Research:Wikipedia Editors Survey 2011/Translation/id
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- ar/العربية (published)
- de/Deutsch (published)
- en/English (published)
- es/español (published)
- fr/français (published)
- it/italiano (published)
- ja/日本語 (published)
- nl/Nederlands (published)
- pl/polski (published)
- pt/português (published)
- ru/русский (published)
- be-tarask/беларуская (тарашкевіца) (in progress)
- bg/български (published)
- ca/català (published)
- cs/čeština (missing)
- cy/Cymraeg (published)
- da/dansk (published)
- el/Ελληνικά (in progress)
- fi/suomi (published)
- he/עברית (published)
- hi/हिन्दी (in progress)
- hu/magyar (published)
- hr/hrvatski (published)
- hy/հայերեն (in progress)
- id/Bahasa Indonesia (in progress)
- ka/ქართული (missing)
- ko/한국어 (in progress)
- mk/македонски (published)
- ms/Bahasa Melayu (in progress)
- nb/norsk bokmål (missing)
- ne/नेपाली (missing)
- sr/српски / srpski (published)
- sv/svenska (in progress)
- sw/Kiswahili (in progress)
- ta/தமிழ் (in progress)
- zh-hans/中文(简体) (published)
- zh-hant/中文(繁體) (published)
editJajak pendapat Penyunting
The Wikimedia Foundation
San Francisco, California, AS
Selamat datang di Jajak pendapat Penyunting, Wikimedia Foundation. Jajak pendapat ini dilakukan oleh Wikimedia Foundation yang menjalankan Wikipedia dan proyek-proyek wiki lainya. Jawaban Anda akan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut akan membantu kami untuk memahami lebih lanjut komunitas menyunting. Jajak pendapat ini memiliki 50 pertanyaan, dan akan memakan waktu kurang lebih 20 menit untuk menyelesaikannya. Kami ingin Anda mengetahui bahwa tidak ada jawaban benar atau salah; kami hanya mengharapkan jawaban Anda yang sebenar-benarnya.
Kerahasiaan dan Lisensi
editWikimedia Foundation menghargai privasi Anda. Kami tidak akan membagikan data individu yang dapat diidentifikasi kepada organisasi lain atau menggunakannya dalam hal apapun yang tidak berhubungan dengan tujuan jajak pendapat ini. Hasil anonim akan ditampilkan pada ranah publik.
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan seputar jajak pendapat ini, atau khawatir akan kebijakan privasi, silahkan menyampaikan kekhawatiran Anda secara anonim pada: http://strategy.wikimedia.or/wiki/Editor_survey_feedback
Pertanyaan perkenalan
edit- D1a. Terima kasih telah menyetujui keikutsertaan dalam jajak pendapat penyunting ini. Sebagai pembuka, kami akan menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan mengenai Anda. Pada tahun berapa Anda pertama kali berkontribusi di Wikipedia? (Harap menggunakan penulisan tahun sebagai berikut: 2009, 2010 dst)
- __2011___
- D1b. Sejak pertama kali menyunting di Wikipedia, kira-kira, berapa banyak jumlah suntingan yang telah Anda buat secara keseluruhan? (Catatan: Dimohon untuk tidak menyertakan perubahan yang dilakukan oleh bot)
- 100 kali___
- D2. Berapa usia Anda sekarang?
- 43_____ Tahun
- D3a. Apa tingkat pendidikan tertinggi yang telah Anda selesaikan?
- Sekolah Dasar atau Sekolah Menengah pertama (SD,SMP,atau yang sederajat)
- Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA atau yang sederajat)
- Universitas (Diploma, Associates degree, Bachelors or Honors. Degree)
- Program pasca sarjana (Masters)
- Program Doktoral (PhD)
- D3b. Apakah sekarang ini Anda terdaftar di sekolah atau universitas?
- Ya
- Tidak
- D4. Apakah sekarang Anda bekerja?
- Ya, Saya bekerja penuh waktu
- Ya, Saya bekerja paruh waktu
- Tidak, Saya tidak bekerja
- D5a. Apakah Anda sudah menikah, memiliki pasangan atau masih membujang?
- Saya sudah menikah
- Saya sudah memiliki pasangan, tetapi belum menikah
- Saya masih membujang
- D5b. Apakah Anda memiliki anak-anak?
- Ya, Saya memiliki anak-anak
- Tidak, Saya tidak memiliki anak-anak
- D6. What is your approximate monthly gross income? (i.e. the total income per month, including benefits but before t_ Amount per month
- __25x___ Currency
- D7a. Apakah kebangsaan Anda?
- indonesia__________
- D7b. Anda tinggal di negara mana?
- __indonesia____
- D8. Apakah terdapat Perwakilan Wikimedia di negara Anda tinggal?
- Ya
- Tidak
- Saya tidak yakin
- D8a. Apakah Anda seorang anggota Perwakilan Wikimedia setempat?
- Ya
- Tidak
- D9. Apa bahasa utama Anda? Silahkan pilih yang sesuai.
- D10. Apakah jenis kelamin Anda?
- Laki-laki
- Perempuan
- Transseksual
- Transgender
- D11. Pada hari biasa, berapa lama Anda menghabiskan waktu di depan komputer?
- 10 jam atau lebih
- 9-8 jam
- 7-6 jam
- 5-4 jam
- 3-2 jam
- Sekitar 1 jam
- Kurang dari 1 jam
- Tidak menggunakan komputer setiap hari
- D12. Kami ingin mengetahui kemampuan Anda dalam menggunakan komputer dan aplikasi komputer. Berikut adalah daftar dari berbagai tingkatan kemampuan menggunakan komputer. Silahkan memilih salah satu yang menggambarkan diri Anda dengan lebih baik.
- Saya tidak nyaman menggunakan komputer.
- Saya menggunakan komputer untuk membaca surel, jelajah internet dan menggunakan pengolah kata.
- Saya dapat menggunduh berkas dan aplikasi pada komputer saya.
- Saya dapat memrogram dan membuat aplikasi saya sendiri.
Bagian I: Partisipasi dan Kontribusi
editPertanyaan berikut adalah seputar partisipasi Anda di Wikipedia.
- Q1a. Pada Wikipedia versi bahasa apa Anda memberikan kontribusi ? Boleh lebih dari satu
- Q1b. Pada Wikipedia versi bahasa apa tempat Anda fokus memberikan kontribusi? Pilih salah satu
- Q2a. Versi Wikipedia bahasa apa saja yang Anda baca? Boleh lebih dari satu
- Q2b. Versi Wikipedia bahasa apa yang utama Anda baca ?
- Q3. Apakah level hak akses pengguna Anda? Boleh lebih dari satu
- Anonim (Tidak ada akun)
- Pengguna terdaftar (akun dasar)
- Pengurus
- Birokrat
- Steward
- Pemeriksa
- Pengawas
- Q4a. Kami tertarik untuk menelaah lebih jauh tentang partisipasi terakhir Anda di Wikipedia dan di Komunitas Wikipedia. Untuk setiap aktivitas, mohon indikasikan seberapa sering Anda berpartisipasi pada aktivitas di bawah ini selama 30 hari terakhir.
- Tidak pernah
- Jarang
- Sesekali
- Sering
- Sangat Sering
- Saya menulis artikel baru
- Saya meneliti artikel
- Saya menyunting artikel yang telah ada
- Saya melakukan penerjemahan
- Saya melakukan patroli seputar penyalahgunaan hak cipta, VAndalisme, atau permasalahan lain
- Saya menjawab pertanyaan dan komplain dari pembaca
- Saya menyelesaikan perdebatan diantara voluntir (seperti: Memediasi dan menengahi)
- Saya ikut menjadi panitia atau membantu event, workshop, meet-up atau Konferensi tahunan Wikimania
- I do public outreach or evangelism or advocacy outside the Wikipedia community
- Saya melakukan hal teknis seperti merawat server dan piranti lunak
- Saya berpartisipasi di chapter work
- Saya berpartisipasi pada diskusi artikel
- Saya membangun atau merawat kebijakan, panduan & similar community processes
- Q4b. Below is a similar list of participation activities. Please indicate how often you have participated in the following activities in the last 30 days.
- Tidak pernah
- Jarang
- Sesekali
- Sering
- Sangat sering
- I upload or edit media, images, maps etc.
- I conduct quality reviews and assess articles for featured article selection
- I participate in deletion processes such as speedy deletion, proposed deletion and articles for deletion
- I do help desk and/or reference desk work to welcome new editors
- Other, please specify ______
- Q5a. Below is a list of reasons why some editors START contributing to Wikipedia. For which of the following reasons did you START contributing to Wikipedia? Please select as many as apply
- I wanted to see if anyone could edit
- I saw an error, and I wanted to fix it
- I saw a red link or noticed an article was missing so I wrote it
- I knew a lot about a subject that had little information
- My friends, family or colleagues contribute to Wikipedia
- I wanted to demonstrate my knowledge to a wider public or community
- I like the idea of volunteering to share knowledge
- I wanted to learn new skills
- I wanted to participate in a discussion on Wikipedia
- I was assigned to edit for a school project or work
- Q5b. Below is a list of reasons why some editors CONTINUE to contribute to Wikipedia. For which of the following reasons do you CONTINUE to contribute to Wikipedia. Please select as many as apply.
- I do it for professional reasons
- I keep finding or looking for mistakes
- I find articles that are incomplete or biased
- I like to contribute to subject matters in which I have expertise
- I want to demonstrate my knowledge to a wider public or community
- I want to popularize topics I care about
- I like Wikipedia’s philosophy of openness and collaboration
- I believe that information should be freely available to everyone
- I want to gain reputation in the Wikipedia community
- I like the idea of volunteering to share knowledge
- Hal itu menyenangkan
- Q6. Below is a list of tools that are available for editors. For each one, please tell us whether it makes any difference when editing Wikipedia.
- I am not aware of this feature
- It makes it easier to edit Wikipedia
- It makes no difference to my editing experience
- It makes it harder to edit Wikipedia
- Help pages
- Content and policy pages
- Wiki markup or HTML-like language
- Editing interface
- Automated assisting tools like Twinkle, Huggle, AWB, etc.
- Community forums & discussions
- Bots
- User-scripts & gadgets
- Q7a. Thinking about LAST YEAR (2010), how active were you in Wikipedia compared to the previous year (2009)?
- I was less active in Wikipedia in 2010 compared to 2009
- There was no change in the level of my activity
- I was more active in Wikipedia in 2010 compared to 2009
- Q7b. Why did you become less active in Wikipedia? Please choose all that apply.
- I don’t have time
- I spend more time on other online activities
- I spend more time on other offline activities
- It is a waste of my time since my edits will be reverted
- I think I don’t have enough expertise to contribute
- Other people are doing it, so I don’t have to do it
- I don’t want to edit the work of other editors
- I am happy to read, and I don’t need to contribute
- I choose not to spend my time editing
- I don’t edit because of conflicts with other editors
- The rules and guidelines for editing have become too complicated
- Other, please specify ______
- Q7c. If you were to become less active in Wikipedia in the NEXT SIX months, what do you believe will be the most likely cause? Please choose ONE.
- I think I will have less time
- I expect to spend more time on other online activities
- I expect to spend more time on other offline activities
- It’s a waste of my time since my edits will be reverted
- I think I don’t have enough expertise to contribute
- Other people are doing work, so I don’t want to do it
- I don’t want to edit the work of other editors
- I am happy to read, and I don’t want to contribute
- I don’t want to spend my time editing
- I don’t want to edit because of conflicts with other editors
- The rules and guidelines for editing are becoming too complicated
- Other, please specify_____
Bagian II: Teknologi dan Jaringan
editBeberapa pertanyaan berikut berkisar seputar pengunaan Anda pada perangkat teknologi dan Halaman Internet.
- Q8a. Di bawah ini adalah daftar perangkat elektronik yang dimiliki oleh beberapa orang. Manakah di bawah ini yang Anda miliki ?
- Komputer Desktop
- Laptop atau Netbook
- Telepon Selular
- Perangkat Tablet (contoh: iPad)
- MP3 Player (contohn: iPod)
- Tidak memiliki sama sekali
- Q8b. Apakah Anda memiliki sebuah smart phone seperti iPhone, Android, atau Blackberry ?
- Ya
- Tidak
- Q8c. Daftar di bawah ini sejenis dengan daftar perangkat elektronik. Apakah Anda menggunakan perangkat di bawah ini untuk MENYUNTING Wikipedia?. Boleh lebih dari satu
- Komputer Desktop
- Laptop atau Netbook
- Perangkat Tablet (ex: iPad)
- Telepon Selular
- MP3 Player (ex: iPod)
- Q8d. Daftar di bawah ini sejenis dengan daftar perangkat elektronik. Apakah Anda menggunakan perangkat di bawah ini untuk MEMBACA Wikipedia?. Boleh lebih dari satu
- Komputer Desktop
- Laptop atau Netbook
- Perangkat Tablet (ex: iPad)
- Telepon Selular
- MP3 Player (ex: iPod)
- Q9. Below is a list of tech activities some people may do regularly. For each one, please mark how often, if at all, you do it on a typical DAY. Di bawah ini merupakan aktivitas teknologi yang biasa orang lakukan. Untuk setiap aktifitas mohon tandai pilihan seberapa sering anda melakukannya, jika semua pilihan anda masuk, silahkan tentukan rata-ratanya.
- Lebih dari 8 jam
- 7-8 jam
- 5-6 jam
- 3-4 jam
- 1-2 jam
- Kurang dari 1 jam
- Saya tidak melakukan aktivitas daring ini
- Tetap terhubung dengan teman dan keluarga dalam situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook
- Mengirim dan menerima Email
- Menggunakan Layanan chatting (Misalnya:MSN Messenger dan GTalk)
- Bermain Game Online seperti World of Warcraft
- Melakukan pembelanjaan online
- Memainkan Game Online di situs jejaring sosial seperti Farmville dan CityVille
- Mengunduh musik dari website (misalnya: iTunes)
- Menonton Video di website (misalnya: YouTube)
- Menggunakan teknologi pengenalan lokasi (misalnya: FourSquare dan GoWalla)
- Blogging atau membaca blog
- Menggunakan Twitter atau situs micro-blogging sejenis
- Membaca Wikipedia
- Berkontribusi pada Wikipedia
- Berkontribusi pada Perangkat Lunak Terbuka (Open Source Software)
- Q10. Daftar di bawah ini adalah versi singkat pada aktifitas Daring. Silahkan berikan tanda seberapa penting setiap poin di bawah ini dalam kehidupan Anda sehari-hari.
- Sangat penting sekali
- Sangat Penting
- Cukup Penting
- Tidak terlalu penting
- Tidak penting sama sekali
- Game Online
- Membuat status di situs microblogging (Misalnya:Twitter)
- Melakukan interaksi sosial di situs seperti
- Berkontribusi pada wikipedia
- Q11. Banyak orang menggunakan media sosial online saat ini, Apakah Anda menggunakannya juga ?
- Ya
- Tidak, tetapi saya mengetahuinya
- Tidak, saya tidak mengetahuinya
- Memiliki blog pribadi
- Men-tweet menggunakan Twitter atau platform micro-blogging sejenis
- Berinteraksi dengan pengguna Twitter lain menggunakan fasilitas direct mesages, replies, dan retweets
- Secara rutin memposting komentar atau foto ke sebuah blog
- Post family or personal PICTURES online so that other people can see them
- Memposting FOTO pribadi atau keluarga sehingga orang lain dapat melihatnya
- Memposting VIDEO pribadi atau keluarga sehingga orang lain dapat melihatnya
- Membuat sebuah karya berupa audio atau video, kemudian menyiarkan atau mempublikasikannya pada sehingga karya tersebut bisa diakses oleh siapapun.
- Mengupdate status di situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook.
- Mengomentari status teman, foto, dsb pada situs seperti Facebook.
- Berbagi tautan daring pada situs seperti Twitter dan Facebook.
- Me-Like content pada SITUS JEJARING SOSIAL seperti Facebook.
- Me-like content pada BLOG, KORAN ONLINE, dsb.
- Menulis review untuk sebuah restoran atau produk pada situs seperti Yelp atau Amazon.
- Berbagi informasi lokasi dengan teman menggunakan situs FourSquare, Twitter, dsb.
- Menjawab, Mempost, atau me-rating pertanyaan pada komunitas online seperti Quora dan Fluther.
- Q12. Below is a list of features available on some mobile devices, such as cell phones and MP3 players. Please indicate the features you USE on any of your mobile devices.
- Iya, I use this
- Tidak, I don’t use this
- A feature/app that allows you to access your social networking profile
- A feature/app that allows you to blog
- A feature/app that allows you to access Twitter
- A feature/app that allows you to search for information
- A feature/app that allows you to share/see photos
- A feature/app that allows you to share/watch videos
- A feature/app that allows you to find information relevant to your location
- A feature/app that allows you to read Wikipedia
- A feature/app that allows you to play games
- A feature/app that allows you to “check in” at places
- Q13a. If Wikipedia launched features that are BUILT INTO Wikipedia’s mobile site, how likely are you to use the following features to edit Wikipedia?
- Extremely likely
- Very likely
- Somewhat likely
- Tidakt too likely
- Tidakt at all likely
- A feature that allows you to upload pictures from a mobile device to Commons
- A feature that allows you to rate Wikipedia articles on a scale
- A feature that allows you to create new articles
- A feature that allows editors to do block edits like paragraphs and sentences
- A feature that allows you to save articles to read or edit offline
- A feature that allows you to check for vAndalism on your phone
- Q14a. Which one of the following statements do you agree with the most?
- I believe editing Wikipedia is more rewarding than online activities like tweeting, social networking, etc.
- I believe contributing on Facebook, Twitter or similar sites is more rewarding than editing Wikipedia
- Q14b. If you had to choose, which one of the following would you rather do?
- Spend my time editing Wikipedia so I can contribute to world knowledge.
- Spend my time blogging so I can get recognition for my writing.
Bagian III: Komunitas Wikipedia
editPertanyaan di bagian berikut adalah mengenai interaksi dengan kontributor Wikipedia lainnya dan pengalaman Anda sebagai anggota komunitas Wikipedia.
- Q15. Dalam satu bulan terakhir, berapa banyak kontributor yang menurut Anda berkomunikasi dengan Anda secara keseluruhan? (daring (online), telepon, atau bertatap muka (face-to-face)).
- Q16. Berikut merupakan daftar media yang dapat digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan kontributor lainnya. Media manakah dari daftar berikut, jika ada, yang telah Anda gunakan untuk berkomunikasi BULAN LALU dengan kontributor lainnya? (Harap pilih semua yang cocok dengan Anda.)
- Warung kopi
- Halaman pembicaraan pengguna
- Foundation-l dan milis sejenis
- Blog Wikimedia Foundation
- Blog Planet Wikimedia
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Layanan pesan instan, seperti Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, dan Windows Live Messenger
- Surat elektronik (Email)
- Situs web jejaring sosial, seperti Facebook
- Situs micro-blogging, seperti Twitter
- Tidak ada satupun di atas
- Q17. Kami tertarik untuk mengetahui bagimana Anda mendeskripsikan sesama kontributor dalam komunitas Wikipedia. Berikut merupakan daftar kata yang dapat digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kontributor di dalam komunitas Wikipedia. Silahkan pilih dua kata yang PALING TEPAT untuk menggambarkan kontributor Wikipedia. Harap pilih dua saja.
- Membantu
- Ramah
- Kolaboratif
- Kasar
- Tidak bersahabat
- Cerdas
- Bodoh
- Sombong
- Q18a. Berikut merupakan daftar interaksi/pengalaman yang kontributor mungkin miliki dengan kontributor lainnya dalam komunitas Wikipedia. For each one, please tell us if you have had this interaction/experience.
- Iya
- Tidak
- Another editor adding content/photos in an article you are working on
- Having inaccurate information added to an article you started
- Getting a badge/barnstar from another editor
- Having your article(s) selected as featured article(s)
- Having other editors fix grammatical errors in article(s) you started
- Having other editors add content to article(s) you started
- Having your picture(s) used in articles
- Having your content reused
- Having others complement you on your edits/articles
- Article(s) making it to the front page
- Q18b. Here is an additional list of interactions/experiences that editors may have with others within the Wikipedia community. For each one, please tell us if you have had this interaction/experience.
- Iya
- Tidak
- Having your edits reverted without any explanation
- Having your edits reverted, but with an explanation
- Having an article that you were working on deleted
- Being looked down on by more experienced editors
- Argument(s) with editors on discussion pages or elsewhere
- Other editors pushing their point of view
- Having offensive/wrong information added to articles you were working on
- Q19. Below is a shorter list of interactions editors may have with others within the Wikipedia community. For each one, please tell us the degree to which it affects your overall experience editing Wikipedia.
- This makes me less likely to continue editing Wikipedia
- This does not affect my likelihood to edit Wikipedia
- This makes me more likely to continue editing Wikipedia
- Q20. If you had to choose, which of these would you agree with:
- The feedback from other editors through reverts, discussions, etc. has helped me become a better editor.
- The feedback from other editors through reverts, discussions, etc. has been a bad experience for me.
- Q21. From your perspective, what is the best way to gain reputation in the Wikipedia community? Please rank the following choices in descending order of importance.
- Menulis artikel baru
- Menyunting atau memperbaiki artikel yang telah ada
- Mengomentari halaman pembicaraan
- Membantu tugas kepengurusan seperti menghapus, memblokir, dll.
- Menyediakan bantuan kepada pengguna lainnya seperti moderasi milis atau bantuan teknis
- Membantu yang lain menyelesaikan konflik seperti mediasi atau arbitrasi
- Q22. When comparing yourself to other editors in the language you primarily edit Wikipedia (i.e., your Home Wikipedia), in which of the following ways do you believe you are different from them? (Please select all that apply)
- I am a female, while most editors are male
- I live in a different country from the majority of editors who edit my home Wikipedia
- My ethnicity is different from the majority of editors who edit my home Wikipedia
- My seksual orientation is different from the majority of editors who edit my home Wikipedia
- I am younger than most editors in my home Wikipedia
- I am older than most editors in my home Wikipedia
- My nationality is different from the majority of editors who edit my home Wikipedia
- Tidakne of the above
- Q23. Have you EVER been harassed by other editors?
- Iya, I have been harassed IN Wikipedia (i.e. user page, discussion pages, etc.)
- Iya, I have been harassed OUTSIDE of Wikipedia (i.e. phone calls, Facebook, etc.)
- Tidak, I have never been harassed by other editors.
- Q24a. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe your edit was reverted or deleted due to any of the following?
- Iya
- Tidak
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your seksual orientation
- Your age
- Q24b. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe you lost an editorial dispute due to any of the following?
- Iya
- Tidak
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your seksual orientation
- Your age
- Q24c. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe you were stereotyped due to any of the following?
- Iya
- Tidak
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your seksual orientation
- Your age
- Q24d. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe other editors undervalued your contribution to Wikipedia including edits, participation in discussion pages, listservs etc. due to any of the following?
- Iya
- Tidak
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your seksual orientation
- Your age
- Q24e. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe other editors looked down on you due to any of the following?
- Iya
- Tidak
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your seksual orientation
- Your age
- Q24f. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe other editors were unwelcoming due to any of the following?
- Iya
- Tidak
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your seksual orientation
- Your age
- Q25. We are interested in the interactions that women have within the Wikipedia community. Below is a list of unpleasant experiences that some female editors might have had. Please mark if you have PERSONALLY had any of the below unpleasant experiences. Please choose all that apply.
- I have received too much attention
- I was stalked online
- Someone tried to contact me unnecessarily outside of Wikipedia
- Someone tried to meet me in person
- Someone used my image without my permission
- Someone left inappropriate messages or comments on my user page or content
- Someone tried to flirt with me
- Others ________
- Tidakne of the above
- Q26. We are interested in finding out what kind of personal information you have made available for everyone to view in Wikipedia. Have you made the following personal information available in your profile in Wikipedia? Please choose all that apply.
- Choice of User Name
- User Page
- Gender
- Nationality
- Ethnicity
- Orientasi seksual
- Age
- Q27. Apakah Anda mencari di ruang nama pengguna (halaman pengguna, halaman pembicaraan pengguna, dan lainnya) di Wikipedia to be inappropriately seksualized by excessive seksual comments, innuendos, images etc.)?
- Ya
- Tidak
Bagian IV: Grup Pembaca Wikipedia dan Donasi
editThe next few questions are about your Wikipedia reading habits, and your participation with the Wikimedia Foundation that runs Wikipedia.
- D13. Untuk tujuan apakah Anda kebanyakan membaca Wikipedia? Please choose all that apply.
- Untuk mencari informasi
- Untuk riset sekolah atau universitas sebagai referensi yang saya kutip
- Untuk riset sekolah atau universitas tetapi tidak untuk dikutip
- Untuk pekerjaan
- D14. Do you know whether the Wikimedia Foundation that runs Wikipedia is a nonprofit or for-profit organization? Please choose one.
- It is a nonprofit organization
- It is a for-profit organization
- D15a. Apakah Anda pernah menyumbang uang ke Wikimedia Foundation yang menjalankan Wikipedia?
- Iya
- Tidak
- D15b. Seberapa seringkah Anda menyumbangkan uang ke Wikimedia Foundation yang menjalankan Wikipedia?
- Sekali
- 2-3 kali
- 4-5 kali
- Lebih dari 5 kali
- D15b2. Is your donation to the Wikimedia Foundation tax-deductible?
- Iya.
- Tidak.
- Saya tidak tahu
- D15b3 If your donation to the Wikimedia Foundation had not been tax deductible, would you have still donated?
- Iya
- Tidak
- Saya tidak tahu/tidak yakin.
- D15c. Why have you never donated to the Wikimedia Foundation that runs Wikipedia? Please choose all that apply.
- I did not know Wikipedia is supported by a nonprofit organization
- I never donate to charities
- I can’t afford to make a donation
- I donate my time instead of money
- Donations to the Wikimedia Foundation are not tax-deductible where I live
- I was never asked or don’t know how to donate to the Wikimedia Foundation
- I disagree with Wikipedia’s policies and practices
- I think my donation might not be used wisely
- It seems that enough people are making donations to keep the projects running
- D16. Pernahkah Anda mencari atau menerima informasi dari Wikimedia Foundation?
- Iya
- Tidak
- D16a. Apakah Anda senang terhadap kualitas informasi yang Anda terima dari Wikimedia Foundation?
- Iya
- Tidak
- D17. Pernahkah Anda memberikan suara di pemilihan Dewan Kepercayaan Wikimedia Foundation?
- Iya
- Tidak
- D17a. Why have you never voted in the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustee elections? Please choose all that apply.
- I missed the deadline
- I felt I didn’t have enough information about the Wikimedia Foundation to make a good decision
- I felt I didn’t have enough information about the candidates to make a good decision
- I wanted to vote but was not eligible
- I was not interested
- I have never heard of these elections
- Other ______
- D18a. Now that you know about them, would you be interested in voting in the Wikimedia board of trustee elections in the future?
- Iya
- Tidak
- D19. Have you ever run or wanted to run in the Wikimedia Foundation board of trustee elections?
- Iya
- Tidak
- Tidak, I was not eligible to vote in the elections
- D19a. Why are you not interested in running in the Wikimedia Foundation board of trustee elections?
- I missed the deadline
- I am not interested in running for elections
- I disagree with Wikimedia Foundation’s policies and practices
- I think I can’t make a difference even if I am elected
- I don’t have the information or don’t know how to run for elections
- Other _____
- D20a. On a 0-10 scale with 0 being NOT AT ALL GOOD and 10 being EXTREMELY GOOD, how would you rate your own performance in contributing to the Wikimedia movement?
- D20b. On a 0-10 scale with 0 being NOT AT ALL GOOD and 10 being EXTREMELY GOOD, how would you rate the performance of Wikimedia volunteers overall in contributing to the Wikimedia movement?
- D20c. On a 0-10 scale with 0 being NOT AT ALL GOOD and 10 being EXTREMELY GOOD, how would you rate the performance of the Wikimedia Foundation in contributing to the Wikimedia movement?
- D20d. On a 0-10 scale with 0 being NOT AT ALL GOOD and 10 being EXTREMELY GOOD, how would you rate the performance of the Wikimedia chapters in contributing to the Wikimedia movement?
- Saya tidak tahu
- D21. We are interested in your opinion on how the Wikimedia Foundation should spend money. If you donated 100 dollars to the Wikimedia Foundation, how would you like the foundation to allocate the money for the following? (Please ensure that all the responses add to $100)
- Technical operations (more operations staff, new caching servers, performance metrics, uptime)
- Technical features development aimed at supporting experienced editors
- Technical features development aimed at supporting new editors
- Community work aimed at supporting a healthy editing culture
- Community work aimed at attracting/supporting new editors globally
- Community work aimed at attracting/supporting new editors specifically in the Global South
- Grantmaking to chapters, individuals and similar organizations for priority projects
- Support for chapters (e.g., communications, monitoring compliance with agreements, fundraising, organizational development)
- Other, please specify_____
- D22a. We will be conducting similar surveys in the future to track the Wikipedia community. Would you be willing to participate in future surveys?
- Iya
- Tidak
- D22b. Please provide us with your email address. The email address will be used by the survey team to contact you about participation in future surveys, and will not be shared outside the survey team
editTerima kasih telah berpartisipasi dalam survei ini! Data dari survei ini akan dirahasiakan dan hasil dari survei ini akan dirilis ke domain umum.