User:Ciell/Kladblok 8 maart




Get started

  5 minutes
Step 1: Create Wikipedia account
Step 2: Register for the event

Choose one of the activities

Improve and expand an article Choose from very short articles which one you can help improve:

Help make improvements to Women's biographies on Wikipedia.

  20 minutes
Improve with source reference Choose one of the articles on women that need to be addressed by source:

Improve Women's biographies with citations.

  20 minutes
  Translate articles to Swedish and other languages Help translating articles about women from other languages into your language:

Translate Wikipedia articles from one language to another.

  45 minutes
Create a new article Choose a person you can help write a brand new article about:

Create a new Wikipedia article.

  60 minutes

Extra activity

Share! Tell us about your contribution on social media:

Share your contribution in social media.

  5 minutes
Upload to Commons! Upload your photos from the event under free license on Wikimedia Commons. Enter Category International Women's Day 2021.   10 minutes


Closing under WikiGap at KTH with a post-it for each edited article.