
This is an index of archives; for recent discussion, see Meta:Administrators/confirm. Please do not post new comments on these pages; if you wish to revive a discussion, either move it back to the main page or link to it. For help archiving pages, see standard archival system .
edit- October
- Confirmed: Andre Engels | ArnoLagrange | Jean-Christophe Chazalette | Patrick | Raul654 | Rdsmith4.
- Removed: AstroNomer | Fire | Looxix | Robbot.
edit- January
- Confirmed: Alex756 | Angela | Anthere | Aphaia | Brion VIBBER | Daniel Mayer | Eloquence | Tim Starling | Walter
- Removed: KarlWick
- April
- Confirmed: Arwel Parry | Fantasy | Hashar | Jamesday | Kate | silsor | +sj+ | Stevertigo | Timwi | TUF-KAT | Wolfram | Yann
- Removed: Christian List | Dante Alighieri | E23 | Maximus Rex | Pakaran | Toby Bartels
- October
- Confirmed: David.Monniaux | Jdforrester | Mindspillage | Patrick | Raul654 | Rdsmith4 | Shizhao
- Removed: ArnoLagrange
edit- January
- Confirmed: Akl | Angela | Anthere | Aphaia | Brion VIBBER | Eloquence | Korg | M7 | notafish | Tim Starling | Walter
- Removed: Alex756 | Daniel Mayer | Mark Ryan | Who
- July
- Confirmed: Andrevan | Datrio | Edward Z. Yang | Elian | GerardM | Naconkantari | oscar | Pathoschild | Snowdog | Suisui | UninvitedCompany | Zocky
- Removed: Nichtich
- October
- Confirmed: Dbl2010 | Jdforrester | MaxSem | Mindspillage | Msn | Patrick | Raul654 | Rdsmith4 | Shizhao
- Removed: David.Monniaux
edit- January
- Confirmed: .anaconda | Akl | Andre Engels | Angela | Anthere | Brion VIBBER | Eloquence | Guillom | Korg | M7 | Notafish | Timichal | Tim Starling | Walter
- Removed: Aphaia (kept for Foundation work only) | Dmcdevit | Flcelloguy | Improv | Mzlla
- April
- Confirmed: .snoopy. | Bastique | Cbrown1023 | Drini | Dungodung | Effeietsanders | Jon Harald Søby | Kate | Benjamin-no | Lar |Majorly | Millosh | Nishkid64 | Nick1915 | Nixeagle | Redux | Sean Whitton | Shanel | Sj | Xaosflux | Yann | Zanimum
- Removed: Cspurrier | Fantasy | Hashar | Jamesday | Slade
- July
- Confirmed: GerardM | Herbythyme | JzG | Nakon | Oscar | Pathoschild | Thogo
- Removed: Andrevan | Datrio | Edward Z. Yang | Elian | Snowdog | Suisui | Tangotango | UninvitedCompany | Zocky
- October
- Confirmed: FrancoGG | Jdforrester | Kylu | MaxSem | Mxn | Patrick | Rdsmith4 | Shizhao (bureaucrat rights removed) | Thunderhead
- Removed: Dbl2010 | Fuzheado | HappyDog | Mindspillage | Raul654
edit- January
- Confirmed: .anaconda | Andre Engels | Angela | Anthere (bureaucrat, checkuser rights removed) | Anonymous Dissident | Eloquence | EVula | guillom | Hillgentleman | Korg | M7 | notafish | Spacebirdy | Walter
- Removed: Akl | alnokta | AmiDaniel | Arria Belli | Brion VIBBER | Tim Starling