Stewards/Elections 2024/Statements
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The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: en-N, fr-3
- Personal info: (English)Hello, my name is Adrian and I go by User:Ajraddatz on Wikimedia projects. I have been a Wikimedian since 2009, working with the Small Wiki Monitoring Team since 2010 and on Wikidata since it was founded in 2012. Most of my wiki work has focused on cross-wiki counter-vandalism and various activities on Wikidata. I hold advanced permissions on Wikidata (administrator since 2012, oversighter since 2013) and on Meta (administrator since 2014, CheckUser since 2016). I previously served as a steward from 2014 to 2020, when I stepped down to serve two terms on the Ombuds Commission. After taking a period of reduced activity following that appointment, I have been back to more regular activity since last fall and am interested in helping out as a steward again. I have extensive experience both with the steward toolset itself and with the CheckUser and oversight tools, have signed the confidentiality agreement and use two-factor authentication to keep my account secure.
My primary area of steward work, as it was during my previous tenure, would be focused on global counter-vandalism and responding to the backlogs on SRG and the unblock ticket request system, as well as on permissions changes and policy development.
In terms of availability, I have less time than I used to for wiki work but will still be able to commit to ~10 hours per week and would expect to land in the middle to upper range of stewards by activity. I am active on Discord (English et français) and am around during the UTC 0100-0400 time period which is often underserved. I am also active on IRC when home under the username ajraddatz. I am responsive to messages that people leave me on my talk page or send me via email as soon as I am able.
In terms of steward philosophy, I believe in empowering local communities and processes. I am always happy to discuss an action I have taken and am always open to reconsidering my approach, something that I think is essential for any holder of advanced permissions.
Thank you for your consideration! Please ask any questions you may have. - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#Ajraddatz
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: pt, en-3
- Personal info: (English)Hello everybody. I'm a long-time editor of the Portuguese Wikipedia, sysop for 4 years and CU/OS/IA since then. Furthermore, I am an sysop at Wikisource in Portuguese, a global renamer, I am part of the ticket response team and I have other flags on other wikis. I also work a lot on the technical side, mainly developing small tools on Toolforge and managing some bots.
With such a wide range of access that stewards have, I am unable to promise that I will act in all cases in which a steward can act, however I intend to act based on the experience I have accumulated observing the responsibility that all these positions required and that the steward position will require of me.
I intend to act mainly (but not exclusively) on locking global accounts from LTAs (which tend to appear faster than weeds) and which end up being blocked locally, but free to cause damage on other wikis. As I am also an administrator of a small wiki, I know the reality and needs of small communities and I want to use my expertise where I am needed. - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#Albertoleoncio
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: sv-N, en-3, no-2, de-1
- Personal info: (English)Hi there! For those who are not familiar with me; I am EPIC, a native speaker of Swedish and advanced speaker of English. I have been a Wikimedian since 2019, and I’m currently a sysop on the Swedish Wikipedia, a sysop at Wikidata, a VRT member (with access to the info-sv, renamers and wikidata queues), as well as a global renamer since a while back.
At first, I didn’t have the intention to run for steward, as I’m not interested in gaining more roles and as I didn’t really have use for the permissions. Until quite recently, I got an encouragement from one of the current stewards in which they thought I should go for it. After that, I thought about it for quite a while, and have since realized that I’ve had use of the tools in multiple situations, and would have use of the tools in future situations too.
So, after a lot of careful consideration, I am here today. I will start off with an answer to what will likely be one of your first questions; What would be my area of stewardry, if elected? Well, my most active areas would be helping out on IRC (mainly #wikimedia-stewardsconnect) and other counter-vandalism/LTA/spambot work, as well as the Steward requests backlog, mostly SRG and SRP. I am a daily user of SWViewer and frequently report ongoing vandals or cross-wiki abusers to stewards, most of them via IRC and also at SRG. In those cases, where I have approached an insistent vandal or LTA, particularly on smaller wikis, it would be efficient to be able to take countermeasures myself, instead of having to bother stewards or global sysops about it every time. Furthermore, I have experience with measures which can be useful to know as a steward, such as range blocks and proxy blocks. I have some knowledge in other Scandinavian languages, and thus I’m also able to help other Scandinavian users with some tasks, especially users from Norway or Denmark as we have no stewards from these countries.
I am, and have the ability to be, active during the school hours, when large parts of the daily vandalism are going on but at the same time often can be a lack of online stewards to take actions. In these scenarios, I am often online and thus available to take actions in urgent situations. I’m quite a night owl and available for the most of the day, and my time zone is UTC+1 during standard time and UTC+2 during summer time. As a steward, I will of course keep my activity as frequent as I can. But, in the scenario I ‘’would’’ instead become inactive, which I hope not to be, I will not be running for confirmation and of course accept losing the tools. I am not perfect, and I have made some mistakes in my past, such as not really abiding by en:WP:NOROLLBACK at a few moments in the past, but I have since of course learned from those mistakes. Being able to help other users also makes me very happy and I enjoy communicating with other people. I am also very grateful to receive feedback, since it is something that makes me improve and learn, and I’m always open to cooperate with other users.
I have read the stewards policy, CheckUser policy, Oversight policy, Access to nonpublic personal data policy and the privacy policy, and I am of course aware of them and will abide by them. I have signed the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information and enabled two-factor authentication for my account.
So, with that said, I’m ready to take on the responsibilities of being a steward, and I’m looking forward to potentially serving and helping the community as one. Thank you for taking your time reading this, and thank you for your consideration. Any questions you may have, I’ll happily answer. Cheers! :D - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#EPIC
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: en-N
- Personal info: (English)Hi all, I'm JJ. I have been a Wikimedian since 2015, a member of the Volunteer Response Team (VRT) since 2018, and an English Wikipedia (my home wiki) administrator since 2019. I also served as a member of the Ombuds commission since 2021 with my third term ending this year. I'm also an admin on MediaWiki wiki and Wikitech and a bot operator.
As an Ombud, I evaluated alleged violations of the CheckUser policy, Oversight policy, and the Wikimedia Foundation Access to Nonpublic Personal Data Policy (ANPDP) across a number of our projects. Some of our cases lead to changes in local policies or practices to align them with the requirements in the global policies. We have also recommended changes to the global policies. In addition to my work as an Ombud, I handle non-public personal data while working on VRT tickets and processing account requests (ACC; since 2016 and tool admin since 2017). Also, I have been a CheckUser and suppressor (oversighter) on a non-Wikimedia MediaWiki since 2017. There, my primary use of CheckUser has been to combat spam bots, and my use of suppression has been limited to removing potentially libelous information.
Most recently I have been active off wiki – UTRS, ACC, and rewriting the backend of CopyPatrol.
As a Steward, I plan to work on Steward requests and UTRS appeals. I'm available on IRC and, if really necessary, Discord. - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#JJMC89
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: de, en-4
- Personal info: (English)Hi I’m Johannes, a law student from Germany. I’m a dewiki & metawiki admin, as well as global sysop & global rollbacker. As a member of the Wikiproject:Antispam and the Small Wiki Monitoring Team, I devote much of my wiki time to fighting crosswiki spam, vandalism & LTA. While I can do most of that using the local/global permissions I currently have (e.g. editing the global spamblacklist [1] or dealing with vandalism/test edits at small wikis [2]), I frequently file SRG requests [3] or request steward action through other communication channels like Discord when quick action against ongoing xwiki vandalism is needed.
Even though the current SRG backlog is not as bad as it used to be sometimes last year [4][5], there is still plenty of work where I would like to help, if you trust me with steward permissions. I would also support at other steward request pages like SRP, SRGP or SRM – pages I’m already familiar with as well [6][7][8]. Lastly I would be happy to contribute to the Wikimedia Stewards User Group supporting steward coordination.
Thanks for your consideration, I’m looking forward to your feedback and any questions you may have. --Johannnes89 (talk) 21:57, 19 January 2024 (UTC) - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#Johannnes89
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: en-N
- Personal info: (English)Hello, I'm K6ka, and I have been editing Wikimedia for 14 years. I have been an administrator on the English Wikipedia since 2017, and a global renamer since 2015. I have extensive experience fighting vandalism and dealing with sockpuppets and LTAs on the English Wikipedia, who often continue their disruption on other projects. I am also a rollbacker on the Simple English Wikipedia, where I've also dealt with vandalism. While I may not have extensive cross-wiki experience otherwise, I'm confident that my experience on enwiki and simplewiki will still be of use.
This year, I have been blessed with more flexibility to help out on Wikimedia. My current job is fully-remote with flexible hours and work requirements, leaving me time to check in during the day to handle queries on Meta and IRC as needed. I am active on IRC under the nickname
Thank you for your consideration.k6ka
, and I am also active on the English Wikimedia Discord server. - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#K6ka
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: en-GB-N
- Personal info: (English)Hello, my name is Edward and I've been on Wikipedia since 2016. I have been an administrator since 2020 on the English language Wikipedia, where I also function as a Bureaucrat. I edit in a bunch of areas, mostly around quality content; finding admin volunteers and keeping articles in line with policy.
In addition to my role on the English Wikipedia, I have always been willing to help out with additional projects. I am often looking for users that I believe are suitable for Sysop on my home Wikipedia, and contacting the general public to donate images for my personal field of expertise - cue sports. I am also a moderator on the English Wikimedia Discord server.
In 2020 I was elected as a Sysop on the English Language Wikipedia, and two years later as a Bureaucrat, the first user to be elected to the position with an account created since 2010. If elected as a Steward, I would offer my experience, enthusiam and willingness to pick up new areas with me to the role. - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#Lee_Vilenski
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: it, en-3, scn-4, es-1, la-1
- Personal info: (English)Hi everyone! A couple of years ago I decided to serve the community as a steward until 2022 when I chose to resign due to RL. Having solved my real life problems I resumed my global activity gradually and finally, as a global sysop, following crosswiki and LTA vandals. My enthusiasm is the same as it always was and I hope the community will support me as a steward. Melos (talk)
- Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#Melos
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: az-N, tr-4, en-2
- Personal info: (English)Hello, I'm a global sysop, rollbacker, renamer. Locally, I'm a sysop and bureaucrat in the Azerbaijani Wikipedia (and other Azerbaijani-language projects). My activity mostly revolves around combating cross-wiki vandalism and spam (mostly through Svwiever). Steward tools will help me in this, it will make my work become more effective. It will also make my tasks as a renamer easier. To note, yes, I've read the guidelines such as checkuser, oversight and have got acquainted with them. Thank you for your attention, sincerely.--Turkmen talk 18:19, 27 January 2023 (UTC)
- Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#Turkmen
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: bn-N, en-3, as-2, bpy-2
- Personal info: (English)Hi everyone, I'm Yahya, a sysop of four Wikimedia projects, including Wikidata and bnwiki. I joined Wikipedia in 2017 and started with Bengali Wikipedia, my home wiki. Later, I expanded my contributions to other projects globally. I also have the global renamer and rollbacker rights. Now, I am offering myself as a steward for the next term.
I'm an active member of SWMT and I help fight cross-wiki vandalism and spam. I also patrol small wikis and assist local communities with technical issues. I work as a Steward Clerk and help reduce the backlog of global proxy blocks. I'm also part of the English Wikipedia Account Creation Team. Through these roles: I have learned how to handle range blocks, proxy blocks, vandalism, and LTAs. I have been working as a VRT member for a long time. As a steward, I will focus on handling appeals related to global range blocks and global locks (through VRT/UTRS), as well as dealing with cross-wiki vandalism and LTAs. Of course, I will also help with other tasks like SRG, SRGP and SRP. I'm always eager to learn new things and I will communicate with other stewards if I have any doubts.
One of the current stewards encouraged me to run for this election and I thought, why not, I'm passionate about serving the broader Wikimedia community and I believe access to some extra buttons will give me this opportunity :). I live in the UTC+6 time zone, typically editing Wikipedia most days and available most of the day for emergency contacts through IRC (nick:Yahya
) and Discord. Feel free to ask any questions. Best regards. - Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#Yahya
The 2024 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
- Languages: kn-4, hi-2, en-3
- Personal info: (English)Hello i am Anoop, admin on Kannada wikipedia, I am applying to express my interest in contributing as a volunteer for Wikimedia as a steward. have actively engaged with various wikimedia communities, I am eager to extend my involvement and support to existing stewards. The reason why I am applying for stewards user group is to represent Indian languages within the Wikimedia Steward User Group is vital for fostering inclusivity and accessibility across the diverse linguistic landscape. I would also like to effectively advocate for the inclusion of Indian language content on Wikimedia platforms, support language-specific projects, and address the unique challenges faced by Indian language contributors in general.
- Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2024/Questions#~aanzx