Grants:PEG/WM FI/WMFI 2014

This submission to the Project and Event Grants Program was funded in the fiscal year 2013-14. This is a grant to an organization.

IMPORTANT: Please do not make changes to this page without the explicit approval of Project and Event Grants Program staff. They will be reverted.

Basic information


Grant details


Project details

Official project name
WM FI 2014 Activities including Wikimaps
Project start date (include month, day, and year)
January 1, 2014 (January 1, 2013 for the section Wikimaps 2013)
Project completion date (include month, day, and year)
December 31, 2014 (December 31, 2013 for the section Wikimaps 2013)
Please describe the project in 1–2 sentences
Wikimedia Finland seeks funding for activities in 2014. The goal is to create a stable structure for running an increasing amount of projects. A part-time employee and resources to run the Wikimaps and Wikimaps Nordic projects as well as Wikimedia Finland.

Financial details

Currency requested
Amount requested in currency requested
€ 63 552,29
Equivalent amount in US$ on the date of this submission
$ 87 034.86
List the exchange rate used to calculate the amount listed in US$
1 Euro = 1.3695 USD (December 8, 2013, Google)

Grantee details

What is the official name of the organization requesting this grant?
Wikimedia Suomi ry
Are you an organization, an individual, or an individual submitting on behalf of a group?
Are you a for-profit entity?
Are you able to provide local proof of nonprofit status within your country?
Does your organization currently employ any fulltime or part-time staff or contractors?

Contact information

Primary contact name
Tommi Kovala
Primary contact username or email
Primary contact title (position within the organization)

Project Manager, The Wikimaps & Wikimaps Nordic projects

Project lead name
Susanna Ånäs
Project lead username or email
Project lead title (position), if any
Wikimaps Project Manager

Goals and measures of success


Project goal

Project goal

2014 is a major step in establishing regular activities within Wikimedia Finland. The project manager to be hired will run the Wikimaps project, but can also be at the disposal of the association. The GLAM technician is either one hired person or several assigments. The person will assist the Wikimaps project in Finland, as well as work with all content donations and other projects needing technical assistance.

The funding proposal additionally covers advocacy work for the Wikimaps initiative in 2013. We request support for the travel expenses caused by it. The proposal also includes a one-month full-time working period in December 2013 for preparing the Wikimaps Nordic activities of 2014.

Wikimaps is an initiative by Wikimedia Finland to gather old maps in Wikimedia Commons, place them in world coordinates with the help of Wikimedia volunteers and start using them in different ways.

The project brings together and further develops tools for the discovery of old maps and information about places.

Wikimaps Nordic will focus on Nordic collaboration with memory organizations, aiding them to open their cultural heritage treasures for further reuse, and providing an environment for developing reuse possibilities with other Nordic actors of cultural heritage.

Position statement


Wikimedia Suomi has been accelerating its activities over the past year. There have been 4 successful major edit-a-thons (Kiasma Wikimaraton, Brages Pressarkiv edit-a-thon, Rupriikki Media Museum Wiki workshop and Wikidata workshop at the Finnish Broadcasting Company, co-organized with Open Knowledge Finland). Kiasma edit-a-thon metrics have been exemplary. In addition, there have been several smaller editing workshops at Kiasma. Several content donations are planned but have been postponed in anticipation of the GLAM-wiki toolset. The chapter has been presented through the Wikimaps project on several arenae.

The funding of the chapter has grown remarkably over the year. The first grant to be established was by the Ministry of Culture and Education for GLAM, followed by the grant by the Nordic Culture Fund for Wikimaps Nordic. The organizational groundwork has continued for a year now, and can only now start to be compensated. In addition, there are travel expenses not yet covered. This will be the first time WMFI will get funding for its activities from the WMF.

Wikimedia Suomi wishes to be a central actor in the GLAM scene and open knowledge in the Nordic environment. It collaborates with other actors of openness in Finland through the Council of Openness. The Council is a collaborative gathering of actors of the open: Open Knowledge Finland, Creative Commons, OpenStreetMap among others. The Wikimaps Nordic project ties together GLAM actors in the Nordic countries. The Wikimedia community and the fields of GLAM and education are well represented in the newly elected board for 2014 with 9 members, of which 7 are new.

While the activities of WMFI will be secured for 2014 through the investment in the Wikimaps project, the project also acts as a catalyst, bringing attention of editors, students, teachers, scholars and GLAMs to the chapter activities. We will nurture future creators. We want to be developing future forae of open and shared knowledge. We aim to strive also after 2014.

Measures of success

WMFI will be successful on
  • Securing permanent activities. Providing a roadmap for future growth.
  • Increase in membership, especially expert members such as teachers and museum professionals who can advocate open knowledge to colleagues, help organize projects and events relevant to their field and help in evaluating article quality. A general increase of 15%. We aim to recruit active expert members in every institution with which we organize an event.
  • Increase in activities, especially in the field of education. Creating an educational program with the new board, with possible additional funding. Presence at 2 fairs. Guidelines for the use of open resources in education. Participating in Open Knowledge Finland Open Education working group.
  • Increase in partner projects, especially in the GLAM sector. Estimated 5 edit-a-thons, 3 workshops, 3 content donations, 5 meetups. Establishing, but not necessarily realizing a wikipedian-in-residence program. Taking part in Wiki Loves Monuments 2014.
  • Carrying out a program for an open and welcoming Wikipedia: From deletions to discussion and growth. Documentation and best practices.
Wikimaps & Wikimaps Nordic will be successful on
  • strengthening collaboration between Nordic Wikimedia chapters. To be expressed as plans for common activities. See meeting minutes from Nordic Wikimedia meeting in Oslo in December 2013, to be elaborated.
  • creating methods to systematically release cartographic materials to Wikimedia Commons. The release of documentation about best practices.
  • creating a Wikimaps project site: blog, discussion, chat.
  • advancing the tools on the Wikimaps project site and Wikimedia Commons
  • create the Template:Map and have it applied to the GLAMwiki toolset.
  • have an option to apply the Template:Map to uploaded single map images
  • create a geo search for old maps in Commons
  • further the Wikimaps Warper through working with the UX, and integration to both the Commons and OHM
  • creating and fostering a lively cartographic content & developer community in the crossover area between Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap, both internationally and in the Nordic region. Providing numerical proof of the networks.
  • Possible metrics
  • The amount of maps uploaded. Could easily be millions, but that would not be a positive outcome. We shall start with 500.
  • The amount of maps and/or aerial images rectified. This is more important and harder to gain. 100 is a brave suggestion at this stage of development.
  • The amount of volunteers having worked with the environment. This can be measured. Over 20.
  • The amount of activities that relate to Wikimaps. These will be listed and reported on. 5 other projects.
  • The amount of GLAMs involved. Nordic countries: 20
  • The amount and scope of partners/participants in the network: Wiki, OSM, OHM, GLAM, academic. Number of people 150-200.
  • The amount of events and participants. 2 events, Kick-off event 50 participants, hackathon 30 participants in 5 cities (150 participants)
  • The amount of online meetings. 25 planned. Some may be skipped due to holidays or other events: 20 online events with minutes and blog reports.
  • The amount of initiatives with Nordic cartographic materials: +10, of which 1-3 will be worked on.

Project scope and activities


This section describes what will happen if this project is funded. Who will do what, and when?



The Wikimaps project manager coordinates the Wikimaps project from January to July, but she is also at the disposal of the association. The funding of this period is included in the Nordic Culture Fund financing. The period from July to December is included in this application, and the focus is primarily on WMFI and secondarily on Wikimaps. The person can be different. The hired GLAM technician / community coordinator will assist in all content donations and be at the disposal of the Wikimaps project.

The board for 2014 has 9 members, equally strong in the sectors of GLAM, education and the Wikipedia community. The first meeting will take place towards the end of the year for sharing roles and responsibilities.

GLAM & CONTENT projects

Edit-a-thons, content donations, workshops: WMFI will arrange a growing number of edit-a-thons with cultural partners. We will also be making workshops with Wikidata. A number of content donations have already been agreed on, and we expect to have more of them. Funding will make it possible to work with smaller museums without putting strain on their resources, as well as cover travel expenses for experienced Wikipedians and guest speakers. We aim to establish continuity by recruiting institution staff and by connecting local Wikipedians with GLAMs in their area. We will be furthering the use of Wikidata through workshops and pilot projects.

EDU activities

WMFI will research project models created for the educational sector and appropriate suitable models for use. The new board has good insight into open knowledge in education. It can make additional plans and apply for additional funding.

Ways to promote open knowledge will be appropriate to grade level:

  • a junior version of Wiki Loves Monuments for elementary school
  • lessons on Wikipedia and open licenses for senior secondary school
  • editor recruitment as well as general advocacy for university students and staff.

The association will take part in national collaboration in the domain of open educational resources.

Participation in events

WMFI will support community members to attend an local and international events. Additional participation shall be funded separately. In the attached spreadsheet you will find the intended events.


WMFI will attend the Interactive Technology in Education fair (9-11 of April 2014) and the Helsinki book fair (23-26 October 2014). In relation to that we will prepare outreach material to be used in the context.

Participation in open culture activities

WMFI participates in the Council of Openness, a coalition of actors of open data, knowledge and culture across sectors in the Finnish society.

Wikimaps project

Creative communities
Wikimaps and the Wikimaps Nordic project will function around creative communities. The international design & developer community will act in dialogue with the Nordic GLAM community. There will be a monthly online meeting for the communities. Together they will identify design or development tasks and launch short paid or volunteer assignments.
The online meetings are in action already. The Designers & Developers meeting has congregated in December and the Wikimaps Nordic will start in January. There will be a meeting of both every first Tuesday of the month.
Participants of the communities come from different directions. We are reaching to the maps and the GLAM communities in Wikimedia and internationally, OpenStreetMap and Open Historical Map volunteers plus representatives from GLAM institutions in the Nordic countries. There is also some exposure within historical cartography through presentations in conferences. In addition, there will be academic research work affiliated with the project in the context of volunteered geographic information and crowdsourcing in Arts and Humanities.
Maps in Wikimedia Commons - Metadata - Upload - Linking
Creating a map template, adding the map template to GLAM-wiki toolset for maps mass uploads, working with maps properties for Wikidata/Commons, enabling the map template on existing maps, enabling the map template on uploads.
Status: GLAM-wiki toolset released. Worked on the map template and map metadata, collaborated on the GLAM-wiki toolset.
People: André Costa, Jarek Tuszynski, Maarten Dammers, Susanna Ånäs, The GLAM-wiki toolset team of Europeana.
Timeline: High priority. Work with the template starts immediately and should be completed in the 1st quarter. Integrating into GLAM-wiki toolset after completing. Should not take more that 3 months additional (completed by end of 2nd quarter). Synchronizing with Wikidata is at a research and planning phase - ongoing.
The Wikimaps Warper - Georeferencing maps
The MapWarper that was developed by Tim Waters for the New York Public Library, is being adjusted to the Wikimedia environment. The tool lets users take scanned maps and place them in world coordinates.
Status: Installed and running in Wikimedia Labs. More integration and UX needed.
People: Tim Waters, Tim Alder, Susanna Ånäs
Timeline: High priority. Prerequisites: Requires initial decision about the platform: MediaWiki vs. current technology. Features defined by creative communities. UX design. Starting earliest 2nd Q. Development duration 3 to 6 months with further development in sight.
> Wikimaps Warper
The Open Historical Map - Extracting information from old maps - OpenStreetMap
OHM is an environment that uses the OpenStreetMap mapping tools to trace map features from old maps. The aim is to create a constantly changing map that covers human history.
Status: In early stages. OpenStreetMap iD is enabled in Discussion of data exchange between OHM <> OSM <>Wikidata/Wikimedia needed.
People: Jeff Meyer, Mikel Maron, Robert Warren, Tim Waters, Tim Alder, Arun Ganesh, Sean Gillies, Susanna Ånäs, Katie Filbert.
Timeline: Not in the hands of the Wikimedia community. Organic growth. Ongoing, deepening involvement. Prerequisites: Legal aspects of the cooperation.
> OHM info
The Wikimaps Gazetteer - Linked historical place names in Wikidata
is a proposal to store the changing place names, geographic and man-made features in a knowledge base in Wikimedia while being linked to OpenStreetMap. Wikidata will link the geographic data to all the knowledge stored in Wikimedia.
Status: Susanna participated in Pelagios 3 meeting with their collaboration network discussing harmonizing historical gazetteers. Discussed Wikidata as an ideal sustainable storage for a historical gazetteer. Wikidata will deploy necessary properties in near future. A task force is considered for Wikidata.
People: No-one is involved in this yet, many people have been involved in discussions: Tomi Kauppinen, Robert Warren, Tim Waters, Tim Alder, Sean Gillies. Pelagios 3 + partners. Further discussions will be conducted with people in Render and Limes projects.
Timeline: Ongoing investigation into the possibilities of on one hand integrating work done by academic institutions to the Wikidata platform, and on one hand connecting data between OpenHistoricalMap and Wikidata.
The Wikimaps Atlas - Making dynamic maps for Wikimedia (individual project)
Graphical maps for Wikimedia.
People: Arun Ganesh and Hugo Lopez have submitted an Individual Engagement Grant application for creating the initial workflow for dynamically created maps for Wikipedia.
Status: Funding approved. Execution March-June 2014.
> IEG proposal
The Wikimaps Hacklab
Candidate apps, testing, hacking. A proposal to host candidate software within the project scope for integration with the framework.
Status: An ongoing platform to be included in the project site.
A space for the tools, projects, communication and documentation about Wikimaps.
Status: The possibility of using the domain is being discussed with WMF. The website design and execution is under way.
People: Susanna Ånäs, Arun Ganesh
Timeline: High priority for communicating the project goals and achievement. First version should be completed latest in the 1st quarter.
> Layouts
> Content draft


Wikimaps Nordic

Kick-off event for the Nordic community
1-day kick-off event in February 2014 will invite project partners to Helsinki. The topics will be prepared together with the international developer community and the Nordic GLAM community. The Finnish National Archives will host the event, and online participation will be made possible.
Timeline: February 21, Helsinki. Hosted by the Finnish National Archives.
Online meetings of the Wikimaps international design & developer community and the Wikimaps Nordic GLAM community
Getting familiar with the design issues and deciding together on actions.
Timeline: Monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 14:00 UTC (Wikimaps Nordic) and 16:00 UTC (designers & developers).
Design and development assignments
The role of the Wikimaps Nordic project is to bring together the Nordic GLAMs with the developer community to solve the problems in dialogue.
The budget includes technical & design assignments, that are launched as a result of collaborative thematic online meetings between the GLAM partners and the developer community.
  • Wikimaps Nordic Challenge 1: Historical aerial images
Partner: Finnish Land Survey
  • Tentative Wikimaps Nordic Challenge 2: Municipality borders across times
  • Best practices and online resources for Cartography GLAMs - A Report
  • The development of the Wikimaps projects
Timeline: Resources will be allocated to collaborative projects over the course of the year. The allocation is done by the creative communities, and the governance is carried out by the Wikimaps Nordic administrative group, consisting of a representative from each chapter.
Local collaboration with Wikimedia chapters
Local assignments are short-term assignments in each country locally. GLAM organizations work with their local Wikimedia chapters, aided by the project coordination. This includes technical support offered for GLAM institutions in bringing their materials into Wikimedia Commons and tasks relating to the.
Timeline: Over the course of the year. Each chapter decides how they best support the project by allocating the one month's salary.
Final hackathon
At the end of the project we will organize a hackathon event simultaneously in the participating cities. We will look into possibilities of combining events that are being organized by the partners or other actors of open content, such as Apps4Finland, Hack4DK etc.
Timeline: September-October-November. Planning starts with the first gathering in January.




December 2013–January 2014
Planning the activities for 2014, organizing the kick-off event, starting the collaborative work of the creative communities


Kick-off event
February 2014
Monthly online developer meetings / Wikimaps
December 2013–December 2014
Proposed schedule: Dec 3; Jan 7, 2014; Feb 4, 2014; Mar 4, 2014; Apr 1, 2014; May 6, 2014; Jun 3, 2014; Jul 1, 2014; Aug 5, 2014; Sep 2, 2014; Oct 7, 2014; Nov 4, 2014; Dec 2, 2014
Monthly online GLAM meetings
January–December 2014
Online challenges
January–December 2014
Local collaboration
January–December 2014
Final hackathon
Autumn 2014
December 2014

Budget and resources


Project budget table

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 office Accounting months 12 150,00 600,00 EUR avg 2h/month. Amount, that is not included in Wikimaps project. Rounded down to 600€. Will be updated based on tenders.
2 office Travel expenses to board meetings months 12 120,00 1 440,00 EUR
3 office Server, office, mail, phone estimate 300,00 EUR
4 outreach PR materials estimate 1 000,00 EUR T-shirts, roll-ups, prints. Material for the fairs.
5 outreach Helsinki Book Fair see breakdown 1 309,60 EUR
6 outreach ITK Conference see breakdown 1 944,00 EUR
7 community participation Teemapäivät persons 2 275,00 550,00 EUR
8 community participation Open Knowledge Festival persons 2 500,00 1 000,00 EUR
9 community participation Tieto Näkyväksi persons 2 50,00 100,00 EUR
10 community participation Other events. Additional funding for travel with individual grants persons 4 250,00 1 000,00 EUR
11 salary Project Manager Half-time July-December months 6 1 750,00 10 500,00 EUR
12 salary Personnel costs % 30 10 500,00 3 150,00 EUR
13 salary Community coordinator / tech tasks 25% months 12 875,00 10 500,00 EUR
14 salary Personnel costs % 30 10 500,00 3 150,00 EUR
15 wikimaps 2013 Wikimaps: Wikimaps Project Manager 12/1/2013-12/31/2013 month 1 3500 3500 EUR
16 wikimaps 2013 Wikimaps: Employer expenses % 30 3500 1050 EUR
17 wikimaps 2013 GLAM-Wiki, London: Accommodation GBP 3 50 179,88 EUR
18 wikimaps 2013 International Conference on the History of Cartography, Helsinki, Finland: Participation fee admission 1 100 100 EUR
19 wikimaps 2013 Amsterdam Hackathon: Flights ticket 1 280 280 EUR
20 wikimaps 2013 Amsterdam Hackathon: Accommodation nights 3 30 90 EUR
21 wikimaps 2013 Wikimania: Flights & accommodation 7.–11.8.2013 invoice 1 1576,79 1576,79 EUR
22 wikimaps 2013 Wikimania: Participation fee USD 1 79 62,02 EUR
23 wikimaps nordic Wikimaps kick-off see breakdown 3 800,00 EUR
24 wikimaps nordic Hackathon see breakdown 7 720,00 EUR
25 wikimaps nordic Project Manager / Wikimaps Half-time January-June months 6 1 750,00 10 500,00 EUR
26 wikimaps nordic Personnel costs % 30 10 500,00 3 150,00 EUR
27 wikimaps nordic Technical or design assignments 5 person months / International months 5 3 500,00 17 500,00 EUR
28 wikimaps nordic Personnel costs % 30 17 500,00 5 250,00 EUR
29 wikimaps nordic "Local Wikimedia chapters and/or OpenStreetMap assignments 3 person months. Sweden, Denmark, Estonia" months 3 3 500,00 10 500,00 EUR
30 wikimaps nordic Personnel costs % 30 3 150,00 EUR
31 wikimaps nordic Bookkeeping estimate 800,00 EUR
32 wikimaps nordic Financial statements estimate 350,00 EUR
33 glam & edu Edit-a-thon events, see breakdown 5 510,00 2 550,00 EUR
34 glam & edu Workshop events, see breakdown 3 780,00 2 340,00 EUR
35 glam & edu Meetups events, see breakdown 5 100,00 500,00 EUR
111 492,29 EUR

Breakdown tables

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Edit-a-thon Travel expenses of participants 3 120 360 EUR
2 Edit-a-thon Catering 15 10 150 EUR
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Workshop Lecture fee 1 150 150 EUR
2 Workshop Lecturer's travel expenses 1 120 120 EUR
3 Workshop Participants' travel expenses 3 120 360 EUR
4 Workshop Catering 15 10 150 EUR
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Helsinki Book Fair Stand 1 420 420 EUR
2 Helsinki Book Fair Registration fee 1 370 370 EUR
3 Helsinki Book Fair Entrance fees 10 16 160 EUR
4 Helsinki Book Fair Meals 10 17 170 EUR
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Interactive Technology in Education Fair Stand EUR
2 Interactive Technology in Education Fair Registration fees 4 230 920 EUR
3 Interactive Technology in Education Fair Accommodation 8 130 1040 EUR
4 Interactive Technology in Education Fair Travel 4 50 200 EUR
5 Interactive Technology in Education Fair Per diem 16 38 608 EUR
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Meetup Catering 7 10 70 EUR
2 Meetup Travel 2 15 30 EUR
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Wikimaps kick-off Travel people 6 € 150,00 € 900,00 6 invited participants / Wikimedia or OSM
2 Wikimaps kick-off Accommodation 2 nights nights 12 100,00 1 200,00 2 nights, 6 invited participants
3 Wikimaps kick-off Space rent (1 day) space rent 1 1 200,00 1 200,00 sponsored
4 Wikimaps kick-off Catering people 50 10,00 500,00
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Wikimaps hackathon Space rent (1 day) space rent 4 1 200,00 4 800,00 Spaces in 4 cities
2 Wikimaps hackathon Travel reimbursements for local participants people 6 120,00 720,00 Estimated 6 participants (5%) needing travel reimbursement
3 Wikimaps hackathon Documentation (photography, video etc) estimate 1 000,00
4 Wikimaps hackathon Catering people 120 10,00 1 200,00 30 people in 4 cities
Total cost of project
€ 111 492,29
Total amount requested from the WMF Grants Program
€ 63 552,29

Sources of revenue

Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded
Funding source Amount Percentage
WMFI membership fees € 300,00 0% Estimate
WMSE 2014 € 5 000,00 4% Wikimaps Agreed
WMFI GLAM (Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, transfer from 2013) € 5 000,00 4% Wikimaps Secured
Norden € 31 640,00 28% Wikimaps Secured
Sponsorship & in-kind € 6 000,00 5% Wikimaps Subject to negotiations (Use of space for Wikimaps events, man-hours etc. See Wikimaps Events sub page
GAC € 63 552,29 57%

See online budget:

See Wikimaps project budget:

Budget items


Wikimaps 2013


The Wikimaps project was initiated early 2013 and it was presented at GLAM-wiki in London. In order to bring the project closer to realization, work was started to make a proof of concept. Susanna Ånäs started advocating the project in all possible events. Please see the list at the end of the submission.

The Wikimaps presentation was accepted to Wikimania, but the requested grant was not successful. The Wikimaps Warper was to be launched. There was momentum around State of the Map Baltics and the OpenStreetMap 9th Anniversary Code Sprint for the creation of the Wikimaps Tartu–Hong Kong project. It was decided by the WMFI Board that Wikimania is too good an opportunity to miss. The costs that we now seek to cover have either been covered by individuals themselves or from other funds not allocated for this activity. We also seek to cover 1 month salary for the Project Manager to prepare for the Wikimaps Nordic project, that has successfully been funded by the Nordic Culture Fund.

The WMFI Project Manager for Wikimaps will work on the following tasks in December 2013:

  • Establish the Wikimaps networks (Design & Developers, Nordic) and their regular online meetings
  • Work closely with project partners in releasing materials to the Wikimedia Commons and initiating activities for the communities.
  • Prepare contracts for the Wikimaps Nordic project for 2014
  • Establish new accounting and budgeting practices for Wikimedia Suomi.
  • Plan the kick-off event to take place in February 2014
  • Design or coordinate the design of the environment

Wikimaps Nordic

Project coordinator
Project coordinator prepares and hosts the events, is responsible for financing, reporting and follow-up. She coordinates the international developer community and the Nordic GLAM community. This is a paid half-time position for 6 months. The project coordinator is funded until June, and we expect to secure another grant for the latter half of the year. In case that would not succeed, the project would be either finalized as a volunteer project, or collaboratively with applicants.
GLAM technician / community coordinator
A position in Wikimedia Suomi for one person or several short assignments. 12 months 25% time. Assisting GLAMs with content donations. Doing technical / coding work for GLAM projects. Doing community coordination. As we do not have an office, we would prefer contracting rather than employment.
Technical and design assignments
Technical and design assignments are launched by the international developer community and the Nordic GLAM community in dialogue as short-term paid assignments, also possibly volunteer assignments.
Local assignments
There is a budget item for compensating the staff or contracting an assistant in each of the cities for one month each. One month paid assignment per country except Finland.
Bookkeeping & financial statements
Costs for bookkeeping and financial statements for the project.
The budget covers travel & accommodation for 2 representatives of volunteer organizations per country (Wikimedia or OpenSreetMap). We expect our partners to subsidise the rent. The event size is expected to be 50 participants, and there will be simple catering for that amount of people.
We expect 30 participants in each city. The budget covers space rent, travel reimbursement for 5% of volunteers traveling locally in each country and simple catering. We expect our partners to subsidize the rent.
Work by the partners
As part of our budget we have outlined a sum of 5000 € for in-kind work by our partners. We expect the number of our partners to rise to 20, and the amount per expert would thus be 250 €. Partners will have varying contributions, but we think this will be a fair sum.
In addition, there will be the volunteer work made by Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap volunteers and the international developer community. Currently the participant count including the developer community and the Nordic GLAM community is 30 people. In the figure, the institutions have only 1 representative each.
Reporting and follow-up
We shall report according to the Wikimedia guidelines. A report is planned as part of the activities and that will function as follow-up as well
We will document the project in text and images, and all events will be documented on video and shared online.
The Wikimaps project will be an on-going effort. The Nordic project is a pilot case for working together with memory organizations on the topic of old maps. We expect to run subsequent projects also with the Nordic partners, and we foresee similar collaborations in other geographic areas around the world.


WMFI will deploy an accounting environment allowing open budgeting
Community participation
We have identified events where we hope to be able to send our members.
Helsinki Book Fair
Helsinki Book Fair has been identified as a key event for Wikimedia presence in Finland
Interactive Technology in Education Fair
Interactive Technology in Education (ITE) -conference is the largest conference in Finland related to information and communication technology in educational use. The conference started in 1990 and it will be carried out next spring for the 25th time.
The Ministry of Education and Culture has funded Wikimedia Suomi GLAM activities in 2013. We aim to expand the coverage and forms of our GLAM activities. We shall launch a more extensive educational program.

Non-financial requirements

Requests for non-financial assistance
We expect to be in dialogue about the best practices for funding the chapter and funding projects, combining local external funding and Wikimedia resources.



This section is optional. It may be used to highlight the potential grantee's potential for successfully executing this project.

Consider including the following information:

  • List of team members (names or usernames):
  • Onwiki evidence of community support (such as a project about this discussion):
  • Endorsements from community members or movement groups:
  • Special skills or qualifications this potential grantee or project lead brings to this project:
  • Evidence of past success in executing similar projects:

Wikimaps Nordic organizers

Wikimedia Suomi joins forces with Wikimedia Sverige that has an extensive experience in running projects within Wikimedia. Wikimedia Suomi will be the main coordinator of the Wikimaps project. This will be a step for Wikimedia Suomi to learn and to establish new procedures and expand its activities.
Wikimedia Sverige has earlier experienced that it is a very good step for an organisation to partner in a project with someone more experienced and is looking forward to share that knowledge to Wikimedia Suomi. A very positive side effect for an organisation to start growing with a project like this is that it gives invaluable contacts. They are seeing the chapter is doing important work and immediately understand the role it is playing, helping in all aspects later on.

Wikimaps Nordic participants

  • Wikimedia Sweden (WMSE) / Jan Ainali
  • Wikimedia Finland (WMFI) / Susanna Ånäs
  • Wikimedia Estonia (WMEE) / Vahur Puik
  • Wikimedia Denmark (WMDK) / Ole Palnatoke Andersen
  • Wikimedia Norge (WMNO) / Harald Groven
  • OpenStreetMap, Estonia, Finland / Jaak Laineste, Pekka Sarkola

Wikimaps Nordic Network

  • National Archives of Finland / István Kecskeméti
  • National Land Survey of Finland, Aerial Image Archive / Juha Vilhomaa (FI)
  • National Board of Antiquities / Vesa Hongisto (FI)
  • Helsinki Walks / Prof. Laura Kolbe (FI)
  • Brages Pressarkiv, Helsinki / Jessica Parland-von Essen (FI)
  • Linked Data Finland / Prof. Eero Hyvönen (FI)
  • Digisam, Swedish National Archives (SE)
  • Swedish National Heritage Board / Lars Lundqvist (SE)
  • Foreningen Historisk Atlas / Rasmus Lorentzen (DK)
  • National Museum of Denmark / Jacob R. Wang (DK)

+ informally affiliated partners & individuals

+ tentative partners

Wikimaps International community


This is a a living list. More people join and more are involved without being listed.

  • Jan Ainali, Sweden, WMSE User:Ainali is the CEO of Wikimedia Sweden. Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Tim Alder, Germany User:Kolossos is active in working with Wikipedia coordinates exchanging data between Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap. WIWOSM, OSMGadget. Open Historical Map.
  • Ole Palnatoke Andersen, Denmark WMDK User:Palnatoke Wikimaps Nordic.
  • John Andersson, Sweden User:John Andersson (WMSE) GLAM coordinator for WMSE, has taken GIS classes in predicting the effects on natural catastrophes. Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Maarten Dammers, Netherlands User:Multichill Network engineer by day, Wikimedia volunteer by night. Wiki Loves Monuments, Geographicus map donation. Maps in Commons.
  • Katie Filbert, USA/Germany en:User:Aude works for the Wikidata project and she is an OpenStreetMap and GLAM pioneer.
  • Arun Ganesh, India User:Planemad is an interaction designer with experience designing user interfaces and working with the openstreetmap environment. Wikimaps Atlas. Open Historical Map.
  • Sean Gillies, USA en:User:Sgillies is a programmer specializing in open source GIS software, an OSM contributor, and developer of a gazetteer of Greek and Roman places called Pleiades. One of the developers of GeoJSON. Open Historical Map.
  • Harald Groven, Norway WMNO User:H@r@ld. Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Tuukka Hastrup, Finland Code for Europe Fellow at Forum Virium, Helsinki. Helsinki Region Transport. Participated in the One Laptop Per Child project in Peru. Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Chris Helenius, Finland fi:User:Nelg Interested in aesthetics, reconstructing/compiling historical data, open data, and user-friendliness. A blog/portfolio: Wikimaps Nordic
  • Søren Johannessen, Denmark is an OpenStreetMapper from Copenhagen, blogs in Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Tomi Kauppinen, Finland is a postdoc researcher at the Aalto University, the developer of CHANGE vocabulary. Project manager and researcher in developing Finnish spatio-temporal ontology (SAPO, Suomen ajallinen paikkaontologia). Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Jakub Kaniewsky, Poland en:User:Jkan997 one of authors of ShareMap creative commons maps authoring solutions.
  • Jaak Laineste, Estonia CEO of OpenStreetMap Estonia,, Wikimaps Nordic.
  • fi:Käyttäjä:Urjanhai, Finland User of Finnish language Wikipedia since 2008 with 57 000 edits by 2013. Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Hugo Lopez, France User:Yug is a graphic designer, cartographer, started and maintained Wikipedia:WikiProject_Maps/Conventions. Wikimaps Atlas.
  • Andy Mabbett, UK Involved in Wikipedia's coordinates and Geo microformats, also an OSM mapper.
  • Jeff Meyer, USA runs Global World History ATlas, an animated, map-based, storytelling environment. Administers the Open Historical Map.
  • Vahur Puik, Estonia is a project manager in GLAM coordinator in Wikimedia Estonia. Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Pekka Sarkola, Finland OSM in Finland. Blogs in OSGeo, Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Daniel Schwen, Germany/USA User:Dschwen WikiMiniAtlas
  • Claes Tande, Norway WMNO. Wikimaps Nordic.
  • Jarosław Tuszyński, Poland/USA User:Jarekt is a Research Scientist at SAIC and a Wikimedia Commons volunteer. Maps in Commons.
  • Robert Warren, Canada is a Post-doc Fellow at University of Waterloo. Open Historical Map.
  • Tim Waters, UK User:Chippyy is a geographer, OpenStreetMapper, and developer. Developer of MapWarper open source georeferencing web application. Open Historical Map. Wikimaps Warper.
  • See additions in commons:Commons:Wikimaps/Participants
  • Facebook group: Wikimaps + Historical maps 116 members as of 8 January 2014





Publicity and PR

  • Wikimaps blog

See project presentations

Blog posts etc

Joining the community

Event & presentation history

Expectations, quotes from the survey with our future partners in Wikimaps Nordic


Responses have been made anonymous

  • Help to publish the old aerial imagery
  • It would bring more users to the maplibrary
  • People, perhaps earlier uninterested, groups would find new interest on local history (Helsinki).
  • We have lots of projects concerning open data. Wikimaps could be beneficial to these ongoing and upcoming projects.
  • More Open Data is more business opportunities ;-)
  • Digitization of maps. Open access to digital maps. Crowdsourced metadata around our maps. A stronger focus on "all things geo"
  • Expose our collections to new customers. Promotes research and education. Justifies our digitization efforts.
  • Our task is to make more cultural heritage material accessible and used digitally, anything supporting this goal is a good thing for us.
  • Better support for geodata in wikipedia/wikidata. Bridging gap between OpenStreetmap, open geodata from the Norwegian mapping authority (Kartverket), better support for/better understanding of how to integrate georeferenced photos and maps.
  • No idea :) But I'm sure it could benefit our community, education of our children etc.
  • By creating an open data application for georeferencing map collections - by crowd-sourcers





In the sections below, please describe how the project is related to the Wikimedia mission and Wikimedia's strategic priorities.

Fit to strategy

How will this project support the key organizational objectives of
  • increasing reach (more people will access or contribute to Wikipedia or our other projects),
  • participation (more people actually contributing),
  • quality (more content, more useful content, or higher-quality content),
  • credibility (more trust in our projects),
  • organizational maturity and effectiveness (how it will move you or the Wikimedia community forward),
  • or financial sustainability (how it will help you achieve more in the long run)?
This statement should address at least one of the strategic priorities listed here specifically. See WMF Grants Program criteria for decisionmaking.
Increasing reach
WMFI is aiming to increase the number of articles, contributors, members and domains in 2014. This will mean working directly with new partners in new areas. We already have good coverage in the GLAM sector, while we are expecting more projects to take place. We will expand the education activities and create cooperation with scientific communities.
Wikimaps addresses archival and cultural heritage institutions in the Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Estonia). In addition we work with the Finnish Land Survey, OpenStreetMap and open data actors. The Wikimaps project is in tight cooperation with the Open Historical Map project.
One theme of WMFI activities for 2014 is to address local knowledge and historical storytelling, that lies in the outskirts of the notability guideline. We will experiment with various participation models.
The Wikimaps project aims to leverage tools to import maps from archives, make them usable as geographic data and further take advantage of them in Wikimedia and beyond.
The overall aim of Wikimaps is to incorporate multimodal resources into Wikipedia, and to take advantage of Wikimedia’s linking capabilities in historical storytelling anywhere.
Organizational maturity and effectiveness, credibility
The year 2014 will be an important turning point for Wikimedia Finland. We expect to mature our organization to take a role in the international development of open online resources for knowledge discovery. Working together with other open knowledge actors in Finland we hope to establish a fertile environment for innovating with open knowledge, data and culture.
Financial sustainability
The collaboration with Wikimedia Sverige with the Wikimaps Nordic project will allow WMFI to learn from WMSE’s experience and grow to become a key open knowledge advocate in Finland. Through dedicated time for organizational development we can work on financing the association in the future.


If the project will benefit a specific online community, please tell us.
The Wikimedia mapping community
Wikimedia Commons
Wikidata, showing reuse possibilities for the data in WIkidata
GLAM community in creating a replicable project model

Please provide a brief statement about how the project is related to other work in the Wikimedia movement. For example, does the project fit into a work area such as GLAM, education, organizational development, editor retention, or outreach?
The work in WIkimedia Suomi addresses all aspects of the Wikimedia movement on a local scale. We will also be connected to the Chapters’ activities.
The Wikimaps project relates most intensively to work done in the GLAM sector, while it will provide tools that are useful in education. By creating new ways to contribute and finding new kind of contributors it also deals with editor retention and outreach.

If successful, will the project have the potential to be replicated successfully by other individuals, groups, or organizations? Please explain how in 1–2 sentences.
The Wikimaps Nordic is aimed to be a replicable model. It can either expand it’s activities to global level or provide a local example to be repeated. The work will always contribute to a global whole.

Please list other benefits to the movement here.
The work conducted in Wikimaps creates new connections to other open knowledge actors, especially OpenStreetMap. It also brings a community of GLAM professionals inside the discussion in Wikimedia.
For grantees

If you are the grantee or representative that wrote this grant submission, you may request changes by using these links: