Talk:WMF India Visit Feb 2014

Latest comment: 10 years ago by ASengupta (WMF) in topic Bangalore meeting

Bangalore meeting


Is the community meetup at Bangalore happening? What day and time? Presuming that this is either on Saturday or Sunday and at the CIS. Shyamal (talk) 04:53, 13 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi Shyamal, yes: the community meet up is happening. Saturday at 5pm at TERI - The Energy and Research Institute (very close to CIS) - 4th Main Rd, Domlur II Stage, Domlur, Bangalore, Karnataka 560008. Looking forward to seeing you there! ASengupta (WMF) (talk) 19:59, 14 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

IRC timings?


Kindly update the timing for IRC session later today. Can you also specify the channel? Thanks! --H P Nadig (talk) 09:09, 11 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi H P Nadig, thanks for checking! Many apologies but Sydney, Garfield and I are really jet-lagged, and are in no state to hold an intelligible IRC session today. :-) However, please come back tomorrow: I've put the timings for the three IRC sessions we hope to hold this week (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday), the time (8pm) and the channel (#wikimedia-in). I'm also hoping to see you at the meet-up on Saturday, will keep you all posted on the venue and timing. Thanks very much, looking forward to good conversations! ASengupta (WMF) (talk) 14:07, 11 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

IRC log for Wednesday, 12 February 2014

[06:21] == Anasuya [6a33649e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-in
[06:28] == FloNight [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/poore5] has joined #wikimedia-in
[06:32] == IRC128 has changed nick to a2f
[06:33] <Anasuya> Hello everyone, welcome to our IRC session with the Indian communities (and any of you interested in Indian communities)!
[06:35] <Anasuya> The three of us here are: Garfield Byrd (the Wikimedia Foundation CFO), Sydney Poore/FloNight (a member of the Funds Dissemination Committee or FDC) and me, Anasuya Sengupta. I head Grantmaking at WMF.
[06:35] <Anasuya> Would any of you like to introduce yourselves?
[06:38] <GByrd> Are there any questions?
[06:40] <Anasuya> The three of us are here to visit WMIN (the India chapter), and the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), since they are grantees of ours.
[06:41] <Anasuya> We also hope to understand the context of Indian communities better, and are hoping that some of these IRC sessions will help us do so.
[06:41] <Anasuya> Garfield and I have been visiting various Wikimedia chapters around the world as part of our due diligence process, and over the past month, FDC members have joined us for these visits.
[06:42] <Anasuya> We were most recently in Germany, visiting WMDE.
[06:42] <Anasuya> Does this short introduction prompt any questions?
[06:42] <FloNight> hi there, I would love to talk with Wikimedians in India and hear questions about the FDC process.
[06:50] <Saqib> i am saqib from
[06:50] == hpnadig [~hpnadig@wikipedia/kn/HPNadig] has joined #wikimedia-in
[06:51] <Saqib> wondering if i could join this talk?
[06:51] <Anasuya> Saqib: please do!
[06:51] <Anasuya> You're already a part of it... :-)
[06:51] <Saqib> thanks
[06:51] <Saqib> :D yes
[06:52] <FloNight> hi :-)
[06:52] <Saqib> wondering if Karthik will be here as well in a short while?
[06:52] <Anasuya> Saqib: I'm not sure. Karthik and the rest of the EC will be meeting with us in person this weekend.
[06:52] <hpnadig> Anasuya, Saqib, FloNight: Hey!
[06:52] <Anasuya> hpnadig: Hello!
[06:52] <Saqib> i see
[06:52] <Anasuya> Welcome!
[06:53] <hpnadig> Anasuya: am I late? anything I missed?
[06:53] <FloNight> hey :-)
[06:53] <Anasuya> And Saqib, we're hoping to have an IRC chat with their participation as well, on Sat evening.
[06:53] <Anasuya> Do feel welcome to join us then too. :-)
[06:53] <Saqib> in this room ?
[06:53] <Anasuya> hpnadig: No, you haven't missed anything other than a warm welcome to Saqib and you. ;-)
[06:54] <Anasuya> Yes, Saqib
[06:54] <Saqib> ok i will try to… thanks for invitation anyways
[06:54] <Anasuya> hpnadig: I also offered a brief introduction to our visit to India at the beginning.
[06:55] <Anasuya> hpnadig: I do hope we get to meet with you this Saturday at the Bangalore meetup?
[06:55] <hpnadig> okay. /me is checking the IRC handles to figure out who's who.
[06:55] <FloNight> Anything on anyone's mind?
[06:55] <hpnadig> Anasuya: yes, I'll try my best to make it to the meet.
[06:55] <Saqib> btw, i am from Wikivoyage
[06:55] <Anasuya> Excellent hpnadig!
[06:55] <hpnadig> Good to know, Saqib
[06:55] <Anasuya> And that's great to hear, Saqib !
[06:55] <Saqib> i was formerly admin there. but now only an editor
[06:56] <Saqib> anyway, please carry on. i'll prefer to listen since the talk is particular to India
[06:56] * hpnadig is User:HPN from kn.wikipedia (and the IRC handle says it all). Co-founder of Wikimedia India Chapter.
[06:56] <Anasuya> Does wikivoyage have a strong community in Pakistan?
[06:57] <Saqib> :D i am the only editor from WV currently :(
[06:57] <Anasuya> Thanks, hpnadig - that's really helpful. Thank you for all your work. :-)
[06:57] <Saqib> I mean from Pakistan
[06:57] <Anasuya> Sorry to hear that, Saqib - I hope that changes.
[06:57] <Saqib> in-fact we have very few 2-3 active from India
[06:58] <hpnadig> Anasuya: thanks.
[06:58] <Saqib> WV community is very small
[06:58] <hpnadig> Anasuya: So, is Garfield and Sydney also around?
[06:58] <Anasuya> hpnadig: Yes, they are. Questions for any of us?
[06:58] <hpnadig> ah, I see that Sydeny is FloNight
[06:59] <Anasuya> That's right. Ask her why. :-)
[06:59] * hpnadig asks FloNight "why?"
[07:00] <Anasuya> Ah, she just dropped off - she'll be back in a sec to answer that question!
[07:00] == FloNight_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikimedia-in
[07:00] <hpnadig> and she's back now.
[07:00] <hpnadig> Guess the good old days when we were getting Wikipedia handles for freenode ids has gone?
[07:00] <Anasuya> :-)
[07:01] <FloNight_> I'm FloNight for Florence Nightengale
[07:01] == FloNight [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/poore5] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[07:01] == FloNight_ has changed nick to FloNight
[07:02] * hpnadig is reading [[Florence Nightingale]]
[07:02] <a2f> Hi all
[07:02] <Anasuya> Chuckle hpnadig
[07:02] == FloNight [~chatzilla@] has quit [Changing host]
[07:02] == FloNight [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/poore5] has joined #wikimedia-in
[07:02] <Anasuya> Hi a2f
[07:02] <Anasuya> Welcome!
[07:03] <a2f> Is this talk about WMIN and A2K?
[07:03] <a2f> thanks
[07:03] <hpnadig> btw, Anasuya, GByrd, FloNight, we're all cross with you for not inviting us to the Mughal party :P
[07:03] <Anasuya> Yes, that's right - and any issues related to work in Indian communities.
[07:03] <Anasuya> Sorry, hpnadig! We missed you!
[07:04] <Anasuya> You would have definitely enjoyed the topis. ;-)
[07:04] <a2f> what is the status quo of WMIN and A2K? Why is there two team in India?
[07:04] <Anasuya> Well, there was a catalyst programme in India that began a few years ago, from out of WMF.
[07:05] <hpnadig> Anasuya: yeah, for ACK readers, that was the 'Birbal' topi :)
[07:05] <Anasuya> However, we felt that the model of WMF leading initiatives in local contexts was not appropriate, so we looked for a local partner to take on the team.
[07:05] <Anasuya> At the same time, WMIN was growing and developing and we felt there would be good complementarity.
[07:06] <Anasuya> Especially because India is so diverse and complex, that a great many groups and communities can (and need to) work together.
[07:06] <a2f> How is WMIN different from A2K?
[07:07] <Anasuya> Right now, A2K is working on a few language communities very specifically, while the chapter works more broadly, including with the English community from India.
[07:08] <Anasuya> hpnadig: Yes, I love Birbal. :-)
[07:08] <hpnadig> a2f: Ansuman?
[07:08] <hpnadig> a2f: guess those are a bit old questions now. The folks are jetlagged. Surely we're not going to bother them with these tonight?
[07:10] <hpnadig> Anasuya: one thing that stood out though from the schedule is that the WMF team is having quite a lot of meetings with A2K, but less with the Chapter.
[07:10] <hpnadig> Would have loved to see more discussion going on between chapter and the WMF
[07:10] <Anasuya> Actually no - we're spending exactly the same time with the chapter as with A2K. Two days each!
[07:11] <hpnadig> ah. /me goes back to check the schedule :-)
[07:11] <Anasuya> The only difference is that there's one session over the weekend where we have both teams together to discuss the vision for growth in Indian communities
[07:11] <hpnadig> Anasuya: or maybe it is that you're starting off with A2K :)
[07:12] <Anasuya> Ah, that's because the EC couldn't meet with us till the weekend. The original schedule was the other way round. :-)
[07:12] <Anasuya> And of course, it's tough for the EC to make it over weekdays, because they're all volunteers.
[07:12] <Anasuya> We couldn't make it over the previous weekend, because we were in Berlin and then Budapest.
[07:13] <Anasuya> Garfield and I are on the B-tour: Berlin, Budapest, Bangalore. ;-)
[07:13] <hpnadig> ah, okay. That sounds fine then!
[07:13] <hpnadig> :-)
[07:13] <Anasuya> I'm really sorry we couldn't travel more across India, which we had hoped to do.
[07:13] <FloNight> From my perspective A2K is unique that they are housed in a larger organization with a broad goals that align with the Wikimedia movement. Wikimedia movement is exploring new types of organizations like thematic organizations. So we get to see how this set up works in contrast to chapters.
[07:14] <Anasuya> Just as FYI: we're exploring a similar model in Brazil as well, working with a very well known education NGO called Acao Educativa.
[07:15] <hpnadig> Anasuya: ah, yes. You should travel to more cities here sometime.
[07:15] <hpnadig> Anasuya: so, is there a chapter in Brazil as well?
[07:15] <Anasuya> hpnadig: Yes, we certainly intend to do so. We'll be back (besides India is home, so I would never complain).
[07:15] <FloNight> hpnadig, I'm very sorry that I could not visit more Wikimedia editors while I'm heare.
[07:16] <Anasuya> No, hpnadig - there's just been a user group recognised by AffCom
[07:16] <hpnadig> Anasuya: Mysore is one place that should be on your list btw :-)
[07:16] <Anasuya> Well, tomorrow we're off to Mysore (to show Garfield and Sydney the palace!). :-)
[07:17] <Anasuya> Namma jothege barathiraa (would you like to join us)??
[07:17] <hpnadig> FloNight: ah, that is fine. But I think might get to meet few later this weekend at the least.
[07:17] <FloNight> Excellent!!
[07:18] <hpnadig> Anasuya: would love to!
[07:18] * hpnadig checks his calendar.
[07:18] <Anasuya> hpnadig: Can you make it?
[07:19] <hpnadig> Anasuya: may have to move some meetings around, but should be able to make it. Let me DM you on this.
[07:19] <Anasuya> Sure, you know where to find me. ;-)
[07:19] == a2f has changed nick to a2f|away
[07:20] <Anasuya> Any other questions from others on this chat?
[07:21] <Saqib> i've a question :P
[07:21] <Anasuya> Of course, Saqib
[07:21] <hpnadig> Anasuya: how on earth did you learn Kannada?
[07:21] <hpnadig> ;)
[07:21] <Saqib> i've been told by Karthik that some guys from the foundation will be visiting Bangalore . are you those guys?
[07:22] <hpnadig> Saqib: yes, Anasuya, FloNight and GByrd
[07:22] <Saqib> oh great
[07:22] <hpnadig> Saqib:
[07:22] <Saqib> i think the chapter is going to talk with your guys about our user group in Pakistan as well :)
[07:22] <FloNight> But I'm not a guy, I'm a gal :-)
[07:22] <Anasuya> hpnadig: I'm from Karnataka (well, a half Bengali, quarter Tamil, quarter Malayali who grew up in north Karnataka). :-)
[07:22] <Saqib> hpnadig: thanks for the link
[07:23] <Anasuya> So Saqib, you would reach out to the AffCom to do so
[07:23] <hpnadig> FloNight: :-)
[07:23] <Anasuya> ...but please let us know if we can support you in any way as you think it through
[07:23] <hpnadig> Anasuya: didn't know that! Good to know.
[07:23] <Saqib> yes we're in touched with them as well since last year
[07:23] <Anasuya> Excellent, Saqib
[07:24] <Anasuya> hpnadig: :-)
[07:25] <hpnadig> FloNight, Anasuya, how bad is the jetlag? And what time are you off to dinner?
[07:25] <Saqib> Anasuya:hmm i will not talk anything here regarding Pakistan user group. I think its better if WMIN start first because they've said to initiate the talk with you
[07:25] <Saqib> i was just making sure if you're the ones who're visiting from foundation
[07:26] <Anasuya> Saqib: yes, we are :-)
[07:26] <Saqib> ok
[07:26] <FloNight> I'm tired but excited to be here so digging deep for extra energy to keep going :-)
[07:27] <Anasuya> ...and we've been munching on dinner while chatting with you all.
[07:28] <Saqib> hahaha great
[07:28] <FloNight> :-)
[07:29] <Shanmugamp7> :O Lot of Activity in this channel :P
[07:29] <Anasuya> Saqib: btw, blame the jet lag on this late response, but I'm a gal too. :-)
[07:29] <Saqib> hi Shanmugamp
[07:29] <Anasuya> Welcome Shanmugamp7 !
[07:29] <Saqib> Vanakam
[07:29] <Shanmugamp7> hi Anasuya  and Saqib
[07:29] <Anasuya> Yes, vannakam
[07:29] <FloNight> hi Shanmugamp :-)
[07:29] <Shanmugamp7> vanakkam :)
[07:29] <Shanmugamp7> hi FloNight
[07:30] <Saqib> yes i know Anasuya, just googled you and found your page on WMF site
[07:30] <Anasuya> Glad you did, any questions from that?
[07:30] * Saqib is trying to learn some basic Tamil
[07:30] <Anasuya> ...nice!
[07:30] <Shanmugamp7> good to know Saqib :)
[07:31] == hpnadig [~hpnadig@wikipedia/kn/HPNadig] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[07:31] <Anasuya> Bahuth khoob... :-)
[07:31] <Saqib> hmmmm
[07:31] <Saqib> actually we in Pakistan are in contact with Karthik on how the both communities can collaborate with each other on wiki
[07:32] <Anasuya> Excellent, that's great to know
[07:32] <FloNight> Saqib, good to here!
[07:32] <FloNight> good to hear
[07:32] <Anasuya> How large is the Urdu community in Pakistan?
[07:32] <Saqib> and because the WMIN is big player in the region (I'm referring to Wikimedia movement) . I want them to take us along with them
[07:33] <Anasuya> On Wikipedia, I mean?
[07:33] <Saqib> I mean we want them*
[07:33] <Anasuya> :-)
[07:33] <Saqib> yes WP UR is large but not as big and active as Hindi WP
[07:34] <Saqib> and Pakistani editors on EN WP is small and rather inactive as compare to Indian editors
[07:34] <Anasuya> Yes, I'd love to see more growth in the language community, so I'm excited to hear about the collaboration
[07:34] <Saqib> hmm
[07:34] <Anasuya> That's interesting to know
[07:35] <Saqib> I met with Sue Gardner back in 2010 with few Indian wikimedians in Dubai and we discussed briefly over how the both communities can collaborate rather than edit wars
[07:35] <Anasuya> I'm glad you went that route... :-)
[07:35] <Anasuya> Aren't you planning a blogpost on it?
[07:36] <Saqib>
[07:36] <Anasuya> Shanmugamp7: Do you have any questions for us?
[07:36] <Saqib> on what
[07:36] <Anasuya> Which one is you, Saqib ?
[07:36] <Shanmugamp7> no Anasuya , i used to be idling in this channel always
[07:36] <Saqib> I am not in the photo
[07:37] == hpnadig [~hpnadig@wikipedia/kn/HPNadig] has joined #wikimedia-in
[07:37] <Saqib> but you can see my name "Saqib Qayyum"
[07:37] * hpnadig got disconnected
[07:37] <hpnadig> Anasuya, FloNight, got disconnected. Lost out some earlier messages.
[07:38] <hpnadig> Anasuya, FloNight, I'm off though for dinner and time with the kid.
[07:38] <FloNight> you're back :-)
[07:38] <hpnadig> Good night, folks.
[07:38] <FloNight> good night hpnadig
[07:38] <Anasuya> Good night, hpnadig ! Let us know your plans for tomorrow
[07:38] <hpnadig> FloNight, yes, but off now though - shall mesg you all.
[07:38] <FloNight> Great, talk soon
[07:39] <hpnadig> Anasuya: left a mesg on FB.
[07:43] <Anasuya> Okay, everyone: any questions from those here (idling or otherwise)? ;-)
[07:44] <Saqib> how often foundation staff is visiting WMIN chapter?
[07:45] <Anasuya> This is the first time Garfield and I are visiting, Saqib.
[07:45] <Saqib> ok
[07:45] <Anasuya> But others from the Foundation have been here before, in the past, including my predecessor Barry Newstead.
[07:45] <Saqib> and Sydney Poore ?
[07:46] <Saqib> i see
[07:46] <FloNight> yes, my first time to India. I'm enjoying it very much.
[07:46] <Saqib> you must enjoying your trip
[07:46] <Saqib> and first time to South Asia?
[07:46] <FloNight> yes
[07:46] <Saqib> oh ok
[07:47] <Saqib> first time experience in South Asia is different. right?
[07:47] <FloNight> I'm adventurous traveler so enjoying the food and new sights
[07:47] <Saqib> hmm
[07:48] <Anasuya> It's also the first time for Garfield :-)
[07:48] <Anasuya> I'm enjoying introducing them to South Asia, Saqib, to my home. :-)
[07:48] <Saqib> wow
[07:49] <Anasuya> Okay, everyone, I think we'll call it a night if there are no more questions. We'd like to have another session on Friday night, same time, same place. :-)
[07:50] <Saqib> hmmm
[07:50] <Saqib> fine
[07:50] <Saqib> it was nice talking to you Anasuya
[07:50] <Anasuya> Also on Saturday after a meetup in Bangalore
[07:50] <Saqib> you're quite older than me so pardon for calling you directly by your name :P
[07:50] <FloNight> Nice to chat with everyone :-)
[07:50] <Anasuya> The pleasure was mutual, Saqib, thanks!
[07:51] <Anasuya> Hopefully not thaaaaat much older :-)
[07:51] <Anasuya> So feel free!
[07:51] <Saqib> hahaha ok thanks everyone
[07:51] <Saqib> Namaste and enjoy your trip and bye for now
[07:52] <Anasuya> Shukriya, Saqib, bye
[07:52] == GByrd [6a33649e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[07:52] <Anasuya> Bye everyone else, take care, speak later!

IRC log for Friday, 14 February 2014

8:07 PM → Anasuya joined (7aac95ef@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
8:07 PM <Anasuya> Hello everyone!
8:07 PM <Anasuya> Sorry I'm a little late for our IRC session 2 with all of you!
8:08 PM  → Gbyrd and FloNight joined  
8:11 PM <FloNight> hi :-)
8:12 PM <Anasuya> As we said here - - Garfield Byrd (CFO, Wikimedia Foundation), Sydney Poore (member, Funds Dissemination Committee/FDC) and I (Anasuya Sengupta, head of Grantmaking at WMF), are here to visit our partners here in India.
8:13 PM <Gbyrd> Hello.
8:13 PM <Anasuya> We're looking forward to two days spent with the Wikimedia India EC tomorrow, and in the meantime, would love to hear from our communities across India.
8:13 PM <Anasuya> Does anybody have any questions?
8:16 PM <Saqib> hello again :)
8:16 PM <Saqib> namaste everyone
8:16 PM <Anasuya> Hello Saqib!
8:17 PM <Anasuya> Aadaab!
8:17 PM <Saqib> :D
8:18 PM <Saqib> i think Aadaab is more commonly used in Andhra Pradesh, particularly Hyderabad
8:18 PM <Saqib> i mean now a days
8:18 PM <Saqib> the greeting is almost vanished here in Pakistan
8:18 PM <Anasuya> Also across north India, especially Lucknow.
8:18 PM <Saqib> hmm
8:19 PM <Anasuya> I like the greeting ;-)
8:19 PM <Saqib> hmm
8:19 PM <Saqib> so how's the Indian tour going on?
8:20 PM <FloNight> Saqib, I'm enjoying getting to know people in India in the Wikimedia movement.
8:21 PM <Anasuya> We've had some great conversations with the team at the Centre for Internet and Society, as well as community members from the Kannada community.
8:21 PM <Saqib> good
8:22 PM → kuldeepdhaka joined (~kuldeepdh@unaffiliated/kuldeepdhaka)
8:23 PM <FloNight> hi kuldeepdhaka :-)
8:24 PM <Anasuya> Hello kuldeepdhaka!
8:24 PM <kuldeepdhaka> FloNight, o/
8:24 PM <kuldeepdhaka> Anasuya, o/
8:24 PM → GerardM- joined (
8:25 PM <Saqib> kuldeepdhaka: hello, are you from Bangladesh ?
8:25 PM <Anasuya> Hello GerardM- !
8:25 PM <GerardM-> Hoi
8:25 PM <kuldeepdhaka> Saqib, UP India
8:25 PM <Anasuya> Nice to have you join us :-)
8:25 PM <GerardM-> If everything would have gone as hoped for, I would be in India today
8:25 PM <FloNight> hi GerardM
8:25 PM <Saqib> oh ok. actually your nick kuldeep DHAKA so i thought you from Dhaka :)
8:26 PM <kuldeepdhaka> :)
8:26 PM <Anasuya> I know, GerardM- we were looking forward to seeing you. I'm so sorry to hear about your visa troubles. :-(
8:26 PM <GerardM-> I hope to come a month later
8:26 PM <Anasuya> That sounds great.
8:26 PM <GerardM-> .. everything I hoped for to present Wikidata is now in place :)
8:27 PM <kuldeepdhaka> Saqib, very common. spams from Bangladesh are frequent :)
8:27 PM <Anasuya> That's great to know, GerardM-
8:27 PM <GerardM-> have a look at this
8:27 PM <Anasuya> We had good conversations with the Wikidata team when we were in Berlin last week.
8:28 PM <Anasuya> Yes, I've been enjoying the resonator very much :-)
8:28 PM <GerardM-> to the top right you can find personal preferences
8:28 PM <GerardM-> and set it to *your* languages
8:28 PM <Anasuya> kuldeepdhaka: would you like to tell us a bit more about yourself and the work you do in the movement?
8:28 PM <Anasuya> I'll play with it, Gerard, looking forward to it.
8:29 PM <GerardM-> from today you can add labels in for instance Malayalam in one / write / two clicks
8:29 PM <Anasuya> Fantastic.
8:33 PM <Anasuya> Hello kuldeepdhaka? Do you have any questions for us?
8:34 PM → Netha joined (75fdc729@wikipedia/Netha-Hussain)
8:36 PM <FloNight> hi Netha
8:37 PM <Anasuya> Hey Netha!
8:37 PM <Anasuya> Great to see you here :-)
8:38 PM <Netha> Hi Anasuya, FloNight and others!
8:38 PM <Gbyrd> Hello
8:39 PM <Netha> Hello Gbyrd!
8:40 PM <Anasuya> Any questions/comments for us, Netha?
8:41 PM <Netha> Actually, I am here to find out what everyone is discussing about. Now I see that nobody is talking :)
8:42 PM <Netha> So, let me take over. March is Women's History Month, and we have tons of activities!
8:42 PM <Netha> I was wondering if WMF is organizing or supporting the women's history month events.
8:43 PM <Anasuya> Well, we would love to support any activities and events that happen around this (and have, in the past, as you know).
8:43 PM <Netha> This is the India page for WHM 2014 -,_India-2014
8:45 PM <FloNight>  Excellent Netha.
8:45 PM <Anasuya> Sounds great :-) Let us know if you do need support - you know where to find it, but FYI for all those here, here's the grants landing page:
8:45 PM <Anasuya> You can see that we support a range of activities across our movement, and a range of volunteers - from individuals to established organisations.
8:46 PM <FloNight> Does anyone have a question for me about the Fund Dissemination Committee and Annual Plan  Grants?
8:46 PM <Netha> I am not thinking about grants right now, all these might go well in our capacity as volunteers just like in the past years.
8:47 PM <Netha> I need help from the WMF in evaluation of results, and to compare the results in 2013 and 2014.
8:47 PM <Anasuya> Sounds good. And if there's support you need that's *not* grants, that's fine too! As you know, this issue is particularly close to my heart and I would love to support you as a volunteer ;-)
8:47 PM <FloNight> Very good to hear that are doing this type of evaluation, Netha!
8:47 PM <Netha> I don't have the technical expertise to do it, so it would be great if WMF could get one of the P&D people work on this
8:47 PM <Anasuya> Yes, we can certainly support that. The person to reach out to is Jessie Wild, head of our Learning and Evaluation team
8:48 PM <Anasuya> She and Jaime Anstee (P&D) could figure out what might work best for you
8:49 PM <Netha> Okay, I will reach out to them
8:49 PM <Netha> I also need help from the Wikidata people to get all the interlinks done. Last year, I had one of my friends run a bot on all the newly created pages and that was cumbersome.
8:49 PM → gaurav88 joined (25e46b2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
8:50 PM <FloNight> hi gaurav88
8:50 PM <Netha> Hello, Gaurav88!
8:51 PM <Anasuya> Well, Netha, good thing GerardM- is on this session ;-)
8:51 PM <Anasuya> And I've just put you in touch with Jessie and Jaime, so you can touch base on evaluation.
8:51 PM <Anasuya> Hello gaurav88 :-)
8:51 PM <Netha> That was quick! Thank you , Anasuya
8:52 PM <Anasuya> You're welcome :-)
8:52 PM <Anasuya> Gerard, do you have suggestions for Netha?
8:52 PM <Anasuya> gaurav88: Do you have any questions for Sydney, Garfield or me?
8:53 PM <FloNight> For those of you who have not made the connection FloNight=Sydney Pore
8:53 PM ⇐ gaurav88 quit (25e46b2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Ping timeout: 245 seconds
8:54 PM <Anasuya> :-) Yes, thanks for that Sydney/FloNight
8:54 PM → gaurav88 joined (25e46b77@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
8:54 PM <Netha> Though we have good participation of women from the Middle East, thanks to the Education programs, there have not been targetted activities like the Wikiwomen's Collaborative happening there. Will WMF be able to extend financial support and staff time to the Middle East to help them design support groups for women and underrepresented minorities?
8:56 PM <Anasuya> That's a great question, Netha. We're doing a pilot in the Arab region to see what the community needs, and this will be a key aspect of it. We'd like to support the community with grants and other resources, so this pilot is going to be really interesting, we hope.
8:57 PM <Anasuya> Siko and Asaf are working on it, and if you'd like to offer them some advice, especially given your experience here in India, that would be fantastic.
8:59 PM <Netha> That sounds great. I can definitely tell them what works and what does not work in India, but I don't have any clue about what is going on in the Middle East
8:59 PM <Anasuya> ...and I've put you in touch with both of them too, Netha :-)
9:00 PM <Saqib> btw, Netha, best wishes to you and the team involved in upcoming  Wikipedia Workshop in Kochi
9:00 PM <Anasuya> Well, it might be great to give them a sense of what works here (or doesn't), so it offers us all a comparative baseline as we go into the Arab world. We're very conscious that context matters, and that communities are extremely diverse.
9:00 PM <FloNight> Netha, it will be important for people in the Middle East interested in a Women's Collaborative y in the Middle East to speak up about it. We need to nudge them to not be shy and do it if the they think it is a good approach.
9:00 PM ⇐ gaurav88 quit (25e46b77@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Ping timeout: 245 seconds
9:02 PM <Anasuya> Any other questions or comments?
9:02 PM <GerardM-> back
9:03 PM <Anasuya> Welcome back, Gerard
9:03 PM → FloNight_ joined (~chatzilla@
9:04 PM <GerardM-> Netha recently a bot ran to add missing links to Wikidata
9:04 PM <GerardM-> it ran on something like six seven wikis
9:04 PM <Anasuya> Yes, FloNight - in fact, the Education program has given us a good base of volunteers who might be really interested in taking WWC further.
9:04 PM <GerardM-> Anasuya I read that you are into Arabic
9:04 PM <Anasuya> And Siko and Asaf will be working with Rod and Tighe (on the Education program) to see how to make those connections
9:05 PM <Netha> We should be sensitive about the cultural issues. What works in India or in the West may not work well in the Middle East if we follow the same strategy
9:05 PM <GerardM-> I have been adding content that is about people in the history of Islam and Islamic history ...
9:05 PM <Anasuya> Absolutely, Netha - we're very conscious of that
9:05 PM <Anasuya> That's really interesting, Gerard.
9:05 PM <GerardM-> what I find however is that nobody seems to be interested in using the information from Reasonator in Arabic
9:05 PM <Anasuya> Saqib might be interested too
9:06 PM — kuldeepdhaka back
9:06 PM <Saqib> hmmm
9:06 PM <Anasuya> Well, it's a very small community right now
9:06 PM  ⇐ FloNight quit  •  FloNight_ → FloNight  
9:06 PM <Anasuya> But I will check with some of our key volunteers there what the reason might be - do you think they have enough awareness of the Reasonator?
9:06 PM <GerardM-> What REALLY helps is when Wikidata Search is added to the extended search results
9:07 PM <Netha> I am not familiar with Reasonator :(
9:07 PM <GerardM-> as a consequence the Tamil is one of the top users of Reasonator
9:07 PM <Anasuya> Ah, Gerard - want to explain quickly?
9:07 PM <GerardM->
9:08 PM <kuldeepdhaka> Anasuya, embedded system, GNU Linux, Entrepreneur, Animal Lover, Tinkering :)
9:08 PM <GerardM-> are the kings of Saudi Arabia in Arabic
9:08 PM <Anasuya> That's a great introduction, kuldeepdhaka :-)
9:08 PM <GerardM-> you can click on the links and go within Reasonator to other related subjects
9:08 PM <Anasuya> kuldeepdhaka: do you work on Hindi or Punjabi WP?
9:09 PM <GerardM-> missing labels you can add in two clicks
9:09 PM <kuldeepdhaka> joined to see peoples what peoples are doing and hopeful contribute :)
9:09 PM <GerardM-> When you add a label, it will be available from the Wikidata Search (that is used in your Wikipedia)
9:10 PM <kuldeepdhaka> Anasuya, nothing not till now :|
9:10 PM <GerardM-> actually it will be available everywhere where Wikidata search is used
9:10 PM <GerardM-> <grin> do I make sense or am I talking to myself? </grin>
9:11 PM <Anasuya> Well, we hope to see you become active, kuldeepdhaka
9:11 PM <Anasuya> :-)
9:11 PM <Anasuya> :-) Gerard!
9:11 PM <GerardM-> I have added many of the Arabic dynasties
9:11 PM <GerardM-> including the Ottoman sultans and grand viziers
9:12 PM <Anasuya> Perhaps you can explain 'labels' a little more?
9:12 PM <GerardM-> a label is the word in a language for the subject at hand
9:12 PM <GerardM-> for instance horse paar Pferd cheval caballo
9:12 PM <GerardM-> are five labels in five languages
9:13 PM <GerardM-> so when you have a king you name him in your language
9:13 PM <GerardM-> or a town, a soccer player ... whatever
9:14 PM <Anasuya> That helps, Gerard. Do you have any questions, Netha?
9:14 PM <GerardM-> ok I have to go shopping and do stuff in the house
9:14 PM <Anasuya> Bye GerardM- !
9:15 PM <Anasuya> Okay, folks - we should get going too. Does anyone have any last questions for FloNight/Sydney, Garfield or me?
9:15 PM  ↔ FloNight nipped out  
9:17 PM <Saqib> i think the today's session is over so Namaskar Anasuya and bye everyone.
9:17 PM <Netha> I think you've answered all my questions quicker than I expected :)
9:18 PM <Netha> Thanks for putting me in touch with the right people and for traveling all the way to India from the US to meet us all!
9:18 PM <Anasuya> Bye, Saqib - thank you again for being here!
9:18 PM <FloNight> It is pleasure to come to your country. I'm truly enjoying my time here!
9:18 PM <Saqib> btw Anasuya. before you leave, i've got a question but its very off topic.
9:18 PM <Anasuya> Netha: of course, any time. We're really glad to be here, and sorry we couldn't see you this time. But Kerala the next time I'm here!
9:18 PM <Netha> I wanted to come over to Bangalore to meet you all, but it was not possible for me because of my long clinic hours at my college.
9:19 PM <GerardM-> Netha .. when you want lists and queries of woman in an occupation for instance, Wikidata and WDQ can povide you with them
9:19 PM <GerardM-> and see the results in Reasonator
9:19 PM <Anasuya> I know, Netha - we appreciate the thought and know how difficult it is.
9:19 PM <Saqib> whats the diff and when to use these diff greetings such as Namaste, Namaskar, Pranam, Ram Ram...
9:19 PM <Anasuya> Sure Saqib - want to share it here or ping me separately?
9:19 PM <Anasuya> Ah, Netha - you want to explain that? ;-)
9:20 PM <Netha> GerardM, I want a list of all articles on women Parliamentarians which are on English Wikipedia but not on other Indic language Wikipedias
9:20 PM <Saqib> I heard about all these greetings in Bollywood movies :D
9:20 PM <Anasuya> Saqib, the different greetings depend on the communities you're from - whether language, religion, ethnicity, state...
9:20 PM <Saqib> but i always curious about more commons ones and appropriate ones
9:21 PM <Saqib> so for example, I am not from India. so which greeting suits me best?
9:21 PM <Anasuya> Because India is so large and diverse, a Kannadiga (from Karnataka) might say Namaskara, for instance, while a Bengali (from West Bengal) might say Namoshkar
9:21 PM <Saqib> nor I am Hindu, so i think Ram Ram is definitely not..
9:21 PM <Saqib> hmmm
9:21 PM <Anasuya> I think you can choose any or many of these greetings... you are always welcome!
9:22 PM <Saqib> hmmm
9:22 PM <Anasuya> And sometimes, a simple 'hello' will do ;-)
9:22 PM <Saqib> yes hello is universal
9:22 PM <Saqib> anyway thanks for some little help :)
9:23 PM <Saqib> ;)
9:23 PM <Anasuya> You're welcome
9:23 PM <Saqib> i wish you have a good time and successful meeting tom with WMIN EC
9:24 PM <Saqib> I'm not sure whether i will be able to join the IRC tom as tom schedule is tight around 8PM.. but I will try anyway...
9:24 PM <Saqib> zoo until then goodnight
9:24 PM <Saqib> soo*
9:24 PM <Anasuya> :-) G'night everyone (good afternoon, Gerard :-))
9:24 PM <Anasuya> Thanks for dropping by
9:25 PM <Netha> Good night, everyone!8:07 PM → Anasuya joined (7aac95ef@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

IRC log for 15 February 2014

[06:33] == Anasuya [736e1a25@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-in
[06:33] <Anasuya> Hi everyone!
[06:33] <Saqib> welcome and namaste Anasuya :D
[06:33] <Saqib> I came here early today
[06:33] <subha> Saqib, I'm psubhashish on WP
[06:33] <Saqib> to welcome you and everyone else
[06:34] <ravidreams> Hi Anasuya
[06:35] <subha> Hi Ravi :) Saquib: Subha is shortened version of my full name Subhashish which means good blessing. Sorry others for the personal conversations. Saquib, we will talk on wiki :)
[06:36] <ravidreams> SUBHA, never knew the meaning. Interesting. I read your name as subha+shish :)
[06:36] <Saqib> mmmm
[06:36] <ravidreams> so, will we have more people from WMF today
[06:36] <subha> :)
[06:37] <ravidreams> any agenda for today?
[06:37] <Saqib> so subah. how was meeting went today with the WMF staff
[06:37] <Anasuya> HI everyone! This is the final IRC session (for now) of the WMF team that's in India right now - Sydney Poore (FDC), Garfield Byrd (CFO) and Anasuya Sengupta (head of Grantmaking) at WMF
[06:37] <ravidreams> I have informed about the IRC in Tamil Wikipedia FB group just now. Not sure if many will take note of it to attend
[06:37] <Anasuya> The agenda ravidreams is upto you!
[06:37] <Anasuya> Do you have any questions for us?
[06:37] <Saqib> Anasuya: and how was your meeting with WMIN EC
[06:38] <Anasuya> We had a really constructive conversation today, Saqib - and are continuing with it and other community members right now, as I'm typing to you :-)
[06:38] <subha> Saquib, it went well. We got a lot of clarity about further initiatives and collaborative projects with WMIN
[06:38] <Saqib> hmm
[06:39] <ravidreams> is there a place where previous IRC conversations in the last few days is archived
[06:39] <Saqib> Anasuya: I wonder if anything regarding our user group in Pakistan was discussed in the meeting?
[06:39] <Saqib>
[06:39] == bala [dcff018d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-in
[06:40] <Saqib> ravidreams: Link^
[06:40] <Anasuya> Thanks, Saqib !
[06:40] <Saqib> np
[06:40] <Anasuya> Have a look at this ravidreams and let me know if you have any questions
[06:40] <Anasuya> Welcome Bala!
[06:40] <bala> Thanks friends.
[06:40] <Anasuya> Btw, ravidreams - Garfield and Sydney are here with me, so if you have questions I can pass them on
[06:41] <Anasuya> They're in the middle of an intense discussion with Bangalore Wikimedians ;-)
[06:41] <ravidreams> Thanks for the link. will get back after reading it ASAP :)
[06:41] <Anasuya> :-)
[06:41] <ravidreams> I just wanted to say Hi to the team and answer any questions you might have for ta wiki community
[06:41] <subha> There are multiple places, WMF chat logs are on meta, chapter has the chapter related discussions, we have put the past logs on meta for the Indic community - CIS-A2K discussions.
[06:42] == Gbyrd [6a33649e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-in
[06:42] <subha> From the mobile I'm not being able to search and share all the links
[06:42] <Anasuya> ravidreams or bala, I know the Tamil community has been doing some really great work that's good learning for across the movement. Do you have any questions for us
[06:42] <Anasuya> ?
[06:43] <Anasuya> Actually, more than questions, it would be great to hear what your learning is for us - what lessons would you like us to share?
[06:44] <subha> I have planted this in Anasuya's mind about the wonderful presentation you presented during WikiSangamotsavam, Ravi
[06:44] <ravidreams> Sure, we will be glad to share some lessons :) Let me search for the talk I gave during malayalam wikipedia event :)
[06:45] <Anasuya> Thanks, ravidreams :-) And subha :-)
[06:46] <subha> And Bala has shared great practices during our meeting during October. The rest of the communities have a lot to learn from Tamil and Malayalam communities in particular
[06:47] <ravidreams> Subha, this is a different bala :) not sodabottle.. This is balasubramanian from Tamilnadu working in Singapore now
[06:47] <ravidreams> He is one of the very few who contributes from Singapore
[06:47] <ravidreams> Sadly, we don't have any native Singapore Tamil citizens contributing yet
[06:48] <ravidreams> we have one native from Malaysia contributing
[06:48] <ravidreams> We hope to increase awareness in those two countries in the coming years
[06:48] <Anasuya> That sounds great, ravidreams
[06:48] <ravidreams> Contribution from Srilanka has been good since 2009
[06:49] <bala> I will try to find some contributers from here (Singapore).
[06:49] <ravidreams> sure, bala
[06:50] <Anasuya> What's the community like in Singapore, bala ?
[06:50] <ravidreams> I am not sure what kind of questions I can put forward here. should it be strictly about grants / finance?
[06:50] <Anasuya> You can ask any questions you like, and we'll do our best to respond. When we can't, we'll tell you [[citation required]]
[06:50] <Anasuya> :-)
[06:51] <bala> Didn't get clearly Anasuya. sorry...
[06:51] <Anasuya> Bala, just asking how large the community in Sing is, and perhaps how often you meet?
[06:51] <ravidreams> bala, what's the general wikipedia community in singapore like
[06:51] <Shanmugamp7> hi ravidreams :)
[06:51] <ravidreams> tamil and even other languages
[06:52] <bala> tamil, chinese and malay communities.
[06:54] <Anasuya> That's interesting, bala - do you meet often?
[06:54] <ravidreams> wiki communities? I haven't heard about wiki activities from that region
[06:54] == subha [0ec3ce72@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[06:54] <ravidreams> Here is the link for my talk about 10 lessons from Tamil wikipedia -
[06:54] <bala> No Anasuya :(
[06:55] <Anasuya> Well, that's sad - perhaps you should start the first meet up :-)
[06:55] <ravidreams> Anasuya, bala is saying about the general population. Haven't seen any kind of wiki activity from any language in that region :(
[06:55] <ravidreams> we have couple of tamil contributors there. not sure of other languages
[06:56] <Anasuya> Arun is offering to explore the possibility of having you all use his office branch in Sing as a meeting place!
[06:56] <ravidreams> by the way, coming back to the questions for the visiting WMF team:  Can we hope to see minutes or summary of the outcome of the discussions held in the last few days?
[06:56] <Anasuya> Oh, I see ravidreams
[06:56] <Anasuya> But what if you brought a few interested folks together?
[06:57] <Anasuya> So we've been putting the IRC logs up each day
[06:57] <Anasuya> And the way we work when we're on site visits is that we have a shared note-taking process, and then leave it to the partners to decide what part of the notes they want to share.
[06:57] <ravidreams> I am more interested in knowing the future course for A2K, WMIN chapter and WMF in general in INdia :)
[06:58] <ravidreams> Regarding Singapore and Malaysia, I am trying to connect with some Tamil Internet community pioneers there. We will hope to get some good news from that region soon. We have already done
[06:58] <Anasuya> So perhaps both CIS and the EC will offer some notes back (I will check with them and ask them to respond on the list)
[06:58] <ravidreams> couple of outreach sessions in Malaysia.
[06:58] <ravidreams> OK, I will wait for updates from them.
[06:59] <Anasuya> ravidreams: This is really important, and we've been talking about this throughout today and more tomorrow
[06:59] <Anasuya> The framework we all agreed to today is that India is the size of a continent - and we have to treat it as such, in terms of diversity and size.
[07:00] <Anasuya> So the future will involve different forms of individuals, groups and organisations working together
[07:00] <ravidreams> Few points: I have a feeling that after the arrival of chapter, erstwhile India office / current A2K programme, smaller and nacent communities are looking forward to these entities
[07:00] <ravidreams> as a major hope for pushing their communities forward
[07:00] <ravidreams> I am afraid that this won't be good for the movement in the long term
[07:00] <Anasuya> What would your suggestion be, ravidreams ?
[07:01] <ravidreams> All these entities need to work in a meta level
[07:01] <ravidreams> not up to the level of spoon feeding
[07:01] <ravidreams> like WMF works in a global scenario
[07:02] <ravidreams> let me put a disclaimer: These are all my personal comments and it is up to the reader to judge :)
[07:02] <Anasuya> Could you give an example, ravidreams ? Does it mean that a community does work which gets supported, but that you don't see the role of the chapter or CIS as actually *doing* the work with the community?
[07:02] == Jega [62d1623c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-in
[07:02] <ravidreams> I feel that there is too much effort / money spent by these entities in direct outreach
[07:03] <Gbyrd> Do you mean staffing or funding for activities.
[07:03] <ravidreams> No, my intention is that these entities should do major work independent of any community
[07:04] <Anasuya> Hi Jega, welcome
[07:04] <Anasuya> What kind of work do you suggest they do, ravidreams ?
[07:04] <ravidreams> Outreach
[07:04] <ravidreams> should be left to the communities
[07:04] <Jega> Ellarukum Vanakam.... Nandri Anasuya..
[07:05] <ravidreams> these entities should do work which communities cannot afford to do full time
[07:05] <Anasuya> Vanakkam Jega !
[07:05] <ravidreams> For example, I don't see much happening in terms of pushing for policy decisions from the government,
[07:05] <Anasuya> What is the kind of work you're thinking of, Ravi?
[07:06] <Anasuya> Ah, policy work
[07:06] <Anasuya> But is that enough in communities that have huge potential but haven't grown as we expected?
[07:06] <ravidreams> My point is handholding doesn't work in the long term and it doesn't justify the amount spent on it
[07:07] <ravidreams> I am sure Subhashish can explain about the assamese wikipedia growth profile
[07:07] <Anasuya> So perhaps you're looking at CIS and WMIN focusing on institutional partnerships?
[07:07] <ravidreams> policy decisions can have long term impacts for the whole eco system .. not just for wiki
[07:08] <ravidreams> ya that would be good
[07:08] <Anasuya> What about offering services and support that the communities may not have?
[07:08] <ravidreams> except tech support, nothing else is critical.
[07:08] <Anasuya> And what about communities that haven't got a core group of sustained contributors (unlike Tamil :-))
[07:09] <Anasuya> Interesting...
[07:09] <ravidreams> and malayalam :)
[07:09] <ravidreams> I don't want to eat much of the time in this IRC chat and want others to participate too
[07:10] <ravidreams> so, let me quickly put my points. we can discuss more through emails if my points are relevant
[07:10] <Anasuya> Sure, would be very glad to continue this conversation offline
[07:10] <ravidreams> 1. funded entities should not focus much in direct outreach which is community's domain. effort / money doesn't justify the outcome here.
[07:11] <ravidreams> 2. however helpless communities are, they should not be spoon fed and hand held. this doesn't work in the long term. this sets a tone of looking upwards instead of teaching them autonomy
[07:12] <ravidreams> 3. funded entities should focus more in meta level work. like what wmf does to the global projects. policy lobbying can be scary and controversial but it is the need of the hour
[07:12] <ravidreams> one example: bring native language typing inside the school syllabus. we will have a healthy indic wiki in 10 years.
[07:13] <ravidreams> 4. WMIN chapter should be made more strong. the recent FDC grant is too harsh for a growing community organization
[07:13] <ravidreams> 5. Need more transparency in funding for A2K and analysis on their performance.
[07:13] == FloNight [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/poore5] has joined #wikimedia-in
[07:13] <ravidreams> that's all from my end
[07:13] <ravidreams> :)
[07:14] <Anasuya> This is incredibly helpful, ravidreams - and I'd be glad to talk more about it. Any advice for WMF as well? :-)
[07:14] <FloNight> hi, sorry that I'm so late signing on but I've been talking to people who came out to the meet up.
[07:14] <ravidreams> haha, advice for WMF is in last letter from Sue gardner ;)
[07:14] <Anasuya> :-)
[07:14] <Anasuya> That's a really good one... ;-)
[07:15] <Anasuya> Anything in particular you want to highlight??
[07:15] <Anasuya> And anyone else here have questions for us? Jega, bala...?
[07:15] <ravidreams> Ah, one thing.. Please ask the tech team not to mess with Indic sites often ;)
[07:15] <Anasuya> Sigh... yes, I'll convey that back
[07:16] <bala> Nothing from me Anasuya..Thanks.
[07:17] <ravidreams> I know the WMF team will be having a hectic week.. so, don't want to bring any more issues ..
[07:17] <ravidreams> Thanks for visiting, India :)
[07:17] <Anasuya> Well, India is home for me, ravidreams  and I'm hoping to convert Garfield and Sydney :-)
[07:17] <ravidreams> Asaf wanted to meet us in Chennai and we had made arrangements for that.
[07:17] <ravidreams> Just put Chennai in map when you visit next time
[07:18] <ravidreams> We got a generous grant for our 10th year celebrations. Thanks a lot for that !
[07:18] <ravidreams> When we file the report for that coming June, we hope to bring more interesting observations and lessons.
[07:18] <Anasuya> I know, I'm really sorry about that Ravi, I really wanted to visit.
[07:19] <Anasuya> I'll certainly do my best next time. And Asaf as well. He's really upset about not being able to join us - he sends his many regrets
[07:19] <Anasuya> And looking forward to that report!
[07:21] <ravidreams> Sure,
[07:21] <ravidreams> When you got time to spare, please have a look at - a compilation of our 10th year celebrations.
[07:22] <Anasuya> That's great, I'll certainly look at it
[07:22] <ravidreams> and an interview in english from one of our leading contributors -
[07:23] <Anasuya> Perfect (though I do understand Tamil)
[07:23] <ravidreams> any quick questions for us? :)
[07:23] <Anasuya> Well, I think you've given us a wealth of wisdom already - is there anything more you'd like to see as support for the Tamil community?
[07:23] <ravidreams> wow.. that's great you know Tamil :) More videos then here at
[07:24] <Anasuya> Nanri!
[07:24] <ravidreams> மகிழ்ச்சி :)
[07:24] <Anasuya> :-)
[07:24] <Anasuya> My script isn't anywhere as good as my spoken... ;-)
[07:25] <Anasuya> In other words, non-existent (sigh; studied in govt and govt affiliated schools, so only did Hindi and English)
[07:25] <ravidreams> Nothing in specific for Tamil Wiki community.. We have lots of plans but the grant process is too tedious.. so we hope that the chapter will be strengthened.. making it easy for us
[07:25] <FloNight> I'm Sydney Poore on the Fund Dissemination Committee (FDC). Any questions about the FDC?
[07:25] <ravidreams> Hi Sydney, glad to meet you.
[07:26] <ravidreams> No questions just a request. Please be more generous for growing chapters like India.
[07:27] <FloNight> We're here to work with  WMIN to help them get the resources to grow.
[07:27] <ravidreams> That's good news. Thanks.
[07:30] <FloNight> ravidreams, it will be a process that we work through with them so hopefully the next proposal will be more aligned with the funds requested.
[07:30] <ravidreams> Good to know
[07:30] <ravidreams> A direct visit like this helps instead of never ending meta discussions :)
[07:31] <ravidreams> I appreciate your efforts
[07:32] <FloNight> I'm really excited to meet people from WMIN, CIS, and community members who are all have great enthusiasm for growing content in India languages.
[07:32] <Anasuya> Thanks, Ravi - we appreciate your appreciation :-) And are really glad to have your feedback
[07:32] <ravidreams> :)
[07:32] <Anasuya> Okay, everyone, if there are no other questions or comments, shall we wrap up this session?
[07:33] <ravidreams> Yes, let's stick to the time frame
[07:33] <Anasuya> And of course, you know where to find any of us - feel free to drop us an email or a line on our user pages
[07:34] <Anasuya> So good night, and thank you for joining us!
[07:34] <FloNight> Yes, please feel free to reach out to me by email, on meta, or on Facebook. Sydney Edmonds Poore
[07:34] <FloNight> my email address is
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