the grant's use of funds



Remember that you will need to send receipts or documentation of all project expenses to WMF at the time your final report is submitted.


Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here here.
These expenses should be listed in the same format as the budget table in your approved submission so that anyone reading this report may be able to easily compare budgeted vs. actual expenses.
Note that variances in the project budget over 10% per expense category must be approved in advance by Project and Event Grants program staff. For all other variances, please provide an explanation in the table below.
Total amount spent on this project so far (with currency)
# Category Item description Actual cost Budgeted Balance Currency
1 office Accounting −605,61 600,00 −5,61 EUR
2014-03-11 13:28:18 Accounting, Tilitoimisto EMU Oy: −299,58 EUR
2014-04-11 17:59:25 Accounting, Tilitoimisto EMU: −213,03 EUR
2014-05-26 06:12:10 Accounting, Tilitoimisto EMU Oy: −93 EUR
2 office Travel expenses to board meetings −102,00 440,00 338,00 EUR
2014-06-23 13:21:30 Travel reimbursement WMFI Board meeting −70,00 EUR
2014-06-23 14:29:28 Travel reimbursement WMFI meeting −32,00 EUR
3 office Server, office, mail, phone −218,17 300,00 81,83 EUR
Banking fees −38,70 EUR
2014-02-11 09:17:21 – 2014-05-28 23:14:52 Banking fees: −34,20 EUR
2014-05-05 13:42:21 Web services, Kapsi Internet-käyttäjät ry: −70 EUR
2014-07-01 09:16:39 Printer ink −62,77 EUR
4 outreach PR materials −605,41 1 000,00 394,59 EUR
2014-05-28 10:50:40 Printed materials for ITK conference, Unigrafia Oy: −424,74 EUR
2014-09-12 20:31:44 Postcard print cost −180,67 EUR
5 outreach Helsinki Book Fair 0,00 0,00 0,00 EUR
6 outreach ITK Conference −1 403,34 1 944,00 540,66 EUR
2014-04-15 10:44:53 Travel −61,1 EUR
2014-05-05 13:40:11 Travel −37,3 EUR
2014-05-28 10:43:51 Participation fees, Hämeen Kesäyliopisto: −460 EUR
2014-06-13 15:09:27 Participation fee ITK conference −60,00 EUR
2014-07-23 17:21:36 ITK Conference Travel, registration and material −554,94 EUR
2014-08-24 17:07:21 Participation fees ITK conference −230,00 EUR
7 community participation Travel to events −3 867,66 4 959,60 1 091,94 EUR
2014-07-01 16:11:20 Wikimania travel −2985,46 EUR
2014-07-04 09:02:16 Wikimania registration −58,63 EUR
2014-08-26 14:33:19 Wikimania Travel reimbursement −132,22 EUR
2014-08-26 14:34:33 Wikimania Travel reimbursement −103,04 EUR
2014-09-24 11:47:08 Avoin Suomi Fair Travel + lunch −47,10 EUR
2014-09-25 12:16:15 #Hack4DK Flight & Hotel −508,11 EUR
2014-09-29 15:15:39 Travel reimbursement Avoion Suomi fair −33,10 EUR
Travel costs have been bundled into a travel budget without designated events. The idea is to allow sending a maximum amount of people to Wikimania.
11 salary Project Manager Half-time July-December −5 526,48 10 500,00 4 973,52 EUR
2014-06-12 16:48:39 Salary / PM −1381,62 EUR
2014-07-14 13:39:03 Salary / PM −1381,62 EUR
2014-08-13 13:20:25 Salary / PM −1381,62 EUR
2014-09-11 15:34:11 Salary / PM −1381,62 EUR
12 salary Personnel costs PM 2 −1 298,79 3 150,00 1 851,21 EUR
2014-06-12 16:05:09 Taxes / salary −299,95 EUR
2014-07-10 14:27:03 Taxes / salary −299,95 EUR
2014-08-08 13:49:49 Taxes / salary −398,94 EUR
2014-09-11 15:30:51 Taxes / salary −299,95 EUR
13 salary Community coordinator / tech tasks 25% 0,00 10 500,00 10 500,00 EUR
14 salary Personnel costs CC 0,00 3 150,00 3 150,00 EUR
15 wikimaps 2013 Wikimaps: Wikimaps Project Manager 12/1/2013-12/31/2013 −2 763,25 3 500,00 736,75 EUR
2014-03-12 17:20:00 Salary December 2013: −2763,25 EUR
16 wikimaps 2013 Personnel costs Wikimaps 13 −943,50 1 050,00 106,50 EUR
2014-03-12 17:22:20 Salary taxes, Verohallinto: −899,85 EUR
2014-09-29 16:58:54 Employer costs −43,65 EUR
17 wikimaps 2013 GLAM-Wiki, London: Accommodation −179,88 179,88 0,00 EUR
18 wikimaps 2013 International Conference on the History of Cartography, Helsinki, Finland: Participation fee −100,00 100,00 0,00 EUR
19 wikimaps 2013 Amsterdam Hackathon: Flights −287,47 280,00 −7,47 EUR
The sum includes the flight and local transportation from and to the airport.
20 wikimaps 2013 Amsterdam Hackathon: Accommodation −85,90 90,00 4,10 EUR
21 wikimaps 2013 Wikimania: Flights & accommodation 7.–11.8.2013 −1 576,79 1 576,79 0,00 EUR
22 wikimaps 2013 Wikimania: Participation fee −62,02 62,02 0,00 EUR
The Wikimaps 2013 costs (17-20) are bundled in one invoice below.
2014-05-05 19:51:02 Wikimaps 2013: −653,25 EUR
23 wikimaps nordic Wikimaps kick-off −2 487,61 3 800,00 1 312,39 EUR
Includes in-kind funding 1200 € in the budgeted amount and additional funding and related costs of 178 EUR from The Finnish Institute in London not in the budgeted amount
2014-02-26 00:13:10 Catering advance: −500 EUR
2014-02-26 15:19:49 Accommodation, Hotelli Linnanpuisto Oy: −890 EUR
2014-02-26 15:23:11 Accommodation, Hotelli Linnanpuisto Oy: −178 EUR
2014-03-05 14:59:57 Travel Wikimedia Sverige: −261,41 EUR
2014-03-05 15:01:23 Travel Wikimedia Danmark: −281,66 EUR
2014-03-05 15:05:34 Accommodation, Hotelli Linnanpuisto Oy: −89 EUR
2014-04-29 23:36:19 Travel Wikimedia Eesti: −224,04 EUR
2014-06-26 23:45:59 Wikimaps kickoff Travel reimbursement −63,50 EUR
24 wikimaps nordic Hackathon 0,00 7 720,00 7 720,00 EUR
25 wikimaps nordic Project Manager / Wikimaps Half-time January-June −6 908,10 10 500,00 3 591,90 EUR
17.1.2014 Salary January 2014 −1381,62 EUR
2014-02-17 17:28:28 Salary February 2014 −1381,62 EUR
2014-03-12 17:16:00 Salary March 2014 −1381,62 EUR
2014-04-07 16:06:10 Salary April 2014 −1381,62 EUR
2014-05-12 15:55:48 Salary May 2014 −1381,62 EUR
26 wikimaps nordic Personnel costs PM 1 −1 327,09 3 150,00 1 822,91 EUR
2014-03-12 17:07:07 Salary taxes March 2014 Verohallinto: −301,59 EUR
2014-03-12 17:11:07 Salary taxes Verohallinto: −299,95 EUR
2014-04-14 21:18:41 Personnel insurance costs Keskinäinen Työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Elo: −425,6 EUR
2014-05-12 15:50:35 Salary taxes May 2014 Verohallinto: −299,95 EUR
27 wikimaps nordic Technical or design assignments 5 person months / International −3 500,00 17 500,00 14 000,00 EUR
2014-06-18 22:33:47 Wikimaps WP1 −1400,00 EUR
2014-09-17 18:56:54 Wikimaps WP1 −2100,00 EUR
28 wikimaps nordic Personnel costs dev 0,00 4200 € 4 200,00 EUR
29 wikimaps nordic Local Wikimedia chapters and/or OpenStreetMap assignments 3 person months. Sweden, Denmark, Estonia 0,00 10 500,00 10 500,00 EUR
30 wikimaps nordic Personnel costs chapters −135,41 3 150,00 3 014,59 EUR
31 wikimaps nordic Bookkeeping −249,98 800,00 550,02 EUR
2014-07-10 10:35:06 Accounting −135,41 EUR
2014-08-13 09:30:43 Accounting −249,98 EUR
32 wikimaps nordic Financial statements 0,00 350,00 350,00 EUR
36 wikimaps nordic Community participation Wikimaps −333,71 1 050,00 € 716,29
2014-07-15 00:32:10 Travel / DH2014 −333,71 EUR
33 glam & edu Edit-a-thon −28,10 2 550,00 2 521,90 EUR
2014-09-24 11:49:16 Rupriikki editathon Travel reimbursement −28,10 EUR
34 glam & edu Workshop −1 148,05 2 340,00 1 191,95 EUR
2014-05-28 23:14:52 Lecture fee & travel −499,86 EUR
2014-06-09 16:49:25 Catering GLAM workshop −29,60 EUR
2014-09-03 09:32:47 Travel & hotel / GLAM-Wiki Toolset training −443,79 EUR
2014-09-12 20:16:04 GLAM-Wiki Toolset Training Travel reimbursement −63,60 EUR
2014-09-24 11:46:00 Travel reimbursement GLAM-Wiki Toolset training −111,20 EUR
35 glam & edu Meetups 0,00 500,00 500,00 EUR
Total amount of WMF grant funds spent on this project so far (with currency)
35,744.32 EUR
Based on your spending, will you need to request any changes to your budget? If you do, please see the guidelines for requesting changes to your budget.
Answer YES or NO.
YES. We will hope to transfer some of the spending to next year. The Wikimaps hackathon is a clear issue. We wish to request this closer to the end of the year.