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學習單 一篇學習報告的架構/流程圖 |
引導員 指引 |
引言 說故事與溝通課程提供參與者與維基媒體計畫相關的影響力深遠的故事如何產出與呈現。這是為了維基媒體社群與計畫主持人所設計的課程,以培養說故事的能力,讓志工、捐款者、合作夥伴、與社群可以更加連結,增進維基媒體的體悟與互動。 課程目標 增加維基媒體工作人員與志工分享自己工作以及影響力的能力,讓他們能夠更進一步與其社群互動。說故事若做得好,效益是十分多元的,像是與讀者、贊助者、合作夥伴、或是貢獻者等都能引起更多的正向交流。 目標客群 The intended audience for this workshop is program and chapter leaders who want their work to build engagement with their communities and partners. It is likely that participants will represent both volunteers and some chapter staff. Ideal for a group of 10 - 50 people. Course Objectives After completing this course, participants will be able to:
Hosting and Activities Logistics
Visual aids for this course consist of PowerPoint slides, video clips etc.. The following audiovisual equipment is necessary for delivery of this course:
All equipment should be placed in the room for the instructors to check at least one hour prior to the course.
The room should be large enough to accommodate workspace and chairs for the number of participants in table rounds seating 6 - 8 persons. |
Workshop |
Confirm the training dates, location, and number of participants. (Recommended not more than 50 participants).
Arrive one hour before the training to set your room and equipment. Environment makes a difference.