
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, fr-2
  • Personal info: I'm AmandaNP, and this is my 4th steward confirmation. I have worked over the past year to continue to make an impact with almost 6000 actions this year, particularly in proxy blocks or spam-level networks. This past year, my work has started moving toward being more on an advocacy level and providing advice on years of experience. I will note my activity has dropped this year, especially as of late because of a role at my job that I started at the start of the last steward election. I'm starting to roll into a comfort into the role, and hope to have more activity within the next few months. In the meantime, my role will focus on contributions that push quality over quantity, and assist in the onboarding of new stewards, guiding the existing path, and helping driving the future. -- Amanda (she/her) 07:04, 31 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]

    At this point in time, I appreciate the support I may get to continue as a steward. A lot of my steward work has become advocacy work due to the nature that the work is changing, and while that is normally a very engaging topic for me, other parts of my life are draining that battery to have the energy to do it to start. It can be evidenced by edits not even making it to 25 last month. I also had to lay question to the imposed 31 January deadline for this statement. It's not fair to the community that I continue on this year, with no date in which things will improve. I hope to run in future years, but this year, I will not be running for confirmation. -- Amanda (she/her) 02:18, 4 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • ভাষা:
  • ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদি: translation needed
  • Sprachen:
  • Informationen zur Person: translation needed
  • Idiomas:
  • Información personal: translation needed
  • Nyelvek:
  • Személyes információk: translation needed
  • Lingue:
  • Informazioni personali: translation needed
  • Taalvaardigheid:
  • Persoonlijke informatie: translation needed
  • Языки:
  • Личная информация: translation needed
Tiếng Việt:
  • Ngôn ngữ:
  • Thông tin cá nhân: translation needed
  • 可说语言:
  • 个人资料: translation needed
  • 可說語言:
  • 個人資料: translation needed

Comments about AmandaNP
