
Latest comment: 13 years ago by Daniel K. Schneider in topic Bug report for version 1.1 classic

Bug report for version 1.1 classic


I tried the software today and wrote a short how I did it and it works almost fine with a MediaWiki 1.18.1

Title quotes bug


Titles that include double quotes will fail in two scripts (at least). Of course, one should use simple titles in a wiki, but try to teach this to education students (...).


gnuplot> plot "/tmp/tmpPSIym8.gnuplot/fifo" title "Edits in Résumé du "livre": Pingeon, D. (1982). La délinquance juvénile stigmatisée. (all users)" with boxes, "/tmp/tmptzDYWK.gnuplot/fifo" title "Edits in Résumé du "livre": Pingeon, D. (1982). La délinquance juvénile stigmatisée. (only anonymous users)" with boxes, "/tmp/tmpMVK5JA.gnuplot/fifo" title "Edits in Résumé du "livre": Pingeon, D. (1982). La délinquance juvénile stigmatisée. (only registered users)" with boxes
         line 0: ';' expected


gnuplot> plot "/tmp/tmp4caTry.gnuplot/fifo" title "Edits in "L'oiseau et le cachot, naissance de l'éducation correctionnelle en suisse romande 1800-1913" (all users)" with boxes, "/tmp/tmpC60A5f.gnuplot/fifo" title "Edits in "L'oiseau et le cachot, naissance de l'éducation correctionnelle en suisse romande 1800-1913" (only anonymous users)" with boxes, "/tmp/tmpgnJsqX.gnuplot/fifo" title "Edits in "L'oiseau et le cachot, naissance de l'éducation correctionnelle en suisse romande 1800-1913" (only registered users)" with boxes
         line 0: invalid character 

gnuplot> set title "Accumulative work distribution in "L'oiseau et le cachot, naissance de l'éducation correctionnelle en suisse romande 1800-1913""
         line 0: invalid character 

Namespace bug - version 1.1 as of Jan 26 2012


Key 102 refers to an extra name space used it seems according to Erkan Yilmaz, 2011-08-18. This bug is an almost absolute show stopper for Wikis that do use other namespaces since the program will exit. Since I don't program much and I don't speak Python I didn't look into details, but I trust that Erkan did ...

Welcome to StatMediaWiki 1.1. Web:
Loaded 105 categories
Loaded 1070 images
Loaded 2186 pages
Loaded 20644 revisions
Loaded 334 users
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "statmediawiki/trunk/", line 55, in <module>
  File "statmediawiki/trunk/", line 43, in main
  File "/export/home/schneide/statmediawiki/trunk/", line 42, in load
  File "/export/home/schneide/statmediawiki/trunk/", line 68, in fillFullpagetitles
    smwconfig.pages[page_id]["full_page_title"] = page_props["page_namespace"] == 0 and page_props["page_title"] or '%s:%s' % (smwconfig.namespaces[page_props["page_namespace"]], page_props["page_title"])
KeyError: 102

I could reproduce this bug with a second wiki, this time it broke on KeyError: 100

- Daniel K. Schneider 19:59, 26 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

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