Huby/W trakcie realizacji

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Ta strona zawiera listę trwających dyskusji, badań lub planów związanych z hubami.


Lista znajdująca się na tej stronie próbuje określić przybliżony status procesu każdego z hubów. Jeśli uważasz, że status danego hubu jest niepoprawny, możesz go edytować. Oto ich proponowane definicje:

  • Badania: Osoba lub grupa prowadzą badania lub dyskusje na temat pomysłu na Hub. Na tym etapie istnieje ścieżka grantów dedykowana takim projektom.
  • Planowanie / Dyskusja: Pomysł Hubu jest już dość dobrze zdefiniowany dzięki wcześniejszym przygotowaniom, a prowadzące go osoby lub grupy rozpoczęły rozmowy, aby zdecydować o kolejnych krokach. Planowanie i dyskusje nakładają się na siebie, ponieważ wiele rzeczy może wymagać publicznych dyskusji. Istnieje ścieżka grantów dedykowana dla tego rozwoju projektów.
  • Pilot: Hub istnieje w fazie eksperymentalnej.
  • Implementation: Systematic steps to create the organisation.

Trwające projekty organizacji hubów

Typ Zasięg Uproszczona mapa Status Szczegóły
Regionalny Wikimedia Europa Środkowo-wschodnia Implementacja Badania zostały ufundowane przez grant Strategi Ruchu
Regionalny & Tematyczne EA Regional and Thematic Hub (EARTH)   Planowanie The East Africa Regional and Thematic Hub (EARTH) seeks to bring together Wiki communities in the East Africa region and will also cover various thematic areas as identified by members.There are some back ground activities that have been already happening as part of collaboration between these wiki communities from these countries, however several discussions are still ongoing that seeks to launch more research to better understand the community needs around this region. So far the main countries involved in this hub based on geographical region are 6 (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, and South Sudan); however there are also other neighboring countries that have been/and are still collaborating with these East Africa Wiki communities that we strongly hope and anticipate they will be part of this hub, these are (Ethiopia, Somalia, Zambia, and Botswana).
Regionalny Wschodnia i południowowschodnia Azja oraz Pacyfik   Dyskusja Established in 2014, ESEAP community has been coming to together regularly to discuss, promote, and represent the needs of the Community locally and globally. ESEAP held its first conference in 2018 and was the first hub as the host organisation for Wikimania 2020.

Organising the 2022 ESEAP Conference in Sydney with Wikimedia Australia and host of Wikimania 2023 in Singapore.

Regionalny Europe Implementacja

Restructuring of the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU after 10 years of successful cooperation. Wikimedia Europe is an organisation formed out of 27 European affiliates. Registration of an AISBL (L'association internationale sans but lucratif or International Non-profit Association) pending in Belgium.

Regionalny North America or United States   Badania A research project is underway to identify opportunities and report publicly at the end of 2023. Discussion ongoing for years at WALRUS and WikiConference North America. See NARWHAL.
Językowy Kraje arabskie   Badania Badania zostały ufundowane przez grant Strategi Ruchu
Językowy & Tematyczne Bengali-speaking world (Bangla Wikimaitree)   Implementacja Bangla WikiMaitree intends to be a thematic-linguistic partnership and collaboration network among Wikimedia communities, affiliates and informal groups which share the common Bengali cultural identity, heritage and/or speak in Bengali language.
Językowy Kraje francuskojęzyczne (WikiFranca)   Implementacja Struktura zarządcza jest już zaplanowana. Procedury finansowe powstana w 2022 roku ( wspólny budżet, międzynarodowy komitet grantodawczy). Dostępna jest strona ze statusem, Strategia na lata 2021-22 oraz Statut.
Językowy Portuguese-speaking region   Badania A research project on governance and equity in the Portuguese-speaking Wikimedia, including the general idea of thinking about a Lusophone Hub, was funded by a Movement Strategy grant.
Językowy Spanish-speaking region   Dyskusja The community has just held its first workshop to discuss a future hub, and the idea of a research grant is also being considered.
Tematyczne Content Partnerships   Dyskusja Experimentation has started in 2021 in six different areas, where the future hub might be active: (1) Research and understanding the needs of the Wikimedia community, (2) launching a Helpdesk to support volunteers and affiliates hands on with staff time, (3) providing and supporting capacity building, (4) supporting coordination and cooperation around international partnerships (in the spirit of how WikiGap has been organized), (5) improving, maintaining and building crucial software tools, (6) working on strategic data uploads that support future content partnerships.
Tematyczne Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Hub   Dyskusja Ideated by WikiDonne User Group, the hub aims to put together affiliates and volunteers who are working on equity, gender gap and gender communities, minorities, languages, culture, etnicity, age, disability, in one word: diversity in Wikimedia projects. The idea came looking back to all the work done by the Wikimedia Diversity Working Group during Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy process, presentations, reports, panels and sessions during WikiWomenCamp, Wikimedia Diversity Conference, CEE and others regional meetings and Wikimania, strategy calls, SWAN, projects and people deeply involved. We like to see DEIH as a global alliance on diversity, a wiki union and engagement to fill the gaps, the community's diversity department. Discussion or restricting - for now - our diversity focus to gender diversity.
Tematyczne Education   Badania Wiki Education Foundation started exploring the option of serving the global Education community as a thematic hub. An initial research report on the needs of the education community is available at Toward a theory of change for Wikimedia & Education (mid-2023). In February 2024, a second phase of the research was published: the Wikimedia & Education Theory of Change.
Tematyczne Różnorodność językowa   Badania The Wikimedia Languages Diversity Hub is a proposed Wikimedia hub to affiliates and volunteers who are working on new language versions of Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects, typically including indigenous, minority, marginalized and under-resourced language communities. The hub is an extension and continuation of the Wikimedia Language Diversity initiative.
Tematyczne Sustainable development   Dyskusja Discussion ongoing for more than a year between the user group Wikimedians for Sustainable Development and various chapters.
Tematyczne Volunteer Support   Implementacja The Volunteer Supporters Network (VSN) is an open network of Wikimedians supporting Wikimedia volunteers with the goal of enhancing volunteer support in the Wikimedia movement.
Regionalny West Africa Hub   Planning

Wikimedia West Africa Hub is a regional collaboration of communities and Wikimedia affiliates that are based in the West African subregion. The hub aims to bring together all Wikimedia communities in the region to collectively create a thriving collaborative environment that maximizes the impact of Wikimedia projects in the region, foster cooperation and promote knowledge transfer through encouraging joint projects that span multiple West African countries, addressing regional topics and promoting cross-cultural understanding. West Africa is made up of 16 countries, these are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte D'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

Regionalny Latin America and the Caribbean Hub   Discussion The LAC community seeks to discuss, promote and represent the needs and interests of the regional community in the Wikimedia movement. Its preparation phase (discussion and planning) began on March 6, 2024 with the search for recognized and emerging affiliates who wish to join its Foundational Council.

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