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Ehi Enabulele, Software Engineer
Ehi Enabulele
Software Engineer for the Wikimedia Enterprise team, Wikimedia Foundation

About me

Last updated

Preferred Name

Location (City, Country)
Lagos, Nigeria

Work Hours (UTC)
'9:00 - 17:00 WAT

Conditions under which I like to work

The times (UTC) /hours during which I like to work are
Mornings WAT timezone'

The best method to communicate with me is
Slack and Email

The ways I like to receive feedback
Direct feedback

Things I struggle with at work are
Paying attention to tasks I do not find stimulating

Things I need to do my best work
Clear objectives and NO hovering

Other things to know about me
Pluto will always be a planet to me

My work

I am working on developing and maintaining Enterprise APIs with the Wikimedia Enterprise team Wikimedia_Enterprise.

Disclaimer: I work for or provide services to the Wikimedia Foundation, and this is the account I try to use for edits or statements I make in that role. However, the Foundation does not vet all my activity, so edits, statements, or other contributions made by this account may not reflect the views of the Foundation.

Contact me

  • E-mail: