Grants talk:Project/Rapid/UG GR/Wiki Loves Earth in Greece 2021

Comments from I JethroBT (WMF)


Hello MARKELLOS, Geraki, and Diu, and thank you for your interest in organizing WLE in Greece for 2021 this year. We appreciate you and your team's efforts supporting the campaign each year. Here are my comments and questions:

  • In last year's report, you noted some issues related to lockdowns from COVID-19 that affected contacting individuals and sending the awards. Are there many current restrictions related to COVID-19 that may affected these tasks in Athens, Thessaloniki, or other relevant areas of the country?
  • There is some ambiguity in the application around the awards ceremony and whether it will be held online or in-person:
To award the prizes, an award ceremony will be held (in October), most probably in Athens (might be moved to Thessaloniki if the majority of the winners are from the northern parts of Greece). In case the top 3 winners can't come on their own means, we'll try to cover their expenses in order to have them at the ceremony (within reasonable cost). For those winners that can't make it to the award ceremony, their poster, certificate and/or other prize will be sent by mail.
November-December: Online award ceremony for winners. Follow-up press release.
Could you clarify the format and expected attendance of the awards ceremony?
  • Relatedly, have you also reviewed the Risk assessment form? This may need to be provided on the application depending on the format of any in-person activities.
  • The prize budget for the event is very high relative to other contests in the movement, and has increased compared to WLE contests that UG GR has held previously. While the previous event outcomes have been very good, Rapid Grants is not able to support prize budgets that are this high, largely because we cannot extend the same support across the movement and because we do not feel that larger prizes (at least, above a certain threshold) necessarily results in better event outcomes. I am requesting that the prize budget be lowered to 900 EUR for this event. We are also working together with the Community Programs team to establish more specific guidelines on prizes and incentives for communities.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 21:04, 25 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hello I JethroBT (WMF), we have made the necessary clarifications and requested changes:

  • At the moment there are no restrictions of movement and outdoor activities in Greece. Also, network and mail problems have been fixed from most companies.
  • Indeed, the first paraphraph was copied my mistake from last year's application. The award ceremony will be held online.
  • As noted, there will be no in-person meetings, nevertheless we filled the Risk assessment form.
  • We have lowered the prize levels.

-- Geraki TL 16:09, 26 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

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