Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Report

OS-ADM   Project   Calendar   Training   Guidelines   Case studies   Publishers   DMP   Reports   Credits  

The project aims at supporting the Swiss disciplinary field of art design and music in implementing the swissuniversities Open Access Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2024, in collaboration with key stakeholders. The project contributes to alternative forms of publications by negotiating with institutional, national and international publishers in the fields of arts, design and music; it participates in international initiatives and it specifically contributes to DARIAH and DOAJ.

Project reports


Summery of the project results



Measurable Report 2022 Report 2023 Report 2024
Monitoring of research practices in the field of ADM. Collecting information from ADM educational institutions in Switzerland (expecting 20 case studies, with a selection of 10). √ Case studies collected
Monitoring of the practices of publishers specialised in ADM in the field of Open Access.
  • Review of the publications on DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
  • Networking with DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities).
Starting documenting the publications
Providing guidelines to researchers on how to publish in Green and Gold Open Access and deal with common problems.
  • Guidelines responding to a selection of 10 case studies and to common problems such as the production of multimedia formats in Open Access, the reuse and distribution of artwork and of third parties content under copyright, not accessible in public domain and subject to a series of restrictions; copyright management; use of content under open licenses and release of content under open licenses.
  • Reviews of the local teams.
  • 3 webinars
Implementing the guidelines. Not finalised in 2022.

√ 3 webinars

√√ Series of webinars and workshop
Including Open Science (i.e. copyright management, open licenses, multimedia formats, reviewing processes) within students’ curricula 3 schools involved in the project organize workshops/seminars/courses related to Open Science for their students. SUPSI organises a workshop for students +teachers, people working in communication and researchers
Implementing Open Access among institutional publications. 70% of institutional publications Open Access.
Negotiating Open Access with publishers (Green and Gold Road) at a national and international level.
  • 3 specialized publishers in art and design with publications in German, French and Italian in Open Access.
  • 3 international publications in art and design in Open Access.
Guaranteeing the viability of the project once the funding from the OS programme stops All Swiss schools of art and design are involved in the project.
Recommendations of the reviewers Implementation of the recommendations
Approval conditional on the requirement to advocate not just for Open Access options provided by publishers (“gold OA”/”green OA”), but also for alternative/innovative business models (for example “platinum”/”diamond”).
It should be made clearer that all material produced (whether guides, case studies, recordings, training and educational material, or publications) will/can be provided under FAIR conditions at the end of the project to the best extent possible. Providing material openly on “institutional websites” is not enough for achieving FAIRness.
Governance of the project could be reinforced with a steering committee to include external expertise who can play the role of “critical friend” but also be an escalation route for any conflicts (members could be drawn for example from those who have provided letters of support).
Risk analysis did not include any risks caused by unforeseen delay to the project, and how those would be remediated, or activities re-prioritised.
Activities Centralised service (project team) Local services (local teams)
Coordination - Production of the reports

- Administrative management of the project

- Communication within the project, regular meetings

- Active involvement of the Swiss schools of ADM

- Definition of a local team

- Review of the reports

Guidelines - Documentation about research practices in the field of ADM

- Analysis of a selection of case studies produced with the support of legal advice (selection of 10 case studies)

- Production of guidelines

- Editing and publication of the guidelines

- Identifying relevant case studies and best practices (expected 20)

- Reviewing of the guidelines

Training - Production of 3 webinars

- Training and coaching to trainers

- Participating in training

- Training and coaching to researchers

- 3 schools involved in the project organize workshops/seminars/courses related to Open Science for their students.

National publishers - Support and coaching - Relationships with 3 national specialised publishers in the field of ADM

- Implementation of OA on institutional publications (70%)

International publishers - Documentation about practices of publishers specialised in ADM in the field of Open Access

- Networking with international publishers in the field of ADM to support 5 publications in Open Access

- Relationships with DOAJ

- Suggesting publication
Communication and dissemination - Communication and dissemination of the project guidelines and tools at a national and international level

- Institutional website with guidelines, recorded webinars and other documents (June 2023)

- Communication and dissemination of the project guidelines and tools within the institution and among researchers and students

Presentations of the project

Date Title Convenor-s Format Language Target audience Recording Slides OSF DOI
October 17, 2023 OS-ADM Open Science for Arts Design and Music in OA Panel on Insights and Learnings Based on the Intermediary Re- views: Projects OA Calls 211, 212 and 221 Iolanda Pensa 5' minutes pitch English Reviewers, swissuniversity and other grantees n/a

Preparatory work for the guidelines


