Talk:Wikipedia article depth

Latest comment: 1 month ago by Sławek Borewicz in topic Is article depth still a relevant metric nowadays?



Where can I find a more precise definition for the depth value? Especially:

  • In (Non-Articles/Articles): Which entries are counted as non-articles (user pages, other portals like Wiktionary etc.)?
  • Is the Stub-ratio increasing or decreasing with a higher quote of stubs?

--JFKCom 10:04, 8 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

I was wondering the same. What are the exact definitions for this formula? Samulili 19:00, 13 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
I try to answer this to the best of my knowledge, but I am not involved in any way in determining depth, so I could be wrong:
The values are derived from Special:Statistics.
non-articles is the second row "Pages" - articles
stub-ratio is just "first row/second row", so it's not really a measure of what we normally know as "stubs", but it is the relation of "articles" (in the definition of "no redirect, at least one link") to all pages. --::Slomox:: >< 16:15, 23 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
One correction: stub-ratio is "first row/second row", but the formula calculates with "1 - first row/second row". Information can also be found at --::Slomox:: >< 16:38, 23 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Many thanks for these hints! Now I understand. In fact, depth is depending on the following quantities:

  • "good": number of "content pages", i.e. proper articles
  • "total": number of pages in the wiki, including discussion pages, redirects etc.
  • "nonarticles": total - good
  • "edits": number of total edits in the wiki

And the formula is: (edits / good) * nonarticles ^ 2 / (total * good).

Now I also understand, why the results of the depth value are as erratic as evident from the statistical tables. In my opinion, the two main bugs in this formula are:

  • (1) "edits" are edits on all articles counted for "total", "good" are a subset: A more reasonable quotient would be "edits / total".
  • (2) The influence of "nonarticles" is valued with an at least quadratic measure, whereas "edits" are valued with a linear measure.

Issue (2) is especially important, because "nonarticles" is essentially a measure of "overhead" more than "maturity" of a wiki, as laid down by others in past discussions. For example, a wiki in which obsolete discussion pages or orphaned user pages are deleted, shrinks its depth, while retaining these useless contents conserves the depth value.

My proposal for a new depth formula: (edits / total) * (size_in_kB / total)

I am aware of the disatvantages of using size_in_kB (UTF code length etc.), but in my opinion the proposed formula supports more adequate results. --JFKCom 21:56, 23 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

× (Non-Articles/Articles)


It always seems to me that the formula includes × (Non-Articles/Articles). Since non-articles don't actually create useful content, and the articles are the goal, we could just as easily call it x (Bureaucracy/Content).

Wouldn't content-ratio (i.e., x (article pages/total pages)) be better? Almafeta 03:06, 6 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

You could also easily call it × (Images+Templates+Talk)/Articles) which is a positive metric since it measures the wiki's maturity. Your change would mean starting a Talk page or adding InfoBox for an article may reduce the wiki's depth. Also, a bot that just adds articles will increase the depth of the wiki. --MarsRover 02:50, 21 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
In my opinion, it doesn't matter whether "(Non-Articles/Articles)" or "(article pages/total pages)" is used. Both measures are seriously flawed and can only give a very rough indication about the state of a wiki. --::Slomox:: >< 16:15, 23 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Welcome to Wikipedia!
Here's the final word. The most essential thing about Wikipedia is that it's COMMUNITY-based. "Wikipedian quality" (as Depth is most concisely defined) means how lively the COMMUNITY behind each Wikipedia is. Therefore, this part of the formula, far from referring to "unuseful content", is actually essential. Again: Wikipedia is a living encyclopedia. That is, it's made of BOTH articles AND people (editors) with personal pages. AND their respective talk pages. IOW, the Depth formula is article+community-oriented.
If you are narrowly devoted to pure article-orientedness (like pragmatic purpose-oriented and people-objectifying pre/anti-open_source Luddites and retro-tarded Britannica-worshiping snobs), and "[s]ince ... the articles are the goal", simply ignore the volunteer community and its "bureaucratic" Depth column and watch the article count column only, but let us watch the extent and Depth to which our "seriously flawed" community (or "bureaucracy") do their talk and work. The Depth formula does need change, but positive change. So you are clueless.
If this still doesn't make much sense to you, please stick to aol:// before it goes bankrupt. You'll get articles only, no bureaucracy. Thank you.
(Don't worry about my tone, it was just a rant.) 18:34, 15 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

x Stub-ratio


What exactly is the formula for Stub-ratio? --MarsRover 02:56, 21 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

See above. --::Slomox:: >< 16:15, 23 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

how often?


the depth is not updated automatically it seems, if this is the case then how often is it updated, weekly, monthly or what? Thanks--Ramsis II 18:18, 13 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

Do not include images in depth computation


In my opinion the images should not be counted in the depth computation because in an ideal Wikipedia all their images should be stored in Commons. Best regards, Alpertron 22:06, 30 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

small wikis

  • 08:46, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
    • Kanuri: 1 article, depth = 359870
    • Muskogee - 2 articles, depth = 62867
    • Afar - 6 articles, depth = 96140
    • ...
    • Cree - 116 articles, depth = 1541
    • Lak - 109 articles, depth = 1431
    • ...
    • Burmese - 31760 articles, depth = 1421
    • Sinhalese - 3696 articles, depth = 4642
    • Gilaki| - 5959 articles, depth = 1295
    • ...
    • Citizendium... ?? :)

Non-Article pages... Przykuta 08:46, 16 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

This should be part of the definition "Depths above 300 for Wikipedias below 100 000 articles have been automatically dismissed as irrelevant." --MarsRover 20:26, 16 July 2010 (UTC)Reply



Ru:Состояние на 2008-2009 годы кочует из одной википедии в другую, производя гнетущее впечатление. Может, удалить?--AndreyA 09:07, 9 January 2011 (UTC) En:Delete table.--AndreyA 09:07, 9 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

The stub ratio


"The stub ratio is (1-(Articles/Total)" ?? The stub ratio is here +/- Milions of user sandboxes + userpageges of users without edits + 1-element categories + stub_meta_subpages + thousands of file_pages =/= better quality. Przykuta 17:06, 21 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

depth definition


Is "stub ratio" really the same as "nonarticles/articles"? If so, then the formula with the square of this value hardly makes much sense. Perhaps there's actually a different definition that actually looks at the number of stubs?

The current "depth" seems to do an OK job of sorting out the "real" large WP's from the "fake" ones (e.g. Volapuk, Waray-Waray) where evidently someone has just copied a large number of articles from elsewhere, but a terrible job of measuring some concept of overall encyclopedia quality when it comes to the smaller WP's. I suggest multiplying by the number of "active users". The # of active contributors seems like an important measure of "depth" by any reasonable definition of "depth". In addition, because the # of active contributors usually tracks closely the total encyclopedia size, it will help to downweight the very small encyclopedias (hence avoid the totally random depth ratings of the very small ones currently). In addition, it has a big advantage over any actual measurement based on encyclopedia size (e.g. log(#articles)) in that it won't get spoofed by small numbers of users using bots to auto-create lots of pages. Note, for example, that currently the Polish WP has a depth of 13 whereas the Volapuk WP has a depth of 12, which seems completely wrong; a measure of active users (5,265 for Polish vs. 49 for Volapuk) will clearly separate these two. Likewise, I doubt that the Serbian WP (143,000 articles, 4.6 million edits, depth 47) really has comparable quality to the Japanese WP (753,000 articles, 39.6 million edits, depth 53); the active user count (669 Serbian vs. 10,753 Japanese) will separate the two. At the same time, the active user count will help keep the depth relatively high for WP's which seem to have unusual activity for their size -- e.g. the Hebrew WP (depth 226), with only 119,000 articles but whose edit count (11.3 million) beats every one of the larger WP's up through Catalan (342,000 articles, depth 18, only 7.8 million edits), and whose active user count (2,105) is likewise high for its size (cf. Catalan's 1,602 active users). Likewise, the active user count is higher than average for the other mid-size WP's with high depths (e.g. Arabic, Turkish).

Benwing 01:54, 6 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

BTW I went ahead and wrote a little program to compute new depth values from the current ones by multiplying by (active-users/1000). Results:

Lang                 Articles     Edits  Active users  Depth New depth
English               3651105 465937891        142855    607  86712.99
Spanish                765643  49833542         15075    167   2517.53
French                1111637  70031019         15960    144   2298.24
German                1240517  93926939         23227     89   2067.20
Russian                719424  36895648         12061     91   1097.55
Italian                807892  44819262          8663     81    701.70
Japanese               752615  38611597         10753     53    569.91
Arabic                 148248   8211026          2224    227    504.85
Hebrew                 119313  11302036          2105    226    475.73
Turkish                168295  10190810          2347    191    448.28
Portuguese             686282  26078612          5530     81    447.93
Chinese                359102  17028458          5356     82    439.19
Hungarian              191962  10128163          2069     89    184.14
Dutch                  690308  26080074          5273     32    168.74
Persian                152912   6740512          1798     93    167.21
Swedish                398321  14881995          3122     48    149.86
Korean                 163691   7724647          1932     70    135.24
Romanian               160687   5619538          1169     92    107.55
Indonesian             165235   5114748          1711     62    106.08
Thai                    67540   3457276           822    125    102.75
Czech                  196918   7071056          2148     37     79.48
Finnish                270170  10642804          1836     43     78.95
Malayalam               18297   1100065           255    295     75.22
Polish                 806014  28293527          5265     13     68.44
Bengali                 22238   1016893           166    410     68.06
Ukrainian              285074   7042407          1713     35     59.95
Norwegian (Bokmål)    303605   9359214          2195     26     57.07
Danish                 150621   5216266          1252     36     45.07
Simple English          71247   3096554           767     58     44.49
Vietnamese             208197   4736596          1153     37     42.66
Serbian                143021   4589809           669     47     31.44
Greek                   62332   2743116           778     40     31.12
Catalan                342425   7778131          1602     18     28.84
Latvian                 34585   1364119           262     83     21.75
Bulgarian              117197   4304335           818     24     19.63
Bosnian                 31306   1554097           173    102     17.65
Slovak                 125030   3791951           595     22     13.09
Croatian                98006   3048816           601     21     12.62
Bavarian                 4280    212720            84    132     11.09
Armenian                13817    502833           182     57     10.37
Slovenian              116923   3079564           669     15     10.04
Estonian                85068   2595046           371     27     10.02
Georgian                49309   1603969           242     41      9.92
Albanian                32558   1012299           287     28      8.04
Sinhalese                4716    158427            57    140      7.98
Lithuanian             133910   3491378           442     17      7.51
Aragonese               25815   1114754           121     62      7.50
Cantonese               15812    562060           109     67      7.30
Esperanto              146163   3620547           418     16      6.69
Icelandic               31487   1090012           175     36      6.30
Hindi                   97070   1256807           214     28      5.99
Afrikaans               17950    818223           137     43      5.89
Bashkir                  1378     60503            33    177      5.84
Norwegian (Nynorsk)     67572   1724701           228     24      5.47
Azerbaijani             64310   1323015           342     16      5.47
Tamil                   32648    811177           188     29      5.45
Silesian                 1931    136911            31    172      5.33
Oriya                    1045     40140            33    154      5.08
Tatar                    8625    423463            62     80      4.96
Anglo-Saxon              2630    119595            43    115      4.95
Galician                71830   1998614           265     18      4.77
Wu                       2906    157885            51     92      4.69
Belarusian (Taraški    36605   1044502           159     28      4.45
Maltese                  2825    156424            34    124      4.22
Latin                   54264   1627848           245     17      4.17
Egyptian Arabic          7311    297541            73     56      4.09
Urdu                    16784    433165            78     46      3.59
Crimean Tatar            1563     80128            24    142      3.41
Lojban                   1125     77552            16    209      3.34
Navajo                   2024     91714            21    155      3.25
Yiddish                  8662    363487            41     72      2.95
Welsh                   32508   1045949           118     25      2.95
Ossetian                 7728    298428            38     75      2.85
Khmer                    2716     71386            51     55      2.81
Mongolian                6231    197234            73     38      2.77
Occitan                 27089    977008            88     31      2.73
Belarusian              29477    832000           169     16      2.70
Manx                     3862    182729            29     90      2.61
Uzbek                    7678    422555            39     65      2.54
Malay                  119873   1814281           316      8      2.53
Alemannic                9866    351087            81     31      2.51
Irish                   12563    479246            91     27      2.46
Wolof                    1100     70078            14    173      2.42
Low Saxon               17437    529779           114     21      2.39
Serbo-Croatian          42375    793041           139     17      2.36
Tagalog                 51579    881866           124     19      2.36
Basque                 100915   2187678           292      8      2.34
Emilian-Romagnol         1346     43068            26     89      2.31
Marathi                 33778    768805           100     23      2.30
Breton                  37693   1015556           134     17      2.28
Pashto                   2376     97059            26     85      2.21
Kirghiz                  1532     47058            45     49      2.21
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic     1268     58585            25     80      2.00
Luxembourgish           32806   1160690            95     21      2.00
Limburgian               6658    275584            35     55      1.93
Northern Sami            3561    148529            44     43      1.89
Venetian                 8950    393295            37     50      1.85
Fiji Hindi               3260     96594            47     39      1.83
Dutch Low Saxon          4483    206770            39     46      1.79
Aymara                   1185     45882            27     66      1.78
Sicilian                16616    530027            57     31      1.77
West Flemish             4327    215559            26     67      1.74
Chechen                  1299     49885            14    122      1.71
Kannada                 10816    218036            85     19      1.61
Swahili                 21604    646578            57     28      1.60
Interlingua              5485    331530            36     44      1.58
Somali                   1959     64907            38     39      1.48
Asturian                14712    572471            87     17      1.48
Ladino                   2595    106473            25     59      1.48
Tok Pisin                1025     49033             9    156      1.40
Gan                      6012    234939            23     58      1.33
Min Nan                  8702    307415            33     39      1.29
Faroese                  4894    192830            30     42      1.26
Quechua                 16442    436161            42     29      1.22
Cornish                  2070    122966            17     70      1.19
Karachay-Balkar          1630     54467            12     98      1.18
Kashubian                2763    123013            52     21      1.09
Punjabi                  1970     51247            15     71      1.06
Sardinian                2533     84549            22     48      1.06
Tibetan                  2910     70372            27     37      1.00
Guarani                  1400     58564            16     62      0.99
Meadow Mari              2340     59241            26     37      0.96
Lombard                 20432    702945            45     21      0.94
Javanese                33400    512272           103      9      0.93
Upper Sorbian            6605    207679            34     27      0.92
Telugu                  48003    618245           114      8      0.91
Extremaduran             1566     64711            23     39      0.90
Scots                    6573    182065            49     18      0.88
West Frisian            20178    474248            71     12      0.85
Kurdish                 16018    381258            53     16      0.85
Nahuatl                  6540    276197            27     29      0.78
Greenlandic              1184     37656            17     46      0.78
Lingala                  1710     77133            11     71      0.78
Ligurian                 2830    108040            21     37      0.78
Sakha                    7526    194214            31     25      0.78
Franco-Provençal/Ar     2152    146068            18     42      0.76
Divehi                   3569     86246            26     26      0.68
Chuvash                 12555    362948            47     14      0.66
Banyumasan               3606    111941            25     26      0.65
Scottish Gaelic          8351    320372            33     19      0.63
Burmese                  5941     82509            51     12      0.61
Volapük               118854   2467408            49     12      0.59
Saterland Frisian        1771     63121            15     39      0.58
Kalmyk                   1831     43845            16     36      0.58
Komi                     2254     66943            21     27      0.57
Zazaki                   3330    108152            17     33      0.56
Bihari                   2691     89960            23     23      0.53
Romansh                  3241     98759            21     24      0.50
Pennsylvania German      1761     68326            17     29      0.49
Papiamentu               1189     45265            14     33      0.46
Uyghur                   2885     94516            13     35      0.46
Interlingue              1817     76564            18     25      0.45
Yoruba                  12919    231488            37     12      0.44
Walloon                 11957    244123            21     20      0.42
Corsican                 6031    267671            20     19      0.38
North Frisian            1135     26070            15     25      0.38
Bishnupriya Manipuri    24752    579291            22     17      0.37
Sanskrit                 4831    119531            37     10      0.37
Banjar                   1156     20492            16     22      0.35
Acehnese                 1525     40612            27     13      0.35
Sundanese               14779    307080            35     10      0.35
Amharic                 10294    216268            31     11      0.34
Friulian                 2889    122809            13     24      0.31
Picard                   1573     19856            31     10      0.31
Kinyarwanda              1799     38648            17     18      0.31
Sorani                   4138     62385            38      8      0.30
Tajik                    9320    239337            32      9      0.29
Udmurt                   2553     55594            16     18      0.29
Nepali                  13878    115209            57      5      0.28
Kapampangan              7443    189590            21     13      0.27
Turkmen                  4295    124539            17     15      0.26
Malagasy                16109    147112            28      9      0.25
Erzya                    1425     52889             9     27      0.24
Norman                   3458    167385             8     28      0.22
Samogitian              12732    239623            34      6      0.20
Komi-Permyak             1785     22538            25      8      0.20
Hawaiian                 1769     42377            12     16      0.19
Kazakh                  21492    244242            95      2      0.19
Tongan                   1608     26616             6     30      0.18
Hakka                    2121     53750            13     13      0.17
Newar / Nepal Bhasa     69548    596876            18      9      0.16
Novial                   2584    137602            10     15      0.15
Võro                    4684    118610            20      7      0.14
Ido                     21729    631223            46      3      0.14
Ilokano                  3788    101858            10     11      0.11
Mazandarani              3101     35242            17      6      0.10
Rusyn                    2123     35324            14      7      0.10
Central_Bicolano         5049     90546            23      4      0.09
Zamboanga Chavacano      2408     52263            22      4      0.09
Cebuano                 42684    977972            41      2      0.08
Piedmontese             39586    375511            40      2      0.08
Maori                    6740    106558            12      5      0.06
Gujarati                20027    154968            57      1      0.06
Waray-Waray            101783    869483            53      1      0.05
Pali                     2353     75935            13      4      0.05
Neapolitan              42419    508078            46      1      0.05
Hill Mari                4105     27877            27      1      0.03
Gilaki                   5961     32378            13      2      0.03
Tarantino                8907     74798            13      2      0.03
Pangasinan               3415     33144             7      1      0.01
Haitian                 53080    460669            33      0      0.00
Buginese                 8584     58196            14      0      0.00
Ripuarian                2217   2074036            31   None      0.00
Aromanian               61689    121021            12      0      0.00
Classical Chinese        2523    187252            33   None      0.00
Western Panjabi         13000    130881            30      0      0.00
Macedonian              45974   2010290           309   None      0.00

Note that in this case there are no longer any weirdly high depth values for small WP's, and that some of the issues with Japanese and Polish vs. Serbian and Catalan have been fixed. Also, medium-large WP's with previously very high depths still retain that to some extent (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish). In addition, languages like Waray-Waray and Volapuk where there's a lot of bot work have been way downweighted. In addition, the cases where the article size is high but depth is low are generally cases where there's a reasonable explanation: Malay probably has a lot of semi-automatic copying from Indonesian (since they're nearly identical); similarly for Serbo-Croatian vs. Serbian or Croatian, Galician vs. Portuguese, Nynorsk vs. Bokmal, Belarusian vs. Russian. Benwing 03:09, 6 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

BTW I just did a bit of poking around on the WP's with depth values that seem higher or lower than what you might expect, basically checking them out using the "random article" button. Low-depth WP's with lots of articles (e.g. Latin, Basque) do indeed have a large number of small articles that have either been automatically generated (e.g. by copying geographic or taxonomic articles from English) or were created once by someone and then only edited since then by bots.

I also checked out Bengali, with a very high depth. I can't read Bengali, and on top of that I don't even have a Bengali font, so mostly I just see a lot of squares, so my conclusions are tentative. It actually looks quite similar in many ways to low-depth WP's like Basque or Latin, but with one critical difference: almost none of the Basque or Latin pages have corresponding Talk pages, whereas every single Bengali page does -- and they're almost all auto-created by "RagibBot". This alone is heavily spoofing the depth measure, even after multiplying by #active-users (which weights Polish way up and Bengali way down but still makes them have similar depth). This isn't all that surprising given that the (non-articles/articles) ratio appears squared in the depth formulas. This makes me think that

  1. We should definitely not be squaring this value
  2. We need to be filtering out edits by bots, and excluding pages whose only edits are by bots
  3. We should probably also be filtering bots out of the active user count (if it's not already done)
  4. Until we can do these things, we should consider squaring the #active-users to more heavily upweight WP's with lots of active users and more heavily penalize bot-heavy WP's.

Benwing 03:52, 6 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

OK, I redid things so that we now compute the new depth in three ways:

  1. As I did before, i.e. old depth * activeusers (i.e. edits/total * (nonarticles/articles)^2 * activeusers/1000)
  2. Remove the squaring from nonarticles/articles (i.e. edits/total * nonarticles/articles * activeusers/1000)
  3. Remove the squaring, but add squaring of activeusers (i.e. edits/total * nonarticles/articles * (activeusers/1000)^2)
  4. Same as #2 but divide by arts/activeusers (i.e. edits/total * nonarticles/articles * activeusers/1000 / arts/activeusers):

I also added columns showing the nonarticles/articles and edits/total ratios, as well as edits/article and edits/activeuser.

Finally, rather than relying on the existing (rounded) old depth values, I compute them myself. I verified that my new computations are in fact the same as the old ones. Also, the old depth values assigned a value of "None" to three WP's that appeared to give totally bogus depth values (Macedonian, Ripuarian, Classical Chinese). I'm not currently filtering any of these out, so they'll appear in their "proper" places.

Here are the results:

Sorting by new depth #1 (old depth * activeusers = edits/total * (nonarticles/articles)^2 * activeusers/1000):
Lang                 Articles     Edits ActiveUsers NonArt/Art Art/ActUser Edit/Total Edit/Art Edit/ActUser  Depth  newdepth1
English               3651105 465937891      142855      5.604      25.558     19.324  127.616     3261.614 606.88   86695.29
Spanish                765643  49833542       15075      3.333      50.789     15.022   65.087     3305.708 166.86    2515.39
French                1111637  70031019       15960      3.034      69.651     15.616   62.998     4387.908 143.77    2294.63
German                1240517  93926939       23227      1.822      53.408     26.832   75.716     4043.869  89.06    2068.54
Russian                719424  36895648       12061      2.477      59.649     14.749   51.285     3059.087  90.51    1091.60
Italian                807892  44819262        8663      2.142      93.258     17.657   55.477     5173.642  81.01     701.78
Japanese               752615  38611597       10753      1.662      69.991     19.270   51.303     3590.774  53.25     572.57
Arabic                 148248   8211026        2224      4.922      66.658      9.354   55.387     3692.008 226.56     503.86
Hebrew                 119313  11302036        2105      3.142      56.681     22.870   94.726     5369.138 225.77     475.25
Turkish                168295  10190810        2347      3.954      71.706     12.224   60.553     4342.058 191.08     448.47
Portuguese             686282  26078612        5530      2.869     124.102      9.822   38.000     4715.843  80.84     447.06
Chinese                359102  17028458        5356      2.441      67.047     13.780   47.420     3179.324  82.12     439.84
Macedonian              45974   2010290         309     14.956     148.783      2.741   43.727     6505.793 612.98     189.41
Hungarian              191962  10128163        2069      2.386      92.780     15.582   52.761     4895.197  88.71     183.54
Persian                152912   6740512        1798      2.851      85.046     11.446   44.081     3748.894  93.05     167.30
Dutch                  690308  26080074        5273      1.422     130.914     15.597   37.780     4945.965  31.55     166.38
Swedish                398321  14881995        3122      1.941     127.585     12.704   37.362     4766.815  47.86     149.42
Korean                 163691   7724647        1932      2.165      84.726     14.909   47.190     3998.264  69.90     135.04
Romanian               160687   5619538        1169      3.407     137.457      7.936   34.972     4807.133  92.10     107.67
Indonesian             165235   5114748        1711      2.724      96.572      8.313   30.954     2989.333  61.67     105.51
Thai                    67540   3457276         822      3.212      82.165     12.152   51.189     4205.932 125.40     103.08
Finnish                270170  10642804        1836      1.720     147.151     14.483   39.393     5796.734  42.85      78.66
Czech                  196918   7071056        2148      1.638      91.675     13.614   35.909     3291.926  36.51      78.43
Malayalam               18297   1100065         255      5.753      71.753      8.903   60.123     4313.980 294.67      75.14
Ripuarian                2217   2074036          31      3.110      71.516    227.616  935.515    66904.387 2201.61      68.25
Bengali                 22238   1016893         166      9.881     133.964      4.202   45.728     6125.861 410.32      68.11
Polish                 806014  28293527        5265      0.811     153.089     19.383   35.103     5373.889  12.75      67.13
Ukrainian              285074   7042407        1713      2.113     166.418      7.934   24.704     4111.154  35.44      60.71
Norwegian (Bokmål)    303605   9359214        2195      1.446     138.317     12.603   30.827     4263.879  26.35      57.84
Classical Chinese        2523    187252          33     23.707      76.455      3.004   74.218     5674.303 1688.31      55.71
Danish                 150621   5216266        1252      1.664     120.304     13.000   34.632     4166.347  36.00      45.07
Simple English          71247   3096554         767      2.002      92.890     14.479   43.462     4037.228  58.02      44.50
Vietnamese             208197   4736596        1153      2.312     180.570      6.869   22.751     4108.062  36.72      42.34
Greek                   62332   2743116         778      1.522      80.118     17.452   44.008     3525.856  40.41      31.44
Serbian                143021   4589809         669      2.137     213.783     10.230   32.092     6860.701  46.72      31.25
Catalan                342425   7778131        1602      1.346     213.748      9.682   22.715     4855.263  17.54      28.10
Latvian                 34585   1364119         262      2.832     132.004     10.294   39.443     5206.561  82.53      21.62
Bulgarian              117197   4304335         818      1.210     143.273     16.616   36.727     5262.023  24.34      19.91
Bosnian                 31306   1554097         173      2.798     180.960     13.072   49.642     8983.220 102.31      17.70
Slovak                 125030   3791951         595      1.285     210.134     13.274   30.328     6373.027  21.91      13.04
Croatian                98006   3048816         601      1.232     163.072     13.937   31.108     5072.905  21.15      12.71
Bavarian                 4280    212720          84      3.438      50.952     11.198   49.701     2532.381 132.38      11.12
Armenian                13817    502833         182      2.246      75.918     11.212   36.392     2762.819  56.55      10.29
Estonian                85068   2595046         371      1.493     229.294     12.238   30.506     6994.733  27.27      10.12
Slovenian              116923   3079564         669      1.087     174.773     12.622   26.338     4603.235  14.90       9.97
Georgian                49309   1603969         242      1.905     203.756     11.198   32.529     6627.971  40.64       9.83
Albanian                32558   1012299         287      1.507     113.443     12.400   31.092     3527.174  28.18       8.09
Sinhalese                4716    158427          57      5.004      82.737      5.595   33.594     2779.421 140.12       7.99
Aragonese               25815   1114754         121      2.107     213.347     13.897   43.182     9212.843  61.72       7.47
Lithuanian             133910   3491378         442      1.180     302.964     11.962   26.073     7899.045  16.65       7.36
Cantonese               15812    562060         109      2.608     145.064      9.851   35.546     5156.514  67.03       7.31
Esperanto              146163   3620547         418      1.195     349.672     11.283   24.771     8661.596  16.12       6.74
Icelandic               31487   1090012         175      1.678     179.926     12.928   34.618     6228.640  36.39       6.37
Hindi                   97070   1256807         214      2.931     453.598      3.294   12.947     5872.930  28.29       6.05
Afrikaans               17950    818223         137      1.550     131.022     17.876   45.583     5972.431  42.95       5.88
Bashkir                  1378     60503          33      4.855      41.758      7.499   43.906     1833.424 176.75       5.83
Azerbaijani             64310   1323015         342      1.379     188.041      8.649   20.572     3868.465  16.44       5.62
Norwegian (Nynorsk)     67572   1724701         228      1.553     296.368      9.997   25.524     7564.478  24.11       5.50
Tamil                   32648    811177         188      1.816     173.660      8.825   24.846     4314.771  29.09       5.47
Silesian                 1931    136911          31      3.190      62.290     16.921   70.902     4416.484 172.20       5.34
Oriya                    1045     40140          33      4.833      31.667      6.586   38.411     1216.364 153.80       5.08
Anglo-Saxon              2630    119595          43      3.302      61.163     10.570   45.473     2781.279 115.26       4.96
Tatar                    8625    423463          62      2.324     139.113     14.769   49.097     6830.048  79.79       4.95
Galician                71830   1998614         265      1.196     271.057     12.668   27.824     7541.940  18.13       4.81
Wu                       2906    157885          51      2.398      56.980     15.987   54.331     3095.784  91.97       4.69
Belarusian (Taraški    36605   1044502         159      1.579     230.220     11.063   28.534     6569.195  27.59       4.39
Maltese                  2825    156424          34      2.984      83.088     13.897   55.371     4600.706 123.78       4.21
Latin                   54264   1627848         245      1.080     221.486     14.423   29.999     6644.278  16.82       4.12
Egyptian Arabic          7311    297541          73      2.050     100.151     13.344   40.698     4075.904  56.07       4.09
Urdu                    16784    433165          78      2.483     215.179      7.411   25.808     5553.397  45.67       3.56
Crimean Tatar            1563     80128          24      3.559      65.125     11.244   51.266     3338.667 142.44       3.42
Lojban                   1125     77552          16      3.825      70.312     14.287   68.935     4847.000 209.02       3.34
Navajo                   2024     91714          21      4.240      96.381      8.647   45.313     4367.333 155.47       3.26
Yiddish                  8662    363487          41      2.424     211.268     12.256   41.963     8865.537  72.01       2.95
Welsh                   32508   1045949         118      1.346     275.492     13.717   32.175     8863.975  24.84       2.93
Ossetian                 7728    298428          38      2.668     203.368     10.529   38.616     7853.368  74.92       2.85
Khmer                    2716     71386          51      2.824      53.255      6.873   26.284     1399.725  54.82       2.80
Mongolian                6231    197234          73      1.853      85.356     11.095   31.654     2701.836  38.10       2.78
Belarusian              29477    832000         169      1.100     174.420     13.439   28.225     4923.077  16.27       2.75
Occitan                 27089    977008          88      1.459     307.830     14.667   36.067    11102.364  31.22       2.75
Malay                  119873   1814281         316      1.069     379.345      7.316   15.135     5741.396   8.36       2.64
Manx                     3862    182729          29      2.630     133.172     13.033   47.315     6301.000  90.17       2.61
Uzbek                    7678    422555          39      1.833     196.872     19.425   55.035    10834.744  65.28       2.55
Alemannic                9866    351087          81      1.469     121.802     14.413   35.586     4334.407  31.10       2.52
Irish                   12563    479246          91      1.276     138.055     16.760   38.147     5266.440  27.29       2.48
Basque                 100915   2187678         292      0.850     345.599     11.718   21.678     7492.048   8.47       2.47
Wolof                    1100     70078          14      3.489      78.571     14.192   63.707     5005.571 172.76       2.42
Serbo-Croatian          42375    793041         139      1.534     304.856      7.386   18.715     5705.331  17.38       2.42
Low Saxon               17437    529779         114      1.237     152.956     13.580   30.382     4647.184  20.79       2.37
Emilian-Romagnol         1346     43068          26      3.574      51.769      6.996   31.997     1656.462  89.34       2.32
Tagalog                 51579    881866         124      1.722     415.960      6.281   17.097     7111.823  18.63       2.31
Breton                  37693   1015556         134      1.175     281.291     12.388   26.943     7578.776  17.10       2.29
Marathi                 33778    768805         100      1.613     337.780      8.710   22.761     7688.050  22.67       2.27
Kirghiz                  1532     47058          45      2.302      34.044      9.302   30.717     1045.733  49.30       2.22
Pashto                   2376     97059          26      2.821      91.385     10.690   40.850     3733.038  85.08       2.21
Luxembourgish           32806   1160690          95      1.131     345.326     16.602   35.380    12217.789  21.24       2.02
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic     1268     58585          25      2.449      50.720     13.397   46.203     2343.400  80.33       2.01
Limburgian               6658    275584          35      2.001     190.229     13.794   41.391     7873.829  55.21       1.93
Northern Sami            3561    148529          44      1.652      80.932     15.727   41.710     3375.659  42.92       1.89
Venetian                 8950    393295          37      1.778     241.892     15.820   43.944    10629.595  50.00       1.85
Fiji Hindi               3260     96594          47      1.981      69.362      9.939   29.630     2055.191  39.01       1.83
Dutch Low Saxon          4483    206770          39      1.618     114.949     17.618   46.123     5301.795  46.12       1.80
Aymara                   1185     45882          27      2.405      43.889     11.371   38.719     1699.333  65.77       1.78
Sicilian                16616    530027          57      1.586     291.509     12.333   31.899     9298.719  31.04       1.77
West Flemish             4327    215559          26      2.024     166.423     16.474   49.817     8290.731  67.49       1.75
Chechen                  1299     49885          14      3.988      92.786      7.699   38.403     3563.214 122.43       1.71
Swahili                 21604    646578          57      1.539     379.018     11.786   29.929    11343.474  27.93       1.59
Kannada                 10816    218036          85      1.521     127.247      7.995   20.159     2565.129  18.50       1.57
Interlingua              5485    331530          36      1.283     152.361     26.480   60.443     9209.167  43.56       1.57
Asturian                14712    572471          87      0.918     169.103     20.287   38.912     6580.126  17.10       1.49
Ladino                   2595    106473          25      2.129     103.800     13.114   41.030     4258.920  59.43       1.49
Somali                   1959     64907          38      1.817      51.553     11.763   33.133     1708.079  38.82       1.48
Tok Pisin                1025     49033           9      4.060     113.889      9.453   47.837     5448.111 155.86       1.40
Gan                      6012    234939          23      2.159     261.391     12.372   39.078    10214.739  57.65       1.33
Min Nan                  8702    307415          33      1.739     263.697     12.899   35.327     9315.606  38.99       1.29
Faroese                  4894    192830          30      1.691     163.133     14.643   39.401     6427.667  41.86       1.26
Quechua                 16442    436161          42      1.713     391.476      9.779   26.527    10384.786  28.68       1.20
Cornish                  2070    122966          17      1.818     121.765     21.077   59.404     7233.294  69.69       1.18
Karachay-Balkar          1630     54467          12      3.715     135.833      7.087   33.415     4538.917  97.82       1.17
Kashubian                2763    123013          52      0.973      53.135     22.563   44.522     2365.635  21.37       1.11
Sardinian                2533     84549          22      2.128     115.136     10.670   33.379     3843.136  48.33       1.06
Punjabi                  1970     51247          15      3.503     131.333      5.778   26.014     3416.467  70.88       1.06
Tibetan                  2910     70372          27      2.220     107.778      7.510   24.183     2606.370  37.01       1.00
Guarani                  1400     58564          16      2.156      87.500     13.253   41.831     3660.250  61.63       0.99
Meadow Mari              2340     59241          26      2.129      90.000      8.091   25.317     2278.500  36.67       0.95
Lombard                 20432    702945          45      1.149     454.044     16.007   34.404    15621.000  21.15       0.95
Javanese                33400    512272         103      1.122     324.272      7.229   15.337     4973.515   9.10       0.94
Scots                    6573    182065          49      1.216     134.143     12.502   27.699     3715.612  18.47       0.91
Telugu                  48003    618245         114      1.151     421.079      5.987   12.879     5423.202   7.93       0.90
Upper Sorbian            6605    207679          34      1.433     194.265     12.923   31.443     6108.206  26.54       0.90
Extremaduran             1566     64711          23      1.558      68.087     16.154   41.322     2813.522  39.22       0.90
West Frisian            20178    474248          71      1.028     284.197     11.589   23.503     6679.549  12.25       0.87
Kurdish                 16018    381258          53      1.215     302.226     10.748   23.802     7193.547  15.85       0.84
Nahuatl                  6540    276197          27      1.249     242.222     18.779   42.232    10229.519  29.29       0.79
Sakha                    7526    194214          31      1.598     242.774      9.935   25.806     6264.968  25.35       0.79
Lingala                  1710     77133          11      2.278     155.455     13.761   45.107     7012.091  71.40       0.79
Ligurian                 2830    108040          21      1.588     134.762     14.754   38.177     5144.762  37.19       0.78
Greenlandic              1184     37656          17      2.122      69.647     10.186   31.804     2215.059  45.88       0.78
Franco-Provençal/Ar     2152    146068          18      1.151     119.556     31.548   67.875     8114.889  41.83       0.75
Divehi                   3569     86246          26      1.729     137.269      8.856   24.165     3317.154  26.47       0.69
Chuvash                 12555    362948          47      0.977     267.128     14.620   28.909     7722.298  13.96       0.66
Banyumasan               3606    111941          25      1.416     144.240     12.851   31.043     4477.640  25.75       0.64
Scottish Gaelic          8351    320372          33      1.002     253.061     19.159   38.363     9708.242  19.25       0.64
Burmese                  5941     82509          51      1.459     116.490      5.647   13.888     1617.824  12.02       0.61
Saterland Frisian        1771     63121          15      1.724     118.067     13.085   35.641     4208.067  38.89       0.58
Kalmyk                   1831     43845          16      2.197     114.438      7.491   23.946     2740.312  36.15       0.58
Komi                     2254     66943          21      1.513     107.333     11.819   29.700     3187.762  27.05       0.57
Volapük               118854   2467408          49      1.076    2425.592     10.000   20.760    50355.265  11.58       0.57
Zazaki                   3330    108152          17      1.628     195.882     12.357   32.478     6361.882  32.76       0.56
Bihari                   2691     89960          23      1.243     117.000     14.904   33.430     3911.304  23.03       0.53
Romansh                  3241     98759          21      1.346     154.333     12.988   30.472     4702.810  23.54       0.49
Pennsylvania German      1761     68326          17      1.302     103.588     16.858   38.800     4019.176  28.56       0.49
Uyghur                   2885     94516          13      1.715     221.923     12.066   32.761     7270.462  35.49       0.46
Papiamentu               1189     45265          14      1.451      84.929     15.534   38.070     3233.214  32.70       0.46
Interlingue              1817     76564          18      1.132     100.944     19.769   42.138     4253.556  25.31       0.46
Yoruba                  12919    231488          37      1.186     349.162      8.197   17.918     6256.432  11.53       0.43
Walloon                 11957    244123          21      1.603     569.381      7.843   20.417    11624.905  20.16       0.42
Corsican                 6031    267671          20      0.895     301.550     23.422   44.383    13383.550  18.76       0.38
North Frisian            1135     26070          15      1.721      75.667      8.442   22.969     1738.000  25.00       0.37
Bishnupriya Manipuri    24752    579291          22      1.290    1125.091     10.219   23.404    26331.409  17.01       0.37
Sanskrit                 4831    119531          37      0.854     130.568     13.346   24.742     3230.568   9.73       0.36
Banjar                   1156     20492          16      1.907      72.250      6.099   17.727     1280.750  22.17       0.35
Acehnese                 1525     40612          27      0.988      56.481     13.399   26.631     1504.148  13.07       0.35
Sundanese               14779    307080          35      0.976     422.257     10.514   20.778     8773.714  10.02       0.35
Amharic                 10294    216268          31      1.039     332.065     10.305   21.009     6976.387  11.12       0.34
Sorani                   4138     62385          38      1.084     108.895      7.235   15.076     1641.711   8.50       0.32
Friulian                 2889    122809          13      1.084     222.231     20.393   42.509     9446.846  23.98       0.31
Kinyarwanda              1799     38648          17      1.439     105.824      8.810   21.483     2273.412  18.23       0.31
Picard                   1573     19856          31      1.363      50.742      5.342   12.623      640.516   9.92       0.31
Udmurt                   2553     55594          16      1.401     159.562      9.069   21.776     3474.625  17.80       0.28
Tajik                    9320    239337          32      0.770     291.250     14.507   25.680     7479.281   8.61       0.28
Nepali                  13878    115209          57      1.107     243.474      3.940    8.302     2021.211   4.83       0.28
Kapampangan              7443    189590          21      1.005     354.429     12.707   25.472     9028.095  12.82       0.27
Malagasy                16109    147112          28      1.614     575.321      3.494    9.132     5254.000   9.10       0.25
Turkmen                  4295    124539          17      1.013     252.647     14.403   28.996     7325.824  14.79       0.25
Erzya                    1425     52889           9      1.305     158.333     16.105   37.115     5876.556  27.41       0.25
Kazakh                  21492    244242          95      0.591     226.232      7.142   11.364     2570.968   2.50       0.24
Norman                   3458    167385           8      1.093     432.250     23.126   48.405    20923.125  27.63       0.22
Komi-Permyak             1785     22538          25      1.220      71.400      5.689   12.626      901.520   8.46       0.21
Samogitian              12732    239623          34      0.722     374.471     10.931   18.821     7047.735   5.69       0.19
Hawaiian                 1769     42377          12      1.209     147.417     10.846   23.955     3531.417  15.84       0.19
Tongan                   1608     26616           6      2.518     268.000      4.705   16.552     4436.000  29.83       0.18
Hakka                    2121     53750          13      1.042     163.154     12.411   25.342     4134.615  13.47       0.18
Newar / Nepal Bhasa     69548    596876          18      1.644    3863.778      3.246    8.582    33159.778   8.77       0.16
Novial                   2584    137602          10      0.687     258.400     31.560   53.252    13760.200  14.91       0.15
Võro                    4684    118610          20      0.676     234.200     15.108   25.322     5930.500   6.91       0.14
Ido                     21729    631223          46      0.371     472.370     21.182   29.050    13722.239   2.92       0.13
Ilokano                  3788    101858          10      0.869     378.800     14.391   26.890    10185.800  10.86       0.11
Mazandarani              3101     35242          17      1.012     182.412      5.648   11.365     2073.059   5.79       0.10
Central_Bicolano         5049     90546          23      0.617     219.522     11.094   17.933     3936.783   4.22       0.10
Rusyn                    2123     35324          14      0.870     151.643      8.895   16.639     2523.143   6.74       0.09
Zamboanga Chavacano      2408     52263          22      0.530     109.455     14.186   21.704     2375.591   3.98       0.09
Piedmontese             39586    375511          40      0.554     989.650      6.105    9.486     9387.775   1.87       0.07
Cebuano                 42684    977972          41      0.316    1041.073     17.417   22.912    23852.976   1.73       0.07
Gujarati                20027    154968          57      0.457     351.351      5.312    7.738     2718.737   1.11       0.06
Maori                    6740    106558          12      0.738     561.667      9.095   15.810     8879.833   4.96       0.06
Pali                     2353     75935          13      0.407     181.000     22.934   32.272     5841.154   3.80       0.05
Neapolitan              42419    508078          46      0.268     922.152      9.445   11.978    11045.174   0.68       0.03
Hill Mari                4105     27877          27      0.490     152.037      4.557    6.791     1032.481   1.09       0.03
Tarantino                8907     74798          13      0.670     685.154      5.029    8.398     5753.692   2.26       0.03
Waray-Waray            101783    869483          53      0.283    1920.434      6.659    8.543    16405.340   0.53       0.03
Gilaki                   5961     32378          13      0.775     458.538      3.060    5.432     2490.615   1.84       0.02
Western Panjabi         13000    130881          30      0.223     433.333      8.231   10.068     4362.700   0.41       0.01
Pangasinan               3415     33144           7      0.392     487.857      6.970    9.705     4734.857   1.07       0.01
Haitian                 53080    460669          33      0.132    1608.485      7.665    8.679    13959.667   0.13       0.00
Buginese                 8584     58196          14      0.238     613.143      5.477    6.780     4156.857   0.31       0.00
Aromanian               61689    121021          12      0.054    5140.750      1.861    1.962    10085.083   0.01       0.00

Sorting by new depth #2 (edits/total * nonarticles/articles * activeusers/1000):
Lang                 Articles     Edits ActiveUsers NonArt/Art Art/ActUser Edit/Total Edit/Art Edit/ActUser  Depth  newdepth2
English               3651105 465937891      142855      5.604      25.558     19.324  127.616     3261.614 606.88   15470.03
German                1240517  93926939       23227      1.822      53.408     26.832   75.716     4043.869  89.06    1135.42
French                1111637  70031019       15960      3.034      69.651     15.616   62.998     4387.908 143.77     756.23
Spanish                765643  49833542       15075      3.333      50.789     15.022   65.087     3305.708 166.86     754.73
Russian                719424  36895648       12061      2.477      59.649     14.749   51.285     3059.087  90.51     440.66
Japanese               752615  38611597       10753      1.662      69.991     19.270   51.303     3590.774  53.25     344.45
Italian                807892  44819262        8663      2.142      93.258     17.657   55.477     5173.642  81.01     327.64
Chinese                359102  17028458        5356      2.441      67.047     13.780   47.420     3179.324  82.12     180.17
Portuguese             686282  26078612        5530      2.869     124.102      9.822   38.000     4715.843  80.84     155.83
Hebrew                 119313  11302036        2105      3.142      56.681     22.870   94.726     5369.138 225.77     151.26
Dutch                  690308  26080074        5273      1.422     130.914     15.597   37.780     4945.965  31.55     116.97
Turkish                168295  10190810        2347      3.954      71.706     12.224   60.553     4342.058 191.08     113.43
Arabic                 148248   8211026        2224      4.922      66.658      9.354   55.387     3692.008 226.56     102.38
Polish                 806014  28293527        5265      0.811     153.089     19.383   35.103     5373.889  12.75      82.77
Swedish                398321  14881995        3122      1.941     127.585     12.704   37.362     4766.815  47.86      76.98
Hungarian              191962  10128163        2069      2.386      92.780     15.582   52.761     4895.197  88.71      76.92
Korean                 163691   7724647        1932      2.165      84.726     14.909   47.190     3998.264  69.90      62.37
Persian                152912   6740512        1798      2.851      85.046     11.446   44.081     3748.894  93.05      58.68
Czech                  196918   7071056        2148      1.638      91.675     13.614   35.909     3291.926  36.51      47.89
Finnish                270170  10642804        1836      1.720     147.151     14.483   39.393     5796.734  42.85      45.74
Norwegian (Bokmål)    303605   9359214        2195      1.446     138.317     12.603   30.827     4263.879  26.35      40.00
Indonesian             165235   5114748        1711      2.724      96.572      8.313   30.954     2989.333  61.67      38.74
Thai                    67540   3457276         822      3.212      82.165     12.152   51.189     4205.932 125.40      32.09
Romanian               160687   5619538        1169      3.407     137.457      7.936   34.972     4807.133  92.10      31.61
Ukrainian              285074   7042407        1713      2.113     166.418      7.934   24.704     4111.154  35.44      28.73
Danish                 150621   5216266        1252      1.664     120.304     13.000   34.632     4166.347  36.00      27.08
Simple English          71247   3096554         767      2.002      92.890     14.479   43.462     4037.228  58.02      22.23
Ripuarian                2217   2074036          31      3.110      71.516    227.616  935.515    66904.387 2201.61      21.94
Catalan                342425   7778131        1602      1.346     213.748      9.682   22.715     4855.263  17.54      20.88
Greek                   62332   2743116         778      1.522      80.118     17.452   44.008     3525.856  40.41      20.66
Vietnamese             208197   4736596        1153      2.312     180.570      6.869   22.751     4108.062  36.72      18.31
Bulgarian              117197   4304335         818      1.210     143.273     16.616   36.727     5262.023  24.34      16.45
Serbian                143021   4589809         669      2.137     213.783     10.230   32.092     6860.701  46.72      14.63
Malayalam               18297   1100065         255      5.753      71.753      8.903   60.123     4313.980 294.67      13.06
Macedonian              45974   2010290         309     14.956     148.783      2.741   43.727     6505.793 612.98      12.66
Croatian                98006   3048816         601      1.232     163.072     13.937   31.108     5072.905  21.15      10.32
Slovak                 125030   3791951         595      1.285     210.134     13.274   30.328     6373.027  21.91      10.15
Slovenian              116923   3079564         669      1.087     174.773     12.622   26.338     4603.235  14.90       9.18
Latvian                 34585   1364119         262      2.832     132.004     10.294   39.443     5206.561  82.53       7.64
Bengali                 22238   1016893         166      9.881     133.964      4.202   45.728     6125.861 410.32       6.89
Estonian                85068   2595046         371      1.493     229.294     12.238   30.506     6994.733  27.27       6.78
Bosnian                 31306   1554097         173      2.798     180.960     13.072   49.642     8983.220 102.31       6.33
Lithuanian             133910   3491378         442      1.180     302.964     11.962   26.073     7899.045  16.65       6.24
Esperanto              146163   3620547         418      1.195     349.672     11.283   24.771     8661.596  16.12       5.64
Albanian                32558   1012299         287      1.507     113.443     12.400   31.092     3527.174  28.18       5.36
Georgian                49309   1603969         242      1.905     203.756     11.198   32.529     6627.971  40.64       5.16
Armenian                13817    502833         182      2.246      75.918     11.212   36.392     2762.819  56.55       4.58
Azerbaijani             64310   1323015         342      1.379     188.041      8.649   20.572     3868.465  16.44       4.08
Galician                71830   1998614         265      1.196     271.057     12.668   27.824     7541.940  18.13       4.02
Latin                   54264   1627848         245      1.080     221.486     14.423   29.999     6644.278  16.82       3.82
Afrikaans               17950    818223         137      1.550     131.022     17.876   45.583     5972.431  42.95       3.80
Icelandic               31487   1090012         175      1.678     179.926     12.928   34.618     6228.640  36.39       3.80
Aragonese               25815   1114754         121      2.107     213.347     13.897   43.182     9212.843  61.72       3.54
Norwegian (Nynorsk)     67572   1724701         228      1.553     296.368      9.997   25.524     7564.478  24.11       3.54
Bavarian                 4280    212720          84      3.438      50.952     11.198   49.701     2532.381 132.38       3.23
Tamil                   32648    811177         188      1.816     173.660      8.825   24.846     4314.771  29.09       3.01
Basque                 100915   2187678         292      0.850     345.599     11.718   21.678     7492.048   8.47       2.91
Cantonese               15812    562060         109      2.608     145.064      9.851   35.546     5156.514  67.03       2.80
Belarusian (Taraški    36605   1044502         159      1.579     230.220     11.063   28.534     6569.195  27.59       2.78
Belarusian              29477    832000         169      1.100     174.420     13.439   28.225     4923.077  16.27       2.50
Malay                  119873   1814281         316      1.069     379.345      7.316   15.135     5741.396   8.36       2.47
Classical Chinese        2523    187252          33     23.707      76.455      3.004   74.218     5674.303 1688.31       2.35
Welsh                   32508   1045949         118      1.346     275.492     13.717   32.175     8863.975  24.84       2.18
Tatar                    8625    423463          62      2.324     139.113     14.769   49.097     6830.048  79.79       2.13
Hindi                   97070   1256807         214      2.931     453.598      3.294   12.947     5872.930  28.29       2.07
Egyptian Arabic          7311    297541          73      2.050     100.151     13.344   40.698     4075.904  56.07       2.00
Wu                       2906    157885          51      2.398      56.980     15.987   54.331     3095.784  91.97       1.96
Breton                  37693   1015556         134      1.175     281.291     12.388   26.943     7578.776  17.10       1.95
Irish                   12563    479246          91      1.276     138.055     16.760   38.147     5266.440  27.29       1.95
Low Saxon               17437    529779         114      1.237     152.956     13.580   30.382     4647.184  20.79       1.92
Occitan                 27089    977008          88      1.459     307.830     14.667   36.067    11102.364  31.22       1.88
Luxembourgish           32806   1160690          95      1.131     345.326     16.602   35.380    12217.789  21.24       1.78
Alemannic                9866    351087          81      1.469     121.802     14.413   35.586     4334.407  31.10       1.71
Silesian                 1931    136911          31      3.190      62.290     16.921   70.902     4416.484 172.20       1.67
Asturian                14712    572471          87      0.918     169.103     20.287   38.912     6580.126  17.10       1.62
Sinhalese                4716    158427          57      5.004      82.737      5.595   33.594     2779.421 140.12       1.60
Serbo-Croatian          42375    793041         139      1.534     304.856      7.386   18.715     5705.331  17.38       1.57
Anglo-Saxon              2630    119595          43      3.302      61.163     10.570   45.473     2781.279 115.26       1.50
Mongolian                6231    197234          73      1.853      85.356     11.095   31.654     2701.836  38.10       1.50
Urdu                    16784    433165          78      2.483     215.179      7.411   25.808     5553.397  45.67       1.44
Maltese                  2825    156424          34      2.984      83.088     13.897   55.371     4600.706 123.78       1.41
Marathi                 33778    768805         100      1.613     337.780      8.710   22.761     7688.050  22.67       1.41
Uzbek                    7678    422555          39      1.833     196.872     19.425   55.035    10834.744  65.28       1.39
Tagalog                 51579    881866         124      1.722     415.960      6.281   17.097     7111.823  18.63       1.34
Interlingua              5485    331530          36      1.283     152.361     26.480   60.443     9209.167  43.56       1.22
Yiddish                  8662    363487          41      2.424     211.268     12.256   41.963     8865.537  72.01       1.22
Bashkir                  1378     60503          33      4.855      41.758      7.499   43.906     1833.424 176.75       1.20
Northern Sami            3561    148529          44      1.652      80.932     15.727   41.710     3375.659  42.92       1.14
Kashubian                2763    123013          52      0.973      53.135     22.563   44.522     2365.635  21.37       1.14
Sicilian                16616    530027          57      1.586     291.509     12.333   31.899     9298.719  31.04       1.12
Dutch Low Saxon          4483    206770          39      1.618     114.949     17.618   46.123     5301.795  46.12       1.11
Ossetian                 7728    298428          38      2.668     203.368     10.529   38.616     7853.368  74.92       1.07
Oriya                    1045     40140          33      4.833      31.667      6.586   38.411     1216.364 153.80       1.05
Venetian                 8950    393295          37      1.778     241.892     15.820   43.944    10629.595  50.00       1.04
Swahili                 21604    646578          57      1.539     379.018     11.786   29.929    11343.474  27.93       1.03
Kannada                 10816    218036          85      1.521     127.247      7.995   20.159     2565.129  18.50       1.03
Manx                     3862    182729          29      2.630     133.172     13.033   47.315     6301.000  90.17       0.99
Khmer                    2716     71386          51      2.824      53.255      6.873   26.284     1399.725  54.82       0.99
Limburgian               6658    275584          35      2.001     190.229     13.794   41.391     7873.829  55.21       0.97
Kirghiz                  1532     47058          45      2.302      34.044      9.302   30.717     1045.733  49.30       0.96
Crimean Tatar            1563     80128          24      3.559      65.125     11.244   51.266     3338.667 142.44       0.96
Fiji Hindi               3260     96594          47      1.981      69.362      9.939   29.630     2055.191  39.01       0.93
Lojban                   1125     77552          16      3.825      70.312     14.287   68.935     4847.000 209.02       0.87
West Flemish             4327    215559          26      2.024     166.423     16.474   49.817     8290.731  67.49       0.87
West Frisian            20178    474248          71      1.028     284.197     11.589   23.503     6679.549  12.25       0.85
Javanese                33400    512272         103      1.122     324.272      7.229   15.337     4973.515   9.10       0.84
Lombard                 20432    702945          45      1.149     454.044     16.007   34.404    15621.000  21.15       0.83
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic     1268     58585          25      2.449      50.720     13.397   46.203     2343.400  80.33       0.82
Somali                   1959     64907          38      1.817      51.553     11.763   33.133     1708.079  38.82       0.81
Telugu                  48003    618245         114      1.151     421.079      5.987   12.879     5423.202   7.93       0.79
Pashto                   2376     97059          26      2.821      91.385     10.690   40.850     3733.038  85.08       0.78
Navajo                   2024     91714          21      4.240      96.381      8.647   45.313     4367.333 155.47       0.77
Scots                    6573    182065          49      1.216     134.143     12.502   27.699     3715.612  18.47       0.74
Faroese                  4894    192830          30      1.691     163.133     14.643   39.401     6427.667  41.86       0.74
Min Nan                  8702    307415          33      1.739     263.697     12.899   35.327     9315.606  38.99       0.74
Aymara                   1185     45882          27      2.405      43.889     11.371   38.719     1699.333  65.77       0.74
Quechua                 16442    436161          42      1.713     391.476      9.779   26.527    10384.786  28.68       0.70
Ladino                   2595    106473          25      2.129     103.800     13.114   41.030     4258.920  59.43       0.70
Wolof                    1100     70078          14      3.489      78.571     14.192   63.707     5005.571 172.76       0.69
Kurdish                 16018    381258          53      1.215     302.226     10.748   23.802     7193.547  15.85       0.69
Chuvash                 12555    362948          47      0.977     267.128     14.620   28.909     7722.298  13.96       0.67
Franco-Provençal/Ar     2152    146068          18      1.151     119.556     31.548   67.875     8114.889  41.83       0.65
Cornish                  2070    122966          17      1.818     121.765     21.077   59.404     7233.294  69.69       0.65
Emilian-Romagnol         1346     43068          26      3.574      51.769      6.996   31.997     1656.462  89.34       0.65
Scottish Gaelic          8351    320372          33      1.002     253.061     19.159   38.363     9708.242  19.25       0.63
Nahuatl                  6540    276197          27      1.249     242.222     18.779   42.232    10229.519  29.29       0.63
Upper Sorbian            6605    207679          34      1.433     194.265     12.923   31.443     6108.206  26.54       0.63
Gan                      6012    234939          23      2.159     261.391     12.372   39.078    10214.739  57.65       0.61
Extremaduran             1566     64711          23      1.558      68.087     16.154   41.322     2813.522  39.22       0.58
Volapük               118854   2467408          49      1.076    2425.592     10.000   20.760    50355.265  11.58       0.53
Sardinian                2533     84549          22      2.128     115.136     10.670   33.379     3843.136  48.33       0.50
Sakha                    7526    194214          31      1.598     242.774      9.935   25.806     6264.968  25.35       0.49
Ligurian                 2830    108040          21      1.588     134.762     14.754   38.177     5144.762  37.19       0.49
Guarani                  1400     58564          16      2.156      87.500     13.253   41.831     3660.250  61.63       0.46
Banyumasan               3606    111941          25      1.416     144.240     12.851   31.043     4477.640  25.75       0.45
Tibetan                  2910     70372          27      2.220     107.778      7.510   24.183     2606.370  37.01       0.45
Meadow Mari              2340     59241          26      2.129      90.000      8.091   25.317     2278.500  36.67       0.45
Chechen                  1299     49885          14      3.988      92.786      7.699   38.403     3563.214 122.43       0.43
Bihari                   2691     89960          23      1.243     117.000     14.904   33.430     3911.304  23.03       0.43
Sanskrit                 4831    119531          37      0.854     130.568     13.346   24.742     3230.568   9.73       0.42
Burmese                  5941     82509          51      1.459     116.490      5.647   13.888     1617.824  12.02       0.42
Corsican                 6031    267671          20      0.895     301.550     23.422   44.383    13383.550  18.76       0.42
Interlingue              1817     76564          18      1.132     100.944     19.769   42.138     4253.556  25.31       0.40
Kazakh                  21492    244242          95      0.591     226.232      7.142   11.364     2570.968   2.50       0.40
Divehi                   3569     86246          26      1.729     137.269      8.856   24.165     3317.154  26.47       0.40
Komi                     2254     66943          21      1.513     107.333     11.819   29.700     3187.762  27.05       0.38
Pennsylvania German      1761     68326          17      1.302     103.588     16.858   38.800     4019.176  28.56       0.37
Greenlandic              1184     37656          17      2.122      69.647     10.186   31.804     2215.059  45.88       0.37
Romansh                  3241     98759          21      1.346     154.333     12.988   30.472     4702.810  23.54       0.37
Ido                     21729    631223          46      0.371     472.370     21.182   29.050    13722.239   2.92       0.36
Yoruba                  12919    231488          37      1.186     349.162      8.197   17.918     6256.432  11.53       0.36
Sundanese               14779    307080          35      0.976     422.257     10.514   20.778     8773.714  10.02       0.36
Tajik                    9320    239337          32      0.770     291.250     14.507   25.680     7479.281   8.61       0.36
Acehnese                 1525     40612          27      0.988      56.481     13.399   26.631     1504.148  13.07       0.36
Tok Pisin                1025     49033           9      4.060     113.889      9.453   47.837     5448.111 155.86       0.35
Lingala                  1710     77133          11      2.278     155.455     13.761   45.107     7012.091  71.40       0.34
Zazaki                   3330    108152          17      1.628     195.882     12.357   32.478     6361.882  32.76       0.34
Saterland Frisian        1771     63121          15      1.724     118.067     13.085   35.641     4208.067  38.89       0.34
Amharic                 10294    216268          31      1.039     332.065     10.305   21.009     6976.387  11.12       0.33
Karachay-Balkar          1630     54467          12      3.715     135.833      7.087   33.415     4538.917  97.82       0.32
Papiamentu               1189     45265          14      1.451      84.929     15.534   38.070     3233.214  32.70       0.32
Punjabi                  1970     51247          15      3.503     131.333      5.778   26.014     3416.467  70.88       0.30
Sorani                   4138     62385          38      1.084     108.895      7.235   15.076     1641.711   8.50       0.30
Bishnupriya Manipuri    24752    579291          22      1.290    1125.091     10.219   23.404    26331.409  17.01       0.29
Friulian                 2889    122809          13      1.084     222.231     20.393   42.509     9446.846  23.98       0.29
Uyghur                   2885     94516          13      1.715     221.923     12.066   32.761     7270.462  35.49       0.27
Samogitian              12732    239623          34      0.722     374.471     10.931   18.821     7047.735   5.69       0.27
Kapampangan              7443    189590          21      1.005     354.429     12.707   25.472     9028.095  12.82       0.27
Walloon                 11957    244123          21      1.603     569.381      7.843   20.417    11624.905  20.16       0.26
Kalmyk                   1831     43845          16      2.197     114.438      7.491   23.946     2740.312  36.15       0.26
Nepali                  13878    115209          57      1.107     243.474      3.940    8.302     2021.211   4.83       0.25
Turkmen                  4295    124539          17      1.013     252.647     14.403   28.996     7325.824  14.79       0.25
Picard                   1573     19856          31      1.363      50.742      5.342   12.623      640.516   9.92       0.23
Cebuano                 42684    977972          41      0.316    1041.073     17.417   22.912    23852.976   1.73       0.23
North Frisian            1135     26070          15      1.721      75.667      8.442   22.969     1738.000  25.00       0.22
Novial                   2584    137602          10      0.687     258.400     31.560   53.252    13760.200  14.91       0.22
Kinyarwanda              1799     38648          17      1.439     105.824      8.810   21.483     2273.412  18.23       0.22
Võro                    4684    118610          20      0.676     234.200     15.108   25.322     5930.500   6.91       0.20
Udmurt                   2553     55594          16      1.401     159.562      9.069   21.776     3474.625  17.80       0.20
Norman                   3458    167385           8      1.093     432.250     23.126   48.405    20923.125  27.63       0.20
Erzya                    1425     52889           9      1.305     158.333     16.105   37.115     5876.556  27.41       0.19
Banjar                   1156     20492          16      1.907      72.250      6.099   17.727     1280.750  22.17       0.19
Komi-Permyak             1785     22538          25      1.220      71.400      5.689   12.626      901.520   8.46       0.17
Hakka                    2121     53750          13      1.042     163.154     12.411   25.342     4134.615  13.47       0.17
Zamboanga Chavacano      2408     52263          22      0.530     109.455     14.186   21.704     2375.591   3.98       0.17
Malagasy                16109    147112          28      1.614     575.321      3.494    9.132     5254.000   9.10       0.16
Central_Bicolano         5049     90546          23      0.617     219.522     11.094   17.933     3936.783   4.22       0.16
Hawaiian                 1769     42377          12      1.209     147.417     10.846   23.955     3531.417  15.84       0.16
Gujarati                20027    154968          57      0.457     351.351      5.312    7.738     2718.737   1.11       0.14
Piedmontese             39586    375511          40      0.554     989.650      6.105    9.486     9387.775   1.87       0.14
Ilokano                  3788    101858          10      0.869     378.800     14.391   26.890    10185.800  10.86       0.12
Pali                     2353     75935          13      0.407     181.000     22.934   32.272     5841.154   3.80       0.12
Neapolitan              42419    508078          46      0.268     922.152      9.445   11.978    11045.174   0.68       0.12
Rusyn                    2123     35324          14      0.870     151.643      8.895   16.639     2523.143   6.74       0.11
Waray-Waray            101783    869483          53      0.283    1920.434      6.659    8.543    16405.340   0.53       0.10
Mazandarani              3101     35242          17      1.012     182.412      5.648   11.365     2073.059   5.79       0.10
Newar / Nepal Bhasa     69548    596876          18      1.644    3863.778      3.246    8.582    33159.778   8.77       0.10
Maori                    6740    106558          12      0.738     561.667      9.095   15.810     8879.833   4.96       0.08
Tongan                   1608     26616           6      2.518     268.000      4.705   16.552     4436.000  29.83       0.07
Hill Mari                4105     27877          27      0.490     152.037      4.557    6.791     1032.481   1.09       0.06
Western Panjabi         13000    130881          30      0.223     433.333      8.231   10.068     4362.700   0.41       0.06
Tarantino                8907     74798          13      0.670     685.154      5.029    8.398     5753.692   2.26       0.04
Haitian                 53080    460669          33      0.132    1608.485      7.665    8.679    13959.667   0.13       0.03
Gilaki                   5961     32378          13      0.775     458.538      3.060    5.432     2490.615   1.84       0.03
Pangasinan               3415     33144           7      0.392     487.857      6.970    9.705     4734.857   1.07       0.02
Buginese                 8584     58196          14      0.238     613.143      5.477    6.780     4156.857   0.31       0.02
Aromanian               61689    121021          12      0.054    5140.750      1.861    1.962    10085.083   0.01       0.00

Sorting by new depth #3 (edits/total * nonarticles/articles * (activeusers/1000)^2):
Lang                 Articles     Edits ActiveUsers NonArt/Art Art/ActUser Edit/Total Edit/Art Edit/ActUser  Depth  newdepth3
English               3651105 465937891      142855      5.604      25.558     19.324  127.616     3261.614 606.88 2209971.13
German                1240517  93926939       23227      1.822      53.408     26.832   75.716     4043.869  89.06   26372.44
French                1111637  70031019       15960      3.034      69.651     15.616   62.998     4387.908 143.77   12069.36
Spanish                765643  49833542       15075      3.333      50.789     15.022   65.087     3305.708 166.86   11377.62
Russian                719424  36895648       12061      2.477      59.649     14.749   51.285     3059.087  90.51    5314.81
Japanese               752615  38611597       10753      1.662      69.991     19.270   51.303     3590.774  53.25    3703.85
Italian                807892  44819262        8663      2.142      93.258     17.657   55.477     5173.642  81.01    2838.31
Chinese                359102  17028458        5356      2.441      67.047     13.780   47.420     3179.324  82.12     965.01
Portuguese             686282  26078612        5530      2.869     124.102      9.822   38.000     4715.843  80.84     861.71
Dutch                  690308  26080074        5273      1.422     130.914     15.597   37.780     4945.965  31.55     616.81
Polish                 806014  28293527        5265      0.811     153.089     19.383   35.103     5373.889  12.75     435.78
Hebrew                 119313  11302036        2105      3.142      56.681     22.870   94.726     5369.138 225.77     318.40
Turkish                168295  10190810        2347      3.954      71.706     12.224   60.553     4342.058 191.08     266.22
Swedish                398321  14881995        3122      1.941     127.585     12.704   37.362     4766.815  47.86     240.34
Arabic                 148248   8211026        2224      4.922      66.658      9.354   55.387     3692.008 226.56     227.69
Hungarian              191962  10128163        2069      2.386      92.780     15.582   52.761     4895.197  88.71     159.16
Korean                 163691   7724647        1932      2.165      84.726     14.909   47.190     3998.264  69.90     120.49
Persian                152912   6740512        1798      2.851      85.046     11.446   44.081     3748.894  93.05     105.50
Czech                  196918   7071056        2148      1.638      91.675     13.614   35.909     3291.926  36.51     102.87
Norwegian (Bokmål)    303605   9359214        2195      1.446     138.317     12.603   30.827     4263.879  26.35      87.80
Finnish                270170  10642804        1836      1.720     147.151     14.483   39.393     5796.734  42.85      83.97
Indonesian             165235   5114748        1711      2.724      96.572      8.313   30.954     2989.333  61.67      66.28
Ukrainian              285074   7042407        1713      2.113     166.418      7.934   24.704     4111.154  35.44      49.21
Romanian               160687   5619538        1169      3.407     137.457      7.936   34.972     4807.133  92.10      36.95
Danish                 150621   5216266        1252      1.664     120.304     13.000   34.632     4166.347  36.00      33.91
Catalan                342425   7778131        1602      1.346     213.748      9.682   22.715     4855.263  17.54      33.45
Thai                    67540   3457276         822      3.212      82.165     12.152   51.189     4205.932 125.40      26.38
Vietnamese             208197   4736596        1153      2.312     180.570      6.869   22.751     4108.062  36.72      21.11
Simple English          71247   3096554         767      2.002      92.890     14.479   43.462     4037.228  58.02      17.05
Greek                   62332   2743116         778      1.522      80.118     17.452   44.008     3525.856  40.41      16.07
Bulgarian              117197   4304335         818      1.210     143.273     16.616   36.727     5262.023  24.34      13.46
Serbian                143021   4589809         669      2.137     213.783     10.230   32.092     6860.701  46.72       9.78
Croatian                98006   3048816         601      1.232     163.072     13.937   31.108     5072.905  21.15       6.20
Slovenian              116923   3079564         669      1.087     174.773     12.622   26.338     4603.235  14.90       6.14
Slovak                 125030   3791951         595      1.285     210.134     13.274   30.328     6373.027  21.91       6.04
Macedonian              45974   2010290         309     14.956     148.783      2.741   43.727     6505.793 612.98       3.91
Malayalam               18297   1100065         255      5.753      71.753      8.903   60.123     4313.980 294.67       3.33
Lithuanian             133910   3491378         442      1.180     302.964     11.962   26.073     7899.045  16.65       2.76
Estonian                85068   2595046         371      1.493     229.294     12.238   30.506     6994.733  27.27       2.51
Esperanto              146163   3620547         418      1.195     349.672     11.283   24.771     8661.596  16.12       2.36
Latvian                 34585   1364119         262      2.832     132.004     10.294   39.443     5206.561  82.53       2.00
Albanian                32558   1012299         287      1.507     113.443     12.400   31.092     3527.174  28.18       1.54
Azerbaijani             64310   1323015         342      1.379     188.041      8.649   20.572     3868.465  16.44       1.39
Georgian                49309   1603969         242      1.905     203.756     11.198   32.529     6627.971  40.64       1.25
Bengali                 22238   1016893         166      9.881     133.964      4.202   45.728     6125.861 410.32       1.14
Bosnian                 31306   1554097         173      2.798     180.960     13.072   49.642     8983.220 102.31       1.09
Galician                71830   1998614         265      1.196     271.057     12.668   27.824     7541.940  18.13       1.06
Latin                   54264   1627848         245      1.080     221.486     14.423   29.999     6644.278  16.82       0.93
Basque                 100915   2187678         292      0.850     345.599     11.718   21.678     7492.048   8.47       0.85
Armenian                13817    502833         182      2.246      75.918     11.212   36.392     2762.819  56.55       0.83
Norwegian (Nynorsk)     67572   1724701         228      1.553     296.368      9.997   25.524     7564.478  24.11       0.81
Malay                  119873   1814281         316      1.069     379.345      7.316   15.135     5741.396   8.36       0.78
Ripuarian                2217   2074036          31      3.110      71.516    227.616  935.515    66904.387 2201.61       0.68
Icelandic               31487   1090012         175      1.678     179.926     12.928   34.618     6228.640  36.39       0.66
Tamil                   32648    811177         188      1.816     173.660      8.825   24.846     4314.771  29.09       0.57
Afrikaans               17950    818223         137      1.550     131.022     17.876   45.583     5972.431  42.95       0.52
Hindi                   97070   1256807         214      2.931     453.598      3.294   12.947     5872.930  28.29       0.44
Belarusian (Taraški    36605   1044502         159      1.579     230.220     11.063   28.534     6569.195  27.59       0.44
Aragonese               25815   1114754         121      2.107     213.347     13.897   43.182     9212.843  61.72       0.43
Belarusian              29477    832000         169      1.100     174.420     13.439   28.225     4923.077  16.27       0.42
Cantonese               15812    562060         109      2.608     145.064      9.851   35.546     5156.514  67.03       0.31
Bavarian                 4280    212720          84      3.438      50.952     11.198   49.701     2532.381 132.38       0.27
Breton                  37693   1015556         134      1.175     281.291     12.388   26.943     7578.776  17.10       0.26
Welsh                   32508   1045949         118      1.346     275.492     13.717   32.175     8863.975  24.84       0.26
Serbo-Croatian          42375    793041         139      1.534     304.856      7.386   18.715     5705.331  17.38       0.22
Low Saxon               17437    529779         114      1.237     152.956     13.580   30.382     4647.184  20.79       0.22
Irish                   12563    479246          91      1.276     138.055     16.760   38.147     5266.440  27.29       0.18
Luxembourgish           32806   1160690          95      1.131     345.326     16.602   35.380    12217.789  21.24       0.17
Tagalog                 51579    881866         124      1.722     415.960      6.281   17.097     7111.823  18.63       0.17
Occitan                 27089    977008          88      1.459     307.830     14.667   36.067    11102.364  31.22       0.17
Egyptian Arabic          7311    297541          73      2.050     100.151     13.344   40.698     4075.904  56.07       0.15
Asturian                14712    572471          87      0.918     169.103     20.287   38.912     6580.126  17.10       0.14
Marathi                 33778    768805         100      1.613     337.780      8.710   22.761     7688.050  22.67       0.14
Alemannic                9866    351087          81      1.469     121.802     14.413   35.586     4334.407  31.10       0.14
Tatar                    8625    423463          62      2.324     139.113     14.769   49.097     6830.048  79.79       0.13
Urdu                    16784    433165          78      2.483     215.179      7.411   25.808     5553.397  45.67       0.11
Mongolian                6231    197234          73      1.853      85.356     11.095   31.654     2701.836  38.10       0.11
Wu                       2906    157885          51      2.398      56.980     15.987   54.331     3095.784  91.97       0.10
Sinhalese                4716    158427          57      5.004      82.737      5.595   33.594     2779.421 140.12       0.09
Telugu                  48003    618245         114      1.151     421.079      5.987   12.879     5423.202   7.93       0.09
Kannada                 10816    218036          85      1.521     127.247      7.995   20.159     2565.129  18.50       0.09
Javanese                33400    512272         103      1.122     324.272      7.229   15.337     4973.515   9.10       0.09
Classical Chinese        2523    187252          33     23.707      76.455      3.004   74.218     5674.303 1688.31       0.08
Anglo-Saxon              2630    119595          43      3.302      61.163     10.570   45.473     2781.279 115.26       0.06
Sicilian                16616    530027          57      1.586     291.509     12.333   31.899     9298.719  31.04       0.06
West Frisian            20178    474248          71      1.028     284.197     11.589   23.503     6679.549  12.25       0.06
Kashubian                2763    123013          52      0.973      53.135     22.563   44.522     2365.635  21.37       0.06
Swahili                 21604    646578          57      1.539     379.018     11.786   29.929    11343.474  27.93       0.06
Uzbek                    7678    422555          39      1.833     196.872     19.425   55.035    10834.744  65.28       0.05
Silesian                 1931    136911          31      3.190      62.290     16.921   70.902     4416.484 172.20       0.05
Khmer                    2716     71386          51      2.824      53.255      6.873   26.284     1399.725  54.82       0.05
Northern Sami            3561    148529          44      1.652      80.932     15.727   41.710     3375.659  42.92       0.05
Yiddish                  8662    363487          41      2.424     211.268     12.256   41.963     8865.537  72.01       0.05
Maltese                  2825    156424          34      2.984      83.088     13.897   55.371     4600.706 123.78       0.05
Interlingua              5485    331530          36      1.283     152.361     26.480   60.443     9209.167  43.56       0.04
Fiji Hindi               3260     96594          47      1.981      69.362      9.939   29.630     2055.191  39.01       0.04
Kirghiz                  1532     47058          45      2.302      34.044      9.302   30.717     1045.733  49.30       0.04
Dutch Low Saxon          4483    206770          39      1.618     114.949     17.618   46.123     5301.795  46.12       0.04
Ossetian                 7728    298428          38      2.668     203.368     10.529   38.616     7853.368  74.92       0.04
Bashkir                  1378     60503          33      4.855      41.758      7.499   43.906     1833.424 176.75       0.04
Venetian                 8950    393295          37      1.778     241.892     15.820   43.944    10629.595  50.00       0.04
Kazakh                  21492    244242          95      0.591     226.232      7.142   11.364     2570.968   2.50       0.04
Lombard                 20432    702945          45      1.149     454.044     16.007   34.404    15621.000  21.15       0.04
Kurdish                 16018    381258          53      1.215     302.226     10.748   23.802     7193.547  15.85       0.04
Scots                    6573    182065          49      1.216     134.143     12.502   27.699     3715.612  18.47       0.04
Oriya                    1045     40140          33      4.833      31.667      6.586   38.411     1216.364 153.80       0.03
Limburgian               6658    275584          35      2.001     190.229     13.794   41.391     7873.829  55.21       0.03
Chuvash                 12555    362948          47      0.977     267.128     14.620   28.909     7722.298  13.96       0.03
Somali                   1959     64907          38      1.817      51.553     11.763   33.133     1708.079  38.82       0.03
Quechua                 16442    436161          42      1.713     391.476      9.779   26.527    10384.786  28.68       0.03
Manx                     3862    182729          29      2.630     133.172     13.033   47.315     6301.000  90.17       0.03
Volapük               118854   2467408          49      1.076    2425.592     10.000   20.760    50355.265  11.58       0.03
Min Nan                  8702    307415          33      1.739     263.697     12.899   35.327     9315.606  38.99       0.02
Crimean Tatar            1563     80128          24      3.559      65.125     11.244   51.266     3338.667 142.44       0.02
West Flemish             4327    215559          26      2.024     166.423     16.474   49.817     8290.731  67.49       0.02
Faroese                  4894    192830          30      1.691     163.133     14.643   39.401     6427.667  41.86       0.02
Burmese                  5941     82509          51      1.459     116.490      5.647   13.888     1617.824  12.02       0.02
Upper Sorbian            6605    207679          34      1.433     194.265     12.923   31.443     6108.206  26.54       0.02
Scottish Gaelic          8351    320372          33      1.002     253.061     19.159   38.363     9708.242  19.25       0.02
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic     1268     58585          25      2.449      50.720     13.397   46.203     2343.400  80.33       0.02
Pashto                   2376     97059          26      2.821      91.385     10.690   40.850     3733.038  85.08       0.02
Aymara                   1185     45882          27      2.405      43.889     11.371   38.719     1699.333  65.77       0.02
Ladino                   2595    106473          25      2.129     103.800     13.114   41.030     4258.920  59.43       0.02
Nahuatl                  6540    276197          27      1.249     242.222     18.779   42.232    10229.519  29.29       0.02
Emilian-Romagnol         1346     43068          26      3.574      51.769      6.996   31.997     1656.462  89.34       0.02
Ido                     21729    631223          46      0.371     472.370     21.182   29.050    13722.239   2.92       0.02
Navajo                   2024     91714          21      4.240      96.381      8.647   45.313     4367.333 155.47       0.02
Sanskrit                 4831    119531          37      0.854     130.568     13.346   24.742     3230.568   9.73       0.02
Sakha                    7526    194214          31      1.598     242.774      9.935   25.806     6264.968  25.35       0.02
Nepali                  13878    115209          57      1.107     243.474      3.940    8.302     2021.211   4.83       0.01
Gan                      6012    234939          23      2.159     261.391     12.372   39.078    10214.739  57.65       0.01
Lojban                   1125     77552          16      3.825      70.312     14.287   68.935     4847.000 209.02       0.01
Extremaduran             1566     64711          23      1.558      68.087     16.154   41.322     2813.522  39.22       0.01
Yoruba                  12919    231488          37      1.186     349.162      8.197   17.918     6256.432  11.53       0.01
Sundanese               14779    307080          35      0.976     422.257     10.514   20.778     8773.714  10.02       0.01
Tibetan                  2910     70372          27      2.220     107.778      7.510   24.183     2606.370  37.01       0.01
Franco-Provençal/Ar     2152    146068          18      1.151     119.556     31.548   67.875     8114.889  41.83       0.01
Meadow Mari              2340     59241          26      2.129      90.000      8.091   25.317     2278.500  36.67       0.01
Tajik                    9320    239337          32      0.770     291.250     14.507   25.680     7479.281   8.61       0.01
Banyumasan               3606    111941          25      1.416     144.240     12.851   31.043     4477.640  25.75       0.01
Sorani                   4138     62385          38      1.084     108.895      7.235   15.076     1641.711   8.50       0.01
Cornish                  2070    122966          17      1.818     121.765     21.077   59.404     7233.294  69.69       0.01
Sardinian                2533     84549          22      2.128     115.136     10.670   33.379     3843.136  48.33       0.01
Divehi                   3569     86246          26      1.729     137.269      8.856   24.165     3317.154  26.47       0.01
Ligurian                 2830    108040          21      1.588     134.762     14.754   38.177     5144.762  37.19       0.01
Amharic                 10294    216268          31      1.039     332.065     10.305   21.009     6976.387  11.12       0.01
Bihari                   2691     89960          23      1.243     117.000     14.904   33.430     3911.304  23.03       0.01
Wolof                    1100     70078          14      3.489      78.571     14.192   63.707     5005.571 172.76       0.01
Acehnese                 1525     40612          27      0.988      56.481     13.399   26.631     1504.148  13.07       0.01
Cebuano                 42684    977972          41      0.316    1041.073     17.417   22.912    23852.976   1.73       0.01
Samogitian              12732    239623          34      0.722     374.471     10.931   18.821     7047.735   5.69       0.01
Corsican                 6031    267671          20      0.895     301.550     23.422   44.383    13383.550  18.76       0.01
Komi                     2254     66943          21      1.513     107.333     11.819   29.700     3187.762  27.05       0.01
Gujarati                20027    154968          57      0.457     351.351      5.312    7.738     2718.737   1.11       0.01
Romansh                  3241     98759          21      1.346     154.333     12.988   30.472     4702.810  23.54       0.01
Guarani                  1400     58564          16      2.156      87.500     13.253   41.831     3660.250  61.63       0.01
Interlingue              1817     76564          18      1.132     100.944     19.769   42.138     4253.556  25.31       0.01
Picard                   1573     19856          31      1.363      50.742      5.342   12.623      640.516   9.92       0.01
Bishnupriya Manipuri    24752    579291          22      1.290    1125.091     10.219   23.404    26331.409  17.01       0.01
Pennsylvania German      1761     68326          17      1.302     103.588     16.858   38.800     4019.176  28.56       0.01
Greenlandic              1184     37656          17      2.122      69.647     10.186   31.804     2215.059  45.88       0.01
Chechen                  1299     49885          14      3.988      92.786      7.699   38.403     3563.214 122.43       0.01
Zazaki                   3330    108152          17      1.628     195.882     12.357   32.478     6361.882  32.76       0.01
Kapampangan              7443    189590          21      1.005     354.429     12.707   25.472     9028.095  12.82       0.01
Walloon                 11957    244123          21      1.603     569.381      7.843   20.417    11624.905  20.16       0.01
Piedmontese             39586    375511          40      0.554     989.650      6.105    9.486     9387.775   1.87       0.01
Neapolitan              42419    508078          46      0.268     922.152      9.445   11.978    11045.174   0.68       0.01
Waray-Waray            101783    869483          53      0.283    1920.434      6.659    8.543    16405.340   0.53       0.01
Saterland Frisian        1771     63121          15      1.724     118.067     13.085   35.641     4208.067  38.89       0.01
Punjabi                  1970     51247          15      3.503     131.333      5.778   26.014     3416.467  70.88       0.00
Malagasy                16109    147112          28      1.614     575.321      3.494    9.132     5254.000   9.10       0.00
Papiamentu               1189     45265          14      1.451      84.929     15.534   38.070     3233.214  32.70       0.00
Komi-Permyak             1785     22538          25      1.220      71.400      5.689   12.626      901.520   8.46       0.00
Turkmen                  4295    124539          17      1.013     252.647     14.403   28.996     7325.824  14.79       0.00
Kalmyk                   1831     43845          16      2.197     114.438      7.491   23.946     2740.312  36.15       0.00
Võro                    4684    118610          20      0.676     234.200     15.108   25.322     5930.500   6.91       0.00
Lingala                  1710     77133          11      2.278     155.455     13.761   45.107     7012.091  71.40       0.00
Karachay-Balkar          1630     54467          12      3.715     135.833      7.087   33.415     4538.917  97.82       0.00
Friulian                 2889    122809          13      1.084     222.231     20.393   42.509     9446.846  23.98       0.00
Kinyarwanda              1799     38648          17      1.439     105.824      8.810   21.483     2273.412  18.23       0.00
Zamboanga Chavacano      2408     52263          22      0.530     109.455     14.186   21.704     2375.591   3.98       0.00
Central_Bicolano         5049     90546          23      0.617     219.522     11.094   17.933     3936.783   4.22       0.00
Uyghur                   2885     94516          13      1.715     221.923     12.066   32.761     7270.462  35.49       0.00
North Frisian            1135     26070          15      1.721      75.667      8.442   22.969     1738.000  25.00       0.00
Udmurt                   2553     55594          16      1.401     159.562      9.069   21.776     3474.625  17.80       0.00
Tok Pisin                1025     49033           9      4.060     113.889      9.453   47.837     5448.111 155.86       0.00
Banjar                   1156     20492          16      1.907      72.250      6.099   17.727     1280.750  22.17       0.00
Hakka                    2121     53750          13      1.042     163.154     12.411   25.342     4134.615  13.47       0.00
Novial                   2584    137602          10      0.687     258.400     31.560   53.252    13760.200  14.91       0.00
Hawaiian                 1769     42377          12      1.209     147.417     10.846   23.955     3531.417  15.84       0.00
Newar / Nepal Bhasa     69548    596876          18      1.644    3863.778      3.246    8.582    33159.778   8.77       0.00
Erzya                    1425     52889           9      1.305     158.333     16.105   37.115     5876.556  27.41       0.00
Western Panjabi         13000    130881          30      0.223     433.333      8.231   10.068     4362.700   0.41       0.00
Mazandarani              3101     35242          17      1.012     182.412      5.648   11.365     2073.059   5.79       0.00
Hill Mari                4105     27877          27      0.490     152.037      4.557    6.791     1032.481   1.09       0.00
Norman                   3458    167385           8      1.093     432.250     23.126   48.405    20923.125  27.63       0.00
Pali                     2353     75935          13      0.407     181.000     22.934   32.272     5841.154   3.80       0.00
Rusyn                    2123     35324          14      0.870     151.643      8.895   16.639     2523.143   6.74       0.00
Ilokano                  3788    101858          10      0.869     378.800     14.391   26.890    10185.800  10.86       0.00
Haitian                 53080    460669          33      0.132    1608.485      7.665    8.679    13959.667   0.13       0.00
Maori                    6740    106558          12      0.738     561.667      9.095   15.810     8879.833   4.96       0.00
Tarantino                8907     74798          13      0.670     685.154      5.029    8.398     5753.692   2.26       0.00
Tongan                   1608     26616           6      2.518     268.000      4.705   16.552     4436.000  29.83       0.00
Gilaki                   5961     32378          13      0.775     458.538      3.060    5.432     2490.615   1.84       0.00
Buginese                 8584     58196          14      0.238     613.143      5.477    6.780     4156.857   0.31       0.00
Pangasinan               3415     33144           7      0.392     487.857      6.970    9.705     4734.857   1.07       0.00
Aromanian               61689    121021          12      0.054    5140.750      1.861    1.962    10085.083   0.01       0.00

Sorting by new depth #4 (edits/total * nonarticles/articles * activeusers/1000 / arts/activeusers):
Lang                 Articles     Edits ActiveUsers NonArt/Art Art/ActUser Edit/Total Edit/Art Edit/ActUser  Depth  newdepth4
English               3651105 465937891      142855      5.604      25.558     19.324  127.616     3261.614 606.88     605.29
German                1240517  93926939       23227      1.822      53.408     26.832   75.716     4043.869  89.06      21.26
Spanish                765643  49833542       15075      3.333      50.789     15.022   65.087     3305.708 166.86      14.86
French                1111637  70031019       15960      3.034      69.651     15.616   62.998     4387.908 143.77      10.86
Russian                719424  36895648       12061      2.477      59.649     14.749   51.285     3059.087  90.51       7.39
Japanese               752615  38611597       10753      1.662      69.991     19.270   51.303     3590.774  53.25       4.92
Italian                807892  44819262        8663      2.142      93.258     17.657   55.477     5173.642  81.01       3.51
Chinese                359102  17028458        5356      2.441      67.047     13.780   47.420     3179.324  82.12       2.69
Hebrew                 119313  11302036        2105      3.142      56.681     22.870   94.726     5369.138 225.77       2.67
Turkish                168295  10190810        2347      3.954      71.706     12.224   60.553     4342.058 191.08       1.58
Arabic                 148248   8211026        2224      4.922      66.658      9.354   55.387     3692.008 226.56       1.54
Portuguese             686282  26078612        5530      2.869     124.102      9.822   38.000     4715.843  80.84       1.26
Dutch                  690308  26080074        5273      1.422     130.914     15.597   37.780     4945.965  31.55       0.89
Hungarian              191962  10128163        2069      2.386      92.780     15.582   52.761     4895.197  88.71       0.83
Korean                 163691   7724647        1932      2.165      84.726     14.909   47.190     3998.264  69.90       0.74
Persian                152912   6740512        1798      2.851      85.046     11.446   44.081     3748.894  93.05       0.69
Swedish                398321  14881995        3122      1.941     127.585     12.704   37.362     4766.815  47.86       0.60
Polish                 806014  28293527        5265      0.811     153.089     19.383   35.103     5373.889  12.75       0.54
Czech                  196918   7071056        2148      1.638      91.675     13.614   35.909     3291.926  36.51       0.52
Indonesian             165235   5114748        1711      2.724      96.572      8.313   30.954     2989.333  61.67       0.40
Thai                    67540   3457276         822      3.212      82.165     12.152   51.189     4205.932 125.40       0.39
Finnish                270170  10642804        1836      1.720     147.151     14.483   39.393     5796.734  42.85       0.31
Ripuarian                2217   2074036          31      3.110      71.516    227.616  935.515    66904.387 2201.61       0.31
Norwegian (Bokmål)    303605   9359214        2195      1.446     138.317     12.603   30.827     4263.879  26.35       0.29
Greek                   62332   2743116         778      1.522      80.118     17.452   44.008     3525.856  40.41       0.26
Simple English          71247   3096554         767      2.002      92.890     14.479   43.462     4037.228  58.02       0.24
Romanian               160687   5619538        1169      3.407     137.457      7.936   34.972     4807.133  92.10       0.23
Danish                 150621   5216266        1252      1.664     120.304     13.000   34.632     4166.347  36.00       0.23
Malayalam               18297   1100065         255      5.753      71.753      8.903   60.123     4313.980 294.67       0.18
Ukrainian              285074   7042407        1713      2.113     166.418      7.934   24.704     4111.154  35.44       0.17
Bulgarian              117197   4304335         818      1.210     143.273     16.616   36.727     5262.023  24.34       0.11
Vietnamese             208197   4736596        1153      2.312     180.570      6.869   22.751     4108.062  36.72       0.10
Catalan                342425   7778131        1602      1.346     213.748      9.682   22.715     4855.263  17.54       0.10
Macedonian              45974   2010290         309     14.956     148.783      2.741   43.727     6505.793 612.98       0.09
Serbian                143021   4589809         669      2.137     213.783     10.230   32.092     6860.701  46.72       0.07
Bavarian                 4280    212720          84      3.438      50.952     11.198   49.701     2532.381 132.38       0.06
Croatian                98006   3048816         601      1.232     163.072     13.937   31.108     5072.905  21.15       0.06
Armenian                13817    502833         182      2.246      75.918     11.212   36.392     2762.819  56.55       0.06
Latvian                 34585   1364119         262      2.832     132.004     10.294   39.443     5206.561  82.53       0.06
Slovenian              116923   3079564         669      1.087     174.773     12.622   26.338     4603.235  14.90       0.05
Bengali                 22238   1016893         166      9.881     133.964      4.202   45.728     6125.861 410.32       0.05
Slovak                 125030   3791951         595      1.285     210.134     13.274   30.328     6373.027  21.91       0.05
Albanian                32558   1012299         287      1.507     113.443     12.400   31.092     3527.174  28.18       0.05
Bosnian                 31306   1554097         173      2.798     180.960     13.072   49.642     8983.220 102.31       0.03
Wu                       2906    157885          51      2.398      56.980     15.987   54.331     3095.784  91.97       0.03
Oriya                    1045     40140          33      4.833      31.667      6.586   38.411     1216.364 153.80       0.03
Classical Chinese        2523    187252          33     23.707      76.455      3.004   74.218     5674.303 1688.31       0.03
Estonian                85068   2595046         371      1.493     229.294     12.238   30.506     6994.733  27.27       0.03
Afrikaans               17950    818223         137      1.550     131.022     17.876   45.583     5972.431  42.95       0.03
Bashkir                  1378     60503          33      4.855      41.758      7.499   43.906     1833.424 176.75       0.03
Kirghiz                  1532     47058          45      2.302      34.044      9.302   30.717     1045.733  49.30       0.03
Silesian                 1931    136911          31      3.190      62.290     16.921   70.902     4416.484 172.20       0.03
Georgian                49309   1603969         242      1.905     203.756     11.198   32.529     6627.971  40.64       0.03
Anglo-Saxon              2630    119595          43      3.302      61.163     10.570   45.473     2781.279 115.26       0.02
Azerbaijani             64310   1323015         342      1.379     188.041      8.649   20.572     3868.465  16.44       0.02
Kashubian                2763    123013          52      0.973      53.135     22.563   44.522     2365.635  21.37       0.02
Icelandic               31487   1090012         175      1.678     179.926     12.928   34.618     6228.640  36.39       0.02
Lithuanian             133910   3491378         442      1.180     302.964     11.962   26.073     7899.045  16.65       0.02
Egyptian Arabic          7311    297541          73      2.050     100.151     13.344   40.698     4075.904  56.07       0.02
Cantonese               15812    562060         109      2.608     145.064      9.851   35.546     5156.514  67.03       0.02
Sinhalese                4716    158427          57      5.004      82.737      5.595   33.594     2779.421 140.12       0.02
Khmer                    2716     71386          51      2.824      53.255      6.873   26.284     1399.725  54.82       0.02
Mongolian                6231    197234          73      1.853      85.356     11.095   31.654     2701.836  38.10       0.02
Tamil                   32648    811177         188      1.816     173.660      8.825   24.846     4314.771  29.09       0.02
Latin                   54264   1627848         245      1.080     221.486     14.423   29.999     6644.278  16.82       0.02
Maltese                  2825    156424          34      2.984      83.088     13.897   55.371     4600.706 123.78       0.02
Aymara                   1185     45882          27      2.405      43.889     11.371   38.719     1699.333  65.77       0.02
Aragonese               25815   1114754         121      2.107     213.347     13.897   43.182     9212.843  61.72       0.02
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic     1268     58585          25      2.449      50.720     13.397   46.203     2343.400  80.33       0.02
Esperanto              146163   3620547         418      1.195     349.672     11.283   24.771     8661.596  16.12       0.02
Somali                   1959     64907          38      1.817      51.553     11.763   33.133     1708.079  38.82       0.02
Tatar                    8625    423463          62      2.324     139.113     14.769   49.097     6830.048  79.79       0.02
Galician                71830   1998614         265      1.196     271.057     12.668   27.824     7541.940  18.13       0.01
Crimean Tatar            1563     80128          24      3.559      65.125     11.244   51.266     3338.667 142.44       0.01
Belarusian              29477    832000         169      1.100     174.420     13.439   28.225     4923.077  16.27       0.01
Northern Sami            3561    148529          44      1.652      80.932     15.727   41.710     3375.659  42.92       0.01
Irish                   12563    479246          91      1.276     138.055     16.760   38.147     5266.440  27.29       0.01
Alemannic                9866    351087          81      1.469     121.802     14.413   35.586     4334.407  31.10       0.01
Fiji Hindi               3260     96594          47      1.981      69.362      9.939   29.630     2055.191  39.01       0.01
Emilian-Romagnol         1346     43068          26      3.574      51.769      6.996   31.997     1656.462  89.34       0.01
Low Saxon               17437    529779         114      1.237     152.956     13.580   30.382     4647.184  20.79       0.01
Lojban                   1125     77552          16      3.825      70.312     14.287   68.935     4847.000 209.02       0.01
Belarusian (Taraški    36605   1044502         159      1.579     230.220     11.063   28.534     6569.195  27.59       0.01
Norwegian (Nynorsk)     67572   1724701         228      1.553     296.368      9.997   25.524     7564.478  24.11       0.01
Dutch Low Saxon          4483    206770          39      1.618     114.949     17.618   46.123     5301.795  46.12       0.01
Asturian                14712    572471          87      0.918     169.103     20.287   38.912     6580.126  17.10       0.01
Wolof                    1100     70078          14      3.489      78.571     14.192   63.707     5005.571 172.76       0.01
Pashto                   2376     97059          26      2.821      91.385     10.690   40.850     3733.038  85.08       0.01
Extremaduran             1566     64711          23      1.558      68.087     16.154   41.322     2813.522  39.22       0.01
Basque                 100915   2187678         292      0.850     345.599     11.718   21.678     7492.048   8.47       0.01
Kannada                 10816    218036          85      1.521     127.247      7.995   20.159     2565.129  18.50       0.01
Interlingua              5485    331530          36      1.283     152.361     26.480   60.443     9209.167  43.56       0.01
Navajo                   2024     91714          21      4.240      96.381      8.647   45.313     4367.333 155.47       0.01
Welsh                   32508   1045949         118      1.346     275.492     13.717   32.175     8863.975  24.84       0.01
Manx                     3862    182729          29      2.630     133.172     13.033   47.315     6301.000  90.17       0.01
Uzbek                    7678    422555          39      1.833     196.872     19.425   55.035    10834.744  65.28       0.01
Breton                  37693   1015556         134      1.175     281.291     12.388   26.943     7578.776  17.10       0.01
Ladino                   2595    106473          25      2.129     103.800     13.114   41.030     4258.920  59.43       0.01
Urdu                    16784    433165          78      2.483     215.179      7.411   25.808     5553.397  45.67       0.01
Malay                  119873   1814281         316      1.069     379.345      7.316   15.135     5741.396   8.36       0.01
Acehnese                 1525     40612          27      0.988      56.481     13.399   26.631     1504.148  13.07       0.01
Occitan                 27089    977008          88      1.459     307.830     14.667   36.067    11102.364  31.22       0.01
Yiddish                  8662    363487          41      2.424     211.268     12.256   41.963     8865.537  72.01       0.01
Scots                    6573    182065          49      1.216     134.143     12.502   27.699     3715.612  18.47       0.01
Franco-Provençal/Ar     2152    146068          18      1.151     119.556     31.548   67.875     8114.889  41.83       0.01
Cornish                  2070    122966          17      1.818     121.765     21.077   59.404     7233.294  69.69       0.01
Greenlandic              1184     37656          17      2.122      69.647     10.186   31.804     2215.059  45.88       0.01
Ossetian                 7728    298428          38      2.668     203.368     10.529   38.616     7853.368  74.92       0.01
Guarani                  1400     58564          16      2.156      87.500     13.253   41.831     3660.250  61.63       0.01
West Flemish             4327    215559          26      2.024     166.423     16.474   49.817     8290.731  67.49       0.01
Luxembourgish           32806   1160690          95      1.131     345.326     16.602   35.380    12217.789  21.24       0.01
Serbo-Croatian          42375    793041         139      1.534     304.856      7.386   18.715     5705.331  17.38       0.01
Limburgian               6658    275584          35      2.001     190.229     13.794   41.391     7873.829  55.21       0.01
Meadow Mari              2340     59241          26      2.129      90.000      8.091   25.317     2278.500  36.67       0.00
Chechen                  1299     49885          14      3.988      92.786      7.699   38.403     3563.214 122.43       0.00
Hindi                   97070   1256807         214      2.931     453.598      3.294   12.947     5872.930  28.29       0.00
Faroese                  4894    192830          30      1.691     163.133     14.643   39.401     6427.667  41.86       0.00
Picard                   1573     19856          31      1.363      50.742      5.342   12.623      640.516   9.92       0.00
Sardinian                2533     84549          22      2.128     115.136     10.670   33.379     3843.136  48.33       0.00
Venetian                 8950    393295          37      1.778     241.892     15.820   43.944    10629.595  50.00       0.00
Tibetan                  2910     70372          27      2.220     107.778      7.510   24.183     2606.370  37.01       0.00
Marathi                 33778    768805         100      1.613     337.780      8.710   22.761     7688.050  22.67       0.00
Interlingue              1817     76564          18      1.132     100.944     19.769   42.138     4253.556  25.31       0.00
Sicilian                16616    530027          57      1.586     291.509     12.333   31.899     9298.719  31.04       0.00
Papiamentu               1189     45265          14      1.451      84.929     15.534   38.070     3233.214  32.70       0.00
Ligurian                 2830    108040          21      1.588     134.762     14.754   38.177     5144.762  37.19       0.00
Bihari                   2691     89960          23      1.243     117.000     14.904   33.430     3911.304  23.03       0.00
Burmese                  5941     82509          51      1.459     116.490      5.647   13.888     1617.824  12.02       0.00
Pennsylvania German      1761     68326          17      1.302     103.588     16.858   38.800     4019.176  28.56       0.00
Komi                     2254     66943          21      1.513     107.333     11.819   29.700     3187.762  27.05       0.00
Upper Sorbian            6605    207679          34      1.433     194.265     12.923   31.443     6108.206  26.54       0.00
Sanskrit                 4831    119531          37      0.854     130.568     13.346   24.742     3230.568   9.73       0.00
Tagalog                 51579    881866         124      1.722     415.960      6.281   17.097     7111.823  18.63       0.00
Banyumasan               3606    111941          25      1.416     144.240     12.851   31.043     4477.640  25.75       0.00
Tok Pisin                1025     49033           9      4.060     113.889      9.453   47.837     5448.111 155.86       0.00
West Frisian            20178    474248          71      1.028     284.197     11.589   23.503     6679.549  12.25       0.00
Divehi                   3569     86246          26      1.729     137.269      8.856   24.165     3317.154  26.47       0.00
North Frisian            1135     26070          15      1.721      75.667      8.442   22.969     1738.000  25.00       0.00
Saterland Frisian        1771     63121          15      1.724     118.067     13.085   35.641     4208.067  38.89       0.00
Min Nan                  8702    307415          33      1.739     263.697     12.899   35.327     9315.606  38.99       0.00
Sorani                   4138     62385          38      1.084     108.895      7.235   15.076     1641.711   8.50       0.00
Swahili                 21604    646578          57      1.539     379.018     11.786   29.929    11343.474  27.93       0.00
Nahuatl                  6540    276197          27      1.249     242.222     18.779   42.232    10229.519  29.29       0.00
Javanese                33400    512272         103      1.122     324.272      7.229   15.337     4973.515   9.10       0.00
Banjar                   1156     20492          16      1.907      72.250      6.099   17.727     1280.750  22.17       0.00
Chuvash                 12555    362948          47      0.977     267.128     14.620   28.909     7722.298  13.96       0.00
Scottish Gaelic          8351    320372          33      1.002     253.061     19.159   38.363     9708.242  19.25       0.00
Komi-Permyak             1785     22538          25      1.220      71.400      5.689   12.626      901.520   8.46       0.00
Romansh                  3241     98759          21      1.346     154.333     12.988   30.472     4702.810  23.54       0.00
Gan                      6012    234939          23      2.159     261.391     12.372   39.078    10214.739  57.65       0.00
Karachay-Balkar          1630     54467          12      3.715     135.833      7.087   33.415     4538.917  97.82       0.00
Punjabi                  1970     51247          15      3.503     131.333      5.778   26.014     3416.467  70.88       0.00
Kalmyk                   1831     43845          16      2.197     114.438      7.491   23.946     2740.312  36.15       0.00
Kurdish                 16018    381258          53      1.215     302.226     10.748   23.802     7193.547  15.85       0.00
Lingala                  1710     77133          11      2.278     155.455     13.761   45.107     7012.091  71.40       0.00
Kinyarwanda              1799     38648          17      1.439     105.824      8.810   21.483     2273.412  18.23       0.00
Sakha                    7526    194214          31      1.598     242.774      9.935   25.806     6264.968  25.35       0.00
Telugu                  48003    618245         114      1.151     421.079      5.987   12.879     5423.202   7.93       0.00
Lombard                 20432    702945          45      1.149     454.044     16.007   34.404    15621.000  21.15       0.00
Quechua                 16442    436161          42      1.713     391.476      9.779   26.527    10384.786  28.68       0.00
Kazakh                  21492    244242          95      0.591     226.232      7.142   11.364     2570.968   2.50       0.00
Zazaki                   3330    108152          17      1.628     195.882     12.357   32.478     6361.882  32.76       0.00
Zamboanga Chavacano      2408     52263          22      0.530     109.455     14.186   21.704     2375.591   3.98       0.00
Corsican                 6031    267671          20      0.895     301.550     23.422   44.383    13383.550  18.76       0.00
Friulian                 2889    122809          13      1.084     222.231     20.393   42.509     9446.846  23.98       0.00
Udmurt                   2553     55594          16      1.401     159.562      9.069   21.776     3474.625  17.80       0.00
Tajik                    9320    239337          32      0.770     291.250     14.507   25.680     7479.281   8.61       0.00
Uyghur                   2885     94516          13      1.715     221.923     12.066   32.761     7270.462  35.49       0.00
Erzya                    1425     52889           9      1.305     158.333     16.105   37.115     5876.556  27.41       0.00
Hawaiian                 1769     42377          12      1.209     147.417     10.846   23.955     3531.417  15.84       0.00
Hakka                    2121     53750          13      1.042     163.154     12.411   25.342     4134.615  13.47       0.00
Yoruba                  12919    231488          37      1.186     349.162      8.197   17.918     6256.432  11.53       0.00
Nepali                  13878    115209          57      1.107     243.474      3.940    8.302     2021.211   4.83       0.00
Amharic                 10294    216268          31      1.039     332.065     10.305   21.009     6976.387  11.12       0.00
Turkmen                  4295    124539          17      1.013     252.647     14.403   28.996     7325.824  14.79       0.00
Võro                    4684    118610          20      0.676     234.200     15.108   25.322     5930.500   6.91       0.00
Sundanese               14779    307080          35      0.976     422.257     10.514   20.778     8773.714  10.02       0.00
Novial                   2584    137602          10      0.687     258.400     31.560   53.252    13760.200  14.91       0.00
Ido                     21729    631223          46      0.371     472.370     21.182   29.050    13722.239   2.92       0.00
Kapampangan              7443    189590          21      1.005     354.429     12.707   25.472     9028.095  12.82       0.00
Central_Bicolano         5049     90546          23      0.617     219.522     11.094   17.933     3936.783   4.22       0.00
Samogitian              12732    239623          34      0.722     374.471     10.931   18.821     7047.735   5.69       0.00
Rusyn                    2123     35324          14      0.870     151.643      8.895   16.639     2523.143   6.74       0.00
Pali                     2353     75935          13      0.407     181.000     22.934   32.272     5841.154   3.80       0.00
Mazandarani              3101     35242          17      1.012     182.412      5.648   11.365     2073.059   5.79       0.00
Norman                   3458    167385           8      1.093     432.250     23.126   48.405    20923.125  27.63       0.00
Walloon                 11957    244123          21      1.603     569.381      7.843   20.417    11624.905  20.16       0.00
Hill Mari                4105     27877          27      0.490     152.037      4.557    6.791     1032.481   1.09       0.00
Gujarati                20027    154968          57      0.457     351.351      5.312    7.738     2718.737   1.11       0.00
Ilokano                  3788    101858          10      0.869     378.800     14.391   26.890    10185.800  10.86       0.00
Malagasy                16109    147112          28      1.614     575.321      3.494    9.132     5254.000   9.10       0.00
Tongan                   1608     26616           6      2.518     268.000      4.705   16.552     4436.000  29.83       0.00
Bishnupriya Manipuri    24752    579291          22      1.290    1125.091     10.219   23.404    26331.409  17.01       0.00
Volapük               118854   2467408          49      1.076    2425.592     10.000   20.760    50355.265  11.58       0.00
Cebuano                 42684    977972          41      0.316    1041.073     17.417   22.912    23852.976   1.73       0.00
Maori                    6740    106558          12      0.738     561.667      9.095   15.810     8879.833   4.96       0.00
Piedmontese             39586    375511          40      0.554     989.650      6.105    9.486     9387.775   1.87       0.00
Western Panjabi         13000    130881          30      0.223     433.333      8.231   10.068     4362.700   0.41       0.00
Neapolitan              42419    508078          46      0.268     922.152      9.445   11.978    11045.174   0.68       0.00
Gilaki                   5961     32378          13      0.775     458.538      3.060    5.432     2490.615   1.84       0.00
Tarantino                8907     74798          13      0.670     685.154      5.029    8.398     5753.692   2.26       0.00
Waray-Waray            101783    869483          53      0.283    1920.434      6.659    8.543    16405.340   0.53       0.00
Pangasinan               3415     33144           7      0.392     487.857      6.970    9.705     4734.857   1.07       0.00
Buginese                 8584     58196          14      0.238     613.143      5.477    6.780     4156.857   0.31       0.00
Newar / Nepal Bhasa     69548    596876          18      1.644    3863.778      3.246    8.582    33159.778   8.77       0.00
Haitian                 53080    460669          33      0.132    1608.485      7.665    8.679    13959.667   0.13       0.00
Aromanian               61689    121021          12      0.054    5140.750      1.861    1.962    10085.083   0.01       0.00

It seems tentatively that "new depth #2" is the best. This is the simplest formula, without any squaring, and seems to give the most reasonable value for English depth vs. the next highest (German or Spanish), about 13x, versus 35x for "new depth #1" and 84x for "new depth #3".

Other possibility for best is "new depth #4". This is similar to "new depth #2" but divides by arts/activeusers. The theory here is that a large value for articles/activeusers means that relatively few active users are spread thin on a large number of articles, with less consequent depth. But "new depth #4" is basically "new depth #2" * activeusers/arts, and activeusers/arts already appears in the "new depth #2" formula, so we're basically just squaring these values, meaning that we aren't adding anything fundamentally new to the formula. Again this suggests "new depth #2".

These ratios also help spot cases where bot activity will spoof the results. Note that the only WP's where nonart/art is greater than the English WP are Classical Chinese, Macedonian and Bengali, and the only WP where edit/art is greater than English is Ripuarian. These four are exactly the three for which someone previously felt compelled to assign "None" to the depth, plus the one (Bengali) where I noticed lots of bot-created nonarticle pages.

Benwing 07:54, 6 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hello @Benwing. Your suggestions are very interesting, and if one of the new formulas is applied, would likely motivate local communities, especially in small Wikis, to seek genuine growth, instead of just adding automated pages and edits. I don't know why this hasn't been applied yet, and I was actually looking around on meta to see if someone had made a suggestion for an alternative measure of the quality of a Wiki project, until I found your comments above. Ideophagous (talk) 10:48, 8 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Splitting article and non-article edits


It seems to be that what we really need is to have separate counts of both article and non-article edits. The sort of "quality" that we're trying to measure by "nonarticle/article", i.e. how much "discussion" and such there is about particular articles, should simply be qualified directly by total # of non-article edits, to tell us how much discussion activity there is == how much collaboration. This might possibly combined with some sort of nonarticle/article value to make sure that discussion isn't just concentrated in one or a few places, but I suspect that might not even be needed.

On top of that, we really need to have separate consideration for bot and non-bot edits. I'm pretty sure there is a special flag or other such thing inside the settings that indicates whether an account is a bot; at the very least, many of these accounts have a name ending in "...Bot".

Benwing 08:21, 6 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

In pl wiki we talk not only by talk pages, but we often use IRC or instant messaging (Gadu-Gadu, the most popular in Poland), readers/newbie use special page pl:Wikipedia:Zgłoś błąd w artykule to inform us about errors (it is used in ru, pt, be, ce and es wikis). But I think that number of talk pages (+ wikiprojects + meta_pages and their talk pages) are good indicator, because it could built NPOV. If depth = quality, this is quality of NPOV. We could add for quality of NOR sourced articles/articles. So, in several wikis we have flagged revions option (many action by wikipedians to check articles and new newbie edits) and they are vandalism free. 09:36, 21 December 2011 (UTC)Reply
I don't fully understand how this indicator is calculated. What counts as "non-article"? On the Dutch Wikipedia articles are discussed all over the place. The village pump, user talk pages, articles for appraisal/deletion-pages... If really only talk pages of the article pages are taken into account, then the article depth is extremely unreliable. Hiro (talk) 07:46, 10 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Measuring spoofing


The previous discussion led me to try and come up with a measure that would indicate cases where bot activity is likely to be spoofing our new or old depth values. Again, this whole issue might go away entirely if we had access to the values I mentioned in the previous comment (split bot vs. non-bot values and split article-edit vs. non-article-edit values). But in the meantime, I considered these five measures of spoofing:

  1. Spoof #1: nonarticles/articles / activeusers/1000"
  2. Spoof #2: nonarticles/articles / sqrt(activeusers/1000)"
  3. Spoof #3: nonarticles/articles * edit/activeusers / 1000"
  4. Spoof #4: nonarticles/articles * edit/activeusers / activeusers/1000 / 1000"
  5. Spoof #5: nonarticles/articles * edit/activeusers / sqrt(activeusers/1000) / 1000"

Division by 1000 is generally for scaling. We scale activeusers as a raw value down by 1000 to avoid it being too big; similarly, we scale spoof values 3-5 by 1000 to avoid them coming out too big (meaning that a high value of e.g. 1,000 is OK but a high value of 100,000 or 1,000,000 is too high).

The idea of #1 is that lots of nonarticles should legitimately only occur when there are lots of active users; otherwise you've got a lot of bot-created nonarticles.

For #2, I noticed doing #1 that small WP's almost uniformly got high spoofing values, since evidently one of the first things they do is create a whole lot of nonarticles; so I took the sqrt() of activeusers to reduce the effect of size.

This works decently, but Ripuarian ends up pretty low (remember, for Ripuarian, it was edit/activeusers or edit/something that was way too high, rather than nonarticles/articles). So I tried instead multiplying the two figures where if either one is very high, it indicates spoofing. That works well in pushing all the known spoofing WP's (Ripuarian, Classical Chinese, Macedonian, Bengali) up high, but also puts English #21 out of 281 or so.

So that led me to spoof #4, again dividing by activeusers, and from there to #5 with a sqrt(), since once again without it the small WP's swamped the others.

Results for #5 are as follows (along with the values for "new depth #2" and "Depth2/Art", which is actually "NewDepth#2 / articles * 100000" for reasonable scaling):

Sorting by spoof #5: nonarticles/articles * edit/activeusers / sqrt(activeusers/1000) / 1000:
Lang                 Articles     Edits ActiveUsers NonArt/Art Art/ActUser Edit/Total Edit/Art Edit/ActUser Depth#2 spoof#5 Depth2/Art
Ripuarian                2217   2074036          31      3.110      71.516    227.616  935.515    66904.387   21.94 1181.80     989.84
Classical Chinese        2523    187252          33     23.707      76.455      3.004   74.218     5674.303    2.35  740.53      93.15
Newar / Nepal Bhasa     69548    596876          18      1.644    3863.778      3.246    8.582    33159.778    0.10  406.35       0.14
Norman                   3458    167385           8      1.093     432.250     23.126   48.405    20923.125    0.20  255.71       5.85
Volapük               118854   2467408          49      1.076    2425.592     10.000   20.760    50355.265    0.53  244.77       0.44
Tok Pisin                1025     49033           9      4.060     113.889      9.453   47.837     5448.111    0.35  233.19      33.70
Bishnupriya Manipuri    24752    579291          22      1.290    1125.091     10.219   23.404    26331.409    0.29  229.03       1.17
Macedonian              45974   2010290         309     14.956     148.783      2.741   43.727     6505.793   12.66  175.04      27.55
Karachay-Balkar          1630     54467          12      3.715     135.833      7.087   33.415     4538.917    0.32  153.94      19.38
Lingala                  1710     77133          11      2.278     155.455     13.761   45.107     7012.091    0.34  152.29      20.16
Bengali                 22238   1016893         166      9.881     133.964      4.202   45.728     6125.861    6.89  148.57      31.00
Wolof                    1100     70078          14      3.489      78.571     14.192   63.707     5005.571    0.69  147.61      63.02
Lojban                   1125     77552          16      3.825      70.312     14.287   68.935     4847.000    0.87  146.57      77.72
Gan                      6012    234939          23      2.159     261.391     12.372   39.078    10214.739    0.61  145.40      10.22
Tongan                   1608     26616           6      2.518     268.000      4.705   16.552     4436.000    0.07  144.20       4.42
Walloon                 11957    244123          21      1.603     569.381      7.843   20.417    11624.905    0.26  128.60       2.21
Navajo                   2024     91714          21      4.240      96.381      8.647   45.313     4367.333    0.77  127.79      38.04
Chechen                  1299     49885          14      3.988      92.786      7.699   38.403     3563.214    0.43  120.09      33.09
Uyghur                   2885     94516          13      1.715     221.923     12.066   32.761     7270.462    0.27  109.36       9.33
Ossetian                 7728    298428          38      2.668     203.368     10.529   38.616     7853.368    1.07  107.47      13.81
Yiddish                  8662    363487          41      2.424     211.268     12.256   41.963     8865.537    1.22  106.13      14.06
West Flemish             4327    215559          26      2.024     166.423     16.474   49.817     8290.731    0.87  104.07      20.04
Cornish                  2070    122966          17      1.818     121.765     21.077   59.404     7233.294    0.65  100.88      31.48
Uzbek                    7678    422555          39      1.833     196.872     19.425   55.035    10834.744    1.39  100.57      18.09
Venetian                 8950    393295          37      1.778     241.892     15.820   43.944    10629.595    1.04   98.24      11.63
Punjabi                  1970     51247          15      3.503     131.333      5.778   26.014     3416.467    0.30   97.70      15.41
Manx                     3862    182729          29      2.630     133.172     13.033   47.315     6301.000    0.99   97.32      25.74
Novial                   2584    137602          10      0.687     258.400     31.560   53.252    13760.200    0.22   94.57       8.39
Friulian                 2889    122809          13      1.084     222.231     20.393   42.509     9446.846    0.29   89.85       9.95
Min Nan                  8702    307415          33      1.739     263.697     12.899   35.327     9315.606    0.74   89.16       8.51
Ilokano                  3788    101858          10      0.869     378.800     14.391   26.890    10185.800    0.12   88.47       3.30
Quechua                 16442    436161          42      1.713     391.476      9.779   26.527    10384.786    0.70   86.78       4.28
Corsican                 6031    267671          20      0.895     301.550     23.422   44.383    13383.550    0.42   84.69       6.95
Lombard                 20432    702945          45      1.149     454.044     16.007   34.404    15621.000    0.83   84.64       4.05
Limburgian               6658    275584          35      2.001     190.229     13.794   41.391     7873.829    0.97   84.20      14.51
Erzya                    1425     52889           9      1.305     158.333     16.105   37.115     5876.556    0.19   80.81      13.27
Silesian                 1931    136911          31      3.190      62.290     16.921   70.902     4416.484    1.67   80.02      86.66
Zazaki                   3330    108152          17      1.628     195.882     12.357   32.478     6361.882    0.34   79.45      10.27
Nahuatl                  6540    276197          27      1.249     242.222     18.779   42.232    10229.519    0.63   77.75       9.68
Crimean Tatar            1563     80128          24      3.559      65.125     11.244   51.266     3338.667    0.96   76.70      61.45
Maltese                  2825    156424          34      2.984      83.088     13.897   55.371     4600.706    1.41   74.46      49.92
Swahili                 21604    646578          57      1.539     379.018     11.786   29.929    11343.474    1.03   73.14       4.79
Franco-Provençal/Ar     2152    146068          18      1.151     119.556     31.548   67.875     8114.889    0.65   69.65      30.39
Pashto                   2376     97059          26      2.821      91.385     10.690   40.850     3733.038    0.78   65.31      33.00
Tatar                    8625    423463          62      2.324     139.113     14.769   49.097     6830.048    2.13   63.76      24.68
Faroese                  4894    192830          30      1.691     163.133     14.643   39.401     6427.667    0.74   62.75      15.18
Kapampangan              7443    189590          21      1.005     354.429     12.707   25.472     9028.095    0.27   62.58       3.60
Guarani                  1400     58564          16      2.156      87.500     13.253   41.831     3660.250    0.46   62.40      32.66
Interlingua              5485    331530          36      1.283     152.361     26.480   60.443     9209.167    1.22   62.25      22.29
Sicilian                16616    530027          57      1.586     291.509     12.333   31.899     9298.719    1.12   61.79       6.71
Bosnian                 31306   1554097         173      2.798     180.960     13.072   49.642     8983.220    6.33   60.42      20.21
Maori                    6740    106558          12      0.738     561.667      9.095   15.810     8879.833    0.08   59.85       1.20
Saterland Frisian        1771     63121          15      1.724     118.067     13.085   35.641     4208.067    0.34   59.23      19.11
Sinhalese                4716    158427          57      5.004      82.737      5.595   33.594     2779.421    1.60   58.26      33.84
Ladino                   2595    106473          25      2.129     103.800     13.114   41.030     4258.920    0.70   57.34      26.89
Turkmen                  4295    124539          17      1.013     252.647     14.403   28.996     7325.824    0.25   56.93       5.78
Sakha                    7526    194214          31      1.598     242.774      9.935   25.806     6264.968    0.49   56.84       6.54
Ligurian                 2830    108040          21      1.588     134.762     14.754   38.177     5144.762    0.49   56.36      17.38
Aragonese               25815   1114754         121      2.107     213.347     13.897   43.182     9212.843    3.54   55.82      13.73
Sardinian                2533     84549          22      2.128     115.136     10.670   33.379     3843.136    0.50   55.15      19.72
Occitan                 27089    977008          88      1.459     307.830     14.667   36.067    11102.364    1.88   54.60       6.95
Scottish Gaelic          8351    320372          33      1.002     253.061     19.159   38.363     9708.242    0.63   53.57       7.59
Malagasy                16109    147112          28      1.614     575.321      3.494    9.132     5254.000    0.16   50.68       0.98
Urdu                    16784    433165          78      2.483     215.179      7.411   25.808     5553.397    1.44   49.36       8.55
Malayalam               18297   1100065         255      5.753      71.753      8.903   60.123     4313.980   13.06   49.15      71.38
Bashkir                  1378     60503          33      4.855      41.758      7.499   43.906     1833.424    1.20   49.00      87.19
Kalmyk                   1831     43845          16      2.197     114.438      7.491   23.946     2740.312    0.26   47.59      14.38
Upper Sorbian            6605    207679          34      1.433     194.265     12.923   31.443     6108.206    0.63   47.47       9.53
Sundanese               14779    307080          35      0.976     422.257     10.514   20.778     8773.714    0.36   45.78       2.43
Luxembourgish           32806   1160690          95      1.131     345.326     16.602   35.380    12217.789    1.78   44.84       5.44
Anglo-Saxon              2630    119595          43      3.302      61.163     10.570   45.473     2781.279    1.50   44.29      57.07
Romansh                  3241     98759          21      1.346     154.333     12.988   30.472     4702.810    0.37   43.69      11.33
Dutch Low Saxon          4483    206770          39      1.618     114.949     17.618   46.123     5301.795    1.11   43.43      24.80
Amharic                 10294    216268          31      1.039     332.065     10.305   21.009     6976.387    0.33   41.16       3.22
Cantonese               15812    562060         109      2.608     145.064      9.851   35.546     5156.514    2.80   40.74      17.71
Pennsylvania German      1761     68326          17      1.302     103.588     16.858   38.800     4019.176    0.37   40.12      21.18
Banyumasan               3606    111941          25      1.416     144.240     12.851   31.043     4477.640    0.45   40.09      12.61
Papiamentu               1189     45265          14      1.451      84.929     15.534   38.070     3233.214    0.32   39.64      26.54
Marathi                 33778    768805         100      1.613     337.780      8.710   22.761     7688.050    1.41   39.22       4.16
Hawaiian                 1769     42377          12      1.209     147.417     10.846   23.955     3531.417    0.16   38.96       8.89
Yoruba                  12919    231488          37      1.186     349.162      8.197   17.918     6256.432    0.36   38.57       2.78
Udmurt                   2553     55594          16      1.401     159.562      9.069   21.776     3474.625    0.20   38.49       7.96
Kurdish                 16018    381258          53      1.215     302.226     10.748   23.802     7193.547    0.69   37.95       4.32
Hakka                    2121     53750          13      1.042     163.154     12.411   25.342     4134.615    0.17   37.78       7.93
Hindi                   97070   1256807         214      2.931     453.598      3.294   12.947     5872.930    2.07   37.21       2.13
Cebuano                 42684    977972          41      0.316    1041.073     17.417   22.912    23852.976    0.23   37.17       0.53
Emilian-Romagnol         1346     43068          26      3.574      51.769      6.996   31.997     1656.462    0.65   36.71      48.29
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic     1268     58585          25      2.449      50.720     13.397   46.203     2343.400    0.82   36.29      64.68
Greenlandic              1184     37656          17      2.122      69.647     10.186   31.804     2215.059    0.37   36.06      31.04
Interlingue              1817     76564          18      1.132     100.944     19.769   42.138     4253.556    0.40   35.87      22.16
Divehi                   3569     86246          26      1.729     137.269      8.856   24.165     3317.154    0.40   35.56      11.15
Tibetan                  2910     70372          27      2.220     107.778      7.510   24.183     2606.370    0.45   35.21      15.47
Chuvash                 12555    362948          47      0.977     267.128     14.620   28.909     7722.298    0.67   34.81       5.35
Tagalog                 51579    881866         124      1.722     415.960      6.281   17.097     7111.823    1.34   34.78       2.60
Welsh                   32508   1045949         118      1.346     275.492     13.717   32.175     8863.975    2.18   34.72       6.70
Tarantino                8907     74798          13      0.670     685.154      5.029    8.398     5753.692    0.04   33.80       0.49
Komi                     2254     66943          21      1.513     107.333     11.819   29.700     3187.762    0.38   33.28      16.66
Wu                       2906    157885          51      2.398      56.980     15.987   54.331     3095.784    1.96   32.88      67.29
Oriya                    1045     40140          33      4.833      31.667      6.586   38.411     1216.364    1.05   32.36     100.50
Tajik                    9320    239337          32      0.770     291.250     14.507   25.680     7479.281    0.36   32.20       3.84
Bihari                   2691     89960          23      1.243     117.000     14.904   33.430     3911.304    0.43   32.06      15.83
Egyptian Arabic          7311    297541          73      2.050     100.151     13.344   40.698     4075.904    2.00   30.92      27.31
Meadow Mari              2340     59241          26      2.129      90.000      8.091   25.317     2278.500    0.45   30.09      19.14
Bavarian                 4280    212720          84      3.438      50.952     11.198   49.701     2532.381    3.23   30.04      75.57
Extremaduran             1566     64711          23      1.558      68.087     16.154   41.322     2813.522    0.58   28.91      36.97
Latvian                 34585   1364119         262      2.832     132.004     10.294   39.443     5206.561    7.64   28.80      22.08
Võro                    4684    118610          20      0.676     234.200     15.108   25.322     5930.500    0.20   28.35       4.36
Samogitian              12732    239623          34      0.722     374.471     10.931   18.821     7047.735    0.27   27.59       2.11
Northern Sami            3561    148529          44      1.652      80.932     15.727   41.710     3375.659    1.14   26.59      32.10
Belarusian (Taraški    36605   1044502         159      1.579     230.220     11.063   28.534     6569.195    2.78   26.02       7.59
Piedmontese             39586    375511          40      0.554     989.650      6.105    9.486     9387.775    0.14   25.99       0.34
West Frisian            20178    474248          71      1.028     284.197     11.589   23.503     6679.549    0.85   25.77       4.19
Georgian                49309   1603969         242      1.905     203.756     11.198   32.529     6627.971    5.16   25.67      10.47
Kinyarwanda              1799     38648          17      1.439     105.824      8.810   21.483     2273.412    0.22   25.08      11.98
Afrikaans               17950    818223         137      1.550     131.022     17.876   45.583     5972.431    3.80   25.01      21.15
Icelandic               31487   1090012         175      1.678     179.926     12.928   34.618     6228.640    3.80   24.98      12.05
Aymara                   1185     45882          27      2.405      43.889     11.371   38.719     1699.333    0.74   24.87      62.31
Norwegian (Nynorsk)     67572   1724701         228      1.553     296.368      9.997   25.524     7564.478    3.54   24.60       5.24
North Frisian            1135     26070          15      1.721      75.667      8.442   22.969     1738.000    0.22   24.42      19.20
Breton                  37693   1015556         134      1.175     281.291     12.388   26.943     7578.776    1.95   24.32       5.17
Ido                     21729    631223          46      0.371     472.370     21.182   29.050    13722.239    0.36   23.76       1.67
Serbo-Croatian          42375    793041         139      1.534     304.856      7.386   18.715     5705.331    1.57   23.47       3.72
Alemannic                9866    351087          81      1.469     121.802     14.413   35.586     4334.407    1.71   22.37      17.38
Irish                   12563    479246          91      1.276     138.055     16.760   38.147     5266.440    1.95   22.28      15.49
Pangasinan               3415     33144           7      0.392     487.857      6.970    9.705     4734.857    0.02   22.21       0.56
Pali                     2353     75935          13      0.407     181.000     22.934   32.272     5841.154    0.12   20.86       5.16
Asturian                14712    572471          87      0.918     169.103     20.287   38.912     6580.126    1.62   20.48      11.01
Scots                    6573    182065          49      1.216     134.143     12.502   27.699     3715.612    0.74   20.40      11.33
Waray-Waray            101783    869483          53      0.283    1920.434      6.659    8.543    16405.340    0.10   20.15       0.10
Banjar                   1156     20492          16      1.907      72.250      6.099   17.727     1280.750    0.19   19.30      16.09
Fiji Hindi               3260     96594          47      1.981      69.362      9.939   29.630     2055.191    0.93   18.78      28.39
Rusyn                    2123     35324          14      0.870     151.643      8.895   16.639     2523.143    0.11   18.56       5.11
Mongolian                6231    197234          73      1.853      85.356     11.095   31.654     2701.836    1.50   18.53      24.09
Telugu                  48003    618245         114      1.151     421.079      5.987   12.879     5423.202    0.79   18.49       1.64
Tamil                   32648    811177         188      1.816     173.660      8.825   24.846     4314.771    3.01   18.07       9.23
Serbian                143021   4589809         669      2.137     213.783     10.230   32.092     6860.701   14.63   17.92      10.23
Galician                71830   1998614         265      1.196     271.057     12.668   27.824     7541.940    4.02   17.53       5.59
Khmer                    2716     71386          51      2.824      53.255      6.873   26.284     1399.725    0.99   17.51      36.45
Javanese                33400    512272         103      1.122     324.272      7.229   15.337     4973.515    0.84   17.38       2.50
Estonian                85068   2595046         371      1.493     229.294     12.238   30.506     6994.733    6.78   17.14       7.97
Low Saxon               17437    529779         114      1.237     152.956     13.580   30.382     4647.184    1.92   17.03      10.99
Gilaki                   5961     32378          13      0.775     458.538      3.060    5.432     2490.615    0.03   16.93       0.52
Mazandarani              3101     35242          17      1.012     182.412      5.648   11.365     2073.059    0.10   16.09       3.13
Esperanto              146163   3620547         418      1.195     349.672     11.283   24.771     8661.596    5.64   16.01       3.86
Central_Bicolano         5049     90546          23      0.617     219.522     11.094   17.933     3936.783    0.16   16.00       3.12
Somali                   1959     64907          38      1.817      51.553     11.763   33.133     1708.079    0.81   15.92      41.45
Romanian               160687   5619538        1169      3.407     137.457      7.936   34.972     4807.133   31.61   15.15      19.67
Thai                    67540   3457276         822      3.212      82.165     12.152   51.189     4205.932   32.09   14.90      47.51
Armenian                13817    502833         182      2.246      75.918     11.212   36.392     2762.819    4.58   14.54      33.17
Latin                   54264   1627848         245      1.080     221.486     14.423   29.999     6644.278    3.82   14.50       7.03
Sanskrit                 4831    119531          37      0.854     130.568     13.346   24.742     3230.568    0.42   14.34       8.73
Lithuanian             133910   3491378         442      1.180     302.964     11.962   26.073     7899.045    6.24   14.02       4.66
Neapolitan              42419    508078          46      0.268     922.152      9.445   11.978    11045.174    0.12   13.81       0.27
Kannada                 10816    218036          85      1.521     127.247      7.995   20.159     2565.129    1.03   13.38       9.56
Belarusian              29477    832000         169      1.100     174.420     13.439   28.225     4923.077    2.50   13.18       8.48
Arabic                 148248   8211026        2224      4.922      66.658      9.354   55.387     3692.008  102.38   12.18      69.06
Basque                 100915   2187678         292      0.850     345.599     11.718   21.678     7492.048    2.91   11.79       2.88
Hebrew                 119313  11302036        2105      3.142      56.681     22.870   94.726     5369.138  151.26   11.63     126.77
Kirghiz                  1532     47058          45      2.302      34.044      9.302   30.717     1045.733    0.96   11.35      62.90
Turkish                168295  10190810        2347      3.954      71.706     12.224   60.553     4342.058  113.43   11.21      67.40
Malay                  119873   1814281         316      1.069     379.345      7.316   15.135     5741.396    2.47   10.91       2.06
Slovak                 125030   3791951         595      1.285     210.134     13.274   30.328     6373.027   10.15   10.61       8.12
Burmese                  5941     82509          51      1.459     116.490      5.647   13.888     1617.824    0.42   10.45       7.07
Haitian                 53080    460669          33      0.132    1608.485      7.665    8.679    13959.667    0.03   10.16       0.06
Kashubian                2763    123013          52      0.973      53.135     22.563   44.522     2365.635    1.14   10.10      41.33
Albanian                32558   1012299         287      1.507     113.443     12.400   31.092     3527.174    5.36    9.92      16.48
Nepali                  13878    115209          57      1.107     243.474      3.940    8.302     2021.211    0.25    9.37       1.79
Simple English          71247   3096554         767      2.002      92.890     14.479   43.462     4037.228   22.23    9.23      31.20
Sorani                   4138     62385          38      1.084     108.895      7.235   15.076     1641.711    0.30    9.13       7.20
Azerbaijani             64310   1323015         342      1.379     188.041      8.649   20.572     3868.465    4.08    9.12       6.34
Acehnese                 1525     40612          27      0.988      56.481     13.399   26.631     1504.148    0.36    9.04      23.43
Vietnamese             208197   4736596        1153      2.312     180.570      6.869   22.751     4108.062   18.31    8.85       8.80
Zamboanga Chavacano      2408     52263          22      0.530     109.455     14.186   21.704     2375.591    0.17    8.49       6.87
Buginese                 8584     58196          14      0.238     613.143      5.477    6.780     4156.857    0.02    8.35       0.21
Hungarian              191962  10128163        2069      2.386      92.780     15.582   52.761     4895.197   76.92    8.12      40.07
Croatian                98006   3048816         601      1.232     163.072     13.937   31.108     5072.905   10.32    8.06      10.53
Persian                152912   6740512        1798      2.851      85.046     11.446   44.081     3748.894   58.68    7.97      38.37
Finnish                270170  10642804        1836      1.720     147.151     14.483   39.393     5796.734   45.74    7.36      16.93
Bulgarian              117197   4304335         818      1.210     143.273     16.616   36.727     5262.023   16.45    7.04      14.04
Komi-Permyak             1785     22538          25      1.220      71.400      5.689   12.626      901.520    0.17    6.95       9.72
Ukrainian              285074   7042407        1713      2.113     166.418      7.934   24.704     4111.154   28.73    6.64      10.08
Korean                 163691   7724647        1932      2.165      84.726     14.909   47.190     3998.264   62.37    6.23      38.10
Indonesian             165235   5114748        1711      2.724      96.572      8.313   30.954     2989.333   38.74    6.22      23.44
Danish                 150621   5216266        1252      1.664     120.304     13.000   34.632     4166.347   27.08    6.20      17.98
Slovenian              116923   3079564         669      1.087     174.773     12.622   26.338     4603.235    9.18    6.12       7.85
Greek                   62332   2743116         778      1.522      80.118     17.452   44.008     3525.856   20.66    6.08      33.15
Portuguese             686282  26078612        5530      2.869     124.102      9.822   38.000     4715.843  155.83    5.75      22.71
Western Panjabi         13000    130881          30      0.223     433.333      8.231   10.068     4362.700    0.06    5.62       0.42
Swedish                398321  14881995        3122      1.941     127.585     12.704   37.362     4766.815   76.98    5.24      19.33
Gujarati                20027    154968          57      0.457     351.351      5.312    7.738     2718.737    0.14    5.20       0.69
Catalan                342425   7778131        1602      1.346     213.748      9.682   22.715     4855.263   20.88    5.16       6.10
Aromanian               61689    121021          12      0.054    5140.750      1.861    1.962    10085.083    0.00    4.99       0.00
Picard                   1573     19856          31      1.363      50.742      5.342   12.623      640.516    0.23    4.96      14.35
Kazakh                  21492    244242          95      0.591     226.232      7.142   11.364     2570.968    0.40    4.93       1.87
Norwegian (Bokmål)    303605   9359214        2195      1.446     138.317     12.603   30.827     4263.879   40.00    4.16      13.18
Italian                807892  44819262        8663      2.142      93.258     17.657   55.477     5173.642  327.64    3.77      40.55
Czech                  196918   7071056        2148      1.638      91.675     13.614   35.909     3291.926   47.89    3.68      24.32
Chinese                359102  17028458        5356      2.441      67.047     13.780   47.420     3179.324  180.17    3.35      50.17
French                1111637  70031019       15960      3.034      69.651     15.616   62.998     4387.908  756.23    3.33      68.03
Hill Mari                4105     27877          27      0.490     152.037      4.557    6.791     1032.481    0.06    3.08       1.47
Dutch                  690308  26080074        5273      1.422     130.914     15.597   37.780     4945.965  116.97    3.06      16.95
Spanish                765643  49833542       15075      3.333      50.789     15.022   65.087     3305.708  754.73    2.84      98.58
Russian                719424  36895648       12061      2.477      59.649     14.749   51.285     3059.087  440.66    2.18      61.25
Polish                 806014  28293527        5265      0.811     153.089     19.383   35.103     5373.889   82.77    1.90      10.27
Japanese               752615  38611597       10753      1.662      69.991     19.270   51.303     3590.774  344.45    1.82      45.77
English               3651105 465937891      142855      5.604      25.558     19.324  127.616     3261.614 15470.03    1.53     423.71
German                1240517  93926939       23227      1.822      53.408     26.832   75.716     4043.869 1135.42    1.53      91.53

Here we see that the big WP's are mostly all at the bottom, like we'd expect, and the "known" spoofers (Ripuarian, Classical Chinese, Macedonian, Bengali) are all in the top #11/281. We also catch near the top some known bogus WP's (e.g. Volapuk) and some others that look likely bogus due to their very high edit/activeuser count (Nepal Bhasa, Norman, Bishnupriya Manipuri).

The idea of Depth2/Art is that generally the Depth should increase with #articles. High depth relative to #articles ought to indicate high quality (cf. English with 423.71, vs. Hill Mari with 1.47, also at the bottom of the spoofing list). A high Depth2/Art along with a high spoofing factor indicates a definite problem, where we need to take action, either reporting no depth at all or downweighting the depth.

Benwing 09:57, 6 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Depth calculation diluted by hollow talk-pages


The "depth" calculation (in "Wikipedia article depth"), while it might have been valid years ago, has been hindered by the creation of "hollow" talk-pages (especially in enwiki) which merely tag the article's talk-page for a particular WikiProject (often noted as "unrated" and not even edited to improve the slightest errors). A true stub factor (for size < 500 bytes, as 71 words?) could adjust for hollow talk-pages. This problem can be proven mathematically by looking at the single factor "Non-Articles/Articles"; hence, as the count of "Non-Articles" increases (faster than #Articles), the "depth" figure would rise. Also, note that if there were almost zero talk-pages, then the factor "Non-Articles/Articles" would approach zero, sending the resultant depth to zero. Thus, with no talk-pages (or such), depth would indicate almost zero collaboration. Instead, edit-summaries are often used to "talk" about intentions when the revision is saved (as a form of collaboration), but collaboration in edit-summaries is hidden within the revision counts. A better measure would only count talk-pages with 3+ edits, as in "question-response-concur" being 3 minimal edits to a talk-page. Avoid 1 or 2-edit talk-pages, which could be either: an unanswered question, or 2 WikiProject tag-edits, or a question+reword, or a tag+question (unanswered), or a 2-edit question+answer which ruined further discussion. Of course, a study of talk-page edit-counts might indicate that only 4-edit talkpages indicated constructive collaboration. I have seen numerous 2-edit talkpages as years-old WikiProject tag+question (unanswered), or a 2-edit question+shutup, "That question is off-topic or should not be asked here". Bottomline: only count non-article pages with 3 or more edits. A 2-edit page is not much evidence of "collaboration" but rather, level of "housekeeping" by creating hollow pages as tracking devices. Of course, the "uncounting" of hollow-pages could be done as a statistical factor, such as multiply by "0.12" to indicate only a 12% average of talk-pages are non-hollow (with 3+ edits). The non-hollow factor should be redefined for each Wikipedia language, based on statistical samples of how "hollow" the talk-pages are at each wiki. If the non-hollow factor applied to all non-article pages on enwiki, then a depth of 660 would be lowered to 660*0.12 ~= 79, due to most non-article pages being hollow housekeeping entries, rather than discussions by collaborating users. Meanwhile, the depth-metric is mainly about collaboration quality, since it approaches zero when few talk-pages exist. -Wikid77 (talk) 14:42, 29 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Certainly at first sight, it seems peculiar to square the second term in the formula. I can't see any inidication either here or elsewhere of why 1-Articles/Total is considered to be a good proxy for the stub-ratio, which should presumably be 1-Number_of_Stubs/Number_of_Articles, which would be 0 if all articles were stubs or 1 if no articles were stubs. Since stubs usually have talk-pages with one or more banners indicating that the article is a stub within the scope of certain wiki-projects, and since stubs can and do have associated redirect pages, I can't see why 1-Articles/Total should have any significant correlation with the stub-ratio.Havelock Jones (talk) 16:58, 16 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

What is the depth of Bengali Wikipedia


Hi, The Bengali Wikipedia is showing no depth in the list of this page. Can anyone rectify that? Bodhisattwa (talk) 19:41, 25 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

See this discussion.--Antonio1952 (talk) 18:00, 1 December 2013 (UTC)Reply

Sorting this table


... is a bit annoying, because it has to be done manually each time. I thought of redoing it like in this article, then default sorting would be by language name, but ranks wouldn't be messed up if you sorted by depth. I think it's intuitive enough not to cause confusion. Any objections? — Yerpo Eh? 13:42, 14 June 2015 (UTC)Reply

Depth for Belarusian tarashkevica


somebody please fix the value for Belarusian taraskevica (be-tarask, formerly be-x-old). --Jarash (talk) 09:16, 20 January 2016 (UTC)Reply


Depth rank of Persian (with more than 500,000 articles) in wikis more than 200,000 articles is 5 and in wikis more than 100,000 article is 7 and in wikis more than 10,000 article is 10, however it is not mentioned in "Trends" section among 30 largest languages!! --برسام (talk) 08:36, 4 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

The table refers to the 30 largest Wikipedias in November 2008 (see note). --Antonio1952 (talk) 11:23, 4 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
thanks, so it should be updated! --برسام (talk) 13:36, 4 September 2016 (UTC)Reply



Hi User:Andrybak, Thanks for the details in comments and sorry for my mistake: I was only simplifying (N/A)*(1-A/T) into (N^2)/(A*T), different from the (N^2)/(A^2) of the second line, without noticing that the E/A on the 1st line becomes E/T in the second, therefore balancing the equation. SenseiAC (talk) 16:10, 23 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

SenseiAC, I'm not sure what you mean by "I was only ...", because your edit consisted only of addition of pair of brackets around the formulas. My edit (and its summary) is a response to your edit's summary, and not the edit itself. Addition of random brackets without the wikilink was rolled back in a separate edit. —⁠andrybak (talk) 16:22, 23 August 2018 (UTC)Reply
Andrybak, I mean that I was simply doing the computation in my head and I mistakenly miss that the beginning of the two lines were different. My edit was only to highlight that (I thought that) there was a problem. Please let me know the correct model to use here in this case. SenseiAC (talk) 16:38, 23 August 2018 (UTC)Reply
SenseiAC, the correct model to use is to just edit the pages :-) and/or to leave a message on the talk page to start a discussion. Adding broken wiki markup might attract attention of other editors (as it did in this particular case), but is not the best solution. Cheers.
P.S. See also fuller version of that essay in English. —⁠andrybak (talk) 16:43, 23 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

Second largest depth wiki


I'm trying to understand how and why has the second largest depth of all wikis. I don't see that much activity in their recent changes, that many changes in some random popular articles, and barely any popular/controversial content discussions. My first edit on was in 2020, yet my user page was created by a bot in 2014. Is that how you get such a high depth (it's nonarticles-squared, remember)? Or is it some bot that made most of 40M edits? The depth number defined like this is, in my opinion, pretty much meaningless measure of wikipedia-something, yet it is used as a relevant argument in the 2021 WMF report on, Croatian Wikipedia Disinformation Assessment-2021. Why does the formula that is supposed to show "how frequently articles are updated" even depend on the number of nonarticles-squared (and not, for example, the number of non-bot *edits* to those articles). Ponor (talk) 13:09, 16 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

@Ponor I agree it is strange indeed and I think Wikimedia Foundation Research team should know better. Maybe this calculation formula can be improved. --Zblace (talk) 04:41, 17 February 2022 (UTC)Reply
Depth is a completely irrelevant measure which can be easily manipulated. If you look at the methodology for its calculation, you can raise depth by increasing the number of edits and/or the number of non-article pages. You can simply run a but to make cosmetic edits to articles which will increase the number of edits and thereby depth. You can also run a bot to create talk pages by adding a template to the top which will increase the number of non-article pages as well as the total number of edits and thereby depth. On the one hand, it's good to have a measure with clearly explained methodology; on the other hand, when you know the methodology, you can easily find ways to manipulate it. It's a two-edged sword, so we have to take these measures with a pinch of salt.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 08:24, 17 February 2022 (UTC)Reply
In Vietnamese Wikipedia Tuanminh01 (a former admin) here has also created welcome pages for IPs therefore increasing the depth of Wikipedia (the bot of Tuanminh01 made approximately half of Viwiki edits) and make the people here blank it out. Thingofme (talk) 01:31, 14 May 2022 (UTC)Reply



I personally think the numbers should be included with the table to the right. It makes it easier to rank the entries. Thanks, Caehlla2357 (talk) 06:31, 19 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Edit:It is (relatively) fine on computer versions, with a difference of only ~1 line, but may get horrible on the desktop version on mobile. Caehlla2357 (talk) 06:33, 19 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

This page needs to be updated the rankings


The 30 largest wikis are not updated since 2008, and now the ranks are changed dramatically since then. Also we can calculate depth of other Wikimedia projects:

  • Wikidata: 0.03
  • Commons: 0.64 (edits are not often)
  • English Wiktionary: 0.195

Other Wikimedia projects have less depth than Wikipedia, mostly below 1. Thingofme (talk) 01:37, 14 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Meta, if count in this algorithm will result in a number of 18,833 depth (highest) Thingofme (talk) 10:11, 14 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
On the other hand Wikidata has a low depth, about 0.03. Commons, even welcoming all users the depth is only ... 0.64. Thingofme (talk) 16:17, 17 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
The largest depth in 200 largest Mediawiki wikis is Metawiki, with a number of 18,800. The lowest is probably sh.wiktionary at approximately 4.55*10^-5, about 400 million times smaller than Meta. So that means by an point of view, Meta is 400 million times larger than sh.wiktionary? Thingofme (talk) 02:00, 21 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Depth Calculator


I have added Article Depth Calculator in 'External link and it would helpful to small wiki to analysis and plan to increase the article depth. AntanO 19:51, 29 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Is article depth still a relevant metric nowadays?


For quite a while now, we've had an easy and frequently-updated -- but not realtime-updated -- metric of word count on content pages. Isn't using the word count per content page a more interesting metric than the obscure calculation on content/non-content ratios? The calculation is simple: word count divided by content pages, and that should give us an average word count per article, which would be a better quality metric than the current depth that we have. Not that I intend to replace depth with this metric, but rather supplement whatever quality indicator we have now with this. —Jagwar • grrrr... / homewiki 17:47, 20 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Jagwar, Ponor, Zblace, Kiril Simeonovski, look at this formula (content pages = content pages without redirects) Sławek Borewicz (talk) 07:12, 4 January 2025 (UTC)Reply
Many non-article pages are created by bots (wikiproject templates and other things on discussion pages) without any impact. Sławek Borewicz (talk) 07:12, 4 January 2025 (UTC)Reply
Lets make a bot that will delete any article less than 100 word, or simply make a rule that article less than 100 words will not be accepted. Your equation will break. Dark1618 (talk) 18:02, 12 January 2025 (UTC)Reply
@Dark1618: Firstly, find any version with the rule "Do not make disambigs". So, the formula could be change: content pages = content pages, including redirects. And now find any version with the rule "Do not make redirects" Sławek Borewicz (talk) 07:17, 2 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
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