This Wikimedian is deceased. Their user page is preserved here in their memory.
Condolences and information can be found on her English Wikipedia user talk page. |

About me
I am a writer and business consultant, specializing in nonprofit development. My professional background includes writing, editing, and business management consulting. Expertise includes working with advocacy groups and nonprofit humanitarian organizations that address human trafficking, global gender inequality, and open-source culture. Financial networking achievements include raising funds in excess of $7 million for nonprofit organizations throughout the US and Asia.
Specialties include organizational development; competitive analysis, feasibility studies, and strategic planning; documenting best and promising practices and lessons learned; developing business plans and financial campaigns; writing corporate and government grants; analysis, determination, and distribution of foundation grant applications; and developing training programs for 15,000+ executive, management, nonexempt, and volunteer staff. As a corporate trainer, expertise includes development and facilitation of statistical analysis, program planning, and process improvement courses.
Work in the publishing industry includes writing and editing, researching and pursuing acquisitions, and working with and supporting aspiring authors. Projects have included writing executive speeches, corporate identity packages, training curriculum, and technical documentation. I also worked with a team to write the federal Community Development Block Grant for the State of Washington for several years, along with the strategic plan for the Mental Health Division.
My work
My online interests have been and continue to be rather eclectic. In 2013, I began serving as an OTRS Agent. I also serve as co-moderator on the Gender Gap mailing list, while supporting my local community as an administrator.
In 2014, I was appointed to serve as a member of the Affiliations Committee (AffCom) of the Wikimedia Foundation. As a functional Advisory Board to the Board of Trustees, the committee assesses and evaluates feasibility and determines approval of groups of individuals seeking to establish officially recognized global affiliates. Work in 2014 primarily focuses on assessing and supporting officially recognized organizations in Southeast Asia and Western Europe, while also providing information for individuals and groups inquiring about possible affiliation.
My role on the Affiliations Committee encompasses serving as a team to coordinate and support the development of Wikimedia affiliates during the start-up phase and throughout their existence. This support includes facilitating communication and networking among global affiliates and between affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation.
Contact me
- Email: click here!
- Global: Cindamuse
- LinkedIn: Cynthia Ashley-Nelson
- Facebook: Cindy Crawford Nelson