Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/Wikimedia Community Kilimanjaro Annual grant 2024-2025

Feedback from the Middle East and Africa Regional Funding Committee on your proposal


Dear Wikimedia Community Kilimanjaro team,

Thank you very much for your proposal, describing your activities and projects in support of the Wikimedia projects and the Wikimedia movement. The Regional Committee has initially reviewed the proposal, and wishes to offer some initial feedback and questions for your review.

  • The committee appreciated your efforts towards evolving from smaller activities with a track record of success stories towards a more structured plan with strategic goals, drafting a Theory of Change and a comprehensive, colorful and ambitious program for this application.
  • The committee was grateful to see programs to empower women, efforts to using the Let's Connect Program to bridge knowledge and skills gaps, and the intention to mobilize the community via different WM campaigns and contests.

While elaborating on your proposed plans, the committee members suggested for you to consider:

  • To simplify your strategies, and improve your Theory of Change document to demonstrate your overall vision for your community and for your region, including how your solutions respond to specific challenges and community needs (see example here), as well as the targeted audiences of your different activities.
  • Please consider prioritizing for your first GSF implementation the topics and activities that will be easier for you to run and based on which you can expand further in the future, rather than trying to organize many different parallel activities each with minimal impact and minimal number of participants.

It would be supportive of the Committee’s understanding of your plans if you’d be so kind as to elaborate on our following specific questions:

  • What are your plans to receive and administer your grant as a group of individuals without an organization and a fiscal sponsor?
  • We struggle to understand your staffing plans: would you please be so kind to share with us a breakdown for the five roles you mentioned, including the FTEs, are these roles full-time or part-time, what is the budget for each, based on what information or industry standard? (I.e. How many hours each of them are they supposed to work per day/week/month?) What are the skill sets of these individuals that will be employed during these activities?
  • Community engagement: can you provide please the details of the community engagement program (in terms of the concrete activities understood as part of this program element and related budget amount spent on this area of work)?
  • How do you plan to interact with other Tanzanian communities and other stakeholders in the region, in particular in the work connected to global WM campaigns? As your group was formed from efforts of the Arusha Wikimedians, how do you plan to keep them involved or, if not, what makes it necessary to create another branched community?

We hope you find this feedback useful. In terms of the schedule for our review process, please complete your review and responses to committee feedback by 1st of May 2024. After this time, the Regional Committee will begin a final review of the proposal to make a formal decision.

Thanks again for your work on the proposal and supporting our review.

On behalf of the Regional Committee, Reda benkhadra (talk) 20:27, 10 April 2024 (UTC)Reply



Dear Reda benkhadra and the Regional committee, Thank you for reviewing our application and for your positive feedback on the proposal. We are happy to provide feedback to the comments and questions. Please find our answers below:

response to the committee's valuable suggestions

  • To simplify your strategies, and improve your Theory of Change document to demonstrate your overall vision for your community and for your region, including how your solutions respond to specific challenges and community needs (see example here), as well as the targeted audiences of your different activities.
  • Please consider prioritizing for your first GSF implementation the topics and activities that will be easier for you to run and based on which you can expand further in the future, rather than trying to organize many different parallel activities each with minimal impact and minimal number of participants.
 In response to the committee's valuable suggestions, we've streamlined our strategies and activities to better reflect our overall vision for our Wikimedia community. This vision prioritizes solutions that directly address the specific challenges and needs identified by our community members (as seen in the example provided). We've also ensured our activities target the most appropriate audiences to maximize impact.
Focusing on Sustainability: Recognizing the committee's guidance, we've prioritized achievable topics and activities for the initial grant implementation. These initial projects will serve as a strong foundation for future expansion and growth within the Tanzanian Wikimedia community.

Question 1:What are your plans to receive and administer your grant as a group of individuals without an organization and a fiscal sponsor?

Answer: Thank you for raising this important concern. We truly appreciate your attention to detail and your commitment to ensuring the responsible administration of our grant funds. Rest assured, this is a matter we take very seriously as a community. In light of your concerns, I want to share with you our approach to grant administration based on our past experiences. When we received our first significant grant, the Swahili Climate Voices grant(US$19,956.00) in March 2023, we encountered similar considerations. Recognizing the importance of sound financial management, we sought assistance from an experienced professional, Grace Mchomvu. Grace not only demonstrated exceptional proficiency in financial management but also played a crucial role in ensuring the success of our projects. Given her invaluable contribution and expertise, we have since welcomed Grace as a permanent member of our team. Her inclusion provides us with a solid foundation for the proper administration of our grants. Drawing from her experience and dedication, we are confident that our grant funds will be managed with the utmost integrity and efficiency, leading to successful outcomes for our projects and our community. By prioritizing transparency, accountability, and the guidance of experienced professionals, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of grant administration. Also we are in the process of register our community as a legal Organization. Additionally, we plan to implement the following measures to further enhance our grant administration:

  • Clear Roles and Responsibilities: Ensure each team member understands their role in managing budgets, reporting, and compliance with grant requirements.
  • Transparent Financial Systems: Utilize clear systems to track grant funds and maintain transparency in financial management.
  • Regular Communication: Provide update on project progress and address any challenges promptly.
  • Budget Oversight: Monitor spending closely to stay within budget and address discrepancies promptly.
  • Training and Capacity Building: Invest in training for our team to ensure everyone understands how to handle grant money and reporting requirements.
  • Periodic Review: Engage external reviewers periodically to assess grant administration processes for compliance and efficiency.
  • Documenting Transactions: Maintain detailed records of all financial transactions and project activities for transparency and accountability.

Question 2: We struggle to understand your staffing plans: would you please be so kind to share with us a breakdown for the five roles you mentioned, including the FTEs, are these roles full-time or part-time, what is the budget for each, based on what information or industry standard? (I.e. How many hours each of them are they supposed to work per day/week/month?) What are the skill sets of these individuals that will be employed during these activities?

Answer: We appreciate your careful review of our staffing plans and apologize for any confusion. We'd like to provide a clear breakdown of each role, including its responsibilities, time commitment (full-time equivalency or FTE), employment status (part-time or full-time), proposed compensation (stipends), and required skill sets.

We acknowledge that our initial staffing approach may not fully align with Tanzanian labor standards, international labor standards, and volunteer guidelines as outlined in link about Tanzanian labor standards: ( This is primarily due to the limitations of our first GSF request budget. Given our community's development stage and this being our first Grant Support Framework (GSF) project, we initially proposed stipends for staff to acknowledge their valuable voluntary contributions towards community development.

However, to ensure the long-term effectiveness of our initiatives, we propose transitioning two critical roles – Accountant and Program Coordinator – to full-time staff positions with competitive compensation packages that comply with Tanzanian labor standards.

 Detailed Role Breakdown'
  Programs Director:
  Monthly stipend: $400
  Part-time commitment: 10 hours per week (40 hours per month)
  Hourly rate: Approximately $10 per hour
  Director of Learning and Evaluation:
  Monthly stipend: $166.67
  Part-time commitment: 5 hours per week (20 hours per month)
  Hourly rate: Approximately $8.33 per hour

  Community Coordinator:
  Monthly stipend: $320
  Part-time commitment: 8 hours per week (32 hours per month)
  Hourly rate: Approximately $10 per hour
  Monthly stipend: $200
  Part-time commitment: 5 hours per week (20 hours per month)
  Hourly rate: Approximately $10 per hour
   Communications Manager:
   Monthly stipend: $200
   Part-time commitment: 5 hours per week (20 hours per month)
   Hourly rate: Approximately $10 per hour

By knowing the importance of having Full-time staff in our growing community we are already considering and we are in the process of registering our self as an NGO, so as to meet all standards of staffing and governance

Question 2:What are the skill sets of these individuals that will be employed during these activities?


1: Programs Director: Justine Msechu: Experience: Joined Wikimedia in 2021, currently serving as an Administrator for Swahili Wikipedia and Organizer of the Wikimedia Kilimanjaro community.(

Skill Sets:

  • Proven experience in managing and directing Wikimedia programs.
  • In-depth knowledge of Wikimedia projects and best practices.
  • Strong leadership and organizational skills.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration abilities.
  • Passionate about promoting open knowledge and building the Wikimedia community in Tanzania.

2. Director of Learning and Evaluation: Edward Ambele: Experience: Joined Wikimedia in 2021, currently serving as a Volunteer for Swahili Wikipedia and Organizer of the Wikimedia Kilimanjaro community.(

Skill Sets:

  • Proven experience contributing to Wikimedia projects.
  • Understanding of Wikimedia best practices and learning methodologies.
  • Skilled trainer with experience in the "Training of Trainer" program.
  • Excellent communication and facilitation abilities.
  • Actively involved in the Tanzanian knowledge-sharing network "Let's Connect Tanzania (" This demonstrates a commitment to fostering learning and collaboration.

3. Project Advisor (Volunteer) (Iddy Ninga):Experience: Iddy Ninga has been an active member of the Wikimedia community since 2018, holding the position of Administrator for Swahili Wikipedia ( Additionally, he serves as the executive director of Dunia Salama Foundation. Skill sets:

  • Project Expertise: Iddy offers invaluable guidance and advice based on his extensive experience with similar projects as the Director of Dunia Salama Foundation. His deep understanding of Swahili Wikipedia further enriches his contributions as a trusted advisor.

4. Communications Manager (Hussein m Mmbaga):Experience: Hussein m Mmbaga has been actively involved in Wikimedia since 2022, currently holding the roles of Administrator for Swahili Wikipedia and Organizer of Wikimedia Kilimanjaro (

Skill sets:

  • Communication Strategy: Hussein excels in developing and coordinating communication plans tailored for both internal and external audiences.
  • Content Creation: He possesses a knack for creating captivating content for various social media channels to effectively convey project messages.
  • Media Relations: Hussein adeptly manages media engagement for project and program initiatives, ensuring effective communication and coverage.

5. Community Coordinator (Abubakari Sixbert): Experience: Abubakari Sixbert has been an integral part of the Wikimedia community since 2022, currently serving as an Organizer of WikimediaKilimanjaro(

Skill sets:

  • Community Building: Abubakari excels in developing and implementing initiatives aimed at fostering a robust and engaged community.
  • Outreach and Engagement: He spearheads outreach campaigns and effectively manages community development programs to ensure widespread engagement.
  • Partnership Management: Abubakari is adept at leading partnership projects and fostering collaborations for successful implementation.

6. Accountant: Grace Mchomvu: Skill sets:

  • Financial Management Proficiency: Grace demonstrates exceptional proficiency in financial management, as evidenced by her pivotal role in ensuring the success of past projects. This includes expertise in budgeting, expenditure tracking, and financial reporting, contributing to effective grant administration.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities: Grace exhibits strong problem-solving skills, enabling her to address financial challenges effectively and ensure the efficient utilization of grant funds. Her ability to analyze situations, identify issues, and implement appropriate solutions contributes to the smooth operation of grant-related activities.
  • Attention to Detail: With meticulous attention to detail, Grace ensures accuracy in financial records and compliance with grant requirements. This skill is essential for maintaining transparency and accountability in all financial transactions, safeguarding the integrity of grant administration processes

Question 3:Community engagement: can you provide please the details of the community engagement program (in terms of the concrete activities understood as part of this program element and related budget amount spent on this area of work)?

Answer: We sincerely apologize for any confusion caused by the budget section. There was an error in the allocation for community engagement. We appreciate your patience as we clarify the intended use of these funds.

The budget for community engagement is actually dedicated to organizing the annual Community Meeting. This event serves as a central hub for fostering collaboration and involvement among community members. Key activities planned for the meeting include:

  • Venue Rental: Securing a suitable location to comfortably host all participants.
  • Event Logistics: Covering expenses related to setting up the event, renting any necessary equipment, and ensuring smooth transportation arrangements.
  • Catering: Providing refreshments and meals for attendees throughout the meeting.

Question 4:How do you plan to interact with other Tanzanian communities and other stakeholders in the region, in particular in the work connected to global WM campaigns? As your group was formed from efforts of the Arusha Wikimedians, how do you plan to keep them involved or, if not, what makes it necessary to create another branched community?

Answer: Our approach to interacting with other Tanzanian communities and stakeholders, particularly in connection to global Wikimedia campaigns, is multifaceted:

1. Leveraging Existing Programs: Communities like the Wikimedia Community Arusha have valuable programs such as "Training of Trainers." We plan to collaborate with them by engaging trainers from their program to train our community members. This ensures that our members receive quality training and benefit from the expertise already available within the Wikimedia network.

2. Aligning with Wikimedia Community Tanzania: Given our focus on improving women's participation, we recognize the importance of collaboration with Wikimedia Community Tanzania. By leveraging their experience and resources, we aim to accelerate our goal of increasing women's participation within our community. Through joint initiatives and shared knowledge, we can amplify our impact and reach.

3. Engaging University Students Wikimedians: Many of our community members are students. Therefore, we see great potential in collaborating with University Students Wikimedians. Their unique perspectives and ideas can enrich our projects and initiatives. By working together, we can harness the creativity and energy of student communities to advance our shared goals within the Wikimedia movement.

Regarding the Arusha Wikimedians, we remain committed to keeping them involved in our efforts. However, branching out into a separate community allows us to focus more specifically on our goals, such as improving women's participation. This specialization enables us to tailor our activities and initiatives to address the specific needs and challenges faced by our target demographic. Additionally, by forming our own community, we have the flexibility to pursue initiatives that may not align directly with the objectives of the Arusha Wikimedians, while still fostering collaboration and synergy between our respective communities.

Thank you, and we hope these answers find you well, but please don't hesitate to ask us any further questions. Justine Msechu (talk) Justine Msechu (talk) 23:04, 26 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

General Support Fund Approved at Local Currency Equivalent of 15,000 USD


Thank you for submitting your application seeking General Support Funds - Wikimedia Community Fund. The Middle East and Africa Regional Committee and Staff have reviewed your application and recommended partial funding in the amount 15,000 USD for the period of June 1, 2024 - July 1, 2025.

We value that your proposal has a colorful set of programs, that you focus on empowering women, that you are using the Let’s Connect program to bridge knowledge and skills, and that you are using campaigns and contests as a way to mobilize the community. After a thorough review of your proposal, we see that you can still benefit from further developing your theory of change and your programs can be more consolidated. We see value in your user group working with and learning from the Arusha Wikimedians community and we recommend that you work together. Our intention in funding your work is that it supports your collaborative efforts and we hope that there will be coordination and no duplication or resulting issues.

We will also be keen to see and learn how the Wiki skills of the core team and volunteers engage grow with the support of the fund. Please put in place measure that will support you in tracking changes in contribution outcomes.

We also recommend that you take this year to focus on the programmatic implementation and to work with a fiscal partner. Following review in the mid and final learning conversations, we can together reflect on your growth and impact to prepare you for further funding that is based on long-term strategic planning. We wish you the very best in your continued journey and look forward to learning more about the impact you achieve.

Best regards from the MEA Regional Committee and Staff FElgueretly-WMF (talk) 06:38, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

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