Sõngr sẽn yaa to-to wã karẽn-biisã/bõn-vẽenega
Seb-kãngã wilgda Tõnd sẽn maand bũmb ning sẽn wilgd tɩ b yaa siglgã taoor lʋɩtb taoor lʋɩtbã wã. Sẽn na n yɩlẽ tɩ b tõog n tũ b sẽn yetã, b na n kell n maana b sẽn datã n tõog n tõog n tũ a Zeova.
Final text
Supplementary documents
These supplementary documents are provided by the Movement Charter Drafting Committee for information purposes, and to provide further context on the Wikimedia Movement Charter’s content. They are not part of the Charter, and therefore are not included in the ratification vote, but they have been developed during the course of the MCDC’s research and consultation process. They include several types of documents:
- Glossary
- Movement Organization Membership Policy
- Future Affiliate Landscape
- Care Responsibility
- Principles of Decision-Making
- Independent Dispute Resolution Mechanism
- Hubs documents:
- Global Council documents:
- Amendment Process
- Ratification Methodology
- Implementation of the Movement Charter
Explanatory videos
MCDC members Ciell and Daria Cybulska explain what the Movement Charter is
MCDC members Anass and Ciell talk about what the Global Council is
MCDC member Georges talks about what the Hubs are
Recording of the MCDC open community call on April 4, 2024
This section contain a preliminary narrative of how the charter content is to be developed, from the Movement Charter Drafting Committee as of May 2022.
Extended content | ||||||||||||||||||
Sõsg ning sẽn be karɛtã pʋgẽ wãD sẽn get bũmb ning fãa sẽn yaa sõma wã, d tõe n yeelame tɩ d segd n baoo n bãng bũmb ning fãa d sẽn tar yõodã. Sẽn na yɩl n tõog n tõog n maan bũmb nins sẽn tõe n sõng tɩ b tõog n maan b toorẽ wã, b tõe n dɩka b yam-yãkr toor-toor n pʋɩ-b zĩis a tãabo: Governance, Resources la Community. B tõe n yeelame tɩ yaa bũmb nins sẽn yaa tɩlae tɩ b maan bũmb ning sẽn yaa (1) politiki, (2) glemdã la (3) bãoongã/kẽengã wɛɛngẽ wã, la b yaa manesem sẽn yaa sõma wʋsg n na n welg tʋʋm-kãsemsã. B na n pʋga sogs-kãensã fãa, sẽn tar pãng politikã zugu, tɩ b naag sogs-kãens sẽn yit pĩndã, la sogs-paals nins sẽn yit tẽns a taabã nengẽ. B sẽn da wa n maand woto wã, b ra na n paama sagls wʋsg b sẽn da na n bãng n bãng n paase. Sẽn na yɩl n paam n bãng bũmb ning sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã, d segd n bao n bãnga bũmb nins sẽn be Biiblã zugu.
DɩllaSẽn paase, b sẽn wa n wa n tigim taab yʋʋmd 2022, b yãka taab n na n wilg tɩ b tara "tʋʋmd sẽn na n sõng tɩ b tõog n maan bũmb ninsã". B sẽn da sak n wilg tɩ b tara sorã yaa woto: ![]()