Javanese Language Wikipedia Revitalization Project 2012-2013/Activities/2012/September


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September 2012


14 September 2012

14 September 2012 code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim PL2012 training at Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta
  • Cost incured
Lokasi FIB UGM
Address Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Time 09.00-12.00 WIB

Gadjah Mada University Students and faculty in charge, trainer:

  • Nunung Martina
  • Prasetyo
  • Puryono
  • JV02 Wijanarko Fajar
  • JV02 Anggit Sasmito
  • JV02 Nur Octaviani
  • JV02 Mela Rahmawati
  • JV02 Sudrajat Bimantara
  • JV02 Nurmalia Habibah
  • JV02 Pujaria Farida
  • JV02 Her Raditya
  • JV02 Saraswati Kusumaningrum
  • JV02 Sri rahayu n.s
  • JV02 rr ardhiana purwoko
  • Jv02 seisar winengku
  • JV02 Dwi Ajeng Fitriani
Total Rp. ---

14 September 2012

14 September 2012 Code Account RDetail Cost Photo
Aim PL2012 training at Public University Yogyakarta
  • Biaya konsumsi
Location Public University Yogyakarta
Address Yogyakarta
Time 13.00-16.00 WIB

Yogyakarta Public University Students and faculty in charge, trainer:

  • Nunung Martina
  • Prasetyo
  • Puryono
  • Jv06Amalia Nurul Fathonaty
  • JV06Andriyana Fatmawati
  • JV06Doni Dwi Hartanto
  • JV06Febriyanti
Total Rp. ---

15 September 2012

15 September 2012 code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim PL2012 training at Diponegoro University Semarang
  • Cost incured
Lokasi UNDIP
Address Campus Tembalang Semarang, Indonesia
Time 09.00-11.00 WIB

Diponegoro University Students and faculty in charge, trainer:

Total Rp. ---

15 September 2012

15 September 2012 Code Account RDetail Cost Photo
Aim PL2012 training at Public University Semarang
  • Biaya konsumsi
Location Public University Semarang
Address Semarang
Time 12.00-14.00 WIB

Semarang Public University Students and faculty in charge, trainer:

Total Rp. ---

15 September 2012

15 September 2012 Code Account RDetail Cost Photo
Aim PL2012 training at IKIP PGRI Semarang
  • Biaya konsumsi
Location IKIP PGRI Semarang
Address Semarang
Time 14.00-17.00 WIB

IKIP PGRI Students and faculty in charge, trainer:

Total Rp. ---

22 September 2012

22 September 2012 Code Account RDetail Cost Photo
Aim PL2012 training at UNDIP Semarang
  • Biaya konsumsi
Location UNDIP Semarang
Address Semarang
Time 16.00-20.00 WIB

UNDIP Semarang Students and faculty in charge, trainer:

Total Rp. ---

29 September 2012

29 September 2012 Code Account RDetail Cost Photo
Aim PL2012 training at State University Yogyakarta (UNY)
  • Biaya konsumsi
Location State University Yogyakarta (UNY)
Address Yogyakarta
Time 09.00-15.00 AM

UNY Students and faculty in charge, trainer:

Total Rp. ---

30 September 2012

30 September 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim PL2012 training at Sastra Nusantara, University of Gadjah Mada (UGM)
  • Biaya konsumsi
Location University of Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Address Yogyakarta
Time 09.00-15.00 AM

UGM students and faculty in charged, trainers:

Total Rp. ---
Summary: Training started at 11.00 am on the patio of the Department of Indonesian Archipelago Literature, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Puryono and Sigit from Semarang attended as trainers. The training was opened with variety of questions, among others, they discussed the format of good article and stub article. Puryono and Sigit explained one by one to the participants, so they could address participants' questions in a detailed manner, about interwiki, wikifying, category, diacritics, loading an image, and choosing the article title. In this training, the participants were required to make a minimum of 5 stub articles and 1 good article.

At 1:45 pm, the training location was transferred to the Student Cooperative's shop, and they continued working while drinking iced beverages. With a different atmosphere, the participant became more productive in making articles. One question was asked by Dwika Ningrum regarding the usage of references collected using interview technique. It was explained that those kind of references were not allowed, as was described in early October by Prasetyo and Revo via Papat Limpad mailing group. Before the closing of this unofficial training, all articles of the participants were evaluated. Training was closed at 4.30 pm and the trainers returned to Semarang.