Stewards/Elections 2022/Statements
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The 2022 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
The 2022 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: en, fr-2
- Personal info: (English)Hello all, I'm AntiCompositeNumber. I've been an active member of the Wikimedia community since 2016. I am currently an administrator and interface administrator on Wikimedia Commons (since 2020), a member of the Volunteer Response Team (since 2018, with info-en, info-commons, and permissions access), and have ACC access (since 2019). I am also a bot operator on Commons and the English Wikipedia and am active in technical spaces.
My work on Wikimedia Commons often includes dealing with cross-wiki spam and abuse, including through the use of AbuseFilter. Most of my requests for steward action occur via IRC and are unfortunately not visible here. I also often coordinate with administrators on other wikis to handle ongoing abuse that is already reported to SRG. Over the past year, I have noticed backlogs forming in steward areas and have found it more difficult to find active stewards in #wikimedia-stewards, especially in the EST evenings.
If the community chooses to elect me as a Steward, I intend to continue to work to counter spam, vandalism, and abuse as it is reported, and to assist in handling other requests. I would also continue to work to prevent cross-wiki abuse through the detection and appropriate blocking of webhosts and open proxies.
Thank you for your consideration. - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2022/Questions#AntiCompositeNumber
The 2022 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: ne-N, en-4, hi-2, dty-2, hif-1
- Personal info: (English)Hello everyone, I am BRPever. I was a Wikimedia Steward from February 2020 until March 2021, when I had to resign due to personal real-life issues. However, since then, the issues have been resolved, and I am confident that I can serve the community for another year.
I am a native Nepali speaker but I can easily communicate in English as well. I am mainly active on Simple English Wikipedia, where I am a sysop, and Wikidata, where I am a sysop and checkuser. I am also somewhat active in Wikimedia Commons and a few other wikis. As an SWMT member, I also help in monitoring small wikis via different IRC channels. Other than that, as a Global Sysop and Global Rollbacker, I usually work in the areas where the steward bit can greatly assist me in stopping cross-wiki spam, vandalism, and abuse.
I am active in many IRC channels including #wikimedia-stewardsconnect and #wikimedia-gsconnect under the nickname
, and, like last time, I can help by responding to urgent requests there.Other than that, I would like to continue helping at steward request pages, mostly at SRG, SRM, SRGP, and SRP. I am familiar with the Stewards policy, and other relevant policies like the CheckUser, Oversight and privacy policies. I am also familiar with the tools, so I think I will get used to them again quickly.
Thank you for your consideration. --BRP ever 06:41, 15 January 2022 (UTC) - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2022/Questions#BRPever
The 2022 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: de-N, en-5,fr-5, es-2, it-1, la-1
- Personal info: (English)Hello there, I am Eptalon, I have been a user of Wikipedia since 2006 or so. My home Wiki is Simple English Wikipedia, where I hold admin rights, I am also a bureaucrat, a checkuser and an oversighter there. Aside from simple, I also edit English, French, and German Wikipedias from time to time. I have had contact with some of the smaller Wikis such as Alemannic, or Latin. I was a steward in the past, but quit for personal reasons. I want to try again, because I believe that with my near-native levels of English and French, as well as German, I can help Wikipedia as a whole. In Simple English Wikipedia I also saw my tasks as taking a meaningful decision, whether an article should be deleted or kept, to delete the various contributions which only contained meaningless graffitti, and to deal with users who are only here to cause trouble (reasonably: by blocking them or initiating a ban discussion). My task as an oversighter is to hide material that is insulting, or that reveals personal details of an editor (such as the real name behind a pseudonym). Personally, I think that Wikipedia isn't censored, and that editors should be able to deal with obscenities (especially if they have been reverted, and only show up in the edit history). As a Checkuser, I make sure that people don't vote several times (or that if they do, their vote is counted once, at most). Cross-wiki spam is a large problem, which needs to be dealt with globally. Paid editing can be hard to prove. Known torublemakers use different identities, only a checkuser can sometimes tell they are in fact the same user. I grew up on one of the smaller Wikis, and I believe it is time to improve the visibility and understanding of such wikis in the greater Wikimedia community. This community is made of many editors, from many different backgrounds. Being able to communicate with people from many different backgrounds is an enriching experience, where all profit. In short: I have been a steward in the past. I think it is time to nominate myself again.
- Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2022/Questions#Eptalon
The 2022 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: es, en-3, ca-2, it-1, pt-1, gl-1
- Personal info: (English)Hello everyone, my name is Hasley. I have been an editor on Wikimedia since late 2016, and signed up in 2017. I serve as an administrator and bureaucrat on the Spanish Wikipedia (simultaneously elected), CheckUser on Meta-Wiki as of late, administrator on the English Wikiversity and Wikidata, and as a global sysop. I am active on other projects, such as Wikimedia Commons, besides being a member of the SWMT since mid-2019.
Globally, I routinely identify and deal with long-term abusers and spammers, and regularly make reports for global actions, mostly through IRC. I have got involved in other areas, working with local or global blacklists and abuse filters occasionally and collaborating to a variety of miscellaneous stuff, like keeping Wikimedia portals updated, and advising new users both on- and off-wiki. Through the contributions over the years I have been here, I am well-acquainted with the general procedures and policies governing the use of steward tools.
I am grateful to those fellows who encouraged me to putting myself forward. As I have noticed that there is a significant amount of work in some of the steward venues, I have decided to step up to the plate further and outlined those areas where I intend to take part in, if elected:
- Global blocks and locks. My main area of focus would be on dealing with cross-wiki abusers, which means helping out at SRG. I see that LTAs and spambots target various wikis frequently, which requires a global (b)lock/LWCU. As a steward, I could hammer them down quickly.
- Global and local permissions. I would be active in granting user rights over at SRP/SRGP, based on established norms and MVR guidelines.
- #wikimedia-stewardsconnect. I am usually up late into the night (American zones, up to 06–08 [UTC]), when reports tend to go unattended for hours. I am very active on IRC (under the nick
), and would be able to assist those requests there. - Other requests. Once I feel more confident with the steward toolkit, I will branch out into other areas, wherever it would be needed the most, such as more complex cases, and user renames. I expect to continue processing requests at GSR as well.
Anywhere I may lack experience, I will approach it on the job, slowly and cautiously, looking forward to getting feedback from more knowledgeable users. That said, I believe that my participation across multiple projects, combined with the qualifications detailed above, gives me a good insight into the steward role, and would make me a positive addition to the team.
Thank you for your time and consideration. - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2022/Questions#Hasley
The 2022 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: sq-N, en-N, it-3, la-1
- Personal info: (English)Hello! I'm Klein Muçi! I'm a crat coming from SqWiki where I've been an active member since 2013, being part of many physical wiki workshops and edit-a-thones. In 2019/2020 I got normal and interface admin privileges and ever since I've dealt with the technical aspect of the project (extensions, tools, modules, bot approval, system messages, edit filters and interface changes in regard to projects standardization and new-user friendly optimization). I've always enjoyed getting involved in global discussions and I tend to be very active in technical ones, be that Meta, Wikidata, Mediawiki, WikiTech, TranslateWiki or Phabricator (lately I've also started being part of Wikimedia Code Review). If you're involved with tech-discussions chances are you've read my name somewhere, be that from my lengthy comments or from my help requests. Starting from 2021 I'm also an active contributor in LaWiki where I'm offering technical support to the local community there. Being a steward would inevitably make me more involved globally with other communities and I'd look forward to that opportunity, especially for the interaction with other small wikis like my community, hoping to make them more involved globally. Of course, looking after the usual stewards' duties would be part of my daily activities if I was elected but given that I've never had steward privileges before I'd ask for guidance from the most veteran ones in the first few days. Having said that though, I'd hope that my overall activity would continue to be directed towards the technical aspect as that's where I feel more comfortable. This is part of the reason why you won't read much about anti-vandalism in my candidature. I can interact in English (and of course in Albanian) in a native level. I also know Italian in a decent manner and lately I've been learning Latin (hence the involvement with LaWiki). This is my second candidature after that of 2021 and for anyone interested in knowing more about me, I'd invite you to have a look there and in the voting comments, where I've been maybe more active than it is necessary, especially in regards to the antivandalism/global sysop topic. - Klein Muçi (talk) 12:32, 18 January 2022 (UTC)
- Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2022/Questions#Klein_Muçi
The 2022 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: en-N, de-3
- Personal info: (English)Hey, I'm Sammy, but you likely know me as TheresNoTime. I was previously a steward (2018 - 2020), and am standing for re-election after a break from Wikimedia projects for personal/mental health reasons.
The sudden and unannounced break (and the concern it caused) is something I regret deeply - I believe as stewards we have a commitment to maintain a certain level of activity, and if re-elected I will ensure I devote the time needed to effectively contribute to the backlogs and assisting the global community.
As I mentioned in my previous election statement, I am a checkuser and oversighter on my home wiki, the English Wikipedia. Since then, my proficiency in using these tools has increased tenfold. I was also a Meta administrator (RfA) during a portion of my stewardship, and used this access to maintain the spam blacklist and abuse filters.
If re-elected, I can offer the steward team technical knowledge, previous experience with the tools, a familiarity with global policy and a good chunk of my free time. Not to mention my amazing jokes.
As many kindly pointed out in my successful 2019 confirmation, I committed significant time to reducing SRG's backlog and being responsive on IRC - my work schedule for the foreseeable future lends itself to maintaining, if not increasing, this level of activity.
Re-reading my 2020 confirmation, for which I was absent from Wikimedia projects and understandably did not pass, is somewhat emotional - I appreciate and understand the impact my contributions have, and wish to again step up and give back to the community.
I hope you can support me based on my previous work, my current activity and my future commitment to the projects. Thank you. - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2022/Questions#TheresNoTime
The 2022 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: en-N, ru-2, es-1
- Personal info: (English)Hi everyone! I'm Vermont. I created my account in 2016, and have been editing around the global Wikimedia community since late 2018. I edit in a mix of areas including cross-wiki cleanup, Meta-Wiki RfCs and clerking, anti-spam and paid editing efforts, and promoting civility and editor retention.
I started my admin work on the Simple English Wikipedia in June 2018, which is a project unfortunately subject to a lot of vandalism and spam from cross-wiki problem editors. That naturally led to work on Meta-Wiki and in global cleanup, and in 2019 I was elected a global sysop (in March) and admin on Meta-Wiki (in June). In May 2020, I was elected a CheckUser on the Simple English Wikipedia and in October 2020 on Meta-Wiki. Aside from that work, I have been volunteering as a VRT agent since August 2018 and roughly a year ago began helping out as a coordinator with the Merchandise Giveaway program.
From my work on Meta-Wiki and globally for a few years now, I am familiar with Steward processes and believe it would be a positive shift in my workflow. In my role as a checkuser and admin on Meta-Wiki and the Simple English Wikipedia, I am often involved in cross-wiki CheckUser investigations, ranging from vandals to paid editors to the Kubura case here on Meta. As a global sysop, I assist in small project maintenance and cleanup and respond to requests on GSR.
If elected as a Steward, I would be able to expand my cross-wiki work into SRG and SRM requests, clerking global RfCs, assisting with the Stewards email queue and related backlogs. In my work in cross-wiki areas, I generate a lot of steward tasks, mostly in the area of global locks, blocks, and loginwiki checks that being a Steward would help with. Many of these areas are currently or have recently been experiencing backlogs, including SRG, SRM, and the Stewards email queue. I believe my experience in global areas can be a benefit to the team, both in helping to clear these backlogs and with other community requests.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and happy editing! - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2022/Questions#Vermont