Grants:PEG/WM TW/Creating A Room of WikiWomen's Own/Report/Q2
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This page is currently a draft. More information pertaining to this may be available on the talk page. Translation admins: Normally, drafts should not be marked for translation. |
The interim report will contain:
- Expenditure
- Meetup photos
- List of articles created
- List of visual works
- Field notes from Reke in Traditional Chinese (English summaries provided)
- Number of Participants and the repeat rate of participants.
Project status
edit- Are you complying with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
- Answer YES or NO.
- Do you expect this project to be completed by the date specified in the approved grant submission?
- Did you use any of the grant funds?
Activities and lessons learned
edit- We have hosted monthly meeting since March, 2015. Until 21, Feb, 2016, there are 12 events, totally 36 participants with 205 times of attendance. Please refer to this page for the further detail.
Lessons learned
edit- What lessons were learned that may help others succeed in similar projects, or that may change the way you are doing this project?
- What went well, or is going well?
- en:
- The return rate of the participants is higher then we expected.
- Some of the first joined participant are volunteered to actively organize the event, they have proposed a lot of ideas to make the meet up better, and some of them are actually feasible and put into work.
- zh-hant:
- 參與過的志工,再次參與的意願很高,超出我們的預期。
- 有引起志工主動投入組織的工作。她們主動提出了很多聚會方式的點子,有些已經在執行中。
- What did not go well, or is not going well?
- en:
- We did think about put the baby sitting fee into the budget to make the event parent friendly. However, the participation rate of women who are married or have kids is still low.
- The progress of editing and translating articles is rather slow.
- There are less new editors in the later stage of this project.
- zh-hant:
- 即使可以提供保姆服務,已婚、有孩子的女性參與度仍然不高。
- 編輯與翻譯的進度緩慢。
- 後期的新參與者變少了。
- From your answers above, do you plan to change anything you are doing as your project continues?
- en:
- We are working on a new campaign to promote the idea of editing not only by this offline event, but also more actively to raise of the awareness to more women on this community. Hopefully through the new campaign we can improve the stagnation of the number of participants.
- We have used "How to edit Wikipedia" brochure in Chinese version to teache the basic interface, but we possibly need to develop the materials to show how to write articles.
- We will need to use surveys and other posible approaches to investigate the reason of low participantion rate with married women, and then redesign a more practical way to help them to engage.
- zh-hant:
- 我們已經著手規畫除了線下的宣傳方案,讓更多女性知道這個社群的存在,以改善參與者數量成長停滯的問題。
- 除了維基的操作說明之外,可能需要開發寫作指南教材。
- 需要透過問卷或其他方式,調查已婚女性無法參與活動的原因,再設計更實用的協助方案。
Outcomes and impact
edit- Provide the original project goal here.
- To create a friendlier space for regular Wikimedia meet-ups of solely women. /
為台灣首成立的純女性定期維基聚會創造更友善的空間。 - Translate global documents, films, and webpages of "Women participation into WIkimedia Movements" into Chinese, in order to work toward this task even easier for Chinese Wikimedia community. /
將國際上有關「提升女性參與維基媒體運動」的文件、影片及網頁譯成中文,使中文維基社群方便參與此一工作。 - Produce a Chinese report at least once a month during the project. We will study how to increase the participation of women in Wikimedia Movement according to the result on the observation of these meet-ups. /
- To create a friendlier space for regular Wikimedia meet-ups of solely women. /
- Do you expect to reach your project's goal? Why or why not?
- Yes, we do. We have continually organize the monthly event, and more then 50% of participants are willing to participate again. /
有達成。我們已經連續19個月舉辦了聚會,超過50%的參與者都願意再次參與活動。 - No, we don't expect to reach the original goal. Even though we have accomplish the translation on Women in Red and encourage the WikiWomen community in Taiwan to engage with the international team. However, apart from this work, we are still lack of enough participation of multilingual talents to translate many materials. /
未達成。雖然我們有完成了「當紅女人」專案的翻譯,讓社群能夠參與,但除了這個頁面外缺乏成果。我們曾經引導過傳記條目、女性專題頁面的翻譯,但是進度都十分緩慢。這跟我們的社群人數不夠多,未能有夠多語言能力足夠且時間充裕的志工有關。 - Yes, we do. The monthly reports in Chinese pointed out some new discoveries on the ambiance, format, goal setting, human resource of volunteers. /
- Yes, we do. We have continually organize the monthly event, and more then 50% of participants are willing to participate again. /
Progress towards targets and goals
editMeasures of success
editProject metrics
Project metrics | Target outcome | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
To host at least 12 WikiWomen meet ups and have a observation report by the member of Wikimedia Taiwan for each meet up. / 在計畫期間能夠舉行至少12次的女性維基聚會,並在每次聚會後由台灣的維基分會成員撰寫觀察心得。 | / 自2015年3月起,至2016年9月,我們一共舉行了19場聚會,並寫出19篇心得。其中第6次至第18次聚會屬於計畫執行期間 | / 有達成目標。 | |
To translate at least 100,000 bytes of gender gap or WikiWomen related web pages on meta wiki. / 翻譯元維基上的女性專案頁面,達到100k位元組。 | / 只完成Women in red翻譯2,000位元組。 | 參與成員中擅長英語翻譯且有時間協助翻譯工作者不夠多,需要擴大參與人數以找到更多志工協助這項工作。 | |
To facilitate at least 10 participants in the meet ups of next year to try on editing Chinese Wikipedia and upload files on WikiCommons. / 至少10名聚會參與者嘗試過編輯中文維基百科或上傳檔案至維基共享資源。 | Reached. See: 1、2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/ 完成。參見 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10 | ||
Host a party during March to May 2016 as for demonstrating the outcome of the year. / 在2016年3月到5月間,舉行一場餐會,展示一年來的聚會成果。 | Reached. / 已達成。但提早至 2016-01-17 舉行。 |
- Provide an overall assessment of how your project is going according to these measures.
- While doing this project, have you decided to track any other measures of success not listed in your grant submission? If so, please list them here.
Remember that you will need to report on Global Metrics in your final report.
editRemember that you will need to report on your project's impact on WMF's mission and strategic goals in your final report.
Reporting and documentation of expenditures
editThis section describes the grant's use of funds
editRemember that you will need to send receipts or documentation of all project expenses to WMF at the time your final report is submitted.
edit- Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here here.
- These expenses should be listed in the same format as the budget table in your approved submission so that anyone reading this report may be able to easily compare budgeted vs. actual expenses.
- Note that variances in the project budget over 10% per expense category must be approved in advance by Project and Event Grants program staff. For all other variances, please provide an explanation in the table below.
- Total amount spent on this project so far (with currency)
- Total amount of WMF grant funds spent on this project so far (with currency)
- Based on your spending, will you need to request any changes to your budget? If you do, please see the guidelines for requesting changes to your budget.
- Answer YES or NO.