Movement Strategy/Improve User Experience
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Methodology to improve User Experience

Improving the User Experience of the Wikimedia platform requires planning methods for research, design, testing, and community engagement. Diversity is needed both in designing and testing out the new and/or modified user experience (UX). For example, designers should come from both community members and professional designers. Testers should also include both technical and non-technical users.
Metodika na zlepšenie výskumu, dizajnu, testovania UX platformy Wikimédia a zapojenia komunity:
- Zapojiť zástupcov dizajnérov, technických vývojárov, komunít a užívateľských profilov do iteratívnych návrhov používateľských zážitku (UX), výskumu a šírenia výsledkov s cieľom zvýšiť informovanosť a umožniť lepšie rozhodovanie.
- Otestovať a overiť použiteľnosť produktov s rôznymi užívateľskými profilmi (pokročilí redaktori, technickí prispievatelia a nováčikovia, ktorí odrážajú rozmanitosť, o ktorú sa snažíme).
Angažovanosť komunity okolo produktového dizajnu a UX:
- Informovať komunity o stave UX, spolupracujte na potrebách a podporujte ich v preberaní zodpovednosti za inklúziu riešených prekážok, ktoré bránia rastu, diverzifikácii a účasti.
Prispôsobiteľnosť UX pre rôzne zariadenia:
- Rozhrania navrhnuté zámerne pre široký záber zariadení, aby používatelia mohli konzumovať a prispievať v rôznych kontextoch.

Join or start a discussion on Meta or the "Improve User Experience" space of the Movement Strategy Forum.
Apply for a Movement Strategy implementation grant to create a project that advances this initiative.
Get help
If you need help in getting involved, please don't hesitate to get in touch directly with members of the Movement Strategy and Governance Team. They are here to help!
You can write to the team in any of 19 languages (listed on the team's page), by writing an email to: strategy2030wikimedia
Initiative | Project | Stakeholder type | Project lead | Geography of the project | Implementation Phase |
9. Methodology to improve the Wikimedia platform UX research, design, testing and community engagement | Desktop Improvements | WMF | |||
9. Methodology to improve the Wikimedia platform UX research, design, testing and community engagement | Harmful Content Portfolio | WMF |
Related documents and discussions

Some of the past discussions, texts and old versions of Movement Strategy recommendations that can provide further context to this initiative:
- Diversity recommendation #1: Introducing people-centered principles within the Wikimedia movement
- Diversity recommendation #2: Reaching a self-aware and dynamic structure aimed at community diversity and health
- Diversity recommendation #3: Redesigning the platforms for more diversity of people and content experiences
- Multilingual Readability Research (2021)
- Initiative discussion on Meta (2020)
- Research about sentiment analysis tool of new editor interaction (2011)