Grants talk:PEG/WM UY/WikiConference Uruguay 2015/Report

Hi Señoritaleona, thank you for submitting this report. We apologize for the long delay in posting feedback on the report. We read it just after it was submitted and enjoyed learning about how the conference benefitted your community, but things got very busy and I forgot to post comments. I see that you have asked to use the remaining funds to pay for legal fees, web domains and prizes for Wiki Loves Earth contests. We ask grantees to get approval from a program officer before reallocating funds, but we understand that you may not have been aware of this, or we may have missed an email or Meta notification. The reallocation request is approved, however, in order to complete the report we need to you submit expense documentation for these items. Will you please let me know when you are able to do this? Thank you, --KHarold (WMF) (talk) 23:21, 6 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hi Señoritaleona, Thank you for submitting the expense documentation for the additional items. By my calculation, you should have 153,836 UYU remaining from this grant. Please follow these instructions to return the funds to the WMF: Grants:Remaining_funds. If this number does not seem correct, please let me know. --KHarold (WMF) (talk) 21:27, 9 January 2017 (UTC)Reply
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