North Carolina Wikipedians/Monthly-Meeting/2024

November 12, 2024 - Monthly meeting


Attending: Emily, Max, James, Jennifer, Stella Agenda:

October 8, 2024 - North Carolina Wikipedians meeting


Attending: Emily, Jennifer, Max, Stella, Gaurav Agenda:

  • Debrief of the NCW Trivia meetup (Oct 1, 2024)
  • Future events?
    • Interest in Western NC / Hurricane Helene themed online edit-a-thon? Maybe focused on the WikiPix images Cleanup, highlighting images from affected areas
    • Deferred to next month:
      • Wikimedia Board governance update
      • Lew Powell in Charlotte (Little Rascals Day Care case of the 1990s,
      • [Your agenda items here]


  • Debrief of the NCW Trivia meetup (Oct 1, 2024):
    • Second trivia event
      • 13 people showed up! And almost no overlap with the previous meetup
        • Stella: as someone new, it was a good way to meet the group ("newbie-friendly" and low-stakes)
        • Richard (Pharos) helps us get the banner, but we can't use them too often -- we decided not to do another event like this until the next year
          • Gaurav: The restriction is on CentralNotice, GeoNotices might be easier to do more often -- and we can message previous attendees directly if we need to (
          • Emily: would be nice to track who signs up for mailing lists after events.
        • Stella: reaching out to people one-on-one can be nice.
          • How is Boxyard RTP when it's cold?
          • Stella: in March it was fine, but I'm from Colorado
          • Max found a Twitter post that says they have heaters
  • Round of introductions
  • Future events?
    • Next Boxyard RTP meeting in early 2025
      • Should we have an unstructured virtual meeting? "No agenda, just come here and edit, or ask any questions"
      • Could do that instead of our November meeting
      • Could be worth advertising just on Geonotice
      • We could set this up quite broadly (VA, NC, SC, northern GA, eastern TN) and link to meta:North Carolina Wikipedians#How can you get involved?
        • [Gaurav] To create a Geonotice -- "sign up ahead of this event"
      • [Jennifer] Interest in Western NC / Hurricane Helene themed online edit-a-thon? Maybe focused on the WikiPix images Cleanup, highlighting images from affected areas

September 10, 2024 - North Carolina Wikipedians meeting


Attending: Anna, Emily, James, Jeannie, Jennifer, Max, Richard, Agenda:


  • Movement Charter Process
    • Emily presented background on movement and movement charter for new attendees
    • Update after movement charter vote: foundation did not vote in support of charter; Maryana Iskander lays out next steps in recent communications linked above.
    • Foundation interested in doing smaller-scale experiments with elements of the charter
    • Communications are recommended reading for those interested in understanding the priorities of the Foundation and of those involved in drafting the Charter proposal
  • Board of Trustees Elections
  • Editing Request
    • Jennifer will offer to put resources on Talk page
  • Event Recaps
    • Boxyard RTP event. Attendance approximately 25. Weather wasn't great. Public trivia activity--Wikipedians won! This was the group's best-attended event. Venue worked well, may also consider for future events. Future events may do intentional tie-in to trivia night. Geonotice banner was very effective for collecting RSVPs. Collect IDs/ emails of those who RSVPd. Possibly plan for early November, but Boxyard trivia is November 5th/ Election Day.
  • Future Events
  • Translation
    • Jennifer mentioned -- which is about translating procedural things. That's different from content translation.

July 9, 2024 - North Carolina Wikipedians meeting



  • Review Wiknic plans


June 25, 2024 - North Carolina Wikipedians meeting - good idea to read Charter draft beforehand



  • Discussing user group vote for Wikimedia Movement Charter:
    • Last meeting did not reach consensus for our vote
    • Final text:
    • Comments for vote: YES with reservations
      • Yes with reservations. We support in principle adopting a charter empowering a global council, in recognition of the global and volunteer character of the Wikimedia movement. However, we expect the need for possibly substantial amendments to address community concerns. To that end, we encourage easing the process of amendment to make the charter more of a living document for at least an initial period.
      • make living document? allow changes for 5 years? (per narwhal) **expect to iterate/improve over first few years, free the process of amendment
      • big process questions are unclear: if no, what then? if yes, what then?
      • amendment process questions -- is it too high a bar to clear? too easy?
      • General discussion notes:
        • think about twitter example -- could a breakaway group of people set up an alternative and defect?
        • global nature of the movement vs power concentrated in US in the Foundation
        • worth seeing how things shake out
        • "I trust the spirit in which it was created and the people who created it"
      • Possible feedback that our group would include in our vote:
        • "We think a charter should exist. We can not support this actual charter (content), but we support the idea of a charter - we think that the movement should have a charter."
        • Should state principles; should empower a global council, recognizing the global scope and volunteer nature of the wikimedia movement
        • We support the existence of the global council, in recognition of the fact that this is a global movement, and a volunteer/community-based movement
        • "the charter needs to be narrower in scope. This charter attempts to do too much."
        • “Approve this charter, but ask the organization to take account of the considerations raised in this process”
        • global council: who are they? is there staff? needs to be consistent
        • Recommend explicit attention to communicating the charter and to implementing the structures defined in the charter.

June 11, 2024 - North Carolina Wikipedians monthly meeting


Attending: Emily, Richard, Morgan, Max, Jennifer Agenda:

  • discussing the ratification of the Wikimedia Movement Charter:
 1. Select someone from our group to be our voter (Max)
 2. Discuss how we'd like to vote
  • Charter info:
    • we, as an affiliate, will need to select one person to vote on our behalf in the ratification process, and then we'll be asked to vote on whether or not to ratify the charter.
    • Open question: relationship between Charter and NC Wikipedians' interest
    • General support of enthusiasm toward Charter
    • Didn't really begin to reach consensus
  • Hosting Wiknic?
    • TBD

May 14, 2024


North Carolina Wikipedians monthly meeting

Summit Takeaways

  • key links for Movement Charter info:
    • Monthly Updates from the Drafting Committee:
    • As of mid-May, the MCDC is:
      • considering feedback, and working to update the final version of the Movement Charter between April 30 and mid-May. Then, the Charter will go through more preparatory phases, including copy-editing review, legal review, and translations.

Next Steps for the Movement Charter

  • The final Movement Charter text is expected to be shared in the third week of June.
  • The Movement-wide ratification vote on the Movement Charter will take place between June 25 to July 9, 2024.
  • The Charter will be voted on by among others: Individual contributors, affiliates, and the Board of Trustees of the WMF.
  • Voter eligibility guidelines - will be the same as for Wikimedia Foundation elections 2022 :
  • Example of guidelines for that election:
    • To qualify, this one account must:
      • not be blocked in more than one project;
      • and not be a bot;
      • and have made at least 300 edits before 5 July 2022 across Wikimedia wikis;
      • and have made at least 20 edits between 5 January 2022 and 5 July 2022
      • there's also an AccountEligibility tool - I haven't tried it yet!

Outputs and documentation from the Summit


The full documentation of the event will be published by the end of June 2024.

Meta Page with information on the outcomes, the evaluation survey, and photos from the conference days:

Especially interesting :

April 9, 2024


North Carolina Wikipedians annual business meeting

action items:

  • MM will create an etherpad version of NC Wikipedians leadership structure doc,
    • DONE - see below
  • and MM will also add this to our Meta pages

agenda: This will be our annual business meeting, where we'll talk about our annual report covering the events of the last year, which is due April 30. We'll also talk about leadership for the user group for the year ahead.

And we'll do any last planning or prep for our Earth Day meetup on the lawn at Weaver Street Market in Carrboro, which will take place on Tuesday, April 23, from 5:30 to 7:30. If you're planning to attend, please add yourself to the list of attendees!

At our last meeting we made plans to hold an informal, drop-in-style meet-up at Weaver Street Market in Carrboro as an Earth Day event. It will be outside on the lawn, and folks are invited to come and go as they please. BYO laptop if you want to edit or ask questions about editing, but it's also cool to just come and talk about whatever Wikimedia topics arise!
