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Videos related to the Wikimedia projects
edit- Script for the video Share Your Knowledge HOW, 2012. Video on youtube, video on wikimedia commons.
- Script for the video Share Your Knowledge WHY, 2012. Video on youtube, video on wikimedia commons.
- Triggering and promoting the production of the video commons:File:Video Wikipedia CKoi Dance.webm and commons:File:Video Wikipedia CKoi Maladie - Sickeness.webm produced in the frame of an IEG project.
- Tutor for the video Wikipedia dietro le quinte by Alessandro Serravalle (bachelor thesis at SUPSI).
Publications related to the Wikimedia projects (articles)
edit- Cangiano, Serena, Florence Devouard, Giovanni Profeta, Marco Lurati, Samir Elsharbaty (Wikimedia Foundation), Iolanda Pensa. Community Digest: Using data to visualize Wikipedia knowledge gaps; news in brief in "Wikimedia Foundation Blog", 23/02/2017. Results of the Wikidata SUPSI Workshop in Lugano February 2017
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario in "Italian Convention", October 2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. The Power of Wikipedia: Legitimacy and Control in “PMS Reader Power Money Sex”, Chimurenga and Open Society Institute of Southern Africa, 2012. English, original version in English.
- Pensa, Iolanda. I beni visibili grazie a Wikipedia: Il concorso Wiki Loves Monument promuove il patrimonio pubblico raccogliendo fotografie e dati. Ma l’Italia sconta vincoli di copyright in “Il Sole 24 Ore”, Domenica, Sezione Cultura e sviluppo, n. 77, 2012, p. 38. Versione originale in italiano, français (merci Otourly).
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your African Knowledge in “Open Knowledge Foundation Blog”, 09/11/2011. English.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Where People are Knowledge in "Chimurenga Chronicle 18-24 May 2008", Another Section* Media & Technology/People are Knowledge, October 2011 (predated 18-24 May 2008), p. 11. Original version in English, reading list.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania: Wikipedia In Real Life: A design report in “Domus online”, 08/08/2011. English, italiano.
- Pensa, Iolanda. La bibliothèque de Chimurenga in The Chimurenga Library: An Introspective of Chimurenga Magazine, Cape Town Platform, 2009, pp. 4-6. The text is an extract of an interview by Marian Nur Goni on Africultures. en français.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Sulla storia dell’arte contemporanea africana. Concept and co-editor of the dossier in “Africa e Mediterraneo”, n. 55, 2006 with a historiography of Contemporary African art exhibitions, publications and playlists: introduction, research, development of the concept and the issue structure, collaboration in the selection of contributors and essays, photographic research, editing. The bibliography of the issue was developed collaboratively on Wikipedia (article contemporary African art on Wikipedia in Italian). Index, introduction in English, original version in English.
Presentations related to the Wikimedia projects
edit- Pensa. Iolanda. Organizzazione e gestione di piccoli eventi, itwikicon, Trento, 18711/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia and Copyright, presentation at Università Bocconi, Milan0, 25/09/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. The need to contribute to Wikipedia. The improbability of an African Wikipedian in Strategic Narratives of Technology and Africa, hosted by the Critical Technical Practice laboratory at the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute in Funchal, Portugal, 02/09/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Decision making is not a problem, Slides on commons, Lightning Talk at Wikimania Montreal 2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Transforming GLAMs, Slides on commons, Lightning Talk at Wikimania Montreal 2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Methods to enhance the production of Wikipedia articles on specific topics. A presentation of the methodologies tested in the production of articles related to the South African primary school curriculum. Presentation at Wikimania Montreal 2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. It is not a matter of visibility: GLAMs contribute to fill the knowledge gap. New metrics for GLAMs and GLAM-Wiki cooperation. Presentation at Wikimania Montreal 2017. The details of the presentation (slides and notes) are on its page. Youtube video from min. 33
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario un anno dopo, nell’ambito della presentazione del libro “Wikimania 2016” e della sottoscrizione del protocollo d’intesa tra Regione Lombardia, Comuni di Bellano, Esino Lario, Lierna, Perledo, Taceno, Varenna, Comunità Montana “Valsassina, Valvarrone, Val d’Esino e Riviera”, Comunità Montana “Lario orientale valle di san martino” e Provincia di Lecco finalizzato alla definizione di accordo/i di programma per il rilancio dell’area centro orientale del lago di Como mediante la promozione e diffusione innovativa dei saperi, della creatività e della cultura, Cinema Teatro di Esino Lario, 12/07/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario: Il tasto modifica, TEDxVarese, 17/06/2017. Biography on TEDxVarese, slides, video.
- Pensa, Iolanda & Federico Leva, GLAM-Wiki. Galleries, libraries, archives and museums cooperating with Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects, Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile 2017, Università Bocconi, Milano, 26/05/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia Primary School: Providing the information necessary to the cycle of Primary Education in the languages used by the different education systems, Design Festival Bern 2017, Bern, 05/05/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Make It a Wikipedia-Friendly Cultural Heritage, OD4CH Open Data For Cultural Heritage, Politecnico di Milano, 26/04/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Il sapere Open Access: riflessioni. Prospettive di collaborazione fra Wikimedia Italia e l’Università di Bergamo, Università di Bergamo, 27/02/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Open Licenses et FabLab. Culture et créativité pour le développement durable Quel rôle pour les cantons et les communes ? 30e Forum du développement durable 31 janvier 2017, Fabrikhalle 12, Berne, 31/01/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, Lions Club Riviera del Lario, 14/01/2017.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, Conference Sharitaly, BASE, Milano, 15/11/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia Primary School report 2016. The Way Forward – Wikipedia Primary School Workshop, Atlantic Imbizo, Cape Town, 09/11/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Licenze libere e Wikipedia per potenziare accessibilità e riutilizzo dei dati del patrimonio culturale ticinese e della ricerca. Digitalizza la cultura: Workshop dedicato ai progetti ticinesi nel settore delle digital humanities, Palazzo Franscini, Bellinzona, 27/10/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, Il dietro le quinte del raduno mondiale di Wikipedia in un paese di montagna e il contributo delle donne nel fabbricare sapere e il successo di un evento estremamente complesso, Inner Wheel Lecco, 26/10/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario Il raduno mondiale di Wikipedia in un paese di montagna. Le Giornate di Bertinoro per l’Economia Civile 2016, 14/10/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania 2016 Esino Lario. Il raduno mondiale di Wikipedia in un piccolo paese di montagna. La digital transformation sostenibile. Panel di Elmec Informatica, Salone della CSR e dell’Innovazione Sociale, Università Bocconi, Milano, 05/10/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario – la prima edizione del raduno mondiale di Wikipedia in Italia – premiata come miglior progetto multi-stakeholder al Sodalitas Social Award. Premio a Elmec Informatica, Sodalitas Social Award, Milano, 30/09/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario 2016. Focus Group “Alto Lago di Como e Valli del Lario – LArGO ai giovani”, Missione Aree Interne Regione Lombardia, Casargo, 14/09/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania 2016, portare il mondo della Rete a Esino Lario, Case history, CFWA Coalizione del Fixed Wireless Access, Centro Congressi ‘Roma Eventi Piazza di Spagna”, Roma, 12/07/2016. Slides.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia Primary School, Audit SUSPI Laboratory of Visual Culture, Lugano, 06/07/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario Opening Ceremony, 21/06/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, Conferenza stampa Regione Lombardia, Palazzo della Regione, Milano, 17/06/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario: Get ready for it, online, Wikimedia Foundation, 09/06/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, Associazione degli Ex Alunni del Liceo Classico Manzoni, Liceo Manzoni, Lecco, 21/05/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia e Esino Lario: Promuovere lo sviluppo locale collegandosi al mondo. Within the presentation of the call for ideas of the programme ATTIV·AREE, Fondazione Cariplo, Milano, 20/05/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, an event organized by the companies Elmec and Eolo technical partners of Wikimania, Università dell’Insubria, Varese, 18/05/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, Assemblea Generale di Wikimedia Italia, Firenze, 09/04/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, General Assembly of Wikimedia CH, Lausanne, 02/04/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia e Wikimania Esino Lario: contenuti e opportunità, Politecnico di Milano polo territoriale di Lecco, Aula Magna, Lecco, 23/03/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, serata Wiki Loves Busto Arsizio, Busto Arsizio, 21/03/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia e il suo raduno mondiale a Esino Lario, Malgrate, Rotary Club Lecco, 10/02/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario in Web 3.0, le potenzialità del web semantico e dati strutturati, Wikimedia CH & ATED ICT Ticino, Lugano, 20/01/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Progetto di cooperazione transfrontaliera ITA-CH “Il paesaggio culturale alpino su Wikipedia” – incontro finale di progetto, Comunità montana della Valsassina Valvarrone Val d’Esino e Riviera, Barzio, 19/01/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Sabotare il sistema: Strategie applicate per spostare l’informazione e il centro di qui e di là in 5×15 Milano, 12/01/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Il patrimonio culturale su Wikipedia e i concorsi Wiki Loves Monuments e Adotta un Comune, Lions Club di Cesano Moderno, 11/01/2016.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Presentazione Wikimania 2016, Palazzo Falck, Lecco, 1/12/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Se tutto il mondo avesse un tasto modifica, Str@ti della cultura, Forlì, 27/11/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. La rilevanza di Wikipedia, Politecnico di Milano, 12/11/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia Primary School in Swiss South African Joint Research Programme (SSAJRP), Mid-term Workshop, University of Basel, 22/10/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. WIKIPEDIA: l’enciclopedia online con 500 milioni dilettori, 70 mila redattori volontari, in Festival del Racconto, Villa Recalcati, Varese, 21/10/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge: Wikipedia and Creative Commons for Cultural Institutions, in “Beyond the Obvious 2015“, Culture Action Europe, Gothenburg, 16/10/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. In un piccolo paese di montagna il raduno mondiale di Wikipedia in Milano Montagna 2015, Università statale di Milano, 9/10/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Il paesaggio culturale alpino su Wikipedia in Alimentare le Alpi: La sfida di E.CH.I sedei progetti culturali Italia-Svizzera, Auditorium Testori, Milano, 24/09/2015.
- Slides for the presentation of Wikimania Esino Lario by Lorenzo Losa at ESC15 End Summer Camp, Venezia, 04/09/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. The role of scholars in contributing to Wikipedia, ECAS European Conference on African Studies, Paris, 09/06/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Why Esino Lario? Official launch of Wikimania Esino Lario 2016 at Wikimania Mexico City, 19/07/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, all’interno di Wikipedia arriva in Italia. E l’Italia su Wikipedia?, Sala del Mappamondo, Italian Parliament (Camera dei deputati), Roma, 22/06/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Conoscenza libera e condivisa. Come, dove e quando? presentazione all’interno di #DirittiCreativiTalk, Palazzo ducale, Genova, 20/06/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Come pensare un progetto libero, workshop all’interno di #DirittiCreativiTalk, Genova, 19/06/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. GLAMWiki Ticino, SUPSI, Lugano, 05/05/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario site visit, Esino Lario, 09/05/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Comunicare Wikipedia. Proposta di tesi di laurea: una campagna di comunicazione integrata per aumentare il numero di contributori di Wikipedia coinvolgendo i frequentatori della biblioteche, SUPSI, Lugano, 24/03/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, Wikimedia CH general assembly, Bern, 21/03/2015.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikimania Esino Lario, Wikimedia Italia general assembly, November 2014.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia as a new cultural battlefield, Swiss Researching Africa Days, Bern, 17/10/2014.
- Pensa, Iolanda. The role of Wikipedia and its community in cultural production and in supporting the heritage sector, “Heritage Commons: Towards a participative heritage governance in the third millennium”, session “Digital technology as an enabler, for new narratives of heritage, new ways of supporting heritage as a collective resource, and new means of increasing access to heritage and developing new audiences”, Royal Palace of the Venaria Reale, Turin, Italy, 24/09/2014. Conference of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Esino una volta, Esino futura. Bid Wikimania Esino Lario 2016, con Carlo Maria Pensa, Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus, Esino Lario, Provincia di Lecco, 23/07/2014.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia Primary School, WikiIndaba, Johannesburg, 22/06/2014.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia What is about, WikiIndaba, Johannesburg, 21/06/2014.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia Primary School, University of Cape Town, 19/06/2014.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Ecomusei – License libere e Wikipedia, Riunione Ecomusei della Lombardia, Nova Milanese, 16/04/2014.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia, Wikimania, Wikimania Esino Lario, Esino Lario, 17/12/2013.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia and Africa, presentation during the SUD Salon Urbain de Douala, Douala, doual’art, 09/12/2013.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Import-Export of Contemporary African art: The Dakar Biennale and Wikipedia as systems of knowledge distribution and sharing, INHA Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris, 13/11/2013. Invitation by Maureen Murphy within the Séminaire Histoire des arts de l’Afrique.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Here: In your pocket and online, guest speaker at Sommer Akademie im Zentrum Paul Klee with guest curator Sue Williamson, Bern, 22/08/2013.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Activating Africa, panel at Wikimania Hong Kong 2013, curated by Isla Haddow-Flood in collaboration with Iolanda Pensa, Hong Kong, 11/08/2013.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia and Primary School, Wikimania Hong Kong 2013 with Luca Martinelli and Isla Haddow-Flood, Hong Kong, 10/08/2013.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Afrique et Wikipédia, Les matinales numériques de la Fondation Orange, Paris, 24/10/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge: Wikipedia and Creative Commons for Cultural Institutions, within the course Advance Intellectual Propriety Law – ACME 2012-13, invitation by Maria Lillà Montagnani, Università Bocconi, Milano, 18/10/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Rewrite History: Wikipedia as a tool to produce a collaborative history and historiography, Conference of African Studies, Università di Pavia, Faculty of Political Sciences, 19/09/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. The Power of Wikipedia: Legitimacy and Territorial Control, Wikimania, Washington DC, 12/07/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. The Power of Wikipedia: Legitimacy and Territorial Control, Wikipedia Academy, Berlin, 29/06/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Creative Commons and Wikipedia as new productive paradigms for cultural institutions. The experience of the project Share Your Knowledge in Panel “Internet and New Productive Paradigms: The STS Contribution”, STS Italia, Emerging Technologies, Social Worlds, Rovigo, 23/06/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia as a Space and Strategy for Negotiating Art and Cultural Knowledge in African Cities in Panel “(New) spaces and strategies for negotiating art and cultural knowledge in African cities” (Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pinther and Dr. Larissa Förster), VAD Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland e.V.conference, Embattled Spaces Contrasted Orders, Cologne, 01/06/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge, Festival del cinema africano, dell’Asia e dell’America Latina, Milano, 25/03/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge: Creative Commons e Wikipedia per le istituzioni culturali. Un progetto promosso dalla Fondazione lettera27 anche a Milano in Open data: i primi passi verso Milano Città Digitale, Università Bicocca, Milano, 14/03/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wiki Loves Monuments, Riunione della rete degli ecomusei delle Lombardia, 21/02/2012.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge: Wikipedia e Creative Commons per le istituzioni culturali, Presentation to the Arts and Culture commission of Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Cariplo, Milano, 21/12/2011.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge: Creative Commons e Wikipedia per le istituzioni culturali, Creative Commons Italia, Conference of NEXA Research Centre, Torino, 17/12/2011.
- Pensa, Iolanda. WikiAfrica and Share Your Knowledge, lightening talk at GLAMCamp Amsterdam 2011, 04/12/2011.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge: Wikipedia e Creative Commons per le istituzioni culturali, Press conference, Fondazione Cariplo, Milano, 30/11/2011. Slides. Short written presentation.
- Pensa, Iolanda. WikiAfrica: Call for last mile operators, Wikimania, Haifa, Israel, 05/08/2011.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge: Wikipedia and Creative Commons for Cultural Institutions, within the course Advance Intellectual Propriety Law – ACME 2011-12, invitation by Maria Lillà Montagnani, Università Bocconi, Milano, 20/10/2011.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Vista lago: La riviera del Lario vista da Internet e Wikipedia. Perché la storia locale è sempre stata internazionale, Lions Club Riviera del Lario, Varenna, 29/10/2011.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge, conference on Digital Innovation: The Role of Internet in the Future of Urban Research (Innovazioni digitali: il ruolo di internet per il futuro della ricerca urbana) with Fabio Mandredini and Simone Riccardi, Politecnico di Milano, 30/06/2011.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge and Wikipedia, third meeting organised by lettera27 Foundation. Presentations by Iolanda Pensa (scientific director) and Marco Chemello; with the involvement of volunteers of Wikipedia and Wikimedia Italia, introduction by Cristina Perillo, Careof/DOCVA, Milano, 14/06/2011.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge and Creative Commons, second meeting organised by lettera27 Foundation. Presentations by Iolanda Pensa (scientific director), Massimo Maggiore, Maria Lillà Montagnani and Marco Chemello; introduction by Tania Gianesin and Cristina Perillo, Careof/DOCVA, Milano, 25/05/2011.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Share Your Knowledge, first meeting organized by lettera27 Foundation. Presentations by Iolanda Pensa (scientific director), Federico Morandi and Freida Brioschi; introduction by Tania Gianesin and Cristina Perillo, Fondazione Cariplo, Milano, 20/04/2011. Slides.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia, licenze libere e Africa, WikiAfrica Workshop, Libreria Griot, Roma, 06/10/2010.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Narrazione e beni culturali, conference curated by HoldenArt, DNA Italia-Salone italiano dei beni culturali, Torino, 1-3/10/2010.
- Pensa, Iolanda. La sfida del contemporaneo: l’arte del nostro tempo accessibile a tutti, round table by zonArte, curated by the educational departments of Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, PAV, GAM, Castello di Rivoli, Cittadellarte/Fondazione Pistoletto and Fondazione Merz, Fondazione Merz, Torino, 28/04/2010.
- Pensa, Iolanda. WikiAfrica, National training Educational Manager, Cittadellarte, Biella, 06/2009.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Valorizzazione di documentazione fotografica storica, Fai il pieno di cultura a Esino Lario 2009, 16/05/2009.
- Pensa, Iolanda. WikiAfrica e la Fondazione lettera27 Onlus, myDetour 5×5, La Feltrinelli di Piazza Piemonte, Milano, 08/04/2009.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia e Copyleft, Ars&Urbis Curatorial Meeting, Douala, Cameroon, 01/2009.
- Pensa, Iolanda. WikiAfrica, Designism 3.0, ADC Arts Directors Club, New York, 02/10/2008. Slides.
- Pensa, Iolanda. WikiAfrica, LitCam, Fiera del Libro di Francoforte, 09/10/2007.
- Pensa, Iolanda. WikiAfrica Workshop, promoted by lettera27 Foundation, scientific director of the series of conferences producing live Wikipedia articles, Festivaletteratura, Mantova, 7-9-/09/2007.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipedia, WikiAfrica, iStrike Foundation and contemporary African art and open source, within the round table In the here & now: Research methodologies for contemporary African art/ists, curated by Kinsey Katchka and Lisa Binder, Triennial Symposium on African Art, ACASA, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 28/03-01/04/2007.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Wikipédia et WikiAfrica, presentation, doual’art, Douala, Cameroon, 15/03/2007. Slides.
- Pensa, Iolanda. Import-Export: Storia dell’arte contemporanea africana, within the conference programme “Rappresentare l’Africa”, curated by Itala Vivan, Casa della Cultura, Milano, 21/10/2006. The lecture included a presentation of the bibliography of contemporary African art developed on Wikipedia in Italian for the publication Sulla storia dell’arte contemporanea africana.
Organization of conferences, workshop and training related to the Wikimedia projects
edit- Open Science Week at SUPSI with the project Prova il tasto modifica, October 2018.
- WikiCamp in Esino Lario by Dario Crespi, Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap related training for children of primary school, Esino Lario, July 2017. Director of the broader project.
- Workshop ECAS Basel 2017 - Literature and sources about African cities and open access, Department of History, University of Basel, 28/06/2017.
- Workshop Wiki SUPSI - Chapter 2, SUPSI, Lugano, 03-06/04/2017.
- Workshop Wikidata SUPSI, SUPSI, Lugano, 06-09/02/2017.
- Wikipedia training at the Museo cantonale di storia naturale Lugano 2017, 2017.
- Festa dei volontari di Wikimania Esino Lario, Esino Lario, 01/10/2016.
- Wikimania Esino Lario 2016.
- Wikipedia. Media in Piazza, LAC, Lugano, 23-24/06/2016.
- Youth Hackathon and Connectivity Test, Esino Lario, 22/05/2016.
- Licenze libere e le diverse forme d’utilizzo e combinazione in Potenziare visibilità ed efficacia della cooperazione allo sviluppo attraverso Wikipedia e le licenze libere, CAS, Lugano, 18/03/2016.
- GLAMWiki Ticino, SUPSI, Lugano, 05/05/2015.
- Wikimania Esino Lario site visit, Esino Lario, 09/05/2015. Video on youtube.
- Wikimania Esino Lario incontra: Comunicare Wikimania Esino Lario, Milano, 15/03/2015.
- Wikimania Esino Lario incontra: Obiettivi e strategia di Wikimania Esino Lario, Sesto San Giovanni, 01/02/2015.
- Wikimania Esino Lario incontra: Primo incontro, Esino Lario, 18/01/2015.
- Wiki Loves Monuments in Switzerland award ceremony, Bern, Swiss National Library, 30/11/2013. Moderator of the event.
- Training in the Esino Lario primary school. Wikipedia game 2013. Wikimania 2015 bids/Esino Lario/Wikipedia game 2013 by Catherine de Senarclens.
- Training Course for Wikipedians in Residence (Corso per Wikipediani in residenza), promoted by lettera27 Foundation in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia, March-May 2012. Training course curated by Remulazz; scientific director Iolanda Pensa.
- Share Your Knowledge, promoted by lettera27 Foundation, Fondazione Cariplo and Careof/DOCVA, Milano, 20/04/2011, 25/05/2011, 14/06/2011. Three meetings and training sessions addressing cultural institutions on access to knowledge and knowledge sharing, Creative Commons and Wikipedia.
- WikiAfrica Workshop, Libreria Griot, Roma, 06/10/2010. Collaboration with Libreria Giot in the concept, structure and implementation of the workshop.
- Conference Mobile A2K Access to Knowledge: Resources, Interfaces and Contents on Urban Transformations, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Bellagio, October 2009. Curator of the conference in collaboration with Roberto Casati.
- WikiAfrica Workshop, promoted by lettera27 Foundation, Festivaletteratura, Mantova, 7-9-/09/2007. A series of conferences that produce live Wikipedia articles.
- WikiAfrica Douala, promoted by doual’art in collaboration with lettera27 Foundation, organised during the Ars&Urbis International Workshop, Douala, Camerun, 03-17/03/2007. Co-curator and project manager. Volunteer contribution; the fundings received contributed specifically to the publication Douala in Translation.
Fundings from the Wikimedia mouvment
editGants from the Wikimedia Foundation
- Scholarship to attend Wikimania 2018 Cape Town. User:Iopensa/Application Wikimania 2018 Scholarship, Grants:TPS/iopensa/Wikimania/2018/Report
- Scholarship to attend Wikimania 2017 Montreal. Grants:TPS/iopensa/Wikimania/2017/Report, personal report on wm2017:User:Iopensa. User:Iopensa/Application Wikimania 2017 Scholarship.
- Wikimania 2016 Esino Lario. Full documentation Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario, Report for the Wikimedia Foundation Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Financial plan/Contract Wikimedia Foundation/Report.
- Wikimania 2015, among the four scholarships for the organizers of Wikimania Esino Lario 2016. Report Grants:TPS/iopensa/Wikimania/2015/Report
- Grant for the project (I work as a volunteer) What is about - C'est quoi. A series of communication tools about Wikipedia. Cameroon pilot project (2014), Individual Engagement Grants from Wikimedia Foundation.
- WikiSym 2013, Wikimedia Participation Support from Wikimedia Foundation.
Grants from Wikimedia CH
- GLAM visual tool. Research project lead by the Laboratory of visual culture at SUPSI supported by Wikimedia CH with 15'000 chf (conceived by Iolanda Pensa - principal investigator).
- Wikimania 2013, participation grant from Wikimedia CH.
Grants from Wikimedia Italia
- Grant for the project (I work as volunteer) Wikipedia in the Italian schoolbooks (1.002 euro).
- Fee for the participation in the Creative Commons GLAMCertificate, September-December 2021 (250 euro).
- Grant for the projectt (I work as volunteer) Il patrimonio culturale italiano su Wikipedia, i progetto Wikimedia e OpenStreetMap - The Italian Cultura Heritage on Wikipedia, the Wikimedia projects and OpenStreetMap, 2020-2021 (25.000 euro).
- Grant for the project (I work as volunteer) Wikipedia e la scuola italiana - Wikipedia and the Italian school, 2020 (15.000 euro).
- Wikimania 2012, participation grant from Wikimedia Italia.
Grants from Wikimedia Israel
- WikiGLAM conference Tel Aviv 2018. Partial grant from Wikimedia Israel. User:Iopensa/Application GLAM conference 2018 Scholarship
How did I go to Wikimania
edit- 2023 Singapore: supported by Wikimedia Italia as member of the board (chair of Wikimedia Italia)
- 2022 online
- 2021 online
- 2019 Stockholm: supported by SUPSI
- 2018 Cape Town: Scholarship from the Wikimedia Foundation User:Iopensa/Application Wikimania 2018 Scholarship, Grants:TPS/iopensa/Wikimania/2018/Report
- 2017 Montreal: Scholarship from the Wikimedia Foundation Grants:TPS/iopensa/Wikimania/2017/Report, personal report on wm2017:User:Iopensa. User:Iopensa/Application Wikimania 2017 Scholarship.
- Wikimania 2016 Esino Lario: No financial support or payment; I stayed at my house, I hosted other 4 participants without reimbursement and I even paid the registration for my meals. Full documentation Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario, Report for the Wikimedia Foundation Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Financial plan/Contract Wikimedia Foundation/Report.
- Wikimania 2015 Mexico City: among the four scholarships of Wikimedia Foundation for the organizers of Wikimania Esino Lario 2016. Report Grants:TPS/iopensa/Wikimania/2015/Report
- Wikimania 2014 London: supported by SUPSI.
- Wikimania 2013 Hong Kong: participation grant from Wikimedia CH and I participated also in WikiSym with the support of Wikimedia Foundation since it was just before Wikimania WikiSym 2013, Wikimedia Participation Support from Wikimedia Foundation.
- Wikimania 2012 Washington DC: participation grant from Wikimedia Italia[1]. I was in the dorms.
- Wikimania 2011 Haifa: supported by Moleskine Foundation (former lettera27 Foundation). I was in the dorms and I shared my room with Ginevra.
edit- Wikimania 2016 Esino Lario. Full documentation Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario. Wikimania Esino Lario history (report of things done and of the process), Timeline & progress of Wikimania Esino Lario.
- Wikipedia Primary School SSAJRP programme (2014-2017), applied research project contributing to Wikipedia Primary School. The project includes the pilot development of the Wikipedia Scientific Journal and the establishment of a Scientific Committee supporting the specific development of the Swiss-South African research. The project is not evaluated according to the contributions produced on the Wikimedia projects. Timeline & progress of Wikipedia Primary School SSAJRP programme. WikiAfrica Primary School Feasibility Study (November 2013). Volunteer contribution.
- The Alps on Wikipedia (2013-2015), applied research project contributing to Alps Portal. The project includes a training session; we decided to use this chance to organize the pilot development of Certificating training; the project also includes networking; we decided to use this chance to organize a GLAM exhibition and event in Lugano 2014 (Poster design). The project is not evaluated according to the contributions produced on the Wikimedia projects.
- Wiki Loves Monuments in Italy, contribution in the start-up of the project 2012. Volunteer contribution. Wiki Loves Monuments in Switzerland, member of the working group, 2013. Volunteer contribution.
- Share Your Knowledge (2011-2012), scientific director for lettera27 Foundation; project design and development.
- WikiAfrica (2007-2012), scientific director for lettera27 Foundation; project development. Design of the 30'000 African contributions to the Wikimedia projects by 2012 milestone. The initiative was developed within my work as researcher at "Africa e Mediterraneo" and it was not among my working objectives. WikiAfrica Cameroon (2012-2013), concept and project design. Volunteer contribution. What is about - C'est quoi. A series of communication tools about Wikipedia. Cameroon pilot project (2014), Individual Engagement Grants from Wikimedia Foundation. Wiki Loves Public Art in Cameroon; start-up of the contest for 2014. doual'art has already expressed interest in promoting and coordinating it. Wiki Loves Public Art 2014 has being cancelled.
- Bibliography of the issue Sulla storia dell’arte contemporanea africana (dossier in “Africa e Mediterraneo”, n. 55, 2006) developed collaboratively on Wikipedia (article contemporary African art on Wikipedia in Italian).
Drafted projects - not really or not fully developed
- User:iopensa/OpenStreetMap and Wikimedia. Draft request to OpenStreetMap for the WikiMaps user group.
- Milan Unit and the photographer Ramak Fazel wikiproject, 2017. Ramak Fazel was involved in the jury of Wiki Loves Monuments
- Roma ShareAlike, proposal made to the Roma city council in 2016.
- Lombardy during Expo 2015, Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 and Wikimania Esino Lario 2016.
- Proposal not accepted Expo 2015: Contributing to Wikipedia at Expo 2015, project proposal (role as advisor in the planning and management of the project).
Past role in committees
edit- Member of the preselection committee for Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 Lake Como.
- Member of the Board of Trustees (Comitato dei garanti) of Wikimedia Italia.
- Contributing to the selection of Wikimedia 2014 scholarships in the scholarships committee.
- Jury member of Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 (international).
Learning patterns
edit- Learning patterns/5 articles game
- Prepare the report at the beginning of your project and update it while the project is developing
- Tools for communicating what Wikipedia is about
- How to write an agreement with a GLAM or institution
- Using open licenses
- Credit authors and partners
- ItWikiCon/2017/Programma/Organizzazione e gestione piccoli eventi/Template italiano
edit- ↑ Decision about the scholarship of Wikimedia Italia