Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Report/Report 2022

OS-ADM   Project   Calendar   Training   Guidelines   Case studies   Publishers   DMP   Reports   Credits  

Recap of the activities carried out in 2022


The activities (completed and ongoing) carried out in 2022 are the following:

  • case studies (completed): collection of case studies from project partners, data processing, extrapolation of main issues and shared challenges in the fields of art, design and music, suggestion of solutions and best practices after consultation with lawyers (CCDigitalLaw and Noa Bacchetta).
  • guidelines (ongoing): drafting of content departing from the analysis of the case studies in cooperation with Dariah-EU and the lawyers, structuring of the information architecture in collaboration with the graphic designers, presentation of the draft to the project partners and the advisory board.
  • research (completed): collection of data on the state of the art of open access in a sample of international art, design and music schools and universities.
  • dissemination (ongoing): participation in the study day organised by Dariah-CH (20.10.2022, USI, Mendrisio) with the presentation of a poster, sponsoring and logistical support for the organisation of the Hackathon-GLAMHACK 2022 at SUPSI.
  • website (ongoing): design of the research project website and content updating.
  • training (ongoing): organisation of 3 training events on the occasion of the Hackathon-GLAMHACK 2022, planning of 5 webinars in English for spring 2023 and 3 webinars for autumn 2023/winter 2024 in collaboration with various external partners such as CCDigitalLaw, Creative Commons International, ProLitteris and OpenAIRE, planning of 5 training events aimed at the community of researchers, teachers, librarians, students and SUPSI administrators.
  • network (completed): creation and development of a national and international network of consultants (Dariah-EU and Dariah-CH, Creative Commons, Swiss OpenGLAM) and projects partners (GOAL
  • publishers (ongoing): collection of data on the state of the art of open access from academic journals and publishers in the disciplinary fields of art, design and music, selection of case studies and potential interlocutors for the negotiation process to be carried out in the last year of the project (2024), sharing data with the GOAL research team and discussing a possible common negotiation strategy with publishers in the art, design and music sectors.

Changes from the original proposal


The calendar presented in the original application has undergone minimal modifications that lead to a delay in the delivery of the guidelines (foreseen according to the initial plan in December 2022 and postponed to 2023). The delay in the publication of the guidelines to 2023 was however compensated by the early organisation of the activities planned for 2023 (training) and 2024 (publishers). In particular, 3 training events have already taken place on the occasion of the Hackathon-GLAMHACK 2022 and most of the activities to be carried out next year have been programmed in detail. Overall, the project has not undergone any substantial changes that could jeopardise its actual success.

General remarks


We would like to highlight the setting up and development of an international network, in particular:

  • the partnership with Dariah-EU has led to the co-application to Chist-ERA funds with the submission of a research project in co-participation with IBL PAN (Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences / Centre for Digital Humanities, Poland) and CNRS (Laboratory of Supramolecular and Macromolecular Photophysics and Photochemistry, France) entitled "SHARE CH Data - Sustainable Workflows for Turning Cultural Heritage Data Into Open Research Data" which (if the application is successful) is planned to start in 2024 for a duration of two years.
  • we are developing further the collaboration with OpenGLAM CH that was initiated on the occasion of the Hackathon-GLAMHACK 2022; the partnership should lead to an involvement of the project in the Hackathon-GLAMHACK 2023 at the MEG - Musée d'ethnographie de Genève in the form of a series of training events around ethical issues such as decolonisation and cultural appropriation in the context of open access.