About me

I am Jaloliddin from Tajikistan.

My work

I have been contributing to Wikimedia projects since 2016. I am primarily active on the English Tajik, Russian and Uzbek Wikipedias, as well as on Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. I also assist in translating and localizing WMF projects, particularly through translatewiki.net.

Disclaimer: Comments by this account represent my personal positions and are not made in an official capacity unless stated otherwise

Contact me

jaloliddinm1999 at gmail dot com

User language
tg-N Корбари мазкур тоҷикӣ-ро дар сатҳи забони модариаш мефаҳмад.
uz-5 Bu foydalanuvchi oʻzbek tilini professional darajada biladi.
ru-4 Этот участник владеет русским языком почти как родным.
fa-4 این کاربر فارسی را در حد نزدیک به زبان مادری می‌فهمد.
en-1 This user has basic knowledge of English.
tr-1 Bu kullanıcı temel düzeyde Türkçe bilir.
Users by language

Details of my work

 This user is an administrator on the Tajik Wikipedia. (verify·CA)
  This user has been on Wikipedia for 9 years and 7 days.
UTC+5This user's time zone is UTC+5.