User:Dimi z/EU policy/Monitor

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Monitoring Reports

The EU policy monitoring reports for Wikimedia found here, aim to briefly inform the community and chapter staff about the most relevant ongoings in Brussels. Their primary mode of publication is the Advocacy Advisors mailing list.

This index archive was set up on this page to facilitate an overview and make topic-related searches easier. Also, an etherpad link to the upcoming issue wants to explicitly invite contributors to join the editing process.

Upcoming Report - Draft


You can help us by dropping off a piece of information, writing a paragraph or format some text. Don't be shy!

June Report Draft

May 2014


A ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union turned the “right to be forgotten” from a philosophical concept to a Google form with submit button. Meanwhile the European Council is thinking about its position on net neutrality while the European Parliament is constituting its committees.


  1. Court decision grants EU citizens the “right to be forgotten” by search engines
  2. Net Neutrality negotiations in the European Council
  3. Post-Election Political Groups, Parliamentary Committees and Commissioners

Full Report

April 2014


Everyone here turned back to their Member States to work on their reelection. This gives us some time to concentrate on case law and take a closer look at what the Commission has been up to.


  1. Commission Works on Copyright Reform - leaks, studies and a White Paper
  2. ECHR Case Delfi vs. Estonia - website liability for user comments
  3. CJEU Case ACI Adam vs. Thuiskopie - lawfulness of private copies
  4. Net Neutrality Legislation - European Paliament adopts its final version

Full Report

March 2014


Brussels politics is generally calming down ahead of the elections with the notable exception the crucial net neutrality vote this week. Meanwhile the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that web site blocking orders do not have to be specific.


  1. CJEU: „UPC Telekabel Wien“ Decision
  2. TTIP: EU-US Talks on Web Hosting Liability
  3. Net Neutrality: Decision Imminent
  4. Big Fat Brussels Meeting vol. 2

Full Report

February 2014


A White Paper on copyright can be expected before the summer break, according to Commissioner Barnier. He also wants to revive the attempts for "notice and action" legislation, although even his staff in Brussels was unaware of that. In Luxembourg, the Court of Justice of the EU ruled that no extra permission is needed to link to content available online. Finally, in Strasbourg, the Parliament passed the Collective Rights Management Directive explicitly allowing "non-commercial" licensing.


  1. Beyond the Copyright Consultation
  2. CJEU: Linking to Copyrighted Content Without Permission Legal
  3. Restarting the Notice and Take Down Directive
  4. Collective Rights Management Directive Adopted
  5. Short Stories: Internet Governance, Food Porn and a Study on InfoSoc

Full Report

January 2014


Just one more week to go until the Copyright Consultation by the Commission closes. At the same time the Data Protection reform has officially been postponed for the next legislative period. Surprisingly, the Network Neutrality dossier is moving ahead at a steady pace.


  1. Copyright Consultation
  2. Committee Vote on the EU Single Market for Electronic Communications
  3. EU Data Protection Regulation Delayed

Full Report

November 2013


Copyright reform dialogue,PSI guidelines and study on the “contribution of public domain works and open licensing to the European economy” likely to come.


  1. New Copyright Reform Consultation Announced
  2. Public Sector Information Hearing in Luxembourg
  3. Study on Public Domain and Open Licensing by EC
  4. Trademark Directive and Encyclopedias

Full Report

October 2013


Open Access is to be compulsory in the EU’s Horizon 2020 funding programme. The European Court of Human Rights has confirmed that an Estonian website is liable for third-party comments on their website. The European Parliament LIBE committee has passed its version of the Data Protection Regulation, making the "right to be forgotten" into the "right to be erased".


  1. European Court of Justice Backs Freedom of Information
  2. European Court Rules Website Liable for Third-Party Comments
  3. Studies on Intellectual Property Released & IP Infringements Observatory Meeting
  4. Open Access in EU’s Horizon 2020 Funding Programme
  5. Data Protection Regulation - Committee Vote
  6. Commission Requesting Citizens’ Feedback on Internet Policies
  7. Creative Commons Takes Global Position on Copyright Reform

Full Report

September 2013


There is a chance that the General Data Protection Directive will be negotiated behind closed doors. The Commission has tabled its proposal for a network neutrality regulation including “specialised services” permission. We at the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group are writing up a mission statement.


  1. Surveillance and Data Protection
  2. Net Neutrality
  3. Revision of the PSI Directive
  4. TTIP
  5. EU Launches OER Initiative
  6. Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU - Drafting the Mission Statement
  7. Open Policy Network by Creative Commons

Full Report

July 2013


From a Wikimedian’s perspective, the most significant events were the signing of two open letters as a reaction to PRISM (by WMF and WMDE) and the Committee vote on the Collective Rights Management Directive. This is the Directive that will decide whether it will be legal for musicians to donate single pieces of music to our projects.


  1. Prism and Data Protection - Reactions and Wikimedia actions
  2. Collective Rights Management Directive - Committee vote passes
  3. Licences for Europe - Inside the work groups
  4. Net Neutrality - Leaked draft
  5. Notice and Takedown - And now what?
  6. Meet us in Hong Kong!

Full Report

June 2013


In June, NSA PRISM news have had a firm grip on public and political attention in Brussels, resulting in a loss of focus on several relevant proceedings. July is expected to be hotter, as a lot of work will be rushed through before the break in August.

As we’re experimenting with the best possible format, the articles in this report will be kept shorter than in the previous one. Feedback appreciated.

In the coming weeks the EU Policy Portal on Meta will be further developed to reflect current ongoings and become a topical information hub. Keep an eye on it!


  1. Licenses for Europe - Turbulences and Midterm Reports
  2. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - Audiovisual Exception Adopted by EP
  3. EU Data Protection - LIBE Committee Vote Postponed
  4. Network Neutrality - Commissioner Kroes Expected to Propose Legislation
  5. Future of Copyright Contest - A Way to Share Your Vision

Full Report

May 2013


The first monitoring report on EU Policy strives to give a brief overview over current legislative debates in Brussels that might be of interest to the Wikimedia movement. We have five topics.


  1. Collective Rights Management and Online Use
  2. EU-US Trade Agreement
  3. Stakeholder Dialogue on Copyright
  4. EU Data Protection
  5. Network Neutrality

Full Report