Grants:Project/Rapid/James Moore200/Photographs at MES2021 in Nigeria

Photographs and Workshop at MES2021 in Nigeria.
The 4th edition of the Model ECOWAS Summit is scheduled to take place in Abuja, Nigeria in June 2021 with a total of 300 participants from 15 countries in West Africa.

This project is primarily aimed at creating photographs from the MES2021 Summit, increase freely licensed high quality images of delegates and most especially notable African women who will be attending the Summit in Nigeria.

I, James Moore200, am one of the confirmed delegates for the Summit in Nigeria. Will be anchoring a session to inform the delegates about the Wikimedia Movement as well as creating Photographs notable African who will be attending the Summit.
targetWikimedia Commons, English, Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa Wikipedia
start date24 June
end date20 July
budget (local currency)NGN 494,000
budget (USD)$ 1,300
grant typeJames Moore200
granteeJames Moore200
contact(s)• popoolaojames(_AT_)

Review your report

Project Goal


Briefly explain what are you trying to accomplish with this project, or what do you expect will change as a result of this grant. Example goals include, "recruit new editors", "add high quality content", or "train existing editors on a specific skill". I am an active Wikimedian and convener, Wiki Loves SDGs Nigeria. I also led a team of over 60 participants during Wiki Loves Africa 2021 in Ilorin and Kwar a State at large.

The goal of this project is to:

add high quality images of delegates and most especially notable African women
Increase content on English Wikipedia
Create Awareness about Wikimedia Projects among African Writers and Delegates during the Summit
Increase the number of notable African women images on Commons

Project Plan




Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing?

Applied for photo accreditation as a delegate
Requested for presentation slot during the summit
Offered a slot for presentation during the Summit
Network with other photographers and notable Africans
Use social media accounts of Wikimedia User Group to showcase the project (Wikimedia Usergroup)
Write a report and present the result to the Summit organisers and delegates

How will you let others in your community know about your project (please provide links to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions)? Why are you targeting a specific audience?

I have shared notification with members of the Wikimedia Community in Nigeria see WUGN WikiProject Nigeria
With the support of Wikimedians from Wikimedia User Group Nigeria official facebook fan page, Yoruba Wikipedia official facebook fan page, Yoruba Wikipedia Community portal.
Had discussions with the organisation in charge of the Summit in Nigeria, Ladders Development Initiative Abuja FCT, Nigeria.

What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?

Added several hundred photographs to Commons
Added data and increased quality to Wikidata
Added the pictures to the corresponding wikipedia articles in English, Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa.
Increase awareness about Wikimedia Projects among Africans

Are you running any in-person events or activities? If so, you will need to complete the steps outlined on the Risk Assessment protocol related to COVID-19. When you have completed these steps, please provide a link to your completed copy of the risk assessment tool below:

Risk Assessment



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more specific to your project:

  1. Number of total participants: 1+community participation
  2. Number of events: 1 Event
  3. Number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (if applicable) more than 80
  4. Number of photos used on Wikimedia projects (if applicable) 30 across various languages.

Non-measurable impact

  • Reduce gender gap and underrepresentation of minority
  • Increase the presence of delegates, ambassador and social entrepreneurs attending the Summit
  • Make available quality photos on commons and strengthening more relationship with summit organizers



What resources do you have? Include information on who is the organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

  • The project is based on my voluntary contribution
  • Planning support from Wikimedia Usergroup Nigeria
  • Communicated with the Summit Organisers

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense:

  • DSCL Camera Rental $27/Day x 3Days = $81
  • Internet for pictures upload and report writing = $100
  • T-shirts (for Photographers who will join to give free licensed images): $14 x 5 = $70
  • Sourvenirs (For awareness during the Summit) = $300
  • Air Travel = $290
  • Transportation within Abuja and Ilorin = $57
  • Accommodation $53/Day x 4days = 212
  • Meals $26/Day x 4Days = 104
  • Contingency = $86

Total- $1,300; 494,000

Exchange rate used = 380/$ (Dollar)


  • I support the project because its going to raise more awareness of the conference all over world when viewed on Wikipedia and particularly the women representatives and representation in the conference Zend2020 (talk) 10:00, 10 June 2021 (UTC)
  •   Strong support Ptinphusmia (talk) 01:29, 11 June 2021 (UTC)
  •   Strong support DaSupremo (talk) 20:34, 11 June 2021 (UTC)
  • Beautiful one. This project will create more awareness about the conference in the goal arena when sourced on wikip. Johnjoy12 ((talk)) 7 February 2025