logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Languages: en-N
- Personal info: Doubtless, there will be some people wondering who I am. I asked for my account to be renamed from User:Green Giant a few months ago. This has been another very difficult year for me personally. I have lost more members of my immediate family to COVID-19 and had a second bout of the illness in the summer, although I seem to have recovered more quickly this time. In terms of steward activities, my priority has been the stewards VRT queue, where I have answered more than a thousand emails. These have included emails from people experiencing global IP blocks (both anonymous and registered accounts), requests for IP block exemptions, complaints about local IP blocks (gently redirected to user talk pages), and requests to block pesky local administrators who set the aforementioned local blocks! I have also processed a number of lock appeals (mostly declined because the appellant did not want to stop their abusive behaviour) including one that wanted me to believe that being blocked for vandalism on 12 wikis was not serious enough to warrant a global lock 😬. In addition, I have tagged hundreds of spam/phishing emails (no, Wikimedia stewards do not want to buy thousands of discounted face masks, although we are considering applying for lucrative PPE contracts with corrupt government officials 🤔), and locked dozens of spam accounts. A few months ago, I was kindly selected by the English Wikinews community to become a bureaucrat and a checkuser (does this qualify me as a 🎩-collector? 🥳). Apologies for the emojis but I believe I can still contribute and with your permission I’d like to serve at least one more year as a steward.
- ভাষা:
- ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদি: translation needed
- Sprachen:
- Informationen zur Person: translation needed
- Idiomas:
- Información personal: translation needed
- Nyelvek: en-N
- Személyes információk: Kétségkívül lesznek páran, akik nem tudják ki vagyok. Néhány hónapja a fiókom átnevezését kértem [az addigi] Green Giant névről. A magánéletben egy újabb nagyon nehéz éven vagyok túl. Közeli családtagjaim közül többeket is a COVID-19 miatt vesztettem el, és a betegségen nyáron másodszor is átestem, bár úgy tűnik ezúttal hamarabb kilábaltam belőle, [mint elsőre]. Az intézői feladatokat tekintve az intézők [egyik] önkéntes ügyfélszolgálatosa (VRT) voltam, aminek keretében több, mint ezer e-mailre válaszoltam – volt köztük globális IP-blokk alatt levőktől jövő levél (regisztrált és anonim felhasználóktól is), IP-blokk feloldási kérések, panaszok egyes projektek IP-blokkjai miatt (amiket finoman továbbítottam a [megfelelő] felhasználói vitalapokra), és blokkolási kérések az IP-blokkokat kiosztó akadékoskodó adminisztrátorok ellen! Feloldási kérelmeket is feldolgoztam párat: többségüket elutasítottam, mivel a fellebbező nem akart felhagyni a problémás viselkedéssel – köztük egy olyat is, ahol az illető szerette volna elhitetni velem, hogy a globális blokk nem indokolt annak ellenére sem, hogy vandalizmus miatt már 12 wiki blokkolta. 😬 Tiltólistára tettem több száz spamelő és adathalászatra használt e-mail címet (nem, az intézők nem akarnak olcsón több ezer maszkot venni, habár gondolkozunk azon, hogy korrupt hivatalnokok segítségével megpályázzuk a zsíros beszállítói szerződéseket a témában 🤔), és blokkoltam több tucatnyi spamelő felhasználói fiókot. Néhány hónapja az angol Wikihírek közössége megválasztott bürokratának és IP-ellenőrnek (tehát halmozom a tisztségeket? 🥳). Elnézést az emodzsikért. Úgy gondolom, hogy tudok még mit tenni, és szívesen szolgálnék intézőként még egy évet, ha megengeditek.
- Lingue:
- Informazioni personali: translation needed
- Taalvaardigheid:
- Persoonlijke informatie: translation needed
- Языки:
- Личная информация: translation needed
- 可说语言:
- 个人资料: translation needed
- 可說語言:
- 個人資料: translation needed
- Keep, no issues, sorry for your loss. -- CptViraj (talk) 14:06, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --MeganB... …till the end 14:16, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --Rschen7754 14:18, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep JavaHurricane 14:26, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep - Richardkiwi (talk) 15:09, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep Jianhui67 talk★contribs 15:31, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --Novak Watchmen (talk) 15:45, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- KeepCamouflaged Mirage (talk) 15:52, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep--باسم (talk) 16:33, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep given the circumstances for which scoring was adjusted. Leaderboard (talk) 19:24, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep, einsbor talk 19:47, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep Rlink2 (talk) 19:51, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --MdsShakil (talk) 20:57, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep * Pppery * it has begun 00:57, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep Sorry for your losses and illness, and hope this year is better for you. Miniapolis 03:01, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wagino 20100516 (talk) 04:34, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep NguoiDungKhongDinhDanh 04:53, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep AlPaD (talk) 05:23, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep (and on a personal note, I'm very sorry to hear of your losses) -- TNT (talk • she/her) 06:51, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --Mtarch11 (talk) 07:49, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep, but I am sorry with your loss from COVID-19. Thingofme (talk) 09:13, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep Hope the upcoming year will be a better one. --SHB2000 (talk | contribs) 10:23, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --Snævar (talk) 13:37, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep--MrJaroslavik (talk) 14:07, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wutsje (talk) 16:04, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep. Meiræ 12:30, 9 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep DanCherek (talk) 17:43, 9 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --Superpes15 (talk) 18:36, 9 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep —MarcoAurelio (talk) 11:27, 10 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep ~ Nahid Talk 11:58, 10 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --BRP ever 12:07, 10 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep - Cabayi (talk) 13:58, 10 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep -- Nehaoua (talk) 17:11, 10 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep -- Drumingman Talk 17:23, 10 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep. —— Eric Liu(Talk) 02:42, 11 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep -FASTILY 03:02, 11 February 2022 (UTC)
- Remove - not sure why ppl are voting keep, stewardship isn't about just trust but also work and sorry to say, your work over the last year has been beyond poor.. this isn't just a feather in your cap, as mentioned on other confirmations, we don't need more stewards, we need more active stewards and if you are not willing to do the job, resign.. we have 39 stewards now and if all of them were active, we would not need these elections or confirmations for the next 10 years..--Stemoc 03:59, 11 February 2022 (UTC)
- Have you read the statement? Not every action done in one's steward capabilities is logged. ~~~~
User:1234qwer1234qwer4 (talk) 01:58, 26 February 2022 (UTC)
- Have you read the statement? Not every action done in one's steward capabilities is logged. ~~~~
- Keep -- ZI Jony (Talk) 08:48, 11 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep Sorry to hear of your loss. Activity is good and as mentioned, over 1000 emails were answered and those don't come up in xtools stewardstats or anything like that. --Ferien (talk) 17:01, 11 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep dwadieff ✉ 17:15, 11 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep Elli (talk) 23:12, 11 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep -- EN-Jungwon 10:50, 12 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --Minorax«¦talk¦» 00:16, 13 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep – Ammarpad (talk) 13:00, 13 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --Ryse93 (talk) 20:11, 13 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --cyrfaw (talk) 21:43, 13 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep--Zangala (talk) 14:55, 15 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep. Sgd. —Hasley 22:32, 16 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --DannyS712 (talk) 02:23, 17 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --Ciao • Bestoernesto • ✉ 23:48, 17 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep —AlvaroMolina (✉ - ✔) 21:12, 18 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep --Steindy (talk) 23:03, 18 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep Has enough activity in last year. --Uncitoyentalk 08:20, 21 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep, Linedwell [talk] 11:40, 22 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep, Thanks for your help on Wikiversity! --Marshallsumter (talk) 17:34, 22 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep Achim55 (talk) 18:36, 22 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep. --Yair rand (talk) 06:31, 23 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep--Vituzzu (talk) 09:05, 23 February 2022 (UTC)
- Keep 👏 😮 👍 😆 ~~~~
User:1234qwer1234qwer4 (talk) 02:00, 26 February 2022 (UTC) - Keep RadiX∞ 03:49, 26 February 2022 (UTC)