Tamazight Wikimedia User Group/Gestion/activity plan

See also : Code of Conduct

  • All meetings reports are published on the specified Meta page.
  • Please contact our membership team if you want at Talk page if you have any further questions about becoming a member of Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group.
  • Mailing list: wikimedia-tamazight(_AT_)lists.wikimedia.org

future project 2023–2024


See Before : Code of Conduct

Important : Wikimedia Tamzight does not host or edit Wikipedia or any of the other projects of the Wikimedia Foundation. The User group has no control over these sites or their content.

Communities Languages


We Have mission to manage projects for development languages , Moore 70 variants. We have tree officially Wikimedia projects lunched. Some languages are * Incubator category page for Tamazight-language test projects

Article share of Berber languages
33.387 %
10.160 %
Active user share of Berber languages
26.506 %
24.096 %
kab:Kabyle (Taqbaylit)6,89422
shi:Shilha (Taclḥit)2,09820

Total: 20,649 articles, 83 active accounts.

A set of multilingual pages on Meta are dedicated to Wiktionary and supported by the Tremendous Wiktionary User Group.

  • The information concerning the languages, dictionary : title: Dictionary Tamazight by Arav Benyounès , Edition Entre-Parenthèse and byeEdition

Add your username and your language if you are interested about projects or activities or translations or training on section participate Ajoutez votre username et la langue du projet qui vous intéresse pour des activities ou des traductions ou des formations dans la section participer

  • Algeria:

𝐓amzabit, Tacawit (Wiktionary officially launched ), Tacenwit, Tamazight standard Algeria, Taggragrent, Tagengusit, Tahaggart, Tamachaqt negh Tamaceqt, Tatargit, , Tasahit, Tawsint, Tasmrusit, Taqbaylit (Wikipedia officially launched).

  • Morocco:

Standard Moroccan Amazigh ISO 639-3 zgh, Tacelhit (Wikipedia launched), Tarifit, Tasanhayit, Senhhyi, Cilh, Tawaraynit, Baâmrani, Allisan al-gharbi à Tamsna

  • Mauritania:

Azennaga, Azennaklem, Sanhafya, Tasawaqt, Tatargit.

  • Tunisia:

Matmati, Tatargit, Zarzasi, djerbi,

  • Libya:

Awjili, Ghadamsi, Jemmari, Jilan n awilen, Nefusi, Sukni, Tatargit, Jebayli, Tatjenhut, Tatjenhnut, Talibut

  • Mali:

Tadhaq, Adagifughas, Tamacheqt negh tamacheght, Taneslant, Tatargit

  • Niger:

Tatargit, Tayart, Tawellemet, Tabarught, Tihit, Tamajaq, Tamesaghlalt, Chinsar, Tamesgarest, tetserret

  • The Canary Islands, Spain:

Taknarit, Taguncit

  • Egypt:

Tasiwant, Tatjenhut, Tatjenhnut, Talibut

  • Nigeria :


  • Sub-Saharan Africa and Sahel:

Ingelchi, Sanghay, Zarma, Tamaceqt negh Tamacheght, Tatargit, Tabaruct, Tadaksahak, Hawsa, …

  • Senegal :


  • Burkina Faso


  • Diasporas



* Write your user name and your languages if you want to participate to share free knowledge in your language, If you are a translator please write it

  • (user name / language / country or region / projet )



To facilitate the task of the workshops, the language of communication Derja close to Berber, is understood by almost all of North Africa, Arabic (several countries), French (Mali, Senegal, Chad, Diaspora ..), English (Wikimedia Fondation, Nigeria, Diaspora ....), Spanish (Spain). Speakers in their mother tongue or officiel Tamazight languages depending on the country, depending on the number of translators if there are any for each language.






  • 27 Junuary 2023 :sharing on Facebook page and Twitter : inscription by email if you want for Workshop online Subject training to project Wikimedia Topic GAP.
Interested in participating

See Before : Code of Conduct


We will contact you with your email address registered in the Wikimedia projects, if you want, please write your user name if you want to have a training on Wikipedia. Add your username if you want to participate :

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Wikipédia francophone Vous pouvez visionner les capsules vidéos Wikipedia pas à pas You can view the Wikipedia step-by-step video capsules Wikipédia fr pas à pas.

Wikipédia Kabyle and Tachlehit, We need volunteers to make the project Wi Mooc Wikipedia Kabyle step by step, adapt to both projects, according to their law.

La page du projet: Activity Training online Wikipedia

See Before : Code of Conduct

  • 29 Junuary 2023 meeting on messenger (Ahmed Houamel, Aziz Chetara and Ahmed Yahoui) about activity agreement to develop author's articles Wikipedia, Wikidata, and other projects Wikimedia with les Sans pages.

Languages:French-Kabyle-Tachelhit, etc.

If you want to translate or improve or create articles about women authors in the three Wikipedia Francophone, Kabyle and Tachlehit, add your username and the language used. Add the authors , ajoutez le nom de l'autrice et la Wikipédia

ex: user, fr , Lalla Chabha , Kabyle Wikipedia

We will contact you with your email address registered in the Wikimedia projects, please write your user name if you want to have a training on Wikipedia and complet the form if you want Complétez le formulaire pour inscription si vous voulez Inscription. Add your username if you want to participate and complete the form Inscription

  1. Username / language Wikipédia/ autrices or authors
  2. Username:
  3. Username:
  4. Username:

La page principale du projet et des calendriers Mois de la Francophonie-Tamazight 2023

We need translators , we have more 60 languages tamazights.

  • Please contact our membership team by email if you want at Talk page

If you are translator in one of Berber (Tamazight) languages, you have 3 officiel projects (Kabyle, Tachlehit, and Shawiya language). We need an annuel Grant for that.