
Latest comment: 18 years ago by Aphaia in topic Confirmed

General comments

  1. I asked about the global username change five days ago. What time is proper for decision about my petition? -- Zacheus 09:32, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
    1. This is unrelated to the topic of the page.
  2. Rien à redire des actuels stewards auxquels j'accorde toute ma confiance.--Bertrand GRONDIN 11:46, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
  3. I am perfectly happy with all the current stewards Anthere
  4. I know about twelve stewards here from different discussions etc. here on wikimedia, and I would like to give them personally my vote; but it would probably be unpolite not vote for the other ones, just because we did not meet yet here. So, I vote here generaly 20 x   Support like Anthere for all, especially for those of them, who were critisized here up to now - I know I can get help from them. Good luck. -jkb- 17:05, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
  5. all current stewards have my strong support. oscar 00:07, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
  6. here is my   Support vote for everyone on this page :-) happy with all —Pill δ 13:17, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  7. I have no complaints about any of the stewards here. Ral315 (talk) 20:02, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  8. We're all really awesome. I vote for continued awesomeness. Huzzah. — Dan | talk 19:28, 15 December 2006 (UTC)


  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: I have been editing Wikimedia projects (mostly the English Wikipedia) since February 2003. I served on the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation between June 2004 and September 2006. I have been active as a steward since December 2004. As a steward, I have made almost 800 changes to user rights, including 100 within the last year. I am active on meta with 750 edits and 260 deletions in the last year. As well as dealing with the requests for permissions on Meta, I am often in the #wikimedia-stewards IRC channel. I also monitor a lot of small wikis and stewardship is useful for that so I can delete spammed or vandalised pages ([1]). I'm currently in Australia, which means I can provide availability when emergency steward assistance is needed when many of the other stewards are offline.
  • Sprachen: en
  • Informationen zur Person: Ich bearbeite Wikimediaprojekte (hauptsächlich die englische Wikipedia) seit Februar 2003. Ich diente dem Board of Trustees der Wikimedia-Stiftung zwischen Juni 2004 und September 2006. Ich bin aktiv als Steward seit Dezember 2004. Als Steward habe ich fast 800 Änderungen an Benutzerrechten durchgeführt, inklusive 100 im letzen Jahr. Ich bin aktiv auf Meta mit 750 Bearbeitungen und 260 Löschungen im letzten Jahr. Ich bearbeite die Gesuche für Genehmigungen (für Benutzerrechte) auf Meta und bin auch oft im #wikimedia-stewards IRC-Kanal anzutreffen. Auch überwache ich viele kleine Wikis und der Stewardstatus ist dafür hilfreich, sodass ich Seiten mit Spam oder vandalierte Seiten löschen kann. (1). Ich lebe derzeit in Australien, das bedeutet, dass ich erreichbar bin, sollte dringend ein Steward benötigt werden, während viele der anderen Stewards offline sind.
Français :
  • Langues: en
  • Infos personnelles: Je participe aux projets Wikimedia (surtout la Wikipedia anglophone) depuis Février 2003. J'ai été au Conseil d'administration de la Wikimedia Foundation entre juin 2004 et septembre 2006. Je suis active en tant que steward depuis décembre 2004. En tant que steward, j'ai effectué près de 800 modifications de statut d'utilisateur, dont 100 cette année. Je suis active sur meta avec 750 edits et 260 suppressions durant cette année. Je m'occupe de la page requests for permissions sur Meta (demandes de changement de statut), je suis souvent sur le canal IRC #wikimedia-stewards. Je surveille également de nombreux petits wikis et les outils de steward sont utiles pour supprimer des pages spammées ou vandalisées. ([1]). Je vis actuellement en Australie, ce qui signifie que je peux être disponible en cas d'urgence lorsque de nombreux autres stewards ne sont pas connectés.
  • Diller: en
  • Kişisel bilgiler: Şubat 2003'ten beri (başta İngilizce Wikipedia olmak üzere) Wikimedia projelerine katkıda bulunuyorum. Haziran 2004 ve Eylül 2006 arasında Mütevelli Heyeti'nde görev yaptım. Aralık 2004'ten beri aktif bir steward olarak çalışıyorum. Steward olarak, kullanıcı haklarında 100'ü bu sene olmak üzere, 800'e yakın değişiklik yaptım. Meta'da geçtiğimiz sene boyunca 750 değişiklik ve 260 silme işlemi gerçekleştirdim. Yetki isteklerini değerlendirmemin yanısıra, çoğu zaman #wikimedia-stewards IRC kanalındayım. Ayrıca çoğu küçük wikiyi gözlemliyorum ve reklam yapılmış veya vandallanmış sayfaları silmek için stewardlığın yararı olduğuna inanıyorum ([1]). Halen Avustralya'da yaşıyorum, yani diğer stewardların çevrimdışı olduğu saatlerde acil steward müdahalesi gereken konularda yardımcı olabilirim.
  • Lingue: en
  • Informazioni personali: ho lavorato sui progetti di Wikimedia (principalmente la Wikipedia in inglese) fin dal febbraio 2003. Ho prestato servizio nel direttivo della Wikimedia Foundation tra il giugno 2004 e il settembre 2006. Sono stata attiva come steward dal dicembre 2004. Come steward ho fatto quasi 800 modifiche ai diritti degli utenti, di cui 100 nell'ultimo anno. Sono attiva su meta con 750 edit e 260 cancellazioni nell'ultimo anno. Oltre a trattare le requests for permissions su Meta, sono spesso attiva sul canale IRC #wikimedia-stewards. Inoltre monitoro molte delle wiki minori e la stewardship è utile perchè posso cancellare pagine spammate o vandalizzate ([1]). Attualmente sono in Australia, il che significa che posso fornire disponibilità quando c'è bisogno di assistenza da parte di uno steward nelle emergenze mentre gli altri steward sono scollegati.
  • Språk: en
  • Personlig informasjon: Jeg har vært bidragsyter på Wikimedia-prosjektene (for det meste Wikipedia på engelsk) siden februar 2003. Jeg var styremedlem i Wikimedia Foundation fra juni 2004 til september 2006, og har vært aktiv steward siden desember 2004. Som steward har jeg gjort nesten 800 endringer i brukerrettigheter, over 100 av dem i år. Jeg er aktiv på Meta med 750 redigeringer og 260 slettinger det siste året. I tillegg til å drive med Requests for permissions på Meta, er jeg ofte på kanalen #wikimedia-stewards på IRC. Jeg overvåker også små wikier, og da er det nyttig å være steward, slik at jeg kan slette spam og vandaliserte sider (1). Jeg befinner med for tiden i Australia, hvilket betyr at jeg er tilgjengelig da mange andre stewarder ikke er det.
  • Języki: en
  • Informacje osobiste: Edytowałam projekty Wikimedia (głównie angielską Wikipedię) od lutego 2003 roku. Zasiadałam w Radzie Powierniczej Fundacji Wikimedia od czerwca 2004 do września 2006. Byłam aktywna jako steward od grudnia 2004. Jako steward wykonałam prawie 800 zmian na prawach użytkowników, wliczając w to 100 zmian wykonanych w minionym roku. Jestem aktywna na Meta mając na koncie 750 edycji i 260 usunięć w minionym roku. Poza zajmowaniem się prośbami o przyznanie uprawnień na Meta, jestem często na kanale IRCowym #wikimedia-stewards. Monitoruję także małe projekty i uprawnienia stewarda są przydatne, abym mogła usunąć zaspamowane lub wandalizowane strony ([1]). Obecnie mieszkam w Australii, co oznacza, ze jestem dostępna w sytuacjach, gdy natychmiastowa interwencja stewarda jest potrzebna, a większość innych stewardów jest offline.
Português :
  • Línguas: en
  • Informações pessoais: Eu edito projetos da Wikimedia (principalmente a Wikipédia em inglês) desde fevereiro de 2003. Servi no Conselho Administrativo da Fundação Wikimedia entre junho de 2004 e setembro de 2006. Sou ativa como Steward desde dezembro de 2004. Como Steward, já realizei quase 800 modificações de níveis de acesso de usuários, sendo 100 delas durante o último ano. Sou ativa na MetaWiki; durante este último ano, minha atividade consistiu de 750 edições e 260 deleções. Além de monitorar a página requests for permissions, na MetaWiki, estou freqüentemente no canal IRC #wikimedia-stewards. Eu também monitoro várias wikis menores, e o status de Steward é útil para tanto, pois me permite apagar spam e vandalismo (1). Atualmente, resido na Austrália, o que significa que posso estar disponível quando a ajuda de Stewards é necessária em caráter emergencial em horários nos quais a maioria dos demais Stewards não está conectada.
  • Языки: английский
  • Информация об участнике: Я участвую в редактировании в проектах Викимедиа ( в основном в англоязычной Википедии) с февраля 2003 года. Я работала в Совете попечителей ФОнда Викимедиа с июня 2004 по сентябрь 2006. Активно работаю как стюард с декабря 2004. Как стюард, сделала почти 800 изменений прав пользователей, в том числе 100 за последний год. Я также активно работаю на МетаВики и сделала 750 правок и 260 удалений за последний год. Постоянно работаю с заявками на присвоение статусов на МетаВики и в канале IRC для стюардов. Я также отслеживаю работу многих небольших вики, для которых помощь стюарда очень полезна, поскольку я могу удалить спам или вандализированные страницы (1). В настоящее время я живу в Австралии, поэтому могу осуществлять срочную помощь в то время, когда многие другие стюарды недоступны (находятся в офф-лайне).
  • 言語: en
  • 人物について: 2003年2月からウィキメディアプロジェクトを(殆どは英語版ウィキペディア)を編集してきました。2004年6月から2006年6月までウィキメディア財団の理事でした。2004年12月からスチュワードとして活動しています。スチュワードとして昨年中は100の変更を含む約800の利用者の権利に関わる変更をしてきました。メタでは昨年編集が750、削除が260ありました。メタのrequests for permissionsでの合意同様に#Wikimedia-stewards IRCに良く顔を出しています。多くの小規模のウィキを監視し、スパムや荒らしをされたページを削除するにはスチュワード職は有用です。([1])今はオーストラリアに住み、他のスチュワードがオフラインの際に緊急事態が発生しても対処できるようにしています。
  • 语言能力: en
  • 个人资料: 我从2003年2月起参与维基媒体项目(主要在英文维基百科),我在2004年6月至2006年9月间为基金会的理事會服务。我自2004年12月起成为监管员。作为监管员我对用户权利作了800多次修改,包括去年的100多次。我去年在meta作了750次编辑和260次删除。我常参与维基媒体在IRC上的监管员频道的讨论,包括对用户权限政策的决定。我同时管理一些小型wiki站点([2])。我目前居住于澳大利亚,我可以在大多数监管员睡觉时提供服务。
  1. Good job, Angela! Хорошая работа, Анжела (ru)!--Egor 17:21, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support Even if I didn't find an answer to one of my questions, it's most probably due to the fact I have many user pages, which are not always properly redirected. Fine job!--clamengh 16:37, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:45, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  4. Support. —Nightstallion (?) 14:00, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  5. Support. Delta Tango 15:10, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Support--Belinzona 14:16, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support--10caart 13:38, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  8.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:43, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  9.   Support--Moch 09:45, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  10.   Support--Siri68 15:09, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  11. support --:Bdk: 22:18, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
  12.   Support 16:28, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  13.   Support--Bertrand GRONDIN 20:17, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: fr, en
  • Personal info: I have been editing Wikimedia projects since February 2002. I have been active as a steward since the role was created (3 years ago ?). I am also an admin on meta, frwiki, enwiki, and commons (though an oddity on commons). I try to help as often as I can. I also serve on the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation since june 2004, currently as the chair; steward tools are very helpful for that role as well. It avoids me having to ask help from someone else when there is an urgent desysop or checkuser to do somewhere.
  • Sprachen: fr, en
  • Informationen zur Person: Ich nehme an Wikimediaprojekten seit Februar 2002 teil. Ich bin aktiver Steward, seit dieser Status geschaffen wurde (vor 3 Jahren?). Ich bin ebenfalls Administrator auf Meta, frwiki, enwiki und Commons (obwohl es mehr eine Neugier ist auf Commons). Ich versuche so oft wie möglich meine Hilfe anzubieten. Ich bin beim Board of Trustees der Wikimedia Stiftung seit Juni 2004, derzeit als Vorsitzende. Die Stewardtools sind ebenfalls sehr hilfreich für diese Position. Sie bewahren mich davor, jemanden um Hilfe bitten zu müssen, wenn dringend irgendwo eine Absetzung eines Sysops oder ein Checkuser durchzuführen ist.
Français :
  • Langues: fr, en
  • Infos personnelles : Je participe aux projets Wikimedia depuis février 2002. Je suis active en tant que steward depuis que ce statut a été créé (Il y a trois ans ?). Je suis aussi admin sur meta, frwiki, enwiki, et commons (bien que ce soit plus une curiosité sur commons). J'essaie d'apporter mon aide aussi souvent que possible. Je suis au Conseil d'administration de la Wikimedia Foundation depuis juin 2004, actuellement en tant que présidente. Les outils de steward sont également très utiles pour ce rôle. Cela m'évide de demander de l'aide à quelqu'un d'autre lorsqu'il y a un désysopage ou un checkuser urgent à faire quelque part.
  • Lingue: fr, en
  • Informazioni personali: Lavoro sui progetti di Wikimedia dal febbraio 2002. Sono stata attiva come steward fin da quando venne creato il ruolo (3 anni fa?). Sono anche amministratrice su meta, frwiki, enwiki e commons (anche se su commons intervengo raramente). Cerco di aiutare più spesso che posso. Faccio inoltre parte del direttivo della Wikimedia Foundation dal giugno 2004, attualmente come presidente; gli strumenti dello steward sono molto utili anche per quel ruolo. Mi evitano di chiedere aiuto a qualcuno quando c'è urgenza di eseguire una rimozione di diritti o un checkuser.
  • 言語: fr, en
  • 人物について: 2002年2月からウィキメディアの各プロジェクトを編集しています。3年前ごろからスチュワードとして活動しています。メタ、フランス語版ウィキペディア、英語版ウィキペディア、commonsで(妙なことにcommonsで)管理者もしています。できるように援助しようとしています。2004年6月から財団の理事で、現在理事長であり、スチュワードは同じようにその役割にとって非常に助けになるものです。
  • Språk: fr, en
  • Personlig informasjon: Jeg har vært bidragsyter på Wikimedia-prosjekter siden februar 2002, og har vært en aktiv steward siden rollen ble oppretta (for 3 år siden ?). Jeg er også administrator på Meta, Wikipedia på fransk, Wikipedia på engelsk, og Commons (men er ikke så aktiv der). Jeg prøver å hjelpe som best jeg kan. Jeg har også vært styremedlem i Wikimedia Foundation siden juni 2004, og er for tiden styreformann der, og stewardverktøyene er nyttige også i den rollen, så jeg slipper å være avhengig av andre når det oppstår nødssituasjoner forskjellige steder.
  • Języki: fr, en
  • Informacje osobiste: Edytowałam projekty Wikimedia od lutego 2002. Byłam aktywnym stewardem od kiedy uprawnienia te powstały (3 lata temu?). Jestem także adminem na meta, frwiki, enwiki oraz Commons (chociaż rzadko się tam pojawiam). Staram się pomagać tak często jak tylko mogę. Zasiadam także w Radzie Powierniczej Fundacji Wikimedia od czerwca 2004 roku, obecnie jestem prezesem; narzędzia stewardów są także bardzo przydatne dla tego stanowiska. Dzięki temu nie muszę prosić o pomoc kogoś innego, gdy wymagane jest szybkie zabranie uprawnień komuś, albo checkuser do przeprowadzenia.
  • Diller: fr, en
  • Kişisel bilgiler: Şubat 2002'den beri Wikimedia projelerine katkıda bulunuyorum. Stewardlık pozisyonu oluşturulduğundan beri (3 sene öncesi sanırım) bu görevi sürdürüyorum. Ayrıca meta, frwiki, enwiki ve commons'ta da (commons'ta bir gariplik olsa da) yöneticiyim. Elimden geldiğince sık bir biçimde yardım etmeye çalışıyorum. Ayrıca Haziran 2004'ten beri de Wikimedia Vakfı Mütevelli Heyeti'nde hizmet veriyorum. Halen heyetin başkanlığını yürütüyorum ve steward yetkilerinin bu rol için özellikle yararlı olduğunu düşünüyorum. Bu sayede acil bir yönetici azli veya denetçi kontrolü gerektiğinde başkasından yardım istememe gerek kalmıyor.
Português :
  • Línguas: fr, en
  • Informações pessoais: Eu edito projetos da Wikimedia desde fevereiro de 2002. Sou ativa como Steward desde a criação do cargo (há 3 anos?). Sou também Administradora na MetaWiki, frwiki, enwiki e no Commons (mas atuo raramente no Commons). Eu tento ajudar o mais freqüentemente possível. Eu também sirvo no Conselho Administrativo da Fundação Wikimedia desde junho de 2004, atualmente como presidente do Conselho. As ferramentas de Steward também são muito úteis para o desempenho deste papel. Elas evitam que eu tenha que pedir ajuda a alguém quando há necessidade urgente de remover o status de Administrador de algum usuário ou de realizar alguma verificação por CheckUser em algum lugar.
  • Языки: французский, английский
  • О себе: Я занимаюсь редактированием в проектах ВикиМедиа с февраля 2002. Я — активный стюард с момента создания этого статуса (наверное, уже 3 года?). Я также администратор на МетаВики, во франкоязычной, англоязычной Википедии и на commons (though an oddity on commons). Я пытаюсь помочь всегда, когда это возможно. Я также работаю в Совете попечителей Фонда ВикиМедиа с июня 2004, в настоящее время как председатель; статус и возможности стюарда очень важны и полезны для такой работы. Это позволяет мне не обращаться к посторонней помощи в сслучаях, когда нужны срочные действия по регулированию статуса администратора или чек-юзера.
  • 语言能力: fr, en
  • 个人信息: 我从2002年2月起参与维基媒体项目。从有监管员政策起我就是监管员了(3年前?)。我同时也是meta/frwiki/enwiki/commoms的管理员。我尽力帮助别人。我从2004年6月起为理事会工作。监管员工具很好用。
  1. You are one of the most usefull member of community, and you are in our minds and our hearts. Thank you for your activity! Спасибо! --Egor 17:39, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate. user:anthere
  2.   Support. Thank you. --clamengh 16:38, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:45, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  4. Support. —Nightstallion (?) 14:01, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Support Thank you. Moumine 12:58, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Support --Belinzona 14:18, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support--10caart 13:39, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  8.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:34, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  9.   Support--Moch 09:45, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  10.   Support --BeatrixBelibaste 23:31, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  11.   Support 16:28, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  12.   Support Fait preuvre de très grand discernement. --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:20, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  1.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:21, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  1.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:22, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  1.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:26, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  1.   Support --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:46, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support --Benn Newman 22:13, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:20, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: pl, en-3, de-1
  • A Wikipedia contributor from February 2005. Steward since May 2005. Board member of the Wikimedia Poland Association and staff member of Wikia Poland. Programmer, student, and free culture enthusiast. I was an active steward for almost a year, but lately my role in the Wikimedia projects is smaller. If the Wikimedia community trusts me enough, to have a steward "just in case" for any emergency reasons, I'll be really happy to help out whenever I have the time. You can often find me on the #wikimedia-stewards IRC channel. Good luck to all of the other candidates, and thank you in advance for your votes.
  • Sprachen: pl, en-3, de-1
  • Ein Wikipediateilnehmer seit Februar 2005. Steward seit Mai 2005. Boardmitglied der Wikimedia Polen und Mitarbeiter der Wikia Polen. Programmierer, Student und Unterstützer der freien Kultur. Ich war für fast ein Jahr ein aktiver Steward, aber in letzter Zeit ist meine Rolle in Wikimediaprojekten kleiner. Wenn die Wikimedia-Gemeinschaft mir hinreichend vertraut, einen Steward "für alle Fälle" zu haben, für Notfälle, wäre ich wirklich glücklich auszuhelfen wann immer ich die Zeit habe. Du kannst mich oft im #wikimedia-stewards IRC-Kanal finden. Viel Glück allen anderen Kandidaten und vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Stimmen.
  • Języki: pl, en-3, de-1
  • Edytor Wikipedii od lutego 2005. Steward od maja 2005. Członek zarządu Stowarzyszenia Wikimedia Polska oraz developer Wikia Polska. Programista, student, entuzjasta wolnej kultury. Byłem aktywnym stewardem od ponad roku, ale ostatnio moja rola w projektach Wikimedia jest coraz mniejsza. Jeśli społeczność projektów ufa mi wystarczająco, żeby mieć stewarda "na wszelki wypadek" dla jakichkolwiek kryzysowych sytuacji, byłbym bardzo szczęśliwy pomóc kiedykolwiek tylko miałbym czas. Często można mnie znaleźć na kanale IRCowym #wikimedia-stewards. Życzę powodzenia innym kandydatom oraz z góry dziękuję wszystkim za wasze głosy.
  • Diller: pl, en-3, de-1
  • Şubat 2005'ten beri Wikipedia katılımcısı. Mayıs 2005'ten beri steward. Wikimedia Polonya'nın yönetim kurulu üyesi ve Wikia Polonya'nın üst düzey üyesi. Programcı, öğrenci ve özgür kültür taraftarı. Bir yıl boyunca aktif bir steward olarak görev yaptım, ancak son zamanlarda Wikimedia projelerindeki rolüm küçüldü. Wikimedia topluluğu bana yeterince güvenirse ve acil durumlar için "ne olur ne olmaz" bir steward bulundurmak isterlerse, ne zaman vaktim olursa o zaman yardımcı olmaktan mutluluk duyacağım. Çoğu zaman beni #wikimedia-stewards IRC kanalında bulabilirsiniz. Tüm diğer adaylara bol şanslar diliyorum ve şimdiden oylarınız için teşekkür ediyorum.
Français :
  • Langues: pl, en-3, de-1
  • Contributeur à Wikipedia depuis février 2005. Steward depuis depuis mai 2005. Membre du Conseil d'administration de l'association Wikimedia Poland et employé de Wikia Poland. Programmeur, étudiant et supporteur de la culture libre. J'ai été un steward actif depuis près d'un an, mais récemment mon implication dans les projets Wikimedia a été plus discrète. Si la communauté wikimédienne me fait suffisamment confiance, pour avoir un steward « juste au cas où » en cas d'urgence quelconque, je serai vraiment heureux d'apporter mon aide à chaque fois que j'en aurai le temps. Vous pouvez souvent me trouver sur le canal IRC #wikimedia-stewards. Bonne chance à tous les autres candidats, et merci d'avance pour vos votes.
  • Lingue: pl, en-3, de-1
  • Contributore di Wikipedia dal febbraio 2005. Steward dal maggio 2005. Membro del direttivo di Wikimedia Polonia e dipendente di Wikia Poland. Programmatore, studente, ed entusiasta del sapere libero. Sono stato uno steward attivo per quasi un anno, ma ultimamente il mio ruolo nei progetti di Wikimedia si è ridotto. Se la comunità di Wikimedia si fida a sufficienza di avere uno steward "giusto in caso" ci sia un emergenza, sarò veramente felice di aiutare ogni volta che ne avrò il tempo. Potete spesso trovarmi sul canale IRC #wikimedia-stewards. Buona fortuna a tutti gli altri candidati e grazie in anticipo per i vostri voti.
  • Språk: pl, en-3, de-1
  • Personlig informasjon: Jeg har bidratt på Wikipedia siden februar 2005, og vært steward siden mai 2005. Er styremedlem i Wikimedia Polska og ansatt i Wikia Polska. Programmerer, student og entusiast for fri kultur. Jeg var en aktiv steward i nesten ett år, men i det siste har jeg vært litt mindre aktiv. Om Wikimedia-bidragsyterne stoler på meg, vil jeg gjerne være steward «for sikkerhets skyld», og vil gjerne hjelpe til når jeg har mulighet til det. Du finner meg ofte på #wikimedia-stewards-kanalen på IRC. Lykke til til alle kandidatene, og på forhånd takk for alle stemmer.
Português :
  • Línguas: pl, en-3, de-1
  • Contribuindo para a Wikipédia desde fevereiro de 2005. Steward desde maio de 2005. Membro do Conselho Administrativo da Associação Wikimedia da Polônia e membro da equipe da Wikia Polônia. Programador, estudante e livre entusiasta cultural. Fui ativo como Steward por quase um ano, mas, ultimamente, meu papel junto à comunidade Wikimedia é menor. Se a comunidade Wikimedia confiar em mim o suficiente para manter um Steward "por via das dúvidas", para casos emergenciais, ficarei muito feliz em ajudar sempre que tiver tempo disponível. Normalmente, podem encontrar-me no canal do IRC #wikimedia-stewards. Boa sorte a todos os demais candidatos e obrigado desde logo por seus votos.
  • 言語: pl, en-3, de-1
  • 2005年2月からウィキペディアに投稿しています。スチュワードは2005年5月からです。ポーランド支部の理事で、Wikia polandのスタッフです。プログラマーであり、学生であり、自由な文化の崇拝者です。ほぼ1年間スチュワードとして活動してきましたが、最近ウィキメディアにおける役割は減少しています。どんな緊急事態でも「器に叶った」スチュワードであるとウィキメディアコミュニティーが十分に私を信頼してくださるのなら、時間があればいつでも手助け出ることが本当に嬉しく思います。#wikimedia-stewards IRCによくいるのをご覧になれるでしょう。立候補者全員に幸あらんことを。また投票に先立ってお礼を申し上げます。
  1. Datrio has breached my privacy by broking the policy about checking users and did not respond to my complaints properly. When I asked him about reasons of checking me, he only cited the page where my privacy was broken and provided no reason. I don't think this is a behaviour proper for stewards. If you disagree, please let me know why. -- Zacheus 09:26, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
Zacheus, you broke the rules, you got caught. Don't Wikilawyer it. 20:57, 29 November 2006 (UTC)
Which rules have I broken? Could you be, please, more specific? The demand that checking should not be a routine procedure is a wikilawyering? -- Zacheus 09:16, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
  1.   Support Hello, I am afraid I don't know you, but I do appreciate your presentation.--clamengh 16:40, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support helped me a lot, thank You, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:46, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:43, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  4.   Support--Moch 09:46, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Support 16:29, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:25, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: de, en, it, fr
  • Personal info: I have been editing Wikimedia projects since January 2003. I have been active as a steward since the role was created (it came as a surprise to me then, because I did not even know that the role was about to be created and I had already many supportive votes. Thanks, Elian, for that! ;-)
    Furthermore I helped start the german and italian local chapters and I was for one year in the board of the german chapter. But My wife got upset with me investing soo much time in Wikipedia. Therefore I had to reduce my involvement. And additionally at the moment I have construction works going on at my home, taking away even more time. I will pass by from time to time for now, but in half a year or so I hope to be again more active, as Steward and as Wikipedian :-) Fantasy 20:11, 29 November 2006 (UTC)
  • 言語: de, en, it, fr
  • 人物について: 2003年1月からウィキメディアで編集しています。スチュワードが作られてからスチュワードとして活動しています。(スチュワードが作られるとは知らなかったので、そのときは驚くべきことでした。既に多くの支持を得ています。Elianにお礼申し上げます。)
    更にドイツ支部とイタリア支部を立ち上げるのを手伝い、1年間ドイツ支部の理事を勤めました。しかし、妻は私がウィキペディアに時間をかけすぎたことで体調を崩してしまいました。従って自分の関わる部分を減らさなければなりませんでした。加えてこの時自分の家を建てる作業があり、更に時間がなくなってしまいました。現在のことは時々仕方のないことだと思うようにし、半年ほどしたら再びスチュワードとしてウィキペディアンとしてもっと活動したいと思います。 :-) Fantasy 2006年11月29日20時11分(UTC)
  1. Inactive, according to his userpage. --Jollyroger 11:04, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
    Has used powers as recently as November 1, though. --Rory096 00:43, 26 November 2006 (UTC)
    I am currently "inactive" because of the construction work at home. But that is (hopefully) once in my life. But this one time I have to spend a lot of time into it. I hope it to be over soon, but I can not promise anything for now, some months it will take surely.
    Sorry for not being able to help Wikipedia more at the moment... Fantasy 18:16, 26 November 2006 (UTC)
  2. I suggest a strong support for his straightforward and frank approach, humble and gentle behaviour. A single "stewardly" action if needed isn't less necessary than a yeasr of dirty work. According to his wikicurriculum I trust Fantasy, and that's enough for me. - εΔω 17:38, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  3. I'm joining in the support. (Did you try to involve your wife into Wikipedia? ;o) ) --Paginazero - Ø 22:14, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
    No, just my enthusiastic reporting of what happens in Wikipedia got me a sentence of not mentioning the word "Wikipedia" at our home for some months. Now that I managed to get my involvement at a reasonable level, I am again allowed to contribute and tell her about it, but only to a reasonable extend. And she even agreed to come to some of the Wikipedia-Meetings with me! ;-) Fantasy 13:49, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
    So willkommen zuruerck aufs Net, Freund. Deine Frau sei immer so dir und uns guenstig ;) --Aphaia 10:00, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  4.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:44, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Support --Moch 09:46, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Support--Aphaia 10:00, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support Molto d'accordo ;) --Luigi.Vampa 22:10, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  8. support, of course --:Bdk: 22:18, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
  9.   Support 16:30, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  10.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:27, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  1. Who let this clown be a steward? Last steward action on February 12th. Inactivity- last non-Stroopwafel related edit was in July. Desteward, desysop, and good riddance :) Ral315 (talk) 03:06, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  2. Just out of interest, would Jimbo actually be de-stewarded if enough people complained here? :) Gurch 14:19, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  3. I move that the inactivity rule be ignored in Jimbo's case; although Ral315's data about his inactivity on meta are correct, I can imagine a situation in which Jimbo might need the steward permission in an emergency. Ais523 15:36, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
    To be clear, I was joking. He has used the steward permission to emergency desysop users on the English Wikipedia (and perhaps the German- I'm not sure the circumstances on that one). Ral315 (talk) 22:21, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  4. Support, although I wish he would stop hanging around with this cabal of his. Zzyzx11 06:11, 8 December 2006 (UTC)
  5. Mmh, I am afraid I can't understand the game you are playing... However, a general   Support
  6. Naaah. Supporting him is like saying that water is wet... however if this is the rule we want to reespect, here's my eternal support. - εΔω 17:47, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:28, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (can also understand several languages more or less related to these)
  • Personal info: My main project is the Norwegian (Bokmål) Wikipedia, where I have been an administrator since April 2005 and bureaucrat since October the same year. I have also been active on the English Wiktionary (though I'm not as active there currently), and on Commons. I'be been a steward since January, and feel quite familiar with the steward tasks, and would like to carry on for another year. I am also on IRC a lot (you may know me as Jhs there). Jon Harald Søby 11:13, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
  • Språk: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (kan også forstå en del andre språk som er mer eller mindre beslekta med disse)
  • Personlig informasjon: Det prosjektet jeg skriver mest på er Wikipedia på bokmål, hvor jeg har vært administrator siden april 2005, og byråkrat siden oktober samme år. Jeg har også vært aktiv på Wiktionary på engelsk (men ikke så mye i det siste), og på Commons. Jeg har vært en steward siden januar, og føler meg sikker på stewardverktøyene, og vil gjerne fortsette et år til. Jeg er også veldig ofte på IRC (du kjenner meg kanskje som Jhs der). Jon Harald Søby 11.13, 13. november 2006 (UTC)
  • Sprog: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (jeg kan også begribe en del andre sprog der er mer eller mindre beslektede med disse)
  • Personlig information: Det projekt jeg har skrevet mest på er Wikipedia på bokmål, hvor jeg har været administrator siden april 2005 og bureaukrat siden oktober samme år. Jeg har også været aktiv på engelsk Wiktionary (men ikke så meget på det sidste), og på Commons. Jeg har været en af Wikimedias steward'er siden januar i år, og jeg føler mig sikker på steward-værktøjerne, og vil gerne fortsætte endnu et år. Jeg er også ofte på IRC (du kender mig måske som Jhs der). Jon Harald Søby 13. nov 2006 kl. 11:13 (UTC)
  • Lingvoj: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (mi komprenas kelka aliaj lingvoj ke estas parenca tiuj ĉi lingvoj)
  • Persona informaĵo: Mia ĉefa projekto estas la norvega (bokmål) Vikipedio, kie mi havas estinta administranto de kiam aprilo de 2005, kaj burokrato de kiam oktobro de la sama jaro. Mi estis ankaŭ aktiva en la Vikivortaro angla (sed ne multe lastatempe), kaj en Commons. Mi havas estinta steward de kiam januaro ĉi tio jaro, kaj mi sentas sekura kun la steward-ilaroj, kaj volas daŭradi unu jaro plu. Jon Harald Søby 11:13, 13. Nov 2006
Français :
  • Langues: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (je comprends aussi quelques autres langues plus ou moins liées à celles-ci)
  • Infos personnelles : Mon projet principal est la Wikipedia en norvégien oriental (Bokmål), sur laquelle je suis administrateur depuis avril 2005 et bureaucrate depuis octobre de la même année. J'ai également été actif sur le wiktionnaire anglophone (bien que je ne le sois plus actuellement) et sur Commons. Je suis steward depuis janvier, je me sens plutôt à l'aise avec les tâches de steward et je voudrais continuer pour l'année suivante. Je suis également beaucoup sur IRC (vous me connaissez peut-être comme Jhs). Jon Harald Søby 11:13, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
  • Lingue: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (posso anche capire diverse lingue più o meno imparentate con queste)
  • Informazioni personali: Il mio progetto principale è la Wikipedia in norvegese (Bokmål), dove sono amministratore dall'aprile 2005 e burocrate dall'ottobre dello stesso anno. Sono stato attivo anche sul Wikizionario in inglese (anche se attualmente non sono così attivo), e su Commons. Sono uno steward da gennaio, e mi trovo abbastanza a mio agio con i compiti degli steward, e mi piacerebbe proseguire per un altro anno. Sono anche molto presente su IRC (dove forse mi conoscete come Jhs). Jon Harald Søby 11:13, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
  • Języki: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (rozumiem także wiele innych języków bardziej lub mniej powiązanych z tymi)
  • Informacje osobiste: Moim głównym projektem jest norweska Wikipedia, gdzie byłem administratorem od kwietnia 2005 roku oraz biurokratą od października tego samego roku. Byłem także aktywny na angielskim Wikisłowniku (choć obecnie nie jestem aż tak aktywny), oraz na Commons. Jestem stewardem od stycznia i jestem całkiem dobrze zaznajomiony z zadaniami stewardów, i chciałbym kontynuować je przez kolejny rok. Jestem także często na IRCu (pod nickiem Jhs).Jon Harald Søby 11:13, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
Norsk nynorsk:
  • Språk: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (eg kan òg forstå ein del andre språk som er meir eller mindre beslekta med desse)
  • Personleg informasjon: Eg skriv for det meste på Wikipedia på bokmål, og har vore administrator der sidan april 2005, og byråkrat frå oktober same år. Eg har òg vore aktiv på Wiktionary på engelsk (men ikkje så mykje i det siste), og på Commons. Eg har vore ein steward sidan januar i år, og kjenner meg sikker på stewardverktya, og vil gjerne fortsette eit år til. Eg er òg ofte på IRC (du kjenner meg kanskje som Jhs der). Jon Harald Søby 11.13, 13. november 2006 (UTC)
  • Språk: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (jag kan också förstå en del andra språk som är mer eller mindre besläktade med dessa)
  • Personlig information: Det projekt jag har bidragit mest till är Wikipedia på bokmål, där jag har varit administratör från april 2005, och byråkrat från oktober samma år. Jag har också varit aktiv på Wiktionary på engelska (men inte så mycke den senare tiden), och på Commons. Jag har varit steward för Wikimedia sedan januari i år, och jag känner mig säker på steward-verktygen, och vill gärna fortsätte ett år til. Jon Harald Søby 13 november 2006 kl. 11.13 (UTC)
  • Diller: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (ayrıca bu dillerle ilişkili olan veya olmayan bir kaç dili daha anlayabiliyorum)
  • Kişisel bilgiler: Asıl projem, Nisan 2005'ten beri yöneticilik ve Ekim 2005'ten beri bürokratlık görevlerini yürüttüğüm Norveççe (Bokmål) Wikipedia. Ayrıca İngilizce Wiktionary (ancak şu anda orda aktif değilim) ve Commons'a da aktif olarak katkı sağladım. Ocak'tan beri Steward olarak görev yapıyorum ve Steward görevlerine aşinalık hissediyor ve gelecek yılda da devam etmek istiyorum. Ayrıca çoğu zaman IRC'de bulunuyorum (Jhs olarak beni tanıyor olabilirsiniz).
Português :
  • Línguas: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (compreendo várias outras línguas que tenham maior ou menor relação com estas)
  • Informações pessoais: Meu projeto principal é a Wikipédia em norueguês (Bokmål), onde sou Administrador desde abril de 2005 e Burocrata desde outubro do mesmo ano. Sou ativo, também, no Wiktionary em inglês (embora não tenha sido tão ativo por lá recentemente), assim como no Commons. Sou Steward desde janeiro deste ano e sinto-me familiarizado com as tarefas da função, pelo que gostaria de continuar a exercê-las por mais um ano. Estou, também, no IRC com muita freqüência (podem me conhecer apenas como Jhs por lá). Jon Harald Søby 11:13, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
  • Sprachen: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo (Ich verstehe auch verschiedene Sprachen, die mit diesen verwandt sind.)
  • Informationen zur Person: Mein Hauptprojekt ist die norwegische (Bokmål) Wikipedia, wo ich seit April 2005 Administrator und seit Oktober des selben Jahres Bürokrat bin. Ich bin gleichfalls aktiv im englischen Wiktionary (obwohl zur Zeit nicht so aktiv) und auf Commons. Ich bin Steward seit Jänner und fühle mich mit den Aufgaben eines Stewards vertraut und würde das gerne ein weiteres Jahr weiterführen. Ich bin ebenfalls oft im IRC-Kanal (du kennst mich vielleicht von dort als Jhs). Jon Harald Søby 11:13, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
  • 言語: nb, nn, en, da, sv, de, es, eo(こうした言語に関連する言語は数言語程度は理解できる)
  • 人物について: 主に活動しているのは、ノルウェー語(Bokmål)版ウィキペディアで、2005年4月から管理者、同年10月からビューロクラットをしています。英語版ウィクショナリーと(現在は活動していませんが)Commonsでも活動しています。1月からスチュワードで、スチュワードの役割に親近感を覚え、もう1年やりたいです。IRCにも多く参加しています(Jhsとして御存知かもしれません)。Jon Harald Søby 2006年11月13日11時13分(UTC)
  1.   Support Excellent, always ready to help, and with 'Swiss' precision (Well, I guess I could talk about 'Norwegian' precision as well...). His behaviour exactly matches the definition of a steward. Thank you--clamengh 17:57, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
    Wow, thank you very much! You're much too kind.   Jon Harald Søby 17:55, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support Excellent steward, has done a good job. Bra jobba, Jon Harald! Stå på - eg vonar at du kan halde fram som steward i eitt år til. --Jorgengb 13:54, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
    Takk så mykje! Eg er nesten i ferd med å rødme her.   Jon Harald Søby 17:55, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
    Ingen hev røysta imot deg så lenge -- ikkje verst!   Gratulerer! hls. --Kemmótar 22:13, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    Ikkje ein einaste som hev røysta imot så lenge -- ikkje verst!   hls. --Jorgengb 22:13, 10 December 2006 (UTC)]
    I have reported here above the edit rolled back by Snowdog. It's not fair cancelling what we do not understand. That's not a fair habit. --clamengh 19:47, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    I don't understand this edit so I rolled it back. --Snowdog 23:01, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    If Snowdog had understood Norwegian (or maybe minded his own business), he would have understood that he should not have rolled back. The meaning of both sentences was the same: Kemmótar was congratulating Jon Harald for not having harvested any opposition so far! Since Kemmótar later realised that the first formulation of the Norwegian sentence might have been misunderstood as a vote against by people not understanding Norwegian (as it actually happended), he reformulated the sentence entirely in Norwegian. Please notice that the user Kemmótar has not expressed any vote; he was just adding a comment. --Kemmótar 01:48, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
    I don't understand norwegian, that's true. I have understood it was just a comment and not a vote. I still don't understand why, after reformulating the sentence, you signed as Jorgengb and not as Kemmotar. That's why I rolled back. --Snowdog 09:29, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
    Aha - it's simple: Jorgengb is the same person as Kemmótar. -- For 'historical' reasons (i.e. when new to the WP), Jorgengb is the EN.WP username, while Kemmótar is the LMO.WP username. That's why only one of them votes on the same issue   .--Kemmótar 22:57, 11 December 2006 (UTC)--Jorgengb 23:01, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support great person and steward, helped me a lot also, thank You, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:47, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  4. Support. —Nightstallion (?) 14:01, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  5. Has my support. Delta Tango 15:09, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Support Useful to have stewards speaking various languages :) Moumine 13:12, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support Due to 'Swiss precision'...--Belinzona 14:15, 7 December 2006 (UTC) (from Switzerland)
  8.   Support --10caart 13:40, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  9.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:35, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  10.   Support --Moch 09:47, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  11.   Support --Siri68 21:50, 10 December 2006 (UTC) Jeg bekrefter at jeg er en virkelig person og ikke en 'sockpuppet for Kemmótar' som påstått av Snowdog.--Siri68 15:11, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  12.   Support Thanks for handling my request for intervention on the Marshallese Wikipedia. You seem to be a good steward worthy of reconfirmation. (Note:I modified the vote syntax up above so as to correct the numbering. Feel free to revert if this messed anything up.) Picaroon9288 23:39, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  13.   Support -- 16:00, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  14.   Support, ingen kan vel klage på jobben Jon Harald gjør som steward. Hilsen Chuck 22:48, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
  15.   Support 16:32, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  16.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:28, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
  17.   Support Fantastic steward! - Tangotango 20:15, 26 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Sprachen: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • Info: Aktiv seit Februar 2004, Admin, Bürokrat und Checkuser in der niederländischen Wikipedia, zur Zeit ab und zu aktiv in anderen niederländischen Projekten. Admin auf Meta und Steward seit 2005, Mitglied des spcom und 1. Vorsitzender der vwn seit 2006
  • languages: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • info: active since february 2004, admin, bureaucrat and checkuser at the dutch-language wikipedia, at the moment now and then active in other dutch-language projects. admin on meta and steward since 2005, member of spcom and chair of vwn since 2006
Français :
  • langues: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • info:
  • diller: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • bilgiler: şubat 2004'ten beri aktifim. hollanda dilindeki wikipedia'da yöneticilik, bürokratlık ve denetçilik yapıyorum. diğer hollanda dilindeki projelerde de arada aktif oluyorum. 2005'ten beri meta'da yönetici ve steward'ım. 2006'dan beri Özel proje komitesi üyesi ve vwn başkanıyım.
  • lingue: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • info: attivo dal febbraio 2004, amministratore, burocrate e check user sulla wikipedia in olandese, al momento impegnato anche su altri progetti in olandese. Amministratore su meta e steward dal 2005, membro della commissione progetti speciali e presidente della sezione olandese di Wikimedia vwn dal 2006.
  • talen: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • info: actief sinds februari 2004. moderator, bureaucraat en checkuser op de de nederlandstalige wikipedia, momenteel sporadisch actief op andere nederlandstalige projecten. admin op meta en steward sinds 2005, lid van spcom en voorzitter vwn sinds 2006
  • språk: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • info:
  • języki: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • info: aktywny od lutego 2004, administrator, biurokrata i checkuser na holenderskiej Wikipedii, obecnie aktywny także na innych holenderskich projektach. Admin na meta i steward of 2005 roku, członek komisji od specjalnych projektów i prezes vwn od 2006 roku.
  • språk: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • info:
Português :
  • línguas: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • informações: ativo desde fevereiro de 2004, administrador, burocrata e checkuser na Wikipédia em língua holandesa, atualmente empenhado, também, em outros projetos em língua holandesa. Administrador na MetaWiki e Steward desde 2005, membro do spcom e presidente da seção holandesa da Fundação Wikimedia, vwn, desde 2006.
  • 言語: nl-m, de-4, en-4, fr-3, es-2, it-1, sv-1, tr-1
  • 人物について: 2004年2月から活動し、オランダ語版ウィキペディアで管理者、ビューロクラット、チェックユーザーで、これまでオランダ語版のほかのプロジェクトで活動して来ました。メタの管理者で、2005年からスチュワードであり、2006年からspcomに加わりvwnの理事長です。

Note: Oscar stepped down from his presidency of Wikimedia Netherland on January 2006, still retaining his membership of its board though. Just updating information.

  1.   Support --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:48, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:42, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support--Moch 09:48, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  4. Strong   Support Turkisk WP cannot thanks enough to him for his helps and advices. --Dbl2010 16:57, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  5. support --:Bdk: 22:18, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Support 16:32, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:29, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: it (native), en, ru, fr, es, de
  • OTRS (info-it; permissions-it) - IRC "paginazero"
  • Personal info: Currently in the board of the Italian chapter of WMF, I'm mainly active on and got the stewardship on last January. Though I initially looked like a "mr. nobody" here on meta I think I got reasonably acquainted with the stewards' tasks, which I tried to fulfill at the best of my knowledge. I'd be happy to be reconfirmed and to keep on trying to be helpful. Thank you.
  • Обо мне: в настоящее время я — член правления итальянской секции Фонда Викимедиа (WMF), большая часть моей работы — на, я стал стюардом в прошлом январе. Хотя тогда я был новичком на "meta", мне кажется, что я достаточно узнал о задачах стюардов, и старался выполнять их как можно лучше. В случае подтверждания моего статуса, я буду рад продолжать и стараться быть полезным. Спасибо.
  • Qualche dato: Membro del direttivo di Wikimedia Italia, sono principalmente presente su e sono stato abilitato come steward lo scorso gennaio. Benché all'inizio fossi quasi un perfetto sconosciuto su meta, credo di aver ragionevolmente imparato ad affrontare i compiti degli steward, che ho sempre cercato di espletare al meglio delle mie possibilità basandomi sulla passata esperienza. Sarò felice di essere riconfermato e di cercare nuovamente di essere utile. Grazie
  • Kişisel bilgiler: Halen WMF'nin İtalyan bölümünün yönetim kurulunda görev yapıyorum ve ağırlıklı olarak'de aktifim. Stewardlığa geçtiğimiz Ocak ayında seçildim. Burda çok fazla aktif gözükmesem de, steward görevlerini gereğince ve elimden gelen en iyi şekilde yerine getirdiğime inanıyorum. Tekrar seçilirsem ve yardımcı olmaya çalışmaya devam edersem, bundan mutluluk duyacağım. Teşekkür ederim.
Français :
  • Infos personnelles: Actuellement au Conseil d'administration du chapitre italien de la WMF, je suis surtout actif sur et je suis steward depuis janvier dernier. Bien que j'aie été au début un « monsieur tout le monde » ici sur meta, je pense que je me suis fait raisonnablement connaître par les tâches de steward, que j'ai essayé d'accomplir au mieux de mes capacités. Je serais heureux d'être confirmé à ce statut et de continuer à essayer d'être utile. Merci.
  • Personlige informasjon: Er for tiden styremedlem i Wikimedia Italia. Jeg er for det meste aktiv på Wikipedia på italiensk, og ble steward i januar i år. I begynnelsen så jeg kanskje ut som en «herr ingen» her på Meta, men mener jeg er godt kjent med stewardoppgavene, som jeg har prøvd å utføre etter beste evne. Jeg vil gjerne bli gjenvalgt og fortsette med å være hjelpsom. Takk!
  • Informacje osobiste: Obecnie członek zarządu włoskiego oddziału Fundacji Wikimedia, jestem głównie aktywny na i dostałem uprawnienia stewarda ostatniego stycznia. Mimo że na początku wyglądałem jako "Pan Nikt" na meta, chyba zaznajomiłem się dobrze z zadaniami dla stewardów, które staram się wypełniać jak najlepiej tylko potrafię. Byłbym szczęśliwy będąc zweryfikowanym i kontynuując swoją pomoc. Dziękuję.
Português :
  • Informações pessoais: Atualmente membro do Conselho Administrativo da sucursal italiana da Fundação Wikimedia, eu sou ativo, principalmente, na e tornei-me Steward em janeiro último. Ainda que inicialmente eu fosse um "sr. ninguém" aqui na MetaWiki, creio que me familiarizei bastante bem com as funções de Steward, as quais procurei realizar da melhor maneira que me foi possível. Gostaria muito de ser reconfirmado e poder continuar tentando ser útil. Obrigado.
  • Informationen zur Person: Mitglied der Leitung von Wikimedia Italien, ich bin hauptsächlich in der italienischen Wikipedia präsent und wurde Steward im Jänner dieses Jahres. Obwohl ich anfänglich auf Meta ein Unbekannter war, habe ich, so denke ich, die Augaben eines Stewards vernünftig bewältigt, welche ich, basierend auf meiner Erfahrung, nach besten Wissen auszuführen suchte. Ich wäre glücklich wiederbestätigt zu werden und weiterhin nützlich zu sein. Dankeschön.
  • 人物について: 現在ウィキメディア財団イタリア支部の理事で、主にイタリア語版ウィキペディアで活動し、今年1月にスチュワードになりました。初めはメタでは「mr. nobody」のようでしたが、かなりスチュワードの役割に精通したと思いますし、知識の限りを使って職務を遂行しようとしました。信任されれば幸いですし、これからもお手伝いしようと思います。
  1.   Support thanks, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:48, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support and looking forward to see you at one of the Wikiraduni :-) Fantasy 15:04, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Oppose Reason: this unfair declaration
    IMHO Lombard Wikipedia is almost dead because the attitude of its animators made almost all potential users to run away from it, not because Snowdog expressed his opinion about it.
    [...] --Paginazero - Ø 14:47, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
    In my case that's just the opposite: I was a potential contributor, I have been an actual contributor (attracted by its animators) (more than 500 edits), I ran away because of Snowdog's statements; nevertheless I plan to resume with a massive action. Sir, you are making collaboration much more difficult than needed. LMO wikipedia is far from dead! --10caart 13:52, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
    With all due respect, your single case is a happy exception, but it bears no statistical meaningfulness. And if it really took only Snowdog's statements to make you run away, well, it looks to me that your motivation wasn't such deep. --Paginazero - Ø 13:58, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
    Thank you for your respect. I am sorry I couldn't say thanks for the remaining: nothing personal, however. Don't be afraid: I ran away only for a little bit: I guess so did the other users. Please do not take the strenght of Lombard economy for the strenght of its language. You will be soon witnessed that my case and many others are analogous. Bests --10caart 15:33, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  4.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:37, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Oppose Sorry, I had planned a 20*support to everybody, but I am disappointed with the declarations above. I am a (not very active, but regular) contributor at Lombard wikipedia, I am comfortable with that project and with the 'attitude' of its 'animators'. A steward should be more careful while dealing with small (thus unstable) communities. Also, a steward should know that minorities languages (and thus their wikipedias) are small because of analphabetism, caused precisely by the general habit which the above declarations are an example of. Thank you --Moch 09:54, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    A steward should be also careful that a project remains open and won't be mastered by a small group that imposes its POV. Because projects such are bound to suicide and do not help in preserving the language they aim to defend. --Paginazero - Ø 15:01, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    Dear Sir, nothing such is happening. Sorry you slander in such a way.--clamengh 13:48, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  6. Support --.anaconda 14:54, 10 December 2006 (UTC
  7.   Neutral I have skimmed once more through the present discussion, and with all due respect, Paginazero, I still feel not so sure about giving you a support; nevertheless, I think that also opposing your confirmation would be unjust. Therefore, I have decided to change my former opposition into a   Neutral vote. Good luck with the 2006 elections!--Kemmótar 21:26, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
      Oppose I am sorry to say this, Paginazero, but with the due respect for the good work you have done I feel I can't give my support to your confirmation as a steward. The reasons have been thoroughly explained by Moch and 10caart. Small, emerging language communities which have suffered discrimination and stigmatisation for a long time need our support. I can't exclude that the animators of the Lombard Wikipedia may have done mistakes, but that is no good reason for denying support to an endangered language. I am looking forward to seeing new contributons from both Moch and 10caart in the LMO.Wikipedia pages! --Kemmótar 16:43, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    I'm not denying technical support (when ever did I?) nor I'm saying that must not exist. I just expressed my concern about the future of that wiki as I can figure it out now, based on what I'm seeing. I'll be happy to be wrong. --Paginazero - Ø 17:07, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    I'm glad to hear that you don't mean the Lombard Wikipedia should not exist. I am also concerned about the future of that project, but I'm not so pessimistic. And, in any case, I'll rather stick to the philosophy that 'time will tell' than draw any conclusion not even 1,5 years after the project was started. I regret not having had the time to follow the development of the LMO Wikipedia as closely as I would have liked to. I would like to hear more in detail, possibly with examples, about the points you have against the LMO 'as it is now' and against its animators. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome!--Kemmótar 20:40, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  8.   Support I was oppose when you were first steward candidate because you were unknown at meta and I was afraid if you would stays so. Bu last year you did great job, I saw your name almost everyday on permission request page or check user request page. Great job. --Dbl2010 17:00, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  9.   Support He does a very good job, and maybe people on should reflect on his comments. Cruccone 22:07, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  10.   Support Vai P0 ;) --Luigi.Vampa 22:11, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
      Oppose --Siri68 01:19, 11 December 2006 (UTC) Siri68 appears to be a sockpuppet of Kemmótar. --Snowdog 21:32, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
    I can confirm Siri68's identity as different from Kemmótar's, but since Siri68 has not yet achieved 3 months' participation in any project the votes from this user are not valid.-- 19:34, 12 December 2006 (UTC)--clamengh 19:37, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
      Oppose I confirm that I am not a sockpuppet of Kemmótar as insinuated by Snowdog - please see what Kemmótar has explained farther down. --Siri68 14:06, 12 December 2006 (UTC) New IP.--Siri68 15:15, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    I can confirm Siri68's identity as different from Kemmótar's, but since Siri68 has not yet achieved 3 months' participation in any project the votes from this user are not valid.
  11.   Oppose Qu'est-que-c'est ça? Le travail d'un steward, c'est pas la diffamation d'un projet. Je donne toute ma confiance à ceux que vous appelez les 'animateurs'. Mais, quand même, les 'animateurs' d'un projet, ils sont tous les utilisateurs. Donc, moi même, je suis un 'animateur'. Désolé.--Belinzona 13:01, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
    What you call "diffamation" is my personal opinion - that I have the right to express and that anyway never hindered my techinical activity as a steward. I agree that this is not the right place to discuss about what I think of, but it's not me who started this thread. Chèl ca to ciàmet "difamasiù" l'è chèl ca pènse - só lìber de dìl e'l gh'èntra mìa col mé laurà de steward. Só decórde che chèsto al'è mìa'l post giöst per discütì de chèl che pènse de, ma só mìa stat mé a tecàla. --Paginazero - Ø 14:47, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
  12.   Support Great steward. Yann 17:08, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
  13.   Support The issues at hand have nothing to do with his stewardship whatsoever. A steward should be able to freely speak his opinion in a matter without risking to lose his stewardship about it. Jon Harald Søby 19:24, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
  14. As written in the section "General comments", definitely support Paginazero. —Pill δ 13:17, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  15. With due respect, Sir, and even if I do appreciate you as a person, this year I   Oppose to you as a steward. I hope I will be able to change idea next time. Lombard community is seeking collaboration with both CH and ITA chapters (no matter whatever idea each user may have about the concept itself of national chapter), without making damage to its own tongue: and with appropriate counterparts, it will eventually succeed. So, the correct approach to discuss this issue is starting a calm discussion here on meta. The issue against your stewardship has been correctly pointed out by Belinzona. There will be a lot of disagreement (or maybe there will not: but we should be ready to this) in this discussion, so slandering is not a correct approach (at least by a steward).
    Besides, there are some obstacles more along this way: the way to cope with them will have to be found, in a collaborative spirit. Finally, you show you are not completely aware of what is a language, since you use the trivial weapon of dialect fragmentation. What can we expect from you against the recent approved Ladin wikipedia and its community? Speakers are about 30.000, fragmented into five dialects. The LLD linguistic community traditionally refers to the German-speaking area. Probably, LLD wikipedia will be small for a bit, and there will be a little number of edits. This is a simple matter of numbers, i.e.:
    Lombard tongue has a basin of potential speakers consisting in 10.000.000 people. Due to language devastation, you should count around 10% of them. All in all, that's always 1.000.000 fluent speakers, i.e. more then 30times Ladin tongue.
    Linguistic self consciousness of Lombard people is much lower than Ladin's: so, count about 300.000 fluent and Ladin-equivalent self conscious speakers: 10 times more than Ladin (BTW, I am not happy of this, for both Lombard and Ladin).
    Your habit implies that you are likely to talk about Ladin wikipedia as a body and to assail users refusing an explicit link with the Italian chapter (which is likely to happen, if you know a bit the situation). I hope you will change habit: you could gain some consent more. Thank you.--clamengh 13:48, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    I always said that there is no Lombard language (I was born 40 years ago and live in Lombardy since then), but has plenty of right to exist as long as it allows the community to reach a critical mass capable of making the project self-sustainable, goal not achievable by the single dialects alone. The same can be said for the Ladin and for the Rumantsch (both languages for which local authorities are trying to develop a common standard, unlike in Lombardy, where such common standard can not exist IMHO).
    From a purely linguistic POV there is no reason why it could not exist -- but it is more realistic to aim at a Western and an Eastern standard, with unified orthography and corpus planning. As per today, I am afraid there is no official policy in the direction of defining any standard (unlike the Romansh and Ladin cases), but if the LMO.WP keeps growing in both quality and quantity it might be a good start. On the other hand, developing a written culture is not a luxury matter for Lombard: it has to do with its very survival in a modern society where the written word plays a major role.--Kemmótar 21:26, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
    Anyway - I repeat - this is not the place where we discuss what I think of minor language wikis. I never used the steward functions for discriminating them; most of my activity as a steward consisted in giving them support. --Paginazero - Ø 20:31, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    1. there is no single Lombard standard, This is true. But this doesn't mean that there is no Lombard language. If this were true, then we wouldn't be discussing this issue at all, there would be no Lombard wikipedia and no speakers of Lombard varieties. I guess there is a basic misunderstanding here: you (but you are not alone) use the word 'language' when referring to something different, i.e. a 'single standard'. A 'language' is something completely different. Jsut have a look at this wiki: [1]--Kemmótar 22:27, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  16.   Support --Valepert 21:48, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  17.   Support --ChemicalBit 22:01, 12 December 2006 (UTC) I can see some disappointments, but all coming form a single poject. (A new, small project with some trouble -by the way, I live in Lombardy too- I hope that instead of flaming, we will start to cooperate all toghetr)
  18.   Support - one of the very active ones we need to keep. NoSeptember 13:26, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  19.   Support - εΔω 17:43, 13 December 2006 (UTC) Ubiquitous, strong and gentle giant of wikimedia community. Thumbs us another year!
  20.   Support --Tanarus 19:44, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  21.   Support --Massimiliano Lincetto 23:28, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
  22.   Support 16:27, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  23.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:31, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
  24.   Support Very active and competent steward. I don't think his comments have anything to do with his ability to be a good steward, and he should be free to voice his personal opinions, as Jhs said. - Tangotango 20:14, 26 December 2006 (UTC)
  25.   Support agreed with Tangotango. Aphaia 05:40, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: en, es, it, la
  • Personal info: My home project is the English Wikipedia, where I have been an administrator for some two years and a bureaucrat for a bit more than one. As a steward, I've been readily available to address immediate issues on various wikis, particularly via IRC, as well as the traditional processing of requests on Meta. I have also taken some effort to simplify the RFP instructions and process, which now seems to run very smoothly, with only occasional misunderstandings of the 'rules'. Despite having been overwhelmed with coursework this term, I remain devoted to the Foundation projects and will be able to increase my activity in the coming weeks. I would be honored to continue serving the community as a steward. — Dan
Français :
  • Langues: en, es, it, la
  • Infos personnelles : Mon projet-mère est la Wikipedia anglophone, où je suis administrateur depuis environ deux ans et bureaucrate depuis un peu plus d'un an. En tant que steward, j'ai été disponible pour m'occuper rapidement de problèmes sur plusieurs wikis, en particulier via IRC, autant que via les processus standars de requêtes sur Meta. J'ai aussi tenté de simplifier les instructions et le processus de requêtes de statut, qui semble maintenant fonctionner plutôt bien, avec seulement de rares incompréhensions des règles. Bien que j'ai été submergé par le travail scolaire ce trimestre, je reste fidèle aux projets de la Fondation et je pourrai augmenter mon activité dans les prochaines semaines. Je serais honoré de continuer à servir la communauté en tant que steward. — Dan
  • Diller: en, es, it, la
  • Kişisel bilgiler: Ana projem iki yıldan uzun süredir yöneticilik ve bir yıldan uzun süredir bürokratlık yaptığım İngilizce Wikipedia. Steward olarak, çeşitli Vikilerdeki sorunları hızlı bir biçimde çözmek için (genelde IRC yoluyla olmak üzere) her zaman hazır bulundum. Ayrıca şu an oldukça sağlıklı çalıştığına, ansak sadece bazı kuralların yanlış anlaşılması nedeniyle bazen sekteye uğradığına inandığım Yetki istekleri talimatları ve işlemlerini basitleştirmek için çaba sarfettim. Bu sömestreyi derslerim nedeniyle biraz sıkıntılı geçirmiş olsam da; Vakıf projelerine daima bağlı kaldım ve ilerleyen haftalarda daha aktif bir şekilde katılım göstereceğim. Topluluğa Steward olarak hizmet vermekten onur duyacağım. — Dan
  • Lingue: en, es, it, la
  • Informazioni personali: Il mio progetto principale è la Wikipedia in inglese, dove sono amministratore da circa due anni e burocrate da poco più di uno. Come steward sono stato prontamente disponibile per affrontare questioni immediate su varie wiki, in particolare tramite IRC, oltre che con le tradizionali procedure di richiesta di Meta. Inoltre ho fatto qualche sforzo per semplificare le procedure delle RFP, che ora sembrano funzionare bene, con solo qualche occasionale incomprensione delle 'regole'. Nonostante sia stato sopraffatto dagli studi in questo periodo, rimango dedito ai progetti della Fondazione e sarò in grado di aumentare la mia attività nelle settimane a venire. Sarei onorato di continuare a servire la comunità come steward. — Dan
  • Språk: en, es, it, la
  • Personlig informasjon: Jeg er for det meste aktiv på Wikipedia på engelsk, hvor jeg har vært administrator i rundt to år, og byråkrat i litt over ett. Som steward har jeg kunnet hjelpe til med hastesaker på forskjellige wikier, spesielt via IRC, men også via de tradisjonelle prosedyrene på Meta. Jeg har også jobbet med å forenkle instruksjonene på Requests for permissions, og det virker nå som om dette fungerer veldig bra, og at folk sjelden misforstår 'reglene'. Til tross for at jeg har vært overhvelmet av skolearbeid denne terminen, er jeg fortsatt opptatt av Wikimedia-prosjektene, og vil kunne bli mer aktiv de kommende ukene. Jeg vil være beæret av å kunne fortsette å hjelpe til som steward. — Dan
  • Języki: en, es, it, la
  • Informacje osobiste: Mój domowy projekt to angielska Wikipedia, gdzie byłem administratorem od dwóch lat i biurokratą od ponad roku. Jako steward byłem zawsze gotowy do odniesienia się do sytuacji na różnych projektach, głównie przez IRC, oraz przez tradycyjne prośby o uprawnienia na Meta. Dokonałem także starań do ułatwienia procedury RFP, która teraz wydaje się przebiegać całkiem spokojnie, jedynie z rzadkimi nieporozumieniami dotyczącymi 'zasad'. Poza zajęciami szkolnymi w czasie tego semestru, jestem całkowicie oddany projektom Fundacji i będę mógł wzmacniać swoją aktywność w najbliższych tygodniach. Byłbym zaszczycony móc kontynuować swoją służbę społeczności jako steward. — Dan
Português :
  • Línguas: en, es, it, la
  • Informações pessoais: Meu projeto principal é a Wikipédia em língua inglesa, onde sou administrador há cerca de dois anos e burocrata há pouco mais de um ano. Como Steward, estive prontamente disponível para cuidar de assuntos urgentes em várias wikis, especialmente via IRC, mas, também, por meio dos processos tradicionais de requisições através da MetaWiki. Também trabalhei no sentido de simplificar as instruções e o processo constantes da página RFP, que agora parece funcionar tranqüilamente, com enganos quanto às 'regras' apenas ocasionais. Apesar de ter-me encontrado sobrecarregado por trabalhos escolares este último semestre, permaneço dedicado aos projetos da Fundação e devo conseguir incrementar minhas atividades nas próximas semanas. Seria uma honra poder continuar servindo à comunidade na capacidade de Steward. — Dan
  • 言語: en, es, it, la
  • 人物について: 主として参加しているのは、英語版ウィキペディアで、約2年管理者をし、1年ちょっとビューロクラットをしています。スチュワードとしてメタで依頼する伝統的な方法と同じく様々なウィキに関して速やかに解決が必要な問題を提示しやすくしてきました(特にIRCを通じて)。RFP構築と過程を単純化する努力もし、現在時折ある「決まり」についての誤解はあるものの非常にうまく運営できているようです。こうした作業に圧倒されているにもかかわらず、財団のプロジェクトに今も捧げ、これからも活動を増してゆきます。スチュワードとして活動を続けられることを嬉しく思います。--Dan
  1. When I needed Dan he was very quick to help me and very kind in doing so. Chick Bowen 03:44, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support--clamengh 16:42, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:45, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  4.   Support--Moch 09:54, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Support - good availability. NoSeptember 13:26, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:32, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

Languages: ro, en, fr, it-2, es-1 ; also anything that can be translated with an online translator

  1.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:32, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   SupportAdiJapan  08:45, 23 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: zh, en-1,ru-1
  • Personal info: I have been editing Wikimedia projects (mostly the Chinese Wikipedia) since 2003, and a sysop and bureaucrat in Chinese wikipedia. In add, I have also sysop in other chinese wikimedia(wikibooks, wiktionary, wikisource, wikiquote, wikinews), and have sysop in meta and wikicommons, and edit in WMF website. I have been active as a steward since May 2005. As a steward, I have made almost 300 changes to user rights. I am in the #wikimedia-stewards IRC channel. I'm currently in China, happy to be reconfirmed and to keep on trying to be helpful.
  • Sprachen: zh, en-1,ru-1
  • Informationen zur Person: Ich bearbeite Wikimediaprojekte (hauptsächlich die chinesische Wikipedia) seit 2003, und bin Sysop und Bürokrat in der chinesischen Wikipedia. Zusätzlich bin ich auch Sysop in anderen chinesischen Wikimediaprojekten (Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikisource, Wikiquote, Wikinews), und bin Sysop auf Meta und wikiCommons, und bearbeite die WMF-Webseite. Ich bin aktiver Steward seit Mai 2005. Als Steward habe ich nahezu 300 Änderungen an Benutzerrechten durchgeführt. Ich bin im #wikimedia-stewards IRC-Kanal. Zur Zeit befinde ich mich in China, ich wäre glücklich wiederbestätigt zu werden und möchte weiterhin versuchen hilfreich zu sein.
Français :
  • Langues: zh, en-1,ru-1
  • Infos personnelles : Je participe aux projets Wikimedia (principalement la Wikipedia sinophone) depuis 2003 et je suis sysop et bureaucrate sur la Wikipedia sinophone. Je suis également sysop sur d'autres projets wikimedia sinophones (wikibooks, wiktionary, wikisource, wikiquote, wikinews), sur meta et wikicommons, et j'ai un compte sur le wiki de la WMF. Je suis actif en tant que steward depuis mai 2005. En tant que steward, j'ai effectué près de 300 changements de statut d'utilisateur. Je suis sur le canal IRC #wikimedia-stewards. Je vis actuellement en Chine et je serais heureux d'être confirmé et de continuer à essayer d'être utile.
  • Diller: zh, en-1,ru-1
  • Kişisel bilgiler: 2003'ten beri Wikimedia projelerine (çoğunlukla Çince Wikipedia) katkıda bulunuyorum ve Çince Wikipedia'da yöneticilik ve bürokratlık görevlerini yürütüyorum. Ek olarak diğer Çince Wikimedia projelerinde (wikibooks, wiktionary, wikisource, wikiquote, wikinews), meta'da ve wikicommon'ta yöneticilik yapıyor ve WMF websayfasına katkıda bulunuyorum. Mayıs 2005'ten beri aktif olarak Stewardlık görevini yürütüyorum. Steward olarak kullanıcı haklarında 300'e yakın değişiklik yaptım. #wikimedia-stewards IRC kanalında bulunuyorum. Halen Çin'de yaşıyorum, tekrar seçilmekten ve yardım etmeye çalışmaktan mutlu olacağım.
  • Lingue: zh, en-1,ru-1
  • Informazioni personali: Ho lavorato sui progetti di Wikimedia (principalmente la Wikipedia in cinese) dal 2003, e sono amministratore e burocrate della Wikipedia in cinese. Inoltre sono amministratore in altri progetti di Wikimedia in cinese (wikibooks, wiktionary, wikisource, wikiquote, wikinews), sono amministratore su meta e su wikicommons, e edito il sito web di WMF. Sono stato attivo come steward fin dal maggio 2005. Come steward ho fatto quasi 300 modifiche ai diritti degli utenti. Sono sul canale IRC #wikimedia-stewards. Mi trovo attualmente in Cina, felice di essere riconfermato e di cercare di essere utile.
  • Språk: zh, en-1, ru-1
  • Personlig informasjon: Jeg har vært bidragsyter på Wikimedia-prosjektene (for det meste Wikipedia på kinesisk) siden 2003, og administrator og byråkrat på Wikipedia på kinesisk. I tillegg er jeg administrator på andre Wikimedia-prosjekter på kinesisk (Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikikilden, Wikiquote og Wikinytt). Jeg er også administrator på Meta og Commons, og bidragsyter på Foundation-siden. Jeg har vært en aktiv steward siden mai 2005. Som steward har jeg gjort nesten 300 endringer i rettigheter. Jeg er på #wikimedia-stewards-kanalen på IRC. Jeg befinner meg i Kina, og vil gjerne bli gjenvalgt og fortsette å være hjelpsom.
  • Języki: zh, en-1, ru-1
  • Informacje osobiste: Edytowałem projekty Wikimedia (głównie chińską Wikipedię) od 2003 roku, jestem także sysopem i biurokratą na chińskiej Wikipedii. Dodatkowo, jestem sysopem na innych chińskich projektach Wikimedia (Wikibooks, Wikisłownik, Wikiźródła, Wikicytaty, Wikinews) i jestem sysopem na Meta oraz Wikicommons, edytuję także stronę Fundacji. Byłem aktywnym stewardem od maja 2005. Jako steward wykonałem prawie 300 edycji na prawach użytkownika. Jestem na kanale IRCowym #wikimedia-stewards. Obecnie mieszkam w Chinach, z przyjemnością poddam się reelekcji i będę dalej starał się pomagać.
Português :
  • Línguas: zh, en-1,ru-1
  • Informações pessoais: Eu tenho editado projetos da Wikimedia (principalmente a Wikipédia em chinês) desde 2003, e sou sysop e burocrata na Wikipédia em chinês. Além disso, também sou sysop em outros projetos em chinês (wikibooks, wiktionary, wikisource, wikiquote, wikinews), além de ser sysop, também, na MetaWiki e no Commons; também edito o sítio da Fundação Wikimedia. Sou ativo como Steward desde maio de 2005. Como Steward, realizei quase 300 alterações de níveis de acesso de usuários. Estou presente no canal IRC #wikimedia-stewards. Atualmente, vivo na China; gostaria muito de ser reconfirmado e continuar a tentar ser útil.
  • 言語: zh, en-1,ru-1
  • 人物について: 2003年からウィキメディアで(殆どが中国語版ウィキペディア)編集してきて、中国語版ウィキペディアのsysopとビューロクラットです。加えて、他の中国語版ウィキメディアでも(ウィキブックス、ウィクショナリー、ウィキソース、ウィキクウォート、ウィキニュース)sysopで、メタとcommonsのsysopで、財団のサイトを編集しています。2005年5月からスチュワードとして活動しています。スチュワードとして利用者の権利に関わる変更を300行いました。#Wikimedia-stewards IRCにいます。現在中国在住で、信任されこれからも皆さんの助けになれれば幸いです。
  • 語言: zh,en-1,ru-1
  • 個人:二○○三年始與各維基計劃,以中文維基百科為主。現任中文維基百科管理員兼事務員、數中文維基媒體管理員、元維基管理員、維基共享資源管理員、維基媒體基金會維基編者。自二○○五年五月,予取近三百用户權限,亦活動於 #wikimedia-stewards 互聯網接訊頻。今在中國,樂於再次成為執行員,繼續服務。
  1.   Support--clamengh 16:43, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:48, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support--Moch 09:55, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  4.   Oppose, the user is highly controversial. Se his talk page at Commons, he gets lot of comments on his actions, but he never bothers to answer. Kjetil r 22:46, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
    I not never bothers to answer. Why say this?--Shizhao 09:22, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Support On the Chinese Wikipedia, few has the passion, devotion and reliability rivalling Shizhao. He is also the only steward who is active on the Chinese Wikipedia. Or am I wrong on the latter? --Computor 20:20, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:34, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support--Alex S.H. Lin 09:06, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  1.   Support --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:49, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:46, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support--Moch 09:55, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  4. support --:Bdk: 22:18, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:34, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: it, en, can read fr, es, pt, de, other romance languages
  • Mainly active on, where I was sysop, bureaucrat and check user up to 10 days ago (I removed my privileges on as a form of protest). I've been vice-president of Wikimedia Italia during its first year of life. Steward since June 2005 (if I remember correctly). Surely there's people that is more active than me on Meta, but you can always count on my help.
  • Sprachen: it, en, can read fr, es, pt, de, andere romanische Sprachen
  • Hauptsächlich aktiv auf, wo ich Administrator, Bürokrat und CheckUser bis vor 10 Tagen war (Ich entfernte meine Rechte auf als eine Form des Protestes). Ich war Vize-Präsident der Wikimedia Italien während ihres ersten Jahres. Steward seit Juni 2005 (wenn ich mich richtig erinnere). Sicher gibt es Leute, die aktiver auf Meta sind als ich, aber du kannst immer auf meine Hilfe zählen.
  • Lingue: it, en, leggo fr, es, pt, de, e altre lingue romanze* Attivo principalmente su, dove ero amministratore, burocrate e check user fino a 10 giorni fa (Mi sono tolto i privilegi su come forma di protesta). Sono stato ::vice-presidente di Wikimedia Italia nel suo primo anno di vita. Sono steward dal giugno 2005 (se ricordo bene). Sicuramente c'è gente più attiva di me su Meta, ma potete sempre contare sul mio aiuto.
Français :
  • Languages: it, en, fr, es, pt, de
  • Principalement actif sur, où j'étais sysop, bureaucrate et checkuser jusqu'à il y a dix jours (j'ai retiré ces droits en forme de protestation). J'ai été le vice-président de Wikimedia Italia durant sa première année. Je suis steward depuis juin 2005 (si je me rappelle bien). Il y a sûrement des gens plus actifs que moi sur meta, mais vous pouvez toujours compter sur mon aide.
  • Språk: it, en, kan lese fr, es, pt, de og andre romanske språk
  • Personlig informasjon: Jeg er for det meste aktiv på Wikipedia på italiensk, hvor jeg var administrator, byråkrat og checkuser fram til for 10 dager siden (jeg fjernet rettighetene mine der som en form for protest). Jeg har vært visepresident i Wikimedia Italia i stiftelsens første leveår. Har vært steward siden juni 2005 (om jeg husker riktig). Det finnes folk som er mer aktive enn meg på Meta, men du kan alltid regne med min hjelp.
  • Języki: it, en, rozumie fr, es, pt, de i inne romańskie języki
  • W miarę aktywny na, gdzie byłem sysopem, biurokratą i checkuserem (10 dni temu zrzekłem się moich uprawnień na jako forma protestu). Byłem wiceprezesem Wikimedia Italia w pierwszym roku jego działania. Steward od czerwca 2005 (jeśli pamiętam dobrze). Z pewnością na Meta są ludzie aktywniejsi ode mnie, ale zawsze możecie liczyć na moją pomoc.
  • Diller: it, en, şu dilleri okuyabilirim: fr, es, pt, de, diğer latin alfabeli diller
  • Ağırlıklı olarak, 10 gün öncesine kadar yönetici, bürokrat ve denetçilik görevlerini yürüttüğüm kadar'de aktifim ('deki yetkilerimi protesto amacıyla kaldırdım). Wikimedia İtalya'nın ilk senesinde başkan yardımcılığı görevini yürüttüm. (Doğru hatırlıyorsam) Haziran 2005'ten beri stewardlık yapıyorum. Elbette Meta'da benden daha fazla aktif olan insanlar var, ancak yardımıma her zaman güvenebilirsiniz.
Português :
  • Línguas: it, en, leio fr, es, pt, de, e outras línguas neolatinas
  • Ativo principalmente na, onde eu era sysop, burocrata e CheckUser até 10 dias atrás (eu removi meus privilégios na como forma de protesto). Fui vice-presidente da Wikimedia Itália durante seu primeiro ano de existência. Steward desde junho de 2005 (se bem me lembro). Certamente, há usuários que são mais ativos do que eu na MetaWiki, mas pode-se sempre contar com a minha ajuda.
  • 言語: it, en, can read fr, es, pt, de, other romance languages
  • 主にイタリア語版ウィキペディアで活動し、10日前までsysop、ビューロクラット、チェックユーザーでした(抵抗の意思表示としてイタリア語版ウィキペディアの特権を排除しました)。ウィキメディア人生の最初の1年はWikimedia Italiaの副会長でした。(記憶が正しければ)2005年7月からスチュワードです。私より活動の多い人がいるでしょうけれど、皆さんはいつも私の助けを期待しているかもしれません。
  1. Sir, what/whom are you protesting against? Thank you.-- 16:19, 3 December 2006 (UTC)
  2. Well, indeed I think this should be asserted an outspoken way. Thank you .-- 11:00, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  3. I would like to know about that as well, please. Thank you; -Moi aussi je voudrais le savoir SVP. Merci. --Belinzona 12:50, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  4.   Support: I have tried to understand what happened and I have the feeling that some trolls have been so successful that he gave up (please correct me, if I am wrong). He is still very active on it.wikipedia, but only as a normal user, and I think that from time to time it does good to everyone to not-do Admin things. I see this as a Admin-break, maybe he is admin again in the future. I trust him very much and if he has not done anything wrong as a Stward I would see no reason for not having him as Steward in the future. Fantasy 15:17, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
    Yes, it's an admin-break. Its quite complicate to explain, but basically I was tired of being one of the few to play the part of bad guy on, while others talk of unconditional wikilove to everyone. Sorry, wikilove is something that people should deserve. That's how I feel. Someone said being ad admin is no big deal. Well, I wished it was true. --Snowdog 01:57, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  5. Sorry, I   Oppose. A steward should help little projects, not insulting communities. I quote:
    If you are an italian citizen you can partecipate to Wikimedia Italia, if yuo are a Swiss citizen you can partecipate to Wikimedia CH, if you are a citizen of another mation you can partecipate to the local chapter (if it exist). Asking for translation of the bylaws as a condition is nonsense. The italian law requires the bylaws to be written in italian. For other languages, come into WMI, work for the divulgation of your project and translate the bylaws in lombard, because we are not able. Otherwise if you will go on on this silly "leghista" attitude... --Snowdog 11:00, 6 nuvembər 2006 (UTC)
    Moreover, at the same page, it seems clear to me that this user was willing to separate the Italian part of this community from the Suisse one (by the use of formal arguments), not understanding that this would imply a far lesser probability of surviving as a wikipedia. As a matter of fact, after 6/12/06, almost nobody edited Lombard wikipedia, which proves the damage, surely in good faith, but this does not really matter. His Italian user page (as per today) is disruptive. --Belinzona 14:31, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
    In that case Snowdog pointed out that no laws neither in Italy nor in Switzerland oblige the chapters to translate their bylwas in Lombard (by the way, which variant of Lombard of the many existing ones?) and invited you to join the chapter and do the translation job. IMHO Lombard Wikipedia is almost dead because the attitude of its animators made almost all potential users to run away from it, not because Snowdog expressed his opinion about it.
    The reasons for his current userpage on, that claims "I am just a simple user" are related to his giving up as sysop/buro/CU on and Fantasy made a rather right guess above. Bye all, --Paginazero - Ø 14:47, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
    Belinzona, you're giving me to much credit. I suppose it's easier to blame me for the inactivity of, insetad of thinking about the flaws this project may have. The post you are quoting was in response to things like this:
    It seems much more realistic [...] to start a discussion about relationship among Lombard wikipedia and jointly Wikimedia CH and Wikimedia IT. In my view, Wikimedia CH and Wikimedia IT should both agree to have a Lombard sub-chapter and Lombard translations of their statutes. This should be not negotiable (everybody is kindly asked to express his/her point of view) and negotiation shouldn't involve Lombard wikipedia as far as they do not agree both about this point. Afterwards, negotiation would be carried out in English, for the sake of a fair linguistic neutrality. Of course, money would be the main issue to be carried out, and there should be a written agreement. It should be signed in Switzerland (neutrality) and contractors should agree that conflicting views about the named agreement would have to be solved by a Swiss court of law. All this is a rather complicated issue, due to the international framework: for example, IT is in the EU, CH is not, IT belongs to a military alliance, CH is neutral and so on...
    [Contribution bu user:OlBergomi ]
    Regarding my disruptive Italian user page, well... it's cooler than ever! --Snowdog 01:57, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Oppose. Engaging into a debate is part of wikipedia/wikimedia culture, so everyone can agree or not agree. Nobody can insult, and silly is an abuse: please note that this user implicitely repeated this abuse here above. -- 13:36, 9 December 2006 (UTC) --10caart 13:37, 9 December 2006 (UTC) Sorry, not logged in
    Silly is an abuse? Implicitly repeated? Oh! Poor dear! I thought leghista was an abuse. --Snowdog 14:46, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
    Yes, of course, silly is an abuse (which this user implicitely repeated thrice, at present). Leghista may be felt as an abuse, depending on what kind of politics one supports or opposes: that's not matter for within wikimedia, as stated everywhere. So, if this user thinks that any kind of political affiliation is an insult, this definitely proves that he's doing politics within wikimedia, against all rules. Not to be trusted.--10caart 15:17, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
    I suppose that replying to your last message means that I'm implicitly repeating for the fourth time? I'm so curious to see how many time I can repeat implicitly before losing mi stewardship. And you know where all this come from? Someone kindly asked to put a sitenotice on to advertise the opening of subscriptions to Wikimedia Italia for 2007. Now, that's silly! --Snowdog 17:43, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:36, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  8.   Oppose Sorry, I had planned a 20*support to everybody, but I am disappointed with the declarations above. I am a (not very active, but regular) contributor at Lombard wikipedia, I am comfortable with that project and with those who created it, even if I don't know them. I have opposed to that sitenotice, for motivations you are allowed not agree with. So you insist on insulting users who think different from you. That's a pity. A steward (but even a simple user) should be more careful while dealing with small (thus unstable) communities. Also, a steward should know that minorities languages (and thus their wikipedias) are small because of analphabetism, caused precisely by the general habit which the above declarations are an example of. Your Italian user page is very disruptive: it sadly recalls the W la muerte of Franquist memory. Thank you --Moch 10:01, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    I'm pleased that I'm allowed to disagree. But I have to say it's not true, since I'm attacked just because I said that I found something "silly". --Snowdog 14:39, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    The point is that you cannot dare to say that a user, a community, or something you disagree with is silly. This means that you think only you are right. Basically you seem to ignore that there are people with different views, all acting to make things better. On the contrary, you make things worst. Now you have abused repeatedly (five times) users, so this means that you broke any kind of wikimedia rules. I am afraid you should be banned.--Moch 16:48, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    Ok. It's very easy. Some on said they are not going to talk with Wikimedia Italia or Wikimedia CH, unless: 1. we provide bylaws written in lumbard (and we are not able to write them) 2. we should talk about money. Now, this attitude is disruptive, not my user page. And pretending that my replies are implicittly insulting you or someone else, is far more than "silly", is "plain idiotic". Wanna talk about money? Ok. Wikimedia Italia has 2000 Euros in its pockets. has 220.000 articles, has 3.000. Given this proportion I'm ready to give you 30 Euro (yes that's your part!), but please stop embarassing yourself and shut the fuck up! Happy now? --Snowdog 17:21, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    Sir, I beg you...--clamengh 14:01, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    I forgot. If some of you wants the 30 Euros, I will be in Lugano on Saturday, December 16th. Hope some of you will show up. --Snowdog 17:25, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    Sir!?! --clamengh 14:01, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    My disruptive Italian user page now shows a change of stance. Thank you. --Snowdog 14:45, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    And you know what? Three users from, that stopped editing 1 month ago, apparently because I'm so mean, came here to oppose my confirmation. What an incredible coincidence. They were gone, now they come back and go against me and agaisnt Paginazero, who dared to say something in my defence. Even more funny, one of the three gave a neutral vote in the election for M7, sayng that I could transform this neutral vote into a support if I knew that you explicitely support wikiprojects in minority languages. My question is: Why out of 15 candidates he asked this to the only italian? --Snowdog 21:46, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  9. Support --.anaconda 14:59, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  10.   Oppose By the way: a steward should not use such abusive language as Snowdog has done just a few lines farther up ("please stop embarassing yourself and shut the fuck up!"). --Siri68 21:57, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    You know, If I dare reply I'm "implicitly abusing", so let me gratify myself "explicitly abusing", before losing my stewardship. --Snowdog 22:07, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    I see. "doing my job as a steward without harassing and abusing (either implicitly or explicitly)" is not an option for Snowdog.--Siri68 00:54, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
    No, you don't see. But I'm a Snowdog, not a Guide dog. Sorry. --Snowdog 09:40, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
    I didn't get your last point - about the Guide dog.--Siri68 14:56, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
    It's a joke. You don't see, hence you need a guide dog, but I'm not such. --Snowdog 15:33, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
  11.   Support Ottimo admin su, sono dispiaciuto per le sue dimissioni ;°°°( --Luigi.Vampa 22:11, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  12.   Support He is a very good no nonsense guy, maybe a bit too direct but that is not really a problem. People from should look at this page. --Cruccone 21:48, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  13.   Support Yann 17:16, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
  14.   Support The issues at hand have nothing to do with his stewardship whatsoever. A steward should be able to freely speak his opinion in a matter without risking to lose his stewardship about it. Jon Harald Søby 19:28, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
      Oppose Kemmótar has already voted with his sock Siri68. --Snowdog 01:23, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    As explained farther down, Siri68 is not a sockpuppet of Kemmótar.--Kemmótar 13:10, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    I confirm: I am not a sockpuppet as insinuated by Snowdog --Siri68 15:20, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  15.   Oppose And an even more convinced oppose! I regret having to write this, but I am afraid Snowdog has proven not to be the best fit for the steward job. A major task of any steward should be to support small communities. Snowdog has repeatedly had conflicts with the Ligurian and Lombard Wikipedia community, showing prejudice against certain groups of speakers and a lack of understanding of the very basic concepts of modern linguistics. Languages (and even more so small languages and endangered communities) are in many cases fragmented into different varieties, and sometimes have not yet developed a single written standard, but nevertheless they have the same right to exist. It should be noted that starting a Wikipedia project in an endangered language might even prove a major contribution to the preservation of that language through the definition of some kind of standard (this involves, among the other things, taking into use a common, unified -- if not normative -- orthography and expanding the existing corpus to conform to the demands made by new functions and domains). All these ideas appear to be completely foreign to Snowdog's way of thinking. Please notice that such issues do have a lot to do with stewardship. Moreover, cf. the following statement by Snowdog while opposing the creation of a Ligurian Wikipedia:
    Oppose. App. number of speakers: 2 million. This is just the number of people living in liguria, not the number of speakers. The same trick has been used for lombard. Sil and ISO codes usually refer in this cases to a group of dialects, the result is usually a wiki where people fight (probably endlessly) on which dialect they should use, or, as it's happening on lmo.wikipedia, they will "invent" a grammar for a langage, probably without having some competence in linguistics. --Snowdog 10:51, 19 November 2005 (UTC)
    In publications supported by UNESCO (WURM, Stephen A. (2001): Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger of Disappearing. Paris: UNESCO Publishing. p. 29; SALMINEN, Tapani: UNESCO Red Book on Endangered languages [[2]]) Lombard and Ligurian are among the languages classified as endangered (or potentially endangered). The Lombard Wikipedians have proven able to tackle the issue of different varieties in a brilliant way, i.e.:
    1. mutuating the idea from the Alemannic Wikipedia, at the beginning of an article they place a box showing the variety and the orthography employed in the present wiki;
    2. they have created an article thoroughly explaining a proposed standard orthography developed by a linguist/phonetician (this is the orthography used in the home page and in the framework);
    3. they have created a page where new words are proposed and discussed (corpus expansion);
    4. the home page and other parts of the framework appear both in Eastern and Western Lombard (the home page actually switches between the two koinai according to whether the day is even or odd). All this is very far from the "endless fights" and "invented grammar" mentioned by Snowdog...
    As if this weren’t enough, the steward Snowdog has actually countervened Wikipedia etiquette with offensive statements like the following:
    Otherwise if you will go on on this silly "leghista" attitude... (Snowdog 11:00, 6 nuvembər 2006 (UTC), quoted by Belinzona 14:31, 7 December 2006 (UTC) (btw., Belinzona is actually a Swiss, not even Italian resident/citizen...)
    (while 'silly' is surely abusive, 'leghista' -- i.e. related to the Italian political party Lega Nord "may be felt as an abuse, depending on what kind of politics one supports or oppose" (10caart)). (Incidentally, identifying support of the Lombard language varieties with political allegiance to Lega Nord (a party whose policy has actually proven more detrimental than supportive to the Lombard language issue) is a common misunderstanding in Italy and one of the arguments supporting the view that Lombard can be considered as more vital, better preserved and less stigmatised in Switzerland than in Italy.
    Again, on 10 December 2006 (UTC) Snowdog replied to Moch (see above):
    stop embarassing yourself and shut the fuck up! Happy now? --Snowdog 17:21, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
    As Siri68 has correctly pointed out, a "steward should not use such abusive language as Snowdog has done just a few lines farther up ("please stop embarassing yourself and shut the fuck up!"). --Siri68 21:57, 10 December 2006 (UTC)".
    While thanking Snowdog for his stewardship so far (apart from the points mentioned above), I don't feel I can support his confirmation unless he updates his knowledge about how to deal with endangered varieties and reconsiders his attitude towards them. Yours --Kemmótar [neither Swiss nor Italian -- a Norwegian linguist] 22:44, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
    You know what? Stewards can make mistakes. I had many doubts regarding the creation of the wiki in ligurian and lombard, and I had all the rights to express them.
    Of course, as long as it is done in a civilised manner.--Kemmótar 13:22, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    The risks of fights on how to write in lombard (since there's no standard AFAIK) where a possibility at the time I wrote the above sentence. The issue has been tackled? Good for you. I suppose it's useless to tell you of the time I've spent fighting vandals on, despite my supposed hate for that project.
    Even though I don't understand ther reason for you hatred againt the LMO.WP, I think it is right to thank you for the work you have done fighting vandals.--Kemmótar 13:18, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    And even if I'm not a norwegian linguist, happens that I'm 100% lombard (like my parents, and my grandparents).
    Well, even if I'm Norwegian I'm 100% fluent in Lombard. --Kemmótar 13:18, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    So excuse me if I pretend to know what I'm talking about.
    Well, Lombard descent does not qualify to be an authority in (Lombard) linguistics and sociolinguistics. If everyone living in / or descending from what we might call 'the core Lombard-speaking areas' (i.e. Swiss Tessin and southern Graubünden and Italian Lombardy etc.) were a speaker of some Lombard variety, then Lombard wouldn't be an endangered language! That's why the numbers of speakers given by Ethnologue are misleading: with only partial knowledge of the situation in CH and IT, they have mistaken the number of inhabitants for the number of speakers. Everyone living in Tessin, Graubünden or Lombardy knows that the real situation unfortunately is completely different. It is well known from lots of language endangerment issues around the world that what really makes a language endangered is when its speakers for various historical reasons have come to lose interest in preserving their language variety. They consider it as a lesser, worthless, stigmatised variety there is no reason to preserve, and they do not hand it over to their children. It is not surprising at all to see that people of Lombard descent (but I could say South Sami (as it was some time ago) or many others) regard their own varieties as lesser and worthless (either they themselves are competent in them or not, that point is not so relevant). The Sami languages some 50 years ago were in a situation very similar to that of Lombard today. Luckily (for the Samis), things have changed. When the descendants of Lombard speakers, still residing in historically Lombard-speaking areas, don't see the value in their language heritage, while scholars from outside come to that area to study its varieties -- well, then we're at the very core of what the endangerment issue is all about.--Kemmótar 13:54, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    One last thing, when I talked about the "leghista attitude", it wasn't because of the "support of the Lombard language", but because of the way treats people coming from, or the fact that writing in italian (on talk pages) is considered a menace to the lombard language
    I have no particular standpoint about this issue. So, please, don't blame me for this. As far as politics are concerned, I have no right to interfere with Swiss or Italian politics as I have no right to vote in either state, but my personal thought is that Lega Nord with its policy has actually been more detrimental than supportive to the Lombard language issue. --Kemmótar 12:41, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    (despite the fact that if you undertand lombard you understand italian),
    neither entirely correct, nor entirely wrong. Lombard and Italian per se are not mutually intelligible, but as in Switzerland (Tessin, Graubünden) or in Italy practically all speakers of Lombard varieties receive their first alphabetisation in the Italian language, then in most cases those who speak Lombard (much in the same way as speakers of Friulian, Ladin, Sardinian, etc.) can also read, write, speak and understand Italian.--Kemmótar 12:41, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    speakers of while everywhere else, if someone can only write in italian, people tend to be more collaborative and to find a way to communicate. One last thing Siri68 is likely a sockpuppet of yours (same IP you know), so please do not oppose twice. --Snowdog 01:20, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    Siri68 is not a sockpuppet but a real person (btw., Siri is a female name -- while I'm a male -- and 68 is her year of birth). As there is no Norwegian law preventing people from sharing the same LAN - or even the same PC - at libraries, university PC rooms, department reading rooms, office or home networks, it happens that physically distinct persons with distinct passports and social security numbers sometimes may share the same IP. There is nothing strange about that. You are welcome to come and verify. --Kemmótar 12:58, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    I confirm --Siri68 15:20, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  16. As written in the section "General comments": Snowdog has my full support. —Pill δ 17:46, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  17. With due respect, Sir, I   Oppose. I hope I will be able to change idea next time. Lombard community is seeking collaboration with both CH and ITA chapters (no matter whatever idea each user may have about the concept itself of national chapter), without making damage to its own tongue: and with appropriate counterparts, it will eventually succeed. So, the correct approach to discuss this issue is starting a calm discussion here on meta. There will be a lot of disagreement (or maybe there will not: but we should be ready to this) in this discussion, so depicting counterparts as silly is not a correct approach (at least by a steward). Moreover I am afraid you are not comfortable with minority language projects, which instead you should help as a steward. I hope you will change habit: you could gain some consent more. There are some obstacles more along the way of collaboration: the way to cope with them will have to be found.Thank you. --clamengh 14:01, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    Ok. If you are seeking collaboration, I think we can calmly talk about it here: Proposed colaboration between the community of, Wikimedia Italia and Wikimedia CH. All people concerned are kindly invited. See you there. --Snowdog 18:07, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    Hello everybody! Snowdog has cancelled my votes insinuating that I am a 'sockpuppet of Kemmótar'. There are people who know me and can confirm my identity. Here I am, anyway, confirming from a different IP. By the way, and with all due repect hoping that I'm mistaken: has anyone checked whether Snowdog might have sockpuppets around? His methods don't seem to be too democratic to me...--Siri68 15:33, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    Ok, you're not Kemmotar, maybe you are his wife/mother/sister, whoever.
    No, actually I'm his brother-in-law's great-great grandmother... :-p Whoever I am - his daughter, his teacher, one of his friends, his assistant, one of his students, one of his colleagues, his cat, his dog, his neighbour, his lawyer, his dentist or his teddy-bear, this is irrelevant (and, btw. it is none of your business). What matters is that I am a registered WP user and have the right to express my opinion.--Siri68 17:39, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
    Still seems that you registered yourself explicitly to oppose to my reconfirm. Or am i wrong? --Snowdog 19:14, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    You are wrong: I joined the WP beacuse I believe (generally speaking) that it is an interesting project. But also because I believe that Lombard is an endangered language deserving support, and since I believe there is hope for the LMO.WP project I want to support it against possible harassment, calumny and chauvinism motivated by nothing else than ignorance, cultural bias and prejudice.--Siri68 17:39, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
  18.   Oppose. I followed the recent discussion on lmo:WP where Snowdog stated his own ideas about the lombard wikipedia and its contributors. I am now really surprised to see Snowdog asking to be confirmed as a wikimedia Steward. Shouldn't be "Meta-Wiki" devoted to the coordination of the Wikimedia Foundation's projects? It seems to me that Snowdog has some kind of prejudice against the lombard language, its speakers and, why not, the growing lombard wikipedia. In my humble opinion this is in contrast with the main Wikimedia Foundation's target to get "a world in which every single person is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge".--Flavi 17:00, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    I agree -- you have made a very good point, Flavi. I think both the Wikimedia Foundation and the Wikipedia community can do without stewards showing overt prejudice against endangered languages (or against any language whatsoever). --Kemmótar 17:27, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    I have no overt prejudice against endangered languages, especially lombard, that is the language of the region where I was born and I've always lived. I expressed doubts on a project. It's very different, and it's in my right to have doubts and express them. --Snowdog 19:20, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    Doubts on the project itself, or on the people supporting it? I'm not saying the project is free from problems: there are _lots_ of problems and _lots_ of work to do (orthography, corpus expansion, standard koinés: 2 or maybe 1 or 3 ? etc. etc.) But the project is growing, actually beyond the expectations of those few who started the whole thing -- and in spite of the fact that many features of that project need to be refined. Time will tell, it's pointless to discuss here and now future developments none of us can say anything for sure about. I'm not in possession of any crystal sphere...--Kemmótar 22:52, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    Doubts on the project. And I expressed them only once, it was november 19th 2005 ( starded on october 24th 2005) and at the time neither I possessed a crystal ball. At that time, with less than 1 month of activity it was hard to have doubt on people supporting the project. Anyway, one month ago, when we came to asking for a simple favour, me and others from felt we have been treated in a rather unfriendly way (not by you).
    I am sorry for that but, as you say, it was not me who treated you as you say.--Kemmótar 01:30, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
    And now, sorry, but I see an organized attack on italian stewards. I can understand the opposition against me, because I tend to be rude, but I can't understand why you oppose Paginazero that is a steward way more civilized than me. And I can't understand why M7 is the only one of the new candidates that has to swear his complete support towards Wikipedia projects such as the Ladin, Friulian, Ligurian, Lombard or Piedmontese Wikipedia. Why didn't you asked the same question to the other 14? Just because they're not italian?
    First, I have to remind you that 1. as far as M7 is concerned, I deliberately wrote my comment under 'neutral'. Secondly, the only new candidate I supported is Shanel, who explicitly states that she is "interested in serving smaller projects, ". --Kemmótar 02:01, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
    I have been lecturing for years about the Lombard situation (among the other things), and I know that most people outside CH and IT hardly have heard about Lombard. They don't know of its existence and therefore cannot have anything against it. On the other hand, I have seen that prejudice against Lombard is found mainly among Italians and Italian Lombards. The debate on this/these page(s) proves that this is not just my theory... --Kemmótar 01:44, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
    As to the other issue, let me make it clear that when I ask a question of a candidate or a user, it is in order to have a clearer idea of what is in the opponent's mind (cf. that I wrote my question to M7 deliberately under 'neutral'). After all, the deaadline is on the 15th and I'm still in time to change my mind and my vote (for what a single vote might matter). This is the reason why I asked M7, but the same thing applies also to you Snowdog and to Paginazero. Btw.: in my reply to the latter I wrote that "Comments and constructive criticism are welcome!" --Kemmótar 01:30, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
    Moreover M7 never took part in the discussion on and I don't remember him expressing doubts on So why the hell
    Why can't you discuss without being rude and provocative?--Kemmótar 01:30, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
    you have this prejudice against him? --Snowdog 23:42, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
    Prejudice? Well, actually I was considering giving him a support. --Kemmótar 02:04, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  19.   Support --Tanarus 21:49, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  20.   Support --Valepert 21:49, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  21.   Support --ChemicalBit 22:07, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  22.   Oppose Behavior in response to criticisms above is very unbecoming. Xoloz 17:23, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  23.   Support - εΔω 17:55, 13 December 2006 (UTC) I can't say he's a delicate blonde fairy, but as a steward he's saved the day both on and when they were massively attacked by Willy on Wheels. In my humble opinion that's more than enough.
  24.   Oppose for his immature behaviour here [3]--Hillgentleman|User Talk 21:42, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
  25. strong   Oppose. His recent reaction to the questions after his point- and needless CheckUser on de.wikipedia was very weak (no answer to central questions, only a vague "I won't do it again"). This CU has lead to massive disturbances on de.wp - if he would not have checked in this case (as he should due to the CU policy for stewards), and if he would not have published such (partly misleading) information publicly afterwards (note: partly against the CU policy), we would clearly have (had) less trouble. My impression is – sorry, to state this so explicitly on this page – that he is not aware of the high responsibility regarding CheckUser/private data/stewards actions on local projects where he doesn't understand the language. (to be really clear: this is nothing personal, just a comment on some of his last actions as a steward) --:Bdk: 22:18, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
    At last, a criticism with some ground. Why did you waited till the end? --Snowdog 00:31, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
    Anyway, here is the request and here is my reply. You can judge by yourself. --Snowdog 00:39, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
    ... the time of my comment wasn't intended in this mind ("till the end"). I just waited long enough for an answer to an e-mail sent about a week ago (and at least 2 other people, too); and didn't get one by you (what I was hoping). If you would have answered, this comment might have been written in another way. Again: Don't worry, nothing personal, as this is a more formal or general case. Regards --:Bdk: 01:49, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
  26.   Support --Massimiliano Lincetto 23:36, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
  27.   Support 16:34, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  28.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:37, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: ja, en
  • I'm mainly active on, where I am sysop from 2003 March and bureaucrat from 2004 March. also I'm sysop on ja.wikibooks, ja.wikiquote, meta sysop from 2005. I've been a steward since this January. My main work as stewards was uregent temp sysop at small wikis for counter-vandalism. I'm living in JST(UTC+9) time zone, and it works fine for CV pourpas till now as I thought. And I have just get started working at #wikimedia-swmt for same purpose. I'm always on IRC in my free time. I'm glad if I can carry over this kind of help for Wikimedia.
  • Sprachen: ja, en
  • Ich bin hauptsächlich im ja.Wiki aktiv, wo ich seit März 2003 als Administrator und seit März 2004 als Bürokrat wirke. Auch bin ich Administrator in ja.Wikibooks, ja.Wikiquote, Meta-Administrator seit 2005. Ich bin Steward seit Jänner diesen Jahres. Meine Arbeit als Steward bestand darin temporärer Notfall-Administrator in kleinen Wikis zur Vandalismusbekämpfung zu sein. Ich lebe in der JST(UTC+9) Zeitzone und dies ist der Vandalismusbekämpfung bis jetzt dienlicher als ich dachte. Auch habe ich seit kurzem begonnen bei #wikimedia-swmt mit dem selben Ziel mitzuarbeiten. In meiner Freizeit bin ich oft im IRC. Ich bin froh, wenn ich diese Art der Unterstützung für Wikimedia fortsetzen kann.
  • Diller: ja, en
  • Ağırlıklı olarak; Mart 2003'ten beri yöneticilik ve Mart 2004'ten beri de bürokratlık yaptığım'de aktifim. Ayrıca ja.wikibooks, ja.wikiquote ve 2005'ten beri de meta'da yöneticilik yapıyorum. Bu Ocak ayından beri steward'ım. Steward olarak çalışmalarım daha çok küçük vikilerdeki vandalizme anında müdahale üzerine oldu. JST (UTC+9) saat diliminde yaşıyorum ve bu sayede vandalizmle mücadelede daha etkin bir biçimde rol alabiliyorum. Kısa bir süre önce aynı amaçla #wikimedia-swmt kanalında çalışmalara başladım. Boş zamanlarımda daima IRC'deyim. Wikimedia'ya bu doğrultuda katkı sağlamaya devam edebilirsem, bundan mutluluk duyacağım.
  • Lingue: ja, en
  • Sono principalmente attiva su, dove sono amministratore dal marzo 2003 e burocrate dal marzo 2004. Sono inoltre amministratore dal 2005 su ja.wikibooks, ja.wikiquote e meta. Sono steward dallo scorso gennaio. La mia principale attività come steward è stata come amministratore temporaneo per controbattere urgentemente azioni di vandalismo sulle wiki minori. Vivo nel fuso orario del Giappone JST (UTC+9) e questo finora ha aiutato nella lotta al vandalismo, ho inoltre iniziato a lavorare a #wikimedia-swmt per lo stesso scopo. Nel tempo libero sono sempre su IRC. Sarò felice se potrò continuare a essere d'aiuto in questo modo a Wikimedia.
  • Języki: ja, en
  • Jestem głównie aktywny na, gdzie jestem sysopem od marca 2003 i biurokratą od marca 2004. Jestem także sysopem na ja.wikibooks, ja.wikicytaty, sysopem meta od 2005 roku. Jestem stewardem od stycznia br. Moim głównym zadaniem jako steward było sysopowanie użytkowników na małych wiki dla zaprzestania wandalizmów. Mieszkam w strefie czasowej JST(UTC+9) i jak dotąd dobrze wypełniam moje obowiązki, biorąc to pod uwagę. Zacząłem także działać na #wikimedia-swmt dla tych samych powodów. Zawsze gdy mam wolny czas można mnie znaleźć na IRCu. Byłbym szczęśliwy, gdybym mógł dalej pracować w taki sposób dla projektów Wikimedia.
Português :
  • Línguas: ja, en
  • Sou ativa principalmente na, onde sou sysop desde março de 2003 e burocrata desde março de 2004. Sou sysop, também, na ja.wikibooks, ja.wikiquote, e sysop na MetaWiki desde 2005. Sou Steward desde janeiro último. Meu principal trabalho como Steward consistiu de atuações como sysop temporária em wikis menores, para combater o vandalismo. Meu fuso horário é o JST(UTC+9), o que tem funcionado muito bem na luta contra o vandalismo, em minha opinião. Recentemente, comecei a trabalhar no canal IRC #wikimedia-swmt, com o mesmo propósito. Estou no IRC sempre que tenho tempo livre. Ficarei muito feliz se puder continuar a ajudar à Wikimedia desta maneira.
  • 言語: ja, en
  • 主に日本語版ウィキメディアで活動し、2003年3月からsysop、2004年3月からビューロクラットです。日本語版ウィキブックス、日本語版ウィキクウォート、メタで2005年からsysopです。今年の1月からスチュワードです。スチュワードとしての主な仕事は、小規模なウィキでの荒らし対策でした。日本標準時間(UTC+9)に住み、現在に至るまで荒らし対策には有効に働いています。同じ目的で#wikimedia-swmtで働き始めたところです。空いている時間はいつもIRCにいます。ウィキメディアのためにこのような手助けがこれからもできれば嬉しいです。
  1.   Support --clamengh 16:44, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:50, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support --Belinzona 14:17, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
  4.   Support 支持 --Bletilla 15:35, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Support --Moch 10:03, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Oppose Not personally, but sorry. Sometimes a person who names Mr. Imaizumi Makoto appears in Japanese media as "Wikimedia Foundation Steward" and acts as if he represents also the Foundation. I asked personally User:Suisui 1) if he might confirm the identity of this gentleman and his as a user to the community, 2) not to confuse the Foundation layer and community and pointed out steward is definitely "Wikimedia steward", not Wikimedia Foundation steward. He stated he was right and "Wikimedia Foundation steward" was proper recognition of his role, and for my first question, he replied only "you know the answer". I am hardly to agree with him at those point. I am content with his steward action on the project, but his attitude to the external hinders me to support to keep him his right. --Aphaia 10:13, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  7. Support --.anaconda 15:03, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  8.   Support 16:34, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  9.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:38, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
  10.   Support--Alex S.H. Lin 09:08, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
  11.   Support Great steward, always there with the right actions when help is necessary. - Tangotango 20:11, 26 December 2006 (UTC)
  12.   Neutral Unfortunately, I cannot support Suisui to continue being the Steward. But since I hope he will change his own undesirable mind (attitude) at the ja.wikipedia community into the better one in the nearest future, I venture to say "neutral". The reasons; (1)He, Suisui, had not carried out accountability to the community for his actions at all (see ja:Wikipedia:コメント依頼/Suisui20060920 <RfC> ). (2) He criticized the wikipedian who improved the's gudeline (Wikipedia:マルチメディアFAQ). His bitter criticism caused disappointment of the wikipedian. (3) He blocked wikipedian's indefinitely at his own discretion without sufficient cause (see the RfC above). (4) He seems not to understand legal matters to judge or play a roll as Stewerd, I think. For example, he commited a gross error between civil affairs and criminal (penal) matters. I pointed out of the mistake, but he didn't correct it at all (see ja:Wikipedia‐ノート:マルチメディアFAQ). To confirm of his mind whether to change or not, I requested for his comments again at ja:Wikipedia:コメント依頼/Suisui20070111<RfC>.(コメントはja:Wikipedia:コメント依頼/Suisui20070111へお願いします)--Anonymous000 03:35, 11 January 2007 (UTC)
  13.   Support--hashikure 04:16, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Talen: Nederlands (nl-N) en Engels (en-2) - ik weet hoe ik een vertaalwebsite moet gebruiken voor de rest
  • Een woordje uitleg; Ik ben dus actief op Wikipedia sinds begin 2002, mijn thuiswiki is de Nederlandstalige Wikipedia. Ik ben moderator/bureaucraat/checkuser op NL.wikipedia en wat andere wikis ook, zoals deze hier, meta. Ik doe wikipedia emails (OTRS), ben bij het "Communications committee". Maar ik hou mij vooral bezig eigenlijk met mijn nieuwsbriefje Wikizine dat ik uitgeef. En sinds ik steward ben geworden begin 2006 doe ik dan ook wat stewardachtige zaken, hang rond in #wikimedia-stewards voor als er mensen een steward nodig zouden hebben.
  • Languages: Dutch (nl-N) and English (en-2) - I know how to use translators
  • personal info: I am active on Wikipedia since early 2002, my home wiki is the dutch wikipedia. I am sysop/bureaucrat/checkuser on nl.wikipedia and some on other wikis also sysop, like here on meta. Member OTRS-team, Communications committee member. My main focus is the weekly ezine Wikizine that I publish. And since I am elected steward early 2006 I do some stewards things and be "on duty" in #wikimedia-stewards
  • Sprachen: Niederländisch (nl-N) und Englisch (en-2) - ich kann Übersetzungsprogramme verwenden
  • Informationen zur Person: Ich bin aktiv in der Wikipedia seit Anfang 2002, mein Heimatwiki ist die niederländische Wikipedia. Ich bin Administrator/Bürokrat/Checkuser in der nl.Wikipedia und manches in in anderen Wikis auch, wie hier auf Meta. Mitglied des OTRS-Teams, Kommunikationskomitee-Mitglied ("Communications committee"). Mein Hauptaugenmerk ist die wöchentliche E-Zeitschrift Wikizine, welche ich publiziere. Und da ich gewählter Steward seit Anfang 2006 bin, erledige ich Steward-Aufgaben und bin in #wikimedia-stewards erreichbar.
  • Lingue: olandese (nl-N) e inglese (en-2) - so usare programmi di traduzione
  • Informazioni personali: Sono attivo su Wikipedia dall'inizio del 2002, la mia wiki principale è quella in olandese, dove sono anche amministratore, burocrate e check user. Sono inoltre amministratore su altre wiki, come qui su meta. Sono membro del gruppo di OTRS e del Communications committee. La mia principale attenzione è rivolta alla e-zine settimanale Wikizine, di cui curo la pubblicazione. Essendo diventato steward all'inizio del 2006 eseguo anche le operazioni relative e sono "in servizio" su #wikimedia-stewards.
  • Diller: Hollandaca (nl-N) and İngilizce (en-2) - Nasıl çeviri programları kullanacağımı biliyorum.
  • Kişisel bilgiler: 2002'nin başından beri Wikipedia'da aktifim, asıl vikim Hollandaca Wikipedia. Nl.wikipedia'da yönetici/bürokrat/denetçiyim, ayrıca meta da dahil olmak üzere diğer bazı vikilerde de yöneticilik yapıyorum. OTRS-takımının ve İletişim komitesinin üyesiyim. Daha çok yayımladığım haftalık dergi Wikizine'e odaklanmış durumdayım. 2006'nın başlarında steward seçildiğim için bazı steward görevlerini yerine getiriyor ve #wikimedia-stewards kanalında hazır bulunuyorum.
  • Języki: Holenderski (nl-N) i angielski (en-2) - wiem jak korzystać z automatycznych tłumaczy
  • Informacje osobiste: Jestem aktywnym Wikipedystą od wczesnego 2002, moja domowa wiki to holenderska Wikipedia. Jestem sysopem/biurokratą/checkuserem na nl.wikipedia oraz na innych wiki jestem sysopem, np. na meta. Członek ekipy OTRS, członek Communications Committee (komisji komunikacyjnej). Moim głównym zainteresowaniem jest cotygodniowy zin Wikizine, który publikuję. Kiedy zostałem wybrany na stewarda na początku 2006 wykonuję pewne zadania stewardów oraz jestem "na straży" na #wikimedia-stewards
Português :
  • Línguas: Neerlandês (nl-N) e inglês (en-2) - sei usar tradutores automáticos
  • informações pessoais: Sou ativo na Wikipédia desde o início de 2002 e meu projeto principal é a Wikipédia em neerlandês. Sou sysop/burocrata/checkuser na nl.wikipédia, e sou sysop, também, em algumas outras wikis, como aqui, na MetaWiki. Sou membro do OTRS e membro do Comitê de Comunicação. Meu foco principal é o ezine semanal, Wikizine, que eu publico. Desde que fui eleito Steward, no início de 2006, tenho realizado algumas tarefas de Steward e tenho estado "a serviço" no canal #wikimedia-stewards
  • 言語: オランダ語(nl-N)と英語(en-2)
  • 人物について: 2002年初めからウィキペディアで活動し、主な活動場所は、オランダ語版ウィキペディアです。オランダ語版ウィキペディアでsysop、ビューロクラット、チェックユーザーで、メタのように他にsysopをしているウィキメディアもあります。OTRSの一員で、Communication Committeeの委員です。活動の中心は、自分で発行している週間ezineWikizineです。2006年前半に選出されたスチュワードですので、スチュワードの仕事はいくらかやり、#wikimedia-stewardsで「活動中」です。
  1.   Support--clamengh 16:46, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  2.   Support --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:50, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  3.   Support Great job on the Wikizine! – Lantoka (talk) 13:00, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  4.   Support--User:Dario vet/Sign 15:38, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Support--Moch 10:03, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  6. support --:Bdk: 22:18, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support 16:35, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  8.   Support --Bertrand GRONDIN 20:39, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Languages: French (fr-M), en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Personal info: I am steward since beginning 2005. I was active in the creation of Wikimedia France, but not much now due to lack of time. I have been active in French Wikipedia since December 2002, Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikisource and Commons since there were created, and Hindi and Gujarati languages projects. Now mainly active on English, Hindi, Sanskrit and French Wikisource. I am available any day on IRC as "yannf".
  • Sprachen: Französisch (fr-M), en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Informationen zur Person: Ich bin Steward seit Anfang 2005. Ich war beteiligt bei der Gründung von Wikimedia Frankreich, aber durch Zeitmangel zur Zeit nicht viel. Ich bin seit Dezember 2002 in der französischen Wikipedia aktiv, in Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikisource und Commons seit ihrer Entstehung, ebenso in Projekten in den Sprachen Hindi und Gudscharatisch. Derzeit wirke ich hauptsächlich in der Wikisource auf Französisch, Englisch, Hindi und Sanskrit mit. Ich bin über IRC jeden Tag erreichbar mit dem Pseudo "yannf".
Français :
  • Langues: Français (fr-M), en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Informations: Je suis steward depuis début 2005. J'ai été acteur lors de la création de Wikimédia France, mais plus beaucoup en ce moment par manque de temps. Je suis contributeur de Wikipédia en français depuis décembre 2002, Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikisource et Commons depuis leur création, ainsi que les projects en langue hindi et gujarati. Je contribue aujourd'hui principalement à Wikisource en français, en anglais, en hindi et en sanscrit. Je suis disponible sur IRC tous les jours avec le pseudo "yannf".
  • Diller: Fransızca (fr-M), en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Kişisel bilgiler: 2005 başından beri steward'ım. Wikimedia Fransa'nın kuruluş aşamasında aktiftim, ancak kısıtlı zaman nedeniyle zaman ayıramıyorum. Aralık 2002'den beri Fransızca Wikipedia'da ve kurulduklarından beri de Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikisource ve Commons'ta aktifim. Ek olarak Hindu ve Gujarati dillerindeki projelere de katkı sağlıyorum. Halen İngilizce, Hindu dili, Sanskritçe ve Fransızca Wikisource'da aktifim. Hemen hemen her gün "yannf" kullanıcı adıyla IRC'de bulunuyorum.
  • Lingue:francese (fr-M), en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Informazioni personali: sono steward dall'inizio del 2005. Ho partecipato alla creazione di Wikimédia France, anche se non molto per via del poco tempo. Sono attivo sulla Wikipedia francese dal dicembre 2002, su Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikisource e Commons sin dalla loro apertura e sui progetti nelle lingue hindi e gujarati. Oggi sono principalmente presente sulle Wikisource inglese, francese, hindi e sanscrita. Sono reperibile ogni giorno su IRC come "yannf".
  • Języki: Francuski (fr-M), en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Informacje osobiste: Jestem stewardem od początku 2005 roku. Byłem aktywnym członkiem-założycielem Wikimédia France, choć obecnie nie mam na to za wiele czasu. Jestem aktywny na francuskiej Wikipedii od grudnia 2002 roku, a na Wikibooks, Wikisłowniku, Wikiźródłach oraz Commons od kiedy tylko były stworzone - oraz na hinduskim i gudżaraskim projekcie. Obecnie jestem aktywny na angielskich, hinduskich, sanskryckich oraz francuskich Wikiźródłach. Jestem codziennie na IRCu jako "yannf".
Português :
  • Línguas: Francês (fr-M), en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Informações pessoais: Sou Steward desde o início de 2005. Estive ativamente envolvido na criação da Wikimedia França, mas já não mais devido à falta de tempo. Sou ativo na Wikipédia em francês desde dezembro de 2002 e ativo no Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikisource e no Commons desde que foram criados, assim como no projetos em hindu e em gujarati. Atualmente, sou ativo principalmente nas Wikipédias em inglês, hindu e sânscrito, e na Wikisource em francês. Estou disponível a qualquer momento no IRC, como "yannf".
  • 言語: フランス語(fr-M)、en-3、hi-2、gu-1
  • 人物について: 2005年初めからスチュワードです。ウィキメディアフランス支部創設に尽力しましたが、現在は時間がなくあまり活動していません。2002年12月からフランス語版ウィキペディアで活動し、ウィキブックス、ウィクショナリー、ウィキソース、Commons創設時から活動し、ヒンドゥー語とグジャラート語で活動しています。今は主に英語版、ヒンドゥー語版、サンスクリット語版、フランス語版のウィキソースで活動しています。「yannf」としてIRCに参加しています。
  1. I am unhappy with Yann's civility towards me and with his response to critics. At first he try to strip me of my right to hold Datrio responsible for breaching my privacy and breaking the policy for checking users. When I tried to inform him about the policy Datrio broke and asked him for civility, he marked this as trolling and removed it. I don't think it is a proper behaviour of a steward. If you disagree, please let me know why. -- Zacheus 09:18, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
For everyone information, this user was trying to suppress information about his bad behaviour, and was creating sockpuppets for this usage. Yann 17:06, 25 November 2006 (UTC)

I was not trying to suppress information about my bad behaviour. Why do you lie? I have not created sockpuppets for suppressing information about my allegded bad behaviour, why do lie? And even if this was true, is this a reason for being impolite and for censuring of your talk pages? -- Zacheus 14:34, 26 November 2006 (UTC)

  1.   Support Je supporte Yann qui dispose de toute ma confiance dans ses fonctions de steward.--Bertrand GRONDIN 16:46, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
    Is an impolite steward proper? -- Zacheus 14:34, 26 November 2006 (UTC)
  2. Je suis du même avis que Grondin. --Zephyrus 17:53, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
  3. I am mostly against Yann running again for steward's right. I have nothing personal against him but I think that he is far from participating enough right now to be given these rights (I am basing my judgement on the French and English wikipedias). Recently, in the French wikipedia, he has dubiously (wrong isn't an appropriate word for this action) removed sysop rights to a contributor. This action was in my opinion a little bit too fast and denoted a clear ignorance of what was going on the French wikipedia. Considering that it is the wikipedia he is supposed to contribute the most, I am not sold at all on Yann. I think that Yann's lack of participation makes him unaware of general trend and problems of wikipedias he should know in order to be a good steward. Poppypetty 00:43, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
    Did you read my application? It seems you didn't. It seems you didn't understand the role of stewards, who usually do not give rights on the projects in which their are most active. Also the admin I desysopped (and resysopped soon after) requested himself to be desysopped, and he was removed his adminship on French Wikipedia following the same affair. Yann 23:53, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
    Suggestion: ask the user to "write" down publicly he wishes to be desysoped (on your talk page for example) Anthere
  4.   Support --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:50, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
  5.   Support I share Grondin's opinion. --Moumine 12:56, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
  6.   Support --User:Dario vet/Sign 15:39, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
  7.   Support--Moch 10:04, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  8.   Support I share Grondin's opinion. --BeatrixBelibaste 23:30, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  9.   Support --Benn Newman 22:56, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
  10.   Support --.anaconda 09:54, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
  11.   Support 16:36, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
  12.   SupportAdiJapan  08:45, 23 December 2006 (UTC)
  13.   Support - Tangotango 20:18, 26 December 2006 (UTC)

Steward access confirmed per consensus among stewards. —{admin} Pathoschild 21:01, 11 January 2007 (UTC)