I'm such a hacker! I can type "ls" in a terminal!

We sometimes have conclusions without remembering how we arrived at them, just that we were sure at the time we arrived at them.

This user knows that copying is not theft.
DRMThis user is opposed to Digital Restrictions Management.
This user likes cheese.
This user does not like to go to sleep when having an earworm of beautiful music, because it will be purged until the next day.

Did you know?


These songs were played frequently on German radio:

  • 2014: Cro - Traum; Lily Allen - Hard out here; Rihanna - Shine bright like a diamond (male cover); Rihanna - Monster; Pnau ft. Wad Ad - Changes; Route 94 - My Love; Low by Usher; Flo Rida - Yeah.
  • 2012: Carly Ray Japson - Call me maybe; (obviously) Gangnam Style.
  • 2000s: A-ha - Take on me, Hey there delilah
  • 2014: Walking on sunshine; Usher - Yeah; Flo Rida - Low



The waves are endless
Just like the dreams that haunts
Even if you throw it far away
It will come back, as time goes on.

Sometimes it takes away
Valuable things like a flash
Dumping them in distant shores
Among the other lost items.

Often the waves are calm
Hardly making a movement
Sometimes it go as high
That it could touch the sky.

Random thoughts

  • In some other universe, they spell file names like jpg:photo instead of photo.jpg.
  • In 1899, Charles Holland Duell thought "everything that can be invented has been invented has been invented". In hindsight, we might think of it as foolish, but it might have seemed plausible back then.
  • A memory from my childhood: In kindergarten, the tutors turned the volume dial to zero instead of using the pause button on the CD player.
  • The English "who" means "wer" in German, where as the English "where" means "wo" in German!
  • I often see Mercedes-Benz taxis (often E-Class), but I can't remember the last time I saw an Audi or BMW taxi.