Homeland(s):Central California, Colorado Plateau, Baja California.
Languages:Since I don’t have the vocal cords, I cannot speak. But I can communicate with others using Condorian, a body language only understood by condors. I am fluent with the North American dialect of Condorian but stumble with the Andean dialect. I also can read Nihongo, American, español and Italiano.
My favorite food:Dead bodies. They are no so bad as much as you think. I am THE scavenger.
My favorite activities:Detect updrafts (thermals) and sore & glide through the sky.
My outstanding trait:Patience. I can wait for hours and hours for the updrafts.
Charming point:Bald head.
My favorite song:El Cóndor Pasa.
My favorite movie:The three days of the Condor.
My favorite racehorse:El condor pasa.
Things I hate: Lead bullets. Paparazzi who throw things on me so that they can take a picture of me lifting off.
Dream:Create a Condorian version of Wikipedia.
Secret: Don’t tell biologists and bird watchers that I often travel to see my cousins in the Andes. That’s how I’ve learned español. I also like to fly over Nihon.
My favorite multiple-choice answer: D. None of the above.