Hibah: Mengembalikan dana yang tidak terpakai ke WMF

This page is a translated version of the page Grants:Return unused funds to WMF and the translation is 100% complete.

This page documents a process common to all or most of WMF's grants programs. Please don't edit this page, but please do create a discussion page instead.

Tujuan dan latar belakang

Berikut adalah petunjuk untuk mengembalikan dana ke WMF melalui transfer atau cek. Dalam beberapa kasus, opsi lain untuk mengembalikan dana mungkin tersedia jika diperlukan. Jika Anda perlu mendapatkan penggantian biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mengembalikan dana, harap hubungi WMF sebelum transfer agar biaya tersebut dapat disetujui. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang alasan petunjuk ini mungkin diperlukan, silakan lihat Dana Hibah yang Tersisa. Jika Anda mengembalikan dana dengan metode apa pun, penting bagi Anda untuk memberi tahu WMF kapan Anda akan mengembalikan dana tersebut dan alasannya sehingga kami dapat memastikan untuk mencatat penerimaan dana tersebut.

Dengan kawat

  Are you sending funds in EUR? Use instructions for wire transfers in EUR instead.

  Are you sending funds in GBP? Use instructions for wire transfers in GBP instead.

Important note: ALL international wires to WMF must have BOTH the New York routing number (021000089) AND the individual marketplace routing number (321171184). The individual marketplace routing number can be included in the special instructions field, if there is no dedicated field in the wire transfer form. When possible, please also provide your name and/or the amount in foreign currency in the special instructions field.

Please wire your remaining funds to the following account:

Account name
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Account address
1 Sansome Street, Suite 1895
San Francisco, CA 94104
Bank name
Bank address
99 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
Account number
Individual marketplace routing number
321171184 (use if sender is from USA)
New York routing number
SWIFT code

After sending the wire, please email a copy of your transfer receipt to grantsadmin wikimedia.org. If a receipt is not available, please provide the following information in your email to us, so that we may trace your wire.

  • date sent
  • amount and currency sent
  • your grant name

Wire transfers in EUR

If you will be returning your underspend in Euros, please use the following information for the wire transfer to WMF's new Citibank EUR account. After sending the wire, remember to notify WMF of the funds transfer (instructions below) so, that your return of unspent grant funds can be credited to your grant.

Account name
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Account address
1 Sansome Street, Suite 1895
San Francisco, CA 94104
Account number
Swift code
Sort code
Bank branch address
Citigroup Centre
Canada Square
Canary Wharf
London E14 5LB
United Kingdom

After sending the wire, please email a copy of your transfer receipt to grantsadmin wikimedia.org. If a receipt is not available, please provide the following information in your email to us, so that we may trace your wire.

  • date sent
  • amount and currency sent
  • your grant name

Wire transfers in GBP

If you will be returning your underspend in GBP, please use the following information for the wire transfer to WMF's Citibank GBP account. After sending the wire, remember to notify WMF of the funds transfer (instructions below) so, that your return of unspent grant funds can be credited to your grant.

Account name
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Account address
1 Sansome Street, Suite 1895
San Francisco, CA 94104
Account number
Swift code
Sort code
Bank branch address
Citigroup Centre
Canada Square
Canary Wharf
London E14 5LB
United Kingdom

After sending the wire, please email a copy of your transfer receipt to grantsadmin wikimedia.org. If a receipt is not available, please provide the following information in your email to us, so that we may trace your wire.

  • date sent
  • amount and currency sent
  • your grant name

Kurangi dana yang tidak digunakan dari pencairan dana di masa mendatang kepada penerima hibah

Dalam beberapa kasus, WMF dapat mempertimbangkan untuk mengurangi dana hibah yang tidak terpakai dari pencairan dana di masa mendatang kepada penerima hibah jika penerima hibah memiliki permintaan hibah baru yang telah disetujui pada saat dana jatuh tempo, atau jika permintaan baru sedang dipertimbangkan pada saat dana jatuh tempo (dan kemudian disetujui). Dalam beberapa kasus, hal ini dapat menghemat waktu dan biaya penerima hibah yang terkait dengan pengembalian dana ke WMF.

Harap dicatat bahwa pengaturan ini harus disetujui dengan staf WMF secara tertulis pada saat dana yang tidak terpakai dilaporkan, dan mungkin tidak dapat diterima dalam semua kasus.